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ECW Revolution Review


- I still don’t see how Goldberg & Steiner fit into this version of ECW. Now if it was McMahon’s ECW….


- You have me very intrigued as to who this second Ultimo Dragon is. I also like where this thing between Vito & the real Ultimo is going. It all adds up to great mid-card matches that entertain.


- I still think Burchill will turn his back on Owen and re-align with Raven.


- Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer in a Singapore Cane match. Need I say more?


- I can only imagine the carnage a Death Match between Sabu & Cactus Jack cold create.


- Wow, that Owen Hart vs. Raven match really got out of control. I would love to see a Owen vs. Rhino match. Rhino is so under-rated in his in-ring work. That match would be gold.


- OK, the ending with the sWo was pure comic gold. That was hysterical brother! Great show.


Tournament Predictions

Normally I would go for Kurt, but seeing as Owen has been the main focus of your booking recently, I have to go with the younger Hart brother.


World Title match Prediction

I don’t see Sabu as World Champion material. He has always been a threat to anyone he faces that’s for sure, but as far as being a World Champion, I just don’t see it. I’m going with Raven on this one.

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ECW Revolution Review


- I still don’t see how Goldberg & Steiner fit into this version of ECW. Now if it was McMahon’s ECW….


- You have me very intrigued as to who this second Ultimo Dragon is. I also like where this thing between Vito & the real Ultimo is going. It all adds up to great mid-card matches that entertain.


- I still think Burchill will turn his back on Owen and re-align with Raven.


- Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer in a Singapore Cane match. Need I say more?


- I can only imagine the carnage a Death Match between Sabu & Cactus Jack cold create.


- Wow, that Owen Hart vs. Raven match really got out of control. I would love to see a Owen vs. Rhino match. Rhino is so under-rated in his in-ring work. That match would be gold.


- OK, the ending with the sWo was pure comic gold. That was hysterical brother! Great show.


Tournament Predictions

Normally I would go for Kurt, but seeing as Owen has been the main focus of your booking recently, I have to go with the younger Hart brother.


World Title match Prediction

I don’t see Sabu as World Champion material. He has always been a threat to anyone he faces that’s for sure, but as far as being a World Champion, I just don’t see it. I’m going with Raven on this one.

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I'm going to predict Kurt Angle winning tournament...

Not sure of your brackets, but I'm thinking Owen will beat Burchill at some point and then Burchill will Cost Owen the victory in the finals against Angle


I also like Raven for pretty much the same reason that "King of Old school" gave :-)

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I'm going to predict Kurt Angle winning tournament...

Not sure of your brackets, but I'm thinking Owen will beat Burchill at some point and then Burchill will Cost Owen the victory in the finals against Angle


I also like Raven for pretty much the same reason that "King of Old school" gave :-)

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Friday, week 4, December

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2594438&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




Joey: Hello and welcome to the ECW Masters Of Pain finals. I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis and, former ECW World Champion, Taz.

Callis: Thanks, Joey. Tonight, we will witness the remaining three rounds of the Masters Of Pain tournament, which will, of course, decide the number one contendership.

Taz: Not only that, Don. We also have a huge title match between Sabu and, the champion, Raven. Let me tell you, folks, that could get ugly pretty damn quick!

Joey: ...and speaking of ugly.


Joel Gertner is in the ring, ready to give his trademark intro.



Gertner: Well, well, well, this goes out to the welfare recipients and homeless vagabonds of Asbury Park, New Jersey and to the thousands upon thousands tuning in to see me on pay-per-view.


Callis: Talk about a high opinion of himself.

Joey: Oh, I know.


Gertner: Now, to all you insignificant Gertner wannabes, put those six inch floppies away 'cos here comes the man with the biggest hard drive in pro wrestling. He is nature's bountiful masterpiece and the man who, last night, took such liberties with your mother that he is now recognized as your father in sixteen states, Joel "sweet dreams are made of this" Gertner.


Callis: Oh, dear god.

Joey merely sits with his head in his hands while Taz laughs hysterically.


Gertner: My manhood's so big I can't help but make her strain. So, call me Joel Gertner, "The Master Of Pain"!


Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, the following are the rules that apply to the Masters Of Pain tournament:


Matches are one fall but cannot be decided via a pin. However, submission, either by tap out or by saying "I quit" through a microphone, will result in a loss as will being knocked out for a ten count. In the case of the semi-finals and final of the tournament, one extra match stipulation will be chosen by the winner of a coin toss.


Introducing the first quarter-final contest, to my left, Bill Goldberg and, to my right, representing the Canadian Connection, Chris Jericho.




Goldberg looks determined but Jericho is able to keep the match mat-based, which works to his advantage. He wins with a Walls Of Jericho at 14:31

Match Rating: A*


Joey: So, Jericho advances.

Taz: That he does, Joey, we have our first semi-finalist.


Paul Burchill and Owen Hart are finishing getting ready backstage.



Hart: Well, I'm up next.


Burchill: Hey, good luck, man. I'll have your back if Raven or Rhino try anything.


Hart: Yeah, likewise. Catch you later.


Hart walks to the ring, leaving Burchill to tape his fists up.


Callis: Can you believe this. Hart and Angle have been drawn against each other in the quarter-finals.

Taz: Oh, man, this should be fantastic.




The match starts with both men feeling each other out.

Angle calls for a test of strength and Owen accepts.

They lock up - Owen seems to have the advanatge but Angle reverses into a modified Northern Lights Suplex.

He immediately goes for an Ankle Lock but Owen slips out of the ring.


Joey: Wow, this is great already.

Taz: No doubt, Joe.


Owen re-enters the ring and attempts a clothesline but Angle ducks underneath.

He wraps his arms around Owen's waist and attempts a German Suplex.

Owen, However, stays on his feet, so, Angle pushes him to the ropes and uses the momentum roll back into a pinning predicament.

However, as pinfalls do not result in a victory, he releases the hold.

Owen rises to his feet and immediately stuns Angle with a stiff punch.

He then nails a picture perfect dropkick and climbs the turnbuckles.

Angle does not move in time and is hit by a Flying Leg Drop.

Owen tries to apply the Sharpshooter but Angle launches him through the ropes to the outside.


Taz: Man, what strength Kurt has in his legs!

Callis: Well, he trains more intensively than anyone else I know of.


After Owen re-enters the ring, a mat-based technical contest ensues.

In the twentieth minute, Kurt hits the Angle Slam and locks in the Ankle Lock...

Owen is able to roll over onto his back and kick Angle to the ropes.

He then instantly springs to his feet and, as Angle rebounds, he hits a DDT.

Sharpshooter... Angle has no choice but to tap out!

Match Rating: A*


After the match, Owen helps Kurt to his feet. They shake hands and Kurt raises the victor's hand.


Joey: Now, that is how things should happen!

Taz: Absolutley, Joey. That was a great match and a great show of respect!




Cactus Jack looks intense and, with the use of many weapons, controls the match for the majority of the time. He wins via knockout with a Double Arm DDT onto a steel chair at 16:04

Match Rating: A*


A video is shown to hype the Dreamer/Sandman feud.



Taz: Oh, man, that stuff between Tommy and The Sandman is getting intense.

Calls: Very true and we now know that they will face one another at Got Blood?.

Joey: Well, that's next week but, now, we have the last of our quarter-finals. Paul Burchill takes on Rhino.




The match quickly turns hardcore, with use of all manner of weapons. The contest is very even and neither man can get a definitive advantage. In the twelfth minute, Raven walks to the ring with chair in hand. However, before he can help Rhino, Owen Hart runs out and disarms. A brawl ensues between the two as Burchill hits the C-4 in the ring. 1...2...3!

Match Rating: A


Joey: Owen Hart stopped the unfair advantage, allowing Burchill to get the win.

Taz: Good work, Owen!


Rhino looks incredibly angry about the loss, staring daggers at Owen Hart and Paul Burchill as the camera cuts backstage.


Vito is backstage with Francine.



Vito: Ultimo Dragon, everyone is calling out for me to defend my TV Title against you at Got Blood? Well, I'll tell you what, if you can beat my associate, I will.


Vito's imposter Ultimo Dragon steps on-screen.



Vito: But, Ultimo, can you really hope to beat a man who knows every move you'll throw at him?


The camera cuts back to ringside.


Joey: I am dying to know who that fake Ultimo is!

Taz: You're not the only one, Joey.


Bob Artese: The following is the coin toss for the first semi-final between Chris Jericho and Owen Hart. Owen, it's you to choose.


Hart: Heads.


Referee Chris Kay flips the coin.


Bob Artese: It's tails. Chris, choose your stipulation.


Jericho: I want the whole locker room out here 'cos it's gonna be a Lumberjack Match!


The locker room empties as wrestlers and road agents alike surround the ring.




The stipulation works in Jericho's favour as he has the Canadian Connection to back him up plus Owen has made several enemies recently.

Jericho whips Owen to the ropes.

Instead of hitting a move on the rebound, Jericho merely holds the opposite rope down so that Owen falls to the floor outside.

Benoit and Christian immediately lead the assault as others, including Raven and Rhino, join in.

Owen manages to crawl back in, only to recieve a Baseball Slide upon re-entering that sends him back outside.


Callis: Oh, come on, Jericho is getting the lumberjacks to do the work for him.

Joey: It may be unfair but, nevertheless, it's pretty damn smart!


After finally returning to the ring, Owen walks right into a Vertical Suplex.

Jericho climbs out onto the apron and hits a Slingshot Legdrop.

He locks in the Walls Of Jericho but Owen makes it to the ropes.

In the eighteenth minute, after a great technical display Jericho hits a Leg Lariat.

He then attempts a Lionsault but Burchill, who is on the outside, shakes the ropes, causing Jericho to fall back on his head.

Owen sees the opportunity and locks in the Sharpshooter.

Jericho taps out.

Match Rating: A*


Joey: He's in the final. After two very difficult draws against Jericho and Angle and losing the stipulation coin toss, Owen Hart is in the final!

Taz: What an awesome effort!


Raven is backstage for a shoot interview.


Raven: There are sins whose fascination is more in the memory than in the action, strange triumphs that gratify the pride more than the passion and give intellect a quickened sense of joy, greater than any joy they could ever bring the senses. What about me? What about Raven? I will feel a similar satisfaction when I mutilate Sabu in tonight's main event and when I go on to destroy whoever wins the Masters Of Pain in our future title match.


As for Owen Hart, mistakes are inevitable; what separates a person from others is the improvement made after a mistake is realised. My mistake was to not remove Owen and Burchill from the running sooner. However, rest assured, justice will prevail.


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

Quote The Raven



The camera cuts back to ringside.


Bob Artese: The following is the coin toss for the second semi-final between Paul Burchill and Cactus Jack. Cactus, it's you to choose.


Cactus: Tails.


Referee John Finnegan flips the coin.


Bob Artese: It is tails.Choose your stipulation.


Cactus: A Japanese Babred Wire Match.


Joey: Wow.

Taz: Oh man, this is huge!


Burchill and Cactus Jack sit in opposite corners, staring each other down, as the ring maintenance team replace the ropes with barbed wire.




The stipulations work in Cactus Jack's favour and he uses the barbed wire regularly and effectively. In the twelfth minute, Cactus launches a bleeding Paul Burchill into the barbed wire ropes. His hair becomes tangled in the wire and he is clearly trapped. Cactus grabs a microphone and thrusts it in his face.


Cactus: "Say it! Say 'I quit!'"


Burchill: "F**k you!"


Cactus rummages under the ring.


Joey: What the hell is he looking for?

Callis: I have no idea.


Cactus pulls out a cannister of petrol/gasoline and begins to douse Paul Burchill.


Joey: Oh my god!

Callis: Not this!


Cactus again thrusts the microphone into Paul Burchill's face.


Burchill: Okay, I quit!

Match Rating: A*


Joey: Well, after that potentially harrowing display, we have our finalists. Owen Hart will face Cactus Jack.


An EMT team come to the ring, cut Burchill out of the wire and take him to the back on a stretcher.


The Whole F**kin' Show are sitting in the locker room backstage.



RVD: Hey, man, it was a great idea of yours to ask Traci to be our manager!


Michaels: Cheers, dude. I told you it would work out great. Plus, she's proper fine!


The two friends laugh.


RVD: You know, though man...


He hesitates.


Michaels: Go on, bro.


RVD: Don't laugh.


Michaels: Would I?


RVD: Seriously, I mean it. Say you won't laugh.


Michaels: Scouts honour.


Michaels jokingly makes a three fingered salute.


RVD: Fine.


He hesitates again.


RVD: Well, I think I might be, well, y'know... falling for her.


Michaels laughs hysterically to the extent where he falls off the bench that he is sitting on. He continues to laugh while rolling on the floor as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Joey: It's time for the final ladies and gents.

Taz: Oh, man, I can't wait!


Bob Artese: The following is the coin toss for the final match in the Masters Of Pain tournament between Cactus Jack and Owen Hart. Owen, it's you to choose.


Hart: Heads.


Referee Jim Molineaux flips the coin.


Bob Artese: It is heads.Choose your stipulation.


Hart: Pure wrestling!


Bob Artese: I'm sorry?


Hart: You heard me. Pure wrestling: all weapons and interferences are illegal!


The crowd erupts, knowing that it will work in Owen's favour.




Because of the stipulation, Cactus Jack struggles slightly, while Owen, of course, excels.

In the fifteenth minute, he whips Cactus Jack to the corner.

Referee Jim Molineaux is trapped between Cactus and the turnbuckle and is knocked out cold.

Owen shows incredible skill by hitting a Tornado DDT.

He then locks in the Sharpshooter but Rhino comes running out, so, he releases the hold, ready to defend himself.

However, Kurt Angle runs out and prevents Rhino from interfering.


Joey: Kurt clearly gained a lot of respect for Owen earlier tonight and is, therefore, helping to keep this match fair.

Taz: Good, I'm glad Owen's getting a clean shot. Now get up Molineaux, Cactus is gonna tap out!


Suddenly, Raven runs in behind Owen, turns him around and hits the Evenflow DDT.


Joey: Damn it! Despite Owen's stipulation, the ref is out cold and can do nothing about it.


Raven then gets a chair and delivers the same move but this time onto steel, while Angle and Rhino brawl on the outside.

The champion then revives Cactus Jack and the referee.

Jim Molineaux sees that Cactus is up and Owen is down.

He starts the count:







Joey: Come on, Owen.






Taz: Come on, man!








Callis: Not like this, damn it!






Match Rating: A*


Joey: Cactus Jack is the new number one contender.

Callis: Yeah but only because Raven screwed Owen out of a fair shot!


Cactus celebrates in the ring as the crowd jeer deafeningly.




The match is very even and involves many weapons.

In the sixteenth minute, Sabu sets a table up, resting between the ring apron and the guard rail.

He stuns Raven with a stiff punch and places him on the table.

He then enters the ring and sets up a chair.

He runs into the ropes, rebounds and leaps off the chair... Raven moves.

Sabu is left folded up in a mass of broken wood.

When Raven returns to his feet, he rolls the challenger back into the ring.

He sets Sabu up for the Evenflow but something catches his eye.


Zakk Wylde has appeared on the apron.



Raven releases the challenger and goes to confront Wylde.

However, Wylde throws a haymaker that connects with Raven's jaw.

The champion staggers backwards and Sabu hits a DDT of his own.

He then sets up a chair and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault.


Match Rating: A*


Callis: We have a new ECW World Champion!

Taz: Go, Sabu! This is huge!

Joey: But do you know what the irony is?

Taz: What's that, Joey?

Joey: Raven cost Owen Hart a shot at the title when, in fact, after everything is said and done, he wouldn't have had to face him anyway.

Taz: Damn, that's got to make it that bit worse for Owen!

Callis: Yeah and talk about best laid plans going awry!


Show Rating: A*

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WOW!!!! I can see why you got an A* rating

Awesome idea with the coin flip, pick your stipulation match...and holy Cactus Jack, he should be charged with attempted murder...


And nice twist with Raven getting beat, after causing Owen his match...

Now we get Raven vs Owen no title on line and a Cactus Jack/Sabu feud for the title


awesome stuff

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Huge Main Event For

Blood, Sweat and Beers!


Raven and Rhino vs. Owen Hart and Paul Burchill


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Saturday, week 4, December

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I am once again alongside to former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

Taz: Thanks, Joey, I am so pumped up for tonight's action. Let me tell you, that main event tag match is gonna be off the hook!

Corino: I couldn't agree more and I am so stoked I'm here to see it!

Joey: Yeah, I'll second that but now it's time for our first contest. After a month on the injured list, Steve Austin makes his return to the ring.



Steve Austin lays a hardcore beatdown on Charlie Haas with the use of several weapons. He picks up the pin with a Stunner at 10:17

Match Rating: A*


After the match, Austin picks up a mic.


Austin: That was the second time in a year I was out due to injury. Last time I came back, I told you I held no grudge but this time it's diferent.


The crowd cheers.


Austin: But, hang on, I have no issue with the guy who injured me. You see, my destiny is to hold the ECW World Championship for a second time and I'm making it my business to put any motherf**ker who stands in my way out of commission!


The crowd erupts.


Austin: If you want to see Steve Austin kicking ass all over ECW, give me a "Hell yeah"!


"Hell Yeah!"


Austin: Oh, hell yeah!


A "Stunning Steve" chant begins.


Austin: Oh, no, no, no. Don't call me "Stunning Steve". Call me "Superstar" Steve Austin!


A "Superstar" chant echoes around the arena as Austin heads to the back.


RVD and Traci are talking backstage.



RVD: And so the officer says "Highly unlikely..."


The pair laugh hysterically.


Traci: Awesome. Is that true?


RVD: Gospel.


They laugh again.


RVD: Hey, Trace, I was wondering if...


He hesitates.


Traci: ...yeah...


RVD: Did you maybe want to get a drink after the show... my shout.


Traci: I'd love to.


RVD: Really?


Traci: Of course.


RVD: Wicked! I was nervous about asking.


Traci: I don't see why. Is Shawn coming?


RVD's face sinks.


RVD: Er... yeah, he's coming.


Traci: Cool.


Traci kisses RVD on the cheek and walks off.


RVD: Damn it!


RVD punches the wall, frustrated that he didn't handle the situation better.



The Hardys win after Matt hits a Twist Of Fate and uses the second rope for leverage in a pin at 12:03

Match rating: B+ (Damn that broke my streak)


Chris Daniels is backstage for a shoot promo.



Daniels: Michael Shane, your judgement is coming. At Got Blood? I will prove that you are an inferior wrestler and that I am the greatest technician the sport of professional wrestling has ever seen. That's not a threat or a promise; it's the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!


Joey: Up next, this whole Canadian Connection issue comes to a head.

Taz: That's right, Joey, Rey Mysterio Jr, who has taken exception to the Candians' actions, will face Chris Jericho.

Corino: That's up next, folks.



Thanks to interference from the Canadian Connection, Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 14:57

Match Rating: A*


After the match, Eddie Guerrero and Juventud Guerrera run to the ring.



A huge 3-on-3 brawl ensues that has to be seperated by security.


Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are backstage.



Hart: Tonight, we get a fair shot at Raven and Rhino... let's not waste it!


Burchill: No need to tell me, son. I'm gonna rip their f**king arms off!


Owen smiles and the two walk off together.


Taz: Next up it's Ultimo Dragon versus Ultimo Dragon.

Joey: That is to say that Ultimo Dragon will step in the ring with his own impersonator.

Corino: Maybe we'll finally find out who it is...



The imposter Ultimo Dragon is able to pick up the pin after Vito interferes and floors the real Ultimo with the TV Title at 13:02

Match Rating: A*


Joey: Damn it!

Corino: Does that mean he doesn't get a title shot?

Taz: I guess so.


The new ECW Champion, Sabu is walking backstage.



The crowd erupts at the sight of the new champ.


Suddenly, Cactus Jack jumps him.



A brawl ensues as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Taz: I guess that matter is far from resolved.

Corino: It sure looks that way.

Joey: Well, those two will face off for the title at Got Blood?. Now, though, it's time for our main event.



The match is very even and both teams see much offence. In the fifteenth minute, both Raven and Paul Burchill are the legal men. Raven holds a steel chair in hand and Paul Burchill holds a Singapore cane. Suddenly, they both turn and floor their respective partners.


Joey: What the hell?

Taz: Was that accidental?

Corino: It can't have been.


Using weapons, Raven and Burchill lay into Owen Hart and Rhino. Paul Burchill then lays down for Raven to make the cover.

Match Rating: A*


The two men celebrate in the ring.


Joey: Does this mean these two are back in alliance?

Taz: I guess so, Joey.


*Blood & Flames plays over the sound sytem*


Joey: No, it can't be...


Charlie Pag, Stephanie Mcintosh, Abyss and Goliath make their way to the ring.



Joey: No!

Taz: Hell no!


Pag picks up a mic.


Pag: We're back...


Show Rating: A*

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Quote the Fordc76....Nevermore...WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!

Definately didn't see that coming, out of interest how did the 'turn' come across in the game as I find if I do a quick turn like you did with Burchill, I get a cr~ppy outcome.

EG: I did a turn similar to Hardcore Holly's (although I did it first), where a heel turned face for a few shows just to get on another face's side before turning on him and rejoining his faction. First turn (heel to face) came across well but 2nd (face to heel) didn't work well at all because it was too soon.

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To be perfectly honest, I cheated just a little... I knew two quick, consecutive turns would go arses up. So, I didn't actually turn him to babyface. In my head it panned out like he was in the process of becoming face again but, in the end, turned back to his NaE roots.


Quote The Raven


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To be perfectly honest, I cheated just a little... I knew two quick, consecutive turns would go arses up. So, I didn't actually turn him to babyface. In my head it panned out like he was in the process of becoming face again but, in the end, turned back to his NaE roots.


Quote The Raven




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