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Fantastic show as always. I'd be interested so see how I did in the predictions though...


While a few people did call the Rhino turn, I still think it's the right move as he could definitely benefit from a feud with Taker. Rhino could still be a huge name and I think a high profile feud with Taker is enough to elevate him even above most main eventers.


And of course, loved Burchill winning and the fact that England have at least won one trophy this summer...


And the video for November To Remember was great. I know you've got some pretty huge plans for it so I can't wait to see what you do with it.


But back to this show- it was an incredible show buddy, even for you.

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and once again an awesome read.


love the dedication, but how is the wife taking all the time you've been clocking on this project? :rolleyes:


Haha, I like to consider diplomacy my strong point :D.


Nah, it's cool. I tend to wite this stuff in my head while looking after the little tacker.


Thanks, bud.


Fantastic show as always. I'd be interested so see how I did in the predictions though...


In your picks? Eerily well... almost spot on, although some wwere more obvious than others :p.


In the long term? You've made a few educated guesses there as well. All I'll say is, some stuff you are spot on about, others... not so much.


Cheers for reading, mate, and for your annoying ability to see half of what's coming :rolleyes:.


One also wonders if any Raven sceptics have started slotting ideas together yet ;).


Quote The Raven


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*OOC: I'd like to point out, the following is all in jest and in the spirit of the original Dudleyz gimmick. I hope no one takes offence. If anyone truly does, pm me and I'll try and tone it down. Give it a go, though



From ECW.com

The Dudleyville Dynasty




"Dudley" is a name that has long been synonymous with Extreme Championship Wrestling. Ever since Dudley, Snot and Big Dick debuted with the promotion, the name has struck fear (of nasty diseases, if nothing else) into the hearts of many an extremist. However, following the inclusion of Chubby Dudley and Dances With Dudleys (the result of Big Daddy's trip to a native american reservation where he - poked-a-hontas), it was when Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von teamed up that the name became indelibly etched in the annals of wrestling history.


With the help of Big Dick, Bubba and his brother-from-another-mother, D-Von, went on to innovate the Dudley Death Drop (or 3D) and, later, the Flaming Table Match that led them to a total of eight Tag Team Title reigns. However, in 2000, Big Dick walked out of an ECW television taping after an argument with his brothers, never to be seen again. For a few months, several references were made to a Find Dick Dudley Appeal but, eventually, all hope of finding the beast was abandonned.


However, shortly after last month's Wrestlepalooza pay-per-view, two new Dudleyz were introduced, later to be revealed as the bastard offspring of the missing monster. Then, just weeks later, at Summer Assylum, a third new appearance debuted in order to save his fellow trailer park alumni from an assault at the hands of the Hardcore Innovators. What follows is information gathered from an official "press statement" from the Dudleyz, detailing the background information on the members of the newly-exetended family.


"Uncle" Bubba Ray Dudley



Bubba Ray (AKA Big Uncle Bubba) is the longest-serving of the current incarnation of Dudleyz and is a former Mayor of Dudleyville. Whatever that "honourable" title may account for, though, is still not fully understood. He was originally famed for his dance routines and his stutter. However, with time, his dances became less frequent and D-Von helped him overcome his stutter. Unfortunately, the latter affliction returned after a nervous breakdown suffered during a chance meeting with the ghost of Big Daddy Dudley.


As the longest publicly-active member, it is said that Bubba is seen as the official leader within the camp, regardless of how much of the talking he leaves up to his relatives. In fact, the less he speaks, the more grateful we generally are.



"Uncle" D-Von Dudley



D-Von Dudley debuted in 1996, hailing from the "Southside of Dudleyville". He began by feuding with his half-brothers, caiming that their tom-foolery was not the way of "true Dudleyz". Eventually, D-Von banished several members from the group until only the cream (albeit a somewhat rancid cream) was left. He, Bubba, Big Dick and Sign Guy Dudley formed a stable that was a force to be reckoned with in the tag team ranks for many years. D-Von was also present for the meeting with his daddy's ghost. He apparently turned "white as a sheet". If you don't go there, we won't either...


It seems that D-Von has taken the position of a mouthpiece or, at least, an outward figurehead for the current line-up. He is, of course, the second longest active remaining Dudley.



Daizy Dudley



The confederate flag-adorned "Lil' Latina Lolita" is the first proof that Dudley sperm can, in fact, produce female genes... and that's not the only surprise. Who would have thought she'd turn out so fine? She was the first-discovered offspring of the elusive Big Dick Dudley and, thus, makes up part of the "Second Generation of Dudleyz".


A possible explanation for her good looks is the rumoured story of her conception. Big Dick is rumoured to have acted as a stunt double for Antonio Banderas in the 1995 movie, Desperado, (quite how he got away with that one, we don't know). Anyway, in a sex scene with Salma Hayek he apparently approached the situation with an "over-zealous" attitude. However, we endeavour to point out that the likelihood of Salma Hayek being Daizy's mother is about as high as the chances of the latina being just twelve years old. Either way, what we do know is that Bubba and D-Von have "raised her as their own".



Big Dick Dudley Jr.



The "Biggest Balbutient Behemoth in Dudleyville" is the second of the second generation and also the child of Big Dick, as the name suggests. Although, most likely older than his half-sister half-girlfriend, he was only "discovered" by Bubba and D-Von recently. While he looks like the creation of a science experiment gone wrong, it was, in fact, something far worse that brough Dick Jr into this world: the unholy union of Big Dick Sr and Nicole Bass.


After years of trying to track down her monstrous ex-boyfriend, Nicole settled upon contacting her brothers-in-unlawful-union, Bubba and D-Von. When meeting with his mother, the then tag team champions realised that the 6'6" "Baby Dick" would be the perfect secret weapon should the need for one arise.



Ichiro-Naruki-BANZAI!-Ryu-Eiji Dudley



Yes, his initials spell "INBRED". We can't figure what his mother was thinking either! It is no small wonder that the "Angry Asian Inbred" goes by Ultimo Dudley II for short. "Ultimo Dudley II?", you ask. Well, it is said that he trained under the original Ultimo Dudley at the Dudleyville Dojo for five years, apparently excelling in such disciplines as Ju-Jit-Su, Tae-Kwon-Do and Yu-Thru-Table.


However, the story of his conception remains as mysterious as the proverbial Chinese box. Some say his father, the effervescent-everpresent, Big Dick Dudley, had a one night stand in Japan. Others claim he sent away for a mail-order geisha girl. We are strongly in the camp of the second explanation. Although it begs the question, if he has a permanent mailing address, where the hell is it?


This message was brought to you by the Find Dick Dudley Appeal



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Pure gold mate.


Class as always. The poster is super funny.


Sweet. Cheers, boys; I was biting my nals wondering if people might take offence to various sections :p.


seriously man i wish i had the money to start up a promotion and hire you just so the world can see you at work


So do I, mate. So do I :D. Seriously, thank you.


Your a Stark Raving Creative Genius, I really think you should get it diagnosed, they might call it nevermore syndrome or something. :p


I wonder if I can put that on my CV. Hmmm...


...but, in fairness, if anything, I've got Heyman Syndrome and even that is overstating it. Ta, though; very much appreciate.


Just to let you know aswell, in the Raven/Taker write up, Rhino is mentioned several times before he even apears in the match ;)


Thank you; sorted now. I was damn tired when that was posted!


Quote The Raven


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Another setback for ECW

by Mike Johnson


ECW is surely used to the bumpy road towards success but, today, it just got a whole lot more difficult to travel. In a sudden but not overly-surprising move, CBS have pulled out of their contract with ECW and Blood Sweat & Beers has been dropped from the schedule. According to CBS executives:


Over recent months, we have become increasingly aware of the risque nature of the ECW promotion. We at CBS feel that this is not the programming best suited to an evening timeslot on our network.


In other words, without the press spiel, the executives were paying close attention to Summer Assylum last night and were distressed by some of the more "edgy" angles that featured - CM Punk's table bump immediately springs to my mind. Sadly, it seems that the folks at CBS are not willing to acknowledge ECW's ability to shape the product for the situation (i.e. saving the risque nature for MTV2 and pay-per-view).


To make matters worse, two pay-per-view companies with which ECW was dealing have taken the news as a doomsday prophecy, pulling out of their contracts with the promotion as well. However, Heyman and co immediately showed their resolve, immediately landing BS&B a new slot on FX, with whom they had already been speaking in case of such an emergency.


In my view, this doesn't put ECW back to square one. Far from it; the WWF still has to be mighty careful not to lose its audience to the, arguably, creatively superior competition. This just means ECW's rise to prominence will be that bit tougher but, hey, if there's one promotion that can whether a storm...

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what do u expect? if your going to put your "risque" promotion on a network like CBS in real life they would watch you like a hawk!


Indeed, I've done this in the editor, though. Figured that, since I have the chance to alter such aspects of the gameworld, I might as well make things a little more realistic/challenging.


Quote The Raven


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seriously man i wish i had the money to start up a promotion and hire you just so the world can see you at work

If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to get all the great dynasty writers together, starting a promotion and taking the world by storm ;)

Lmao. Great show aswell. Just to let you know aswell, in the Raven/Taker write up, Rhino is mentioned several times before he even apears in the match ;)

I was going to mention that, but we knew what you were talking about, so I decided to let you get away with it :p

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I was going to mention that, but we knew what you were talking about, so I decided to let you get away with it :p


Yes... I will recommend not having two main eventers of a similar in-ring style, both with the name of an animal beginning with "R", feuding over the same title. Sometimes it does get confusing :D.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


Owen Hart vs. Lance Storm



Little has been seen of Hart since his loss in the Triangle Match at Wrestlepalooza. This is his chance to re-establish himself at the top of the card. Meanwhile, Lance Storm hopes to make up for his loss at the World Cup by scoring the upset.




Kurt Angle vs. JerryLynn



It should be noted that this match remains only semi-confirmed. Lynn has laid down an emphatic challenge but it is unclear whether Angle will change his story regarding his "condition". What is clear is that, should these two face-off, it will be one hell of a contest!




The Great Sasuke vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri



The sWo were eliminated by Japan at the World Cup and their leader threw down a challenge to any member of the Japanese squad that dared accept. The man who did was Yoshihiro Tajiri and "Big Sasuke Cool" will have quite the obstacle to contend with.




Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera



Christopher Daniels cost Juvi Guerrera his shot at the Television Title for unknown reasons. Guerrera claims he couldn't give a sh*t about Daniels' motives; he just wants to make him pay. With Francine at ringside and an appearance from AJ Styles likely, this match will be nothing if not eventful.




The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Hardcore Innovators



After being DDT'd by Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer last night at Summer Assylum, the Tag Champs have a chance at some retribution in this non-title encounter. This could be damn important in terms of momentum as well. The Whole F**kin' Show will be keen to look strong in view of a likely rematch with The Dudley Boyz. As for Cactus and Dreamer, a win here would put them right back in the title hunt which they so clearly desire.




Rhino vs. Sabu



Rhino has been nothing short of a one man wrecking crew recently and he has staked his claim at the top of the card with his involvement in last night's title match. However, that could all change as he faces ECW legend, Sabu. As we have witnessed many times, anything is possible when The Human Highlight Reel is involved... just look at his shock title win in December. A truly fantastic prospect for fans of hardcore wrestling, this match is only added to by the X factor that is "The Soul Taker". Will Calaway pay Rhino a return visit? Will the staunchly independent Sabu allow it?



ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Have finally gotten the time to sit down and catch up on things in this great diary. Man let me say that you are sick. In a good way.


Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Enjoying it as always.


Thank you very much boys.


I'm so glad I finally sorted out the tag division. It's made stuff so much more fun/easy to write.


Quote The Raven


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me not...cough


so nevermore are there politicans in your rooster? i mean people who dont want to job and so on? would like to know who that would be....



Owen Hart vs. Lance Storm


i like both but i think its going to be owen


Kurt Angle vs. JerryLynn


non it ends in a no contest



The Great Sasuke vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


sasuke has to win to revenge the mascarade and because he is the stable leader of the sWo, so he needs to look at least a little bit of strong.


Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera


because aj is going to interfere.


The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Hardcore Innovators


no contest again thakns to the dudleys, and then it will end in a 3 way tag team match(tlc maybe?)


Rhino vs. Sabu


that guy is on fire...

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