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You know I dont even know what to say, that was the greatest show I have ever read. I knew I should have picked Burchill in the match. a little disappointed that Douglas lost but it will pass in time. Keep up the great work.
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I knew I should have picked Burchill in the match. a little disappointed that Douglas lost but it will pass in time.


Yeah you should've :p!


I know what you mean about Douglas; he's one of my favourites ever as well but his in-ring stats are diminishing and I have a very good use for him lined up...


I just wanna say a huge thank you to all who have left feedback; it really means a lot ;).


Quote The Raven


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Awesome! I don't comment too much here, but read the latest goings on.. I actually liked the Kurt Angle bit, well, I liked the Lance Storm, naw, I liked the RVD and HBK thing....


I liked the whole dang show honestly. Even people I have no clue who they are, I liked.


NOTE: I tried to catch up with this a while back, I would like to get the complete background on it!


Question: Think you could have a Future webshow, just featuring the history of your diary? Something that highlights the major points of your history? Like History of "ECW Worldwide" by Nevermore. Or anyone that's been reading this one all along?

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I've been thinking about doing that for a while. It will also give me a chance to give fill in the holes I left in the backstory. I think after your prompting I'll definitely do it. Only problem is, I don't know how to set it out. It could clutter the thread quite a bit but starting a new one would just be stupid.


I'll give it some thought...


Quote The Raven


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Hey, just thought I'd post in here, because I've been reading for a few months and it's definately one of my two favourite diaries on here. The Baptism of Fire match was brilliantly done, and a great concept. It really seemed like something ECW would've done back in the day (admittedly I never saw them whilst they were still in business, but I've tried to catch up using youtube, dailymotion and a couple of books). Anyway, yeah, just thought I'd give my opinions.
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Well I must confess Nevermore, I've never really followed your diary... not due to lack of quality by any means, just it has such a legacy, I've just never been able to head to page one and try to catch up. I did read BOF though and whilst I probably couldn't appreciate the full history behind it, I thought it was a great read none-the-less. The whole show was just ripe with creativity, I loved the concept of the main event especially... plus bonus points for a Burchill win. Good job all round.
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From ECW.com



**O.O.C.: These bulletin type efforts will pop up now and again as a way of filling in the entire backstory for those who have been reading and to provide a recap of what's happened so far in the diary. The reason, this starts in 1995 is that this was the year that I took over booking of ECW in TEW 2K4. For obvious reasons, in places, dates will not be in accordance with realworld happenings.**


The Franchise Players



"The Franchise" Shane Douglas


No list of ECW's franchise players could possibly be compiled without The Franchise himself, Shane Douglas. The sacrifices this man has made for and the effort he has given to this great company are well documented and cause for much respect. In fact, he arguably single-handedly carried the promotion from 1995-1997 and boasts the longest ever world title reign of over two years (736 days from January 15 1995 - January 21 1997).


His feud with Sabu throughout 1995 helped propel ECW to new heights and culminated in a Barbed Wire Deatmatch at F**k The Big Two in November 1995, which he narrowly won thanks to assistance from Chris Benoit. His next rivalry with Raven was one of the greatest in the promotion's history, spanning over a year and showcasing many cutting-edge title matches. This led to what many believe was the best hardcore match of all time at ECW's first pay-per-view, Barely Legal, on January 21 1997. Raven, a babyface at the time, with assistance from Douglas' old nemesis Sabu, was able to end the legendary reign of The Franchise.


After this defeat, Douglas took a hiatus from wrestling due to "personal issues" that never were discussed with the media. In 2001, after a four year absence, he returned as a face to challenge Raven in a one-off title match at Hardcore Heaven - he was unsuccesful. He then headed to Japan, achieving moderate success with both WMF and AJPW, only to return in 2006 at Anarchy Rules to defeat Rhino for the World Television Championship.


Now seemingly retired from active competition (but not before revisiting his feud with Raven one last time), Douglas is expected to take up an important position within the company whether it be as an on-screen personality or as a road agent.





Douglas' arch nemesis is the next logical icon to discuss. What Douglas achieved in the '90s as the figurehead of ECW, Raven continued to the new millenium and beyond. He holds the record for the most amount of World Title reigns at six (narrowly beating Douglas who holds four and Sabu who holds five).


His heel turn at 1997's November To Remember, when he betrayed his tag partner Sabu (they faced Cactus Jack and Chris Jericho) is often seen as a pivotal moment in the promotion's history and has been compared to Hulk Hogan's heel turn in WCW. Since changing his alignment, Raven has never looked back, clearly playing the bad guy role with ease.


Since his days feuding with Douglas, he has formed a cult following and has clocked up rivalries with Sabu, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, The Sandman, Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. More recently, he was the main attraction in the New Age Enterprise stable that dominated the title picture for a few months and has since reformed Raven's Nest.



"Lionheart" Chris Jericho


Chris Jericho had what was perhaps the most meteoric rise to fame in the history of the sport. His feud with Steve Austin surpassed all expectations and pushed both men into the upper reaches of the card. When he was victorious in their final match at Barely Legal '97, he earned his place in the main event.


After entering a tag feud with Cactus Jack against the babyface team of raven and Sabu, Chris Jericho turned a week after Raven, leading to him challenging for the title at Anarch Rules '97. He was victorious and held the title for five months before being dethroned by Goliath in 1998.


Since then, he has held the TV Title twice, the tag titles once (with Rob Van Dam) and formed the elite stable of The Canadian Connection with Christian and Chris Benoit.



"The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels


In one of the most shocking events of the '90s era, Shawn Michaels defected to ECW amidst a sea of misunderstandings and betrayals. Vince Mcmahon was unwilling to give Shawn Michaels a title run in the WWF, claiming that Bret Hart was still the most marketable man on the roster. Meanwhile, Kevin Nash, Michaels' old friend, convinced the Heart Break Kid to jump to WCW when his contract ran out in a mere matter of weeks. Michaels indeed saw his contract out and entered negotiations with Eric Bischoff. However, in one of the biggest backstabs in wrestling history, it was revealed that Vince and Nash had engineered the whole thing, freeing up a place place on the WWF roster and a fat paycheck for Big Daddy Cool, who rejoined the Federation. Despite Bischoff's pleas, Michaels' sour experience led to him taking a hiatus. But then, after only a month, the ECW bookers called him up, offering a reasonable paycheck, a main event push and a world title run... he accepted.


Michaels' debut was at Anarchy Rulz '98, when he appeared as a surprise attraction and faced Goliath for the World Title. He was victorious and, as a result, went by the name "Giant Killer" for the next few years. However, he lost the title to Raven shortly after, sparking a feud between the two men in which Michaels never really gained the upper-hand.


More recently, he battled the New Age Enterprise alongside the bWo, Rob Van Dam and Taz, winning the title in the process. The mutual enemies of him and RVD led to their forming one of the most exciting tag teams in ECW: The Whole F**kin' Show. After one tag title reign that ended in a massive argument between the two and RVD abandoning Michaels in the ring, the team seems to have got its sh*t together. The two men are as good friends as ever and are, once again, World Tag Team Champions.

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I like the tidbits on the backstory up to this point. They are very helpful for guys like me that ventured onto this forum long after you had established this as one of the best on the board.


For the record, I just watched the retelecast of Baptism by Fire for the third time and I still cannot believe the leap by Rhino over the fire back into the ring. Awesome man. Truly awesome. Keep up the good work!

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat and Beers


On the first ECW televisual broadcast since Baptism Of Fire, Blood, Sweat and Beers, the following is scheduled to occur:



Kensuke Sasaki vs. Steve Corino

Kensuke Sasaki has issued a challenge to the man who eliminated him from the Baptism Of Fire match: Steve Corino. Unsurprisingly, "The King Of Old School" was more than happy to accept.



Kurt Angle vs. Lance Storm

Jerry Lynn is unable to attend Blood, Sweat and Beers due to an undisclosed ankle injury he suffered at the hands of Kurt Angle at Baptism Of Fire. Therefore, the Number One Contender to CM Punk's International All Action Title, Lance Storm, in an admirable show of respect, has promised to defend his friends pride and step into the ring with the Olympic gold medalist.



Rhino vs. Tommy Dreamer

This match is still "officially unconfirmed" as the physical condition of either man, particularly Rhino, has not yet been determined as fit for action. However, Paul Heyman has promised that this match will occur as soon as both wrestlers are healthy. ECW.com hopes that both men are able to attend and compete at Blood, Sweat and Beers.



Paul Burchill's "Victory Speech"

The Winner of the first ever Baptism Of Fire Match, Paul Burchill, is scheduled to address the crowd in regard to his victory and resultant title shot at Hardcore Heaven.

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Saturday, week 4, March

<embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Cheers for the intro, Joey. Let me tell ya, I can't wait for the fallout from Baptism Of Fire!

Joey: Nor me, Taz.

Taz: Well, then, let's get this badboy on the road!



The new look team of Stevie and Nova ensure an even contest with Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon.

However, in the ninth minute, Lyger hits a a Shooting Star Press on Nova.


Chessman and Espiritu run to the ring.




Chessman breaks up the pin as Espiritu catches Ultimo Dragon from behind with a clubbing blow.

Stevie follows up on Dragon with a Stevie Kick.


Match Rating: B-


The Great Sasuke comes to the ring looking pleased with his followers' efforts.



Once the cult leader reaches the ring a five-on-one assault begins on Lyger and Ultimo.


Hayabusa runs to the ring.



However, Sasuke merely thrusts his hands into the air and Hayabusa falls down in a trance-like fashion.


Taz: What the hell?

Joey: I have no idea, Taz, but I think we've realised that Sasuke has some kind of celestial power. Why else would Stevie and Nova be working on his behalf?


The Dudley Boys emerge from the crowd with steel chairs in hand to a huge ovation.



Bubba takes out Sasuke from behind with a deafening shot as D-Von dishes out a similar punishment to Chessman and Espiritu.

D-Von approaches Stevie and Nova as Bubba picks up a microphone.


Bubba: Hey, Nova, it's me, Bubba. What's up with you, dude?


There is no response.


Bubba: Stevie, how about you?


Suddenly, Stevie goes for a Stevie Kick but Bubba catches his foot.

D-Von clocks Stevie in the head with the chair.

Bubba boots Nova in the gut and performs his patented flurry, ending in a Bionic Elbow.


Bubba: Fine, have it your way!


The crowd pops.


Bubba: Call us the enforcers of ECW. When The Iron Saints were running their mouths as if they owned the place, we were the ones to shut them up and, now Sasuke is having his way with the roster, we're gonna be the ones to step up to the plate. The bottom line is... don't mess with the D - D - DD- DDD- D- D-


D-Von slaps him in the back of the head.


Bubba: Dudleys!



The match is a very even contest.

However, in the thirteenth minute, Angle rolls up Storm in a Schoolboy and gets his foot on the middle rope.


Match Rating: B-


Joey: Damn it! Kurt Angle steals one!


Angle leaves the ring in a hurry to avoid the consequences of his underhanded tactics.



Benoit maintains a degree of control throughout.

He forces Tajiri to tap out to the Crossface at 14:17

Match Rating: B+


Traci comes to the ring with a microphone to much whistling from the male members of the audience.



Traci: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the new ECW World Tag Team Champions!


RVD and Michaels head to the ring.



The new champs obviously play to the crowd and the fans go crazy in appreciation.


However, before the celebrations can continue...



Christian takes out RVD and HBK from behind.


Taz: Are those brass knuckles on his fist, Joey?

Joey: Jesus, Taz, I think you're right!


Christian continues to lay the fists in before heading to the back.



The match is incredibly even.

In the twelfth minute, Sasaki pulls Corino into a Backslide.

Both men's shoulders hit the canvas.


Jim Molineaux call for a draw.

Match Rating: A* (SCORE!)


After the match, Corino and Sasaki get into an intense staredown that is seperated by officials.


Sabu is backstage, standing beside a poster of the Hart Foundation.



Suddenly, in a fit of rage, he tares down the half of the poster which depicts Owen Hart.

He opens his fist and a flame emerges, igniting Owen's image.

He drops the poster and walks off, leaving the camera to focus on Owen's burning effigy.


Taz: What the hell was that about?

Joey: Well, Owen eliminated Sabu from the Baptism Of Fire Match. I think that's Sabu's way of calling for revenge!



The two men seem eager to better the other after last night's events.

In the fourteenth minute, Eddie floors Juvi and heads to the hope.


Joey: Frog Splash!

Taz: No, Joey, Juvi moved!


Guerrera picks up Eddie.

Juvi Driver!


Match Rating: B-


Shane Douglas is shown standing in the dark outside in an undisclosed location.



His forehead is covered by a large plaster and his left arm is in a support.


Franchise: Raven, my old buddy, I'll hand it to you. You and Punk did quite a number on me last night... I mean, just look at me.


He smiles.


Franchise: But you know what? Back when you and I were drawing sellout crowds througout the North East in the nineties, I kicked your ass week in and week out and this won't be any different! I may not be on the active roster anymore but, rest assured, I will have my vengeance!


As the camera pans out a street sign is revealed.



It can now also be seen that Douglas is holding what appears to be a Raven in his right hand.

He lifts the bird to his mouth and bites its head off, spitting the dismembered carcus into the gutter.



Both men are strapped up in various ways and seem slightly off their game due to the punishment they sustained last night.


Joey: Of course, neither man had to compete here tonight but these two men have never been quitters.

Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey. These two are tough as nails!


In the thirteenth minute, Sandman appears at the entrance way on crutches, wearing a neckbrace.



After flooring Dreamer, Rhino heads to the ropes to warn Sandman.

Tommy rolls up the Man Beast from behind.


Match Rating: A


Joey: Wow, Tommy just ended Rhino's undefeated streak in singles competition.

Taz: Yeah but, if I were him, I'd get out of there pretty quick!


Paul Burchill comes to the ring to chants of "Burchill".



Joey: The ECW fans clearly appreciate Paul Burchill's effort last night!

Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey, no doubt!


Burchill: Thank you!


Burchill takes a second to savour the applause.


Burchill: Now, an awful lot of people have been asking me an awful lot of questions. It seems as though people are trying to figure out my next move. Well, in refernce to my leaving the Nest and beating Raven in the best ECW match of all time...


The pop around the arena is huge.


Burchill: ...it's not happening!


Jeers echo around the arena.


Burchill: Hey, let's face it, Raven needs some time off in return for all his hard work and, my winning the Baptism Of Fire match, has ensured that he does not have to endure a competitive match at Hardcore Heaven.


Joey: I can't believe he's willing to sell himself so short!

Taz: I can. He clearly worships the ground Raven walks on and, to be fair, he has been the man's protege for nearly a year!


Burchill: Now, without further ado, I give you your World Heavyweight Champion and new Commissioner, Raven!


Raven makes his way to the ring with his Nest as Burchill applauds.



Raven: Thank you, Burchill. You're a good servant.


Joey: A good servant? How condescending!


Raven: Vito, you could learn a thing or two from him.


Taz: You can say that again, Joey!


Raven: Now, for my first act as Commissioner, I'm going to surprise you all by delivering something you want: a rematch between Kensuke Sasaki and Steve Corino on Revolution!


The crowd give a stifled round of applause.


Raven: And, of course, we need a challenger for my World title, so, in the interest of fairness, I have opted to make a Number One Contender's match between two men who haven't recieved a shot at superstardom recently. Firstly, Tony Mamaluke...


Joey: What the hell? Does Mamaluke even qualify for the Heavyweight Title?

Taz: I wouldn't have thought so but, hey, Raven calls the shots now.


Raven: And, secondly, Joey Styles!


Joey: What?

Taz: Woah...


Raven: That match will also occur next week on Revolution.


Raven throws the mic down in a nonchalant manner and heads to the back followed by his Nest.


Show Rating: A

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Shock Defections in the Battle of the Big Two continue


by Dave Meltzer


The effective "trades" between the two heavy hitters of American pro wrestling have continued this week as several workers, from either company, have decided to join the competition. Three tag teams in all have switched allegiances: Paul London and Brian Kendrick have joined ECW while The Acolytes and The Hardy Boys have rejoined their former employers in Conneticut. Meanwhile, Chavo Guerro Jr has, at last, made the move that he has been planning to make for years: re-uniting with his Uncle Eddie in the land of extreme. However, most shockingly of all, "The Superstar" Steve Austin has abandonned contract negotiations with Paul Heyman, instead seeking fame and fortune alongside Vince McMahon.



Austin at his WWF signing.


It has been reported that Austin has decided to leave ECW, after a tenure of twelve years, because the booking team were not able to promise him the push he desired. After being a loyal company man for over a decade, he felt he had earned a run with the strap. However, while he was guaranteed a solid main event run, his demands were not met.


This marks another swing in the balance of power. Up until recently, ECW was fairing well from a perspective of maintaining its roster while raiding the competition. Signings such as the Hart brothers added a new variety to the extreme product. Now, however, Vince has pulled off a valuable coup by stealing a top star with undeniable in-ring talent. The biggest slap in the face to ECW, though, is that it has occurred just as the number two promotion had its first real opportunity to overtake the Federation.

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Cheers bud ;).


Aha... Well, the data is actually from a really old 1995 mod for TEW2004 that's been updated and converted to the next two games in accordance with what happened in the gameworld. Hence why the rosters are so screwy :p.


I considered,at one point, releasing the data I'm using in case anyone would be interested in checking/trying it out. However, as it only makes sense if you've followed this diary, I figured it wouldn't be a particularly fruitful endeavour.


Quote The Raven


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Styles for champ! lol :D


And that's pretty cool with the switches, I think most of them suit their new companies. I wonder if Stone Cold gets a title run in the WWF? The Hardyz could ahve been used better, but London & Kendrick will be a good addition and some new blood =]


You need to push Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon! They rule! lol


And didn't Angle and Storm click? I would have thought they would have been capable of an A rated match, at least.


Great show as always anyway. I'm really interested to see what you can come up with for Mamaluke vs Styles :D

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The Hardyz could ahve been used better


Haha, yes, well... they were going to get a push as No. 1 contenders to the tag belts until I found out neither of them gelled with Shawn Michaels :rolleyes:.


And didn't Angle and Storm click? I would have thought they would have been capable of an A rated match, at least.


Ugh, don't get me started :mad:.


You need to push Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon! They rule! lol


Haha, I'll see what I can do.


Quote The Raven


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