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Vito - Vito to keep the momentum train rolling.


bWo - Just because I like them better really. It's a tough one to call.


Nate Hatred - He continues to dominate the ECW roster.


Dudley Boyz - I think Los Guerreros with the titles would be great but I just can't see the Dudleys dropping the belts yet, especially with the other 3 at ringside.


Rhino - Calaway got a win last week so I think it's Rhino's turn this week. On the otherhand, Sabu could do with a win after losing to Taker last week.


AJ Styles - Styles to retain and then hopefully Juvi to win at Heatwave.


Can't wait for the next show mate. This dynasty is just incredible.

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Monday, week 2, August

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: The card tonight is stacked with great matches and is capped off by one of the best TV Title matches we are likely to see this year!

Gertner: I don't get it, Scotty Boy. You're always going on about how good the card is but, if that were true, why take up so much damn time with your little intros.

Hudson: ...coming from the guy with stacks of announcing.

Gertner: Listen here, rookie, I've been calling ECW Revolution for longer than you.

Hudson: ...and I bet you wonder why Blood, Sweat and Beers is considered the premier show.



The match follows a similar structure to Vito's last outing.

After initially struggling to combat Abyss' size, he eventually gains the upper hand by flooring the monster with a well-time Drop Toe Hold.

He wins with a Shining Wizard at 10:43

Match Rating: B-


As the young Italian-American celebrates, Raven and Goliath storm the ring.



Vito is quickly beaten down and, as Abyss rises, a 3-on-1 assault ensues.


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="



Hudson: It's The New Franchise!

Gertner: Burchill and Shane Douglas are here in Illinois!


As Burchill enters the ring, Abyss charges but is tossed clean over the top rope.

Goliath attempts the Big Boot but Burchill ducks underneath...

...and lands a Haymaker that sends the giant to the outside!


Hudson: It's been a while since Raven has stared Burchill in the face and it looks like he's gonna get what's coming to him.


Raven points at Burchill screaming all manner of profanities.

Burchill motions for the champion to bring it as the crowd goes nuts.

But Raven slinks out of the ring and disappears into the crowd.


Hudson: What a damn coward!

Gertner: That's not cowardly, Scotty Boy. It's just Raven's high IQ on display.

Hudson: Would you stop calling me that already?


The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage in their locker room.



RVD: I mean, the nerve of the guy...


Michaels: I do genuinely think he was talking about his mannequin, y'know?


Traci: Either way...


RVD: Yeah, man, offering my girl head, man. I mean...


Francine enters sheepishly.



Francine: Err... I need a word with you, hun.


Michaels: No problem, babe. Shoot...


Traci: Not you, braintrust!


RVD laughs.


Michaels: Okay, okay... take it easy.


Traci: Come in, Franny, what's up?


Francine sits down next to Traci.


Francine: It happened again.


Traci: What happened?


Francine: Y'know...


RVD: You're pregnant?!


Traci glares at RVD.


RVD: What?


Francine: I had another... moment... with Juvi.


RVD: Oh yeah, how are things going there?


Michaels: Franny and Juvi...


RVD: ...sittin' in a tree...


Michaels: F - U - C...


Traci glares at Michaels.

Michaels clears his throat.


Michaels: Sorry.


Traci: So, what happened?


Francine: Well, y'know how... I kinda... like him.


RVD: I knew it, man!


Michaels: Hot couple.


RVD: No doubt... The Queen of extreme.


Michaels: Yeah, and the mask...


RVD: ...kinky.


Traci glares at RVD again.


RVD: Sorry, should we... er...


Traci: Yeah unless you want to lose some teeth.


RVD signals to Michaels for them to leave.


Michaels: Dude, you are so whipped!


RVD: ...coming from Mister Nitro Girl.


The tag champs leave, bantering.


Traci: Sorry about that. So, what happened?


Francine: Trace, I can't stop thinking about him.


Traci: ...and you've told him how you feel?


Francine: I don't even know how I feel. I've told you, I can't exactly trust myself around guys. I told him that I trusted him, though.


Traci: Awesome!


Francine: Not at all; it was really awkward!


Traci: How come?


Francine: I just don't want to hurt him, Trace.


Traci: You're still on about this? Franny, you ain't gonna hurt him if you love him.


Francine seems embarrased.


Traci: What?


Fancine: Nothing.



The match is a pretty even contest.

After a surprising lack of interference, Oz scores the pin on Da Blue Guy following a Tornado DDT.

Match Rating: D+


A 2-on-2 brawl begins straight after the bell.

The sWo members eventually drive their rivals from the ring.


BW Snow sprints down to the ring.



He takes out both Oz and Chessman with a Double Clothesline and takes a microphone.


Snow: What do we want?!




He suddenly realises his mistake.


Snow: Err... I mean... WE'RE TAKING OVER!


Cuervo slides into the ring.



The face-painted luchadore takes out Snow from behind.




Hollywood re-enters, floors Cuervo and hits the Big Legdrop.


Nova: Watcha gonna do, Daddy-o, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?


Espiritu sprints down the aisle way.



The latest sWo member takes out Nova with a DDT.




Gertner: Huh?

Hudson: I'll give you one guess as to what it means.

Gertner: Err... Well, well, well...

Hudson: It means "We're Overtaking", fatboy!


Escoria emerges from the crowd.



Hudson: Now what?


Escoria floors his own stablemate.




Gertner: Ha, I think we just saw the first defection!


Espiritu gets up and clips his associate around the ear.

Escoria shrugs.


Espiritu: Tú idiota! Somos el sWo... no el bWo. "WE'RE OVERTAKING!" no el "WE'RE TAKING OVER!" ¿Cuál es incorrecto con ti?


Escoria: Lo siento.


Hudson: No, no... I think he was just confused!


As the two luchadores continue to argue, Big Stevie Cool runs out.



He soon hits the Stevie Kick on both sWo members.


Stevie: I say it's about time we restored some order around here. So, I got three words for ya... WE'RE TA...


Before he can finish, Big Sasuke Cool descends from the rafters with a baseball bat.



Hudson: Oh, god... will it ever end?

Gertner: Well, I think both sides are out of members...


After he takes out Stevie with the bat, he places his hands around his mouth and howls at the crowd.

Soon, all members of both groups are back in the ring slugging it out.

Security has to break them up.



This match is never in doubt, partciularly in view of Mitchell's interference.

Hatred dominates, winning with a Decapitator Lariat at 8:17

Match Rating: B-


After the match, The Sinister Minister takes a microphone.


Minister: Sabu, you laid down a challenge to Rhino for tonight due to what happened last week. I find that very interesting seeing as it was actually one Nate Hatred that nearly clotheslined you out of your boots. So, Nate and I have decided it's time to remind you who the real threat is, to prove to you that you ain't the icon of hardcore that you used to be. You see, ECW's most extreme athlete is challenging you to a match at Heatwave and he's so damn sure he's gonna win that he's even gonna let you pick the stipulation! Choose, wisely though, Sabu, because your life most likely depends upon it!




Los Guerreros present the toughest challenge to the Dudleyville Hardcore Champions yet.

However, as was expected, The Second Generation of Dudleyz plays a large part in ensuring the result.

Bubba and D-Von retain following a 3D on Chavo in the eleventh minute.

Match Rating: C


Chris Jericho is backstage for a shoot promo.



Jericho: Owen, I hope you don't think that tag match last week proved anything! It wasn't me who tapped to the Sharpshooter; it was Chris Hero and, at Heatwave, I'm not gonna have some useless rookie holding me back. The fact...


Chris Hero steps into shot.



Hero: Useless rookie, huh?


Jericho: Dude, it wasn't peronal. I just...


Hero: Why don't we see who's really useless. Meet me in a match on revolution, jackass!


Hero walks off.


Jericho: Look... I din't mean to... this is between me and Owen.


The camera zooms out to see Owen Hart who has been watching the whole thin.



Hart laughs mockingly as the camera cuts back to ringside.



The match is, unforunately, not as great as one might have hoped.

However, after what is still a decent hardcore base match-up, Sabu hits the Triple Jump Moonsault.



Gertner: Rhino ain't going down without a fight!


"The Soul Taker" strides down to the ring.



Upon entering, he charges at Rhino with a Big Boot...

...but the Man Beast ducks and Sabu is levelled by the size fourteen boot.

Gore on Calaway!

Rhino then delivers the Rhino Driver to Sabu.


Match rating: B


After the match, Rhino capitalises on his opportunity to dismantle "The Soul Taker" landing sevearl mounted punches before finally maiing his way to the back.




The match truly lives up to its hype (thank god).

Both men give their all in a fantastic aerial display.


In the thirteenth minute, Christopher Daniels emerges from the crowd.



The Fallen Angel enters the ring and hits the Last Rites on Ultimo Dragon.

Styles covers for the fall.

Match Rating: A


After the match, a 2-on-1 assault begins.


However, Juventud Guerrera sprints to the ring.



Hudson: Here comes the cavalry!


The odds are soon evened.

That is, until Daniels pulls a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and levels both Guerrera and Ultimo dragon.

AJ Styles picks up a microphone.


Styles: Juvi as unwise at it is for you to challenge me again for my Television Title, I do admire your guts. So, consider this my accepting your challenge.


The crow erupts.


Styles: But I've already beaten you three times, man, and I'm hardly gonna put my title up for grabs again without something in return. So, the final say lies with you. I'll defend my title if you defend... your mask!


Hudson: My god, a title versus mask match?

Gertner: Awesome, we'll get to see Juvi's face.

Hudson: Well, Styles would have to win first and, either way, I don't think it's as simple as that. Juvi's mask is his entire legacy.

Gertner: ...as is the TV Title for AJ Styles.

Hudson: One thing's for sure, if it goes ahead, that will be one hell of a grudge match!


Show Rating: B

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Good read for Revolution, I think the main event saved the show though :p.


You ain't kidding :D. I've tweaked my product, though, so we'll see how that goes.


I really like the idea of a Title vs Mask match :)!


...and that's not even the full extent of the stipulations yet ;).


Cheers for the feedback, boys.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com




F' The Mainstream to return


ECW is proud to confirm that, as of September, F' The Mainstream will return to its old timeslot on MTV2 on Thursdays, at 10pm. However, the show, now under an exclusivity agreement with MTV, will now only last for an hour and will focus on showcasing ECW's developing talent. In this regard, one could consider it a "B" show, similar to The Federation's Heat, only innevitably superior.


An announce team and authority figure are yet to be confirmed...




New to the ECW shop: official ECW/sWo shirt


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


Vito Thomaselli vs. Monsters Inc.



Raven's monsters couldn't take out Vito Thomaselli individually so, now, Raven has them teaming up to get the job done. With a near 600lb weight advantage, will Vito be able to secure a victory let alone be in fit shape for Heatwave?




Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match


The Samoan Gangstas vs. The Dudley Boyz



The Dudley Boyz continue to place their Dudleyville Hardcore Championship on the line, this time against the Samoan Gangstas. Bubba and D-Von have been building some serious momentum ahead of their encounter with The Hardcore Innovators and, here, they look to continue this trend.




Nate Hatred vs. Brandon Thomaselli



Two of ECW's new breed will face-off on Saturday Night. Will former Tag Team Champion, Brandon Thomaselli, be the man to end Nate Hatred's streak?




Chris Jericho vs. Chris Hero



Chris Jericho's unabashed arrogance created problems for him on Monday, leading to this match against ECW's self-proclaimed saviour. Will Chris Jericho seize the opportunity to prove his point to Owen Hart or will Chris Hero "improve the product" in another "quality wrestling match"?




Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Christopher Daniels continued to back up the ECW Television Champion on Revolution and, in so doing, cost Ultimo Dragon a fair shot at the title. Instead, the Japanese legend gets a fair shot at retribution on Blood, Sweat & Beers!




Juventud Guerrera's response to AJ Styles' terms





Mark Calaway & Paul Burchill


Rhino & Raven



In this blockbuster main event, four of ECW's main attractions will lock horns in an attempt to prove their dominance. The bad blood between Calaway and Rhino has nearly reached boiling point while the visceral hatred between Burchill and Raven still remains even after months of heated rivalry. Add to this Raven and Burchill's past betrayals of The Man Beast and Calaway's disdain for the World Heavyweight Champion... we've got one hell of a fight on our hands!



ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Another top notch show, I'm really enjoying all your storylines at the moment especially the one with Juvi and Francine, can't wait to see where you take it.


After having a little look around your mod, I can see you have a lot of young talent about in the main roster and in development so it's good to see a B show to help create new stars.




Monsters Inc - I can't see Vito beating these two unless he has help but his momentum/overness shouldn't take a huge hit from losing a handicap match.


The Dudley Boyz - Outside interference to play a part again.


Nate Hatred - Hatred and his manager to continue dominating.


Chris Hero - Owen Hart to interfere and cost Jericho the match which inturn should p**s Jericho off.

Ultimo Dragon - He gets some revenge over Daniel but I expect Juvi and Styles will interfere at some point.


No Contest - Great main event mate but I see it erupting into a mass brawl.


As always I can't wait for the show.

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Saturday, week 2, August

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers! I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey, my man. Let me tell ya, I am so damn hyped heading into Heatwave.

Joey: I don't blame you, Taz, with the way the card is shaping up.

Taz: Yeah, and speaking of the Heatwave card, it looks like, tonight, we're gonna find out if Styles' Title versus mask match is gonna go ahead.

Joey: ...and perhaps even more exciting than that is the main event scheduled for tonight as "The New Franchise" and "The Soul Taker" team up to face "The Man Beast" and the World Heavyweight Champion!



Raven's Monsters dominate the match entirely.

Even in view of the great form Vito has been in, there is no way he can overcome two behemoths...

...or is there?


In the ninth minute, Shane Douglas emerges from the crowd.



Douglas reaches under the bottom rope and grabs Abyss by the foot.

The Monster turns to threaten Douglas and, when he turns back, he is caught by a stiff Enziguiri from Vito.

Douglas leaps onto the apron to nail Goliath with a forearm as Vito hits a Springboard Moonsault on Abyss.


Match rating: B+


Vito ducks out of the ring in lightning time and heads to the back with Douglas.


Taz: I don't get it... what's Douglas' business with Vito?

Joey: I dunno Taz but it was Paul Burchill and The Franchise who came to Vito's aid on Monday...

Taz: I call shennanigans.

Joey: But I bet you can't spell it.

Taz: Hey, I'm just the colour guy!


Juvi Guerrera and Francine are sitting backstage.



Juvi: I don't mean to be harsh, Franny, but I don't think you understand. My mask is who I am.


Francine: Well, I understand that it's important to you...


Juvi looks straight at Francine.


Juvi: There's only one thing more important to me.


Francine blushes, trying to ignore the comment.


Francine: ...but I also know your not the man you are because of your mask.


Juvi: But no one knows me without my mask.


He sighs.


Juvi: No one would want to.


Francine takes Juvi by the hand.


Francine: Hey, I know that some people would love to find who is under the mask.


Juvi smiles.

Francine quickly pulls her hand away.


Francine: Besides, you have to challenge for the belt. The champ gets all money, all the acclaim.


She clearly tries to relieve the tension as she raises her eyebrows.


Francine: Plus, the champ gets all the girls.


She nudges Juvi jokingly.

The luchadore doesn't flinch.


Juvi: ...but I only want one.


Francine is visibly rocked by the sincerity of the comment.


Francine: I... err... I have... I have to... er... go.


Juvi tries to take her hand but Francine exits as quickly as she can, shutting the locker room door on her way out.

Guerrera drops his head into his hands and, as he finally pulls his hands away, he punches the wall in obvious annoyance.

The camera shot cuts to the outside of the door where Francine is still standing.

She slips the tissue that she is holding into her pocket, takes a deep breath and walks off.


Taz: Man, it's like a bad teen rom-com.

Joey: I think that's a bit harsh under the circumstances.

Taz: Oh yeah?

Joey: Yeah, I mean it looks like Francine is genuinely trying to make an effort to better herself and she doesn't want anyone hurt in the process.

Taz: Well, good for her... as long as she don't quit those skimpy outfits!




The Samoan newcomers put on a good show but, once again, the sheer number of Dudleyz makes it a tall order.

Anoai is pinned following a 3D at 8:16

Match rating: C-


Vito is backstage with The Franchise for a shoot promo.



Douglas: Raven, I told you that I'd have my vengeance for all the sh*t you've put me through over the last ten months. But, see, we both know that it goes back even further than that. Hell, you and I have been itching to end each others' careers for the past eleven f**king years! That said, did you really think that just because Burchill can't challenge you for the title, I was gonna let you be?


Vito: Raven, you have humiliated me, you have injured my brothers and, worse still, you and Punk hospitalised my beautiful baby sister! I took out Punk and now it's time to take you out. You see, bastardo, you have united The Franchise and I in a common cause and that is a burning desire to see the back of you!


Douglas: Damn straight! Raven, you ended my in-ring career and, so, I helped Burchill reach a level in order to achieve what I couldn't. Then, you ended any hope of him becoming World Heavyweight Champion Thus, the owness falls upon both myself and The New Franchise to help Vito put your legacy six feet down in the ground at Heatwave!


Paul Burchill steps on screen.



Burchill: I told you I'd make your life a living hell Raven and, while the World Cup may have taken my attention for a moment, you were always in my sights. At Heatwave, I am gonna personally guarantee that you finally get what is coming to you!


Vito: ...and when ECW is finally rid of your sorry ass as champion, I will grant my first defence to The New Franchise, so, that the ECW fans can, once again, believe in a legitimate champion!


Douglas: So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Burchill: Quote The New Franchise...


Vito: Payback's a bitch!


Joey: Wow, do you believe that? I think Raven's number might finally be up.

Taz: Yeah, but how many times have we said that before? We should probably wait and see what that snake has up his sleeve.



Brandon Thomaselli poses a challenge a far greater challenge than some of Hatred's recent opponents.

Indeed, in the eleventh minute, he sets up Hatred for the T-Bone Suplex.

However, he is struck from behind with James Mitchell's walking cane.

Decapitator Lariat!


Match Rating: B


AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are backstage fro a shoot promo.



Daniels: Juventud Guerrera, on Monday night, the ECW World Television Champion, AJ Styles, issued you with an ultimatum: defend your mask or lose your shot at the gold! It appears that he is still awaiting your response and, I must say, I find that the height of bad manners!


Styles: Juvi, man, I'm gonna give you a tip for free. Stop wasting your time on that two-dollar whore and try and make something of yourself. 'Cos, you see, although there's no chance of you winning at Heatwave, "The guy who lost his mask to The Phenomenal AJ Styles" sounds a whole lot better than "That loser who got rejected by the easiest slut in the industry"!


Daniels laughs.


Daniels: Oh and, before I forget, Ultimo Dragon, I'll see you in the ring in about a half hour and I figure I'll leave you incapable of helping your buddy in his title match...so bring your A game and at least make it a challenge, huh?



Chris Jericho controls the match fairly comfortably.

In the eleventh minute, he forces Hero to tap to the Walls Of Jericho.

Match Rating: C


As the bell rings, Owen Hart appears at the entrance-way.



He mockingly applauds as Jericho looks up the aisle-way, clearly annoyed.


Hart: That's a cute little submission you got there.


Jericho screams at Hart from the ring "Cute?! Cute?!"


Hart: Don't get me wrong, had I have had him in the Sharpshooter, I'd have probably been able to snap his back if I wanted but, hey, at least The Great Wall of China looks pretty.


Jericho goes red in the face "The Walls of Jericho!"


Hart: The Walls of Mexico? There aren't any big walls in Mexico...




Hart: ...and I'm Owen Hart. Pleased to meet you.


Jericho is fuming.


Hart: But, regardless of what monument your crappy little rest hold is named after, there is something undeniable... something that everyone's saying. All the people here say it.


The crowd pops.


Hart: Everyone back in Canada says it as does everyone all around the world.


Jericho shouts profanities up the aisle-way.


Hart: See, they say this in Mexico, China and Jericho,

Berlin and Birmingham, Belfast and Tokyo,

Amsterdam, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan,

Disneyland, Narnia... Former Yugoslavia.


Hart receives a round of applause for his eloquence.


Hart: ...and what they're saying is, at Heatwave, you will tap to The Sharpshooter!



The two men do not seem to gel too well in the ring.

However, they still put on a laudible performance.

Ultimo Dragon maintains control throughout.

However, in the fourteenth minute, Daniels pulls his brass knuckles from his tights and knocks the Japanese legend out cold.


Match Rating: C+


Daniels picks up a microphone.


Daniels: So, what's it gonna be, Juvi? Are you gonna accept Styles' generous offer or are you going to continue pursuing that wench... that cheap little prostitute... that over-sexed, disgusting little slu...


Juvi charges through the curtain.



Joey: Guerrera's here to defend Francine's honour!


However, before he even makes it down the steps he is blindsided.



The TV champ nails the luchadore from behind with his championship.

Daniels joins his ally to dish out a 2-on-1 beating.


Joey: It was a damn set up!

Taz: Yeah and, unfortunate for Juvi, he just got played like a fiddle!


Francine runs out.



She leans over Juventud Guerrera in a meager attempt to protect him.

Daniels puts on his brass knucks and raises his fist to her.


Joey: God... no!


But, at the last, moment, Styles stops him.

The two men just smile sadistically and head to the back.



The match is an extremely even encounter with both teams looking strong.

By the twelfth minute, we are no closer to finding a winner.


However, Sabu runs out.



Taz: What the hell is Sabu doing here?


The Human Highlight Reel pulls a spike from his boot and slides into the ring.

He lunges at Taker, who ducks.

The spike is driven squarely into the temple of Paul Burchill who collapses in agony.

Calaway grabs Sabu by the throat, though...


"The Soul Taker" raises his fist in the air and turns to salute the crowd.



Match Rating: B


Joey: Damn it! Rhino gets the pin on Calaway!

Taz: I guess Sabu was trying to payback Taker for last week. No dice, though.


The camera cuts backstage to Paul Heyman.



Heyman: After everything I've seen tonight, I think my considerations regarding the World Championship match at Heatwave are over. Raven, you can consider Vito as your official opponent.


Paul E smiles wryly.


Heyman: But, seeing as you have equal creative control, in order to make sure that this match goes ahead, I'm gonna let you name the stipulations. So, next week, on this very programme, we're gonna have ourselves a contract signing in the centre of the ring to make sure that no one is under any illusions! Sweet dreams, champ.


Show Rating: B

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Hmmm really liking the Francine/Juvi situation. If it was anyone else I could see it being some sort of twist like her being a lesbian.



But with the amount of layers of storyline you put into these sort of things I imagine it could be something like;


Francine likes him but she is so used to looks being the only thing she looks for that she doesn't know what to do....The Queen of Extreme can't be seen with someone that has a face like Snitsky under that mask could she!


BUT Francine realises she's being stupid and hates herself for thinking stuff like that but still can't bring herself to take the chance.



Either that or she just hates Mexicans :-p

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You know me, Nevvy, I love sh*tting on your parade... I have to agree with Taz's assessment of this weeks Franny and Juvi segment, sorry! He seems like such a loser! But I've liked every one of their other segment you've done with them so far so I guess this weeks was just not to my taste. But yeah, sorry!


Liked the Owen Hart thing, it's nice to see him get some non-wrestling time and he and Jericho are a great pairing for a feud as Jericho could evelvate the feud in the charisma area but they would have an absolute dynomite match.


Also like Vito as the number one contender, I think it's a great idea. You've pushed him really well and even though he's an unexpected main eventer (if you compare where he is in your game to real life) you've realyl pulled it off well, so well done on that.


Overall, another really strong show, but that goes without saying, shirley?

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You know me, Nevvy, I love sh*tting on your parade... I have to agree with Taz's assessment of this weeks Franny and Juvi segment, sorry! He seems like such a loser!


Aha... and I gave Taz that line for a reason. I'll just say that Ford's on the money in terms of one thing...


Cheers for the kind words, boys.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


Vito Thomaselli vs. Owen Hart



Despite the major obstacles that Vito has faced heading into Heatwave, he's not backing down from the prospect of this match. Ordered by decree of Raven, there's no doubt that this contest will be a challenge for both Vito and Hart!




Sabu vs. Mark Calaway



Sabu and "The Soul Taker" are billed to settle their recent differences in this match. The hope is clearly that they will leave all bad blood between them in the ring in order to focus on their prospective pay-per-view opponents.




The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Blue World Order



The Dudleyville Hardcore Champions have received many opportunities to get in form ahead of their title defence at Heatwave. Now, it's the turn of the challengers to make some waves.




Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Jerry Lynn




Yoshihiro Tajiri looks to bounce back following his defeat at the hands of Nate Hatred last week. Similarly, Jerry Lynn plans on keeping up his winning form after his tag match with Owen Hart.




Juventud Guerrera & Ultimo Dragon


AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels



The resentment between these two teams has been building steadily every week. As Juventud Guerrera considers the prospect of defending his mask at Heatwave, he and his partner will seek to put their cunning nemeses in their place ahead of the pay-per-view.




Rhino vs. Paul Burchill



After last week's tag team main event, both men requested this match. Rhino seeks to prove that he can win without outside interference while "The New Franchise" aims to prove that he is, in no way, out of the spotlight.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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F*ck me sideways, that is one helluva stacked card. Very, very nice matches in there.


Vito Thomaselli vs. Owen Hart

Vito needs the rub ahead of his title match, but Christ, Owen Hart has to be one of the top people to get someone ready for a main event showing.


Sabu vs. Mark Calaway

Soul Taker needs to look strong for the time being, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sabu nicked it


The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Blue World Order

Don't think I've mentioned before how much I like the pairing of Dreamer and Foley, but I think it really works well.


Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn needs to prove himself ahead of his inevitable match against Kurt Angle somewhere down the line


Juventud Guerrera & Ultimo Dragon vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Only because I think the heels will win the big PPV matches


Rhino vs. Paul Burchill

Because you're a Burchill mark and purely through this diary I'm becoming one too!

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Vito - He's on a role recently but I wouldn't be surprised if Ravens Nest interfered and cost him it.


Mark Calaway - He's the obvious choice with the way you've been pushing him but Sabu's been taking a few loses recently so it may be his turn.


The Hardcore Inovators - Like you said in the preview, it'll just be a warm up match for them.


Jerry Lynn - I really like Lynn and he's in a programme with Angle, Tajiri isn't really doing anything at the minute.


Juvi and Ultimo Dragon - I think these two need a bit of momentum going into Heatwave. AJ and Daniels have won some matches already.


Rhino - This was a tough one but I think Rhino may win. He's need to stay strong in the title picture and a few weeks ago he was unbeatable.

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F*ck me sideways, that is one helluva stacked card. Very, very nice matches in there.


Haha, yeah.


My roster is packed with awesome talent that just isn't very over. So, I figure I'll stick 'em in a bunch of (what could be) PPV strength matches and just let 'em build themselves up through great performances.


Quote The Raven


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Just wanted to say that from the little bit of this dynasty that I have read, I am loving this version of ECW. Thomaselli getting pushed to the moon, Raven being a A-hole champion, Paul Burchill as the NEW Franchise--*sheds a small tear*--I just can't get enough of this and can't wait to have the time to read from the beginning!!
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Vito Thomaselli vs. Owen Hart - That's quite a scalp for Vito to take, but he needs a credible ME win.



Sabu vs. Mark Calaway - Just. Sabu has been on a major losing streak lately, but then again, Taker isn't exactly riding the momentum wave.



The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Blue World Order - Can anyone spell s-q-u-a-s-h? Nah. But the sWo and the Dudleyz will be involved with these shananigans.



Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Jerry Lynn

You haven't done much with Tajiri lately, and Lynn has a storyline with Angle going.


Juventud Guerrera & Ultimo Dragon vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

I agree with keefy on this one.


Rhino vs. Paul Burchill - Draw. I can't see a winner at all between these two, Burchill's too strong and Rhino is riding a huge wave of momentum.

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Monday, week 3, August

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Tonight's card is packed with potential as some of ECW's top talent look set to leave it all in the ring just eleven days ahead of Heatwave.

Gertner: In which case I say we get straight to it rather than listen to you bleet on.

Hudson: Y'know, that's remarkably similar to how I feel when you get given the microphone at pay-per-views.



While it's obvious this match is not the best performance these men could put on, it's still a great way to open the card.

It is an extremely even contest in which neither rookie nor veteran look to be going down without a fight.


In the twelfth minute, Chris Jericho runs to the ring with a chair.



He enters and blasts Owen Hart in the back of the head, flooring him cold.

However, as Jericho turns to makea quick exit, Vito grabs him by the hair and pulls him back through the ropes.

Vito Driver!


Gertner: What the hell is Vito doing? Jericho was helping him?

Hudson: I guess he doesn't want help!


Vito then helps Hart to his feet.

Hart nods in respect.

Vito extends his hand for a handshake but Hart whip[s him to the ropes.

Vito rebounds with the Shining Wizard.

Quick roll up.


Match Rating: B-


As the three count ends Hart dashes straight up to his feet and goes nose-to-nose with the young Italian.

However, he now offers the handshake...

...which Vito accepts.


Hudson: Listen to the applause of these fans. This is what true competition is all about.


But, as Hart raises Vito's hand, both men are blindsided by a sour Chris Jericho.

The Lionheart heads to the back looking very pleased with himself.


Juventud Guerrera and Francine are sitting backstage.



Juvi: Franny, I think I've made my decision but it hinges on one thing.


Francine: What's that?


The luchadore takes his manager by the hands.


Juvi: Franny, I've been meaning to say this for about six weeks now and I'll be damned if I'm not getting out tonight.


Francine tries to pull her hand away but Guerrera touches her on the shoulder reassuringly.


Juvi: Franny, if I'm gonna put my legacy on the line at Heatwave, I need to know that your in my corner, one hundred percent.


Francine: Juvi, you know I am.


Juvi: ...but as more than just a manger... Franny, I'm falling in love with you and... I need to know if you feel the same way.


Francine looks shocked.


Francine: Juvi, I will always support you and, of course I will be in your corner at Heatwave.


Juvi smiles.


Francine: But... I can't commit to you.


The luchadore's voice becomes slightly frail.


Juvi: Why not?


Francine sighs.


Francine: Traci told me to be honest. So... screw it... Juvi, in case you hadn't noticed, I haven't had the best history with men.


Juvi: Franny, I don't care. You're different now and I know that.


Francine: ...and I would never forgive myself if I hurt you in the future. So, I'm sorry. I can't...


Juvi holds up his hand for her to stop.


Juvi: ...and that's the best excuse you can come up with?


Francine: What? Juvi... I...


Juvi: Y'know what, save it! Clearly I was wrong! You haven't changed at all and I guess, as long as I'm not the Television Champion, you couldn't give a sh*t about me!


Francine: Juvi, that's not it... I...


Guerrera explodes.


Juvi: Save it, Francine! I should have known better than to trust you!


Francine: Juvi... I...


He slams the door on his way out.

Francine bursts out in a fit of tears.


The camera cuts to follow Guerrera down the hallway.


Ultimo Dragon approaches.



Dragon: You okay?


Juvi: I just... I opened up to Franny and got a f**king cold shoulder for my time, man.


Dragon: You want me talk to her?


Juvi: Dude, you can't even speak English!


Ultimo shakes his head in disappointment as Guerrera storms of.


Dragon: Such shame... The pain of love is the pain of living, a perpetual wound to be hurt by those we trust.


A crew member gives the legend a quizical look.


Crew: Is that Shakespeare?


Dragon: Fortune cookie.



As expected, the match bombs due to a lack of chemistry.

However, if nothing else, it does serve to end Sabu and Taker's mini-feud.

In the seventh minute, Taker is floored with a chair shot.


Nate Hatred emerges from the crowd with his barbed-wire wrapped iron pentagram.



He strikes Sabu in the back with the evil looking weapon.

As Sabu turns, he drops the symbol.

Decapitator Lariat!

As Hatred escapes, Calaway comes to and hits the Chokeslam on a unconscious Sabu.


Match Rating: C


After the match, "The Soul Taker" takes a microphone.


Taker: Rhino, we're just over a week away from your judgement day and as the light before your eyes slowly lures you towards your darkest nightmare, I want you to know something. Your victory last week proved nothing! You were only able to secure victory thanks to interference. So, now that Sabu has been put firmly in his place, there will be no one stupid enough to save the condemned at Heatwave. The fact is, Rhino, Man Beast or not, a mere human cannot stop an immortal and, without backup, you are a man... damned.



The Hardcore Innovators control the match effectively with use of their trademark Singapore canes.

They win following a Double DDT on Nova at 10:22.

Match Rating: C+


As the Hardcore Innovators head to the back, the lights cut out.


Hudson: What the hell.


When they come back on, Stevie and Nova are unconscious on the canvas.

Nova's face is painted like Chessman and Stevie's to look like Sasuke Cool's mask.

They slowly come to and get to their feet.

Stevie laughs.


Nova: What?


Stevie: You got fag make up on you!


Nova: What do you mean I do? You look like a freak!


Stevie: Huh?


The two men suddenly have a thought and check their own faces for make-up.

They realise simultaneously as Big Sasuke Cool's face appears on the big screen.





The match is a stellar display of fast paced action.

Jerry Lynn wins with a Cradle Piledriver at 10:17

Match Rating: C


As Lynn celebrates, Chris Hero runs into the ring.



The brash youth takes out the dynamic one from behind and lays the boots in.


Hero: I'll bet you thought our beef was done and dusted, Jerry. Well, no such luck, old timer. You see, guys like you, well passed their prime but unwilling to hand their spots to the true talent of today are a cancer on this company and this industry. So, I figure it's about time The Saviour of ECW put you in your place... that being a retirement home... see what I did there?



For once, Guerrera is not accompanied by Francine. He comes to the ring alone.

Both teams put on a great performance ahead of the pay-per-view and the match is a great aerial display.

In the sixteenth minute, Daniels takes out his brass knuckles to lay out Guerrera.

However, the luchadore catches him with a sweep kick.

He takes the knuckle dusters and uses them to knockout the Television Champion.

He then hits the Juvi Driver on Daniels for the 3.

Match rating: B


After the match, Guerrera takes a microphone.


Juvi: AJ, consider your ultimatum accepted. At Heatwave, I'll put my mask on the line for one more shot at shutting your mouth and taking what's rightfully mine. And you better bring your best, "champ", 'cos the way I see it, mask or no mask, I got nothing to lose. I've been screwed over, beatdown and, now, the girl I love wants nothing to do with me. So, if I lose my mask, that's the last you'll see of me but, rest assured, I won't lose... not this time!


Hudson: The last we'll see of him? What the hell does that mean?

Gertner: I think we'll be seeing a lot more of him at Heatwave, Scotty-boy, when AJ forces him to reveal that ugly mug of his!



The two men put on a fantastic match, the best seen on an ECW broadcast all month.

After an even, to-and-fro affair, Rhino hits the Gore on Burchill in the fourteenth minute.


Gertner: That's it, Burchill's done!


As Shane Douglas screams for his protege to get up, Rhino beats his chest and screams at the fans.


"The Soul Taker" strides to the ring.



Rhino motions for the deadman to make his way down. Taker duly obliges.

As Calaway enters the ring, he whips the Man Beast to the ropes.

Big Boot...

No... Rhino ducks underneath and rebounds again.


No! Calaway catches Rhino as he drives with his shoulder, holding him in a gutwrench.

He lifts the Man Beast up...

Elevated Powerbomb!


Hudson: My god, he just reversed the Gore! That must be the first time anyone has ever managed!

Gertner: ...and Rhino's out!


As Taker ducks out to ringside, John Finnegan is forced to decide that neither competitor is fit to continue.

The match ends in a no contest.

Match Rating: A


After the bell, Calaway re-enters and lays the boots into Rhino.


Raven's Nest run out.



As "The Soul Taker" beats down on the Man Beast, the Nest lay into Paul Burchill.

Douglas enters to help his protege and begins a brawl with Raven, in which Taker soon comes to his aid.


Vito Thomaselli sprints to the ring to aid his new allies.



Hudson: My god, this is crazy!


The show goes off air as a mass brawl ensues in the middle of the ring.


Show Rating: A

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