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Closing threads that point out flaws

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Once again, a thread that brings up valid issues with the game has been closed. This time, it was the thread comparing TEW 2016 to 2020 and why someone would choose the older game over the new one. There were points brought up in that thread that the management team obviously doesn't want to hear, and in fact someone representing GDS went on the defensive, so it gets closed. This has happened many times. Can someone please address the balancing and other issues in the game and not shut down threads every time they are mentioned?
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Oh, if ONLY there were a forum on these boards to point out flaws and to offer suggestions on what might be done to improve future iterations of the game!


Oh, if ONLY there were such a forum... Wait, there is! It's been posted in many times, in fact. Wow!


Yeah, it's also been ignored for months and nobody has addressed anything pointed out in that forum. It's also not future iterations of the game that are the issue, it's this iteration.

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