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Monday, week 1, December

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Callis: We have two Masters Of Pain Quarter Finalits confirmed in Owen Hart and Kurt Angle. Tonight, another man will join them as Frankie Kazarian faces Kensuke Sasaki for a coveted place in the tournament.

Gertner: Coveted? To say the least, Don, 'cos let's not forget that the tournament winner goes on to face the World Heavyweight Champion in the new year.

Callis: Very true, my friend. That's not the only attraction, either, because both the All Action Title and the TV Title are on the line tonight!

Gertner: Yeah and the All Action Title match is up next.




The two workers clearly have great chemistry. Daniels wins with an Angel's Wings at 14:26

Match Rating: A* (that was unexpected - Daniels is even better than I thought :D)


After the match Daniels picks up a mic.


Daniels: I told you that the Fallen Angel would be the most dominant...


Michael Shane attacks him from behind and floors him with a Super Kick.


Shane: Dominant, my ass. I'm making it my mission to prove that the "gospel according to the Fallen Angel" is nothing more than myth. Your All Action Title reign is on life support and I'm the one to put you out of your misery!


Gertner: Well, Michael Shane doesn't take kindly to losing.

Callis: Clearly...



Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:07

Match Rating: A


After the match, Cactus Jack comes running to the ring.



He blasts Sabu with a steel chair and hits a Double Arm DDT.


Cactus: Hey Sabu, no one cares if you can beat an insignificant luchadore because we all know that you can't beat me and I'm gonna prove it after I am crowned the Master Of Pain!


Callis: Wow, Cactus Jack looks even more psychotic than Michael Shane did.

Gertner: Man, there seems to be a lot of vendettas in the air tonight!


The new TV champ enters the ring accompanied by Francine.



Callis: Well, I may not agree with his in-ring actions but I have to say that Vito looks sharp tonight.

Gertner: He must have been taking note of the "Quintessential Studmuffin".

Callis: Don't flatter yourself, Joel.

Gertner: Aah, screw you! Anyway, what do you mean Vito looks sharp? Check out Francine!


Francine: Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to your new ECW World Television Champion and the greatest wrestler in the history of the industry... Vito.


Callis: Well, that's arguable.


Vito: Thank you, Francine.


He clears his throat.


Vito: If you tuned into the premiere edition of Blood, Sweat and Beers, you'll know that I destroyed Kensuke Sasaki!


Callis: That's also pretty damn contentious!


Vito: And, in the case of you more intelligent fans, not like most of the lowlife dropouts that inhabit Miami Florida...


Huge boos are heard from the Floridian crowd.


Vito: ...you will realise that I am destined to be the biggest legend in ECW history. I have never once experienced defeat in singles competition and in the space of only two weeks I have held both the International All Action Title and the World Television Championship!


Callis: Yeah but you had to lose one to win the other.

Gertner: Oh, shut up, Don! You're just bitter 'cos your in-ring career was never as succesful.


Francine: In spite of your supremely limited intelligence, you should know to kneel before greatness!


Boos continue to echo around the arena.


Vito: Oh, be honest with yourselves! Look at me, am I not beauty? Smell me, am I not perfume?


As if from nowhere, Ultimo Dragon appears on the apron.



He hits a Springboard Dropkick that sends Vito flying to the outside. As the champ and Francine hurry backstage, Ultimo points to his waist.


Gertner: I think he wants the TV Title?

Callis: Oh, ya think?


Masters Of Pain Qualifier


Kensuke Sasaki wins with a modified Cloverleaf at 13:41

Match Rating: B


Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are backstage.



Hart: Hey, thanks for having my back last week.


Burchill: No problem. I was just returning the favour. I'll warn you, though, I won't be so kind if we are scheduled to face each other in the Masters Of Pain.


Hart: Haha, I wouldn't expect you to.


Burchill: So, we're good?


Hart: Definitely.


Suddenly, Raven bursts into the locker room.



He takes out Owen with a Singapore cane and throws Burchill to the hall way outside.


Raven: Owen, do you honestly believe you could win the Masters Of pain tournament, let alone beat me in a title match? You're dreaming! Oh, and Burchill don't involve yourself in what doesn't concern you!



The Canadian Connection win when Jericho hit the Lionsault on Hollywood Nova at 14:52

Match Rating: A*


After the match, Los Increibles and Eddie Guerrero run to the ring.



They overpower Jericho and Christian and start to lay the boots in.


Chris Benoit runs in to make the save.



This this erupts into a huge 3 on 3 brawl that has to be seperated by officials.


Callis: This Canada-Mexico situation is really heating up.

Gertner: To say the least, Don!





The match is very even. In the thirteenth minute, Francine throws a chair to Vito, allowing him to take the advantage. He wins with a Vito Driver at 14:02

Match Rating: A*


Gertner: Vito is still the TV Champ!

Callis: But would he be if he didn't have Francine in his corner?

Gertner: Don't delude yourself, Don.


Show Rating: A*

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Aah man, I generally don't give news reports on this stuff but every couple o' shows I get someone new on the injured list (the downside to a hardcore promotion), Hayabusa is one of them. This is a right pain in the ass 'cos I had a story planned out involving Hayabusa :mad:. Fortunately, though, Corino is the only serious injury atm.


Quote The Raven


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Aah man, I generally don't give news reports on this stuff but every couple o' shows I get someone new on the injured list (the downside to a hardcore promotion), Hayabusa is one of them. This is a right pain in the ass 'cos I had a story planned out involving Hayabusa :mad:. Fortunately, though, Corino is the only serious injury atm.


Quote The Raven


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ECW WorldWide Review


- Ignore The Gaz on his Raven comment brother. Your Raven promos are the best promos period on these boards.


ECW Revolution Review – Monday, Week 1, December


- Great to hear that The Franchise is the new commish. The guy is gold on the mic (still is in TNA) and can really fire a crowd up.


- The show was OK, the highlight being the Shane Douglas announcement. I can see something brewing between Austin and Angle though.


- Old Schools opinion about The Canadian Connection being the greatest stable ever may be a bit premature if you ask me. They have a great group no doubt, but we have not seen enough of them to give them the “Greatest Stable Ever” moniker yet.


- As for the WWF, they may not be putting on the greatest matches in the world, but they are pulling out good ratings. Better watch your back.


F’ The Mainstream Review Thursday, Week 1, December


- Good to see Corino again. In my opinion he is one of the best. I have him signed for my NWA World TV Title Tournament and I have big plans for the King Of Old School.


- I think a Charlie Haas vs. Chris Hero match would be fantastic and could headline any show. Good to see it pull in a good rating for you.


- Woa now, Michael Shane beat Jerry Lynn. Even as old as Jerry Lynn is he can still go. I remember his last match in TNA when he faced X-Pac and that match was simply great. Hope he is not becoming cannon fodder.


- The sWo (Sasuke World Order) has a good ring to it don’t you think?


- Now nothing against your booking because you know I think you are brilliant, but (if I remember correctly), using the RavX data (or the other one I cant remember the names now) would always give you good ratings. I remember when I first started a TNA game with RavX, I was pulling out B+ to A shows all the time and that’s with the roster the way it is. Now I’m not saying that the shows are not good, only that the ratings of the workers were always a little overblown in those data sets. The show was good and I like the focus on the younger guys.


Blood, Sweat & Beers Review – Saturday, Week 1, December


- Its weird to see Burchill on the side AGINST Raven with him helping out Owen. However this could be just a clever diversion and soon Burchill will turn on Owen and re-join with Raven.


- The show was good, however I don’t understand why you used the picture of Douglas and Francine.


ECW Revolution Review – Monday, Week 1 (shouldn’t that be week 2), December


- I like Michael Shane and Christopher Daniels working in a feud. Shane is so under rated in TNA and Daniels is one of the best in the business today.


- OK, how the heck did you get the suit and glasses on Vito, that’s damn cool!


- Good to see Ultimo Dragon back in the scheme on things. He is too good to fall by the wayside.


All in all a great few shows. I was expecting the Ultimo/Vito situation to go a little longer and hopefully we have not seen the last of these two guys. Love your stuff Nevermore; you have a great knack for putting together some great storylines and feuds. My only advice would be to describe the matches a big more. Great matches (in my opinion) are the hart and soul of a great wrestling company and its obvious that you have them. However it would be nice to be able to visualize them a bit more with some more description. Other then that, we need more Raven promo’s. Later brother!

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ECW WorldWide Review


- Ignore The Gaz on his Raven comment brother. Your Raven promos are the best promos period on these boards.


ECW Revolution Review – Monday, Week 1, December


- Great to hear that The Franchise is the new commish. The guy is gold on the mic (still is in TNA) and can really fire a crowd up.


- The show was OK, the highlight being the Shane Douglas announcement. I can see something brewing between Austin and Angle though.


- Old Schools opinion about The Canadian Connection being the greatest stable ever may be a bit premature if you ask me. They have a great group no doubt, but we have not seen enough of them to give them the “Greatest Stable Ever” moniker yet.


- As for the WWF, they may not be putting on the greatest matches in the world, but they are pulling out good ratings. Better watch your back.


F’ The Mainstream Review Thursday, Week 1, December


- Good to see Corino again. In my opinion he is one of the best. I have him signed for my NWA World TV Title Tournament and I have big plans for the King Of Old School.


- I think a Charlie Haas vs. Chris Hero match would be fantastic and could headline any show. Good to see it pull in a good rating for you.


- Woa now, Michael Shane beat Jerry Lynn. Even as old as Jerry Lynn is he can still go. I remember his last match in TNA when he faced X-Pac and that match was simply great. Hope he is not becoming cannon fodder.


- The sWo (Sasuke World Order) has a good ring to it don’t you think?


- Now nothing against your booking because you know I think you are brilliant, but (if I remember correctly), using the RavX data (or the other one I cant remember the names now) would always give you good ratings. I remember when I first started a TNA game with RavX, I was pulling out B+ to A shows all the time and that’s with the roster the way it is. Now I’m not saying that the shows are not good, only that the ratings of the workers were always a little overblown in those data sets. The show was good and I like the focus on the younger guys.


Blood, Sweat & Beers Review – Saturday, Week 1, December


- Its weird to see Burchill on the side AGINST Raven with him helping out Owen. However this could be just a clever diversion and soon Burchill will turn on Owen and re-join with Raven.


- The show was good, however I don’t understand why you used the picture of Douglas and Francine.


ECW Revolution Review – Monday, Week 1 (shouldn’t that be week 2), December


- I like Michael Shane and Christopher Daniels working in a feud. Shane is so under rated in TNA and Daniels is one of the best in the business today.


- OK, how the heck did you get the suit and glasses on Vito, that’s damn cool!


- Good to see Ultimo Dragon back in the scheme on things. He is too good to fall by the wayside.


All in all a great few shows. I was expecting the Ultimo/Vito situation to go a little longer and hopefully we have not seen the last of these two guys. Love your stuff Nevermore; you have a great knack for putting together some great storylines and feuds. My only advice would be to describe the matches a big more. Great matches (in my opinion) are the hart and soul of a great wrestling company and its obvious that you have them. However it would be nice to be able to visualize them a bit more with some more description. Other then that, we need more Raven promo’s. Later brother!

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Dude, I love the fact that you put so much effort into your reviews, it really is helpful! Moreover, I agree with pretty much everything you've said and, yes, that is very true about using Ravex as a base. Oh and don't worry, after pulling out an A* match, I'm not letting the Vito/Dragon situation go just yet... it could be far too productive for that! As for Vito's more corporate look, that was just messing about on the GIMP (Italian wrestlers always strike me as though they should be in a suit :D).


Thanks again, dude.


Quote The Raven


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Dude, I love the fact that you put so much effort into your reviews, it really is helpful! Moreover, I agree with pretty much everything you've said and, yes, that is very true about using Ravex as a base. Oh and don't worry, after pulling out an A* match, I'm not letting the Vito/Dragon situation go just yet... it could be far too productive for that! As for Vito's more corporate look, that was just messing about on the GIMP (Italian wrestlers always strike me as though they should be in a suit :D).


Thanks again, dude.


Quote The Raven


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Shelton Benjamin defeated Lance Cade B-


British Bulldog defeated Al Snow C+


Tyson Tomko defeated Shane Mcmahon C


Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis and Aguila to retain the WWF European Title C+


Scott Hall defeated Kane B+


Kevin Nash defeated The Hurricane B




Show Rating: B

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Shelton Benjamin defeated Lance Cade B-


British Bulldog defeated Al Snow C+


Tyson Tomko defeated Shane Mcmahon C


Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis and Aguila to retain the WWF European Title C+


Scott Hall defeated Kane B+


Kevin Nash defeated The Hurricane B




Show Rating: B

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long wait for an update...


My apologies, the last couple o' weeks have been crazy busy! On that note, here is a word of advice: don't get married; there is far too much work in organising a wedding! Especially when you're sitting important exams and working two jobs :eek:.


Anyhow, excuses aside, this should be back up and running soon.


For those who are still reading, thanks for sticking with me!

For those who aren't, well, f**k you too :D.


Quote The Raven


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Long wait for an update...


My apologies, the last couple o' weeks have been crazy busy! On that note, here is a word of advice: don't get married; there is far too much work in organising a wedding! Especially when you're sitting important exams and working two jobs :eek:.


Anyhow, excuses aside, this should be back up and running soon.


For those who are still reading, thanks for sticking with me!

For those who aren't, well, f**k you too :D.


Quote The Raven


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