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Well, you never fail to amaze me man.


Your ECW is by far the best one on these boards and probaby ever. I can tell you loved the product.


I'm really enjoying Raven's Nest right now. Raven, Big SHot, and Abyss....talk about psychos....well...Maybe Paul Wight isn't all that crazy, but anytime you put Abyss and Raven together bad things are bound to happen.


Keep up the good work.

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OOC: Thank you all for th kind words. It's very much appreciated ;).


From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


Juventud Guerrera & Owen Hart vs. AJ Styles & Chris Jericho



Chris Jericho certainly got inside the head of Owen Hart on Monday, assaulting him from behind after his match againts Vito Thomaselli. Even that, was after he tried to cost him the match. As for Guerrera and Styles, their heated rivalry showed no signs of cooling as Juvi accepted the World Television Champion's offer of a Mask versus Title match, a setting in which this rivalry may well reach its climactic end.




The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Second Generation Of Dudleyz



This week, The Hardcore Innovators may get a true taste of exactly what they are in for at Heatwave as they take on Bubba and D-Von's innevitably illegitimate nephews. Can Big Dick Jr and Ultimo "Banzai" Dudley II finish the job before their uncles even get their hands dirty?




Mark Calaway vs. Bret Hart



Both Calaway and Rhino seek to prove a point to the other ahead of their match at Heatwave. "The Soul Taker" has challenged an old nemesis from his time in the federation to make his point loud and clear.




Sabu & Jerry Lynn vs. Nate Hatred & Chris Hero



New meets old in this tag team match as two of ECW's most established and respected veterans are set to quash the uprising of the new generation. That is if they can contain "The Saviour of ECW" and its "Most Extreme Athlete".




Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli


Monsters Inc.



This match marks another episode in both Burchill and Thomaselli's personal wars with Raven. There may be a lot of intense rivalries in ECW but none are more deep rooted than this. "The New Franchise" betrayed his mentor Raven and helped Vito get in the head of the champion; Raven hospitalised Thomaselli's entire family and Burchill's prospective girlfriend. If this isn't the ugliest damn thing you've ever seen, the main event at Heatwave certainly will be!




Paul E holds an in-ring conference to confirm the terms of three Heatwave matches.




Rhino vs. The Sandman



Rhino's point to prove also comes in the form of a former nemesis: former World Heavyweight Champion, The Sandman. Why is this the main event? Because these two might just beat the holy sh*t out of each other... and we can't wait to see it!



ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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nevermore, why do I get the feeling I will one day stumble into some backward English city like Blackburn, with you smoking a pipe wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat, with a great big bushy Haystacks beard, and your living room is nothing but a series of investigation novels and a Raven shrine :D... I get the feeling that when we play Cluedo the killer should always be nevermore because frankly no one could pull off a stunt/surprise like you can, with such vibrant yet well disguised clues... (It's all a compliment mate :D)


In other words, you are the master of ECW and suspense. Listen mate, the wife watches some of those real ****house detective style shows that are populating mainstream TV these days, those blokes could use an idea of how to build suspense and have all the loose ends tie neatly together after a nice slow long deathly build. This continues to blow the mind, what a brilliant, masterful story this is.


You are a real credit to these boards my friend, and it's been a real priveledge reading this dynasty.


PS: Aside from the tongue in cheek Blackburn comment (down with Rovers), where are you actually from?

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Crew: Is that Shakespeare?


Dragon: Fortune cookie.


If anyone else but you tried that line I'd have thought they were an idiot. But I couldn't help but laugh...


Firstly, Jesus H Christ! Chemistry or no chemistry, a C for Sabu vs Taker? How bad was this lack of chemistry- were they actually in the same building?!


Another great show though bud. Like Trist says you are the master of build up and I love seeing all these new guys charging through- Burchill, Rhino, Vito etc. I can't wait to see what matches Paul E makes for Heatwave on Blood Sweat and Beers.

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Aside from the tongue in cheek Blackburn comment (down with Rovers), where are you actually from?


From memory I want to say Berkshire or somewhere west of London (aka the wrong side of London!) but don't hold me to that. Also, I think that was before Nevvy moved after Baby Kiefer (:p) was born.

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Another fantastic show mate. I agree with Mikey, I've loved what you've done with Raven from the very beginning. The Ultimo Dragon segment was great aswell. :D


I can't wait to see what goes down at Heatwave.




AJ and Jericho - Tough one this because Juvi got the win in the last tag match but Owen could do with a win after losing to Vito.


The Hardcore Innovators - I think they will overcome the interfere from the rest of the Dudleys but I another tough one to pick.


Mark Calaway - We haven't seen much of Bret recently so I think he'll beat 'The Soul Taker'. What a match for TV though!


Hatred and Hero - Hatred has been dominating recently and I see Angle coming and attacking Lynn during the match.


Burchill and Vito - If Vito can beat the two behemoths single handedly then he'll have now trouble with Burchill on his team.


Rhino - Same as the Calaway/Hart match.



As always, can't wait for the show.

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The Ultimo Dragon segment was great aswell. :D.


If anyone else but you tried that line I'd have thought they were an idiot. But I couldn't help but laugh...


Whew... glad you boys liked that. I was wondering whether to bother sticking it in for a while :o.


Firstly, Jesus H Christ! Chemistry or no chemistry, a C for Sabu vs Taker? How bad was this lack of chemistry- were they actually in the same building?!


...and they were supposed to be guaranteed mid-month ratings :rolleyes:!


I can't wait to see what matches Paul E makes for Heatwave on Blood Sweat and Beers.


...an excuse for needlessly violent gimmick matches. So, always good in my book at least :D.


From memory I want to say Berkshire or somewhere west of London (aka the wrong side of London!) but don't hold me to that. Also, I think that was before Nevvy moved after Baby Kiefer (:p) was born.


Yep, originally from Berkshire. Now, in Battersea and soon to be back in the West o' London area.


nevermore, why do I get the feeling I will one day stumble into some backward English city like Blackburn, with you smoking a pipe wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat, with a great big bushy Haystacks beard, and your living room is nothing but a series of investigation novels and a Raven shrine :D... I get the feeling that when we play Cluedo the killer should always be nevermore because frankly no one could pull off a stunt/surprise like you can, with such vibrant yet well disguised clues... (It's all a compliment mate :D)


Well, thank you very much mate. Hoewever, this is slightly creepy on a few levels: I do have a bushy Haystacks beard and I do smoke a pipe* (only on special occassions these days, mind). Moreover, someone (I think it was MrT) just claimed in a mafia thread that, because I'm (apparently) the most cunniving and sneaky bastard, I should always bat for the bad guys (this is not a sexual innuendo... do not even think that this is a sexual innuendo :mad:).


I'm starting to think I have a serious eccentric streak :eek:.


* ...and I'm working on my Raven shrine :D.


Quote The Raven


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Looking forward to heat wave!


just took/found the time to catch up on the last three shows. Great work as always. i think your finding a new depth.


First the Heyman/pag dilleima, then the Heyman/Raven square off and the evolution of and destruction of the nest. The coming of Owen & Bret Hart. (and I'm sure I'm leaving out tons of stuff like the rise of Burchill from the ashes of the nest) but now with the world cup out of the way, and with no big 'Events' Set up for the PPV, the story and the world you have created are showing they don't need the flashy gimmicks to draw in the crowd. That the story has taken on a life and depth of it's own.


At Heat Wave, the biggest story of all will be how almost every feud is red hot and has meaning for both the near and long term future of both the company and every individual involved.


Damn you for making me care weather or not Francine can find love!

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Damn you for making we care weather or not Francine can find love!


If that's true, I am so pleased... and grateful.


One of the biggest challenges I set myself was to try and turn Franny's over-but-bland character into a more complex personality.


Thanks for the kind words ;).


Quote The Raven


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Saturday, week 3, August

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers! I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Cheers for the intro, Joey. Damn, am I ready to see this one kick off. What with the matches we've got cued and Paul E's Heatwave conference, tonight should be off the hook!

Joey: I couldn't have said it better myself. So, that said, let's get to it.



The match is an even showing in which all four men see fairly equal offence.

Guerrera picks up the pin on Styles following a 450 Splash in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: B-


Styles: Guerrera gets the pin on Styles ahead of Heatwave!

Taz: Yeah, we just have to see if he performs so well under the pressure of the pay-per-view stipulations.


After the match, Styles and Jericho jump their opponents from behind.

Jericho seizes the opportunity to take a microphone.


Jericho: Hey, Owen, you wanto to know what's cute? Me kickin' your ass Heatwave... that's cute; the Walls of Jericho ain't! And, seeing how you think you've got something over with me with The Crapshooter, I say we make it a Submission match on Friday and find out just how little your opinion counts for.


the bWo are backstage for a shooit promo.



Stevie: This whole war of the world orders is gettin' pretty damn personal, Sasuke, and so I reckon it's about time we settled it in the ring rather than with pranks, fake signs and face paint. So, I'm challenging you to a one-on-one match for the right... to take over! And just to make our point loud and clear, we're gonna claim two victories for the price of one. So, on Monday's Revolution pick your two best kronies to take on the Blue World Order in a Six-Man-Tag!


Nova: Whatcha gonna do, Daddy-O, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?!


Meanie: Yeah... Chico.


Stevie: Ya see, Big Stevie Cool is gonna nail you so hard with the Stevie Kick that your gay little mask will fly clean off. Then, Hollywood Nova will drop the Big Legdrop on your fugly mug...


BW Snow: ...and then I'll give you head!


Snow waves his mannequin around and Stevie shakes his head as the camera cuts back to ringside.



The Hardcore Innovators have to contend with perpetual interference from the Dudleyville Hardcore Champions.

However, use of their trademark canes helps even the odds.

Despite the obviously brilliant chemistry shown by Bubba and D-Von's nephews, they have their work cut out.

In the seventh minute, Bubba and D-Von both jump on to the apron only to be knocked off by Ultimo Dudley II. who is whipped by both Innovators into his uncles.

As he rebounds and his uncles hit the concrete, he is nailed with a Double DDT!


Match Rating: D+


Rhino is backstage for a shoot promo.



Rhino: You crossed the line, Taker!


He beats his fists on the wall before screaming back into the camera.


Rhino: You crossed the f**kin' line!


He know beats his chest.


Rhino: I would have pinned Burchill and proved my dominance if it wasn't for you! At Heatwave, Deadman, I'm gonna rip your oversized f**kin' arms off and beat the sh*t out of you with them! And, after I crush your organs with the Gore, I'll break you f**kin' neck with the Rhino Driver! No gimmicks, Deadman, no smoke or pyro just these two fists, your frail aging body and more aggression than you've ever thought possible!



The two men put on a decent contest.

However, Taker retains control throughout, winning with the Chokeslam at 11:40.

Match Rating: B-


Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring, followed by several of the workers scheduled to appear at Heatwave.




The wrestlers are escorted by several members of arena security.


Heyman: Taker, please stay in the ring as we have some business to attend to.


Heyman steps into the ring followed by the mottley crew of talent.


Taz: My god, Joey, there are some mighty combustible elements in that ring!

Joey: No wonder Paul E's got security out here.


Heyman: First of all, let me make one thing perfectly clear. Some of you have wrestled tonight; some of you are scheduled to wrestle. Either way, there will be no confrontation now or you will be removed from the Heatwave card... and the ECW active roster.


The six workers in the ring grudgingly seperate themselves amids the blak shirts of the officials.


Heyman: Firstly, I want to make something official: Jerry Lynn and Chris Hero will meet ina rematch from Hardcore Heaven at Heatwave!


None of the present workers seem bothered.


Heyman: ...and on to the rest of you. AJ and Juvi, I hear you've got a "Title versus Mask" Match planned. Well, it's not gonna be quite that simple. You see, I figure we'll make it a Stairway To Hell Match. Two hooks will be suspended above the ring. For the challenger to be victorious, he must retrieve the championship belt from the first hook. For the challenger to retain, he must forceably remove the challengers mask and hang it upon the other hook!


The crowd cheers as the two competitors nod in approval of the stipulations.


Heyman: Now, get the hell out of here.


AJ and Juvi make their exit as Heyman beckons "The Soul Taker" and "The Man Beast" to the centre of the ring.

The two behemoths stare one another down, one a fair few inches above the other.


Heyman: As for you two, over these last few shows, I've heard all this pathetic sh*t about how 'Taker would'nt have lost if it wasn't for outside interference and how Rhino would have won if not for Taker sticking his nose in. Well, frankly, I don't care for either argument but, at Heatwave, we'll find out exactly where the buck stops.


Paul E pulls a staple gun from his jacket pocket and a one dollar bill from out of his wallet.


Heyman: Since you two can't stop heaping fault on the other, your gonna use one of these...


He lifts the staple gun.


Heyman: ...to staple one of these...


He waves the dollar bill.


Heyman: ...to any part of your opponents anatomy in order to win the first ever "Buck Stops Here" Match at Heatwave.


Rhino smiles disturbingly and shoves Taker.

Calaway shoves back.

The entire security force descends upon them, dragging either man from the ring.


Heyman: ...and now we come to the match that I'm dying to see.


The crowd pops in agreement.


Heyman: Raven, do you know what stipulation it's gonna be yet?


The champion laughs.


Raven: I'll go you one better.


Monsters Inc. walk to the ring, Goliath carrying a contract on a clipboard.



Heyman: What the hell is that?


Raven: This is a contract outlining my exact terms for our title match at Heatwave, namely the fact that it will be... a Barbed Wire Cage Match.


Taz: ...and that will sure as hell negate the presence of Vito's new allies.

Joey: You have to give it to raven, as slimy as he is, he knows exactly what he's doing.

Taz: It's pretty damn ballsy as well, though, Joe. I mean Burchill and Douglas won't be able to interfere but neither will Raven's monsters...


Heyman snatches the contract and flicks through.


Raven: Read it through all you want, Paul E. If you and Vito don't sign it, there will be no match at Heatwave!


Heyman looks at Vito who nods.

The Chief Talent Official grudgingly signs the contract.

Vito then takes the contract and also signs before all four men are led to the back by security.



The match is a very evn contest in which both teams come off lookig strong.

However, it is the veterans who gain the victory after Sabu hits a Triple Jump Moonsault on Hero at 11:17

Match Rating: B-


The Dudley family are backstage for a soot promo.



D-Von: Hardcore Innovators, my nephews may not have beaten you tonight but, at Heatwave, me and my brother from another mother will. You see, our nephews are young and inexperienced. they haven't even sired their first offspring.


Daizy: So, Cactus, Tommy you better watch your backs, boys, 'cos the first family of Dudleyville is gonna teach you what hardcore is all about!


Bubba: Thou shalt not mess with the D...D..D...D...D.D.D...D..DD...DD..D...


Big Dick joins in.


Dick Jr: D...DD..D.D...DD.D...D...


Daizy slaps them both around the head.


Bubba and Dick: DUDLEYZ!



Burchill and Thomaselli maintain control throughout.

Burchill pins Abyss following a Standing Shooting Star Press at 12:16

Match rating: B


After the match, Raven runs out with a chair.



He floors Douglas at ringside and, upon entering the ring, takes out both of his former proteges.

The Nest then lay the boots in before heading to the back.



Rhino is not dominant as in some recent matches.

However, there is no doubt as to who is in control of this one.

The Man Beast hits the Gore for the fall in the twelfth minute.

Match Rating: B


As the show goes off air, Rhino performs a parody of 'Taker's cutthroat motion.


Show Rating: B

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Buck stops here match! Where do these ideas come from?! I love it by the way, it's very different which is always good. I think Vito won't get a better chance in the barbed wire steel cage match as he has Raven one on one but I wouldn't be surprised if The Nest somehow find their way in. The Stairway to Hell match should be great aswell, I'm actually wanting AJ to win that because I think it will open up more possibilites with Francine if he's unmasked which should be fun.


Can't wait for Heatwave mate, your ppv's always deliver!

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.



Paul Burchill looks to put his surprisingly mediocre run of results behind him here as he faces ECW's most exciting luchadore. Expect fireworks!



Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match


The Briscoe Boys vs. The Dudley Boyz



The first family of Dudleyville make their final defence of their Hardcore Titles ahead of Heatwave. The Briscoe Boys may not be as stiff a challenge as The Hardcore Innovators but they will be no walkover!



War of the World Orders

bWo vs. sWo



In this first installment of the "War of the World Orders" Stevie, Snow and Nova battle Sasuke, Chessman and Oz. This, of course, is the pre-lash to Big Stevie Cool versus Big Sasuke Cool at Heatwave.




Ultimo Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels




Ahead of the World Television Tiltle match at Heatwave, both the challenger and champion's backup will face-off. Both Ultimo Dragon and Christopher Daniels will surely be looking to be in a position to support their respective allies on Friday night but will either be in a fit state?




Juventud Guerrera, Owen Hart & Jerry Lynn


AJ Styles Chris Jericho & Chris Hero



Three Heatwave matches are combined for this special Six-Man-Tag match. Which team will be able to gain some much sought after momentum heading into Friday?




Raven & Rhino vs. Vito Thomaselli & Mark Calaway



There aren't any one dollar bills, staple guns or barbed wire cages... at least, not yet. However, in this main event tag team match, four of the toughest wrestlers in the world step up to prove a point ahead of arguably the most defining matches of their careers to date.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Paul E pulls a staple gun from his jacket pocket and a one dollar bill from out of his wallet.


Heyman: Since you two can't stop heaping fault on the other, your gonna use one of these...


He lifts the staple gun.


Heyman: ...to staple one of these...


He waves the dollar bill.


Heyman: ...to any part of your opponents anatomy in order to win the first ever "Buck Stops Here" Match at Heatwave.


I hate you. I really do. I just have no idea where you get these ideas from, it's incredible. Mind-blowing, even.


Love the barbed wire match for the title match, and the Stairway To Hell match will be insane. You never fail to amaze.

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Heyman: ...and on to the rest of you. AJ and Juvi, I hear you've got a "Title versus Mask" Match planned. Well, it's not gonna be quite that simple. You see, I figure we'll make it a Stairway To Hell Match. Two hooks will be suspended above the ring. For the challenger to be victorious, he must retrieve the championship belt from the first hook. For the challenger to retain, he must forceably remove the challengers mask and hang it upon the other hook!


So wait, does that mean if AJ removes Juvi's mask, that Juvi can still win as long as he gets the title down before AJ hangs up the mask?


Damn, if I were Juvi I'd leave my mask in the dressing room and come out wearing face paint or something. By the time AJ goes backstage to get the mask so he can hang it up, I'd have climbed the ladder.

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So wait, does that mean if AJ removes Juvi's mask, that Juvi can still win as long as he gets the title down before AJ hangs up the mask?


Damn, if I were Juvi I'd leave my mask in the dressing room and come out wearing face paint or something. By the time AJ goes backstage to get the mask so he can hang it up, I'd have climbed the ladder.


It does indeed. It's to slightly disadvantage AJ seeing as he has cheated on the previous three occassions to get the victory.


However, I think Juvi actually wearing a mask is a somewhat integral part of the match :D.


Quote The Raven


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Paul Burchill - The future of the company.

The Dudley Boyz - They won't lose the titles, at least until Foley and Dreamer get their hands on them.

bWo - I think Sasuke will win at Heatwave so I'll go with bWo here.


Ultimo Dragon - Only because I see AJ winning at Heatwave.


AJ, Jericho and Hero - These tag matches are so hard to pick for. :p

Vito and Calaway - The faces to win this match but I think Rhino and Raven will beat their respective opponents at Heatwave.

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Confirmed for Revolution:


Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.


Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match

The Briscoe Boys vs. The Dudley Boyz


War of the World Orders

bWo vs. sWo double dq


Ultimo Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels

with some out side interference

Juventud Guerrera, Owen Hart & Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles Chris Jericho & Chris Hero


Raven & Rhino vs. Vito Thomaselli & Mark Calaway



Or i could be way off. :rolleyes:

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Have we got any news on how WWA are doing mate? Who they have signed etc.


I reckon I'll get to that after they've held their first show. They're rosters looking pretty good, all things considered and they've signed a pay-per-view deal.


Quote The Raven


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As hard as it is to believe, I truly believe nevvy is just tuning up the band for more and more chaos. This show is going to be stopped for being too good.


I think you're right. Nevvy's certainly got the pedigree to continue with this level of creativity. It's amazing how a blue blood from Berkshire can be so tuned in to something as extreme as ECW (see "Buck Stops Here" match).


Any new diary writers should really look through this before they start to see just how creative, intelligent and downright aweosme a diary can be. This is how you play the game, let me tell you.

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It does indeed. It's to slightly disadvantage AJ seeing as he has cheated on the previous three occassions to get the victory.


However, I think Juvi actually wearing a mask is a somewhat integral part of the match :D.


Quote The Raven



well yea, it would have to play a big part. Every time he gets close to winning the match he'll also be giving AJ a big advantage by moving the mask closer to the hook. It's genius really because it's a whole new element to that type of match.

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I think you're right. Nevvy's certainly got the pedigree to continue with this level of creativity. It's amazing how a blue blood from Berkshire can be so tuned in to something as extreme as ECW (see "Buck Stops Here" match).


Any new diary writers should really look through this before they start to see just how creative, intelligent and downright aweosme a diary can be. This is how you play the game, let me tell you.


I would say nevvy's got something unreal - god given, pure, natural talent. This guy is the main event, the icon.

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