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Which Attributes Should Be Hidden?

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Wondering what people prefer when it comes to hidden attributes. It's generally accepted that drinking and drug use are hidden. Smoking is also usually hidden for some reason, although chain smoking would be much more easily observed than dudes blowing rails in the loading dock.


What about law problems? Should these be hidden unless a guy has already gotten in trouble with the cops?


What about the relationship related attributes like faithful/horndog? On an immersion level, it would seem like these could be hidden as the user character being a wrestling booker wouldn't necessarily be able to gauge who is and is not horny. But does keeping these attributes visible add some color to the locker room and make things more interesting?


How about contract-related attributes like Money Motivated or Fame Hungry? Should these be working behind the scenes or be considered common knowledge?


Should we be able to tell who is a Prodigy? Should we know which veterans have Age Is Just a Number? This would seem to give players an advantage -- for people who care about that sort of thing (I personally don't) -- unless the AI is also aware of these attributes and taking them into account (we'll never know!).


When I pick up a new mod, the first thing I usually do is check the attributes as, to me, that's the most 20-centric feature (the thing that really separates 16 from 20), the feature that really fleshes out gameplay, and also the biggest pain for mod-makers due to the hinky converter and their fiddly nature. What do you guys look for in an Attribute set-up? Do you want perfect knowledge? Do you want to be surprised? Some combination of the two?

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<p>That depends.</p><p> </p><p>

In a historical mod, for example, you might want to have certain "Often in Trouble" attributes hidden, if it's not something that happened with the wrestler at the time. Like Marty Jannetty for example.</p><p> </p><p>

"Prodigy" is a tricky one. On one hand you should be able to tell that someone is a prodigy while looking at their performances, on the other hand someone being a prodigy is pretty much a open secret. You didn't need to watch Kurt Angle in developmental companies for years in order to see that he is a prodigy. If there is Television or tape trading in the time period you're playing in, it probably shouldn't be hidden. Same with "Desperado".</p><p> </p><p>

Then there are the ones like "Natural Trainer" or "Creative". They very much depend on the wrestler's personality. Like... a Joey Janela clearly doesn't have "Creative" as a hidden ability. But a less obvious person, like...idk... Kofi Kingston may very well have it as a hidden attribute.</p><p> </p><p>

Some people let the world know that they're a "Career Woman", others don't.</p><p>

Some people are obvious Tag-Team Specialists, others only show so after a while.</p><p>

Some people are clearly "Fame Hungry", others are more subtle about it.</p><p> </p><p>

It's really something that has to be decided on a worker to worker basis, rather than a attribute to attribute</p>

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