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Is there an advantage in the game to signing former wrestlers and such who have mic skills and charisma and pairing them with high wrestling ability guys who are maybe lacking in the mic and charisma areas? Just wondering if this will help build those guys as stars better or faster.


Obviously this is done in real world wrestling, just didn’t know if that translated to the game as well.

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Is there an advantage in the game to signing former wrestlers and such who have mic skills and charisma and pairing them with high wrestling ability guys who are maybe lacking in the mic and charisma areas? Just wondering if this will help build those guys as stars better or faster.


Obviously this is done in real world wrestling, just didn’t know if that translated to the game as well.


It allows you to put guys in segments they would otherwise struggle in. They help them with their entertainment skills. It doesn't necessarily help them become stars faster, but it helps guys whose entertainment skills might otherwise be lacking overcome that hurdle (plus, they are active at ringside and can add to a match rating)

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Is there an advantage in the game to signing former wrestlers and such who have mic skills and charisma and pairing them with high wrestling ability guys who are maybe lacking in the mic and charisma areas? Just wondering if this will help build those guys as stars better or faster.


Obviously this is done in real world wrestling, just didn’t know if that translated to the game as well.


Managers with high charisma or sex appeal (?) can boost match ratings. I usually stick a high charisma manager with a low charisma worker. Somebody who needs a mouthpiece to cut a promo for them. You can utilise managers to give heels wins by choosing the manager interference note too.

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Haven't tested it, but from how it appears with matches I think the game assumes the manager is there if you don't specifically book him, and he might help the worker based on chemistry or whatever, but the angle will only be rated on the worker.


This would seem like Heyman with Roman. Heyman is there, but Roman is the lead.


Booking the angle with the manager leading, and the worker being highlighted would be like Heyman with Brock.


I think if you just book the manager, the game does not assume the worker is there, but if it's the other way around it does.

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So here's a question:


I've always booked my managers in my angles as opposed to just letting them "assist" the wrestler. Am I negating the manager bonus and the game just naturally assumes that a guys manager is in an angle, or should I keep manually placing them in?


I do both. It depends on what I view the purpose of the segment as. If they are a Jim Cornette manager where they do all the talking, then I book them in angles.


If they are more of a Tully with FTR, I would just put FTR in the angle and let them get the bonus of Tully helping them.

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