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[Sign Up] Draft Mod- August 2020

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Having received enough interest, here is the signup thread for our draft mod. I will be limiting the mod to 12 people, just for time and ease.


We will use this mod: https://tewdb.com/img1104.htm


This form must be filled out. Drafting will start this weekend if we have enough sign ups.


Please fill out the form below.




Company Information:






Home Arena (if applicable):

Drug Policy:


Young Lion:

Applicable backstage rules:



Face/Heel divide:

Weight split:



Womens Wrestling:

Match Focus:

Angle Focus:

AI Booking Style:


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character









Based in:

In-ring status:


Body type:


Min/Max size:


Active areas:



Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45)


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories. No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance. Reputation is automatically set to 50.


Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent:

1 very good:

2 good:

2 average:

1 low:

1 very low:


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size:

Other companies:


Roster turnover:


Style preference:

Hiring pref:

Firing pref:

Title reigns:

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Company Information:


Name: Revolution Wrestling

Initials: RevWres

Website: http://www.revolutionwrestling.com

Location: Great Lakes

Home Arena (if applicable): none

Drug Policy: medium

Loyalty: normal

Young Lion: no

Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, no smoking, catering provided, masseuse provided, hotels organised


Product: Lucharesu

Face/Heel divide: None

Weight split: No

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Old school lucha


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: Dean Joseph

Born: October 85

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship: No

Race: White

Nationality: Canadian

Based in: America

In-ring status: Not a wrestler

Style: Entertainer

Body type: Average

Size: Heavyweight

Min/Max size: Middleweight/Heavyweight

Roles: Manager, announcer, colour

Active areas: US, Canada

Languages: English, French


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) - Great Lakes and Tri-State


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories, (rep is 50). No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance.


Announcing, Colour - 80 each (160 pts)

Charisma, Mic, Psychology - 70 each (210 pts)

Acting, Star Quality, Basic, Psychology, Consistency - 60 each (300 pts)

Sex appeal - 30



Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent: Colour

1 very good: announcing

2 good: performance, mental

2 average: primary, physical

1 low: fundamental

1 very low:refereeing


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Voice of Epics, Voice of Stories, Voice of Chaos, Voice of Comedy


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: medium

Other companies: Open

Patience: medium

roster turnover: medium

Finance: average

Style preference: any

Hiring pref: No bias

Firing pref: No bias

Title reigns: Regular

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Company Information:


Name: Mucha Lucha

Initials: ML

Website: muchalucha.com

Location: Centro (Mexico)

Home Arena (if applicable): none

Drug Policy: none

Loyalty: normal

Young Lion: no

Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, no outsiders, catering provided, hotels organised


Product: Classic Lucha Libre

Face/Heel divide: Yes, strictly enforced

Weight split: No

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: None

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Evolving lucha


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: El Escarabajo

Born: July 76

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship: No

Race: Hispanic

Nationality: Mexican

Based in: Mexico (centro)

In-ring status: Retired Wrestler

Style: Entertainer

Body type: Toned

Size: Middleweight

Min/Max size: Lightweight/Middleweight

Roles: Colour, Road Agent, Personality

Active areas: US, Mexico

Languages: English, Spanish


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) - Centro, Occidente


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories, (rep is 50). No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance.


Charisma, Mic, Colour, Pyschology, Experience - 80 each (400 pts)

Star Quality, Basics, Consistency - 70 each (210 pts)

Acting - 60

Sex Appeal - 30



Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent: Colour

1 very good: performance

2 good: fundamental, mental

2 average: primary, physical

1 low: announcing

1 very low:refereeing


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Agent of the Old School, Agent of Tag Teams, A Marketing Dream, Amazing Babyface.


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: large

Other companies: Open

Patience: medium

roster turnover: low

Finance: prudent

Style preference: wrestling-biased

Hiring pref: Flashy Flyers

Firing pref: With foresight

Title reigns: Regular

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Company Information:


Name: Pro Wrestling: ETERNAL

Initials: ETERNAL

Website: http://www.eternalwrestling.com

Location: Scandinavia

Home Arena (if applicable): none

Drug Policy: Very High

Loyalty: normal

Young Lion: no

Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, catering provided, hotels organised, Transport organised


Product: Gritty Adult Noir

Face/Heel divide: No

Weight split: No

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Variety



User Character


Name: Abeloth

Born: October 93

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Relationship: No

Race: White

Nationality: Norwegian

Based in: Scandinavia

In-ring status: Active Wrestler

Style: Psychopath

Body type: Flabby

Size: Lightweight

Min/Max size: Small/Middleweight

Roles: Wrestler, Personality

Active areas: Europe, British Isles, India

Languages: Scandinavian, English


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) - Scandinavia & Central Europe


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories, (rep is 50). No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance.




Potential: See Link above


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Prodigy (unless this is too op), Plays Occult Well, Healing Factor, Amazing Heel

If "Prodigy" is too op: High Pain Threshold


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: medium

Other companies: Open

Patience: medium

roster turnover: medium

Finance: average

Style preference: Experimental

Hiring pref: No bias

Firing pref: With Foresight

Title reigns: CrashTV

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Company Information:


Name: Pacific Rim Pro Wrestling

Initials: PRPW

Website: http://www.PRPW.com

Location: South West

Home Arena (if applicable):

Drug Policy: High Level

Loyalty: Normal

Young Lion: Yes

Applicable backstage rules:No Drugs, No Smoking, Catering Provided, Hotels & Travel organised


Product: East Meets West

Face/Heel divide:None

Weight split: Yes

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Tight Focus

AI Booking Style: Modern Puro


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: Connor Hevey

Born: Jan 98

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Relationship: None

Race: White

Nationality: American

Based in: USA

In-ring status: Not a Wrestler

Style: Never Wrestles

Body type: Average

Size: Lightweight

Min/Max size: Small - Middleweight

Roles: Referee, Road Agent

Active areas: USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Oceania

Languages: Fluent English, Passable Spanish, Basic Japanese


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) - South West 60, North West 45


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories. No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance. Reputation is automatically set to 50.


80 - Psychology, Respect, Experience, Consistency, Refereeing

60 - Basics, Selling, Safety

40 - Stamina

20 - Athleticism, Acting, Sex Appeal

10 - Star Quality, Charisma


Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent: Refereeing

1 very good: Mental Skills

2 good: Fundamental, Performance

2 average: Physical, Primary

1 low: Announcing

1 very low: Colour


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Agent or Epics, Class Clown, Agent of The Old School, Agent of Tag Teams


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: Medium

Other companies: Open

Patience: High

Roster turnover: Medium

Finance: Flashy

Style preference: Any

Hiring pref: High Fundamental Skill

Firing pref:With Foresight

Title reigns: Regular

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Company Information:


Name: Royal Pro Wrestling

Initials: RPW

Website: http://www.RPW.com

Location: South England

Home Arena (if applicable):

Drug Policy: High Level

Loyalty: No

Young Lion: No

Applicable backstage rules: No Drugs, No Smoking, Transport and Travel organized, catering provided.


Product: Old School Western

Face/Heel divide: Yes, Loosely enforced

Weight split: No

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: Medium Division

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Evolving Western


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: Matt Inferno

Born: April 1997

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship: Yes

Race: White

Nationality: American

Based in: UK

In-ring status: Never Wrestles

Style: None

Body type: Average

Size: Middleweight

Min/Max size: Middleweight

Roles: Road Agent

Active areas: USA, UK

Languages: English


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45)


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories. No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance. Reputation is automatically set to 50.

Mic Skills 80

Charisma - 80

Psych - 80

Acting 80

Star quality - 80

Sex appeal - 80

Announcing 75

Color - 75

Experience - 10


Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent:

1 very good:

2 good:

2 average:

1 low:

1 very low:


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Agent of Stories, People Person, Agent of Rumbles, Agent of Old School


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: Large

Other companies: Open to alliances

Patience: Medium

Roster turnover: Medium

Finance: Average

Style preference: Realistic

Hiring pref: No Bias

Firing pref: Brain

Title reigns: Modernist

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<p>For those who have signed up, I am thinking we will go ahead even with the small number of participants. To make the mod a bit more exciting however, I suggest we each create a secondary small level company that can be dealt with by the AI, just to add more variety to the game!</p><p> </p><p>

If this works for everyone, I would like to start the draft process tomorrow evening. I will make a post for this shortly.</p>

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Room for one more?


Name: Destiny Wrestling Association

Initials: DWA

Website: http://www.dwa.com

Location: South East

Home Arena (if applicable): none

Drug Policy: medium

Loyalty: normal

Young Lion: no

Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, no smoking, catering provided, masseuse provided, hotels organised


Product: Sports Entertainment

Face/Heel divide: Yes

Weight split: No

Stables: Yes

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: Division

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Sports Entertainment


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: Jacob Destiny

Born: April 90

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship: Yes

Race: White

Nationality: British

Based in: America

In-ring status: Not a wrestler

Style: Entertainer

Body type: Average

Size: Heavyweight

Min/Max size: Middleweight/Heavyweight

Roles: Manager, announcer, colour

Active areas: US, Canada, UK

Languages: English


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45) - Great Lakes and Tri-State


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories, (rep is 50). No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance.


Announcing, Colour - 80 each (160 pts)

Charisma, Mic, Psychology - 70 each (210 pts)

Acting, Star Quality, Basic, Psychology, Consistency - 60 each (300 pts)

Sex appeal - 30



Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent: Colour

1 very good: announcing

2 good: performance, mental

2 average: primary, physical

1 low: fundamental

1 very low:refereeing


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice:

Voice of Epics, Voice of Stories, Voice of Chaos, Voice of Comedy


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: large

Other companies: Open

Patience: medium

roster turnover: medium

Finance: average

Style preference: any

Hiring pref: No bias

Firing pref: No bias

Title reigns: Regular

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Company Information:


Name: Newfoundland Championship Wrestling

Initials: NCW

Website: http://www.NCW.com

Location: The Maritimes

Home Arena (if applicable): This mod has no venue or location in The Maritimes which seems really odd. Maybe you could make a location called Newfoundland?

Drug Policy: No

Loyalty: True Born

Young Lion: Yes

Applicable backstage rules: No drugs, No alcohol


Product: Silver Age Pro Wrestling

Face/Heel divide: No

Weight split: No

Stables: Integral

Managers: Yes

Womens Wrestling: No

Match Focus: Ensemble

Angle Focus: Regular

AI Booking Style: Modern Puro


Pop. will be set to medium. Home region having most and 1 secondary region being big enough to make your company medium, with all regions having 20 pop. minimum.



User Character


Name: Danny Williams

Born: Aug 4, 1949

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship: Married to someone outside the business

Race: White

Nationality: Canadian

Based in: The Maritimes

In-ring status: Never wrestles

Style: Entertainer

Body type: Average

Size: Lightweight

Min/Max size: Lightweight/Lightweight

Roles: Personality, Referee, Road Agent, Colour

Active areas: Canada, USA

Languages: Fluent English and French


Pop. will be set to 20 in all categories, other than in your home region (60) and 1 more of your choice (45)


The Maritimes (60) and Quebec (45)


Your user character has 700 stat points that you must divide amongst your 27 categories. No one category can surpass 80, just to maintain balance. Reputation is automatically set to 50.


Psychology, Experience, Respect, Charisma, Microphone, Acting, Colour, Refereeing - 80 (640 points)

Star Quality - 60 (700 total)


Potential - you can also leave it all up to chance and make them random

1 excellent: Performance

1 very good: Mental

2 good: Color, Refereeing

2 average: doesn't matter

1 low: doesn't matter

1 very low: doesn't matter


Up to 4 positive attributes of your choice: Agent of Epics, Voice of Epics, Hot New Catchphrase, Amazing Babyface


Business rep, booking rep and booking skill will be set to 50. Personal wealth will be normal.


Roster size: Medium

Other companies: Open

Patience: Medium

Roster turnover: Medium


Style preference: Wrestling Based

Hiring pref: No Bias

Firing pref: With Foresight

Title reigns: Conservative

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