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Attendance: 5,000

PPV Buyrate: 542,026

Val Venis defeated Joey Mercury C+


Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Aguila B


John Cena defeated Tyson Tomko to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title C


Hawk defeated The Hurricane C+


Randy Orton defeated Al Snow C+


Trish Stratus defeated Melina to retain the WWF Women's Title C-


Bret Hart defeated Danny Basham C+


Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


Gene Snitsky and Chavo Guerrero defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog C+


Rene Dupree defeated Justin Credible for the WWF European Title C+


Edge and Scott Hall defeated Animal and Heidenreich B-


Kevin Nash defeated Kane to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B




Show Rating: B-

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Attendance: 5,000

PPV Buyrate: 542,026

Val Venis defeated Joey Mercury C+


Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Aguila B


John Cena defeated Tyson Tomko to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title C


Hawk defeated The Hurricane C+


Randy Orton defeated Al Snow C+


Trish Stratus defeated Melina to retain the WWF Women's Title C-


Bret Hart defeated Danny Basham C+


Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


Gene Snitsky and Chavo Guerrero defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog C+


Rene Dupree defeated Justin Credible for the WWF European Title C+


Edge and Scott Hall defeated Animal and Heidenreich B-


Kevin Nash defeated Kane to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B




Show Rating: B-

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Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the best place for an uncensored look at the world of pro wrestling.


November To Remeber really was something to remember. I was mulling over what I'd seen on Saturday night and it hit me... bang... I think that's the best wrestling card of the year so far. Seriously, everyone on that roster that was in action left their heart and soul in the ring!


The All Action Title match was actually the standout. You may not think it to look at me but I love it when the best cruisers are in the ring and let me tell ya: Vito, Daniels and Super Crazy are definitely some of the best.


This may be controversial but, if I'm honest, I don't like the idea of Christian, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit being in a stable. I just think they are all such good singles competitors that they don't need to be involved in any sort of group storyline. Having said that, I hope the ECW booking team proves me wrong.


And the World Title Match? Pure brilliance. Hats absoloutely have to go off to the guy who decided to revisit the Taipei Deathmatch (my guess is Paul E). Shane and Raven both put on an amazing performance and, in a way, it's a shame that Shane had to lose and retire. Although, having said that, we all knew he was gonna hang up his boots fairly soon - at least he did it in style. On that note, I have heard from my famous "inside sources" that he will still have an on-screen role but, I'm afraid, I am as in the dark as you are in regards to what that may be. I'll tell you what, though, with or without Shane, the ECW main event scene is looking very strong - possibly stronger than ever!


The same cannot be said for the WWF. Frankly, I wonder whether I should dignify their last couple of shows with a response but, hey, I'm nothing if not a diplomat...


Well, that's not quite true because I do have to say it how I see it. Ever since Frank Ladevala took over the booking reigns, the Federation have been heading for a nosedive. The sooner they give the ex-JAPW owner the boot, the better for wrestling fans. How can I say this nicely? Aah, screw niceties: Ladevala was the reason why Jersey All Pro went belly up so why, in the name of all that is sacred, did Vince hire him to book for a multinational company? It's like putting an alcoholic in a room with an open bar and expecting him to stay sober! Hardly Vince's modt brilliant moment...


I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


Thanks for reading...

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Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the best place for an uncensored look at the world of pro wrestling.


November To Remeber really was something to remember. I was mulling over what I'd seen on Saturday night and it hit me... bang... I think that's the best wrestling card of the year so far. Seriously, everyone on that roster that was in action left their heart and soul in the ring!


The All Action Title match was actually the standout. You may not think it to look at me but I love it when the best cruisers are in the ring and let me tell ya: Vito, Daniels and Super Crazy are definitely some of the best.


This may be controversial but, if I'm honest, I don't like the idea of Christian, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit being in a stable. I just think they are all such good singles competitors that they don't need to be involved in any sort of group storyline. Having said that, I hope the ECW booking team proves me wrong.


And the World Title Match? Pure brilliance. Hats absoloutely have to go off to the guy who decided to revisit the Taipei Deathmatch (my guess is Paul E). Shane and Raven both put on an amazing performance and, in a way, it's a shame that Shane had to lose and retire. Although, having said that, we all knew he was gonna hang up his boots fairly soon - at least he did it in style. On that note, I have heard from my famous "inside sources" that he will still have an on-screen role but, I'm afraid, I am as in the dark as you are in regards to what that may be. I'll tell you what, though, with or without Shane, the ECW main event scene is looking very strong - possibly stronger than ever!


The same cannot be said for the WWF. Frankly, I wonder whether I should dignify their last couple of shows with a response but, hey, I'm nothing if not a diplomat...


Well, that's not quite true because I do have to say it how I see it. Ever since Frank Ladevala took over the booking reigns, the Federation have been heading for a nosedive. The sooner they give the ex-JAPW owner the boot, the better for wrestling fans. How can I say this nicely? Aah, screw niceties: Ladevala was the reason why Jersey All Pro went belly up so why, in the name of all that is sacred, did Vince hire him to book for a multinational company? It's like putting an alcoholic in a room with an open bar and expecting him to stay sober! Hardly Vince's modt brilliant moment...


I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


Thanks for reading...

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FFS take the belt off Raven. You only keep the belt on him becauuse you are a Raven mark :rolleyes: . This gets 2 maybe 3 stars. Nice videos and layout though.


Ooooh, a little harsh there. Especially seeing as I'm a mark for most of the old ECW guys not just Raven. Moreover, I think it makes sense to have a strong heel champion; if the belt kept changing hands it would lose credibility.


I appreciate your opinion but next time I recommend expressing it a little less aggressively; you may end up offending someone ;). Also, I note the absence of any form of constructive criticism.


Quote The Raven


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FFS take the belt off Raven. You only keep the belt on him becauuse you are a Raven mark :rolleyes: . This gets 2 maybe 3 stars. Nice videos and layout though.


Ooooh, a little harsh there. Especially seeing as I'm a mark for most of the old ECW guys not just Raven. Moreover, I think it makes sense to have a strong heel champion; if the belt kept changing hands it would lose credibility.


I appreciate your opinion but next time I recommend expressing it a little less aggressively; you may end up offending someone ;). Also, I note the absence of any form of constructive criticism.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 1, December

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: This December is a great time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Gertner: That it is, Donny boy. The Masters Of Pain Tournament is just around the corner. In fact, the first qualifying match is up tonight.

Callis: True but not only that. Blood, Sweat and Beers, our first international broadcast in promotion history, debuts this month.

Gertner: Oh, yeah. Hey, isn't Paul E going to give some sort of announcement about that?

Callis: He sure is. He's scheduled to address employees and fans alike after our first match.



Los Increibles dominate and win when Juventud hits the Juvi Driver on Mark Briscoe at 14:01

Match Rating: B+


Paul Heyman enters the ring.



A massive "Paul E" chant begins.


Heyman: Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate that but if you give me a second I'll be able to give you the big news.


The crowd quitens down.


Heyman: As you know, on Saturday night ECW goes worldwide!


An even bigger "ECdub" chant begins.


Heyman: Haha, yeah.


He takes a second to savour the electric atmosphere.


Heyman: Now, the weekly three hour spectacle, known as "Blood, Sweat and Beers", will be the place for us to showcase our most talented stars to the world! However, I figure that, now we have three TV shows, we should be giving some airtime to our younger stars. So, F' The Mainstream will be more focused on our blue chippers. Don't worry, we're not reverting to a brand split but ECW's Thursday night TV will be a little different. I'll tell you what, I won't waste anymore time. I'll let F' The Mainstream's new commissioner tell you about it.


Gertner: F' The Mainstream has a new commissioner?

Callis: It's the first I've heard of it.


Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen... "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!


The Franchise enters the ring and shakes Heyman's hand.



He takes the mic off Paul E and laughs loudly.


Douglas: Thank you, Paul!


A "Franchise" chant begins in the crowd.


Douglas: Oh, yeah! Did you honestly expect me to be gone very long? I didn't think so. You see, Raven made me retire from in-ring action but not from the industry and, let me tell you, after a long absence due to personal issues, when I returned I swore I would never leave home again because my home is E C F**king W!


Another "ECdub" chant begins.


Douglas: Now, get ready for some top quality action on Thursday nights 'cos, if I have anything to do with it, Blood, Sweat and Beers won't be ECW's most celebrated show... F' The Mainstream will be!


Callis: Wow, Joel, what huge news!

Gertner: Yeah, that's massive!



The Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 10:22

Match Rating: A*


Steve Austin approaches Kurt Angle, who is lacing up his boots backstage.



Austin: Hey, Kurt, I'm sorry about Friday, man. I honestly thought you were Lesnar.


Angle seems too focused to care.


Angle: It's fine.


Austin: No it's not. I f**ked up bad. I apologise.


Angle turns to Austin.


Angle: Steve, it's fine. Now, I've got a Masters of Pain qualifying match to focus on...


Angle walks off leaving Austin looking somewhat confused.


Callis: Now, for those of you who don't know, matches that are a part of the Masters Of Pain tournament...

Gertner: ...like the one that's up next.

Callis: Exactly. They can only end in one of three ways.

Hertner: Those are to make your opponent tap out, to force him to say "I Quit" through a microphone or to, plain and simple, knock him out cold.


Masters Of Pain Qualifying Match


Angle looks incredibly intense. Shane taps out to the Ankle Lock at 13:57

Match Rating: A*


The Whole ****in' Show are backstage with Traci.



RVD: Didn't we tell you? New ECW World Tag Team Champions...


Michaels: The Whole...


RVD: ...F**kin'...


Michaels and RVD: ...Show.


RVD: Yeah!


Traci: Yeah, that match was really impressive. You guys were amazing!


Michaels: Well, thank you, sweet cheeks.


RVD: Say, Traci, we're going to an after show party. Did you want to join us?


Traci: I'd love to.


Michaels: puts on fake Englis accent Exquisite! We shall adjourn at twenty three hundred hours.


Traci: also puts on fake Englis accent Splendid.


Gertner: They call that language "English" Don.

Callis: sarcastically Do they now?

Gertner: You should learn to speak it properly.

Callis: After your performance at November To Remember, you are in no position to pass comment on my use of the language!



Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:36

Match Rating: A


Cactus Jack is backstage for a shoot promo.



Cactus: Sabu, you may have won our match at November To Remember but this is not over! For the time being, my priority is the Masters Of Pain competition but after I win the tournament, earn my title shot and take the belt off Raven I will look for retribution. I promise you, here and now, Sabu, when we next meet in the ring I will carve you a new face with my own special brand of psycopathic surgery!



Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 16:49

Match Rating: A*


After the match Christian and Jericho run to the ring.



They, along with Benoit, assault Lyger, leaving him out in the middle of the ring.


Callis: Oh, it's this goddamn Canadian group.

Gertner: Hey, Don, aren't you Canadian?

Callis: Yeah but don't associate me with these turncoats!


Jericho picks up a microphone.


Jericho: We are the Candian Connection and we are here to show America to be the inferior sespool that it is!


Huge boos echo around the arena as the show goes off the air...




Show Rating A

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Monday, week 1, December

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: This December is a great time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Gertner: That it is, Donny boy. The Masters Of Pain Tournament is just around the corner. In fact, the first qualifying match is up tonight.

Callis: True but not only that. Blood, Sweat and Beers, our first international broadcast in promotion history, debuts this month.

Gertner: Oh, yeah. Hey, isn't Paul E going to give some sort of announcement about that?

Callis: He sure is. He's scheduled to address employees and fans alike after our first match.



Los Increibles dominate and win when Juventud hits the Juvi Driver on Mark Briscoe at 14:01

Match Rating: B+


Paul Heyman enters the ring.



A massive "Paul E" chant begins.


Heyman: Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate that but if you give me a second I'll be able to give you the big news.


The crowd quitens down.


Heyman: As you know, on Saturday night ECW goes worldwide!


An even bigger "ECdub" chant begins.


Heyman: Haha, yeah.


He takes a second to savour the electric atmosphere.


Heyman: Now, the weekly three hour spectacle, known as "Blood, Sweat and Beers", will be the place for us to showcase our most talented stars to the world! However, I figure that, now we have three TV shows, we should be giving some airtime to our younger stars. So, F' The Mainstream will be more focused on our blue chippers. Don't worry, we're not reverting to a brand split but ECW's Thursday night TV will be a little different. I'll tell you what, I won't waste anymore time. I'll let F' The Mainstream's new commissioner tell you about it.


Gertner: F' The Mainstream has a new commissioner?

Callis: It's the first I've heard of it.


Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen... "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!


The Franchise enters the ring and shakes Heyman's hand.



He takes the mic off Paul E and laughs loudly.


Douglas: Thank you, Paul!


A "Franchise" chant begins in the crowd.


Douglas: Oh, yeah! Did you honestly expect me to be gone very long? I didn't think so. You see, Raven made me retire from in-ring action but not from the industry and, let me tell you, after a long absence due to personal issues, when I returned I swore I would never leave home again because my home is E C F**king W!


Another "ECdub" chant begins.


Douglas: Now, get ready for some top quality action on Thursday nights 'cos, if I have anything to do with it, Blood, Sweat and Beers won't be ECW's most celebrated show... F' The Mainstream will be!


Callis: Wow, Joel, what huge news!

Gertner: Yeah, that's massive!



The Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 10:22

Match Rating: A*


Steve Austin approaches Kurt Angle, who is lacing up his boots backstage.



Austin: Hey, Kurt, I'm sorry about Friday, man. I honestly thought you were Lesnar.


Angle seems too focused to care.


Angle: It's fine.


Austin: No it's not. I f**ked up bad. I apologise.


Angle turns to Austin.


Angle: Steve, it's fine. Now, I've got a Masters of Pain qualifying match to focus on...


Angle walks off leaving Austin looking somewhat confused.


Callis: Now, for those of you who don't know, matches that are a part of the Masters Of Pain tournament...

Gertner: ...like the one that's up next.

Callis: Exactly. They can only end in one of three ways.

Hertner: Those are to make your opponent tap out, to force him to say "I Quit" through a microphone or to, plain and simple, knock him out cold.


Masters Of Pain Qualifying Match


Angle looks incredibly intense. Shane taps out to the Ankle Lock at 13:57

Match Rating: A*


The Whole ****in' Show are backstage with Traci.



RVD: Didn't we tell you? New ECW World Tag Team Champions...


Michaels: The Whole...


RVD: ...F**kin'...


Michaels and RVD: ...Show.


RVD: Yeah!


Traci: Yeah, that match was really impressive. You guys were amazing!


Michaels: Well, thank you, sweet cheeks.


RVD: Say, Traci, we're going to an after show party. Did you want to join us?


Traci: I'd love to.


Michaels: puts on fake Englis accent Exquisite! We shall adjourn at twenty three hundred hours.


Traci: also puts on fake Englis accent Splendid.


Gertner: They call that language "English" Don.

Callis: sarcastically Do they now?

Gertner: You should learn to speak it properly.

Callis: After your performance at November To Remember, you are in no position to pass comment on my use of the language!



Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:36

Match Rating: A


Cactus Jack is backstage for a shoot promo.



Cactus: Sabu, you may have won our match at November To Remember but this is not over! For the time being, my priority is the Masters Of Pain competition but after I win the tournament, earn my title shot and take the belt off Raven I will look for retribution. I promise you, here and now, Sabu, when we next meet in the ring I will carve you a new face with my own special brand of psycopathic surgery!



Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 16:49

Match Rating: A*


After the match Christian and Jericho run to the ring.



They, along with Benoit, assault Lyger, leaving him out in the middle of the ring.


Callis: Oh, it's this goddamn Canadian group.

Gertner: Hey, Don, aren't you Canadian?

Callis: Yeah but don't associate me with these turncoats!


Jericho picks up a microphone.


Jericho: We are the Candian Connection and we are here to show America to be the inferior sespool that it is!


Huge boos echo around the arena as the show goes off the air...




Show Rating A

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WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion

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WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion

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WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion


Yeah, I try and use matchups where the guys suit each other's styles. I was very pleased with Shane's performance seeing as he is hardly over at all. Angle's so good (especially in the gameworld), though, that he can drag at least an A match out of almost anyone.


As for the Canadian Connection, I agree but I just have to book them right :confused:.


Thanks for the feedback, dude. I appreciate it!


Quote The Raven


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WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion


Yeah, I try and use matchups where the guys suit each other's styles. I was very pleased with Shane's performance seeing as he is hardly over at all. Angle's so good (especially in the gameworld), though, that he can drag at least an A match out of almost anyone.


As for the Canadian Connection, I agree but I just have to book them right :confused:.


Thanks for the feedback, dude. I appreciate it!


Quote The Raven


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Lita defeated Victoria B


Val Venis defeated Rob Conway B


Viscera defeated The Hurricane B-


Rene Dupree defeated Al Snow to retain the WWF European Title C+


The Outsiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog A


Animal and Kane defeated Justin Credible and Bret Hart A




Show Rating: B+

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Lita defeated Victoria B


Val Venis defeated Rob Conway B


Viscera defeated The Hurricane B-


Rene Dupree defeated Al Snow to retain the WWF European Title C+


The Outsiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog A


Animal and Kane defeated Justin Credible and Bret Hart A




Show Rating: B+

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