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Prestige Wrestling League (CVerse)

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47% prediciton rates a bit ugly. Sad to see Owusu go, he was probably my favourite character. Going to try something and predict the full table for next season.


1. Konrad Makinen

2. Frankie Perez

3. Tigre Salvaje Jr.

4. Yasuhide Tayama

5. Mr. Lucha II

6. Captain Lucha

7. Nelson Callum

8. Menace

9. Gram Gorman

10. Mimic


Enjoyed this first season and excited to see what is to come in the next.


47% isn't that bad when you consider over 25% was based on guessing the winner correctly!


As for Kalu, he may be out of the league, but he isn't gone from the show...


I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now the characters have been established, the second season will really develop them.


I'll write below about the predictions contest for this season, so thanks for getting yours in early!

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It's time for season 2! The league is back with three new competitors and a whole lot of drama to boot.


The predictions contest will run as follows:


  • The contest runs over 10 shows (9 rounds of the league and the final blowoff PPV).
  • Entrants must make predictions for at least 5 of the shows.
  • Ten points are available for predicting the winner of the league. This prediction must be made before the second show is posted - this will be 1st January 2021.
  • The highest % correct predictions is the winner.
  • The winner gets to choose a wrestler to be signed to the company in the future (the choice will be from a limited selection based on who is available and fits the company).




Here you can see the fixtures for all 9 rounds of the league in season 2.




And the predictions for round 1:




Gram Gorman vs. Konrad Makinen

Menace vs. Mimic

Captain Lucha vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Apollo Prince vs. Manuel Dias

(non-league match)

Nelson Callum vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Frankie Perez vs. Mr. Lucha III



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Gram Gorman vs. Konrad Makinen - Really loving the irony of a Swedish guy's entrance theme being called "Norwegian Pirate":D

Menace vs. Mimic - Menace is more over in Europe, but I think Mimic could use a win to get his season off to a flying start

Captain Lucha vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Apollo Prince vs. Manuel Dias

(non-league match)

Nelson Callum vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Frankie Perez vs. Mr. Lucha III - Don't quite understand why Frankie's competing this time around, as he's already the champ. I may have missed the explanation somewhere, but what happens if he wins the league again? Does the title shot go to the runner-up?


Also, going to go with Konrad Mäkinen to win the league this time around. Yes, I'm biased, but based on the lineup of wrestlers he seems to be the most likely.

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Gram Gorman vs. Konrad Makinen - Really loving the irony of a Swedish guy's entrance theme being called "Norwegian Pirate":D


I knew someone would pick up on that sooner or later! Still, it's a great song. Also, I appreciate you adding the two dots over the a in his name. I don't know what it means, but it makes his name look more badass.


Frankie Perez vs. Mr. Lucha III - Don't quite understand why Frankie's competing this time around, as he's already the champ. I may have missed the explanation somewhere, but what happens if he wins the league again? Does the title shot go to the runner-up?


So the championship is, in theory, separate to the league system. The league winner gets the Prestige Trophy which is an award in itself with all the prestige that comes with it. Then, the Prestige Trophy holder gets to face the PWL World Champion. If you're familiar with NJPW, then it's similar to the G1 tournament - it's a tournament on its own that the champ takes part in. It's a little confusing because the first league winner automatically became the PWL World Champion.


If Frankie Perez wins the league again, he can choose who gets the title shot, similar to how he did with Tayama in the first league.


I hope that makes sense.

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Monday W1 April 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Predictions this round

DinoKea: 5/6

Herrbear: 4/6

humph: 4/6



League II Predictions

DinoKea: 5/6

Herrbear: 4/6

humph: 4/6


League II Winner Prediction

DinoKea: Konrad Makinen

humph: Konrad Makinen


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I knew someone would pick up on that sooner or later! Still, it's a great song. Also, I appreciate you adding the two dots over the a in his name. I don't know what it means, but it makes his name look more badass.


Mäkinen (with the dots) is a Finnish name. I've always thought of Konrad as part of the Finnish-speaking minority in Sweden due to the name, and I'm just too stubborn to stop writing it that way. So, not as badass as it may seem:p



So the championship is, in theory, separate to the league system. The league winner gets the Prestige Trophy which is an award in itself with all the prestige that comes with it. Then, the Prestige Trophy holder gets to face the PWL World Champion. If you're familiar with NJPW, then it's similar to the G1 tournament - it's a tournament on its own that the champ takes part in. It's a little confusing because the first league winner automatically became the PWL World Champion.


If Frankie Perez wins the league again, he can choose who gets the title shot, similar to how he did with Tayama in the first league.


I hope that makes sense.


I see. Thanks for clearing that up:D

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Mäkinen (with the dots) is a Finnish name. I've always thought of Konrad as part of the Finnish-speaking minority in Sweden due to the name, and I'm just too stubborn to stop writing it that way. So, not as badass as it may seem:p


So he's Swedish, but has a Finnish name and a Norwegian entrance song. Do the two dots change the way the vowel sounds, like a German umlaut? Or is it something totally different?

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Just realised I never posted the predictions for the next show! I'll give you all an extra day as it's late notice - the show will be posted on Saturday.


Round 2




Captain Lucha vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Konrad Makinen vs. Menace

Gram Gorman vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Frankie Perez vs. Mimic

Mr. Lucha III vs. Nelson Callum


This is your last chance to predict the overall winner of the league which counts for ten points of your final total!

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Monday W2 April 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Predictions this round

DinoKea: 5/5

humph: 5/5


I've given everyone a point for the draw.


League II Predictions

DinoKea: 10/11

humph: 9/11

Herrbear: 4/6


League II Winner Prediction

DinoKea: Konrad Makinen

humph: Konrad Makinen


The League II Winner Prediction window is now closed.


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Captain Lucha def. Nelson Callum

Captain Lucha seems to be a midtable player, whereas Nelson Callum is competing to stay off the bottom


Tigre Salvaje Jr. def. Menace

The cup winner will likely take the win here as Menace moves down in the rankings.


Yasuhide Tayama def. Gram Gorman

Gram Gorman is possibly your least interesting current member and looks like he might be your job guy for the season. Someone has to do it I guess.


Mr. Lucha III def. Mimic

Mimic's not got a win yet this season and honestly, I don't see it happening against Mr. Lucha III


Konrad Makinen def. Frankie Perez

Makinen is my pick to win the league so I'm likely always going to pick him for wins. Could easily go either way.

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Captain Lucha vs. Nelson Callum

Menace vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Gram Gorman vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Mimic vs. Mr. Lucha III

Frankie Perez vs. Konrad Makinen - I was going to go with Perez, but I like the psychology of Mäkinen having a win over him heading into a (potential) title match

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;">Monday W3 April 2020 - PWL Television</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!</span></p><p>

<a href="https://docdro.id/LUxd6Jo" rel="external nofollow"></a></p><p>

<img alt="9vcNWcF.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9vcNWcF.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Click to see the show</span></p><p>

</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.keepandshare.com/doc20/21686/4-3-apr-w3-tv-pdf-770k?da=y" rel="external nofollow">Alternative Link</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Predictions this round</span></strong></p><p>

DinoKea: 3/5</p><p>

humph: 3/5</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">League II Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

DinoKea: 13/16</p><p>

humph: 12/16</p><p>

Herrbear: 4/6</p><p> </p><p>


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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">S2E4 Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Nelson Callum</strong> def. Mimic</p><p>

<em>Nelson Callum seems to be on the rise up the card a bit while Mimic looks to be filling the de Aske role. A touch of personalitywith his gimmick, but just there to do the job</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> def. Gram Gorman</p><p>

<em>Time for Captain Lucha to pick up a win. While the losing streak for him while Mr. Lucha III ie constantly winning would be a good story, Gram Gorman honestly just feels like he's just there. Can't see Gram winning, particularly against the Captain</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Yasuhide Tayama</strong> def. Menace</p><p>

<em>Even if Menace is suppose to be a big top contender, I can just never seem to predict to do well. In this case Tayama is almost certainly going to have a good finish, so I expect him to get the win here</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr. Lucha III</strong> def. Konrad Makinen</p><p>

<em>I honestly though Konrad was heading for a season win, but honestly now definitely going for Mr. Lucha III. That includes him getting the win here, possibly with a roll-up</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tigre Salvaje Jr.</strong> def. Frankie Perez</p><p>

<em>This has to be a 50/50 if I have ever seen one. Either of these two could walk away here as they are both top compeitors. I could see Salvaje getting the win once again so I'm going to back him.</em></p>

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Mimic vs. Nelson Callum


Captain Lucha vs. Gram Gorman


Menace vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Konrad Makinen vs. Mr. Lucha III - I hope I'm wrong here (for somewhat obvious reasons), but Lucha's probably going to get another tainted win


Frankie Perez vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr - I can see Tigre getting another upset against the champ, but I dont think it will happen

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Monday W4 April 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



Click to see the show


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Predictions this round

humph: 4/5

DinoKea: 3/5



League II Predictions

DinoKea: 16/21

humph: 16/21

Herrbear: 4/6



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What's up with Mr. Lucha III that'smeant he has to miss this event?


Captain Lucha def. Menace

Both are struggling but I think Menace's stroyline is going to find some excuse for him to lose again


Tigre Salvaje Jr. def. Manuel Dias

I can't see letting Dias win benefitting you


Apollo Prince def. Tsuneyo Yanagimoto

Apollo Prince is set to be a future addition to the roster, and that meand beating Tsuneyo here.


Konrad Makinen def. Mimic

I think I've made it pretty clear my expectations for Mimic aren'tparticularlyhigh this season


Nelson Callum def. Gram Gorman

It's honestly pretty unlikely I pick Gorman at all this season.


Frankie Perez def. Yasuhide Tayama

This could go either way honestly, but I think Perez is being booked to be 2nd in the league, so that means Tayama has to take the loss here.

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What's up with Mr. Lucha III that'smeant he has to miss this event?


My beloved OLLIE decided to start running TV on Sunday nights without me noticing. Mr. Lucha III works for them with higher priority than PWL so he couldn't appear. As for kayfabe story, I guess I didn't really explain, maybe on the next show it says it, but PWL just accepts he has other commitments (and we brush over it!).


From now on, PPVs take place on Thursday because it's otherwise pretty empty of scheduling commitments for the rest of the roster. It's also the reason the likes of SUKI are never pushed. They have a crazy schedule in Japan and aren't consistently available for the same night every week.

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Captain Lucha vs. Menace

Tigre Salvaje Jr vs. Manuel Dias (non-league)

Apollo Prince vs. Tsuneyo Yanagimoto (non-league)

Konrad Makinen vs. Mimic

Gram Gorman vs. Nelson Callum

Frankie Perez vs. Yasuhide Tayama - The champion should almost never lose non-title matches

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