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CHIKARA 2010: A Major Player?

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The Wrestling Observer Newsletter- 1/1/2010


As the wrestling world holds its breath waiting to see how "The New Monday Night Wars" play out, a potentially major story has broken, seemingly out of the blue. Infinite Hallway Media, an offshoot of the international technology and information consortium known as The Titor Conglomerate have, apparently, purchased a controlling interested in CHIKARA Pro wrestling.


CHIKARA, based out of Philadelphia, PA, began in 2002 as the byproduct of 'Lightning' Mike Quackenbush's first class of Wrestle Factory students graduating and needing a consistent place to wrestle. Chikara steadily grew its own brand of family-friendly, heavily comic book influenced lucha-libre over the years, and is recently coming off its most successful 'season' (as they refer to their year of shows).


Early reports indicated that Quackenbush will remain heavily involved in the operation of CHIKARA, but will no longer be the sole decision maker. There are also reports of long-term, exclusive contracts being offered to several indy wrestlers, including some already involved with CHIKARA.


Little is known about Infinite Hallway Productions, but the spokesman for the company appears to be Issac Logan, who issued a press release announcing the sale.


More information as this story develops.

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CHIKARA 101- Everything you need to know about the wacky, fun-filled Lucha party!


Since its inception in 2002 CHIKARA has managed to carve out its own unique corner of the pro wrestling universe. While still a part of the greater indy wrestling ecosystem CHIKARA has evolved into its own animal, so to speak, and new fans often require orientation to some of the more unique aspects of CHIKARA, as well as some of its copious amounts of lore.




The first thing you need to know is that CHIKARA is FAMILY FRIENDLY. That means there are no ‘adult’ gimmicks, no ultra-violence, and, perhaps most importantly, NO PROFANITY. Wrestlers have been known to get black-listed from CHIKARA for letting a swear slip out in the heat of the moment. While new ownership could mean major changes, it is expected that the family friendly policy will remain in effect.


In-ring the key thing to know about CHIKARA is that it is an American take on traditional lucha libre, which sometimes affects the rules. In any tag (or trios, or atomicos) matches lucha tag rules are in affect, meaning that when a wrestler leaves the ring their partner can join the action without a tag. This also extends to the parlance used, as there are not faces and heels in CHIKARA, but rather technicos and rudos. In Campeonatos de Parejas (tag team title) matches the belts are defended in traditional 2 out of 3 falls rules.


The CdP have been the cornerstone of CHIKARA since their inception in 2006, serving at the company’s top prize due to the lack of a “main” singles title. Challengers for the CdP have to earn their shot by accumulating three points, essentially winning three falls in a row. These can come in individual matches, or by taking falls in a 4-way tag. If a team loses, however, they lose all their points and must start over.




Besides the Campeonatos there are other prizes to be competed for in CHIKARA, the most prestigious of which is the annual KING OF TRIOS tournament. Held over three nights this massive tournament brings together trios from all around the world to compete with CHIKARA regulars to see which threesome reigns supreme! During the King of Trios weekend another, lesser prize is also decided, as the Rey de Voladores (King of the Fliers) tournament takes place over nights 2 and three.


The only current singles title in CHIKARA is the Young Lions Cup, a prize for the up and comers in the company. Decided by a tournament but defended like a championship for the rest of the year, stars such as Hallowicked, Jigsaw, Larry Sweeney, Chuck Taylor, Ricochet, and Fire Ant have all held this prize, and winning it tends to be a sign that the holder is being groomed for a trip up the card.




Over the years several long running, slow burning storylines have begun to unfold, giving CHIKARA a lore rich in detail and unparalleled in indy wrestling. There are far too many particulars to mention here, in a simple introductory post (though if desired more write-ups can be done), but the two you need to know to gain your footing are The history of the CHIKARA Special and The Eye of Tyr.




In 2006 and 2007 CHIKARA was rocked by its first major, Clash of the Titans level feud, as Chris Hero turned on fellow Wrestle Factory trainer Mike Quackenbush to form the Kings of Wrestling with Claudio Castagnoli. Hero knew all of Quack’s go-to moves, so Quackenbush had to invent a new move to give himself and his allies a chance to defeat the expanding Kings of Wrestling, which now included Team FIST and Larry Sweeney. That move was The CHIKARA Special, a submission hold that only he knew the counter to. He proceeded to teach the escape to all his fellow technicos, giving his side an unprecedented advantage.


However, in late 2007 Chris Hero was looking to avenge an embarrassing loss to the young luchador Equinox, who he considered not on his level. This led to a mask vs hair match, the finish of which saw Hero escaping the CHIKARA Special. Quackenbush, who was on commentary, immediately speculated that someone had sold the Technichos out, costing Equinox the match and his mask. He was revealed to be Vin Gerard, a Wrestle Factory drop-out, who had been masquarading as a Mexican luchador to get bookings. Gerard was shunned backstage for his plot, leading him to become the hated, miserable rudo he is today.


But who betrayed CHIKARA?


The answer would come from Ultramantis Black, of all people, who confirmed that he had passed the secret of the CHIKARA Special on to Hero in exchange for unnamed payment. Where had Mantis, the great and devious rudo, gotten the counter? From Shane Storm, Mike Quackenbush’s own tag partner! Storm was in the midst of a long losing streak and desperate for a win, so he sold the secret to Mantis in exchange for a victory over Hydra, one of Mantis’ minions.


What were Mantis’ reasons for this? What was his payment? After leaving The Neo-Solar Temple Hydra told Tim Donst it all had something to do with a mysterious artifact called THE EYE OF TYR.




What was the Eye of Tyr? Why did Mantis want it? Little is known, at this time, about the origins of the Eye, but its powers have proven to be quite formidable. Mantis, smarting from having his stable The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple be excluded from the annual King of Trios tournament, decided to strike. After a match featuring his old rival Hallowicked and Delirious, Mantis and his lackey Crossbones abducted Delirious and held the Eye of Tyr to his head, apparently brainwashing him.


When he appeared next Delirious was clad in the colors of the Neo Solar Temple and was doing Mantis’ bidding. Gone was the babbling fan-favorite who teamed with Hallowicked and Frightmare, replaced by Ultramantis’ stoic berserker, whom the insectoid overlord dubbed his ‘perfect weapon’. This new Delirious pushed the Temple to much greater successes, but it came at a cost.


The Eye of Tyr must be passed on after use, otherwise the user will become cursed, according to the lore. Mantis, however, held on to the Eye. As the months wore on strange, ominous videos of masked men in white began to appear, calling for the Eye’s return to it’s ‘rightful owner’. Mantis, fearing for both his safety as well as they Eye’s, found a new bodyguard in the form of Vokoder, a new luchador, possibly from the future, who offered to guard the Eye.




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Los Campeonatos de Parejas


1: The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) - Won tournament- 2/26/06- 2 Defenses

2: Team FIST (Gran Akuma & Icarus)- 11/17/06- 3 Defenses

3: Incoherence (Hallowicked & Delrious) - 10/26/07- 5 Defenses

4: Super Smash Bros (Player Uno & Player Dos)- 9/21/08- 0 Defenses

5: The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian)-10/19/08- 3 Defenses

6: The Colony (Fire Ant & Solider Ant)- 09/13/09- Current champions (4 Defenses so far)



The Young Lions Cup


YLC I: Won by Hallowicked, defended 4 times

YLC II: Won by Larry Sweeney, defended 0 times, lost to Jigsaw

YLC II: Won by Jigsaw, defended 4 times

YLC III: Won by Shane Storm, defended 2 times

YLC IV: Won by Arik Cannon, defended 3 times, lost to Max Boyer

YLC IV: Won by Max Boyer, defended 5 times

YLC V: Won by Chuck Taylor, defended 2 times, lost to Helios

YLC V: Won by Helios, defended 3 times

YLC VI: Won by Fire Ant, defended 0 times, lost to Vin Gerard

YLC VI: Won by Vin Gerard, defended 4 times, title vacated


YLC VI: Won by Equinox II, defended 2 times

YLC VII: Player Dos, current champion, defended 2 times so far

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CHIKARA's 8th season ended with complete chaos. The two masked men stalking Ultramantis Black interjected themselves after the main event of CHIKARA's final show of 2009, calling themselves the BDK and demanding to see 'the man with the power'. Several CHIKARA stalwarts came out to the ring, but they demanded Ultramantis. What followed was a shocking brawl the likes of which had never before been seen in CHIKARA.


The men revealed themselves to be Ares, Claudio Castagnoli's former tag partner, and his massive recruit Tursas. At their signal Claudio attacked Mike Quackenbush, turning on CHIKARA and aligning with the invading BDK. He was joined by Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze, two of the top female wrestlers in the world, who had grown tired of being treated differently than the men of CHIKARA. More shocking, Carpenter Ant attacked his fellow Colony bretheren, and Vokoder attacked Ultramantis Black.


Ares called his troops to heel and Vokoder revealed himself to be Tim Donst, while Carpenter Ant unmasked as Pinkie "Pink Ant" Sanchez.


You can watch this shocking footage Here:


After the smoke cleared and the BDK retreated there was one last shock in store for CHIKARA. Leonard F Chikarason, fan favorite commentator and CHIKARA Director of Fun (the title held by CHIKARA authority figures dating back to Bob Saget, yes THAT Bob Saget) found the locks to his office changed and a pink slip awaiting him.


Who will the new DoF be? Does the BDK have anything to do with Infinite Hallway Media, or is it happenstance and poor timing? CHIKARA fans will be hoping for answers in Season 9, which begins on the fourth Saturday of January with A Touch of Class!

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2010 is near when Chikara dropped the ball with the shutdown angle, but they were SO HOT

Crazy to think how many big names in wrestling are from/were trained by wrestlers from CHIKARA/had a stint there. From everyone trained by Chris Hero to Eddie Kingston to the Young Bucks who got a strong run there....


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To this day, i still don't understand why CHIKARA even thought that this stupid shutdown angle was a good idea in the first place. It was never a good idea, it only made things more confusing and frustrating. I'm sorry, but the people behind CHIKARA are dumbasses masquerading as Subversive geniuses.


Most reports and rumors established that they were force into shutting down for a while, so they did their best to keep it afloat with the Wrestling Is feds and the interactive storyline... but it was poorly managed.

On the other end, they created some of the most fulfilling long term storytelling in wrestling in my opinion, just think that the CHIKARA Special led to the turning of Shane Storm and thus to the forming of the Unstable, the arrival of the BDK and the UMB/Delirious 4 years feud

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OOC: Thanks for the early interest, folks. I've got a primer for non-CHIKARA fans up, and will have title histories and a "Previously at..." post up relatively soon!


I am planning on having a weekly Wrestling Observer post in the game world, outlining any major stories going on in the world at large. I was contemplating putting results of the "New Monday Night War" in this post as well, but would that detract too much from the CHIKARA focus?


Also, I will be putting up some in-universe blogs from various CHIKARA wrestlers as a way to advance stories in between the shows, at least until a TV show gives me more week-to-week storytelling ability (whenever that comes). Hopefully it makes this diary a little more fun even though there won't be many shows at first.


Any other requests? Thoughts? Let me know!

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CHIKARApro.com Blog: Green Ant (1/2/2010)


I may be a rookie, but I know a thing or two. I know that in wrestling sometimes you have to make your own luck. So I don't blame you for that, Pinkie. You saw your chance and you took it. I don't know how it all came together, but you definitely made your impact. But you also made one big mistake.


Because I also know there are some things bigger than wrestling. Things like honor, which you obviously don't have, or family. That was your mistake, Pinkie, you forgot that The Colony is a family.


And I will fight for my family.


I may be a greenhorn, just getting my start, but I know more than enough to take you out, Pinkie Sanchez, and make you regret ever sticking your nose in the Colony's business. You may have put on a mask, but you were never really an Ant, and at A Touch of Class, I'm going to put you out. I don't know what the deal with this "BDK" is, but after the Season Opener, they're going to be down one man.

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You planning more titles except Grand Championship, which was introduced in 2011?


Grand Championship is definitely in the medium to long term plan, but nothing immanent. As far as other titles? Nothing on the horizon right now, but I have plans for expanding CHIKARA beyond what they hit in real life, so when (if?) that happens, things could change. For now the main focus will be the CdP and YLC, with King of Trios being the one off but prestigious title it always has been.


Thanks for reading!

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The Wrestling Observer Newsletter Update- Week One, January, 2010


The so-called "New Monday Night War" began in earnest this week, with the first head to head airings of WWE Monday Night Raw and TNA Impact! Wrestling. To no one's surprise WWE won in every conceivable metric, but Impact did put on a better than average show, headlined by Bobby Lashley and AJ Styles teaming up to defeat Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash. WWE Raw was headlined by The Miz defeating Rey Mysterio, the Big Show, and Cody Rhodes to win the US Title. Neither show blew the other away, quality wise, so despite WWE's big rating and viewership advantage (which is to be expected), TNA will feel like they had a solid first showing.


TNA added some firepower for this 'war' this week in the form of Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson, and Tommy Dreamer, all on exclusive written contracts.


CHIKARA Pro have started to hand out a few exclusive contracts of their own, with Claudio Castagnoli, Mike Quackenbush, Sara Del Rey, and El Generico being the first to sign exclusive, guaranteed deals. Bryce Remsberg, Quackenbush's long time right hand man behind the scenes, has also inked an exclusive deal, and rumors continue to circulate that more contracts are going to be offered in the coming weeks, including one "big name" signing.


CHIKARA have also reached out to several global stars on pay per appearance deals, likely for appearances at their annual three-night King of Trios series of shows in April. More on this as we have it.


CHIKARA has also invested heavily into their production, with upgrades expected in broadcast quality and production values. This is believed to co-inside with a deal they have struck with an Internet PPV provider, seemingly owned by by Infinite Hallway Productions, at least in part. Early word indicates that this will make CHIKARA events available in the US, Mexico, Canada, and the UK. Their first show will be A Touch of Class, Saturday of Week 3, January.


Stay tuned for more updates and news as we get it.

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BDK BLOG- Claudio Castagnoli- Jan 7, 2010


'Why, Claudio, Why?'


Everyone keeps asking me that, it's all I've heard since Three Fisted Tales. Why would I betray CHIKARA? Why would I turn on Mike Quackenbush, my fellow Wrestle Factory trainer? Why would I do it?


The answer is simple: I am tired of being in Mike Quackenbush's shadow. Since Day One in CHIKARA it has been about one thing and one thing only, Mike Quackenbush's ego. Year in and year out, show in and show out, it was always about making Quack look like a star. If someone else manage to shine? "Well you know who trained them", commentary would say, or suddenly they'd be teaming with the founder of CHIKARA.


And should a team or faction DARE to rise up without Quack, like the Kings of Wrestling, CHIKARA would band together to take them down. Look at NAME REDACTED, who was driven all the way out of CHIKARA, whose name can not even be MENTIONED even though he was a founder of the company.


I have had enough. When my old partner Ares contacted me about a project he was starting, I didn't need convincing, just the plan. What you saw at Three Fisted Tales was just the beginning of that plan. There is so much more to come. The Brothers and Sisters you have already seen are just the first. There will be others. And we will not stop until one of two things happens- either CHIKARA will kneel before us or CHIKARA will fall.



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The Wrestling Observer Newsletter Update January Week 2, 2010


After week one of the "New Monday Night War" TNA could feel encouraged, if beaten. They put on a better show than many expected, and likely won a few fans who are tired of WWE's same-old-same-old. The same cannot be said this week, as TNA took a step backward in both show quality and viewership, again losing handily to WWE in all major metrics. Despite adding in some star power, the card looked highly similar to the previous week's show, the only highlight being a surprisingly good match between Kurt Angle and Shark Boy, of all people.


WWE brought back Jeff Hardy, presumably to keep him from signing with TNA, showing once again that there is no real limit to the number of chances you can get in WWE as long as you don't insult Vince personally on the way out.


In less stellar WWE news ECW on Syfy seems to be struggling. Fans don't seem interested in a third brand.


Reports are indicating that Mike Quackenbush is already rubbing the new CHIKARA owners the wrong way. The point of contention is reportedly the guaranteed contracts being offered to some workers. Thus far Claudio Castagnoli, Sara Del Rey, and El Generico have all signed deals. Quackenbush is reportedly angry that several of his dedicated CHIKARA students such as Hallowicked, Icarus, Jigsaw, and Ultramantis Black are yet to be offered new deals. Most of the wrestlers seem to understand that contracts are being signed in waves, and several have reached out to me privately to express the opinion that Quackenbush is acting out due to unhappiness at no longer being the main creative voice in CHIKARA.


In other CHIKARA news it appears that long time WWE creative team member Bruce Prichard has been brought in. While it is unclear to what degree he will be involved in creative it is believed his veteran status, especially when it comes to live event broadcasting, will be important to the development of CHIKARA.


Stay tuned for more updates as we get them.

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CHIKARApro.com BLOG - Ultramantis Black- January 12, 2010



Ever since the season finale the CHIKARArmy has been abuzz, abuzz with rumor and whispers about what role I, the great and devious Ultramantis Black, had with the formation of the BDK! It's preposterous! It's ridiculous! It is beyond the pale!


I, your maniacal insect overlord, would never conspire with such low-lifes as Pinkie Sanchez or Ares!


I categorically deny any knowledge of the BDK, their motives, or their aspirations. While it is true that they have taken the Eye of Tyr from me, I am far too busy with my plans for the Neo Solar Temple to concern myself with them at this juncture, so I consider any business I may have had with the BDK to be concluded!


This year shall be the year of the Neo Solar Temple! With my perfect weapon Delrious we shall rise to the very top of CHIKARA where I shall finally, after almost eight long years, claim my first title in the promotion I helped build! There will be no stopping the mighty Neo Solar Temple! There shall be no stopping the mighty ULTRAMANTIS BLACK!

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It's really simple, why the Haze and I joined the BDK. We are sick and tired of being treated like dainty, fragile little flowers just because we are women. CHIKARA claims to be a level playing field, but all they ever did was pit us against each other or bus in a couple of new broads for us to take out. We never got a chance to prove that we are the best athletes, male or female, in this company.


But that is all going to change. Now the BDK is here, and we are going to take CHIKARA apart, piece by piece, and build it in our image. Equal rights mean equal fights, CHIKARA, that's all we've ever wanted. I am the Queen of Wrestling, the best female wrestler in the world, and all you have for me is random joshi wrestler #234? I refuse. Haze refuses. We will demolish your double standard and anyone who fights to uphold it.


But you aren't satisfied with that, are you CHIKARA? First show of the new year, and all you have for me is some new goof named Ace Astro? ACE ASTRO?


You think I'm going to trot out there and be the tryout match for whatever new Wrestle Factory graduate Quack puts under a dopey new hood? I don't think so. Whoever this kid is he better have his affairs in order, because I'm going to make an example out of him, and maybe when I do you'll finally give the Queen of Wrestling some competition befitting her.


Write a will, Ace. You're going to need it.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter for Week 3, January, 2010


Shocking news broke this week as ECW on SyFy was cancelled by its parent network. The revival of the Philadelphia based hardcore promotion had failed to recapture old fans or bring in new ones, despite giving a platform to some younger talent, and the SyFy network had seen enough.


This news reportedly came as a shock to WWE executives, who were under the impression they had more time to 'save' the show. There are still several international clearances for the show, but it is unsure at this point if tapings will continue or not. What this means for the wrestlers on the ECW roster is also unknown.


This is a blow to WWE who have been riding high, handily winning every battle of "The New Monday Night War" so far, to the point where the very conversation seems almost laughable after only three weeks.


TNA put on their weakest episode of IMPACT thus far, despite having heavy hitters Sting and Booker T teaming up in the main event. Many fans tuned out in the first hour, when the show had six backstage segments in a row following their opening women's tag match. It was, to put it mildly, a head-scratcher.


TNA followed this horrid go-home show with an above average PPV, Genesis, on Sunday. A laregely forgettable show salvaged by a fantastic main event, which saw Kurt Angle lose to AJ Styles in a stellar match. The show did roughly 190k buys.


New Japan Pro Wrestling shocked many in the Japanese scene by unilaterally ending their talent sharing and non-poaching agreements with a number of promotions this week. Rumors indicate they are shifting to a more confrontational style in an effort to consolidate their hold on the Puro scene.


New CHIKARA ownership took out national ads during RAW and SmackDown! this week to advertise their season debut show, coming up next week. The ads sported incredibly high production values, and seemed to be casting CHIKARA as its own comic-book-like wrestling universe. Their show, A Touch of Class, will be an afternoon show as to not compete with the Royal Rumble later that night, and will broadcast live on iPPV from the 2300 Arena, formerly the ECW Arena.


The full card will be released shortly on CHIKARAPro.com.

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CHIKARApro.com Blog- Mike Quackenbush- 1/22/2010


I read your blog, Claudio, and felt many things. Anger. Incredulity. But above all, regret. You see, Claudio, I don't agree with you about your rationalizations or justifications, but after the events of Three Fisted Tales I was forced to take a long, hard look in the mirror and I realized something terrible.


I am to blame for the BDK.


Not for the reasons you claim, Claudio. I have never tried to put myself in the spotlight, I have never tried to 'steal anyone's rub'. No, Claudio, the reason I am to blame for this blight on CHIKARA is because I trusted YOU.


You see Claudio, I knew exactly who and what you are, but I chose to trust you anyway. You're a scorpion.


I'm going to tell you a little story, CHIKARMY. It's an old story, many of you may have heard it before, but it's undeniably relevant to what we are experiencing today.


Once there was a scorpion, standing on one side of a river. A frog approached the river, and the scorpion asked the frog to carry it across safely.


"You'll sting me and I'll die if I try to carry you," said the frog.


"If I sting you and you die we'll both drown!" laughed the scorpion. This made sense to the frog, who agreed to ferry the scorpion across.


They started to swim, and when they got halfway across the scorpion reared back and stung the frog. As the frog's lungs began to fill up with water he turned as best he could to the scorpion.


"Why would you do this? You will die too!"


The scorpion laughed.


"I'm a scorpion," it said simply. "I cannot help myself."


Claudio, you have revealed yourself, your true self, for all to see. I will not make the same mistake twice. CHIKARA will band together to rid itself of your minions, and there will be no mercy, there will be no forgiveness.

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CHIKARA Pick'em's announced! Full card for A Touch of Class!


The CHIKARA Office of Fun is pleased to announce the 2010 CHIKARA Pick'em contest! Each show we will announce the card and for each match you guess correctly you will get a point! The person with the most points at the end of each period (period one runs from January to the end of April) will win a special prize! There will be three winners this year, and you won't want to pass up your chance to be one of them!


















Tune in live on iPPV this weekend from the 2300 Arena to catch A Touch of Class!

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CHIKARA: A TOUCH OF CLASS Saturday Week 4, January- live from the Arena in Philadelphia PA.


The show begins with a very slick video package highlighting the BDK formation at the end of last season before running down the card for the night. The match graphics are now animated, ala WWE, and members of factions have their symbol cartooned next to their name. Huge difference from just last season.


Our hosts for the night are Logan Jackson, a new boy at the commentation station, former Director of Fun Leonard F Chikarason, and Gavin Loudspeaker, who doubles as ring announcer for the CHIKARA wrestlers. The BDK apparently have their own announcer now, a youngster named Jakob Hammermier, who is possibly the most annoying man alive.


We head straight into our first match, Pinkie “Pink Ant” Sanchez vs. Green Ant!


Pinkie Sanchez vs. Green Ant


Match starts off fast with Green Ant jumping all over Pinkie and taking an early advantage. Green Ant is still a rookie and is therefore very… green… so his offense is mostly basic armdrags, dropkicks, and a headscissors, all of which he hit well. Pinkie takes a powder and Green Ant, due to a combination of his youthful inexperience and his anger at Pink Ant, tries to fly out at him with a tope suicida, but crashes and burns. Pinkie then rolls him back in the ring and takes over on offense, and the match comes wildly off the rails.


These two have really bad chemistry together, they just didn’t click at all. The spots just all seemed mis-timed, neither guy able to get on the same page. Pinkie controls for a few minutes before Green Ant manages a small, ill-executed comeback, which is cut short by blatant cheating by Pinkie, which ref Derek Sabato somehow misses. Pinkie hits his version of the Burning Hammer, the Burning Schnicklefritz, for the win.




Post-match Tursas, Sara Del Rey, and Claudio Castagnoli put the boots to Green Ant before Solider and Fire Ant make the save. As the BDK head to the back we hear Claudio shout “We’re coming for those belts!” to the reigning Campeonatos de Parejas.




We then get a brief pre-recorded segment introducing us to Ace Astro, the newest member of the CHIKARA roster. He seems to be dressed as Mal Reynolds from Firefly and wears a crimson mask (a lucha mask, not a bloody face) with a vaguely old-west meets Asian vibe to it. He cuts a short promo talking about how excited he is to make his debut, and sounds just like he stepped out of Serenity. He even says ‘shiny’.




Next up:




Jakob introduces Sara Del Rey, and the crowd already hates him. This one is little more than a squash for Sara, who looks like a million bucks, both physically and skills-wise. This match only goes about five minutes and Astro gets next to no offense in, only a token comeback which SDR cuts off immediately. She locks in the Royal Butterfly hold for the tap-out victory. Crowd seemed to take to Astro, though, which is a good sign.




Next up we get a pre-taped promo with Colt Cabana re-introducing himself to the CHIKARA faithful. It’s a simple, short, and funny promo, not really much to say.




Next match is:




Dasher is the former Create-A-Wrestler, who has settled into a final form as the baseball-faced “old timey king of swing”. This is a straight up comedy match, like the CHIKARA of old, with Dasher talking Colt into playing some air-baseball with him, which he wins handily, before Colt goes into some of his British style rolling and zaniness. Lots of sight gags with Cabana razzing the new guy in a friendly, welcome-to-the-big-show type of charm. Cabana picks up the win after his Superman-Pin. Crowd liked Dasher, but Cabana looked great here.




We then get an announcement from Gavin Loudspeaker in the ring, who says that the CHIKARA Office of Fun have dictated that since the promotion is under new ownership, all points totals towards contention for the CdP will be re-set to zero. This is especially relevant because tag action is up next!




Two top teams with points in play here, and this plays out like some classic CHIKARA tag action. Match stars off with Hallowicked scaring both Taylor and Icarus with some spookiness. Commentary does a good job reminding everyone Icarus and Wicked were tag partners way back in the first years of the promotion. Frightmare tags in and gets a few nice spots off but then eats a big boot from Taylor and FIST take over. They do the typical rudo spots, cutting off the ring and leaving Frightmare as the masked face in peril. The rudos try to finish the job but Frightmare just won’t stay down, eventually flipping out of Icarus’ Blu-Ray attempt and making the hot tag to Hallowicked, who clears house. He hits his step up front kick on Icarus before Taylor comes in and eats a Rydeen bomb. They trade finisher near-falls with Wicked saving Frightmare from taking the Omega Driver/Awful Waffle before they hit him with a combo Rydeen Bomb/Kneecolepsy for the victory!




Next Gavin Loudspeaker returns to the ring for a special announcement. He runs down the new investors/owners in CHIKARA and says they’ve already delivered one big name new signing. The lights dim and unfamiliar music plays, then Kenta Kobashi enters the 2300 Arena! He makes his way to the ring waving and shaking hands with the stunned fans. It seems like CHIKARA’s fanbase is more or less 50-50 split between young kids who love the wacky fun and wrestling nerds who love the high-quality wrestling, so the reaction is about what you’d expect. He gets in the ring and cuts a very limited promo, thanking CHIKARA and its fans, before Eddie Kingston comes out! Kingston claims “no disrespect”, which of course the fans don’t believe, and says he’s only out because Kobashi is one of his heroes, and he wants to be first in line for a match with him. Kobashi accepts the challenge, and no fists are thrown.




Next up we have two top teams in action!




These two teams were on opposite sides of a first-round match at King of Trios 2009, when the Bucks were PWG tag champs and the Portal were CHIKARA CdP. This is their first 2 on 2 meeting, and points are on the line!


Unlike the other tag matches tonight this one is less of a old-school rudos isolate the technicos- hot tag to the finish match and more of an outright sprint with both teams trying to one-up the other. The Bucks look like stars here, hitting all their crisp, innovative double teams, but the Portal hold their own well. The Bucks pick up the win after a series of near-falls and double teams, scoring the pin after hitting More Bang For Your Buck on Amasis!


This ended up being match of the night, and the Bucks get a “Please come back!” chant.




Post match Sara Del Rey mocks the Portal as they get to the back.




Next up we have more action as




El Generico gets a big pop, as word has made the rounds that he’ll be a regular for CHIKARA going forward. Donst, a long time clean cut fan favorite, is doing his best annoying jerk gimmick, which is pretty effective.


This match is a classic grappler vs flier contest, as the former “mat wrestling machine” Tim Donst looked to ground Generico, but only found success when bending (okay sometimes breaking) the rules. Generico started off hot, sending Donst to the floor to recuperate, following him with a perfect tope suicida. Back inside the ring Donst clips the generic lucahdor’s knee and takes over with ground-based attacks. He picks apart Generico’s knee slowly and methodically, boring some of the crowd. Eventually he locks on the CHIKARA Special, and the commentators do a GREAT job putting over the move as a near insta-kill, and how only long standing CHIKARA wrestlers will know the counter. Generico, however, defies the expectations and KNOWS THE COUNTER! The commentators flip out, as does Donst, who totally loses his cool and ends up blowing the match. They sprint to the finish with Generico nailing the Helluvakick followed by the BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAA for the win!




Next we have a pre-taped segment from Ultramantis Black’s lair, which looks like some combination of cave and occult church, very dark, lots of symbols and torches. There’s ominous, chanting music.


MANTIS: Fate is a cruel mistress. She cannot be understood, let alone controlled. The best laid plans of Ultramantis Black are all at the whims of that unknowable goddess, Fate. But I shall persevere! I may have had the Eye of Tyr stolen from me by that dastardly Ares and his thugs in the BDK, but I shall continue on the path to my destiny as overlord of the wrestling world! This year shall be the year of the Neo-Solar Temple! My perfect weapon Delirious, my bruising brute Crossbones, and I shall rise to the top of the proverbial heap, we shall strike down the enemies before us, en route to the ultimate prize… KING OF TRIOS!


Mantis takes a deep breath and cackles maniacally. He turns to a shelf full of dusty books and pulls down a tome, opening it.


MANTIS: One last thing… BDK… As much as I would take untold joy in smiting each and every one of you, I do not have the time of energy to waste on such miserable mutants such as yourselves. I consider our business closed, and suggest you continue whatever crusade you are on elsewhere! Or you shall truly face the wrath of the NEOOOOO SOLARRRRR TEMPLEEEEEE!






The BDK hit the ring first, and there appears to only be three of them out for the match. Team CHIKARA is out next and as The Future is Now enters the ring Lince Dorado attacks Helios, giving him a brainbuster on the ring apron! Lince Dorado is in the BDK!


Senior Referee Bryce Remsberg doesn’t know what to do, as the match isn’t supposed to start until all eight men are ready to fight. The BDK runs roughshod over the CHIKARA team for a solid three or four minutes, eventually tossing Helios, the smallest man in the match, into the ring by himself and taking turns manhandling him. Tursas, the giant viking warrior, is going to town on him when EDDIE KINGSTON hits the ring and sends the BDK scattering. Bryce tries to eject him but King insists on making it 4 on 4, so Bryce rings the bell and we have a match!




This wasn’t the best in-ring match of the night, but told several fantastic stories. The continuation of the long-standing Eddie Kingston vs Claudio rivalry was the main one, with Claudio ducking Eddie at every turn. Kingston was also involved in another sub-plot, as he seemed to be the only one on the CHIKARA side who could damage Tursas, was not even knocked off his feet for the whole match.


Another sub-plot saw Mike Quackenbush getting more and more angry and aggressive as the match wore on. The commentators did a great job of shedding light on how intense Quack seemed in comparison to years past, and how he’s taking the BDK ‘invasion’ personally.


The technicos are more or less thoroughly dominated in this one, their only real offense coming from Kingston for most of the match. The BDK seemed to mark Helios (better known as Ricochet elsewhere) as the weak link and focused on him during the match, and he sold like a champ. Team CHIKARA gets a huge hope spot as Eddie gets a hot tag and cleans house until Claudio clips his knee. Finish comes with the rudos sending everyone but Helios crashing and burning to the outside before hitting their Ragnarok finisher on him. Quack tries to break up the pin but is just too late.




The show proper ends with the BDK standing tall in the ring as Team CHIKARA, minus Kingston, help Helios to the back. King leaves through the crowd, disgusted with the loss.



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