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Lucha Underground - the Bootstrap Paradox

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Papa Shango!!!! Now that's a great character to have in LU. Well done.


He seems to be MADE for this universe, right? Makes me wonder if LU approached him IRL, after all they had HTM make a cameo as a prison guardian.


Aztec Warfare! Papa Shango! Animo!


Good show man, two Aztec Warfares on the boards in the same 24 hour period... love it!


Thank you dude!

Aztec Warfare is the BEST, but as you know a little difficult to write, it's a huge bit! Hopefuly i've done as good as you did


Thank you for the support!

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Amazing Warfare!! Perfectly booked! Enjoyed Kendrick, he's a man with a plan indeed. Star-making performance for Laredo, and just like in real life he steals the show only to come up short. Top notch work, felt like I was watching the show and not reading it.



Thank you my friend!

Really kind words, I appreciate it


Laredo is my Fénix in this game, he puts on great performances every time... But i'll see if I pull the trigger :p

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Show opens, as in all good telenovelas, with a recap of previous episodes. This one recaps the Aztec Warfare, with Laredo Kid's epic run, EC3's ultimate win, Ophidian almost hypnotizing Drago, Mil Muertes & LuFisto strange psychopatic connection, and La Hiedra & Facade eliminating their rival Black Taurus.


It then transitions into a recap of the Aerostar/Dario Cueto's conservations about the alternate timeline, the need to save the world and the parrallels between this reality and theirs.


Boyle Heights Central Hospital






La Hiedra & Facade are wearing street clothes, with Facade's being full of neons colours like his wrestling attire. He's holding a flower bouquet, and they enter a room. As the camera zooms in, we see the name on the door "Patient #324: "Son Of Havoc""






Havoc is laying in a bed, wearing a huge neckbrace that partially immobilizes him. He thanks his friend Facade for the bouquet, but seems less friendly towards La Hiedra. Facade tries to break the ice by telling Havoc about Aztec Warfare and how they finally eliminated Black Taurus. Havoc stays mute, and La Hiedra tells him that they petitioned to Dario Cueto in order to have a two on one match again Taurus in the Temple, and finally avenged SOn Of Havoc's broken back.


Havoc grumbles, he says that it's because he saved La Hiedra that he had his back broken. SHE should be laying in this bed, not being able to move her legs anymore. La Hiedra seems really confused and sad, but Facade interferes: they did what was right! Were they gonna let La Hiedra in harm's way? Facade tells Havoc if SHE was in this spot, she wouldn't be blaming others, and Havoc would feel terrible.


The masked biker concedes with mixed feelings of bitterness and despair. La Hiedra apologizes, but Havoc tells her there's no need. If she wants to make up for... "This"... They better kick that bull's ass all over Boyle Heights. He wants to be able to hear it from his hospital chamber!





Luke Calhoun: Listen... I fixed your water leaks, I didn't charge you anything, I got brought into a wrestling match, althought i'm just a plumber... I may be a plumber, but I'm a born fighter. I'm a manly man. This punk Homicide, we were partner, and then he attacked me after we lost. What a b*tch! I want a match with him, or else I'll break every water pipe in your Temple until you have to swim to the ring.






Dario Cueto: Yeah... Yeah, you've got your match, RIGHT NOW... But because you had the audacity to threaten me in order to have this match, it will be a STREET FIGHT. Good luck, Luke.


Street Fight: Homicide vs. Luke Calhoun

Two weeks ago, The Mack randomly picked local plumber Luke Calhoun to team with him and Nelson "Homicide" Erazo for a rematch at the Trios Championship. After a miscommunication between the two cost them the match, Homicide kicked Calhoun in the balls and attempted to hit him with a chair before Mack detered him.

Calhoun comes out of Cueto's office, and Homicide makes his entrance with a chain wrapped around his forearm.

This is an all out brawl. Luke Calhoun, being a plumber, doesn't hit a single wrestling move, but he fights like a street thug. In front of him, Homicide is a literal street thug AND a trained wrestler. They're equal when they brutally brawl, but when Homicide starts hitting moves like a DDT on the chains, he gets the better. He finally hits a Three Amigos on Calhoun and ends him with the Gringo Killer.






Homicide is all sweaty, but no blood has come from his body, whereas Calhoun's back is strained with marks from the chains Homicide used. But 'Cide is not done, he's out for blood! "It's time to make this b*tch bleed!" 'Cide grabs something out of his boot... It's a fork! Homicide comes to the semi-conscious Calhoun, but out comes The Mack!






Mack pleads to Homicide to let Calhoun alone. "He's done! You won!" 'Cide asks him why he gets in between, and Mack tells him that "we're partners! We're amigos!" Homicide looks upset, but also disgusted... But he obliges, put the fork back in his boot, and follows Mack out of the ring, but with one nasty looks towards Calhoun.


Backstages, last week, after Aztec Warfare.






PJ: Damnit! Those rabbit schmucks ambushed me! The Worldwide Underground can't let that fly!

Mark: Oh PJ, it's too bad I was stuck on the bench, otherwise I could have come to your rescue with a solid block, and you would have make me the decisive pass for the TOUCHDOOOOWN!

Barbie: You're the best, Mark!

Zicky: Dude they SUCK! And what about those dingleberries Taurus and Mil? They caught me before I was ready! I was about to make a strike in this Aztec Warfare! I was coming hot, I was prepared, I just had a GREAT massage - hey do you know about that place called "Zen Massage" in Boyle Heights? They're doing GREAAAT massages if you know what I mean... Right guys? RIGHT?!

Barbie: Ew...

PJ: Shut up Zicky! The Rabbit Tribe has waged war on the Worldwide Underground. So we will wage war to them. The man who believes he's a rabbit, the... Checker-bodysuit-man, and the fat one... We're gonna get them.


Barbie: GO WU GO!

Zicky: Why me? What do you mean?

Barbie: Huh?

Zicky: You said "why you"!

Barbie: Those are the initials of the group! Worldwide Underground!

Mark: Yeah, don't be a NERD, those are our initials.

Zicky: Haha!... Yeah!... Right!... Hey guys, wanna go play bowling?

PJ: Shut up Ricky!... I mean Zicky!... Wait why did I call you Ricky?...

Zicky: Never mind, you're buzzing like an old juke box PJ, you need relaxing!... Have I told you about this great massage spot?...


Trios Match: Laredo Kid, Aerostar & Drago vs. Death's Disciple

Coming off a superb performance in Aztec Warfare, Laredo Kid is widely supported by the believers in the Temple, and he comes out hot! His elder partners and mentors, Aerostar & Drago, let him shine a lot althought they also hit some great moves. On the other side, it's the massive Payne who does the heavy lifting, with Kodama & Obaryion seemingly not on par with their opponents.

It's a fun match, but you know who's the star here. Laredo Kid ends it by pinning Obariyon after his Laredo 630 (630° Senton)



After a quick advertising break, we found ourselves at the top of the Lucha Temple roof.





Laredo Kid: Last week... I thought you were done, papi. What did that snake do to you?

Drago: I don't know that trick... Something he must have learn in the East where he was exiled. But I'm alright.

Aerostar: Are you sure, my friend? We cannot be distracted from our task.

Drago: Estoy bien.

Laredo Kid: Yeah about that... I'm not sure I'm fit for the job, Aerostar. I mean... Time traveling, parallel dimensions, multiverse... I don't know.

Aerostar: You're perfect. You're el elegido, the prince that was promised.

Laredo Kid: But what shoud I do?

Aerostar: We're dealing with a complicated matter here... I'm not certain about how to best correct the universe and prevent the world from dying... But I think... I think you've got to be the Lucha Underground Champion.

Laredo Kid: Man, I was THAT close last week.

Aerostar: You will have another shot, I will make sure of that.





Mil Muertes is standing in a dark and shadowy place. In front of him, his three disciples are kneeled down. He's wearing a purple suit and has fury in his eyes.


Mil Muertes: Esta la ultima vez que tu me decepcionás, Obaryion...


Mil Muertes grabs Obaryion by his throat and lifts him up with a single arm. He has him up in the air, choking out.


Mil Muertes: You failed me in Aztec Warfare... You got pinned tonight... You're not fit to serve me.


Obaryion's legs are shaking, and suddenly, we hear a loud "CRACK" noise. Mil throws him like nothing against a wall, and it seems he has one disciple less.


Mil Muertes: Is it clear for the rest of you?


As his disciples stay silent in shock and fear, someone emerges from the shadows, behind Mil.






Mil Muertes: Catrina... You finally came back to your senses. Now that I've burried your boyfriend, this useless mortal, you're coming to me. You'll be mi reina, and we'll rule the world together.

Catrina: I will be your queen... IF... You get me something.

Mil Muertes: There's nothing I won't do for my queen of death.

Catrina: I'll be your queen... If you bring me an offering fitted to me.

Mil Muertes: I will offer you the heads of the 100 bravest warriors in the world, on a silver platter.

Catrina: I don't want death... I want power.




"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! You already know the drill, it's the return of the WORLD FAMOUS, INTERNET BUZZING, DARIO'S DIAL OF DOOOOOOM!


Who will face MY brother for MY Lucha Underground Championship tonight? LET'S FIND OUT!












Ethan Cueto The Third © vs. Black Lotus

Black Lotus has a much smaller frane than her opponent, the ripped heavyweight EC3. As soon as the bell rings, he laughs at her and pats her head... To be kicked with a serie of martial arts kicks! Black Lotus, the leader of the Black Lotus Triad, is a goddamn magician in the ring. She shines with a brillant combination of high-flying moves and martial arts shots. She offers EC3 a huge challenge, and this match is far more open than what the champion thought.

It's a brutal size and strength vs. speed and agility confrontation. Black Lotus almost wins it with her Bridging Wheelbarrow suplex, but EC3 gets the win with the Wrath of the Gods, althought this match pushed him to the limits.



Back in Dario Cueto's office...






Aerostar: Cueto... So far you've been acting like your usual self. I think no one has doubts on you. No one can even imagine you're from another dimension and the you they know is in a prison in Mexico.

Dario Cueto: Speaking about that... Where in Mexico?

Aerostar: Why do you want to know?

Dario Cueto: I'm just curious! It's not often you have an exact copy of yourself in front of you!... Well I bet he's not as handsome as me though.

Aerostar: This is not a game, Cueto! Remember this is not our world. I had to mess with the fabric of time to bring you back and defeat the Gods, but it tore the continum of space and time!

Dario Cueto: Well, to be quite honest, I like this world. No Brotherhood, no Agent Winter, no Man in the Limo with his cheaps british cigars... And here I've got a submissive, docile brother who do as I order.

Aerostar: Don't you miss your real brother? Don't you miss Matanza?

Dario Cueto: Oh, Matanza was a pain in the ass. He saved my life and killed mother, yeah, but after that he was a constant nuisance. I has to feed him, take care of him... Do you know at age 12, he killed his spanish teacher? I had to intervene, we had to come to America because of that! No, I don't miss him. I prefer Ethan. He's not an outrageous monster. He enjoys fine wine, he's kind of funny... And once again, he does what I tell him to. It's like having a personal slave!

Aerostar: Cueto... This world... Everything will be destroy if we don't act.

Dario Cueto: Yeah yeah, I know I know. Have I not act? I brought back the Dial of Doom. I'm in the process of bringing back the Gift of the Gods, what more?

Aerostar: I told you. We have to replicate what happened in our universe the best we can so we can merge the two timelines together.

Dario Cueto: Okay, so you want the Gift of the Gods to happen sooner? Done deal, next week, the 3 last medallions will be on the line.

Aerostar: That's a start.

Dario Cueto: Chill out, Aerostar. Listen, you brought me back from the death, that's cool. Now you do your thing with your dragon friend, I help you, you help me, one hand washes the other. Alright?

Aerostar: Don't play games with me Cueto. It could cost us much more than you imagine... And stay vigilant. Althought there's no Brotherhood here, this reality mimics ours. Some things stay the same, soe changes... And some are confusing replicates.

Dario Cueto: Don't worry, I'm on that undercover cop thing. I'm pretty sure it's Bill Carr anyway. With his chest hair, his aviator glasses and his tomfooleries? I've seen that already, I dealt with it in our world.

Aerostar: I'm talking about the Universe, Cueto. Not you. Not your freedom or you life, but the whole Universe...



The camera pans out, and we see that someone was listening from the outside, his ear right next to the door...






Quick Show Recap:

  • Facade & La Hiedra visit Son Of Havoc in the hospital. He's a bit resentful to be stuck here and injured because of saving La Hiedra from Black Taurus and blames her. Facade plays the peacemaker, and announces Son Of Havoc that he and La Hiendra will face Black Taurus 2 on 1 next week to avenge his broken back.
  • Luke Calhoun is a plumber who was randomly picked by The Mack to team with him and Homicide in a Trios title match. Following a miscommunication between the two, they lost and 'Cide kicked Calhoun in the balls. So Calhoun comes to Dario's office and threatens to break the water pipes if he doesn't have a match. Dario obliges, but makes it a Street Fight.
  • Homicide disposes of Calhoun in a Street Fight. Post match, he's out for blood but The Mack interferes and deter him from hitting the poor plumber with a fork.
  • The Worldwide Underground are dorks! PJ Black is angry that The Rabbit Tribe ambushed him in Aztec Warfare. He declares war on the Rabbit Tribe.
  • Laredo Kid, Drago and Aerostar defeat the Death Disciples.
  • Aerostar, Drago and Laredo Kid ponders on how to save the Temple and the world, while discussing Ophidian's attempt at hypnotizing Drago during Aztec Warfare. Aerostar declares that Laredo is the Prince that was Promised and will sace the world.
  • Mil Muertes kills off his disciple Obaryion for losing. Out of the dark comes Catrina. She accepts to be Mil's Queen... If he gets her "power".
  • Dario's Dial of Doom is back! EC3 will defend his championship against... Black Lotus!
  • EC3 beats Black Lotus in a huge competitive match.
  • Aerostar comes to Dario's office. He tells him this is not a game, they have to save the world, this one and theirs. Dario says he likes this world and this "slave" brother. He mentions that he thinks Bill Carr is the undercover cop in the Temple. Aerostar warns him that they have to speed up.
    Meanwhile, we see that Dario's brother EC3 was listening throught the door the whole time...

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Show opens cold inside of Dario Cueto's office.






Dario Cueto: Listen. I won't take any shortcuts or go a million ways about that. I know you're a cop. I can SMELL you and your kin.

Bill Carr: What? A cop? What are you talking about?

Dario Cueto: Your aviator glass, your sleazy behaviour,... That over excessive chest hair... I've seen it all before. I can see through you, you're a goddamn cop coming after El Jefe!

Bill Carr: Man, this is nonsense.

Dario Cueto: No. I'm going to tell you what's nonsense: it's me letting an undercover cop go unpunished in MY Temple.

Bill Carr: Dude, that's total flim-flam!

Dario Cueto: So i've thought about it. I could give you a no disqualification match again my brother so that he beat you to death...

Bill Carr: That's preposterous!

Dario Cueto: ... I could book you in a Grave Consequence against Mil Muertes...

Bill Carr: I'm just your regular luchador who's always part-time good looking and hand-model for soap commercials!

Dario Cueto: ... OR I could feed you to Marty the Moth... Literally.

Bill Carr: Man, I'm getting a little dizzy...

Dario Cueto: But I could take advantage of a cop.

Bill Carr: But what if I'm not?

Dario Cueto: So you are?

Bill Carr: No I'm not!... But what if I did?

Dario Cueto: So you're NOT a cop?

Bill Carr: Well... Is there anything to gain if I AM a cop?

Dario Cueto: There's everything to lose if you are and you're of no use to me.

Bil Carr: But what if I'm NOT?

Dario Cueto: I'd rather have you killed than have a doubt...

Bill Carr: So either I'm not a cop, and I'm dead. I could lie to you and tell you i'm a cop and then... I'm dead I guess?

Dario Cueto: Not if you help me... One hand washes the other. I let you live, you continue your undercover shtick, AND to give me information on the investigations going on on me.

Bill Carr: Like... A dirty cop?

Dario Cueto: What is dirty is Marty the Moth's mouth. Have you smell this pestilence? It's like there are living bodies in decomposition in his stomach... Well, thinking of it that might JUST be the case.

Bill Carr: Do I have some time to think about it?

Dario Cueto: Yeah, sure. Come back next week with a deal... And don't do anything foolish. I can be a very dangerous man...


Bill Carr leaves Dario's office, goes down a corridor, and looks behind his back. Assured that he's alone, he takes an old Nokia cell-phone out from his shoe and call someone, with his hand shielding his mouth as to lower his voice, talking in an unvolontary funny series of whispers.


Bill Carr: Hey there partner... I think i'm busted... I don't know!... No I didn't make anything foolish!... I don't know how he guessed it! Aztec magic maybe... Well he wants me to double cross the police and help him... Of course I didn't say yes!... I'm loyal!... I'm not a dirty cop, partner!... Ok... Hu-hu... Yes... Right... Well... So what do I do?... No, he threatens me with atrocities, I can't!... Partner, can't you help me?... Okay... Well, okay... But you'll help me right? After all, you too are undercover in the Temple, and no one can suspect you.


Singles Match for an Ancient Aztec Medallion

LuFisto vs. Jimmy Yuta

Technical wizard Jimmy Yuta is making his Temple debut against one of Lucha Underground's most feared coimpetitor, the crazed killing machine known as LuFisto. Yuta goes to her with some chain wrestling and suprisingly has the match in check in the beginning, immobilizing his opponent and keeping her to the ground. Everything changes when he manages to get the french-canadian in a boston crab. LuFisto begins laughin, and she straight out POWERS out of the hold. What's next is total devastation, as the canadian monster mauls Jimmy Yuta and ends him with a Death Valley Bomb, earning herself an Aztec Medallion, joining the Worldwide Underground, Marty the Moth and Thea Trinidad.



Outside of the Temple, last week after the show.






Azteca Jr: Wait!

Black Lotus: Back off, Dragon... I told you I won't fight you for the crimes of your master.

Azteca Jr: I'm not here to fight... Yet.

Black Lotus: What do you want?

Azteca Jr: I've seen your fight with EC3... You're good. You're a true warrior. I can judge people by seeing how they fight. And you fought with honor.

Black Lotus: So you believe me now? You believe I didn't kill your master for free, but because he murdered my parents?

Azteca Jr: I... I don't know. My master was an honorable man, I don't see him doing something so atrocious.

Black Lotus: But he did. Listen, I don't kill for fun. I won't kill you because you're loyal to a man who lied to you. Believe me, the bad blood has ended. He killed my parents, I killed him. There's no need for more. The debt is paid.

Azteca Jr: What about your debt?! You killed my master!... Even if he killed your parents... I'm sure he had a reason. I'm sure THEY were evil. My master was a true vigilante.

Black Lotus: There's no such thing as good and evil in this world, Dragon... But I can make you see the truth.

Azteca Jr: How?

Black Lotus: I worked for the Tokyo police. That's how I knew the culprit was your master. That's how I tracked him down, years after years. I was 14 when my parents were murdered. It took me 8 years to find him and kill him. I could show you the police file.

Azteca Jr: That would mean he killed them BEFORE he took me for his apprentice... Okay. I will trust you, for now. Show me those police files, and we talk furthermore.


Handicap Match: Facade & La Hiedra vs. Black Taurus

There are no tag in this grudge match. Facade & La Hiedra both face the monster who attacked them multipled times and injured their friend Son Of Havoc, breaking his back. Black Taurus, the Minotaur, is a scary figure. He's a monster, and he defeated both his opponents in singles match, easily disposing of them. But facing the two of them, they're suddenly equals!

It takes the two of La Hiedra & Facade to match Taurus' power. This gives us a very competitive match, where the brute strength of Taurus often owerpowers them and nearly gives him the win, such as when he hits an electric chair on BOTH of them, with one of each on one of his shoulders.

In the end though, the will for revenge of La Hiedra & Facade triumphs, after a serie of stunning double attacks made of quick kicks and dropkicks, they hit a steros superkick followed by a double diving attack (a La Hiedra Frog Splash and a Facade Phoenix Splash) with a double team pin for the ultimate win.



They did it! They avenged their friend Son Of Havoc, and they beat the monster! As the bell rings, both Facade and La Hiedra fall into each other's arms in celebration of pure joy.


In Dario Cueto's office...





The Moth: Listen, boss. Your pretty, appetizing ring announcer attacked me in Aztec Warfare... I want her.

El Jefe: There's no sexual innuendo here, right?... The Californian employment laws are terrible with sexual harrassement, they protect everyone.

The Moth: I want her. In a ring. I want her. In my belly. I want to taste her flesh and lick her blood from her open wounds...

El Jefe: That's... Disgusting, as always... Listen. You won a Golden Opportunity, an Aztec medallion. You told me you didn't want it, but I'll make you oblige. Next week, you and the five other recipients will have a UNIQUE match and a big opportunity.

The Moth: I don't care about that.

El Jefe: I know, but I do. So listen: you will participe in that match and do as I want... And maybe you can have a match with Shaul Guerrero, deal?

The Moth: That's a deal... But don't waste my time Cueto, I'm hungry.




"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... You know the drill by now. THIS IS DARIO'S DIAL OF DOOOOM! I will spin the wheel in order to decide the poor sacrificial lamb who will get a title shot at MY Brother for MY Lucha Underground Championship... So let's spin the WHEEEEEEL!"


Dario spins the wheel, but it's suddenly halted. Someone came out and just stopped the wheel with her own hand.






Dario Cueto: What are you doing? Are you crazy? You want to join your littre boyfriend in the grave? What the...






Out from behind Catrina come Payne and Kodama, Mil's last remaining Disciple of Death after he killed Obaryion. They take the wheel... And push it down from the pedestal it was in! They jump on it and proceed in breaing the wheel with an iron bar. As Dario shouts at his brother, who's in the ring, to come and help, EC3 instead turns out to...






"It's ME you're facing, and I want my belt back!"


Lucha Underground Championship Match

Ethan Cueto the Third © vs. Mil Muertes (/w. Catrina)

Mil Muertes gets the early advantage by having the surprise by his side. The God of Death lost the Lucha Underground Championship to EC3 on the very first episode of Season 5 and is out for revenge. Now managed by Catrina, who's ringside, Mil seems to have find a new purpose. Ringside, Payne & Kodama hold Dario at bay, preventing him from coming near the ring.

EC3 is left by himself, but he puts up a great fight. This is a wild brawl where every powermoves in the book is hitten. EC3 manages to hit a running powerslam on Mil for a two count. Mil hits a superplex that shakes the ring. The God of Death is adamant on wanting to hit his dreaded Flatliner, which he tries multiple times, but every single time EC3 dodges or counter.

In the end, this obsession with his finisher costs Mil, because picking up EC3 for the Flatliner, he allows the champ to hit him in the side of the skull with numerous elbows, pick him up in a fireman's carry, and hit the Wrath of the Gods for a three count.



Post match, Mil is furious, having kicked out JUST after the 3. As EC3 gets out of the ring and retrieve his belt, he goes straight to Dario. Payne and Kodama are smart enough to get out of his way, and the Boss snatches the belt from his brother's hands. EC3 doesn't seem too happy about that, like always, but he follows Cueto in his office.


We're now taken to a strange scene: a little, innocent white rabbit jumping around on some green grass. We follow him throught a wood, and he goes down a burrow. The camera magically follows him down the burrow, and we're surprised by a gigantic sort of lair what's under a tree. The tree's roots are coming down the ceiling, and they intertwind in a sort a throne. On this throne is seated Brian Kendrick. The white rabbit we followed go straight to him, and Kendrick gently picks him up and puts him on his laps, where the three Lucha Underground Trios Championship belt are laying. Kendrick gently caresses the small animal, and he seems to... Be talking to it?






"What news do you bring me from the world, my rabbit friend? Tell your God... What?... Someone is waging war on OUR Tribe?... Who are these fools?... I see... So The Worldwide Underground is preparing some terrible plan to come to my lair and take what is mine... I see... Well, let's dragg them down the rabbit hole, and see how they like it..."



As Kendrick explodes in laughter, the camera zooms on the rabbit... And his eyes turn purple. The lair is then subject to strange things. As the camera becomes shaky and flashs of psychedelic colours emerges, Kendrick's laugh grows more and more loud, yet seems like he's getting farther and farther away. What's when flowers start to grow spontaneously out of the ground, first a few, then a multitude, to the point where the entire lair's ground is covered in multicolour flowers in a matter of seconds.


The camera then once again zooms on the bird, and slowly zooms in his strange, psychedelic purple eye...






Quick Show Recap:

  • Dario Cueto is SURE that Bill Carr is a cop and confronts him about that. He offers him no choice: either he dies via an encounter with the worse the Temple has to offer, or he cooperates with Cueto. Carr asks for a week to consider. Once out of the office, he makes a phone call. This call gives us two infos: first, Cueto was right and Carr is an undercover cop. And second, he's not the only undercover cop in the Temple, he has a team-mate... Who could that be?
  • Maniacal, doll-talking, serial-killin' LuFisto defeats Jimmy Yuta to earn an Aztec Medallion.
  • We get footages from last week, where outisde of the Temple, El Dragon Azteca Jr runs after Black Lotus. He's seen her fight, and he could see she's an honorable warrior. This puts him into even more confusion, as he doesn't know if he believes what she told him: that she killed his master because HE killed her innocent parents. Lotus explained he did this 8 years ago, and Azteca realizes this was BEFORE he even took him as his pupil. Lotus revals he once worked for the Tokyo Police and can produce the police file to convince Azteca Jr. He agrees to see it.
  • Facade & La Hiedra finally get their revenge on Black Taurus after he attacked them multiple times and broke their friend Son Of Havoc's back, as they defeat him in a 2 on 1 match.
  • Marty The Moth wants Shaul Guerrero in a ring, and apparently in his digestive system. Dario says he will only accept if Marty, as a recipient of one of the ancient Aztec Medallion, plays the game and participates in a match next week.
  • Dario's Dial of Doom is back! EC3 will defend his championship against... Well we don't know who the wheel would have picked, as Catrina stops it. Now siding with Mil Muertes, she leads his disciples Payne and Kodama into breaking the wheel. That's when Mil Muertes comes back and attacks EC3, saying HE is his challenger tonight.
  • EC3 beats Mil Muertes to succesfully defend his championship. He then goes back to his brother, who like always snatches the title from him like HE was the champion.
  • Brian Kendrick is in his lair. He hears words from a literal rabbit that the Worldwide Underground is after him after he ambushed PJ Black in Aztec Warfare. Kendrick says he'll dragg them down the Rabbit Hole, then things turn strange.

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Awesome episode, the ending reminded me of a certain guy who could be a great addition. And Black Lotus isn't Carr's partner, riiiight? :p Don't answer that hehe


If you're thinking about who I'm thinking, you MIGHT be right! :D


Who's Carr's partner? Is it Joey Ryan? Is it Black Lotus? Is it Starsky? Is it Jackie Chan? :confused:

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Previously, on El Rey Network's Lucha Underground...

Former Reptile Tribe's exiled Ophidian is back from "somewhere in the sands of the east". He wants former brothers in arms of the now almost extinct Reptile Tribe, Drago, to join him so that they can conquer the world. Ophidian almost hypnotized Drago in Aztec Warfare, but the Dragon was helped by his friends Aerostar and Laredo Kid.


The Worldwide Underground is pissed that Brian Kendrick and his cronies ambushed PJ Black during Aztec Warfare. He obnoxiously declared that this meant war... And somewhere, the White Rabbit rejoices at this perspective.


Dario Cueto is sure that Bill Carr's an undercover cop!... And he's surprisingly right. But what he doesn't know is that Carr has a partner in the temple!


Mil Muertes killed Jeremiah Crane in order to claim his girlfriend Catrina as her queen. Catrina is now by his side, but what he doesn't know is that she's after the Gauntler of the Gods to trade it in exchange of Crane's life with a myterious Voodoo Priest...


Black Lotus killed El Dragon Azteca Jr.'s mentor years ago. He's out for revenge, but when she tells him that the murder was in fact revenge for the killing of her innocent parents, Azteca's puzzled. Black Lotus, a former cop, offers Azteca to show him the police file in order for her to prove her words. She doesn't want to kill him "for nothing". A mutual respect seems to be growing between the two.


Marty the Moth is hungry! The psychopath wants Shaul Guerrero, and it's pretty clear there's no sexual innuendo here, but a disturbing cannibalism affair.


Marty the Moth, LuFisto, Thea Trinidad and The Worldwide Underground all have earned an Ancient Aztec Medallions. Dario Cueto promised that he will reveal what is their use tonight...


Trios match: Laredo Kid, Drago & Aerostar vs. La Hiedra, Facade & Homicide

The show opens up straight with a dynamic trios match! The three masked friends face off the friendly duo of La Hiedra & Facade who last week took revenge on Black Taurus. They team tonight with former Trios Champion Homicide!

The match is a full on all out explosive match, with the luchadores flying all around. During the match, 'Cide doesn't seem THAT concerned about the match, and often refuses to tag.

In the end, Laredo Kid hits his Laredo 630° on La Hiedra for the win.







"In Aztec Warfare, I almost claimed the Lucha Underground Championship and defeat Ethan Cueto the Third. I know, almost doesn't count. But if I can go toe to toe with him after having wrestled for more than half an hour and eliminating top competitors... What will happen if I face him one on one? I know this is my destiny, I WILL become the Lucha Underground World Champion! ANIMO!"








The Mack: Maaan, what was that?

Homicide: What was what?!

The Mack: The match! You weren't there!

Homicide: Listen, I sticked around this Temple after gaining my war with the Guerrero family only because I love violence. But I don't love teamwork.

The Mack: What do you mean man? We were Trios Champ! We can do it again!

Homicide: Listen, esse, Nelson Erazo doesn't team, he directs. I don't cooperate, I order. You got it? I'm a boss, not a link of the chain.

The Mack: I see... So that's why you didn't help me when I was pinned in Aztec Warfare...

Homicide: Of course.

The Mack: ... that's why you wanted to make our one time partner "Plumber" Calhoun bleed...

Homicide: You're slow to understand...

The Mack: So that's why The Mack doesn't recognize you anymore. Man I thought we were great friends!

Homicide: Hombre, we're not friends. I'm not your nanny. Grow up! Those trios championship you want back... Go get it with someone else.

The Mack No no no, wait, "esse" you don't get The Mack. The Mack is friendly, the Mack is fun, the Mack is electrifying... But The Mack knows when sh*t is geting real. What you're doing here is insulting me.

Homicide: Oh yeah?

The Mack: The Mack played it nice, The Mack was your buddy, but now you treat me like that? I'm a happy-go-lucky type of guy, but i'm not a dummy. You abused the Mack's kindness... That's a dangerous game to play, Nelson.


Tension rises between the two men, and they come forehead to forehead


Homicide: Let's get it esse, we both want it. Let's fight!

The Mack: Listen jabroni, The Mack doesn't play. The Mack is for real. I won't go the streets like you... And I just got informed I have a match tonight.

Homicide: You're afraid?

The Mack: Listen, The Mack is a straight-up badass inside the ring and cuddly teddy bear outside of it... Don't poke the bear. We'll fight, yeah. The Mack is gonna face you in that ring someday, and imma layeth the smackdown all over your...

Homicide: Yeah yeah, whatever, cabron.





"Ladies and gentlemen. Over the last few weeks I granted Golden Opportunities to some wrestlers in the Temple. They earned Six Golden Ancient Aztec Medallions. Together, these medallions form what I like to call... THE GIFT OF THE GODS CHAMPIONSHIP!"






"This championship is really special. Once the medalions are assembled, the champion can use the Gift of the Gods to challenge for the Lucha Underground Championship ANYTIME HE WANTS! So tonight, after we assemble the 7 medallions in the belt, a champion is gonna be crowned...


But you heard me correctly, I'm talking about SEVEN medallions.

SO before the championship match, there will be a fight for the last medallion, a fight that I like to call a BATTLE ROYAL!"


Battle Royal for an Ancient Aztec Medallion

Black Taurus vs. Jimmy Yuta vs. Kodama vs. The Mack vs. Puma King vs. Luke Calhoun

The match begins with a straight out fury mode from Black Taurus. The Minotaur lost a match last week, and he's out for blood. In a matter of minutes, he has everybody down and eliminates the poor Yuta with a powerbomb directly to the outside... Onto a table that was there!

Kodama is next to suffer, as Taurus hits him with his dreaded Chokebreaker that broke Son Of Havoc's back. It's clear it crushes Kodama ins two, and he's an inanimated object as Taurus throws him outside of the ring.

The three remaining wrestlers team up against Taurus. Calhoun fight with guts, Mack with a sheer determination, but Puma King is the most effective with his blend of feline-agility based offense.

Ultimately, the combined efforts of the three men is enough, and Black Taurus is out.

Calhoun then offers Mack to team up, reminding Mack they are one time partners. Mack accepts... But he's alone to go at Puma King, Calhoun wisely retracting. Once he realizes it, Mack hits Calhoun with a Rock Bottom and eliminates the plumber.

Mack & Puma King offer us a brilliant match inside the match. They go back and forth, and ultimately Puma King goes behind the ropes for a springboard attack. Mack hits him with a forearm, and the two of them briefly fights. Puma King fights and claws, and from the apron he does the impossible: a springboard hurracanrana to Mack to the outside! Puma King skins the cat, barely holding on the third tope and hit feet mere centimeters from the groun, but Mack is out!



As the match is over, we get a little commercial. When we come back, we're in a shadowy, smoky place. Mil Muertes is kneeled in front of a sort of altar with candles and weirds engraved stones. Somewhere in the back, we can see the monstruous Payne throwing Kodama's body on top of Obaryion's, who was killed by Mil some weeks ago. Apparently, either Kodama was killed by Taurus, or Mil Muertes ended him after last match.






"Obaryion was useless... Now Kodama joined his brother. That only leaves you, Payne. My queen wants the Gauntlet of the God. With her by my side, I feel so much powerful... But she will leave if she doesn't get the Gauntlet. That's why I need you, my greatest disciple. I have a plan."





We're back in the ring, and now Dario Cueto has been joined by the 7 luchadores who have an Aztec Medallion: PJ Black, Mark Angelosetti and Zicky Dice of WU, LuFisto, Thea Trinidad, Marty the Moth, who's lurking at ring announcer Shaul Guerrero, and Puma King who just won the match.


Dario lets them put their medallion in the Gift of the Gods Title belt.






Marty puts it without leaving Shaul Guerrero from his eyes. LuFisto does it with her creepy doll next to her ear, listening to her. The Worldwide Underground are the same obnoxious jerks, and Thea Trinidad seems deferent towards Cueto.






"Now, how is this championship gonna be granted? That's simple, we're going to have what I like to call a Seven to Survive Match. It's quite easy, it's an elimination match, where ANYTHING GOES! And it starts... RIGHT NOW! RING THE BEEEEEELL!"


Seven to Survive Match for the Gift of the Gods Championship

Marty "the Moth" Martinez vs. LuFisto vs. PJ Black vs. Zicky Dice vs. Mark Angelosetti vs. Puma King vs. Thea Trinidad

The match begins, and PJ Black directs his trio. The men go at Puma King, who they feel is weakened after wrestling in the battle royal.

Meanwhile, Marty the Moth is just staring at Shaul Guerrero ringside and doesn't even move. An hesitant Thea Trinidad approaches him and... Rolls him up?! Marty doesn't even TRY to kick out, he's out!



Marty gets back up, and has a sick smile towards Shaul Guerrero. She doesn't seem afraid at all, but Matt Strick on commentary notes that she retired from active competition years ago, she's not a wrestler anymore. Vampiro comments that sometimes you don't chose the fight, the fight choses you.


As the Worldwide Underground is beating down poor Puma King, Thea Trinidad gets into a fight with maniac killer LuFisto. The fight isn't really fair, as LuFisto batters Trinidad. The young woman doesn't back up, and even with her smaller stature and her opponent's demented look, she's clearly not afraid.


Meanwhile, the Worldwide Underground is getting too cocky. They celebrate beating down Puma King multiple times with arrogant poses, and even a "time out" called by Mark Angelosetti while Barbie Blank cheers on them ringside in her Worldwide Underground cheerleading uniform. This cost them, as the smart Puma King gets this time to recuperate, and comes back at them with surprising speed. The King of the Feline Tribe fights for his people, to restore honor and pride in their hearts. That fuels him, and he manages to fight off all three members of WU, even pinning Zicky Dice after a springboard sunset flip!


Zicky Dice has been eliminated.


Meanwhile, LuFisto has beaten Trinidad so bad that she rolled out of the ring. The Quebec native turns her attention to an eliminated Zicky Dice, who says it's anything goes and wants to keep on beating down Puma King. LuFisto grabs him, hits the Death Valley Bomb, and throws him onto his partners outside of the ring. LuFisto then goes to fight Puma King. These two had a great fight inside Aztec Warfare, and they rekindle it. Of course, Puma King already had a match, and he's pretty tired. He only finds salvation in PJ Black getting back up in the ring with a kendo stick! Black hits LuFisto with the stick... But she doesn't feel anything! Rinside, Angelosetti is putting on his football protective gear, including steel shoulder pads! He gets in the ring behind LuFisto... AND SHOULDER TACKLES HER! She goes down, and Angelosetti celebrates like he won the SuperBowl, what a total fool.


He and PJ take back control of the match, and fight off a retuning Thea Trinidad. They use the kendo stick to keep the three other luchadores down. But that's when the lights go out...






When they come back on, Mala Suerte is running circles around the ring, shouting "I'M LATE! I'M LATE! I'M LATE!" This distracts the WU, and they don't see Thea Trinidad and Puma King simultaneously rising up. Trinidad hits a jumping cutter on Angelosetti, and King hits his Kingdom submission! As Angelosetti is pinned, PJ Black gives up.



PJ Black & Mark Angelosetti have been eliminated.



And only three remained. Puma King and Thea Trinidad have no choice but to fight LuFisto, but comes straight at them, not too concerned about being in a numeric inferiority. The monster gives hell to her two opponents, and she counters a Thea Trinidad's head scissors attempt into a powerbomb onto a standing Puma King! The coolest cat goes down, and LuFisto picks up Trinidad for the Death Valley Bomb.



Thea Trinidad has been eliminated.



Only two remains. Puma King has fought a battle royal AND all the way there. LuFisto preys on him and absolutely dismantle the leader of the Feline Tribe. But each time, he gets up. She hits him with a powerbomb for a 2, with her dreaded Death Valley Bomb, but a nearfall makes the Temple almost explodes. Fueled by the believers, Puma King mounts a comeback for the ages. He dodges, jumps and kicks. He has LuFisto on her knee and goes to the top, he flies... And LuFisto catches him with a Thumb Spike in the throat in mid-air! That's the Canadian Spike! Puma King is suffocating on the ground, gasping for air, and LuFisto finishes him.






Dario Cueto: So, I gave you one week. Are you going to cooperate or not?

Bill Carr: You know what? I've thought about it... Again and again... And i'm not dirty. I won't go rogue.

Dario Cueto: Really?... I'm surprised... You're definitely not like the other sleazy cop I once knew... But hey, you made your choice. Now, you will know what hell is.

Bil Carr: I'm not afraid, Cueto. I will fight. I may not look strong, but I am fierce. Throw me what you got!

Dario Cueto: You think El Jefe will tolerate this? I will crush you, you useless obese fool!


Bill Carr leaves the office, and he crosses path with EC3.


EC3: Dario, you heard the Kid's stupid challenge?

Dario Cueto: Yeah, I can't believe this idiot's cojones. Defy ME?! I offered him an opportunity.

EC3: What? Who are you talking about?

Dario Cueto: That idiot cop Bill Carr... Who are YOU talking about?

EC3: I'm talking about Laredo Kid challenging ME and telling everyone he would have won Aztec Warfare if not for me being the last entrant!

Dario Cueto: Oh... This.

EC3: This will not go unpunished. Book it. Next week, EC3 to defend the Lucha Underground Championship against Laredo Kid!

Dario Cueto: You think you make the matches here?! Listen, baby brother, I'm the boss. I'm your elder. You OWE me. So you won't go on this stupid match and risk MY Lucha Underground Championship just because your pissed. You know what? You will help me. Next time you're in the ring, you'll take out your frustration on Bill Carr in an unsanctioned, Anything Goes Match! And it's next week!


As EC3 looks pissed, we see his eyes staring at the Gauntlet of the Gods, which is still exposed behind a protective glass behind Dario Cueto...


EC3: As you want, brother.



Quick Show Recap:

  • Laredo Kid, Aerostar & Drago defeat La Hiedra, Facade, and an unconcerned Homicide. Post match, Laredo Kid reminds us that he NEARLY won Aztec Warfare despite being the third entrant. He challenges EC3 for a title match.
  • The Mack is upset at his former partner Homicide's lack of interest in Trios Action. Homicide basically tells him to f*ck off, the tension rises between the two men and they agree they will face each other down the line.
  • Dario Cueto introduces the Gift of the Gods Championship! He books a battle royal to determine the possessor of the 7th medallion.
  • Puma King wins the battle royal, in which Black Taurus apparently broke Kodama's back so hard he killed him.
  • In his lair, Mil Muertes says he has a plan to get the Gauntlet of the God and gift it to his new Queen Catrina. He will need his last Disciple Payne for that. He's afraid if he doesn't get Catrina the Gauntlet as he promised, she will leave him/
  • Dario books right off a Seven Way to Survive between the holders of the medallions for the Gift of the Gods Championship.
  • LuFisto becomes Gift of the Gods Champion, last eliminating a brave and astonishing Puma King. During the match, the Rabbit Tribe caused a distraction that allowed 2 thirds of the WU to get eliminated.
  • Cueto confronts Bill Carr about the deal he offered him last week. Bill Carr says he won't go dirty, concedes he's a cop but vows to bring Dario down.
  • Dario brother's EC3 then comes to him and asks for a title defense against Laredo Kid to make him eat his words. Dario shouts at his brother that HE is the boss, and it's HIS championship. He says EC3 will instead face Bill Carr next week, anything goes. EC3 is more than pissed, strangely stares the Gauntlet of the Gods.

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Episode 10 begins with a recap. It focuses on Drago's history with Ophidian and the time when the latter almost hypnotized the former. It also shows the history between Worldwide Underground and The Rabbit Tribe, beginning in Aztec Warfare. Finally, we see the time Laredo Kid almost upsetEC3, and the fact that he issued a challenge the champion. The recap ends with footages of LuFisto winning the Gift of the Gods title last week.





Aerostar: Dario, you have to make the match. Laredo Kid versus your brother for the championship.

Dario Cueto: Why would I do that?

Aerostar: I think Laredo is our prince. There's an old procephy. I once think it talked about Prince Puma... But Laredo is the one. He needs to become champion.

Dario Cueto: You want me to sacrifice to Lucha Underground Championship? You're crazy?

Aerostar: I think it will help merge the timelines, this universe and ours. This might be a way to stop the world from ending.

Dario Cueto: You "think", it "might"... When are you gonna be sure about something, Aerostar?

Aerostar: Listen, we're dealing with a complicated matter here. We're talking about time, matter, the universe...

Dario Cueto: Yeah yeah, now YOU listen. You keep trying to direct me. No one gives El Jefe orders. I agreed to work with you, because I was afraid this world would suck. But it doesn't! My brother is a submissive beast, unlike Matanza, I got a body double ALREADY in jail somewhere in Mexico, and I am the Lucha Underground Champion.

Aerostar: You like it there, huh?... It will end. This world will implode. It cannot support the alteration to the time I made when I brought you back and fought off the Brotherhood.

Dario Cueto: The world will end you say? I this another thing that MIGHT happen? Because the grass is green, the sun is shining, and I rule the Temple. My life is bliss. I won't give up my championship to prevent something that might happen, just because you told me so.

Aerostar: Cueto, you're being unwise. We NEED to cooperate!

Dario Cueto: Yeah yeah, right. We will, because I owe you for ressucitating me. But you say Laredo is the one to beat my brother? That i's his destiny? Ok, I've taken notes, and that's why he'll NEVER face my brother again. We will save the world, but I won't give up my championship.

Aerostar: You realize it's your brother's championship and not yours, right?

Dario Cueto: Yeah, whatever. Now if that's all, i've got a show to run.


Thea Trinidad vs. Puma King

The two last eliminated from the Seven to Survive Match face up in a high paced match. The "coolest cat" fights with a renewed will here, and he shows a fire thatmatches the young but fierce Thea Trinidad. In the end, the leader of the Feline Tribe wins the match with a HUGE Canadian Destroyer.






"Thea Trinidad!... Thanks for the match. You're a great opponent, but tonight, I couldn't let you win this match.


Now, I came to this Temple to restore honor to my tribe. I wanted my people, the few of them that are still alive, to see me. I want to instill pride in their hearts. I want them to understand that we are not doomed. We are still strong. I fight for them. I fight to show them who we, the Feline Tribe, are.


That's why I need something... LuFisto! You won last week. You became Gift of the Gods Champion. I could say I didn't have a fair fight, but a King doesn't hide behind excuses. But I need. I NEED this Gift from the Gods. If I win it, my people will see that the Gods did not abandon us. That's why I will fight. LuFisto, I will take this Gift of the Gods Championship from you... That's a promise."


Somewhere in an office.






Black Lotus: You see... Everything's in here. It's the file from the investigation. It proves... It proves my parents were innocent. It pains me to see these pictures again, but you had the right to see the truth.

Dragon Azteca: I can't believe it... My master... You didn't lie. He killed them. And they were innocent.

Black Lotus: Now you understand why I didn't want you to go after your vengeance. I didn't want to kill you for nothing. And not for THAT liar.

Dragon Azteca: Listen, Lotus...

Black Lotus: What?

Dragon Azteca: I won't renounce my vengeance.

Black Lotus: You're mad?!

Dragon Azteca: He did something terribly wrong. He killed... But that was BEFORE he took me in. BEFORE he began teaching me.

Black Lotus: I don't see what it does change.

Dragon Azteca: You don't understand, because you see good and evil. The world is not like that. My master did something horrible. But then, he took in me, an orphan. He helped me. He feed me. He trained me. I owe him.

Black Lotus: He's a murderer! You don't owe him anything!

Dragon Azteca: I owe him everything. He saved me. And maybe he did that out of remorse. Maybe it was his penitence for taking your parents' lives. He redeemed himself.

Black Lotus: Redemption?! What redemption is there for someone who kills two innocent people?! What redemption for the man who made ME an orphan?!

Dragon Azteca: Black Lotus. I feel your pain, and I've grown to respect you. But I'm still El Dragon Azteca Junior. I still want to fight you. I will fight for the lineage of my mask and my master. I truly believed he wasn't an evil man. He just made a mistake.

Black Lotus: You're a mad man... I'm done with you. If you defend this murderer ever again in act of speech... This time the Black Lotus Triad will come after you.


La Hiedra & Facade vs. Aerostar & Drago

Fierce luchadora La Hiedra and the neon-wearing ninja Facade face the Superfriends team of Drago and Aerostar, after they faced each others in a trios match last week.

This is a quick competitive match, where Facade & La Hiedra shine via their youth and almost suicidal aerial moves.


But as the match goes on...






Ophidian comes ringside. He directs his attention towards Drago who's on the apron and... He's hypnotizing him again! Aerostar, in the middle of the fight, doesn't see it for a minute. When he finally sees it, a totally haggard Drago just follows Ophidian up the stairs. Aerostar wants to go after them but La Hiedra puts him in La Mistica and he submits. Meanwhile, Drago has left, following Ophidian in a state of deep hypnosis.



Somewhere in a frat-type house, sub-urban Los Angeles.





Dice: Hey guys!... Guys! There's a strange piece of paper under the door. It has strange black cryptic things on it...






PJ Black: You mean like writing?

Angelosetti: Hah! What a NERD!

Dice: Shut up, Mark! Yeah, yeah, that's right, there's... Stuff written on it.

Barbie: Well go ahead, read it!

Dice: Yeah yeah. Of course I know how to read.

PJ Black: Then what are you waiting for?

Angelosetti: Yeah, what are you waiting for?

Dice: Alright, alright! It says... Deer... Like, the animal?

Angelosetti: What this is, a hunting invitation?

PJ Black: It's DEAR, moron, it's a formula to be polite.

Dice: Hey, yeah, I knew, just kidding around, he he he...

PJ Black: Read the goddamn letter, you dummy!

Dice: Dear... It's a formula to be polite, you know? Dear... Worldwide Underground... HEY THAT'S US! YEAH! OUTLANDISH!

Barbie: Ok that's it, gimme that... "Dear Worldwide Underground. You declared you want to wage war on the Rabbit Tribe. It's late, it's late, oh it's too late to find a proper battlefield and prepare for battle... But if you want to wage war on us, come and wage war on my kingdom, in our territory. I invite you to my lair. I invite you to come and visit my burrow... Just follow the white rabbit."

Dice: Hey!... An invitation, right?

PJ Black: Those douche-mcgouche really take us THIS lightly? They INVITE US?! Guys, we're gonna go there, and we're gonna mess up their lair like it was the Car in the Bonus Stage in Street Fighter II.

Angelosettiu: Oh yeah! IT'S GAME TIME!


Anything Goes Match: EC3 vs. Bill Carr

Bill Carr is having this match as a punishment by Dario Cueto, who's watching from the door of his office. He wants to inflict pain on the undercover cop to make him an example: you don't go after Dario Cueto.

His brother, the Lucha Underground Champion EC3, doesn't seem too concerned. He wants to end the match quickly, and disposes of Carr with a Wrath of the Gods in a few minutes.







"HOLD ON! Ethan! What are you doin'? I told you to DESTROY that fool! This match is restarting, and it's now a FIRST BLOOD MATCH!



First Blood Match: EC3 vs. Bill Carr

EC3 is not in a mood for games. He wanted to defend his title against Laredo Kid tonight, but he's forced to do his brother's dirty deed. He beats down Bill Carr repeatedly, even though the cop tries to fight back. EC3 gets surprised by a low blow, and that's when Bill Carr gets a nightstick from under the ring! He comes back, thinks he's back... But EC3 catches the nightstick and bend his arm. He puts him down, and then brings in a chair to hit him on the skull three times until he bleeds.






Ethen Cueto the Third asks for a microphone, but Dario tells him it's done, the show is over. That's when the lights go out. When they come back, there are two more figures in the ring.






Mil Muertes and his disciple Payne! Payne goes right after EC3, but Mil surprisingly leaves the ring... And goes after Dario! Dario gets inside his office, but from the ring camera, we see Mil's kicking it two times and shattering it. We don't see what's happening in the office, meanwhile EC3 is fighting off Payne. He lifts him and hits the Wrath of the Gods. At the same time, Mil Muertes emerges from Dario's office... with the Gauntlet of the Gods! He locks eyes with EC3, and Mil puts on the Gauntlet. We hear the roar of Thunder, and the lights go out to end this show.



Quick Show Recap:

  • Aerostar thinks Laredo Kid winning the Lucha Underground Championship will fullfill a millenar old prophecy and might save this world. Dario is in no mood for being given orders, and he's sick of Aerostar no being sure about what to do about this timeline thing. Cueto says he won't let EC3 defends against Aerostar. He will still help him, but clearly doesn't take the threat of the world ending seriously anymore.
  • Puma King defeated Thea Trinidad in a match between the two last eliminated from the Gift of the Gods match. Puma King claims he's after the Gift of the Gods to show his tribe that the gods still favour them and restore pirde in their heart. He challenges champion LuFisto.
  • Black Lotus shows Dragon Azteca Jr. proofs that his master killed her innocent parents. Azteca is touched by her sorrow, but says he believes his master truly redeemed himself the 15 years after the killings. He still owe him, and still wants to avenge him, although it is now not with rage in his heart but sorrow and dedication. Black Lotus is disgusted that he forgives his master that easily, and says next time he comes for her, she won't dodge him anymore.
  • La Hiedra & Facade defeat Aerostar & Drago. During the match, Ophidian came out and hypnotized Drago, leaving with him..
  • The Worldwide Underground receive a strange invitation from the Rabbit Tribe to join their lair...
  • EC3 destroys undercover cop Bill Carr under the orders of his violence-hungered brother Dario Cueto. Post match, Mil sends his last remaining disciple Payne to fight EC3. It is all merely a distraction, as he goes into Dario's office and steals the Gauntlet of the Gods from him.

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"In my world,

Rabbits would reside in fancy little houses.

And be dressed in shoes and had some trousers.

In a world of my own,

All the flowers would have very extra special powers

They would sit and talk to me for hours."





After this strange little intro, we get served to the usual show recap. But this time, the footages does not show the events of the last few shows and the multiple stories that are being weaved in the Temple. It just focuses on one story:


It all began when Brian Kendrick and his Rabbit Tribe ambushed the entrants of Aztec Warfare in order to gain an advantage. They most notably jumped PJ Black and had him eliminated quickly from the match.


Then, PJ Black declared that his Worldwide Underground would wage war on the Rabbit Tribe.


The White Rabbit, Brian Kendrick, heard words of that in his underground lair. He sent Mala Suerte to cost the Worldwide Underground a match, as a way of saying he noticed them.


Then, last week, a little rabbit to deliver an open invitation to the Worldwide Underground to meet him in his burrow...


Somewhere in the woods...








Zicky: Man, I'm sick of scrambking through these woods! Where is this damn burrow?!

PJ Black: Shut up, Zicky!... I got the feeling we're almost there.

Mark: Oh yeah... I can feel it, it's almost game time. So guys, about our strategy...

Zicky: What strategy?

Mark: Our game plan!... I was thinking... YOU Zicky you do a little distraction, you scream and shout... Meanwhile, I RUN to the touchdown zone behind their back. While they're distracted, our quarterback PJ throws me the ball, and I'll be so fast I could hit the TOUCHDOOOOWN!

Zicky: Why is PJ the quaterback?

Mark: Well he's our leader.

Zicky: Yeah right... And why am I not the one hitting the touchdown?

Barbie: Guys... SHUT UP! I think we're here.






PJ Black: Okay guys, let's show these rabbit dingleberries who we are! We're gonna mess their faces so bad even their momma won't recognize them!

Mark: Barie, you stay here, I don't want you hurt...

Barbie: Oh that's so sweet...

Mark: ... Because if you're hurt, who's gonna massage my shoulders after the game?

Barbie: ...

Zicky: Ok guys, LET'S GO!


The Worldwide Underground go into the rabbit hole, and the whole landscape is quick to change. The hole begins to form into a literal rabbit hole, it's bizaro land! The ground, the walls and the roof is suddenly made of checkered moving walls. The entire room seems to rotate on itself, but the three members of the Worldwide Underground walks in a straight line. The camera follows the turning of the room, so that the Worldwide Underground seems to be walking towards the end of the tunnel by walking on the walls and the roof.






The White Rabbit: Congratulations! You found me! But quick, I don't have much time to lose, you've got to follow me. Hurry! I'm late! I'm late!


The rabbit made of light hurries towards the end of the tunnel, disppearing in a flash of white light.


PJ Black: Okay guys, let's get this, I need a new furr!


The three men start running...





Mark Angelosetti: Guys! I feel like we're running non stop! I feel like we already ran the 10 yards!... Guys?


Mark Angelosetti stops running and turns around. He's in the dark... And he's alone! Running like a mad man after the white rabbit, he apprently lost tracks of them. He spins on himself, looking for his pals... But they're nowhere to be scene. Finally, he spots a door who seems to be standing out of thin air. He goes on and opens it...






... and it leads to a football field! Mark Angelosetti is suddenly in the middle of a football team running to the field for the tip-off. He can't clearly see the faces of his partners, but he's led to the referee for the coin toss. The referee doesn't wear stripes, he wears... Checkers.






Saltador: Okay guys, it's time for the coin toss! Worldwide Underground, you got tails. Rabbit team, you got head. Let's toss it!...


The coin goes up and up, with the camera zooming on it. When it falls down, Saltador jumps up like he was Michael Jordan and catches it.


Saltador: And it's head!... We chose the side of the pitch... Looks like it's gonna be a home game through and through!


Angelosetti is still in disbelief and ununderstanding of what is happening. He looks around, dazzled, and we can't see the crowd in the stands, althought we can cleary hear them chant: "Go Rabbit Go!".


Saltador: Hey!... Don't forget your helmet!


Saltador suddenly hits Mark Angelosetti on the top of his skull with a football helmet! Angelosetti goes down, stunned by the shock. He wants to get up and go after Saltador, but the member of the Rabbit tribe suddenly blow the whistle, and the game starts! Angelosetti, still down, is now almost stepped on by the melee of the football match which is just starting. He disappears in the middle of the players running towards each other, as Saltador laughs in the background.





Zicky Dice: Guys!... I'm out of breath!... Can we take a short pause?... We've been running for HOURS!... Guys?


Zicky Dice turns around, and predictably, he's all alone. He's in a middle of strange psychedelic colors that seem to move around him. He tries to find his way in this flashes of colours, and suddenly we heard a shock, like if something heavy hit the ground and then rolled on a wooden ground...


Zicky Dice: Oh I know this sound... A BOWLING?! HERE?! THAT'S OUTLANDISH!






Zicky Dice is in the middle of an empty, dim-litted bowling. He goes to the counter.


Zicky Dice: Is somebody here?... Hey!... I wanna play!


Out of nowhere comes Mala Suerte, and he's wearing an old, disgusting looking bathrobe on top of his usual wrestling gear. He's drinking from a ridiculous looking enormous cup of coffee.


Mala Suerte: Hey!... You wanna play? Go on. Alley number seven.

Zicky Dice: But I don't have my bowling shoes on!

Mala Suerte: Yes you do.


Zicky looks down, and he's taken aback that he is - in fact - wearing bowling shoes. When he lifts his head, Mala Suerte has disappeared. He decides to go to alley number seven. He hefts a few balls, and picks one. He then turns to the quills, which are all white and have rabbit-shaped heads. Zicky takes three steps, swings and throws!


His bowl rolls down, adopting a perfect way... And just at the moment they were about to hit the quills, its trajectory inflects in a strange way, and it goes straight into the gutter.


Zicky Dice: What?! Man that's a fraud! That was a strike right here!

Mala Suerte: Hey, sometimes, you just have mala suerte.

Zicky Dice: What?

Mala Suerte: That means bad luck. Try again!


Zicky is searching around him for Mala Suerte, but can't find him. Angry, he takes another bowling ball and throws it with perfect form... It rolls, and once again, just before hitting the quills in the middle of them, it goes to the gutter, forming a right angle.


Zicky Dice: Man, SCREW THAT!

Mala Suerte: Maybe the problem is in the ball...

Zicky Dice: What?!


Mala Suerte suddenly appears behind Zicky Dice. He hits him in the gut and grabs him by his face. More precisely, he inserts his thumb in Zicky's mouth, and two finders in his nose! Mala Suerte swings, and THROWS ZICKY DICE DOWN THE ALLEY LIKE HE WAS A BOWLING BALL!


The camera adopts a first person point of view, and rolls all over the alley, finally hitting the quills as Zicky Dice screams in fear, surprise and anger.


Mala Suerte: STRIKE!





PJ Black: Okay, guys. According to my calculation... We're lost. What is this place?... Guys?... Okay, I've watched enough horror movies to know that I will turn around and you won't be there, right?... Oh #&@!


And, of course, PJ Black is all alone. The light is so bright that all he can see around him is plain white, like he was in the middle of nowhere. Also out of where comes the voice of Brian Kendrick.


Brian Kendrick: Oh, my sweet Angel...

PJ Black: Where are you?! Show your face your douche mcgooche!

Brian Kendrick: That would be difficult. You see, I have mutiple faces... Like you.

PJ Black: Like me?! I only have my face, the face of PJ Black, the Darewolf!

Brian Kendrick: Ahouuuu!


Out of nowhere, a huge grey wolf appears in front of PJ Black. A little scared, the leader of the Worldwide Underground nonetheless gets his guard up. The wolf grunts and shows his fangs... Then scurries away.


Brian Kendrick: You're a Darewolf, yes... But you're a bunny.

PJ Black: Stop these rabbit non sense, come and fight!

Brian Kendrick: Do you deny usurping the identity of a bunny?

PJ Black: What are you talking about, man?


And out of the light comes...





A bunny! The bunny goes straight to PJ Black, and they start to throw haymakers at each others. They go back and forth, and each time PJ hits the humanoid bunny, he hits him back with the exact same move. After a little of fighting, PJ takes a step back... And realizes the bunny does the same. PJ has a few "man in the mirror moment" of realization, as he lifts his arm and sees the bunny go the exact right thing.


PJ Black: What the...


PJ approaches the bunny-costumes... And takes the mask off. As the camera zooms, we see that in the bunny costume is...






PJ Black himself?! He looks at his own body double inside a bunny suit, totally shocked and bewildered. He doesn't know what to think, there's a brief floating moment... And that's when the roof disappears from under him, and PJ Black falls down a psychedelic never ending hole. As he falls down, he can hear the voice of Brian Kendrick.


Brian Kendrick: You wage war on MY tribe? You think we're playing?

PJ Black: Man, stop this!

Brian Kendrick: You think the White Rabbit let anybody provoke him?! You think you, mere mortal, can FIGHT ME?!

PJ Black: I will tear your tribe down!

Brian Kendrick: You think you have enough power?

PJ Black: I will burn your burrow!

Brian Kendrick: You think you have enough courage?

PJ Black: This isn't happening... This can't be real... This can't be real...

Brian Kendrick: Hahahahaha!


PJ Black finally hits the ground hard. He slowly gets his head back, and looks around him. He's on the ground of a cavern-like place. Next to him are Mark Angelosetti and Zicky Dice, who seem to have also fell down.


PJ Black: You're okay guys?





Zicky Dice: Man, what are they playing? What is this sorcery?

Mark Angelosetti: They must have poisoned our Gatorade pre-game!

PJ Black: Guys, I don't think this is an hallucination... Look there...






Brian Kendrick: We will offer you as a sacrifice to OUR GOD!


The three members of the Rabbit Tribe (and current Trios Champions) go straight to the Worldwide Underground. They fight each other, with the same pairing as before in this rabbit hole.


Angelosetti gets the upper hand on Saltador, and has enough space to hit him with a shoulder tackle that sends him down. Meanwhile, Zicky Dice hits a Fame-Asser on Mala Suerte! Only Brian Kendrick remains, and he retreats.


Brian Kendrick: Oh no... Don't anger my God, don't. He will show you... He will eat you ALIVE!

PJ Black: Where's your god when you need him, huh?


???: I'm here.






Out of nowhere, from behind the WU, is this scary looking man. He's wearing white gloves and no shirt and stares at them.


The scene takes us to the outside of the hole, where Barbie Blank is still waiting. She hears horrible screams coming from the inside of the burrow... It seems like there's some torturing in there...


But finally, PJ Black, Mark Angelosetti and Zicky Dice come out of the rabbit hole. They're running from something, or someone? They run like mad men, giving almost no attention who Barbie who just follows them.


Barbie: Guys?... What happened?... You won?

Mark: Just run Barbie, ruuuuuuuuuuun!

Barbie: What's going on?

Zicky: He's... He's terrifying... He's... He... JUST RUN WILL YOU?




Brian Kendrick: Why did you spare their lives, Master?

The White Rabbit: We can have a little more fun with them...

Brian Kendrick: Does that mean... Does that mean you're coming to the Temple?

The White Rabbit: Soon my child, soon...



Quick Show Recap:

  • The Worldwide Underground made it to the Rabbit Tribe's lair. Strange things happened, it's bizarro land.
  • Just hen they thought they were gonna get the upper hand, The White Rabbit appeared and scared them off.

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<p>I am a big fan of this episode <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Did not guess the mystery man correctly, very interesting candidate. Poisoned Gatorade line, Zicky bowling, PJ fighting former self... for my taste, this was the most entertaining show yet! Deserves a spotlight nomination imo</p>

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