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Lucha Underground: Rising Like a Phoenix

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It’s late-2020. While WWE and AEW seem fixated on one another in hopes of dominating the American scene, there’s a rumbling coming from Southern California, one that promises to excite a loyal audience of fans who have been missing a critically-renowned product for nearly three years.




Lucha Underground was thought to have perished for good in 2018 due to financial constraints and top-level talent moving to greener pastures. Its fans have held out hope that, one day, wrestling action would return to the temple.


That day is here thanks to a familiar, polarizing face.




Lucha libre legend Konnan, who spent time in Lucha Underground during its first season, bought the rights to the company and has seen fit to hire talent in preparation for a December relaunch. Everyone has their own opinions on Konnan, and for good reason. Some consider him a huge star in Mexico that paved the way for the country’s finest workers to revolutionize the American scene. Some consider him Mexico’s version of Hulk Hogan in every possible way, politicking his way to prominent positions while burning bridges in spectacular fashion.


In cooperation with an intern who left his previous job compiling press releases for a perpetually-drunken cowboy, the company posted a list of standards and practices on its website.


- Lucha Underground’s spirit will live on as originally intended, with hour-long shows available on YouTube every Sunday. Our 2021 schedule also calls for four pay-per-views, which will be shown on FiteTV and carry themes prominent in the original Lucha Underground.


- Lucha libre expert Mike Tenay will have the call alongside Konnan, who will serve as the owner, booker, color commentator, and road agent.


- We’re proud to welcome back Lucha Underground mainstay Rick Knox as our head official.


- Yes, we have signed a roster of exciting workers to our roster.


- No, we’re not telling you who.


- Some familiar faces will be big parts of the relaunch, and some original storylines will continue. Some familiar faces are unavailable, and some familiar faces will not be brought back.


- We apologize for Sexy Star, Joey Ryan, and the restrictive policies of prior owners. These mistakes will not be repeated.


- In keeping with the evolution of women’s wrestling, Lucha Underground will strive to put together the best women’s division on the planet. Intergender wrestling will not be part of the new product.


- If you think you have everything figured out…you don’t.


The premiere of the new Lucha Underground is coming up soon. You won’t want to miss it!


- - - - -


First of all, I need to give credit to BigJ for the inspiration to do this. His thread is off to a fantastic start, and I don't intend to steal his direction (nor, for that matter, steal anything else from what he's doing!). If anything, think of this as LU in another alternate timeline, with some real-world, backstage stuff mixed in where appropriate.


You may remember I had a diary a few months ago on a C-Verse company. Let's just say the Windows emulator I was using didn't particularly care for the game. I've just upgraded to a new machine, and with it a better, more efficient way to play TEW on my Mac.


I've been a big LU fan for a while, and I'm stoked to find a way to bring this product to life through the amazing "Killing the Business" 2020 mod that's been built. As mentioned, I'll be using a bunch of familiar faces, along with several that should thrive in this setup. I can't wait for you to read what I come up with, and hopefully you enjoy it!

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Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 1

Title: “Reborn in Blood”

December 2020, Week 2

Attendance: 261


With the crowd chanting at the top of their lungs, new Lucha Underground owner KONNAN walks to the ring and acknowledges the believers in the temple. He thanks the fans for keeping the faith and makes sure they know that big changes are coming, starting with tonight’s main event deciding a new Lucha Underground Champion. The four-way match will be contested by AUSTIN ARIES, DRAGON LEE, MARTY SCURLL, and RICH SWANN.


On cue, out walks TAYA, who marches to the ring and gets in Konnan’s face. She’s angry about intergender wrestling being removed from Lucha Underground, but Konnan reveals the first big surprise: The Lucha Underground Women’s Championship.


Taya assumes the belt is for her, but Konnan smirks as RICK KNOX slides into the ring. He points up the ramp for his second big surprise…the debuting THEA TRINIDAD.





Taya vs. Thea Trinidad


The crowd immediately gets behind Trinidad, one of the most popular women in the wrestling world. The two wrestle a physical match that spills out to the floor and threatens to move into the crowd. Taya has the upper hand for most of the match due to her height advantage and her ability to throw Thea around, but at 10:25, Thea counters a slam with a Cutter and gets the pinball to become the first Lucha Underground Women’s Champion.


WINNER: Thea Trinidad, pinfall



- - - - -


“This is a triple-threat tag team match!!!”


Familiar music plays, and out walk two Lucha Underground mainstays: AEROSTAR and DRAGO. After they arrive comes the first surprise team: BANDIDO and FLAMITA, who also enter to a pop from the surprised crowd.


“And, our third team…from Detroit, Michigan…ALEX SHELLEY AND CHRIS SABIN, THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!!!


The logical profane chant comes over the arena as Shelley and Sabin strut to the ring. They get there, though, and immediately launch attacks on the luchadors, sparking a wild melee before the bell rings.



Aerostar/Drago vs. Bandido/Flamita vs. Motor City Machine Guns


This is out of control from the word “go,” with all six men working at a ridiculously fast pace. It’s a ton to keep up with, and Rick Knox does what he can to keep things under control. However, Bandido comes off the top of the temple with a splash that takes all six men out, and when none of them can answer a 10-count, Knox calls for the bell and rules it a draw.





Following the match, Konnan steps out from behind the announcer’s booth and grabs a nearby microphone.


“Okay, okay. Rick, you did what you felt was best. I don’t like it, the fans don’t like it, but I respect it and I can make this right.”


The men at ringside begin to stir.


“We’ll decide two champions tonight. Next week…the Lucha Underground Trios Championship will be rewarded, and we’ll have another three-way match to decide it. Guys? Find partners by next week, and let’s run this back.”




- - - - -


It’s time for an LU staple: A slickly-produced mini-movie!


First, Aerostar and Drago are outside the arena. They wonder who they can get as a partner and lament the loss of most of their old counterparts…




A motorcycle pulls up, driven by LU mainstay SON OF HAVOC. He asks if they’re up for one last ride, and Aerostar and Drago nod.


On the other side of the arena, Bandido and Flamita prepare to leave, but they encounter a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness. He walks out, identifying himself as WARHORSE and saying that he’s usually not much for the concept of team unity, but that the trios titles provide “interesting spoils of war.” Confused but intrigued, the two luchadors acknowledge they’ve found their man.


Finally, we come to Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, who are on their phones trying to find a partner of their own. After being simultaneously hung up on by different people after failed pitches of “making an impact” and “upholding your honor,” Shelley has an idea and points to a name on his phone. Sabin’s clearly intrigued, but seems scared to call the number in question.




- - - - -



Austin Aries vs. Dragon Lee vs. Marty Scurll vs. Rich Swann


This four-way match would be a main event in any independent promotion in the country, and for good reason. These four are tremendously gifted workers, and all four bring it in the first main event of the new LU era. However, while Swann hits a Phoenix Splash on Aries, he gets caught by Scurll’s Graduation, which is good for the pin and the title at 11:38.


WINNER: Marty Scurll, pinfall



Dragon Lee attempted to make the save, but was a half-second too late. He compensates by beating Marty Scurll down after the match to the cheers of the crowd, even hitting a Dragon Driver before the champion can escape to the floor.


Suddenly…the lights go out, and the video board illuminates with a replay of what we’ve just seen on a computer monitor. Fingers are seen clicking a mouse and pausing the video.


“Impressive. But it certainly seems like there’s something…missing.”


The camera pans quickly, and a smirking DARIO CUETO is sitting in the chair.


“You didn’t think I was just going to sit quietly, did you? No. And guess what? I’m not alone.”


Dario snaps his fingers, and heavy footsteps are immediately heard. A few seconds later, MATANZA takes his place behind his brother, with his masked face looming over Dario’s shoulder.


“Brother? I think our invitation got lost in the mail. Don’t worry. You’ll get your chance at destruction…next week.”




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Wow man, that's a huge honor to be an inspiration for others to start a diary, thank you very much for that

I like the set up to the trios title match

Warhorse is a superb fit for LU, i'm gutted I didn't think of him for my own roster ! :D

The ending was great, I was worried you were gonna do a LU diary without LU's best character ever, EL JEFE!

Keep up the good work!

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Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 2

Title: “The Monster Mash”

December 2020, Week 3

Attendance: 268


Konnan opens the show walking down the hall to his office, but he's abruptly stopped by Austin Aries. Aries makes his case for why he should be first in line for a shot at the Lucha Underground Championship, but Konnan cuts him off, announces the return of Aztec Warfare next month, and says if Aries wants a title shot so badly, he can get the title by beating 19 other men.


He finally gets into his office...only to see Dario Cueto sitting behind his desk. Cueto remarks Konnan should really change the locks around the building and asks why he and his brother weren't invited to Lucha Underground's grand relaunch. Konnan says that was no accident, but that if Matanza wants a contract, he can earn it tonight...in a main event matchup with Rich Swann.




- - - - -



Austin Aries vs. ARAMIS


Aramis is a young hopeful looking to make waves in the temple, and it's clear he has plenty of potential. In this particular instance, though, he's no match for his veteran opponent, who's out to make a statement ahead of Aztec Warfare. Aries controls the short, energetic match and makes Aramis submit to the Last Chancery at 5:49.


WINNER: Austin Aries, submission



- - - - -


Up next is the three-way match for the Lucha Underground Trios Championships. The teams of Aerostar, Drago, and Son of Havoc, and Bandido, Flamita, and Warhorse make their way to the ring, followed by the Motor City Machine Guns. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin have microphones in hand, and after running down the Believers and their opponents, they signal for their mystery partner...and familiar, ominous music plays.


The crowd gasps audibly as former Lucha Underground Champion MIL MUERTES appears at the top of the ramp. He accompanies the Machine Guns to the ring as their opponents quickly discuss strategies to attack the big man.





Aerostar, Drago, and Son of Havoc vs. Bandido, Flamita, and Warhorse vs. The Motor City Machine Guns and Mil Muertes


Trios matches were staples of the original Lucha Underground, and this one more than lives up to the hype. While two of the teams almost exclusively take to the air, Shelley and Sabin are quick to defer to Mil, who makes it a point to flatten anything that moves. This is evident in the finish, as Muertes catches Flamita with a chokeslam for the pin and the titles at 12:37.


WINNERS: The Motor City Machine Guns and Mil Muertes, pinfall



- - - - -


Backstage, Thea Trinidad is preparing to leave the arena with her Lucha Underground Women's Championship in hand. Taya comes to confront her, but she's only there as a distraction, as she's leveled from behind.


Trinidad turns around while on the ground to see a familiar face...IVELISSE, who says she's tired of being known as "the one who got hurt all the time." She and Taya begin putting the boots to the champ, but they're quickly chased off by a shadowy figure dressed in all-black. When the heels scatter, Thea thanks her savior...who reveals herself as THUNDER ROSA.





Matanza vs. Rich Swann


Those who aren't familiar with Matanza get a brutal introduction. This is a one-man wrecking crew designed to destroy everything put in his path, and Swann attempts to stick and move as best he can. He puts up a valiant fight, but he gets caught coming down from a Phoenix Splash by Matanza, who rises up with Swann in his grasp and turns it into a Wrath of the Gods for the pin at 13:15.


WINNER: Matanza, pinfall



Unsurprisingly, Matanza's assault does not stop after the match. He hits not one, not two, but three more Wrath of the Gods slams on Rich Swann and ends the show by carrying his body out of the temple as Dario Cueto looks on with a familiar, evil grin on his face.




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Wow man, that's a huge honor to be an inspiration for others to start a diary, thank you very much for that

I like the set up to the trios title match

Warhorse is a superb fit for LU, i'm gutted I didn't think of him for my own roster ! :D

The ending was great, I was worried you were gonna do a LU diary without LU's best character ever, EL JEFE!

Keep up the good work!


Thank you very much! I said this in another thread, too, but I love how a bunch of us all have our different takes on LU and how they're all great. I've played through Aztec Warfare so far and I'm having a blast.


Awesome stuff so far! Thea Trinidad is so money, WWE really dropped the ball on that one.


Thanks, Will! Great to see/hear from you again.

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The intern is backstage at Lucha Underground headquarters, with his cell phone pressed firmly to his ear and an exasperated look pasted onto his face. He tries to jump into the conversation at various points, but it seems as though he keeps being interrupted.


Finally, he can take no more.


“Dude, I don’t work for you anymore!,” he shouts. “If you’re looking to do another one of your silly press releases with the fancy letterhead, maybe go through Tony. He’s probably got a staff of writers who can help you.”


A pause.


“…well, yes, you should probably sober up first,” he says, rolling his eyes as Konnan walks into the room. “Listen, I’ve gotta go.”


Another pause.


“…look, figure out your own lower-thirds. Got a meeting.”


The intern hangs up the phone as Konnan looks on knowingly.


“The cowboy’s out of ideas, huh?,” he says with a smirk.


“Sort of,” the intern responds. “What’s up? Why the emergency meeting?”


“Well, you saw how Rich Swann got booked the other night, right? There’s a reason. He’s leaving for CMLL. That was his last show.”


The intern recoils a bit. Swann was one of Lucha Underground’s best babyfaces, and a guy whose style meshed perfectly with what the company is looking for.


“There’s more,” Konnan continued. “Aerostar’s headed there, too.”


Aerostar isn’t as big a draw as Swann, but that still hurts. He’d been a staple of Lucha Underground since the very first season, and there were plans for him, Drago, and Son of Havoc to have a sustained run as a stable of Lucha Underground originals.


Alas, this is life for a smaller promotion in late-2020. The big guys aren’t going anywhere, and their reach extends to all corners of the wrestling world.


“It might be tough for us to get 20 guys for Aztec Warfare,” Konnan concludes. “Any ideas?”


“Well, there are a few guys we can bring in short-term. And then there are a bunch of people we haven’t used yet…”


The camera slowly zooms out as Konnan and his intern (the only backstage help he can feasibly afford on a modest budget) hunch over a yellow legal pad and begin to plot out the next few shows.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 3</strong></p><p>

Title: “Villain vs. Reptile”</p><p>

December 2020, Week 4</p><p>

Attendance: 262</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH #1</strong></p><p>

Mil Muertes vs. <strong>WILL HOBBS</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match serves as Will Hobbs's Lucha Underground debut, and fittingly, the powerhouse goes up against LU's resident monster. The Trios Champion, however, gives Hobbs anything but a warm welcome to the temple. Despite the newcomer getting in a not-insignificant amount of offense, Muertes maintains the upper hand for most of the match and finishes Hobbs with a chokeslam at 7:39.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WINNER:</strong> Mil Muertes, pinfall</p><p>

<strong>MATCH RATING:</strong> 60</p><p> </p><p>

- - - - -</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, <strong>Marty Scurll</strong> is lacing up his boots when a familiar face comes circling up behind him. <strong>Dario Cueto</strong> expresses admiration for Marty's long list of accomplishments, and says there's no shame in walking away to avoid annihilation at the hands of <strong>Matanza</strong> at Aztec Warfare. Scurll takes offense to this, saying that while Matanza may have dismantled legends, machines, and <strong>Rich Swann</strong>, he's never faced someone as villainous as he is. Scurll stomps off, leaving El Jefe to mutter, "it's your funeral."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>SEGMENT RATING:</strong> 46</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH #2</strong></p><p>

Thea Trinidad/Thunder Rosa vs. Taya/Ivelisse</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The growing women's division gets some time to shine here, and the champion continues to look impressive when she's in the ring. However, Taya and Ivelisse isolate Thunder Rosa for large portions of the match, leaving Trinidad on the apron. Thea finally gets a hot tag near the end of the match, but Rosa tags herself in, comes off the top rope, and gets caught by Taya's Northern Lights Suplex for the pin at 10:03.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WINNERS:</strong> Taya/Ivelisse, pinfall</p><p>

<strong>MATCH RATING:</strong> 48</p><p> </p><p>

- - - - -</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MATCH #3</strong></p><p>

Dragon Lee vs. <strong>DANTE FOX</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

One of Lucha Underground's resident soldiers from the first few seasons is back for another tour of duty, and he and Dragon Lee waste no time taking to the skies and dazzling the Believers. Fox has his moments, and he keeps up with the high-flying dragon at times, but Dragon Lee's positive momentum carries him through, and he finishes Fox at 10:29 with an Operacion Dragon.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WINNER:</strong> Dragon Lee, pinfall</p><p>

<strong>MATCH RATING:</strong> 66</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dragon Lee</strong> celebrates after the match, but is attacked from behind by <strong>Marty Scurll</strong>, who beats him from pillar to post and stops to shout at <strong>Konnan</strong> behind the announcer's booth. This, however, proves to be a mistake, as Konnan books a surprise title defense against <strong>Drago</strong>...for right now!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>SEGMENT RATING:</strong> 50</p><p> </p><p>


Marty Scurll © vs. Drago</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

According to dirt sheets, this match was booked as a make-good for Drago after longtime partner Aerostar bolted for greener pastures. Drago takes full advantage, and despite being no young buck himself (either in storyline or in real-life, where he's 45 years old), he more than holds up his end of an entertaining main event against the champion. However, Scurll ultimately fights and scraps for the upper hand and finishes Drago off with a Graduation at 13:03.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WINNER:</strong> Marty Scurll, pinfall</p><p>

<strong>MATCH RATING:</strong> 63</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dragon Lee</strong> wastes no time going for revenge, and he hits a beautiful splash on <strong>Marty Scurll</strong> after knocking the champion to the floor. Crowd chants are interrupted, however, when a video shows up on the big screen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Thea Trinidad</strong> is backstage, alone, when she bumps into a lurking <strong>Matanza</strong>. With <strong>Dario Cueto</strong> calling the shots, Matanza holds his big hand to Thea's nose and mouth and carries her to a waiting car. Dragon Lee bolts to the back as fast as he can, but is helpless to stop the vehicle speeding away as our scene fades to black.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>SEGMENT RATING:</strong> 45</p><p> </p><p>

- - - - -</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SHOW RATING:</strong> 60</p><p>

<strong>TV RATING:</strong> 0.07</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Man, after yesterday, it makes me a little uneasy continuing with a kidnapping storyline, but alas, here we go in the name of art and a different timeline where things in the real world aren't completely broken...


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Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 4

Title: "Unleashing the Dragon"

January 2021, Week 1

Attendance: 288


Police have arrived outside the temple and are taking Dragon Lee's statement after the events of last week, when Thea Trinidad was kidnapped by Dario Cueto and Matanza. As he finishes, Konnan walks up to him and pulls him aside. He says he has no faith in the police doing anything quickly, wants to take matters into his own hands...and has the secret weapon necessary in order to do just that ahead of Aztec Warfare. After some hemming and hawing, Dragon Lee says he's in.




- - - - -



Ivelisse vs. Thunder Rosa


With Trinidad out of the picture (at least temporarily), it presents an opportunity for the other women on the roster to gain valuable momentum. Ivelisse aligning herself with Taya made her no friends in the temple, and she gains the upper hand through underhanded means. As if that wasn't enough, Taya struts out, taunts Rosa, and essentially makes it a 2-on-1 bout. The referee gets bumped and Taya runs in...but clocks Ivelisse by accident to the roar of the crowd! Rosa catches a second wind, cleans house, and finishes her opponent with a reverse DDT at 8:08.


WINNER: Thunder Rosa, pinfall



- - - - -


"The following is a match put together by Konnan for a guaranteed Lucha Underground contract!!!"





LU's search for talent ahead of Aztec Warfare led to the second-generation wrestler and the big man formerly known as Brodus Clay being brought to the temple. This is an interesting styles clash, with Tyrus attempting to control the action and slow things down while Pillman wants to take to the skies. Just when it seems as though Tyrus is set to finish him off, though, he misses a running legdrop, and a playing-possum Pillman (say THAT five times fast) pops up and gets the rollup for the pin at 8:02.


WINNER: Brian Pillman, Jr., pinfall



A shocked Tyrus pops up and levels Brian Pillman, Jr., with several clotheslines and motions to the back. On cue, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, and Mil Muertes appear, making it a 4-on-1 attack on the hopelessly-outnumbered Pillman. Before they can strike as a team, though, Bandido and Flamita come flying out from the back and team up to send the heels running out of the ring. A confused Pillman looks around, but the three then go off one set of ropes, bound over the top, and hit a group plancha on their four targets to wild cheers from the crowd.




- - - - -



Austin Aries vs. Son of Havoc


Remember how Drago got a main-event spot last week because Aerostar up and bolted? This is Son of Havoc's make-good, and he gets every chance to shine against a red-hot heel. Indeed, this match is shockingly even and gets plenty of time to breathe, with Aries heeling it up and Havoc's never-say-die attitude combining to get the crowd emotionally invested in the match. However, Havoc's pluck isn't enough, and Aries pins him at 18:25 after a 450 splash.


WINNER: Austin Aries, pinfall



- - - - -


Out in the field, Konnan and Dragon Lee have encountered Dario Cueto's hideout. Konnan instructs Dragon Lee to go behind the house while Konnan goes to the front.


Surprisingly, the door is open, and Dario is in a chair waiting for Konnan. He says he and Matanza kidnapped Thea Trinidad solely because he could, and that it serves as a reminder of who's really in charge.


A commotion off-screen is heard, as is a gigantic "THUD" of someone hitting the ground. After a few seconds, Dragon Lee emerges, with Thea Trinidad in one hand...and the Gauntlet of the Gods in another.


Cueto runs back to tend to his fallen brother while Konnan and Dragon Lee escort Thea to the car. As their car speeds off, though, Dragon Lee makes the decision to throw the gauntlet out the window, off a bridge, into the rushing water below. He explains he plans to win Aztec Warfare the right way, and that no man alive can properly harness the Gauntlet's power, so it can't possibly make it back to the temple. Konnan sighs, and says he hopes he's right as our scene fades to a graphic.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick OOC note: So it's taken a bit due to work and other things popping up, but I'm aiming to have Aztec Warfare up tomorrow. I've already played several months past this show, and it's going to be a blast...but Aztec Warfare is a freaking BEAST to write and I want to nail it. For fans of "The West Wing," call it Sam Seaborn Disease.


Anyway, that'll be up soon, and I sincerely hope y'all enjoy it. There's a gigantic twist coming that I think will be wildly entertaining.

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Lucha Underground: Aztec Warfare

January 2021, Week 2

Attendance: 850





We needed to beef up our women’s division beyond Thea Trinidad and Taya, so we picked up two of the best female workers on the market and had them kick off our first pay-per-view. These two work a strong, fast-paced opener, and it’s clear Lucha Underground has gained significant depth in the division. Purrazzo, though, gains the upper hand and forces Anna to tap to a Fujiwara Armbar at 7:38.


WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo, submission



- - - - -


We go backstage, where Dragon Lee and Thea Trinidad have arrived at the arena together. Marty Scurll approaches the two, and says that while he has a big issue with Dragon Lee, he had nothing to do with the abduction two weeks ago. This brings in Dario Cueto, who simply laughs at the spat and says both men will simply be “sacrifices to the gods” at the hands of his brother, Matanza.




- - - - -



Thea Trinidad © vs. Ivelisse


Full of vim and vigor after the last few weeks, the champion hits the ring like a house of fire while Mike Tenay and Konnan explain Taya is not in the building tonight due to a booking conflict (we’re pretty sure The Intern was cursing AAA through the headset at this point). Instead, it’s Ivelisse who gets thrown into the proverbial tornado, and she succumbs to a moonsault at 10:10 that allows the champ to retain her title.


WINNER: Thea Trinidad, pinfall



- - - - -



The Motor City Machine Guns and Mil Muertes © vs. Brian Pillman Jr., Bandido, and Flamita


Perhaps it’s fitting that one of LU’s best matches since the rebirth of the company is a trios match that pays homage to the golden age of lucha libre. Pillman, Bandido, and Flamita are perceived as the underdogs, but they have no problem getting the crowd behind them (a task made far easier by Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin being unlikeable, cocky jerks). All six men work their butts off here, but the crowd gets brought down a peg when Muertes clears the ring, Sabin hits a Future Shock on Pillman, and the champs retain at 11:57.


WINNERS: The Motor City Machine Guns and Mil Muertes, pinfall



Backstage, Dario Cueto is seen in one of the far-flung corners of the arena, with a key in his hand.


“Brother…it’s time.”


Matanza springs to life behind his cage, and his brother opens the door while the crowd inside the arena begins chanting, “Animo, animo, animo…”




- - - - -




Right away, we get a surprise. LU mainstay Son of Havoc is the first entrant in the match, but the crowd erupts as a conga line headed by NO WAY JOSE makes its way to ringside. The bell rings, and the two do a sequence that ends with Havoc flying over the top rope and onto the conga line members in front of the believers.


Number three, however, is Mil Muertes, and this is where the fun ends. Havoc and Jose try to team up to fell the big man, but that goes as you’d probably expect, and Mil pins both men before the next entrant: Tyrus. The two big men clobber each other with forearms, and the stalling allows the ring to fill a bit: Aramis arrives at number five, Bandido comes in at number six, and the debuting DOUGLAS JAMES arrives at number seven.


Number eight, however, is Alex Shelley, who teams up with Mil to clear out some of the dead weight. James falls victim to a choke slam, Shelley pins Aramis, and Bandido appears to be in trouble…before Dragon Lee runs in at number nine to a big pop. He first eliminates Tyrus and sets up a standoff between he and Bandido and Mil and Shelley, but Chris Sabin is number 10, and the united trios champs assume a numbers advantage. Flamita runs out in an attempt to even the odds at number 11, and he and Bandido get in several flashy double-team moves, but then comes the second big surprise as the PA system plays three words not heard in wrestling in quite some time.




RYBACK is number 12 and, to the dismay of the fans, forms a quick alliance with the trios champs. Bandido and Flamita are quickly dispatched, as is Dante Fox, who comes in at number 13 and gets hit by a Shellshock after a brief offensive flurry. Fans in search of a savior for Dragon Lee then get anything but, as Marty Scurll is 14 and…opts to sit in the crowd and watch Dragon Lee face a 4-on-1 numbers disadvantage. Amidst the boos, though, Ryback sees an opportunity to prove himself and leaves the ring to battle with Marty on the outside. Dragon then gets a sudden bust of adrenaline, snaps off a rana, and pins Shelley before bolting to the outside to regroup. Shelley throws a temper tantrum as DAVE CRIST enters at number 15, but he falls victim to a Shelley superkick on his way in, and Sabin pins him shortly after.


Ryback and Scurll fight their way back into the ring as Brian Pillman Jr. runs in at number 16. This provides Dragon Lee with a bit of help, and the two double-team Sabin before Lee hits an Operacion Dragon for the pin. Austin Aries dashes in at number 17, though, and he makes a beeline for the two tecnicos. Pillman is forced to tap to the Last Chancery, but Lee fends him off as Warhorse enters at number 18. Muertes forms a makeshift alliance with Aries to tackle Dragon and Warhorse, and Scurll immediately sees an opportunity, sneaking up behind Mil for a sudden rollup and pinfall that stuns the crowd. Mil, naturally, responds with a choke slam and a one-finger salute before storming back up the ramp, and fortunately for number 19, Will Hobbs, Muertes is off the scene by that point.


Hobbs beelines for Ryback, and the two powerhouses engage in a short test of strength. That ends quickly, however, as Matanza barrels down the ramp at number 20 and bodies start flying. Hobbs is gone quickly after Ryback throws him into a Wrath of the Gods, and a charge from Warhorse is met with a similar fate.


Matanza pops up, and rather than look at Dragon Lee, he looks to Ryback and Scurll. The three men nod and immediately turn their attention to Austin Aries, who tries to beg off but gets caught by Scurll’s Graduation for a pin.


FINAL FOUR: Dragon Lee, Marty Scurll, Matanza, Ryback


Immediately, the situation seems precarious for Dragon Lee, who is surrounded on three sides. Suddenly, Dario Cueto signals to Matanza…who levels Ryback with a running clothesline and picks him up for a Wrath of the Gods! The shocked crowd counts the pin, and we’re down to three.


Knowing that the alliance that had been built is on shaky ground, Scurll pleads for Matanza to help him eliminate Dragon Lee. However, Scurll’s begging is met as harshly as possible, as Dragon Lee dropkicks him from behind into another Wrath of the Gods! One pinfall later, we’re down to two men, with a new champion assured.


Quickly, Dragon Lee’s strategy becomes evident: He sticks, he moves, and he stays out of the monster’s grasp while using his speed to his advantage. That only works for a few moments, though, as Matanza crushes him in the corner and begins tossing Dragon around like a rag doll. The crowd begins to lose hope, and Matanza picks him up for a Wrath of the Gods…but midway through the slam, Dragon somehow finds a way to counter into an inside cradle!








WINNER, AND NEW CHAMPION: Dragon Lee, pinfall



Dragon Lee’s title celebration is short-lived, however, as Marty Scurll comes flying out from the backstage area and pounds away with furious fists. He makes no secret Dragon wasn’t the one who pinned him, and he demands a rematch, which Konnan summarily books for next week.




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PPV BUYS: 3,115

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Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 5

Title: "All That Glitters"

January 2021, Week 2 (yes, we did a TV show the same week)

Attendance: 295



Drago vs. Flamita


Drago was one of a few workers who didn't participate in Aztec Warfare due to obligations elsewhere (thanks, AAA). Here, he gets to put his skills on display against a promising young luchador in Flamita, one that could certainly benefit from the experience. After a back-and-forth opener, Drago gets the upper hand and prevails following a moonsault at 8:22.


WINNER: Drago, pinfall



Backstage, Thea Trinidad goes down a familiar hallway in search of Konnan. However, she instead walks head-first into...ELI DRAKE, who is clearly smitten with her and offers one sleazy pick-up line after another. Disgusted, Thea walks away, and Eli vows to make her notice him when he makes his Lucha Underground debut next week.




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Austin Aries vs. Dante Fox


Fresh off of being demolished by Matanza at Aztec Warfare, Aries enters this match on a mission. Fox does his best to keep up with the annoyed Aries, but his opponent is ruthless and does everything possible to keep the aerial innovator on the mat. After felling him for good, Aries locks in the Last Chancery, and that's good for a submission at 9:51.


WINNER: Austin Aries, submission



After the match, Austin Aries stomps over to the announcer's booth and confronts Konnan. He says he's yet to be beaten in a one-on-one match and wants a real challenge. Konnan says he has just the guy coming to town for one night only, and that Aries won't be disappointed next week.




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Dragon Lee © vs. Marty Scurll


After the two men come to the ring, Konnan makes a shocking announcement: This match...is now a ladder match!!!



Dragon Lee © vs. Marty Scurll


This match, while good, was actually a bit of a let-down. Not only do Dragon Lee and Marty Scurll not have lots of chemistry, but Dragon's tendency to work very quickly backfires, and Marty suffers a minor injury that clearly affects his workrate. However, the two pros work around this as well as they possibly can, and Dragon Lee ultimately knocks Scurll off the ladder and down to the ring below before grabbing the belt to retain the title at 19:42.


WINNER: Dragon Lee, item retrieval



Backstage, Marty Scurll is clearly upset as he returns to his locker. However, there's an envelope hanging from a coat rack with something inside. He opens it to reveal a note.




Marty turns the paper over, and the paper begins glowing. Marty's lips curl into an evil grin, and the final camera shot of the show displays...ONE OF THE ANCIENT AZTEC MEDALLIONS!!!




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It's time to take stock.


From an on-air standpoint, things are progressing well, especially since CMLL poached one guy we had big plans for, Rich Swann, and another we saw as a reliable midcarder, Aerostar, right as our fifth season started. Dragon Lee has become our babyface "ace." Marty Scurll is shining as the thorn in his side, while Austin Aries has torn it up with everyone he's worked with and Thea Trinidad has done a nice job anchoring the women's division.


That's the good news. The bad news is, we're steadily losing money. That'll happen due to the YouTube deal, which is great for exposure but dangerous for a weekly offering like ours. Hopefully, we'll stop the bleeding sooner rather than later.


Elsewhere in wrestling, WWE re-signed Brock Lesnar, to the shock of absolutely no one. He immediately won the Royal Rumble and seems bound for a spot in the WrestleMania main event. WWE has also really done a number on independent companies by signing lots of workers to developmental deals (thankfully, we've been spared defections to this point).


Things are, however, far rockier over in AEW. Word is beginning to spread that Tony Khan is re-thinking the hefty written contracts he's dished out to workers, and several of them have become available on pay-per-appearance deals. In addition, Eddie Kingston walked out on the company due to a dispute with Cody, and those two have engaged in an ugly war of words on social media.


You may wonder why I'm choosing to take stock now. Well, I'm backstage ahead of Season 5, Episode 6, and this is going to be one of the most pivotal episodes we produce. There's a lot that's going to change once this goes online, and we're hoping the buzz will be invaluable as we build to our next big show.

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Lucha Underground: Season 5, Episode 6

Title: "Who Found the Medallions?"

January 2021, Week 3

Attendance: 287


We open the show with Konnan at his desk inside his office. He looks down and finds an envelope, opening it up to reveal not one, not two, but three ancient Aztec medallions. On cue, in barges Dario Cueto, who accuses Konnan of playing games. He received a similar envelope, but makes clear he was expecting all seven medallions, not just three.


On cue, in walks Marty Scurll, who is in possession of the seventh medallion. He looks at the current and former Jefe's of Lucha Underground and asks the $64,000 question: "If you two didn't find them...who did, and why did I get one?"





Eli Drake vs. Aramis


Eli Drake's arrival in the Temple was highly anticipated, and for good reason. He's a tremendous talent between the ropes, but just as sound from a psychology standpoint. Instantly, the crowd hates the smarmy heel, but their energy seems to only make him stronger. Aramis puts forth an effort, but Drake controls the match from bell to bell and pins his foe at 5:45 following a Gravy Train.


WINNER: Eli Drake, pinfall



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Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taya


"Oh, Taya, how nice of you to show up!!!" - The Intern, into a headset before the match.


Anyway, the women's division has been delivering in spades of late, and this match proves to be no different. It's a stiffly-worked, back-and-forth affair that makes the most of the time it's given, and Purrazzo does a nice job of getting the crowd behind her. However, Taya manages the upper hand with a series of leg lariats and puts Purrazzo away at 8:02 following a Northern Lights Suplex.


WINNER: Taya, pinfall



After her victory, Taya rolls out of the ring and confronts Konnan at the announcer's booth. She screams in his face demanding a title shot against Thea Trinidad, and possibly to make her go away as much as anything else, Konnan relents and books the match for next week.




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Motor City Machine Guns vs. Son of Havoc/Drago


This is a pretty simple story to tell, as the obnoxious newcomers do everything they can to get under the skin of the Lucha Underground stalwarts across the ring. For the first part of the match, it works, much to the chagrin of the believers at ringside. However, following a sequence where all four men are in the ring, Alex Shelley gets distracted by Chris Sabin and Drago fighting outside, and that's enough for Son of Havoc to catch a roll-up for the shock victory at 7:34!


WINNERS: Son of Havoc and Drago, pinfall



Furious, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin double-team Son of Havoc after the match. Drago rolls in to attempt to stop it, but the Machine Guns gain the upper hand on him as well...until Brian Pillman, Jr., rushes in to send the rudos scrambling back up the ramp to regroup!




- - - - -


Austin Aries is in the ring with a microphone in hand. He says he was told Konnan got a "perfect opponent" for him after Aries had decimated everyone put in the ring with him in one-on-one matches. He demands to know who the mystery man is...and the lights go out.


Fanfare plays over the loudspeakers, and it's quickly recognized as "Rule Brittania" by the more astute members of the audience. The big screen lights up, and the graphic slowly becomes more legible as the letters get bigger and brighter.


A collective gasp is then heard as the mystery man reveals himself...beneath a big screen reading the name "WILL OSPREAY." The Aerial Assasin makes his way to the ring, and it's clear Aries was NOT expecting this.



Austin Aries vs. Will Ospreay


Those in the crowd stay standing for the duration of this main event. Ospreay wastes no time taking to the skies, and his offense is a perfect fit for what Lucha Underground fans are accustomed to seeing. He controls most of this match, actually, and is given every opportunity to look like the star he is. However, Aries slowly wears him down, and when a 450 splash from Ospreay hits nothing but canvas, Aries locks in the Last Chancery. After fighting for 10-15 seconds, Ospreay has no choice but to tap out at the 13-minute mark.


WINNER: Austin Aries, submission



- - - - -


When we come back from the commercial break, Konnan and Dario Cueto are standing in the ring. They announce that the seven ancient Aztec medallions have returned to the temple, and that qualifying matches will take place ahead of the next big show on FiteTV: GIFT OF THE GODS.


The crowd pops at the mention of the acclaimed LU custom. The winner of the match will earn a shot at the Lucha Underground Championship at a date of his choosing. Konnan and Cueto will each decide who gets their three, but both men are befuddled as to two questions: Who found the medallions, and why did Marty Scurll get the seventh one?


Once again, the lights go out in the arena. Footage is shown of old Aztec monuments in Mexico, and we hear a chilling voice over the speakers.


"I was on vacation. I was trying to escape what I've been bound to for so long. But I felt drawn to a quest, a quest many great warriors have tried and failed. I learned. I studied. I fought. And once I found the first medallion, well, I just HAD to get the other six.


"As far as what I had to do to get them, let's just say...I walked for miles inside a pit of danger."


If the Ospreay reveal drew gasps, this one draws unrestrained shock. Heavy metal music plays inside the temple, and the instantly-recognizable, suited-up, muscular figure of BATISTA appears at the top of the ramp. He smirks while Konnan stand stoically and Dario Cueto appears to suffer a nervous breakdown as our show fades to black.




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...well, THAT series of events oughta get y'all talking. :D

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