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BONUS QUESTION: Who is JR Kratos' mystery Mentor?


BONUS QUESTION 2: What is Bennett's special announcement?

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<p>I know this is small, but I liked how the show started off immediately intriguing me with the duffle bag. I see Stevens cheating and think “yes, this is the strategy you need” and then three seconds later he's submitting. Some manager I am. A true genius I am haha. I always thought Andre was dumb for giving away his payday, I'm glad to see Milonas has learned. </p><p> </p><p>

Loved Holidead on the show. Loved the announcement of Murdock and Pope. Two guys I really like in this diary and it makes me think who I actually want to win. </p><p> </p><p>

NWA going younger. The true building blocks behind the longevity of a company. Kudos on this, always a great update!!</p>

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I know this is small, but I liked how the show started off immediately intriguing me with the duffle bag. I see Stevens cheating and think “yes, this is the strategy you need” and then three seconds later he's submitting. Some manager I am. A true genius I am haha. I always thought Andre was dumb for giving away his payday, I'm glad to see Milonas has learned.


Loved Holidead on the show. Loved the announcement of Murdock and Pope. Two guys I really like in this diary and it makes me think who I actually want to win.


NWA going younger. The true building blocks behind the longevity of a company. Kudos on this, always a great update!!


Thank you tobin!

Really glad to have a writer I really enjoy like you appreciating my stuff :D


I must confess I didn't wanna make any intrigue with the bag, just pictured the one Heenan had for the Bodyslam challenge :p


Pope/Murdock has been complicated to book, but I like the fact that I (think) I managed to induce enough "shades of grey" (less than 50, I swear) so that both guy can be cheered and supported. I put the "Face/Heel divided" as not important in the game, and I really enjoy booking characters that are multidimensional (except a few of them, of course, because who can deny Jervis Cottonbelly is purely good?)


The signing of Holidead is good, it adds depth to the still building Women's Division.

Credit is due to Texasrangers13 who picked her as a new signing for the division as a prize for being 2nd in the prediction contest in the beginning of December. Holidead has been signed since then, but I wanted her introduction to be logical and to be story-related, so I had to wait for the appropriate time!

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Hey man

Thanks for the comment


I realize that you might be right, on that's something I tought about. I still went ahead with it, because I like stories with shades of grey and moral stakes. Of course, Pope SEEMS lile the heel. But didn't he make good on his promise towards Marti Belle? Isn't he right in all he says, while Murdock seems oblivious to the importance of some of the things that are discussed? In this diary heels and faces are not clearly defined, as you can see with Eli Drake, or even Jay Briscoe and Nick Aldis. I try yo replicate this with Pope/Murdock. Not sayin there's a "double turn" coming, but you never know


I understand the intricacies of all this might not translate well, most notably due to the fact that english is not my first language, and I apologize if that sounds and people feel offended.


Also, thanks for your predictions!


I didn't say it if offensive. I just said that there would be a backlash if the segment aired. I like the promo, like i said. And yes, Pope is the heel. He talks about race, but he wanted a match with a 5 count only because he had lost before.

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I didn't say it if offensive. I just said that there would be a backlash if the segment aired. I like the promo, like i said. And yes, Pope is the heel. He talks about race, but he wanted a match with a 5 count only because he had lost before.


Hey, you know, in a world where a dark cult/abusive company structure can be cheered on, let me dream that an uber charismatic Pope with bad faith and his own agenda can NOT be a total heel :p


Anyways, thank your for your constructive comments and support to this diary buddy!

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Poor Marty.




You used them a lot and they had even a 1st contender's match




Old school booking 101. Challenger beats champion and puts more heat on his chase.


BONUS QUESTION: Who is JR Kratos' mystery Mentor? Would have said Aron Stevens normally, with them becoming Tag Champs irl , but i don't think this is the route you are going. So maybe Dickinson? I remember they worked some matches in Japan.


BONUS QUESTION 2: What is Bennett's special announcement? Puts his career on the line against a big name. Maybe Mark Briscoe?

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BONUS QUESTION: Who is JR Kratos' mystery Mentor? Colt Toombs/Piper, recreating the Roddy Piper/Bob Orton bodyguard gimmick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


BONUS QUESTION 2: What is Bennett's special announcement? will take his wife's name until he becomes the breadwinner by winning a championship :o idk.

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JR KRATOS & ??? VS. SoCAL DISTANCING -- Kratos gets his win back from Brown thanks to his new partner.




BONUS QUESTION: Who is JR Kratos' mystery Mentor? Matt Sydal -- Total guess, but the whole Spritual Advisor piece made me think Jocephus but he's... lost in Mongrovia.


BONUS QUESTION 2: What is Bennett's special announcement? He and Maria are getting divorced?! No clue.

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Pre Show:

  • Matt Makowski def. Still Life with Apricot
  • Aron Stevens def. TK Cooper /w. Dahlia Black








You weave your spell, your eyes they beckon me

Your lips they speak, lies and misery

I know it's wrong, but I can't turn away

The flames draw near, they're telling me to stay

Into the fire! I'm falling

Into the fire! I'm falling





Welcome everyone NWA Powerrr! Joe Galli and David Marquez hype up the Two Night NWA PPV in a short fews weeks, it's the return of the NWA Pop Up Event! They hype Serena Deeb defending her NWA Women's World Championship against Kamille, who pinned her in a tag match. They talk about the announced NWA National Heavyweight Championship bout between champ Trevor Murdock and challenger The Pope. Finally, they speak at lengths about the much anticipated world title match between champion Nick Aldis and challenger Jay Briscoe headlining night 2. They also speak about Eli Drake "invading" Ring Of Honor and attacking ROH World Champion Rush.


But without any further ado, they go to our man Sean Mooney, who's with Mike Bennett.






As usual, Mike Bennett is pissed. Sean Mooney asks him what's on his mind. Bennett rhetorically asks what's on his mind. What's on his mind after his wife getting more attention than him in HIS professional context? He asks what would Mooney think if HIS wife became a ring announcer, a side show and attracted more eyes and attention than him. Mooney answers that he would be glad, and Bennett tells him to shut up. Mike Bennett says that the NWA was the occasion to flip the script for him. He wanted to do better, he wanted to be better. Hell, he battle throught addictions! And what does he have?... The fans boo him. What did he do to deserve that? NOTHING. Mooney answers that his battle is admirable, but his actions as a human being, most notably assaulting Sal Rinauro multiple times for being friendly with his wife, are a little more... "Abject." Bennett laughs, he says he's sick of this. He's sick of this whole thing and...






Out comes Mike's wife Maria. She has comforting words for him and says she meesed up. She wanted to renew with glory and adulation, but she did so at the expanse of their marriage and his well being. Bennett is upset but deep down seems touched by these words. She asks what she can do to make up for that. Bennett seems to ponder... And answers that she needs to leave the NWA. As long as she's around, people are gonna make this about her. They're gonna make HIM about her. He doesn't want to be called Mike Kannelis again. Maria agrees, she says she'll do anything to save their marriage, and that she loves him. They kiss, and Sean Mooney asks if this is the last time we see Maria on NWA TV... She answers YES. Nothing is more important than her family.


Mooney thanks the couple, and says he didn't think THIS was gonna be Mike Bennett's announcement. But Bennett cuts him off. THIS is not his announcement, and he's not done. As he said, it was all about flipping the script for him here. Reinventing, doing what he loves: WRESTLING, without any BS politics or agenda. He came here to find comfort and friends... He THOUGHT he made friends. But Strictly Business is just... Well a business. Nick Aldis is not his friend. Doug Williams is not his friend. Thomas Latimer is most certainely not his friend. They made that perfectly clear, when a month ago they left him to be beaten up by Jay Briscoe, Eli Drake and Occam's Razor. They made that clear when they came to him after he lost a match. They were to comforting words, no teamwork, no camaradery. It was all about "this is a business", "what are YOU bringing to OUR business?". He's sick of this. So is announcement is... That he's leaving Strictly Business. He's now on his own, to rewrite his own narrative. The adventure is not done for him in the NWA, it's not over.






This, of course, brings out Strictly Business' leader and NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis. Aldis stares at Mike Bennett for a moment... He wants to set things straight with Mike Bennett: he understands him. Strictly Business is not a gang. It's not a stable. It's an alliance. It's a business. It's a company. He thinks Mike Bennett is doing the wrong thing by distancing himself from the top draws in the NWA... But it's his choice. Aldis lets him resign. "But don't let this be personal. Let's make it... Strictly business." Aldis offers his hand to Mike Bennett who looks at it, hesitates... And shakes it. As Aldis is about to walk off, Bennett keeps his hand firmly in his... And tells him that some day, he'll do what he couldn't last year, and beat him for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Nick Aldis' only answer is a little smirk, and he walks off.








1. Marti Belle /w. The Pope vs. Vipress



Marti Belle is gaining some momentum back since aligning with Pope and his Congregation. He faces Vipress, who almost got the upper hand on Thunder Rosa, but got chased off from the ring last week by Rosa's "Twisted Sister" Holidead. As the match starts, Joe Galli on commentary informs us that Rosa's knee is injured following Vipress' brutal chair-assisted beatdown last week, and she'll miss some times to heal.


The match is an illustration of Ice and Fire. Vipress, cold, calculated, is all counter-attacks and planning in the match. Marti Belle is fierce, and attacks head first, relentlessly going for big moves or strikes as Vipress slythers away most of the time. The two women put on a basic yet solid match, and Vipress' strategy is paying off as Marti Belle is losing her temper and making more and more mistakes, despite Pope's directives from ringside. She seems to be losing ground, and Vipress applys a rope-assisted octopus stretch on her!


The ref counts for the rope break, and Vipress let go at the last moment. While she's being reprimanded by the referee, Marti Belle is catching her breath back... That's when the lights go off.






It's Holidead! She makes a spooky apparition in the middle of the ring. She's seated with her legs crossed on a turnbuckle, and has a sick smile towards Vipress. The Serpent of Evil has a slight moment of hesitation, and that's when Pope urges his protege to go. Marti Belle runs at Vipress from behind, hooks her arms and performs a backslide pin! She gets the victory!





As the bell rings, Vipress kicks out, always cold and emotionless, but a little puzzled by Holidead. She wisely decides to leaves the ring, never losing sight of the evil spirit. Meanwhile, Marti Belle looks scared at Holidead and follows Pope outside of the ring, who congratulates her for the "big win".









We go to the locker room, and we see Maria packing up her bags. Out comes her self-proclaimed #1 fan Sal Rinauro. He says he doesn't understznd what's happening, she doesn't answer his Zoom calls or his Just-Dance multiplayer invitation... What's going on? They're still friends, right? Maria answers that there are vastely most important things in her life right now, and she hasn't time. Sal is a little stunned but murmurs a "okay..." There's a little awkward silence where he stares at her while she doesn't even pay attention, packing up her bags. Sal asks her is that's real, if she's leaving the NWA. She just answers yes. Sal gets a little pressing, telling her that this place will be different without her, and she can't leave! She can't leave the NWA... She can't leave him! Maria gets exasperated, she told him, her family is the first and only thing for her. She loves Mike, and she'll do anything for her. Sal gets EVEN MORE pressing, telling her she has to dump this loser, there's someone out there who REALLY loves her... "ME!"


Maria is puzzled, disgusted and shocked at the same time. She tries to put it politely "listen Sal"... Butn HE TRIES TO KISS HER! Sal tries to kiss Maria on the lips, but she pushes him back. "Are you crazy?!" Sal stutters, he thought that there was some thing, some connection. Maria calls him a creep and SLAPS HIM IN THE FACE before storming out of the room with her bag. She says if she ever sees him again, she'll kick his ass.


Poor Sal...








2. KR Kratos & ??? vs. SoCal Distancing.



JR Kratos promised us that his "mentor" would be revealed this week... But he's nowhere to be seen! The ref starts the match, and it's basically a two-on-one affair.


The muscular JR Kratos holds on in front of the two smaller opponets he has tonight, but as the match progress, he slowly gets more and more tired. Andy Brown and Adrian Quest take turns in assaulting him with kicks and aerial moves, again and again, hitting double team attacks but never quite taking the "God of War" down. As the match has been going on for a few minutes, JR Kratos rolls out of the ring and asks for a microphone.


"I might look weak, all alone in this ring...

But I'm not alone.

HE is by my side.

And tonight, HE is here!"


Everyone is puzzled, but as the camera focuses on the ring, the crowd is heard murmuring in shock and awe. Someone imposing slides in the ring...







David Marquez comments that we didn't see him since he lost his hair to David Arquette back in 2017, and the hair has brown back! The mysterious cult-like figure that haunted Tim Storm when he was champion is back in the NWA!


He hits Adrian Quest with multiple lariats, and JR Kratos signals that HE is his partner, so the match goes on. Jocephus semms to have pilled up some extra pounds. The once flabby wrestler is now what we can call obese - like, Chris Hero style obese - but that adds to his menacing stature.


He hits Adrian Quest with every move in the evil bruiser arsenal, and puts him down with a bodyslam. While JR Kratos is holding down Andy Brown, Jocephus slowly goes to the second rope and hits a King Kong Knee Drop on Quest's head for a three count.






JR Kratos brings his mentor a microphone. Jocephus says in a slow, calm and low-pitch voice, that he is back. He is back, and with it his Kingdom. He tells us that the Kingdom of Jocephus will rule the National Wrestling Alliance. He only has one goal in mind, to do what he couldn't two years ago: to capture the NWA World Heavyweight Chammpionship, the holy grail... And to do that, he'll take the NWA TV Title off of Anthony Bennett's dead body, defend it seven times, and cash in his title shot. THAT is the gospel, according to Jocepus...


Following announcement has been paid for by Ring Of Honor.





"National... Wrestling... Alliance...

Those words mean nothing to me!


I am Rush!

I am El Toro Blanco!

I am the Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Champion!


By attacking me, Eli Drake has brought the wrath of El Toro Blanco and La Faccion Ingobernable on all of you, pendejos!


You will feel my fury and see why I am the REAL Wrestling World Champion!"







Jay Briscoe has made his entrance during the commercial for the Main Event. But some seconds pass, and it's clear there's a problem... Where's ODB? We hear some agitation backstages, and out come Nick Aldis & Kamille.






Nick Aldis, with a HUGE obnoxious smile on his face, tells us that ODB had a "problem" backstages. As Kamille is cracking her neck, it's clear that she beat her up, and Aldis is all laughs. He says that, unfortunately, this match won't happen, because Jay Briscoe doesn't have a partner. Aldis hates to disappoing, but we won't see the Natural Treasure in action tonight...






"Wait a minute! I'm sick of Strictly Business calling shots around here. As long as i'm the Women's Champion, this is MY division, and I'll be damn if us women pass on an opportunity to have the Main Event on Powerrr, even if it's an intergender tag match... What is more, Kamille, you pinned me once in a tag team match. Before we face each other for the belt at NWA Pop-Up Event, it's only fair I repay you the favour..."




3. Jay Briscoe & Serena Deeb vs. Nick Aldis & Kamille



In a corner, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis and his loyal ally since day one here on NWA Powerrr, Kamille, the super-athlete rookie who mauled the competition and earned hereself a title shot.

In the other corner, the very woman who earned the Women's World Championship after 15 years of hard work, Serena Deeb, and her partner for the night, the loose cannon Jay Briscoe, who will challenge for Nick Aldis at the Pop Up Event.


The match starts between Kamille and Deeb, and the 15 years veteran takes her opponent to school with some classic technical wrestling. The champ sure is a wrestler's wrestler, and she's showing. Kamille only manages to stay afloat thanks to her freakish athleticism and her superior strenght, but after being locked in an armbar that she barely escapes of thanks to the ropes, she tags in Nick Aldis.


Deeb is forced to tag Briscoe, and the two men go at each other with an animosity fueled by almost two months of brawls, fights, insult and beatdowns. The champ uses his strength ability to put Briscoe to the test, but Jay Briscoe just won't stay down.


The four competitors put on a great match, where neither of the upcoming championship match pairings have a clear superior competitor. They match each other move for move and give us a really open fight. But in the end, the champion's brain and experience prevail, like it has often did. He dodges a Jay Briscoe corner splash and quickly tags in Kamille. Jay didn't see it, so he doesn't understand why the referee asks him to leave the ring. Meanwhile, Nick Aldis holds on Serena Deeb in a wrist lock, allowing Kamille to run at her and spear her out of her boots. When the ref turns around, he only can see the pinfall being made.




Those nasty Strictly Business scurry away with the pin. As Nick Aldis raises Kamille's hand, he notes that she pins the champ 2 times now! In the ring, and irrate Jay Briscoe goes back and forth, shouting at the ref, Aldis and the crowd. Once again, Nick Aldis had the last laugh.

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falling_star: 1/3

Dustin: 1/3

Texasrangers13: 2/3

The Pitbull: 0/3


Roughs one this week guys!

Texas almost had Jocephus! I thought the disappearance of Question Mark was a clue but it apparently got lost :p




falling_star: 16/23

Texasrangers13: 16/23

Theheel: 11/17

tobin834: 8/16

Dustin: 6/10

The Pitbull: 5/10

TheLariat: 3/7


This prediction contest wil stop with Episode 40, only 2 more shows remaining in this prediction marathon :p


1st Prize: Will chose one of the next TV Champion

2nd Prize: Will chose a new gimmick for a wrestler amongst multiple choices

3rd Prize: Will pick a stipulation for a match!

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<p><strong>Trevor Murdock</strong> vs. Aron Stevens - One Last Time!</p><p>

If there was a time for Stevens to win, it would be now... but he’s not winning here.</p><p> </p><p>

NWA World Television Championship: Anthony Bennett © vs. <strong>Jocephus</strong></p><p>

I’m all in on Jocephus here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eli Drake</strong> vs. ROH's Kenny King</p><p>

Just a fact of life</p>

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The whole Bennett/Maria saga made the show start hot for me. I don't agree with Maria having to leave and from a promotional standpoint I'm not sure I would want to, but above all that.. what is Mike Bennett doing? Are his feelings of being his own man in his marriage running over to his affiliation with Strictly Business? Leaving the group was a mistake for Mike I think, but going out on his own WITHOUT his wife as his manager seems like an unwise career move – whether it would be about her or not. A Bennett/Aldis match to me would be nice to see. And Maria had to have known Sal's attention. Man, string a guy along and then crush him like that, j/k Great show overall!
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<p>Thank you very much everybody!</p><p> </p><p>

Mike Bennett is cutting ties with everyone... We can see it as a mistake, but now that he has no allies he also has nothing to lose, and that's dangerous... maybe? <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Damn, rough week of predictions... I came <em>this</em> close to guessing Jocephus, too!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Trevor Murdock </strong>vs. Aron Stevens - One Last Time!</p><p>

NWA World Television Championship: <strong>Anthony Bennett ©</strong> vs. Jocephus</p><p>

<strong>Eli Drake</strong> vs. ROH's Kenny King</p>

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Damn, rough week of predictions... I came this close to guessing Jocephus, too!



Trevor Murdock vs. Aron Stevens - One Last Time!

NWA World Television Championship: Anthony Bennett © vs. Jocephus

Eli Drake vs. ROH's Kenny King


You almost gussed it! :p


Thank you for your prediction buddy

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<p><strong>Trevor Murdock</strong> vs. Aron Stevens - One Last Time!</p><p>

NWA World Television Championship: Anthony Bennett © vs. <strong>Jocephus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Eli Drake</strong> vs. ROH's Kenny King</p><p> </p><p>

I wanted to pick K.I.N.G.... KINGGGGG... but alas Drake makes more sense. I'm going with Jocephus here; honestly don't know too much about Bennett, but you've booked him really well; just think the long-term story with Jocephus makes sense here.</p>

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Pre Show:


  • Sal Rinauro def. Still Life with Apricots
  • Aron Stevens & Priscilla Kelly def. TK Cooper & Dahlia Black
  • Matt Makowski def. Brian Milonas








You weave your spell, your eyes they beckon me

Your lips they speak, lies and misery

I know it's wrong, but I can't turn away

The flames draw near, they're telling me to stay

Into the fire! I'm falling

Into the fire! I'm falling





Welcome everyone to the antepenultimate episode of Powerrr before the two nights Pay Per View spectacular that will be the NWA Pop Up Event 2! Already scheduled are the NWA World Heavyweight Championship match between champion Nick Aldis and challenger Jay Briscoe, and also the NWA Women's World Championship match between champion Serena Deeb and challenger Kamille. But we don't have to wait for a championship match as TONIGHT, young Anthony Bennett will defend the NWA World Television Championship against the returning Jocephus!


But without any further ado, as it is now a custom on NWA Powerrr, we go to our boy Sean Mooney... And he's with former NWA Women's World Champion Allysin Kay.






Sean Mooney wants to pick Allysin Kay's brain onf the state of the blossoming Women's Division in the NWA, a division she once stood at the top of! Kay says that indeed the division if blossoming. Thunder Rosa - although she's injured at the moiment - is a bonafide cross-over star with success in MMA, and having wrestled on National TV for AEW. Then there is her twisted sister, the spooky Holidead who's making her presence felt here! And what about Vipress! The young Serpent of Evil who came here and made an immediate impact. And how can you not talkg about the Women's division in the NWA without talking about Kamille? She started as Nick Aldis' insurance policy, this Brickhouse, this rookie, this former football player... And she dominates the competition! And of course, on top of that, at the very top of this division is the NWA Women's World Champion, Serena Deeb. A 15 years veteran who knows every trick in the book. A dedicated pro, a wrestler's wrestler... Mooney answers that, indeed, it's a blossoming division. He says that Allysin Kay made an omission here... And it's really surprising because it's her "should I say former?" friend, Marti Belle. Kay let a little laugh slips out. She says she and Marti were close. They were best friends. Marti came to the NWA following Allysin Kay. She did the same thing in ROH. She was her side kick, her Robin... And in the NWA, she made wrong choices. First, she followed Melina and opposed her friend, participating in Allysin Kay LOSING the NWA World Women's Championship to Thunder Rosa... Then, she goes with the Pope, she makes a wrong choice, AGAIN. She gets lost on this road to glory and gets on with dubious people.


Sean Mooney asks Allysin Kay if she's not notheless impressed by Marti Belle's slow rise, with a small winning streak she's starting to build since joining the Pope. Kay says she's not impressed... She's pissed. Because Marti Belle is taking HER spot. They talked about the state of the Women's Division... But where is Allysin's Kay place in all this? Where does she stand, how close if she to challenging for the NWA Women's World Championship that once was hers? Marti Belle is on a roll right now, yeah? Well to Allysin Kay, she'll always be her little sis'. And she won't let her take her spot. Allysin Kay issues a public challenge to Marti Belle: "face me, Marti! Earn your spot! Make your mark! Break the chains!" Sean Mooney comments that a challenge has been made and he won't fail to report any answer from Marti Belle.








1. Trevor Murdock vs. Aron Stevens



As the match begins, we learn from Joe Galli that it's Aron Stevens who specificially asked for this match, arguing that after losing his sensei, his black belt and all his "Hollywood Money", he wanted to face his former rival and the man he could never beat to "prove a point".


The point he wants to prove translates in the fact that he's not wearing his karate gi anymore, but reverted to his former wrestling attire. He also is more serious than usual, and doesn't scream as much as he used to. The self proclaimed "Shooter" uses some mat wrestling to hinder the NWA National Heavyweight Champion at the beginning of the match, and David Marquez notes that he's never seen Stevens so focus in perhaps years.


But that doesn't last. As soon as Trevor Murdock shacks off Aron Stevens, he delivers a serie of devastating blows, hitting Stevend with forearms and boots to the skull, before dragging him and throwing him around. Murdock tries to hit his West Texas Lariat multiple time, but Stevens manages to dodge it two times. Unfortunately, the third time's the charm, and a West Texas Lariat almost decapitate Aron Stevens, who does a 360° spins and falls flat.








"CONGRATULATIONS!"... Out comes Famous B with a microphone in his hand, and he goes to the ring. The Pope's lawyer and spokesman congratulates Trevor Murdock on this win. He announces that both parties agreed and that it's official! On the NWA Pop Up Event, on night one, Trevor Murdock will defend his NWA National Heavyweight Championship against the Pope! Murdock grunts, but Famous B notes that he's not here to chat... He's here for business! He produces a piece of paper and a pen. He says that The Pope is serious about his public image... And the legal ramifications of being a pro wrestler. See, Pope WILL win at the Pay Per View. BUT, he doesn't want any legal problems... FOR HURTING MURDOCK! Trevor frowns in disbelief, and he says that Pope won't hurt him. Famous B insists, IF that happens... Pope doesn't want Trevor Murdock to take legal action against him. THAT'S WHY, he's asking him to sign a discharge, a legal document that states Trevor Murdock will renounce any legal action of ANY SORT if he's injured at the PPV. Murdock laughs, he's a real man, if he's hurt, he gets back up, he doesn't fill paper. He doesn't go to a lawyer like a "punk ass b*tch"! Famous B faints surprise, but says this paper is really important to Pope. Trevor grabs it, signs it without giving it a look, and throws it at Famous B's feet... Before spitting on it! Trevor Murdock says he hates sneaky lawyers, and leaves the ring.









Paul Ellering is in a poorly-lighted room, sitting on a simple wooden chair. In his hands, he holds a bird's cage. He says that Occam's Razor is the principle that the most simple and logical explanation is the good one. Why are Gzim Selmani and Sunny Dhinsa in a state of rage since three weeks? Why are they mauling sparring partners after sparring partners? Why did Sunny Dhinsa enter a judo dojo and beat down everybody inside it? Why did Gzi Selmani go to some underground fight club to maul fools? The most simple explanation, the most logical one is easy: because Thomas Latimer and Doug Williams screwed them out of a NWA World Tag Team Championship match. Oh, Doug Williams thinks he's smart... But he won't have the last laugh.


Paul Ellering, still playing with the bird's cage in his hands, reveals that Billy Corgan was furious at this travesty, so he conceed a title rematch. Occam's Razor will have another shot at the tag belts, main eventing night 1 of the Pop Up Event... And he gave Ellering a favor, the favor to pick the stipulation. Ellering reminds us that Billy Corgan lamented that he couldn't let the WAR that was the four on four match two weeks ago be inside two cages... But at the Pop Up Event, only one cage will be needed. As Thomas Latimer and Doug Williams will be LOCKED UP INSIDE A CAGE WITH OCCAM'S RAZOR AT THE POP UP EVENT!










2. NWA World Television Championship Match

Anthony Bennett © vs. Jocephus



The menacing Jocephus is back, with the monstruous JR Kratos by his side. Once again, the champion Anthony Bennett faces a tough challenge and is the underdog. That shows on his game plan for this match. He usually goes all out at the very beginning of the match, but this time he takes his time. TV Title Matches are limited to a 7 minutes time limit, so on commentary Joe Galli wonders if Anthony Bennett, not being sure he can beat Jocephus, allows himself to go after a time limit draw?


The match starts easy, as both guys lock eyes and Jocephus has a sickening smile on his face. He slowly approaches Anthony Bennett with his arms extended... And Bennett kicks him in the gut! Bennett delivers a flurry of forearms to the back of a bended Jocephus, but the guru pushes him off to the rope in a demonstration of strenght! Anthony Bennett is a little taken aback, as Jocephus looks at him laughing. Bennett tries to go at him with a dropkick, but Jocephus just takes a step back, hitten but not that affected.


Bennett gives it all out, coming to the challenger with numerous quick moves, but Jocephus stays immovable, and doesn't counter attack that much. Anthony Bennett even attempts an armdrag... But Jocephus doesn't move! Bennett pulls on his arm, and that's when Jocephus gets moving. He draggs Bennett towards him and picks him up, Black Hole Slam! Jocephus is slow and deliberate, he picks Bennett backs up. The champion punches him in the gut, but Jocephus barely feels it. He picks up Bennett in a military press... And throws him outside of the ring!


There's still fight in Anthony Bennett. When Jocephus comes out of the ring, he hits him with a superkick! Jocephus takes a few steps back, this time it connected and hurt. Anthony Bennett takes a few steps of momentum, runs towards him... But Jocephus catches him in a bearhug! The monstruous Jocephus throws Bennett directly onto the ringpost from the outside of the ring, that must hurts!


In the end, a beaten down Bennett is dragged down back to the ring. He tries to fight, attempts another superkick... But Jocephus catches it, sends it to the side, and Bennett turns on himself... To come back to a spinning lariat! He's done in 6 minutes.








We barely have much time to process the huge title change that just happened. Had Anthony Bennett won, the Lucky 7 rule would have permit him to vacate the title in eschange for a World Title Match!... But he was destroyed by the imposing Jocephus, who seems to have a new purpose and be more dangerous than ever. After a quick commercial break, we get treated to a short video promo from none other than the NWA Women's World Champion, Serena Deeb.






Deeb is seen training in a practice wrestling ring with some young men and women. She's not as much sparring as she seems to be teaching. Footages of this training is cut by a face-cam promo of her next to the ring.


Serena Deeb conceed that her #1 challenger Kamille has pinned her twice in tag team action. Twice. She seems superior given that simple fact. People have seen her pinned the champion, so they think she will do it again on Night 2 of the Pop Up Event... But they're wrong. Deeb says she has worked relentlessly for 15 years to get this. The NWA Women's World Championship is the greatest accomplishment of her career, it's her mountain top. Who does Kamille think she is, if she's so sure she will take the belt from her so soon after she won it? On her FIRST title defense? Beaten by a virtual rookie with less than two years in the business? Serena Deeb swears that won't happen. Kamille won't beat her for the gold. Yeah, she beat her twice in tag actions, big deal. Serena is another competitor when the gold is on the line and when it's one on one. She mentions that she continues to coach young wrestlers who come to her to seek advices... At the Pop Up Event she'll do just that: she will SCHOOL Kamille in the ring.








3. Kenny King vs. Eli Drake



Kenny King is representing La Faccion Ingobernable above Ring Of Honor tonight. After Eli Drake "invaded" ROH and attacked the faction's leader and ROH World Champion Rush. Eli Drake STILL wants to prove his point, and that's that he is the rightful, legitimate, undisputed #1 contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.


This is a great match that steals the show here in the Atlanta Studio. Kenny King is a veteran who still have explosivness and gives a tough match up for Eli Drake. They go back and forth, and neither man takes a decivise advantage, not once. Every shot is answers by another, even if that means both men have to go down, such as when Eli Drake gets hitten by a superkick... Only to clothesline Kenny King and fall down with him.


Kenny King might have been seen as the superior athlete in the match, but in the end it's Eli Drake's athleticism who gives him the edge. As Kenny King is going to the top rope, Eli rushes towards him. They fight on the turnbuckle, and Eli looks like he's about to hit a superplex, but Kenny King holds on to the third rope. That's when Eli Drake rolls backwards, his feet back on the ring in a superb move, and he hits a superman punch on Kenny King! King is dazed and confused, and Eli Drake climbs back to hit him with a gorgeous superplex before pinning him.








The ever always braggadocious Eli Drake asks for a microphone. He shouts at Kenny King and tells him to tell his boss Rush that Eli Drake will beat him, and that's just a fact of life. That's when we here trouble in the fans here in the studio...






It's Rush! Eli Drake turns around, and Rush hits him with a superb dropkick! Drake is thrown back first to the corner, just as Rush planned. The Ring Of Honor World Champion shouts and runs at Eli Drake to hit his Bull's Horns! Drake rolls out of the ring, and Rush takes the microphone he dropped.


"Listen to me, pendejo! No one disrespects El Toro Blanco, you hear me? You attacked me on MY company, Ring Of Honor. It was only fair that I repay you the favor, huh?... Most of all, you disrespected MY World Heavyweight Championship. So I'm here to tell you, your stupid fans and your management, that THIS world championship will not be insulted, not by you, nor by anyone! Step up to me one more time, and you will feel the wrath of El Toro Blanco and all of La Faccion Ingobernable!

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falling_star: 2/3

Dustin: 3/3

The Lariat: 3/3

Texasrangers13: 3/3


Lots of perfect score!

Really surprised that almost all of you saw the title change coming.

The Kingdom of Jocephus is here to stay!





Texasrangers13: 19/26

falling_star: 18/26

Dustin: 9/13

Theheel: 11/17

TheLariat: 6/10

tobin834: 8/16

The Pitbull: 5/10


Only one more show for this prediction contest!

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Jay Briscoe vs. Doug Wiliams

Marti Belle, Kamille & Vipress vs. Allysin Kay, Serena Deeb & Holidead

Mark Briscoe vs. Nick Aldis






This is it lads! The last round of this prediction contest, and the last show before the PPV!


For reminder:

1st Prize: Will chose one of the next TV Champion

2nd Prize: Will chose a new gimmick for a wrestler amongst multiple choices

3rd Prize: Will pick a stipulation for a match!

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