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Storylines in small/event-only companies

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TEW 2020 is my first time playing this franchise. I've learned a ton over the past month or so and it's sort of taken me down a rabbit hole. One of the things I've been trying to get better at is working storylines into shows.


It makes sense in a TV/PPV scenario. You build up to a match over 4 weeks of TV and have the match on the PPV. But what do you do when you run a small company that only has monthly events? How do you keep stories going?

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One thing you could do is event contained storylines. Segments book ending the show with something in the middle to move it along.


Another thing is just like in the TV and Event world, is plan a few shows ahead. For example, say you have a young tag team you want to build up. The first event they go up against the more experienced veterans and lose. You can keep them apart for several shows and have them be on a collision course. Maybe they meet again in 3 shows and the vets win again. Now you have this "can they get over the hump" storyline. Maybe it's a flash pin and the youngsters win that second match. Can they really win and not be a fluke? Or maybe the vets underestimate them and the youngsters win. Them they would be tied. You can keep them apart for a few months to build up to that rubber match. In the shows in between, you can have promos, confrontations, etc to keep them close.

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TEW 2020 is my first time playing this franchise. I've learned a ton over the past month or so and it's sort of taken me down a rabbit hole. One of the things I've been trying to get better at is working storylines into shows.


It makes sense in a TV/PPV scenario. You build up to a match over 4 weeks of TV and have the match on the PPV. But what do you do when you run a small company that only has monthly events? How do you keep stories going?


Without going off on a rant, I find having small stables/teams helps you keep storylines going. Story A can have babyface and heel, with 2 of the heels henchmen (maybe a tag team) and maybe the babyface's buddy in the story. First event is maybe a Tag match to get going. Next event, you have face cut a promo on heel and his buddies, with him taking on one of them one on one at that event. Storyline progresses. Maybe there's some interference? Maybe heel appears at ringside to scout babyface? Event 3 heel takes on face, heel cuts promo before the match on face...have match. Either feud ends there...or you heel wins via interference or face wins and heel demands rematch. And while this is happening, maybe babyface's buddy and another guy take on heel's two henchmen in a separate match at the even to get some of the rub from the storyline they're a part of (supporting?).


Lots of stuff you can do when you've got a few guys in the story. I'd also suggest looking at old wrestling history, and some of the long time rivalries like Flair/Sting or Flair/Rhodes and see how they wrestled each other all the time, but always threw in wrinkles to keep the feud fresh. Good luck.

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I typically have the owner (my character) be a manager for half the roster. That way the other half of the roster can keep their feuds going if guys are missing those nights.


Also, like others stated, sometimes you have to have a big match sooner than anticipated

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Thanks for the ideas, everyone!


I've been pretty much keeping my storylines as basic feuds. The way I see it, my tiny crowds won't be able to remember complicated storylines that only advance a month at a time, but they can pick up that Kid Fantastic and The Masked Mauler are enemies. So it's pretty basic stuff like post-match beat downs, distractions, interferences.


And since I'm an insignificant company, I'm trying to keep all my angles in-ring.

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TEW 2020 is my first time playing this franchise. I've learned a ton over the past month or so and it's sort of taken me down a rabbit hole. One of the things I've been trying to get better at is working storylines into shows.


It makes sense in a TV/PPV scenario. You build up to a match over 4 weeks of TV and have the match on the PPV. But what do you do when you run a small company that only has monthly events? How do you keep stories going?


You just cut out the fluff. So let's say you're doing the storyline between MJF and Sammy Guevara and the Inner Circle. You're obviously building to a Sammy vs. MJF match and you're turning Sammy face and kicking him out of the IC.


TV Model(4 weeks TV, PPV):


Week 1: MJF towel throw, Sammy breaks it up, Jericho sees Sammy with the towel.

Week 2: Jericho mediates a discussion between Sammy and MJF, with everyone taking Sammy's side. Chris believes MJF. Cooler heads prevail

Week 3: Sammy and Chris tag against Butcher and Blade, MJF gives Sammy the ring, but Sammy doesn't want it. Chris gets left out to dry, pinned. Sick of the crap, he orders MJF and Sammy to settle it, with him as special guest referee.

Week 4: Promos from Sammy, Chris, and MJF.

PPV: Once again match comes down to shenanigans, but this time Jericho catches MJF cheating. Sammy tells him that he's been trying to screw him the whole time. Jericho puts Sammy at ease... and then hits him with the Judas Effect. Jericho smiles at MJF who covers Sammy. They hug as the crew beats down Sammy as a unit.


Event-based (2 a month)


You cut the W2 and W4. You just do the tag match, and then the match the next event, and you sprinkle a promo for all parties so they can explain themselves. Everything else is assumed to happen off-screen.

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