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Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam. And, now, you can catch my colour commentary on ECW F' The Mainstream. As I've said before, you may think that would give me a biased view of the wrestling world but, hey, if so... screw you! Yes, I am getting arsey, aren't I?


Well, the viewer feedback from Guilty As Charged seems to have been pretty positive. All in all, it was a strong show and how many stories have been set up as a result, man?


I mean Juvi could, realistically, enter into a feud with any one of those guys in the four-way while, equally, the TV Title ranks look stronger all told. Meanwhile, the Vito and Punk continue in their feud and, with how hot it is, whoever wins there rubber match (which I reckon is gonna come at N2R) is gonna get catapulted straight into the main event! I also think we're gonna have the final grudge match between Taker and Rhino in a month's time.


Plus, the Whole F**kin' Show may just have imploded, sparking a feud I've been dying to see all year. Even so, we could get brought back from the edge, I guess. I mean the Super Kick looked like an accident and maybe Traci can smooth things over... who knows?


Finally, Jericho winning the eblt was a class act by Hart. He could easily have used dome sway in that whole deal to go out on top. I guess, Paul E gave him the belt as a retirement gift and Owen, the true pro that he is, returned the favour. As for Raven picking up the strap at the end, I can tell you it will be recognised as a legitimate reign - he is the new champ! Now, in my view, that was a kinda cheap way to end the show and I'd usually say it was completely unnecessary but, because I know what's coming, I don't mind at all. Just wait for Blood, Sweat and Beers is all I'm saying!


The natural order will be restored?! I know something you don't know... nah, nah, nah... That's more than enough of that but, seriously, this one's a bombshell and I can't wait!


Finally, in possibly the biggest news of the week, the long-awaited ECW roster overhaul is well and truly underway. The first happening actually fell outside of the promotion's jurisdiction: Kensuke Sasaki has signed a written contract with NJPW and, thus, the former Television Champ is heading back to Japan.


Moreover, though, Paul E has said that ECW will be releasing the following workers in the coming days:


Apolo & Chicano (the Puerto Rican tag team)

The Blue Meanie

Chessman, Cuervo, Escoria, Espiritu & Oz (the sWo)

The Headhunters



Some decisions are more obvious than others. Hayabusa, who was previously picked for a push is a bit of a surprise but, at 38, competing with an ever-strengthening, talented midcard, perhaps it makes sense. Meanwhile, the bWo are said to have kicked up a fuss over the dismissal of Meanie, which, frankly, I can understand. I really hope that ECW's desire to compete with the Federation doesn't negate the family-like atmosphere that has existed in the locker room for 15 years!


...and, on the note of family, the final man to be dismissed has left the Hart brothers unamused. Davey Boy Smith was fired today after failing a second steroid test since his debut. Smith claims that the promotion wanted to get rid of him anyway, as evidenced by their lack of creative plans for him, but Paul E maintains that ECW wants no association with steroids.


Lastly, some of the older members of the roster have been sent to the development territories to train the young hopefuls. Their movements are as follows:


Chavo Guerrero Jr -> APW

Steven Regal -> APW


Al Snow -> CZW

Steve Corino -> CZW


...but on the subject of development territories. Y'know the Nest's new mysterious blonde? Nattie Neidhart, fresh outta APW and I'm glad they're getting some talented females into the Lioness division.


I'm Scott Bigelow and that was the Bam Bam Exam; peace out!

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


International All Action Championship Match

Lance Storm vs. CM Punk©



CM Punk makes the first defense of his newly (and controversially) re-acquired title against Lance Storm. Can the Canadian Exremist cause an upset?




The True World Order vs. London & Kendrick



After casting aside their former followers, Stevie Richards and The Great Sasuke are set for their debut tag team match as the "True World Order". Will their decision to drop their allies pay off or will Kendrick and London have the last laugh?




The Hardcore Innovators


The Second Generation of Dudleyz



After the apparent implosion of the Whole F**kin' Show, The Dudley Boyz won both sets of tag titles in controversial fashion. However, they never actually left the arena with the belts as the Hardcore Innovators returned the favour from last month and stole the gold. Bubba and D-Von are sending their nephews in to teach cactus and Dreamer a lesson and, apparently, regain their belts in the process.




Lioness Pack Match

Alexis & Nathalie


Jazz & Kelly Thomaselli



The Lioness champion, Alexis, teams up with "Nathalie" who appears to be the newest member of Raven's Nest. However, their opponents should be no pushovers as Jazz looks to gain a measure of revenge for being cost a fair title shot and Kelly looks to do the same on behalf of her brother, Vito.




Ricky Marvin vs. Kurt Angle



Kurt Angle is set for another warm-up bout ahead of his grudge match with Jerry Lynn at November To Remember. However, little is known about his opponent, Ricky Marvin, and an upset could be on the cards... especially if "The Dynamic One" has any say in the matter.




Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho



Annoyed that he was not booked at Guilty As Charged, Chris Hero has requested this match against the former, fleeting Heavyweight Champion. However, no one is sure as to why the self-professed "Saviour of ECW" has singled out "The Lionheart".




Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.



Juventud Guerrera returned at Guilty As Charge and made a real impact... mainly upon the skulls of his rivals with a steel chair. Put simply, Mysterio wants to prove Juvi's triumphant return short-lived as Guerrera seeks retribution for being sold out on live pay-per-view by his former friend and partner.


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ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Saturday, week 4, October

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Don Callis and alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Callis. I'm more psyched than I have been in ages. We're due to find out what all this "natural order" stuff is about.

Callis: ...and who Paul E was talking to.

Taz: Yeah and, not only that, man. We get to see Los Increibles go one-on-one tonight! Raise your hand if you haven't been wanting to see that again. Yeah... that's what I thought.

Callis: Well then, champ, let's get to it but, before we do, I would like to issue an apology on behalf of Extreme Championship Wrestling. It appears Raven's controversial reclaiming of the World Heavyweight Championship last night was legitimate under promotional guidelines. However, I can emphatically state that neither Taz, myself nor anyone in the back who is not associated with the egotistical ass hole endorses his actions.

Taz nods in agreement.




Lance Storm shows he's no pushover but there can be no doubt that Punk is always in control of this one.

He puts his opponent away with a GTS after eight minutes.

Match Rating: B-


After the match, Punk picks up a microphone.


Punk: I assume you all saw what I did to Vito Thomaselli last night.


Callis: What you did? You and two four hundred pound giants!


Punk: Well, Vito crossed a line when he poured beer down my throat and stuck a cancerous, tobacco-laidened death-stick in my mouth! I am straight edge for real and, for the record, that means I'm better than all of you idiots. You're free to do as you wish: to drink yourselves into premature liver failure, to smoke yourselves into the crippling clutches of lung cancer, to gamble yourselves and your families into an abusive and broken down home and to inject yourselves into an early grave. But I have chosen a righteous path... I have chosen to rise above the squalor and the degradation of you ungrateful leeches and I have equal right to do so without fear of ridicule or persecution. Vito didn't just embarrass me; he stepped on my beliefs and raped my sense of identity. Well, last night was vengeance, after a fashion, and this gold around my waist will serve as a continuing reminder to all those who dare think they are on the same level as me. Hey Vito... you got Punk'd!


Taz: Wow, strong words from Punk!

Callis: Strong, condesending words, particularly strong coming from someone who needed back-up last night.

Taz: I guess he knows Vito is in no state to show up!


The feed cuts to a November To Remember XV promo... without audio... 'cos google and Warner Music are pricks.

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The True World Order dominate through frequent tags and sheer tenacity.

They pick up the win after The Great Sasuke hits a Michonoku Driver on Kendrick.

Match Rating: D+


Nate Hatred and James Mitchell are backstage for a shoot promo.



Mitchell: The clock is ticking, Sabu, and every second that passes brings us one moment closer to November To Remember and you know what happens then, don't you? On November 30th, the night that will forever be carved into the memories of every single wrestling fan, Nate Hatred, ECW's New Main Event and Most Extreme Athlete, will end your miserable career. Since you seem to be the only man capable of challenging Nathan's claim to be truly "the most extreme" it seems fitting that it will be him who ensures you never pick up a weapon again.


He pauses and puts his hand to his ear.


Mitchell: What's that noise, Sabu? Tick tock... tick tock... I think that's the little time you have left in this industry apssing by. Savour it, "Highlight Reel" because your judgement day is nearly upon you.



The Second Generation cause some problems for Cactus and Dreamer, courtesy mainly of Dick Jr's sheer strength.

However, The Innovators put away their adversaries in the sixth minute with a Double DDT.

Match Rating: C


The former champions stand poised, awaiting the run-in from the Dudley Boyz.

However, it does not come. The champions clearly want no part of a dominant team on the front foot.

After waiting, The Innovators retrieve all four belts from ringside and heas to the back.

Dreamer takes the opportunity to get his face in the camera and taunt Bubba and D-Von.


Mark Calaway is backstage for a shoot promo.



Taker: Rhino... even for someone who worked a zombie gimmick in the Federation for fifteen years, this is starting to get stupid. You cost me a title shot, so, I did the same to you. After getting jumped one too many times, I broke your skull open with a bike chain only for you to break my god damn wrist.


He lifts his cast into view.


Taker: You stapled a dollar bill to my head, so, I didn't just put you in an ambulance... I put you through an ambulance. I chokeslammed you right through the f**kin' roof! Point is...


He smirks.


Taker: ...if we carry on at this rate, someone's gonna get hurt and you better believe, one way or another, you're gonna come out this thing worse than the deadman. So, I hope last night was not only a warning but a case in point. I say it's about time you backed the f**k down, son, and finally let me claim the title I deserve. Oh, and say hi to the doctors for me...



As Kurt Angle waits in the ring for his opponent to appear, a funky bass line hits the PA.

An extremely hyper-active masked luchadore steps out from the curtain and dances his way down to ringside.

Indeed, the sheer pace of the young Mexican caches Angle off-guard who is made to look like an amateur for the first few minutes.

However, after regaining his composure and focussing on the luchadore's ankle, Angle puts Marvin away with an Ankle Lock in the sixth minute.

Match rating: C-


The big screen cuts to a picture of Jerry Lynn.



Lynn: Congratulations, Kurt. I'm glad to see your "broken neck" is holding you back too much. However, I think we both know that your opposition at November To Remember will be a little more stiff. I've waited six damn months to get you in the ring again and, although I may not be the prospect I was ten years ago, I'll still be the one to teach you some true respect for this business, its workers and its fans. You disgust me, you deceitful little slimeball!


Lioness Pack Match


The match is an effective crowd control technique, in which Natalie is obviously viewed as the best wrestler.

In the sixth minute, Alexis is able to roll up Kelly Thomaselli and get her foot on the middle rope for leverage and the victory.

Match Rating: D+


Chris Jericho walks to the ring to a great reaction.



Jericho: Everyone in this building tonight knows that I should be standing here as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion. However, that acolade was stripped from me in mere minutes by Raven. That man is a nothing short of a cancer upon this ind...


The "melodic" sounds of Bonnie Tyler blaree around the arena.

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Hero: Jericho... Jericho... Jericho... Y'know, I've been asked why I requested this match, forever proving the ignorance of the people involved in this promotion... and the idiots who actually pay to see this hardcore nonsense. The fact is I knew you'd come out hear, bitching and moaning, hell let's be honest, whinging like a little girl who lost her Barbie. Get the hell over it man! So you lost your title? Whoop-de-f**kin'-doo... I was even booked on the damn show. You know how that makes me feel... as if people don't actually want me in this pisshole.


Taz: Gee, ya think?

Callis: Whatevr gave him that idea?


Jeers ring out from the crowd.


Hero: But I know that isn't true 'cos I'm the only talented worker in this poor excuse for a wrestlin company.


Jericho: Have you got a point, jack off, or are you just wishing upon your own funeral?


Hero: My point, dogbreath, is that you ain't got nothing to complain about. Here I am, going out every night, ptting my body on the line to improve ECW one quality wrestling match at a time while you get thrust, undeservedly, into a title shot. Then, to cap things off, when you lose the title you don't have the good grace or common courtesy to bow out like a gentlemen.


Jericho: ...at least I've won titles in this promotion. For somewhere you claim to be so much better than, you really have made it look like hard work picking up a shot at a strap. And as for "gentlemanly behaviour", I suppose you making a prick out of yourself in front of 200,000 viewers is good grace?


Hero: Keep your words soft and sweet, Jericho. I get the feeling you'll be eating them soon.


Jericho: Well, we got a ref here and you asked for this match. So, what you waitin' for hotshot? Let's see how "quality" you are.



The two men combine for a great match.

By the twelfth minute, Jericho appears to have gained the upper-hand.

However, when he goes for the Lionsault, Hero rolls out of the way and follows up with a lowblow.

He finishes with a Hero's Welcome for the win.

Match rating: A


Callis: Damn it! Hero just stole it!


RVD and Traci make their way to the ring.



RVD takes a mic.


RVD: I am out here...


He stops, shakes his head and paces up and down the canvas.


RVD: I am out here because Traci has convinced me to come out here. I am out here because I think a friendship of ten years and one of the greatest wrestling tag teams of our liftimes is worth saving. I am out here because, no matter how the sh*t seems to have hit the fan, I do not want the Whole F**kin' Show to wither and die.


The fans applaud.


RVD: Your damn right! So, Shawn, get out here and let's sort this thing.


Sure enough, Michaels heads out to the ring.



Michaels: Come on then, let's hear it. This oughtta be good.


RVD: Don't get sarcastic, man. I'm trying to sort this team out.


Michaels: Sort it?! You wrecked it... and punched me in the face!


RVD: You superkicked me!


Traci interjects.


Traci: For f**ks sake shut up you two... you sound like a pair of schoolgirls! Sort it out. Rob, you had something to say...


RVD stares at the mat and shakes his head.

He finally looks up and nods as if readying himself for something.


RVD: Okay, Trace, you're right... Shawn, I'm sorry, man. I know that kick was an accident and I acted like a dick. I'm sorry.


RVD offers his hand as the fans applaud.

Michaels knocks RVD's hand away and the cheers turn to boos.


Taz: Uh-oh.


Suddenly, Michaels throws himself on Van Dam and hugs him.

Once more, the reaction becomes more positive.

As the hug finishes, the two men slap hands.


Callis: That's more like it!


Michaels: Hey, Rob, man... you're my brother... I love you... but I gotta do this.




Callis: What the hell?!


The jeers ring out once more.


Taz: My god, The Whole F**kin' Show really did just implode!


As Traci jumps down to check on her boyfriend, she stares up at Michaels, shocked and betrayed.


Michaels: Just to spell it out for you, that Super Kick last night was no accident and nor was this.


Michaels walks to the back, leaving Traci heartbroken and his partner unconscious.



The match is a fast-paced, evenly-contested bout.

However, Guerrera, sporting a new fire, puts away Mysterio with a 450 Splash in the fourteenth minute.

Match Rating: B


Guerrera heads to the back to the fans chanting his name.


Raven's Nest head to the ring.



The boos are deafening.


Raven: People have been talking about this whole "natural order" being restored. Well, I guess your gonna be disappointed because I see no big surprise and, as far as I am concerned, such a natural order is back. The Nest once again reigns supreme. Alexis is the first and only ever Lioness Champion, Punk is once again the International All Action Champion and, most importantly, I am the new seven-time ECW World Heavyweight Champion, blowing all records out of the water I might add! All that remains is for my monsters to claim the tag team titles and one of us to take the Television gold, which, let's face it, shouldn't be too difficult with me as Commissioner! So you see, whatever hope you peop...


Raven is interrupted.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/return.flv">


Callis: What the hell... that's the New Age Enterprise's music!

Taz: But they split u...


Charlie Pag steps out from behind the curtain, mic in hand.



Callis: Is that?

Taz: No way!


Pag: Hello Raven...


The reception is deafening though somewhat mixed.


Pag: Remember me?


Callis: How long has he been gone?

Taz: Err... since February... nine months?

Callis: He looks so...

Taz: Different!


Pag: I hope you do remember me; I certainly remember our last meeting...


Raven's face falls.


Pag: ...when you put me through a f**king table!


The crowd now explodes.


Raven: Bossman, I...




Stunned, Raven, for once, shuts his mouth.


Raven: You want to talk about the natural order? Well, in case you forgot, I still own ECW and I am here to restore real order and I'm gonna do so with the help of a few people.


Paul Heyman emerges from the back.



Pag: So, what does "the natural order" mean? Well, other people may not have seen your plan for Guilty As Charged coming but I did. I mean, I worked alongside you for nearly a year; it was all too obvious. So, when you stole that title last night, I was already waiting to respond and I'll start by stripping you of your powers of Commissioner. I, hereby, grant sole booking power to Paul E!


Again, the crowd erupts.


Pag: But, not before I do one thing. If you think, your seventh title reign is gonna last, you better think again because I am personally booking the main event for November To Remember. May I present to you a man you have pissed off more than any other... ladies and gentleman...


Joey Styles steps out from behind the curtain.



Taz: Joey?!


The crowd seems pleased by Styles' return but slightly confused.

Raven looks equally bewildered.


Pag: Oh, sorry, you thought I was introducing your opponent. No, no... Joey will just be calling your match at November To Remeber. But, since you look so confused, "champ", without further ado... you're opponent and challenger for The World Heavyweight Title...


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="





Burchill and Shane Douglas step out onto the entrance-way.



The fans give, by far, the loudest pop of the night.


Callis: I thought he was fired...

Taz: Well he ain't anymore, Callis!


Pag: The natural order has been restored!


Every member of Raven's Nest looks distraught, especially the champion.


Pag: Oh, and Raven... payback's a bitch!


The show goes off air as the five men at the entrance-way smile wider and more sincerely than any emotion seen on ECW TV.


Show Rating B+

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Tune in to November to Remeber XV presented by Youtube and Warner Mus ... oh wait, nevermind. :p


Another classic (and darn me for missing out on predicting - I hit the way back machine, and started rereading from page one,) and I remembered why I enjoyed your shows so much. Not only is it great booking, and really well laid out, but you have this knack of picking up what your readers feel, and presenting it via commentary. Fact that Callis apologized for Raven's sneaky title reclaiming is proof of that.


And may I add, that is one impressive beard. :D

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What a glorious beard...


It's funny, I was going to post on here before you posted this show asking where your user character was but then guessed that may have been part of the Natural Order thing and didn't want to ruin it! It's wicked that Raven is getting his cumupence, and I have no doubt you'll do the right thing and give Burchill the title at N2R.


So many matches coming together though, it really is going to be something else.

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What a glorious beard...

And may I add, that is one impressive beard. :D


Haha, yeah... well, it's gone now due to complaints from a certain someone who shall remain nameless. I now have some weird Sideburn/moustache/Charles I soulpatch going on that makes me look like a Sherlock Holmes villain :p. Frankly, though, I'm just waiting to see how long before I have to take that off as well :eek:.


Not only is it great booking, and really well laid out, but you have this knack of picking up what your readers feel, and presenting it via commentary. Fact that Callis apologized for Raven's sneaky title reclaiming is proof of that.


Thank you very my much, sir, and yes I suppose there is a level of empathy. If it were down solely to me, Raven would be champion for the next ten years, by which time we'd have overtaken WWF, and, in his retirment match he would defeat the Kliq in a handicap squash match :D.


It's funny, I was going to post on here before you posted this show asking where your user character was but then guessed that may have been part of the Natural Order thing and didn't want to ruin it!


I have no doubt :mad:. This is why I am flattered by people saying I could make a real big-league booker but I fundamentally disagree with them. All that would come of it would be Keefy making a killing off his internet spoiler site, his invasion of my brain complete as it seems to be :rolleyes:.




In all honesty, I don't like using my user character too much. I think it's kinda pointless and arrogant. The only reason why I featured so heavily at the beginning of the diary is because I think an effective, dominant heel stable needs an authority in their ranks. And, in 2006/2007, with a strong competent ECW in the industry, which tries to be realistic to a certain level, turning Paul E into a heel seemed ridiculous.


It's wicked that Raven is getting his cumupence, and I have no doubt you'll do the right thing and give Burchill the title at N2R.


Well, perhaps, but let's not forget, if that goes ahead, I'm gonna end up with a prima donna bellend as champion!


So many matches coming together though, it really is going to be something else.


We can only hope...


Thank you very much, boys. It's truly appreciated ;).


Quote The Raven


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Haha, yeah... well, it's gone now due to complaints from a certain someone who shall remain nameless.


Was it Panix? I know how inferior he can feel due to not being able to grow a beard...


It's weird that I seem tuned in to your brain. It's probably all the talk from Titans, the fact that we get get on and that I've been such a huge fan of this diary for so long that I am so into it I really do associate wit hthe characters and stuff like I would if it were on TV, which is a testiment to just how good this diary is.


And yeah, I forgot about Burchill's attitude. That really is a tough one because he's obviously hella over and his title win seems like the logical progression to the story, but like you say then you've got someone with an attitude problem as champion. Toughie.

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man, I just hope somehow i'm able to make the NTR XV graphics as awesome as you book this ****. I don't think I can. I belive you should contact someone with better graphics skills because I can't do them as good as they should be done. This is the best F'n diary ever on any board and damn... I, I-- can't get my emotions written down on english good enough... Du är fan helt jävla suverän----

Quote to Game-Face forever more----

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I belive you should contact someone with better graphics skills because I can't do them as good as they should be done. This is the best F'n diary ever on any board and damn... I, I-- can't get my emotions written down on english good enough... Du är fan helt jävla suverän----

Quote to Game-Face forever more----


Thank you.


But, rubbish, you've got me this far and you're a member of the team now. By all means, shout if you want out (due to time restraints or whatever else) but I'm always proud to put up your contributions!


Quote The Raven


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<p>Catching up on three pages of ECW goodness....no idea why I've not visited the forums for ages. Just one thing, I'm sure this was supposed to be serious....</p><p> </p><p>

"Rhino gets up...</p><p>

...and Taker places the pads on either side of Rhino's head, electrocuting him."</p><p> </p><p>

....but all I could think of was the episode of Bottom where Richie does the same to Eddie.</p>

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I've read Worldwide from start to finish, but never really said much. NVM, your Raven almost makes me hate the guy in real life, but as many times as I've talked to him at SAW and he actually helped Chase Stevens train us.. it is actually hard sometimes when you get engulf in somebody's reading to actually feel that way but good job, man.
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  • 3 weeks later...

From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


Kurt Angle & Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn & Chris Jericho



There's bad blood aplenty in this one as the "American Hero" and the "Saviour of ECW" (both self-professed) team up to take on the two men they've done a fine job at insulting. The issues between Hero and Jericho just began on Saturday night when the brash rookie interrupted the former World Champion's mic time. The hostilities between Lynn and Angle, however, are far more deep-rooted and this match will only add to the tensions ahead of their long-anticipated rematch at November To Remember XV.




The Briscoe Boys vs. The True World Order



After ousting their allies and forming the True World Order, The Great Sasuke and Stevie Richards look to continue their momentum. However, The Briscoe Boys are one of ECW's brightest young teams. Can they cause an upset.




Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels



This Monday night, Juventud Guerrera continues on his questn for vengeance. On Blood, Sweat & Beers, he took out Rey Mysterio Jr, his former partner who sold him out on live pay-per-view. This week, "The Fallen Angel" must face his demons as Guerrera seeks to punish Daniels for his role in Guerrera's prior downfall and unmasking.




Tournament Match

Ricky Marvin vs. Kensuke Sasaki



A tournament match? For what? We don't know either... Paul E has ordered this match without giving any indication as to what the tournament is in aid of. However, what we do know is that tjis should be a very exciting match-up. Sasaki is one of the most intense men on the roster while the young dancing luchadore, Ricky Marvin, appears to be the future of extreme lucha libre.




Mark Calaway vs. Sabu



These two legends meet again in what is sure to be a brutal encounter. Sabu is looking to gain some momentum heading into his potential retirement match against Nate Hatred at November To Remember XV. Certainly, with "The Soul Taker" nursing a broken wrist, this could be a perfect opportunity. Let's not forget the destructive effect with which that cast can be used though.




Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven's Nest



Revolution's main event sees the return of the one and only "New Franchise", Paul Burchill. He's been waiting six months to get his hands on Raven again and, at November To Remember XV, he finally has the opportunity. Meanwhile, it is unknown what state Vito's body is in after the hurrendous beating he took at Guilty As Charged. What is clear, though, is that he is baying for Punk's blood! Who isn't dying to see this one, arguably the tag team grudge match of the year?



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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I just got a special feeling in the c0ckles of my heart. Or maybe below the c0ckles ... maybe in the sub-c0ckle area. Maybe in the liver. Maybe in the kidneys. Maybe even in the colon, i don't know. :p (I'm sorry Nevvy, I got so excited, I had a Denis Leary moment. lol)


Kurt Angle & Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn & Chris Jericho

I need a Hero, I admit it, but I think the former champ is gonna be too strong on this occassion. But his time will come, and we'll all celebrate with a giant bowl of Her-e-o's!


The Briscoe Boys vs. The True World Order

Again, the Briscoes are good, and have been on a minor roll, but the tWo (which sounds like an airline) are still trying to prove they're legit. This is another step towards that end.


Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels

Ah, crazy Juvi. This loss will be the beginning of Daniels slipping into a downward spiral, and disappearing, before his return as "The Fallen One" which gives him an opportunity to recruit disciples who have also fallen on hard times. The Ministry meets the J.O.B. Squad. No? Well, Juvi still gets the win.


Ricky Marvin vs. Kensuke Sasaki

Marvin shows the potential to be the next name to shine, but facing Sasaki ... unless it's a beauty contest, I think the veteran has this one.


Mark Calaway vs. Sabu

Think Calaway will be a huge wave for Sabu to ride into N2R. Before Rhino runs out, and the two of them duel with bazookas. (Seriously, it's like the only thing they've yet to try ... blowing the other one up. lol)


Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven's Nest

The New Franchise is back! He can't lose his return match. It's simply not allowed. And even if I'm wrong, I'm gonna read it that Burchill won. :p

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  • 4 weeks later...
I miss Worldwide... Hope it's up and running soon---


Ha, actually, just looking trhough my booking notes now.


I got a bit burned out on it so updated MoSC more regularly but I think I'm ready to crack on with this soon enough.


In fact, I'm amazed I burned out at all with Burchill/Raven around the corner... that is as close to a wet dream as I can get when it contains two topless, muscle men :D.


Quote The Raven


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Monday, week 1, November

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Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Frankly, I cannot believe the fallout from Saturday Night's Blood, Sweat & Beers and I am sure that tonight is gonna be just as groundbreaking.

Gertner: I agree entirely, Scotty boy. With an announcement like that... that Heyman's back in charge and "The New Franchise" is returning... wow.

Hudson: It looks like we agree for once, Joel. It seems the dawn of a new age is enlightening ECW and I can't wait to see it unfold!



The two teams clash for a soldily average match. Nothing spectacular.

However, it is clear that Jerry Lynn and Chris Jericho don't gel as a team.

In the tenth minute, Jericho floors Hero.

He springs off the ropes for a Lionsault but Hero sticks his knees up.

Jericho rolls away wined and in pain.

Hero rolls him up...

...feet on the middle rope...

...and the fall!

Match Rating: B-


After the bell, Lynn hits the ring but is quickly beaten down by both Angle and Hero.

Olympic Slam to Lynn.

Both Jericho and Lynn are dumped unceremoniously over the top rope.


Hero: That's twice, Jericho. Twice in three nights that I've beaten you. I really hope you're starting to get the idea now. I wasn't lying or speaking out of turn when I called you a whiney little prick. I was telling the truth, man, and, as you can see, my opinions matter a lot to these fans... the ones capable of logical thought, at least... and, so, I think they should matter to you.


The jeers ring out.


Hero: Now granted, you did just win the World Heavyweight Championship but how long did that reign last?


He pauses.


Hero: Oh, that's right... about as long as a Goldberg match back in the WCW days.


The jeers continue.


Hero: How's that, "smart marks"? You like that? That clever? Point is... I'm left wondering how you feel, Jericho, knowing that you're now a part of squash matches. I mean, I know you're 36, man, but damn... that usually happens to the kids in these promotions. Shouldn't you be desperately trying to cling on to your ill-deserved main event spot? Oh well, I guess you suck ass at politics as well. But look on the bright side, buddy. At least this whole experience might finally be the thing to make you realise that you need to step aside and let a true champion take your place, "The Saviour of ECW", for example... I hear he's quite spectacular.


Hero smiles and drops the mic, heading to the back.



Despite the obvious difference in their styles, Sasuke and Richards team well together.

They maintain an obvious advantage throughout the match and Sasuke puts away Mark Briscoe with a Michinoku Driver in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: D+


Raven's Nest walks to the ring.



Raven: This past Saturday an evil was perpertrated unto me, an evil orchestrated by those too callous and cowardly to offend me directly. Rather than test me in proper fashion, rather than afford due respect to an individual of undoubted class and achievement, they undermine me with words and offend my legacy with their petty bureaucracy. However, those of historical importance have always triumphed through their advers...


Raven is interrupted by Paul Heyman.



Gertner: It's Paul E!

Hudson: The undisputed creative controller of ECW.


Heyman: Y'know what, Raven? You are a legend in these parts. You're achievements are enough for most to be in awe of but don't insult me or any of these fans by daring to insinuate that it was me who "offended your legacy". You're a seven-time World Heavyweight Champion, a three-time winner of The Masters Of Pain and one of only four men to ever win the Triple Crown for god's sake. You are a legend! You are an icon! Or, at least, you were. But it was you who destroyed all that and you alone! The fact is, Raven, that there isn't a single person in this arena who is comfortable seeing you as their champion and that is because of the despicable way you have clung onto that belt and the scorn that you have poured upon your peers. Mark my words, "Champ", "The New Franchise" will finally get his victory over you at November To Remember and then a legend will be born that will not be wasted so flagrantly!


Hudson: Wow! Strong words!

Gertner: ...and he means it!


Heyman: ...and, as for you...


Heyman points at CM Punk as the International All Action Champion adopts the look of a naughty school child about to receive a tongue-lashing.


Heyman: You were floundering around on the independent scene, looking for someone to take you seriously; looking for a booker to see your potential. Well, I saw your potential, Punk... and what a fool I was. Because what do I get for offering you ashot at the big time, for giving you the opportunity to become one of the best in this stinking business? I get spat on! I get abused, disrespected and you not only did that to me but to every young member of that locker room who I afforded similar opportunities to. Well, you're no better than them. In fact, you've proven yourself to be a whole lot less of a human being, in my eyes. The one excuse from your perspective is the parasite with whom you've chosen to associate yourself. Well, Punk think of this as your shot at redemption because I've ben waiting to do this for a long time. That International All Action Title... it ain't yours anymore!


Hudson: What?!


About fifteen security guards walk down to the ring in order to strip the belt from Punk.


Heyman: This whole tournamnet match tonight, is for the right to compete for that belt and the only wrestlers in the tournament are those who the gold was intended for... hard working, respectful talent!


Raven: I hope you know what you're doing Heyman 'cos, if no...


Heyman: I know full well. Oh, and just as a parting piece of advise... I'd start praying to whatever god you acknowledge.


Heyman walks to the back with the All Action Title in his grasp to huge applause.



The two men put on a decent, fast-paced match.

There is no doubt, though, that Guerrera maintains a strong advantage.

He puts away Daniles in the twelfth minute with a Juvi Driver.

Match Rating: B


As The bell sounds, AJ Styles slides into the ring.



He nails Guerrera in the back of the head with the gold.

Guerrera collapses and Styles lays in the boots.


Styles: There's a lot of talk in the locker room, Juvi, that you're coming for my title. There's a lot of talk about you being on this huge wave of momentum and me being intimidated. Well, I'm out here to prove that's a load of bullsh*t! You see, I'm the reason you ain't wearing that stupid little mask anymore and I'm the man who sent you packing for two months. I sent you running with your tail between your legs at Heatwave and I fully intend to do it again... except, just to prove a point, I ain't waiting 'til a pay-per-view this time. So, let's do it... you and me for this very title on Saturday at Blood, Sweat and Beers!


Hudson: Wow!

Gertner: Why the hell does it have to be on a Saturday? I could be calling that.

Hudson: No you couldn't. They wouldn't allow it. Anyway, I get the feeling this could be slightly too brash from AJ Styles.


International All Action Title Tournament Match


Considering their relative lack of overness, the two men put on a very good match.

Sasaki is clearly in the driving seat.

However, in the sixth minute, Marvin floors Sasaki with a Spinning Wheel Kick out of nowhere.

He follows up with the Shining Wizard for the three.

Match Rating: C-


Hudson: Wow, that has to be considered an upset... and Ricky Marvin advances in the tournament for the newly vacated All Action Title!


Shawn Michaels emerges from the back.



After his actions last week, the reaction is somewhat mixed.


Michaels: I am out here to clarify what went down last week. The fact is, I was outta line and...


Before he can finish, RVD and Traci are walking to the ring.



RVD carries a chair and a microphone.


RVD: Out of line? Out of f**king line?! You Super Kicked me two nights running!


Michaels: ...and I want to apologise. When I said that kick at Guilty As Charged was deliberate, it was bullsh*t. I was just angry... sh*t's been so f**ked up between us that...


RVD: I hope to god you're not angling for us to start teaming again.


The crowd roars.


Michaels: Actually... no.


Boos ring out.


Michaels: Let's be honest, Rob, in the beginning, we brought out the best in each other. We were a great team... f**kin' unstoppable.


Again, cheers ring out.


Michaels: But over these last few months, the agro has been so bad that we were holding each other back.


RVD: So, you came out to say that you knocking my head off marked the end of us teaming together?! Wow... what a revelation.


Michaels: No... I came out here to ask you to forgive me and, well... to make sure we're still... brothers.


RVD smiles and shakes his head in disbelief.


RVD: Brothers?! Are you f**kin' with me?


HBK: Man, you're more of a brother to me than my own family. When I was booted from the federation and the Kliq showed me what snakes they were, you were the guy who welcomed me with open arms and, through all this bullsh*t, I forgot that. The thing is, though, 'cos we're brothers, we don't just love each other, bro, we fight like brothers.


RVD looks at Traci. She looks completely unconvinced.

Nevertheless, RVD drops the chair and hugs Shawn.


Hudson: Wow... I don't know what to say.

Gertner: Err... I do... they're raging homos!

Hudson: Oh, shut up, Joel! I'm glad they've worked this out amicably but I guess this means we'll never see The Whole F**kin' Show in action again.


RVD: You know what man? It's true... while we shouldn't team, you're still my brother... but I need a favour for this to work.


Gertner: Let me guess... a blowj...

Hudson: Say it and I'll rip your tongue out!


Michaels: Name it.


RVD: I want a match... RVD and HBK... one-on-one!


The eruption from the crowd is deafening.


Hudson: My god! We've been waiting to see that for nearly ten years!


Michaels thinks.


Michaels: I can't do that, man.


Jeers ring out.


Gertner: Listen to these fans... they're so confused!

Hudson: I'm confused... why won't he accept the match?


Michaels: I can't fight you; I can't fight my brother. Why the hell do you want a match with me?


RVD: Well, first, you super kicked me...


Michaels laughs.


RVD: ...and second, you're a two time ECW Champion. The one belt that I've never held, you've won twice. For me to come out of this strong, I need to wrestle you... to prove that I'm on your level; to prove that I belong in the main event.


Michaels: First off, Rob, of course you're on my level... we weren't the best tag team in this promotion for no reason. You do belong in the main event and no one can tell you otherwise. Second, that super kick on Saturday was just to prove a point, stupid as it was.


RVD: So, you won't wrestle me?


Michaels: I'm sorry, bro... I don't think I can.


RVD: Then I have to prove a point of my own, I guess.


Michaels looks confused.

RVD picks up the chair... VAN DAMINATOR!


RVD: I'm sorry, man. Can we get some EMTs out here?


RVD stays long enough for the medical team to confirm that Michaels is okay but then walks out with Traci.


Hudson: What the hell is goin on between those two?



True to their previously witnessed lack of chemistry, this match is not as good as one would hope.

Thankfully, it's not quite as bad as their previous trainwrecks, though.


In the ninth minute, Nate Hatred slides in with a chair.



"ECW's NME" swings the chair at Sabu...

...but the hardcore icon ducks.

The steel nails Calaway in the chest.


Gertner: Uh-oh!


Thoroughly enraged, Taker grabs Hatred by the throat.

He then boots Sabu in the gut and grabs him with the other hand.


He covers Sabu for the three.

Match Rating: B-


As the bell rings, Calaway steps over the ropes, making his way to the back.


Rhino appears at the entrance-way, on a motorbike.



Gertner: It's "The Man Beast"!

Hudson: Hang on... is that... Calaways' bike?


Rhino eases the bike down the small flight of steps as Taker looks on amazed.

"The Man Beast" Then revs the engine up.

He releases the brake and jumps off.

The bike speeds down the aisle-way right into Calaway's knees.


Hudson: Oh no!

Gertner: Jesus!


As Calaway screams in pain Rhino walks over to him and grabs a mic.


Rhino: If you think this is over, Taker... think again. You want me to back down? WHO THE F**K DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! You come in here expecting title shots and main event runs in your first few months when I've been the backbone of this company for the past six years! Break my skull open, throw me through ambulances... I DON'T GIVE A F**K! I'M STILL STANDING!


He pauses to catch his breath, turning red.


Rhino: You see, all I have is my career. There's nothing you can take from me that I can't stand to lose 'cos there is no way you're gonna keep me out of action... but, when you think about it, there's plenty I can take from you and this bike is just one of them. Y'know, I was gonna trash it like I did the last one but I figured it's be much more fun to keep it for myself. Have fun getting those knees checked out. Oh... and say hi to the doctors for me...


Rhino storms out.


The Dudley Family is backstage.



Daizy: Innovators... I bet you're damn pleased with yourselves, stealing the belts that belong to my uncles. Well, it's time we put this right.


D-Von: Oh, my sister, testify! You see, it is November To Remember 15 coming up and my brother from another mother and myself are challenging you boys to a title match.


Dick Jr: Duh... if you win... you get the belts... if we win... Bubba and D-Von become champions. Err... no... that ain't it. If you win...you get my uncles belts. D'oh... no... then they wouldn't have anything to hold their pants up.


D-Von: Oh, god damn it boy! Did Nicole Bass not home school you? Scratch that... dumb question.


Ultimo Dudley II: I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese I learry think so...


D-Von: Boy, did I say talk?!


Ultimo Dudley II: Err.. Solly... I no speaking the Ingrish.


D-Von: God damn it, Daizy, would you shut your cousins up?!


Bubba: Innovators... at the end of this month you will learn the eleventh commandment... THOU SHALT NOT F**K WITH THE D... D.. D.D... D.D... D.... D..D... D...


Big Dick joins in.


Dick Jr: D... D... D..D.D... D...


D-Von slaps Bubba as Daizy slaps Dick.


Bubba and Dick: ...UDLEYZ!


Ultimo Dudley II does jazz hands for effect.

D-Von glares at him.



It is a great tag team match and a fitting return for "The New Franchise".

The babyfaces retain an advantage in the ring while Shane Douglas effectively fights off the intereference from Monsters Inc. with the help of a steel chair.

Burchill and Tjomaselli look set for the victory.


However, as Douglas is distracted by the monsters, Alexis and Nathalie run in.



They both set on Burchill and the "New Franchise" is taken completely off guard.

Vito steps in and grabs both women by the hair to a huge ovation.

However, Raven seizes the opportunity to boot his former Italian protege in the gut.

A brawl breaks out between them as Punk joins in the assault on Burchill with Alexis and Nathalie.


Kelly Thomsaelli slides into the ring.



Lowblow to Punk and the fans go crazy!


Hudson: It might not be fitting retribution for being thrown off a sound stage but it'll do for now.


Alexis and Nathalie turn around.

Double DDT from Kelly!

Punk staggers to his feet as Burchill shakes off the cobwebs.


Kelly drags Punk to the centre of the ring as Burchill climbs the turnbuckle.



Match Rating: A


Hudson: He's back! "The New Franchise" is well and truly back.

Gertner: ...and Raven had better watch out.


Kelly walks over to Burchill.


Gertner: ...and her boyfriend's back!

Hudson: I never knew you had a soft side, Joel.

Gertner: I'm just waiting for some hardcore, blonde-Italian action.

Hudson: Should've guessed.


Burchill and Kelly kiss to the inevitable wolf whistles.

Douglas and Vito approach and all four of them raise their hands up.

The show goes off-air as Shane Douglas and Vito Thomaselli shake hands and as Burchill picks up Kelly and spins her round.


Show Rating: B+

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