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MLW- The Reboot (2020-)

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May 9th 2020, the last aired episode of MLW ended with Contra Unit standing tall and a fallen and Broken Davey Boy Smith Jr. After a few Month Hiatus MLW is back but Contra Unit has taken over. Can anyone stop them?


for this Diary I'm going to treat it as if the Pandemic ended to make it easier on myself. I'm excited to do this, MLW got me back into wrestling in 2018 so hopefully I can do it justice.

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MLW Roster (heels in Bold)


Air Wolf

Alexander Hammerstone

Brian Pillman Jr.

Calvin Tankman

Col. Robert Parker

Dan Lambert

Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Dominic Garrini

Douglas James

el hijo de L.A. Park

Erick Stevens

Gino Medina

Gringo Loco

Ikuro Kwon

Jacob Fatu

Jordan Oliver

Josef Smael

Kevin Ku

King Mo

Kit Osbourne


Kotto Brazil

L.A. Park

Logan Creed

Mance Warner

Marshall Von Erich

Myron Reed

Richard Holliday

Ross Von Erich

Salina de la Renta

Savio Vega

Septimo Dragon

Simon Gotch

Tom Lawlor

Zachary Cooper



Tag teams/stables


Contra Unit:Jacob Fatu, Josef Samael, Simon Gotch, Ikuro Kwon

Von Erichs: Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich

Dynasty: Richard Holliday, Alexander Hammerstone

Team Filthy: Tom Lawlor, Kevin Ku, Erick Stevens, Dominic Garrini, King Mo

Injustice: Kotto Brazil, Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver

Los Parks: La Park, El hijo de LA Park



MLW Heavyweight: Jacob Fatu

MLW Openweight: Alexander Hammerstone

MLW Tag Teams: Von Erichs

MLW Middleweight: Myron Reed

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The Show starts off with a recap of the last MLW Fusion episode with Contra Unit Attacking everybody and taking control of MLW and leaving a Battered and Bruised Davey Boy Smith Jr. laid out.


the show then cuts to its normal intro video but the video Glitches with images of the Contra Unit Flag and eventually goes to the back where Josef Samael, Jacob Fatu, Simon Gotch, and Ikuro Kwon are standing.


Josef Samael: So here we are the Second Rebirth of MLW. I warned you a few months ago that if MLW tried to restart their league that things were not going to be Pretty. Contra Unit still has possession of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship. It has been over a year and nobody can stop us. Nobody has seen or heard from Davey Boy Smith Jr. since we left him broken and bruised back in May. However I am Going to lay down a Challenge to mr.

Smith. if you want a shot at the World Heavyweight championship you're going to have to Earn it. so tonight if you are here tonight how about you Face Ikuro Kwon and Simon Gotch in a handicap match, if you win you get a shot at the MLW Chmpionship, if you lose well you don't see you tonight if you dare.


All: ALL HAIL........... CONTRA


Samael then throws a fireball into the Camera and the screen cuts out.


we then go into the Arena to have our first match


Myron Reed vs Septimo Dragon


end of match

Septimo has the advantage on Myron and he Irish Whips Myronut Reed into the Corner, he then hits a running clothesline on to Reed making him fall. Dragon then stomps on Myron's chest a couple of times but Reed's Chest protector prevents any damage to be done to Redd, and it seems to be doing some damage to Dragon. Dragon then goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for a splash. when he lands on Reed he holds his stomach in pain and Reed takes advantage and goes for the cover




Winner Myron Reed


we go to the Back once again and Ross and Marshall Von Erich are in their locker room, Marshall is pacing back and Forth while Ross is sitting on a chair with his head down he then looks up at the camera.


Ross: Tom, Tom, Tom you think we're intimidated by you? you think adding this Kevin Ku guy to your group is gonna scare us? you guys are as intimidating as a chocolate bar. we still haven't forgotten what you did. this little feud of ours it isn't over yet


Marshall: fact of the matter is Tom that we have been waiting for this restart to get our hands on you and your little buddies over there on Team Filthy. and at Superfight you're going to get what's coming to you.


Ross tries to calm Marshall down


Ross: you see Team Filthy you guys need to cheat to win, we don't we can beat you fair and square, we don't need weapons, we don't need outside interference we can beat you with our own skill.


Gino Medina vs Air Wolf


End of match

It was a back and forth match with Air Wolf and Gino trading punches. Gino hits his finishing move on Wolf and covers




Winner: Gino Medina


we then go to a house with Richard Holiday sitting outside with Alex Hammerstone who's doing bicep curls




he keeps counting as Holliday speaks


Holliday: Hay Hammer keep it down a bit it's time for me to talk to the "lovely" people at home. As you may have noticed I am not at the arena tonight that's because well...I don't feel like being there. especially since old man Savio is there, also you people don't deserve to see me. you see I'm of course breathing Rarified air out here and that's something that I can't do with all you neckbeards there. don't worry when the time is right you'll see me.


Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs Ikuro Kwon and Simon Gotch


End of match


Ikuro and Simon take the number advantage on DBS a few times but Davey fights through it. The match ends with Davey and Ikuro in the ring and Ikuro managing to knock Davey down but DBS recovers he then hits a suplex on Ikuro,then a powerslam and Ikuro and Ikuro is really hurt. Davey Covers




Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr.


Davey boy then celebrates then stares down Contra unit as they help Ikuro out of the ring with Ikuro clutching his ribs.

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You don't have Gino as part of The Dynasty? I get he doesn't fit and that Holiday and Hammerstone will likely turn on him at some point because of it. But when they were last conducting shows Gino was in the group.


MLW put out a series of videos called pulp fusion, and during one of them Gino said that he was done with the Dynasty. I think I have a Gino Promo in an episode coming up. I know it seems like out of nowhere now

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  • 3 weeks later...

MLW #111


The Show opens with Myron Reed outside the Arena


Myron: Brian, Brian, Brian who do you think you are? you think you can attack me while I'm speaking to the people? I told you already that if you wanted a shot at the Middleweight Championship All you had to do was ask I would have given it to you. You think you're so high and mighty that you need to make a statement that was the only option to you but you see that's a problem. Now you have made a very powerful enemy I will make you regret attacking me from behind and you will never touch my championship.


Alexander Hammerstone vs Douglas James


end of match: Douglas James gave it his all but he was no match for the bigger Hammerstone who was on a warpath this match. Hammerstone Dominated a majority of the match and Hits the Nightmare Pendulum for the win.


*King Mo makes his way to the ring with a mic in his hand he then goes to lift the mic to speak*


King Mo: Hold up Low Ki listen I know you're probably eager to come out here and kick my ass but Should I remind you what happened the last time you tried to beat me? I knocked you right out and I will do it again. I am MLW's True knock out artist Low ki not you. you are nothing but a poser, a liar and a fraud. When we meet in the ring again I will knock you out again.


*We head down to Mexico where Salina De La Renta is outside*


Salina: Hello my beautiful fans of MLW did you miss me? I'm sorry I can not make it to the show but I am a very busy woman and I have been looking for the next person to represent Promociones Dorado. Oh you thought Konan was gonna end that? ahahahhaahhahaha that old fat tub of lard would not be able to do anything don't forget he lost just as many cllients as I had however, I feel like this one is going to stick. Also the Parks don't think I'm done with you.


Calvin Tankman vs Gringo Loco


end of match: This is Tankman's Debut and it is another short match as Tankman just gives Loco nothing hits his finisher and wins.


*We head to the back again with Mance Warner*


Mance: It's been quite some time since Ole' Mance Warner has graced the Television screens of the people of America. Now Ole' Mancer has been sitting at home Quarantining social distancing all that Jazz. I have been itching to get back in the ring and kick some ass. Alexander Hammerstone you have that Openweight championship and that's something that I want. you see when I win the championship I can hit that Pay window and get more money than I have gotten before. you see Hammerstone what you're going to experience when you face you is a world of hurt. Then I am going to pull my Kneepad up, kneepad down, Dramatic Pause, Dramatic Pause, then I'm going to hit you with my Knee and I will win that Openweight championship.


Jordan Oliver vs Zenshi


End of match: this is the most competitive match of the night with Zenshi surprising Oliver with some of his moves. Both men hit their high flying moves on each other. Zenshi went for one more high flying move which Oliver avoids and Zenshi crashes and burns. Oliver hits Lost in the Sauce for the win.

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New Talent Coming Soon?


Seems like Salina De La Renta is not the only one scouting talent to manage as MLW is Reportedly looking at different talent to bring in to their shows and they are looking at as many people as possible. expect there to be some signings over the next month.


Why did Gino Medina Split from the Dynasty?


Back on MLW #110 Gino Medina had a match without his stable mates Richard Holiday and Alexander Hammerstone of the Dynasty. There was also no mention of the Dynasty during Gino's match. In case you missed it during the shut down MLW put out a series of videos called Pulp Fusion which continued some storylines. During one of the episodes Gino Medina has stated that he is done with the Dynasty the reason why has not been given yet.


Fusion about to get longer?


Reportedly MLW is having discussions with Youtube and Bein as well as the networks that air MLW overseas to increase Fusion's Runtime to 90 minutes. Doing this would be so they can showcase more Talent and have longer time to develop feuds. There is no word as to if/when this will happen.


Preview for MLW Fusion #112


the Following matches for Fusion #112 have been announced


Savio Vega vs Zachary Cooper


Brian Pillman Jr. Vs Erick Stevens


Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs Douglas James and Zenshi

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MLW Fusion #112


Savio Vega vs Zachary Cooper


End of Match: This match could be seen as a sort of Warm up match for Veg even though Cooper is the younger of the Two, Vega had more Experience. He puts Cooper away as he get ready for Holiday at Super Fight 2.


*we go to the Team Filthy Dojo where Tom Lawlor, Dominic Garrini, Kevin Ku, and Erick Stevens are.*


Lawlor: Time's Ticking Von Fakes You've held those tag titles for a long time part of that was due to unforeseen circumstances. Come November those Belts go where they belong with Team Filthy. Now I know for the most part I have had beef with you Von Fakes but the thing is with Team Filthy, If you have a problem with one you have a problem with all. I will not be in the tag team title match against you but unfortunately for you there is a reason why we picked up Kevin Ku from the jungle. You see Dom, and Kev they have history tagging together. So you will put up your belts against them at Super Fight. Tonight they will have a match and you Von Fakes, and the Whole World will Learn Violence is Forever *Tom Laughs as cameras fade to black.*


Erick Stevens vs Brian Pillman Jr.


End of Match: On Paper this seems like a mismatch for Pillman. However Pillman tried his best against Stevens mounting some kind of offense against Stevens. the match ends in Chaos when Myron Reed runs down and attacks Brian, The Von Erichs also attack Erick Stevens causing th eref to throw out the match.


*the Screen Glitches to show the contra flag and the usual Contra stuff before it cuts to Contra Unit minus Ikuro Kwon in some room in front of a Contra Flag.*


Josef Samael: A few weeks ago Davey Boy Smith Jr. we gave you a challenge. Beat Ikuro Kwon, and Simon Gotch and you will get a shot at Jacob Fatu, Well I got to hand it to you, you got the job done. In the process however you unnecessarily injured Ikuro Kwon you broke his ribs. That is an act that can not go unpunished. At Superfight you will face the Wrath of Fatu


Jacob Fatu: There will be Hell to pay in November Davey you will face the same pain that I have Inflicted on Tom Lawlor, LA. Park, Cima. You think you can beat me but I am undefeated here in MLW and I don't plan on stopping.




Violence is Forever vs Douglas James and Zenshi


End of match: the rag tag team of James and Zenshi worked surprisingly well together against Violence is forever. Zenshi and Douglas kept going for high spots against Violence is Forever. the More experienced teams kept Zenshi and James grounded towards the end. they ended up winning the match.

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More PPVs coming?


there is rumors that MLW is looking to add more PPVs to their schedules, they are looking to go the AEW, Impact Wrestling schedule of having a ppv every 3 months. It is not known what ppvs will be after Superfight.


MLW Preview


Myron Reed vs Zenshi


Low-Ki vs Jordan Oliver


Richard Holiday vs Douglas James

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