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Thank you very much guys. I really appreciate the support!


Right, I think the data has been effectively converted. So, I'll get booking and writing up again shortly.


I must warn you, I've made it a bit more difficult this time round ('cos I was averaging A* ratings, which is just dumb). So, if my ratings go down the sh*tter, you know why :D.



Quote The Raven


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Haha, cheers boys ;).


Now then, finally (and I mean finally), I've booked the first TV Show in 07 and it didn't go half bad :D. I'm gonna write it up either tonight or tommorow but before I do, I need to explain the following:


To avoid starting the gameworld in January and needing to skip a whole load of shows, I've set it at the beginning of February. The stories are in exactly the same place; I'm just warning you in case you are confused by the discrepancy in the dates.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 1, February

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: We witnessed the shocking appearance of Bret Hart in an ECW ring at Got Blood? and we have been told he will be in action tonight!

Gertner Yeah, Don. Frankly, I can't wait. Bret Hart is arguably the best technician in wrestling history and he will add even more strength to an already world class roster.

Callis: I don't often agree with you, Joel, but I can't argue with that. Now, though, the unresolved issues between Team Mexico and The Canadian Connection continue as Juvi Guerrera faces Christian.



Christian tries to keep the match a slow, grounded but struggles to do so.

In the end, Guerrera's pace is too great for Christian to deal with and he is pinned after a Juvi Driver.

Match Rating: B+


The Hart brothers are seen arriving backstage.



The crowd erupts.


Bret: Are we booked for tonight?


Owen: You are.


Bret: Against who?


Owen: I have no idea but, let's face it, they could hardly leave you off the card after the impact you made on Friday.


Bret: laughs The impact WE made.


Bret puts his arm round his brother's shoulder only to turn it into a side headlock. Owen laughs and quickly escapes.


Owen: You're losing your touch.


Bret: Watch it, you!


Owen laughs.


Owen: Anyway, I wouldn't worry who you're up against. There isn't a single person on the roster who can withstand the Sharpshooter.


Bret laughs again.


Kurt Angle approaches the duo.



Bret: Hey Kurt.


Kurt: Hey, guys. Listen Bret, I just wanted to say, your arrival here was amazing; it's about time someone shut Pag and his cronies up.


Bret: to Owen I like this guy already.


Kurt: Seriously, though, I also wanted to say that you've come to the right promotion. As big a reputation as ECW has got for hardcore brawling, this is the best place in the industry for technical excellence. You're going to fit right in here.


Bret: Thanks, Kurt, I appreciate that.


Kurt: No problem, just watch yourself with the New Age Enterprise. I'm sure you can take them in a fair match but they generally don't specialise in fairplay.


Bret: Shall do.


Kurt shakes hands with both brothers and heads off.


Gertner: Well, they were getting chummy.

Callis: I hope you're not insinuating anything.

Gertner: Would I?

Callis: You're the only person who would. Anyway, up next, LuFisto takes on Jazz as ECW gets set to launch the new women's division.



The match is very evenly contested and turns hardcore.

In the the ninth minute, Jazz hits a Powerbomb through a table and makes the pin.

Match Rating: B-


After the match, Jazz continues to assault LuFisto with the use of a steel chair.


Callis: Damn it, stop! She's won the match, there's no need for this.


Jazz picks up a microphone.


Jazz: Let this be a lesson to anyone who messes with me!


The New Age Enterprise are backstage.



Pag: Friday didn't exactly go according to plan.


Raven: Yeah, I think we figured that already. What's your point?


Pag: My point is we're gonna sort it tonight.


Burchill: How so Bossman?


Pag: Simple, I'm making a rematch for the tag titles tonight. So, Abyss, Goliath go and get ready.


Abyss and Goliath head to the locker rooms.


Raven: What the hell are you thinking?


Pag: Excuse me?


Raven: Don't you see? They haven't had a chance to recover from last Friday. There's no way they can beat Van Dam and Michaels without resting up first.


Pag: Nice to see your faith in your fellow team mates.


Raven: That's not what I meant and you know it.


Pag: What did you mean?


Steph: Pag, leave it.


Pag: No, I want to hear this.


Burchill: Bossman, let it go.


Raven: No, hang on, he wants to hear it and I want him to hear it.


Pag: Spit it out.


Raven: Fine, you overstepped the mark, "Bossman". You may make the matches around here but the fact is you don't know what it's like to compete in the ring. I do and I say Abyss and Goliath aren't in shape for a win tonight.


Pag: Coming from the man who knows all about winning...


Raven: What the hell does that mean?


Pag: What's the matter, Raven? Have you got short-term memory loss? You did lose the title to Sabu a month ago didn't you?


Raven: Oh, you should know, Pag. It's only 'cos you didn't have the balls to show up until after the pay-per-view. If I'd have had back up I'd have...


Pag: You'd have what? Relied on us to do your dirty work for you again?


Steph: Pag, please, leave it.


Burchill: Yeah, come on, Boss, this isn't necessary.


Raven: Oh, it's fine. I can't handle any more of this sh*t anyway. The New Age Enterprise is nothing without me and you know it!


Raven storms off.


Gertner: Wow, heated words!

Callis: You can say that again, Joel.

Gertner: Wow, hea...

Callis: You can but don't. Anyway, up next Daniels hopes to get his revenge on Punk for blindsiding him as he defends his All Action title.




The match is very even and Punk is clearly determined to win the title.

In the twelfth minute, Chris Daniels sets up Punk for the Angel's Wings.

However, Michael Shane runs in and takes out Daniels with a steel chair.

CM Punk goes for the cover.


Shane breaks up the pin and hits a Superkick on Punk. He then heads to the back.

Referee, John Finnegan, begins the count.

Neither man makes it back to his feet before the ten count and a no contest is declared.

Match Rating: B


The Sandman enters the ring.



Sandman: I just came out here to give some valuable information to my good friend Tommy Dreamer. Hey, Tommy, I just wanted you to know two things. First of all, your wife's backstage tonight. Second, when I was driving back from the arena on Friday, she was screaming like the little whore that she is.


Callis: What a sick bastard!


Dreamer sprints to the ring with cane in hand.



He takes out The Sandman with the cane.


Dreamer: Where is she?


Sandman mouths "f**k you" at Dreamer from where he lies and Tommy picks him up.


Dreamer: Sandman, you f**k, you're gonna pay for this one!


Dreamer hits a Spicolli Driver. He then looks under the ring and pulls out a can of lighter fluid.


Callis: Sh*t, no Tommy. Don't do it!

Gertner: Even, The Sandman doesn't deserve this!


Dreamer re-enters the ring and begins to douse Sandman's still body. Security comes running out to restrain Dreamer. He turns round and starts to take out the security force, hitting a DDT on all four consecutively. He then turns back to The Sandman.


Terry Funk runs to the ring.



Funk: Tommy, don't do it, son.


Dreamer: Terry, get backstage, man, this has nothing to do with you.


Funk: This isn't wrestling, Tommy, this isn't a match. This is just assault and he's not worth that.


Dreamer: Not worth it? He kidnapped my wife, Terry, he kidnapped Beulah!


Terry: I know, I know but this isn't the answer.


Dreamer: F**k that, man. He deserves this!


Dreamer pulls a lighter from his pocket.


Funk: Tommy, listen to me. In twelve years, have I ever given you bad advice?


Dreamer looks at Funk and then at the lighter.


Funk: Tommy, don't do it, for me, the man who stood by you through your entire career.


Dreamer lights the lighter.


Funk: Tommy, you do that and you'll never forgive yourself. I'll never forgive you Tommy.


Dreamer starts shaking. Funk steps forward and takes the lighter from him, he then hugs his protege and helps him to the back.




The match is very even but the Whole F**kin' Show do seem to posess a slight advantage.

In the fifteenth minute, Traci leaps up onto the apron to distract Goliath.

As the giant turns round, Michaels goes for a Super Kick but Goliath is just able to move.

Michaels' boot connects with Traci, who is sent tumbling to the floor.

RVD leaves the ring to check on Traci as Michaels continues to fight the Giants. He is clearly worried and carries her to the back.

Michaels, now on his own, grabs a chair to even the odds.

He takes out Goliath with the chair, quickly snaps round ans hits a Super Kick on Abyss.

He then ascends the turnbuckle and hits a Flying Elbow on the monster.


Match Rating: B-


The Hart brothers are backstage.



Owen: We just found out we're in tag team action tonight against Vito and Paul Burchill.


Bret: So to Shane Douglas, we say thank you for letting us get our hands on the scumbags. To Vito and Paul, good luck.


Owen: He means that sincerely too 'cos you're gonna need it.


Callis: Well that match is up next apparently.

Gertner: Great 'cos I can't wait!



The match is even but the Harts look as though they are in control.

In the fourteenth minute, Raven comes running out and Owen chases him back up the aisle way, leaving Bret in the ring.

Bret has no problems, though, with taking on two men.

However, Stephanie Mcintosh emerges from the crowd with knuckle dusters in her hand.

She throws them to Vito, who promptly decks the Hitman as Stephanie Mac heads backstage.

Vito makes the cover on a lifeless Bret Hart.



Callis: How the hell did he manage that?


Bret springs to his feet as Owen rejoins the fray.

The brothers hit simultaneous Spinebusters on their opponents.

Then they both lock on the Sharpshooter to their respective opponent.

Vito is the first to tap.

Match Rating: B- (how the hell was that only B-?!?)


Raven and Monsters Inc. run to the ring.



They commence a 3-on-1 assault on the Harts.


Callis: Oh, come on, the match is over!


Kurt Angle runs out.



The NaE decide to vacate the ring before they have to fight fair odds. Meanwhile, Angle helps Owen and Bret up.


Callis: Well, thank god someone had the balls to come and help.

Gertner: Yeah, that could have got ugly!



The match quickly turns hardcore.

In the sixteenth minute, Austin hits the Superstar Stunner and gets the pin.

Match Rating: A* (Bugger me, that was unexpected :D!)


After the match, Austin celebrates as the fans go nuts. Suddenly, the lights in the arena go off.


When they come back on, the World Champion, Sabu, is in the ring.



He points to the sky and steps forward to meet Austin. The show goes off the air as champion and challenger staredown.


Show Rating: B+

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Bam Bam's yearly round-up


Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is a special Bam Bam Exam, where I share my favourite moments of wrestling from 2006 and look forward to 2007.


Okay, so let me think, highlights of '06. Well, I wanted to express my agreement (and in some cases disagreement) with this years PWI awards...


Let's start off with my biggest gripe to get it out of the way. Kevin Nash, vet of the year. Two words, f**k off!


Now then, Shawn Michaels, wrestler of the year? Well, maybe, but not in my view. Reasons... firstly, I just think Raven has been short changed. The man's had two title runs this year (although one of them was very short by his standards) and has carried some of ECW's main stories. Maybe I'm being overly generous but , hey, I feel for the guy. Other contenders in my book were both Hart brothers, who had storming years in WWF and made a huge impact when joining ECW but I guess it would be tough to give it to one and not the other, and, in my view, Justin Credible. Yes, I probably do plug this guy to much but, for me, he carried the WWF undercard for an entire year - really deserves credit.


The others looked pretty good. Don't shoot me but Trish probably did deserve the Best Female Wrestler award 'cos of how much the feisty little las has improved. Card of the year, Masters Of Pain? I thought Novemebr To Remember but, whatever, they both rocked. Match of the year, Owen versus Bret? Spot on! An finally promotion of the year, ECW? Well, just look at the competition WWF was providing. Though, that may change with Bischoff running the show...


The other one I wanted to mention was Vito's young wrestler of the year award. Let me just say, that young kid has been pushed to the moon and he's handled it so brilliantly. From what I hear, he's a pleasant guy backstage and isn't getting arrogant because of his push. This leads on very nicely to...


Bam Bam's view for 2007


The two ECW golden boys, one of which being the previously mentioned Vito Thomaselli the other being Paul Burchill, are definitely heading in the right direction. My "inside sources" tell me that the Hart brothers have taken these two youngsters under their collective wing and, let's be honest, are there any two better mentors in wrestling? Survey says... NOT! Also, even more excitingly (if you like Burchill and Vito and I do), ECW say that the storyline that is set to propel these two firmly into the main event is now underway!


The only other thing I have to say... I hope WWF can put some stiffer competition out for ECW. Not because I'm a Federation fan but because I'm a wrestling fan - competition can only be a good thing.


I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


Thanks for reading...

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Saturday, week 1, February

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I am once again alongside to former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

Corino: Hey, thanks, Joey. Tonight should be awesome.

Taz: Damn straight, Old School. I can't wait to see Owen and Bret kicking ass again.

Joey: Hey, Steve, didn't you say Bret was your dream opponent in an interview a few years back?

Corino: I sure did Joey.

Joey: Well, I can hardly blame you. Just think, you may get the opportunity.

Corino: Yeah, if I ever get over my damn ligament trouble.



The Iron Saints with a Spike Powerbomb at 9:02

Match Rating: B


Shawn Michaels approaches RVD backstage.



Michaels: What the hell was that on Monday?


RVD: What?


Michaels: You f**king bailed on me!


RVD: Now you know how it fells, huh?


Michaels: Is that what this is about? Payback?


RVD: No.


Michaels: It is, isn't it? You petty bastard!


RVD: Woah, slow down. Take a f**king chill pill and cease the hostilities my friend.


Michaels composes himself.


RVD: Traci was hurt, man. You know how I feel about her and, even if I didn't feel that way, there was no way I was leaving her out cold. Besides, just as you said at Got Blood?, we're still tag champs aren't we?


Michaels: You're right man, sorry. You know what the problem is?


RVD: Shoot.


Michaels: We're both too feisty. I don't know about you but I think marriage counselling would be the best option.


RVD laughs.


RVD: Well, it's an original plan. I'll give you that...


Michaels: Anyway, speaking of marriage, how is the whole Traci thing going.


RVD: Aah, not too good, man. I feel like a lovestruck teenager.


Michaels laughs.


Michaels: Well, come on spill.


RVD: Nah, you don't want to hear about it.


Michaels: Oh, come on, my sister used to be an agony aunt. Listening runs in the family.


RVD: Really?


Michaels: No. I just made that up but still...


RVD laughs and the two friends walk off chatting.



The match is very even.

In the ninth minute, LuFisto hits a Piledriver through a table.

1...2...Jazz rolls through.

She gets her feet on the ropes for extra leverage.


Match Rating: B-


Joey: Damn it, Jazz stole one.

Taz: Yeah and she's not sticking around.

Corino: Probably wise, LuFisto don't look happy.


The NaE come to the ring.



Pag: Got Blood? didn't go according to plan, Monday night didn't go according to plan. Quite frankly, I'm f**king sick of things not going to plan. However, I see no need for panic and just to stabilise the situation I'm bringing some new blood into the New Age Enterprise. This man was very eager to join our elite group. So let me introduce to you, CM Punk!


Punk joins them in the ring.



He takes the mic off Pag.


Punk: The way I see it, the New Age Enterprise is the best thing going in wrestling today. So, what better place is there for the hottest prospect in wrestling, CM Punk?


He hands the mic back to Pag.


Pag: Now, I want to maintain a certain a sense of equilibrium and, moreover, there is someone here who does not belong. I'm talking about the man who cost us the tag titles last week... Abyss!


Suddenly, Burchill, Goliath, Vito and Punk start to assault Abyss but Raven stands to one side.

Goliath hits the Giant Chokeslam and picks his former partner back up.

Burchill hits the C-4.

Goliath then lifts Abyss on to Vito's shoulders so he can hit the Vito Driver.

CM Punk applies an Anaconda Vice on the fallen giant.

Pag then approaches Raven.


Pag: I think one last thing is called for. The Raven Effect!


Raven shakes his head at Pag and leaves the ring. The rest of the NaE look slightly confused.


Joey: Well there certainly is some friction between Raven and Pag of late.

Taz: No doubt, Joey, no doubt.



Austin wins with a Superstar Stunner at 12:27

Match Rating: B


The Sandman is seen arriving at the parking lot.



He makes his way towards the main arena doors.


Suddenly, Tommy Dreamer jumps him from behind.


A huge fist fight ensues around the parking lot with neither man gaining advantage. Dreamer, however, hits a Spicolli Driver just as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Dreamer: This is gonna keep happening, Sandman.



The two old ECW faithful put look determined to impress.

Sure enough, they put on an incredible match.

In the twelfth minute, Storm locks in a Single Leg Crab.

In a great display of strength, Lynn uses his arms to push up and regain standing with his free leg.

Storm does not release the hold, however, until Lynn snaps round with an Enziguiri that nearly beheads the Canadian.

Lynn makes the cover.


He then hoists Storm to the top rope and hits a Tornado DDT.



Taz: Wow, how is Storm doing this.


Lynn then picks up Storm and lifts him up for a running Piledriver but it is reversed into a Hurricanrana.

Storm does hooks the legs.


Storm ascends the buckles before Lynn rises and waits for him to stand.

He goes for a Flying Bionic Elbow but Lynn catches him in midair.

He then turns Storm upside down and hits the Cradle Piledriver.


Match Rating: A*


Paul Heyman approaches the Hart brothers and Kurt Angle backstage.



Heyman: Guys, we still have a timeslot for the main event and seeing as this is our flagship a TV show, I'm gonna make it a TV title match. The challenger can be any of you three. Sort it out amongst yourselves. Oh and don't worry, the New Age Enterprise are banned from ringside.


Heyman leaves as quickly as he came.


Kurt: Wow, that was sudden!


Bret: So, who's it gonna be.


Kurt: Tell you what, it should be one of you two, seeing as you've got this rivalry going with the Enterprise. Owen, give me that dime.


Owen: Why?


Kurt: Just trust me.


Owen hands the coin over.

Kurt turns to Bret.


Kurt: Heads or tails.


Bret laughs.


Bret: Tails.


Kurt flips the coin.


Kurt: Heads it is.


Owen: It's you then, bro. Teach that punk, Vito, a lesson he won't forget.



Jericho wins after using the ropes for leverage at 13:11

Match Rating: B


A video is shown to hype Steve Austin vs. Sabu for the World title.






Owen Hart and Kurt Angle guard the ring just in case the NaE should show up.

Vito fairs surprisingly well.

In the seventeenth minute, Vito hits the Vito Driver.

He gets his feet on the ropes for leverage.



Taz: I think Bret Hart is the first man to kick out of the Vito Driver, Joey.

Joey: You're right, Taz, he is.

Corino: Man, that's gotta blow if you're Vito!


Bret quickly floors the champ with a Shooter Takdown and locks in the Sharpshooter.

Vito struggles for the bottom rope but it is no good.


Match Rating: A*


Joey: We have a new TV champion and he's only been in the promotion for a week!

Taz: Wow, just, wow.


Show Rating: A

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Mr. Nevermore your diary is the very best diary on this forum. And thats true---- so I made something for you and your game....


the new ECW world Television champion






Use them if you like.... Keep up the good work



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since you like the first pics.... here comes some more


ECw world champ



All action


Ecw tag champs



And hey they are the whole f'n show


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Monday, week 2, February

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: We have a new Television champion here in ECW in the form of Bret Hart and it looks like The New Age Enterprise's run of bad luck isn't over.

Gertner: True, Don, and I'm sure that will delight this sellout crowd.



The two rival teams fight it out in a very even match.

The Iron Saints win with a Spike Piledriver through a table on Buh Buh at 9:17

Match Rating: B


The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



Michaels: Right, I'm gonna help you with this whole Traci thing.


RVD: And how are you gonna do that, Cupid?


Michaels: By helping you with your moves.


RVD: My moves are fine.


Michaels: Fine but not great. Trust, you're speaking to the Heartbreak Kid here.


RVD laughs.


RVD: Whatever.


Michaels: Drop the cynical attitude and help me out here. What's your plan of action?


RVD: I dunno, I'll find a way to impress her.


Michaels: How so, Romeo?


RVD: I have no idea right now.


Michaels: Okay, watch and learn.


Michaels stretches and checks his breath.


Michaels: I'm gonna show you how I'd do it, so you can pick up some clues.


Traci approaches the locker room.



Michaels: Traci...


Michaels clears his throat.


Upon hearing her name, Traci decides not to enter but listens outside the door.


Michaels: Traci, sugar, you are the finest piece o' ass in the building and I'd be honoured if I could take you out on the town tonight so we can paint the damn thing red. And she'd be like... puts on feminine voice "Shawn, I'd love to."


Traci smiles outside the door and walks off looking thoughtful.


RVD: That would so not happen.


Michaels: Well, no obviously not 'cos you'll be the one saying it. So it'll be more along the lines of "Rob, I'd love to." but, come on, artistic licence and all that.


RVD: sarcastically Yeah, right.


Gertner: Oh, man, how much do you think Traci heard?

Callis: I'm not too sure, Joel, but things could get a bit awkward if she heard what I think she heard.

Gertner: Yeah, I'm with you on that, Don.

Callis: Up next, though, LuFisto and Jazz step into the ring again bu this time each has got a partner: LuFisto and Meiko Satomura take on Jazz and Amazing Kong.



The match is very even with both teams working well together.

In the ninth minute, Kong and Satomura are brawling on the outside.

Jazz hits a Powerbomb on LuFisto and hooks her legs.

Amazing Kong floors Satomura with a charm and pulls Jazz's arms from the apron to give her extra leverage.


Match Rating: B-


Callis: Is LuFisto ever gonna get a fair shot at beating Jazz.

Gertner: It doesn't look like it at this rate, Don.


The Sandman comes to the ring with mic in hand.



Sandman: Tommy Dreamer, you...


Before he can continue, Dreamer storms the ring.



The two men step forward to face each other and another brawl looks set to start.


Shane Douglas appears at the entrance way.



Douglas: Woah, woah, woah. The Franchise likes a good brawl as much as the next guy but this is just ridiculous. My job as Revolution Commissioner is to ensure that the best possible matches are showcased every week. So, tell me, how can I do that when you two are taking up ten minutes of my ringtime?


Dreamer: Shane...


Douglas: I don't want to hear it, Tommy. I know what the situation is between you two and I know how to rectify it. You two are gonna have a match at Living Dangerously in two weeks time.


The crowd erupt at the announcement.


Douglas: That's not all. There are going to be some stipulations that will settle this whole thing. Sandman, if you win, you'll get a contract entitling you to the managerial services of Beulah Mcgillicutty.


Dreamer looks pissed off.


Douglas: Dreamer, if you win, you not only get Beulah but you also get to book Sandman's matches for a month!


Dreamer suddenly looks a lot more content, while it is Sandman's turn to look pissed.


Douglas: One last catch. Do what you want on your own time but, if either of you lay a finger on one another when you're in my ring, you're both fired!


Gertner: Wow, The Franchise lays down the law.

Callis: Yeah, something he does very well.


Douglas: As for tonight, I was so impressed with two individuals on Blood, Sweat and Beers that I'm making a rematch here on Revolution. You see, I seem to remember a few months back there was a best of seven series between Juvi Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr. Well, this is the first match in a new best of seven series between Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn and it's up right now!


Gertner: Oh man, if this match is anything like the one last week...

Callis: I know, Joel, it should be incredible.



Sure enough, the match is another classic.

In the fourteenth minute, Storm attempts a Flying Spinning Heel Kick but Lynn cathes his leg, lifts him up and delivers a Powerbomb.


Storm then backs out of the ring to gather his bearings.

Lynn rebounds off the ropes and swan dives over the ropes but Storm moves.


Callis: Oh, Lynn eats the steel guard rail.

Gertner: Now, if Storm's quick he can capitalise.


Storm rolls Lynn back into teh ring.

He then sets up his opponent for a Deep Impact Piledriver.

However, Lynn uses his weight to force Storm over.

Lynn, now standing, hooks his arm over and hits a Cradle Piledriver.


Match rating: A*


Callis: That was incredible!

Gertner: Yeah, those two never fail to impress!


Paul Burchill approaches Raven backstage.



Burchill: Hey, champ.


Raven: What's up Burchill?


Burchill looks surpised.


Burchill: You're not pissed at me then?


Raven: No, why?


Burchill: Well, that whole thing on Saturday. You bailed on us.


Raven: Let's just say, I didn't agree with kicking Abyss out. Anyway, I think it's safe to say you guys had it covered.


Burchill: That's not the point, we're supposed to be a group.


Raven: Yeah, so tell me why just the one ass hole is calling the shots?


Burchill: Bossman, you mean?


Raven: Yeah, man, and what is that "Bossman" sh*t?


Burchill: F**k me, dude, what is your problem all of a sudden. Even before the other guys came, you, me and Pag were the most dominant force in ECW. It was us who started the Enterprise.


Raven: Yeah I realise that but do you know what else I realise?


Burchill: What?


Raven: We don't get enough credit. Let's be honest, it wasn't you, me and Pag. It was you and me winning the titles, it was you and me working are asses of in that ring every night. Pag was just an onlooker.


Burchill: But it was him who brought us together.


Raven: Oh, I know. Look, it's simple, he had his purpose but that purpose has become obsolete.


Burchill makes to leave.


Raven: Hey, Paul, this doesn't come between us, okay. We've worked too f**king hard for things to fall apart now. Regardless of who is with us, you and I will always be a team. You and I are the New Age Enterprise.


Burchill takes the compliment and the two men hug before Burchill walks off, leaving Raven smiling almost sarcastically.



The newly independent Abyss, despie his size, finds it difficult to match Austin's determination and tenacity.

The "Superstar" wins with a Superstar Stunner at 12:04

Match Rating: A*


The Canadian Connection are backstage for a shoot promo.



Jericho: We are the Canadian Connection and we are here to address those putrid, no-talent has-beens in Team Mexico.


Benoit: The fact is, Canada is the most elite country in the world.


Christian: Yeah and we three men are the elite of wrestling.


Jericho: While you, Team Mexico, are on your way out 'cos we're challenging you to another six-man-tag match at Living Dangerously and, after we kick your asses for a second time, the wrestling community will realise just how second-rate you are.


Two members of the NaE come to the ring.



Pag: Tonight, we're going to see if Bret Hart deserves that TV tilte because I'm making a title match between him and Paul Burchill.


The crowd jeer.


Pag: But first, Owen Hart get you ass out here 'cos you've got a match with Vito.



Owen struggles with interference from Pag.

However, in the twelfth minute, Bret Hart runs down to even the odds.

This allows Owen to control the match.

He locks in the Sharpshooter and Vito has no choice but to tap.

Match Rating: A


Bret enters the ring and picks up a microphone.



Bret: I don't care who it is from the New Age Enterprise that I have to face is. I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. So, Burchill don't get too downhearted when I teach you what real wrestling is!




The presence of Vito and Pag and Owen Hart effectively cancels out as neither side wants a brawl on the outside.

The match is surprisingly even as Burchill manages to break many of Hart's holds.

In the sixteenth minute, Bret locks in the Sharpshooter and Owen prevents Vito and Pag from interfering.


Callis: Bret locks in the Sharpshooter, this could be it!


Raven runs to the ring.



Raven reaches under the ring ropes and pulls Burchill out of the ring.

The two men head up the aisle way.


Gertner: Are they leaving?

Callis: Those cowardly bastards, the match isn't over!


Referee, Jim Molineaux, awards the match to Bret Hart.

Match Rating: B+


Vito and Pag approach Burchill and Raven.


Pag: What the hell was that? Bret's still the champ.


Raven: Are you kidding? He had Burchill in the Sharpshooter.


Burchill: Bossman, it's fine, he helped me out.


Pag: Help? He lost us the match.


Raven: Us? It was Burchill's match not yours!


Pag: And he lost thanks to you.


Raven: No, thanks to me, he didn't have his back broken! NIce to see your concern for your team mates.


Pag: That's not what I meant and you know it!


Raven: So, what did you mean "Bossman"?


Pag: F**k this!


Pag storms off and is followed by Vito. Burchill stays standing with Raven.


Show Rating: A

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