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Bulk image cropper

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Hey there,


I've got a ton of full body images and face images which I've edited but are all wrong in terms of height width ratio.


I've got the heights exactly how I want it for all pictures, but need to crop the width of pics to make it fit with the games ratios.


I don't want to squash the images, just want to cut off the excess at the sides of each pic to with the 610/440 body and 1 to 1 ratio of the face photos.


Is there a website that can do this in bulk??


I used one years ago, but it seems to have gone, and all the rest seem to do weird things like squashing the photos.



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Okay. You can do this rather easily.


Go look up a video, or read a tutorial, about Photoshop Actions. This is an essential tool in Photoshop that you should learn if you do editing on the regular. It's incredibly powerful for limitless situations. You could create an action to crop the images to a specific dimension.


Photoshop Actions are separate from doing this all at once on multiple files. For this you create the action, then go to File... Automate... Batch to do it on multiple files at once.

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Okay. You can do this rather easily.


Go look up a video, or read a tutorial, about Photoshop Actions. This is an essential tool in Photoshop that you should learn if you do editing on the regular. It's incredibly powerful for limitless situations. You could create an action to crop the images to a specific dimension.


Photoshop Actions are separate from doing this all at once on multiple files. For this you create the action, then go to File... Automate... Batch to do it on multiple files at once.


Thanks a lot. I'll give that a try tonight.



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