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A Global Uprising? [Effganic]

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(P) The Dregs vs The Danger Brothers

Like the name but who are they?


(P) Keaton Whisenant vs Tarzan Brownfield

I guess someone has to win so me take Tarzan


Lash and Carleton vs Beltran and Holston

Time to see if this team can stick


Billy Ray Bragg vs Jacoby Disney

This is not the Wonderful World of Disney


Karasuma vs Jack Raiden

Battle lines drawn


Poseidon and Kramer vs Koziol and Wells

The way Poseidon carry’s the stick I’m thinking he’s getting a shot eventually at the Gold

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<p>ASW held Path to Greatness, a major arena show at Hanson Field, in front of 14,762 people, outdoing New Dawn almost three-to-one. That one stung a little bit, but we'd just keep going.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>October 30th, 1985</strong></p><p><strong>

New Hampshire, 807</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="pnglGLe.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pnglGLe.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="y50iMUn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y50iMUn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="V8nig13.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/V8nig13.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="BEPw5Df.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BEPw5Df.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Show - The Dregs vs The Danger Brothers</strong></p><p>

With Holston and Beltran struggling to gel, it was time to lean on another babyface tag team: queue the Danger Brothers, Danny and Bret, a couple of young and athletic looking southern boys. Of course, Bret was probably the most green wrestler I had on the roster, so that wasn't ideal - and he showed why, as he caught a broken nose after taking an elbow smash too snugly. Woops. He did get the pin on Alonzo O'Toole, though, with a running bulldog. (20)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="hiSJ7NB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hiSJ7NB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="XaZzcXq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XaZzcXq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre-Show – Keaton Whisenant vs Tarzan Brownfield</strong></p><p>

Mostly just a proper introduction to the local crowd for Brownfield's new character. He's young, he's handsome, he's athletic, why not have him fly around like a wild man and show it off? And he did, with aplomb. He's a good little wrestler, it's just a matter of getting the crowd to want to see him. He won with a missle dropkick in 6:37. (37)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="p0xdieg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/p0xdieg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="TYeqRdn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TYeqRdn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="UG897Cl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/UG897Cl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QP3G9ld.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QP3G9ld.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


<strong>Adonis Lash and Tommy Carleton vs Holston and Beltran</strong></p><p>

Look, they're big and tough and the road agents love Grady, who am I to complain? Adonis Lash was in there to make sure there was some star power and make sure the match was worked okay, and he did his best as the vet, bumping around nicely for the big boys and guiding Tommy Carleton through some heat spots. But, of course, the two mismatched heels were no match for the slightly seasoned tag team, and Beltran got the pin with a backbreaker on Carleton in 8:17 to get the win. (37)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="voovRf5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/voovRf5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We went backstage to Jack Raiden next for an interview.</p><p>

"When I was a boy, my father taught me to fight with honor. That when two men had to get into it together, had to throw punches, that you fought cleanly until one man had lost, and when that man had lost, if you were the winner, you picked him up, dusted him off, and made sure he got home safely. And if you were the loser, you accepted it with grace, and moved on with your life. That is a code that I have lived by, and always tried to hold to as I became a professional wrestler, and the man you see before you today. Reijiro Kandori, you have violated that code. We had a match, a clean match, to prove who the better man was, and I defeated you. I pinned you. And instead of accepting that, you had your goons ambush me, attack me, beat me down.</p><p> </p><p>

That is unacceptable. I'm not going to stand for something like that. And if you think that you can just run roughshod over this company that I have put my blood, sweat, and tears into, and that you can disrespect the craft, the sport, that I have dedicated myself to - if you think that you can disrespect me? Then we have a problem.</p><p> </p><p>

I was going to let this end. I was going to let you move on, as I moved on, to challenge for the GCW Heavyweight Championship. But you have forced me to make a detour. I am coming for you, Reijiro. And there's another saying that I was taught as a boy that you should be aware of. Do not poke a sleeping bear. When we fought last time, I was just Jack Raiden, having a match, trying to best my opponent. Now? I'm the Kodiak bear. And Kodiak Jack Raiden is going to rip you limb from limb." (71)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="2GSvv3o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2GSvv3o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="qWwzk4r.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qWwzk4r.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Billy Ray Bragg vs Jacoby Disney</strong></p><p>

The kind of match that proved why we need fresh blood. Disney still has some name value and the crowd reacted to him well, but he's getting older and slowing down, and once again couldn't go terribly long. Bragg, meanwhile, worked him over like a seasoned vet with elbow strikes to the head and neck and nasty suplexes, wearing him down until he could get the Sidewinder Choke on in 5:%9 for the submission. (38)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="BPTfUM0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BPTfUM0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="voovRf5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/voovRf5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Karasuma vs Jack Raiden</strong></p><p>

The crowd wasn't really interested when Karasuma came out, with him still being pretty much a complete unknown, and that also meant they didn't know how to react to his offense. Luckily, Raiden is so good and so over it didn't really matter. He tore through the newcomer, showing off exactly why he was the Kodiak and letting loose an intensity and ferocity that stood out to everyone. Karasuma got in some token resistance, but this was Raiden's show, and he won in 8:30 with the powerbomb. (42)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="49cSfZg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/49cSfZg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Of course, while Jack Raiden was getting his hand raised by the referee and celebrating for the crowd, the massive Giant Kajitani ran out to attack him from behind, planting him with a Running Powerslam. (42)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="cAnfqvK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cAnfqvK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Wolf Koziol was backstage next, pacing back and forth and looking quite heated up.</p><p> </p><p>

"Poseidon! You think you're the one who needs to lay out another challenge? Well, you just beat me to it, is all you did. I've been itching to get my hands on you again. You think you beat me? You think you're the alpha male around here? That's a bad joke. You never woulda beat me if you hadn't gotten my feet knotted up in that stupid rope of yours. So if you want round two, you're on! I'm going to for your hide. This is still my hunting ground, and you're right at the top of my list, and I'm not going to stop until I wipe that smug smirk off your face!" (67)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="hVux6ns.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hVux6ns.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="y9F4RTI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y9F4RTI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="ckPwwbs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ckPwwbs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="cAnfqvK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cAnfqvK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Poseidon and Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells and Wolf Koziol</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A nice throw down between four of our most prominent wrestlers at the moment. Poseidon and Kramer made for a solid monster duo, pummeling and beating down the smaller babyfaces. Carver spent a lot of it playing face in peril, trying his hardest to fight back from underneath the two, but they kept cutting him off. He did manage to make the tag to Koziol, who came in fiery, blasting both of them with running elbows and tossing Poseidon into the corner so that he could hammer him with stomps until the ref almost DQed him. The finish came when he ultimately hammered Poseidon with three consecutive lariats in the corner, pinning him against a turn buckle, and then rolled him into the ring to get the pin at 12:50. (57)</p><p> </p><p>

Now that was the kind of show I needed every week. No subpar segments, two great interviews with my top stars, and a tag team main event showing off four of my best wrestlers, including a rising star. It was a shame I couldn't literally just do that every week, but for right now, I'd take it. (56) With the great crowd reaction came a .36 rating and 272k viewers from the viewers at home. Not bad at all.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I like how I get complimented for putting these out consistently and then miss a day. Oops! The irony.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As far as women's wrestling in the world state, yes, there are absolutely some promotions that feature it, including United Women's Wrestling and Avalanche Wrestling Group in the US, the Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation, and All Japan Joshi Pro, as well as a few other small and mid-level promotions that have a women's division. I'm shooting for GCW to be the biggest name with women's wrestling soon, so look forward to that in the in-game new year!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As pleased I got a few surprises in the predictions. It seems like I got almost everyone with the Danger Brothers, which is reasonable, since they're completely anonymous, but the name of the game at this point is "oh god i need babyface tag teams," so. That's why that happened. On the plus side, I think that's the last of my undercard acts that I didn't make mention of, so everyone else should be introduced with at least some fanfare ahead of time. The main event was also a little contentious, so congrats DinoKea and smw88 for nailing that one!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Next Week:</strong></em><em> </em></p><p><em>

(P) Giant Kajitani vs Layton White</em></p><p><em>

Tommy Carleton vs Kurt Grey</em></p><p><em>

Nehemiah vs Marcus Kramer</em></p><p><em>

Lash and Mean Machine vs Holston and Beltran</em></p><p><em>

Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden</em></p>

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<p>Man the Danger Brothers giving me my only wrong prediction in 4 shows. Bit disappointed about that but not much I could do really. You live, you learn. Liked the writing on Kodiak Jack.</p><p> </p><p>

Alright on to predictions:</p><p> </p><p>

Preshow: <strong>Giant Kajitani</strong> def. Layton White</p><p>

<em>One is being built up as part of a faction, the other is Layton White.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kurt Grey</strong> def. Tommy Carleton</p><p>

<em>Sorry Tommy, but you really haven't shown anything to prove you could beat Kurt</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marcus Kramer</strong> def. Nehemiah</p><p>

<em>Sure Marcus is aging but Nehemiah was losing on the preshow. He's not going down that easily.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Holston & Beltran</strong> def. Lash & Mean Machine</p><p>

<em>I kept forgetting Holston & Beltran are faces. Mean Machine may have a much improved name and a decently ranked partner, but at the end of the day, they're still going to be taking the pin</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dale Whitlock</strong> def. Jack Raiden</p><p>

<em>Probably shenanigans, but you generally want to be keeping the next challenger for your main title strong. Sunset Army or Black Hat Rodeo probably cost Kodiak Jack the win somehow</em></p>

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<p>(P) <strong>Giant Kajitani </strong>vs Layton White</p><p>

Tommy Carleton vs <strong>Kurt Grey</strong></p><p>

<strong>Nehemiah</strong> vs Marcus Kramer</p><p>

<strong>Lash and Mean Machine</strong> vs Holston and Beltran</p><p>

Dale Whitlock vs <strong>Jack Raiden</strong></p>

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(P) Giant Kajitani vs Layton White

Assuming Kajitani keeps his monster aura here against White.


Tommy Carleton vs Kurt Grey

Grey looks to be higher on the pecking order.


Nehemiah vs Marcus Kramer

Right, took me some time to find any mention on Nehemiah (I didn´t remember him at all) and what I found didn´t make me chance my mind so Kramer it is.


Lash and Mean Machine vs Holston and Beltran

Assuming same logic works here than in last show with Machine replasing Carleton as the fall guy.


Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

Going to go with DQ win for Jack with Sunset Army likely interfering here.

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November 6th, 1985

Vermont, crowd of 793


Ordinarily, I spent most of my time in the arenas sequestered away so I could focus on the business and making sure to put things together. You never knew when you were going to get a curve ball, after all, and I had to be ready to start reworking in case there was an injury or a botch or something, and besides, I wasn't there to just be "one of the boys," I was in the office. It helped to keep a divide.


That being said, when I heard yelling, hooting, and finally, laughing coming from the locker room? So sue me, I was curious.


I stepped inside to find Tommy Carleton doubled over, wheezing as he rested his hands on his knees. "Oh man, it's - it's Machine," he managed to choke out.


I looked over, and Mean Machine did indeed seem to be the center of the locker room. He was jumping up and down like Yoesmite Sam, cussing a blue streak and shaking his dufflebag over his head. And the source of his ire quickly became clear. Tumbling out of his bag and falling all around him were - it had to be at least a dozen rubber chicken masks. A jab, no doubt, at his previous ring name, the Violet Rooster. Why he had ever thought that was a good idea? I'd never know.


"Chickens!" he shouted, shrilly. "Chickens! I'll pluck you! You'll get it! Chickens!" And a whole lot of profanity besides that I had no interest in repeating.


"Machine, bring it down a notch," I yelled over. "The cameras aren't on yet."


He kept shaking the bag like an alien in that Star Wars flick before he stopped, almost like someone had flicked a switch in his head, and lowered it back down. Sighing, he sat down on a bench and started pulling more masks out of his bag, which looked to have been stuffed full.


"Alright, anyone wanna own up?" I asked.


There was a pause as the locker room just kind of looked at me before two figures poked their heads around the lockers - both wearing chicken masks, no less. One of them, in spite of that, was obviously Sebastien Durant - it was hard to mistake the big Haitian for anyone else - and it was only more clear when he spoke up with that smooth accent of his.


"We were just having a little fun, boss," he said.


Boss. I liked that. Of course, it helped that Sebastien was one of the few guys younger than me on the roster. I just stared at him as he and, it turned out, Aaron Redcloud unmasked, both looking a mix of sheepish and amused. It felt like a moment to at least put on a little bit of my "Boss" face and get some authority. I was still new, after all, and young, and I needed every opportunity to get the boys to fall in line and respect me.


"I'll be honest, it was funny," I said at last. "Just make sure this doesn't become too much of a thing. Mean Machine's a bit of a psycho, and I'd hate to see him clobber one of you."


"Chickens," Machine muttered. "Cluck cluck cluck... "


I really didn't know if he was "on" or not and I was too afraid to ask.


"But honestly? Well done. I like funny guys. I just like funny guys who respect the line."


"Toe the line, we got it," Sebastien said, nodding.


I cast a glance over at Mean Machine.


"And maybe leave off the chickens."


Before I could make my way out of the locker room, though, I found myself stopped by the clearing of a throat. When I turned around, it was Layton White standing there, looking anxious.


"Something I can help you with, Layton?"


"Well, boss," he said, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I wanted to have a talk about the match today."


It took me a moment to remember, honestly. Layton was scheduled up against Giant Kajitani in the pre-show for a dark match. Once it clicked into place, I couldn't exactly see room for a problem, not for me. It was short, straight, to the point.


"Was there something we needed to go over?" I asked, mildly.


"I mean, you were really wanting me to put over that big Japanese fella?"


I glanced over Layton's shoulder for a moment, where Kajitani was, in fact, sorting out his gear from his bag. Up close, he looked even bigger, the tallest guy currently on our roster, and still in his 20s. Rough and raw, but you couldn't teach size, now, could you? It was something that I at least had to try.


"Yes, I was wanting you to put over Kajitani."


"See, I can see what you mean, he's a good kid, but the thing is, he's just a young guy, right?" he asked, words suddenly rushing out of him in a stream. "He's still gotta cut his teeth and pay his dues, and seeing as I'm kind of a vet around here, well, I don't mind showing him the ropes and making him look good, I just don't know that he should be going over yet."


I just stared at him evenly, listening the ocean-side sound of blood rushing in my ears. He was seriously. "Really. And, out of curiosity, have you talked to Kajitani about this yet?"


The smile on his face made him look like a wax dummy of himself. "Well. No. I was thinking that you would've had that conversation with him, being the boss and all, the booker, the big cheese."


Instead of saying anything, I just looked around Layton's shoulder to where Kajitani was standing. He was stretching out his shoulders and popping the knuckles of his enormous hands. Layton turned around to look at him, too. Kajitani was big and beefy enough that I had to assume he could lift Layton one-handed if he felt the need to. And if Layton told him he didn't think he was worth putting over, he might just feel the need to, was my thought.


From reading Layton's face, it looked like he was thinking it, too.


"Tell you what," I said, keeping my voice perfectly level. "If you don't feel like putting him over is the right decision, I'll respect that. You go ahead and tell him and work out whatever finish you think is best." I clapped him on the shoulder, and he about jumped out of his skin. "It's just a dark match. It doesn't much matter to me one way or another."


Layton swallowed thickly, looking from me to Kajitani and back again. He cleared his throat. "You know, on second thought, what am I worrying about? Kid's huge and I'm sure he'll be a star. And we gotta protect the next generation. The better he does, the better we all do, right? That's the biz."


"How charitable of you."


"I'll, uh, go work out the finish with him, make sure we're on the same page," he said, edging away. "Just gotta, y'know, find Reijiro to translate."


I nodded. "You do that. Just let me know if there are any more problems."


And as he scampered off, I opened the ledger in my head, flicked through the pages, and found the name Layton White. Next to it, I etched the worlds, permanently, "Job guy for life."




gyoK4p7.jpgBPTfUM0.jpg vs NxT7xcK.jpgs4EVIsf.jpg


Pre-Show – Sunset Army (Sanzo and Karasuma) vs Durant and Redcloud

Well, since Sebastien and Aaron seemed to be striking up at least a bit of a friendship backstage, or a partnership to wreak comedic havoc, I decided to take them for a spin as a tag team. What could it hurt? They didn't have astonishing chemistry, but it was perfectly fine, so maybe they'd see some time as a duo later. For now, though, this was about giving the Sunset Army some momentum, and Karasuma used a claw hold on Aaron after 7:#4 for the win. (22)


49cSfZg.jpg vs GClpzRb.jpg


Pre-Show – Giant Kajitani vs Layton White

Well, our little conversation together seemed to have done its job just fine. Giant Kajitani came in like a monster and threw Layton around the ring, treating him like a rag doll. He looked green as grass, even I can admit that, and the fans still don't know how to take him, but Layton bumped him for him like a madman. Maybe he got the memo, and I wouldn't have to come down on him quite so hard. We'd have to wait and see. Either way, he ended up squashed by a running powerslam in 4:43, and hopefully we had a new monster on our hands. (29)


TYeqRdn.jpg vs WmhKVM1.jpg


Tommy Carleton vs Kurt Grey

For a lightweight wrestler, Grey is still sure out of shape. The man is getting old, all burst and no stamina, but the crowd still love him some and he can still go, just not for very long. Carleton was a good one to pair him against because while he's largely anonymous, he's technically sound, and he laid in a little to let Grey rest up before his comeback. Because he had to rest in a 5:23 match. Lord. Grey got the pin with a flying tackle off the ropes, though, so at least there's that. (42)




We went backstage to Dustin Robinson, who had his title thrown over his shoulder.


"On Sunday, I am to fight a fan named Dale Whitlock. This is not the first time I've gotten in the ring with you, Cowboy. I don't expect it will necessarily be the last. We've done this dance before. But this time, I am the Heavyweight Champion of GCW, I am the best I have ever been in my long career, and I do not aim to let you be the one to end it. You have shown nothing but cowardice, and disrespect, and I refuse to let you be the man to bring me down. I will fight you with everything I have, every ounce of power and strength and self-respect, and at the end of the day, at the end of Running Wild, I am going to be standing tall, title in hand, still, proudly, your GCW Heavyweight Champion." (41)


y9F4RTI.jpg vs J9D30hl.jpg


Marcus Kramer vs Nehemiah.

Just a solid match for Kramer to work and stay at the forefront. Nehemiah is a big man himself, so it was a nice slug fest between monsters, and honestly, Nehemiah looked pretty good. It's a shame he's 34 already, there's probably not time to rehab him into much at this point in his career, but he's one to keep in the back of my mind just in case there's an opening. For now, though, he fought toe-to-toe with Kramer well, but the big man was too savvy and too vicious, clawing Nehemiah's eyes and ragdolling him at 8:17 with the side suplex. (47)


p0xdieg.jpgiPMwsYN.jpg vs UG897Cl.jpgQP3G9ld.jpg


Lash and Mean Machine vs Holston and Beltran

My tag team experiment continues to fail. This was probably not a match that deserved to be so late in the card, but I was hoping that with savvy veterans like Adonis and Machine in the match, they'd carry the young heavies to something good. They did not. Oh, they sure tried, and they outclassed the young guys by any measure, but Beltran and Holston are still green and, worrying, sloppy. During a corner punches spot, Grady actually managed to stop on Mean Machine's foot and break his toe, I found out after the match. He tagged out shortly there after to Lash, who got double-teamed and ate a backbreaker from Beltran in 9:09. They were still on a test run, and to be honest, they were failing. (30)



We went backstage to Reijiro Kandori next.


"So much bluster and boldness, Jack. Yes, you call yourself the Kodiak, so impressive, so strong. But what you fail to realize is that you are alone, here. You are a man on an island. Perhaps a bear can kill a man - no, a bear can certainly devour a man if it is that simple of a fight. But we are evolved, we are clever, we are cunning. You are not just a bear running down a man alone. You are a bear rumbling into a trap, into a nest of knives and danger. My army will hunt you, brave Kodiak bear, and by the end of Running Wild I will be wearing your pelt on my road to Heavyiweight gold. You can count on that." (63)


UlFY9aV.jpg vs voovRf5.jpg


Dale Whitlock vs Jack Raiden

This should have been a great match - two of our top acts going against one another, and frankly, a potential world title program down the line. Instead, it was a massive disappointment. There was absolutely no story in the match, just the two coming out and hitting each other for the sake of it from all anyone watching could tell, and it just sagged in the middle into a slog. Lots of brawling and slugging back and forth in a profoundly boring fashion. Just the biggest ball dropping I'd ever seen. In the end, Kandori and the Sunset Army came out to surround the ring, not actually attacking but drawing Raiden's focus, and letting Whitlock blindside him for a lariat and the Hangman's neckbreaker to get the win. (39)


While largely due to a main event that was far below par, the biggest issue in this company so far seems to be inconsistency. There are so few acts I can rely on to consistently give me a great performance, and while I can get a good one out of anywhere, I need it on a regular basis if I'm actually going to keep pushing forward. Hopefully things will start leveling out, and I can find the performers that are actually worth investing in long term. But I definitely can't trust Dale and Raiden in the main event aain, clearly. (44) Hopefully we can turn it up for Running Wild, our big monthly show. Fittingly, it got a .3 rating and 231k viewers.


I hope I made my disappointment on that main event clear. Jeez. Two of my top guys, and they put up that stinker? It makes me worried about a whole lot of future plans, not gonna lie, but we'll see how things shake out.


Running an Effganic mod is highly recommended! It's an interesting challenge since you really just have to dive in blind and take what it gives you. Which especially makes diary writing hard since there are zero character beats or angles to work with except what you make. Which. Seems to be going at least somewhat well so far, I think. And well done again to all my predictors, though I seem to be throwing a few more curve balls now. Hopefully that's a good thing. Dale getting the win felt like the necessary play, as Raiden is younger and a bit more bullet proof, and of course, the Sunset Army is always lurking. I'm a little surprised by the picks for Nehemiah, but maybe he's worth pushing? He's 34, but... And with the unanimous picking of Giant Kajitani, makes it even more funny that Layton tried to weasel out of it, huh? Jeez. The guy's 6'9". Get over it.


GCW Running Wild Card:

(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

(P) Jimmy G and Whisenant vs Holston and Beltran

Billy Ray Bragg vs Aaron Redcloud

Adonis Lash vs Tarzan Brownfield

Black Hat Rodeo vs Durant and Osburn for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells for the GCW North American Championship

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Wolf Koziol

Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson for the GCW Heavyweight Championship

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That was not Mean Machine's day was it, broken toe, chicken masks and Lash goes and loses the match on him. Just did not go his way. It's too bad as being your only masked wrestler I feel like he could be something really cool.


Also dunno if I can count my predictions as perfect this week as I failed to predict the bonus match. White trying to back out of facing Kajitani was entertaining.


Onto predictions:


Preshow: Sunset Army def. The Hillbillies

Hillbillies will be left seeing stars


Preshow: Holston & Beltran def. Jimmy G & Whisenant

H&B might not be working out well, but I don't think Ice Cold or Whisenant have picked up a win yet


Billy Ray Bragg def. Aaron Redcloud

Aaron might be one of your future stars, but Billy is more a current star and as such probably could use the win more. Also he's higher on the card


Tarzan Brownfield def. Adonis Lash

I am not confident about this at all. Not one bit, but it seems with Lash's age and injury I think his name value is being used to build up others, and maybe this is being used to give him momentum, but honestly I think Tarzan might be getting the win.


Black Hat Rodeo def. Durant & Osburn

Actual tag team defeats random pairing


Antone Benner def. Kurt Grey

Benner's new heel persona needs some heat and credibility so of course he wins his feud against the guy who tires after 5 minutes in the ring


Carver Wells def. Marcus Kramer to retain the GCS North American Championship

Despite Carver being a danger in the ring it seems, I don't think old man Kramer is winning any titles here. Good way to build up Wells


Reijiro Kandori def. Jack Raiden

This is probably the show I've been least confident in and it's mainly because I'm trying to judge where in some feuds where are. I'm going here though that the Sunset army helps Kandori win and Raiden will be back and/or Kandori goes after Robinson


Wolf Koizol def. Poseidon

Whether by DQ or whatever other reason, I feel like this partial a way to keep Poseidon clear of the champ. I'm really hopefully Poseidon is the next guy to get the title, so for now keeping him after Wolf works


Dustin Robinson def. Dale Whitlock to retain the GCW Heavyweight Championship

Dale isn't going to be the guy to bring the title home

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(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

(P) Jimmy G and Whisenant vs Holston and Beltran

Billy Ray Bragg vs Aaron Redcloud

Adonis Lash vs Tarzan Brownfield

Black Hat Rodeo vs Durant and Osburn for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells for the GCW North American Championship

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Wolf Koziol

Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson for the GCW Heavyweight Championship

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(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

(P) Jimmy G and Whisenant vs Holston and Beltran

Billy Ray Bragg vs Aaron Redcloud

Adonis Lash vs Tarzan Brownfield

Black Hat Rodeo vs Durant and Osburn for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells for the GCW North American Championship

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Poseidon vs Wolf Koziol

Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson for the GCW Heavyweight Championship

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(P) Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

Sunset Army is the team with more going on right now


(P) Jimmy G and Whisenant vs Holston and Beltran

Failing tag experiment they might be but that´s still more than what Jimmy and Whisenant have showed so far.

Billy Ray Bragg vs Aaron Redcloud

Bragg is higher on the ladders

Adonis Lash vs Tarzan Brownfield

Could see this one going the other way as well but I tend to go with more established talent until proven otherwise.


Black Hat Rodeo vs Durant and Osburn for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Named team over no-name one.

Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

Surely Benner is the one going over in this feud.


Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells for the GCW North American Championship

Could see this one going the other way if you want to push Wells past midcard title but thinking win over main event veteran like Kramer could help Wells as well while belt keeps him at spotlight so going with him retaining here.

Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Pretty certain Raiden is going over here in the long run but I do think that Kandori has the early advantage thanks to Sunset Army.


Poseidon vs Wolf Koziol

Poseidon was pinned in the tag match so thinking that leads into second straight singles win over Wolf for him.


Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson for the GCW Heavyweight Championship

Bit doubful Whitlock would be the one to take the belt off from Dustin, espesially right after disappointing main event performance.

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November 10th, 1985

Running Wild

Albert L. Gutterson Field House in Burlington, Vermont, 3717 in attendance


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Pre-Show – Sunset Army vs The Hillbillies

Cursed. My tag team division is quite literally cursed. That is the only explaination. So since their last appearance, I decided to dust the Hillbillies out and bring them out again - they didn't astonish in a tag team championship match, but they, they're fun and, more importantly, they're a babyface tag team. As they were working with the Sunset Army, though, Sanzo dropped John Boy across his knee and legitimately cracked his ribs. Unbelievable. They both exited the ring soon after and Karasuma ended up pinning Jim Bob in 8:25. I'm hoping this is just a freak accident, but my tag teams have been having a lot of freak accidents. Too many. (17)


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Pre-Show – Holston and Beltran vs Jimmy G and Whisenant

Speaking of. Okay, I'm being a little harsh, but maybe it's just because of how much Joel and Izaiah keep crowing about Grady's potential - I'm really not seeing it. On the plus side, though, no one got hurt and the match went off fine. Jimmy G and Keaton bumped around nicely, especially Jimmy G, and Grady Holston pinned Whisenant with a stalling suplex in 9:11. (25)


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Billy Ray Bragg vs. Aaron Redcloud

The opening match saw two rising stars go against one another and I'm quite satisfied with how it went off. Billy Ray was all fire from the get go, trying to bowl over the smaller Redcloud, who kept fighting from underneath. He showed that he had very little quit in him at all, bouncing off the ropes and knocking Bragg down with chops and kicks, but Bragg was bigger and meaner. He added a few fun new elements, too, including spitting a gob of chaw right in Aaron's face that almost made me ill watching it from the back, but Aaron sold it like a gunshot. After a few gnarly suplexes and elbows, Bragg got him to tap out in 10:!7 to the Sidewinder Choke, or as it's called in Japan, the Dragon Sleeper. (43)




We went to Osburn and Durant paired up backstage. I hadn't put them in the ring together as often as I probably should have to get them in a title match, mostly because the original intent was to push Beltran and Holston a little harder, but they weren't living up to the billing. So, I figured, giving Sebastien a chance to talk might do him some good.


Osburn started on the mic. "I've heard a lot of talk that we're the underdogs, in this match. That we're not expected to win this thing. The Black Hat Rodeo, they're a real team, they've been working together for months and months. And that's true. They do have the experience, and the cunning. But we have something else."


"We have heart," Durant cut in. "We have strength. We have will. And I know that I have something to prove. No one believed that I would ever make it this far, a boy from Haiti coming across the Atlantic to America to be a star. I wanted to be like the heroes I saw on TV, in the magazines, and I learned to fight. I learned to be strong, and to prove myself, and I'm going to continue to do so. I live and breathe wrestling, and I am not going to back down, whether I'm an underdog or not. I know I am young, I know I have a lot to prove, and this is the start. This is only the beginning for Sebastien Durant, and that is a name you will all come to remember, and respect." (41)


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Adonis Lash vs. Tarzan Brownfield

I wasn't pleased with this match, though that had less to do with the in-ring action and more to do with backstage. I'd initially planned to use Lash to put Tarzan over and start his downslide into veteran status, but not only Adonis took issue with that, but so did ASW, where he is currently one half of the tag team champions. He outright refused to lose, and made it pretty clear he might walk if I pushed it, and I can't afford losing his name value right now, so we just played it off. It's disappointing for Tarzan, but he'll get his day, perhaps.


He certainly showed up well here, These were two athletic, impressive individuals going at it, and while Tarzan is still near the bottom of the roster, he showed a lot of potential. At 31, I might have to put some of my other prospects on the back burner for a second if I'm going to use him, and I'm not sure if I want to, yet. Lash was the cagey veteran as always, using every cheap trick in the book and gyrating for fans when Tarzan was down. He took him out with a half crab after working the knee, and forced Tarzan to tap out at 10:07. (47)


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Black Hat Rodeo vs. Durant and Osburn - GCW Tag Team Championship Match

The story of the match was just what was expected. Ryan Osburn was the cagey veteran, who could individually wrestle circles around Olivares or Marshall, naturally, but was out-matched by their two-on-one tricks. They had the experience and the savvy to cut the ring in half and separate him and Durant to work them over. Durant looked green, and was the weak link of the match, but not as bad as one might expect. He spent a decent chunk of time selling to get him used to working underneath, and the Black Hat boys looked big and nasty, a pair of bruising heavyweights that controlled the pace with heavy strikes and clubbing blows. Marshall isolated Durant outside with a running lariat and Olivares his Osburn at 10:47 with a Back Suplex for the win. (41)




We went backstage to Jack Raiden. "I don't have much to say at this point. Tonight is a night for war. Tonight is a night for the big bear to go hunting. Reijiro, you tried to intimidate me, to make me feel afraid of what you have coming. To make me think that I'm going to be ambushed by your soldiers. And maybe I will. But I'm a man of honor, and conviction, and strength, and I am not going to be afraid of you, or anything you have to say. I know that I can beat, I know that I win this, and I am not going to let fear enter my heart. There is only one man that should be afraid, and there is only one man that is clearly afraid, surrounding himself with minions. That's you." (69)


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Antone Benner vs Kurt Grey

A short match, more by necessity than design. Kurt came out storming, throwing bunches and trying to take down Antone as quick as he good, but Antone kept slithering away, tripping him and dodging him, throwing him into the turnbuckle post, and doing anything he could to keep out of his way and slow him down. Of course, none of it stopped Kurt Grey, who was determined to rip the hair out of his head. The ending came 6:06 into the match when Antone managed to trick Kurt into catching the ref with a wayward right hand, using the opportunity to pull brass knuckles out of his tights and punch him in the face. Kurt went down, Benner revived the ref, and got the 1-2-3. (47)


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Marcus Kramer vs Carver Wells - GCW North American Championship Match

While Kramer isn't the most monstrous of monsters, this was a nice little David vs Goliath classic. The undersized young babyface showed a lot of fire as Carver tried to use speed and agility to stay out of Kramer's way, and it mostly worked. Kramer caught him a few times with staggering blows and a couple nasty suplexes, but Wells wouldn't stay down. It took a flying dropkick off the top rope to dizzy him and two running flying clotheslines to just set him up for the neckbreaker at 9:09, and that finally kept him down, but he was up and roaring when the match was over, and Wells had to roll out of the way, still the North American Champion. (55)




We went backstage to Poseidon, sitting in a dark room and with water dripping from his long dark hair as he sat there.


"I told you, Wolf, I told you what was going to happen today. You have only yourself to blame for your pride, your brashness, your hubris. That fire runs hot, and I respect that, in a way, but you know as well as I do that fire cannot stand up to the sea. You are going to suffer, tonight. You are going to suffer, and hurt, and fail. I am going to remind you, and everyone around us, that there is a King in this company, and I will not bow or fall before anyone else. So bring all the fire you like, bring every ounce of strength you have, every bit of fight and fury, because I guarantee you, it will not be enough to save you. And it will make it all the sweeter when you drift into the dark." (76)


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Reijiro Kandori vs Jack Raiden

Kandori came out to the ring with the Sunset Army, but sent them to the back first. Raiden came out next and stormed into the ring, looking for a fight, and the bell rang pretty much immediately. He rushed in at Kandori who tried to duck and weave around him, hitting him with leg kicks and generally trying to just take him off his feet. It partly worked, but Raiden kept fighting back, and later on in the match had him looking vulnerable with a big back body drop and a running knee-drop for a nearfall. It was then that the Sunset Army returned to encircle the ring. Karasuma and Sanzo tried to get up on one side, drawing the attention of Raiden and the referee, which made it easy for Giant Kajitani to slip in and put Raiden in a sleeper hold while the other two kept up the distraction. He choked out the Kodiak, lifting him off the ground at times in the hold, and then rolled out of the ring so that Kandori could finish up by choking him out for the benefit of the ref, ultimately getting the submission victory. (51)


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Poseidon vs Wolf Koizol

Poseidon made his way out first, looking freshly pulled from the ocean as usual and letting ropes trail behind him. Wolf wasn't quite as bombastic as normal, coming out with an uncommon intensity in his stare. He took his time circling Poseidon at first, who just stood in the middle of the ring, like he was waiting. Then Wolf exploded, taking him down with a double-leg take down and raining punches on him. Poseidon pretty much popped right up while Wolf was roaring in satisfaction and dropped him from behind with an elbow smash, but Wolf didn't really sell it either. The two fell into brawling, tossing one another around the ring, two big mean bulls that wouldn't give up an inch. Towards the end, Poseidon managed to get Wolf down on his back, holding him down with a blatant two handed choke. He made it to the four count before letting go and backed off, but once Wolf got to his feet, he tackled him and did it again, almost getting disqualified once more. The ref checked on a wheezing Wolf, and Poseidon took the opportunity to rip off a turnbuckle pad and toss it away. Once Wolf got up, he stormed after Poseidon, trying to take his head off with a lariat, but Poseidon tripped him into the exposed turnbuckle. Wolf went down bleeding, and Poseidon picked him up, dropping him face first into the knee for a Face Crusher not once but three times in quick succession before pinning him to the mat after 14:24. Wolf popped up dripping blood not long later and throwing woozy punches, and had to be told by the ref that he'd lost. While part of the no-selling was in the match script to make them both look like monsters, it was still a little much, but these two can fight like nobody's business. (59)


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Dale Whitlock vs Dustin Robinson

After the last two matches, this one had an almost subdued beginning. The two went into a proper, steady grappling exchange, testing of strength, moving through standing switches, just generally trying to test for weaknesses. The Black Hat Rodeo didn't even make an appearance at ringside, Whitlock coming out to fight on his own. Of course, he didn't stay so honorable for long. He drew a warning for the ref for raking the eyes and just brushed him off, whipping Robinson to the ground and laying into him with elbows. He tried to pick him up for the Hangman's neckbreaker, but Robinson pushed him away and dropped him with a shoulder tackle. It was an even contest through the end, two seasoned veterans that were tough as boot leather going at it, but Whitlock just couldn't secure the finish. He missed with a big haymaker lariat, and Robinson grabbed him from behind to throw him to the mat. He hit a pair of knee drops, then picked Whitlock up and hit the slingshot suplex to win in 13:43 to retain the Heavyweight championship. (54)


All in all, a fantastic show, and one I could be happy with. Adonis was still grumbling a little after the show at even being asked to put someone over, which wasn't ideal, but there was little else in the way of things to complain about. Every match delivered, at least on the main show, and even some of my undercard guys were really stepping up. The only problem was the main event being slightly underwhelming, and it was feeling like it was getting close to time to make a change, but we'd have to see. Dustin was a reliable hero to the crowd. I just didn't know if he'd ever be anything more.


Next Week:

(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Holston and Beltran

(P) Scorpio Nations vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Sawyer Rodriguez vs Sebastien Durant

Benner and Carleton vs Grey and Brownfield

Mean Machine vs Layton White

Marcus Kramer vs Jack Raiden

Whitlock and Bragg vs Robinson and Wells

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2 wrong, but eh. The Tarzan loss was pretty unlucky as he was suppose to win. Screw Lash honestly and the Poseidon one I should've known from Wolf pinning him. Still loving Poseidon man, you make his promos so well. Also Whitlock does not look like the leader of a Western Gang goes he.




Preshow: Heavenly Bodies def. Holston & Beltran

H&B just haven't been impressing and while Heavenly Bodies have not yet gained a chance to appear on TV, I think Jupiter and Saturn will take the win here.


Preshow: Scorpio Nations def. Jacoby Disney

Never bet on Disney


Preshow: Sebastian Durant def. Sawyer Rodriguez

Bit of momentum back onto Sebastian after his loss last week.


Grey & Brownfield def. Benner & Carleton

Both of these guys loss last week and could use being built up. Benner meanwhile got the win and can continue his feud while Carleton can do his thing and stare at the ceiling


Mean Machine def. Layton White

White - Jobber for Life, although I do think this seems like a preshow match.


Jack Raiden def. Marcus Kramer

One is basically looking to be the future of your company, while the other is nearing retirement.


Black Hat Rodeo def. Robinson & Wells

Not confident in my pick here, however it gives a good excuse to have BRB challenge for the North American Championship and I guess also allows for Whitlock v Robinson to go on for one more month.

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(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Holston and Beltran

(P) Scorpio Nations vs Jacoby Disney

(P) Sawyer Rodriguez vs Sebastien Durant

Benner and Carleton vs Grey and Brownfield

Mean Machine vs Layton White

Marcus Kramer vs Jack Raiden

Whitlock and Bragg vs Robinson and Wells

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(P) Heavenly Bodies vs Holston and Beltran

Could see this one goign either way as you were decently high on Bodies last time they showed up but Holston and Beltran have been pushed more lately... I go with Bodies since you have been saying that Holston and Beltran haven´t delivered.


(P) Scorpio Nations vs Jacoby Disney

Not much question on this one.


(P) Sawyer Rodriguez vs Sebastien Durant

Durent have been doing more


Benner and Carleton vs Grey and Brownfield

Thinking this is a way to give Grey a win without hurting Benner. Oh, and Tarzan gets a win too without anyone needing to complain with him partinering Grey.

Mean Machine vs Layton White

Neither guy haven´t done that much but Machine has been jobbing less.


Marcus Kramer vs Jack Raiden

Kramer looks to be on his way down so doubful he beats Raiden at this point.


Whitlock and Bragg vs Robinson and Wells

Thinking this is here to give Whitlock (and Bragg too) a win over champs andd perhaps set future titie rematch or match in Bragg´s case.

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November 13th, 1985

Maine, 744 in attendance


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Pre-show – Heavenly Bodies vs Holston and Beltran

Holston and Beltran were introduced this time as the Man Mountains, and I'm trying to really emphasize their size and power as a pair of juggernauts. Hopefully a slight character change and focusing will help them build some momentum. Jupiter and Saturn looked fine, too, if not exceptional. After a brawling affair, Beltran got the pin in 8:38 with a stalling suplex. (28)


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Pre-show – Scorpio Nations vs. Jacoby Disney

A fairly nothing match to keep building some steam for Scorpio. He has a championship pedigree, of a sort, and Jacoby is in the tail end of his career, so. Scorpio won with his Scorpion Clutch in 6:20. (38)


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Pre-Show – Sawyer Rodriguez vs Sebastien Durant

Say what you will, at least I have some cooperative job guys to count on. That's been a problem in some companies. Durant looked good and pinned Rodriguez after a Fallaway Slam in 7:09. (20)


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Benner and Carleton vs. Grey and Brownfield

A match with two-fold intentions. I wanted to see if either team maybe clicked as a unit - which, nothing to report there either way, as this just generally looked like a match of four competent singles guys working side by side - and, of course, to continue Grey and Benner's bad blood. Benner ended up throwing Carleton to the wolves in the finish, and Grey tore after him as he scampered from the ring. That left Tarzan Brownfield to submit Carleton with a Death Grip submission hold in 5:44. (43)




Billy Ray Bragg was in the backs, a wad of chewing tobacco in his lip as he tied some wrist tape around his wrists.


"Well, I suppose that congratulations are in order, huh? For Mr. Champion, Carver Wells. You done a good job wrangling that big ol' bull Marcus Kramer, I'll give you that, but y'see, good as he might be, tough as he sure is, Kramer is a man who's best days are, let's say, behind him, aren't they, Carver? You need a real challenge. You need a man who will step up against you and show you the mettle of your soul. Who will show you that you are not the only young blood around trying to make a name for yourself. I got my eye on you, and I got my eye on your gold, and you are gonna find out, soon enough, just how dangerous a Sidewinder can be." (52)


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Mean Machine vs. Layton White

Mean Machine stomped out to the ring, his mask glaring at the world and his hands balled up into fists. On commentary, Preston McKean let us know that he had set out an open challenge for anyone who wanted a fight, because he was spitting mad about, well, about everything, really. Layton White was the man who answered. It didn't go well for him. Machine bowled him over, clobbering him and brutalizing him. After 7:54, he got the pin off an Axe Bomber to put Layton away. (39)


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Marcus Kramer vs. Jack Raiden.

Now this was a fight, and a redemption for RAiden after his last big TV match. Just a battle between two big brutes, with Marcus showing his fire and toughness, not to mention his cruel savvy, but Raiden was furious and shrugged off everything that he had to eat. He elbowed his way out of a Side Suplex attempt several times, and on the last one, whipped Kramer into the ropes, caught him on the rebound with a big headbutt, and then picked him up for the powerbomb to pin him at 9:36. (56)





He didn't have much time to celebrate, though. The Sunset Army swarmed out to attack him, the three younger members beating him down to the mat and generally acting like hyenas, when out of nowhere two other wrestlers ran out to clear the ring. It was the Danger Brothers, Bret and Danny, who started blasting Sanzo and Karasuma, leaving Raiden the chance to get up and clothesline Kajitani out of the ring. The Danger Brothers helped him up and raised his hands in victory. (32)




We went backstage for Poseidon's usual spooky dark room interview. He was holding a pocket watch in one hand and dangling it in the air.

"Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time keeps marching onward, doesn't it? It rolls in, again and again, eating away at the world, just like the tides. You know how that goes, don't you, Dustin Robinson? You know how time feels. How age feels. Creeping up on you, crawling up your spine, into your bones, and your muscles, and your heart. You can feel it. 44, and still the Champion, that's a proud achievement you've got there. But is it going to be enough? Is it ever going to be enough?


It will have to be. Because you know, and I know, Mr. Robinson, that your end is approaching. It's coming soon. You are going to lose. You are going to lose your title. You are going to lose your purpose. Your glory. And you are going to feel your age, and the end, crashing down upon you. Burying you. Drowning you.


Can you hear it, Robison?" He asked, holding the pocket watch closer to his ear. "Can you hear your time ticking away? Because I can. I am the king around here. And I am coming for you. I am coming to take my throne." (79)


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Black Hat Rodeo (Whitlock and Bragg) vs Robinson and Wells

A rough battle between the two southern bruisers of the Rodeo, and two more technically minded upstanding heroes. Whitlock looked especially vicious over losing the title match on Sunday, battering both Robinson and Wells whenever he could and howling about how he was going to get what was his. Bragg just egged him on, and the two double-teamed Wells viciously in the middle of the match. Robinson came out to try and even the odds when he got the hot tag, and had Bragg up for the slingshot suplex, but Whitlock blasted him before he could make the pin with a sliding lariat to the back of the head. Dizzied, he tagged Wells back in, who just hadn't had enough time to catch his breath. Whitlocked tackled him and, at 14:28, pinned him after the Hangman's neckbreaker. (55)


Another one of our stronger shows, with a solid main event and an amazing Poseidon promo, as per usual. If I didn't think it would overexpose our King of the Seas, I'd put him on every show, but luckily I had a few great talkers in my stable. I just wish they could all go in the ring as well. Still, I felt optimistic. The top of the card was gelling, and while the crowd wasn't overly responsive at first to the Sunset Army and the Danger Brothers making the save, hopefully by being positioned in a storyline with Jack Raiden, they'd all come out shining a little more. Maybe my tag team division could be saved yet. (58) Our numbers ticked up with it, to .36 and 275k viewers.


Next Week:

(P) The Dregs vs Man Mountains

(P) Scorpio Nations vs Layton White

Sawyer Rodriguez vs Kurt Gray

Carleton and Jimmy G vs The Gwinn Brothers

Sunset Army vs Raiden and the Danger Brothers

Poseidon and Whitlock vs Robinson and Koziol

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Poseidon coming for the title. Excited to see that one. He's naturally so good in the game and the way you write him makes him seem even better. I really hope he can get the title. So close to predicting the show right again but got caught out by the Man Mountains.


Onto predictions:


Preshow: Man Mountains def. The Dregs

Despite the fact they're apparently not going well for you, Man Mountains are building up a list of names defeated that's almost as big as they are.


Preshow: Scorpio Nations def. Layton White

Layton White - Jobber for Life


Kurt Grey def. Sawyer Rodriguez

I have to say, you have a solid list of jobbers


The Gwinn Brothers def. Jimmy G and Carleton

Don't remember no Gwinn Brothers but they're a named tag team so sorry Jimmy


Raiden & The Danger Brothers def. Sunset Army

Raiden seems like too big of a name to lose here honestly.


Robinson & Koizol def. Whitlock & Poseidon

Robinson and Koizol both lost their last matches while Whitlock and Poseidon won theirs and if you want these guys to look like threats to each other, having the champ win makes sense.

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(P) The Dregs vs Man Mountains

So, looks like Man Mountains are still getting pushed while Dregs have followed their pre-show tag loss by... well, not being in the shows at all. Giving this to Man Mountains based on recent results.


(P) Scorpio Nations vs Layton White

White is jobber, Nations looks to be bit more than that.


Sawyer Rodriguez vs Kurt Gray

Gray has storyline going while Rodriquez has been in job squad.


Carleton and Jimmy G vs The Gwinn Brothers

Named team over random jobber pair.


Sunset Army vs Raiden and the Danger Brothers

Raiden is the difference maker here.


Poseidon and Whitlock vs Robinson and Koziol

Poseidon back his challenge with a win in tag action.

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