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*OOC Note: This show is quite long but I would urge you to read it. It is the culmination of a major part of a storyline. Thanks, Nevvy*


Saturday, week 4, April

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Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, my man, it's the fallout fron Cyberslam tonight and I am dying to see what goes down with Burchiill!

Joey: Me too Taz! Last night we saw new Number One Conetenders to the tag titles crowned, we saw the Television Title change hands but by far the most shocking event came in the form of Paul Burchill's actions. After a year of partnering and studying the game under his tutor, the World Heavyweight Champion, Raven, Burchill turned his back on him!

Taz: Yeah, man, and don't forget that The Franchise had a part to play.

Joey: A very big part. However, we still don't know if he and Burchill are in alliance or if they just co-operated for teh sake of a common goal.

Taz: Well, there's only one ay to find out...

Joey: Let's get to it.



Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon win when Ultimo Dragon performed a Moonsault on Michael Shane from Lyger's shoulders at 12:07

Match Rating: B


Shawn Michaels is backstage in the Whole F**kin' Show's locker room.



He is looking through his kitbag when he notices his partner's TV title on a nearby bench.

He smiles and walks over to it.


Michaels: Good work, Robbie!


He then picks up the belt and walks to a nearby mirror with it still in his hand.


RVD and Traci enter the locker room.



Michaels quickly puts RVD's title down.


Michaels: Oh, what's up guys?


RVD: Dude, were you chevking yourself out with my title?


Michaels: No, I was... er...


RVD: Haha, it's cool; don't sweat it. You've just been too long without a singles strap.


Traci: Yeah, we gotta get that world title back around your waist or something.


The three laugh as the camera cuts back to ringside.



Jericho clearly wants to prove a point after his loss at the pay-per-view.

However, Hart simply won't allow him to do so.


Christian runs in to help his partner.



However, Hart immediately floors him with a lariat and ejects him from the ring

Soon after he drags Jericho to the corner, ascends the buckle and ties up the former TV Champ in a Victory Roll.


Match Rating: B+


After the match, Hart picks up a mic.


Hart: I don't think I've made my purpose in ECW clear enough. I didn't come here to wrestle undercard matches while the brawlers who can't even spell "workrate" collect all the gold. I didn't leave a six figure salary in the Federation to be lost in a sea of floundering midcarders. If this is where I'm gonna be working, there are gonna be a few changes, the first of which being my claiming of the ECW World Heavyweight Title. I earned a title shot last night at Cyberslam and I will stop at nothing until that gold is around my waist!


A cut-scene is shown, wherein Raven is sitting on the floor of an abandonned and derelict classroom with his head in his hands.



Raven: I can steal hear the taunting, pciking at my bones with their dirty fingers until all that remains are the shattered remnants of a dignity already destroyed. What about me? What about Raven? Since the very inception of my childhood I have known the painful sting of betrayal and the accompanying torment of self degradation. However, never has my resolve faultered and never will my determination break. Judas, thy name is Paul Burchill and I am making it my only true will an testament to hang said traitor before he corrupts my perfect kingdom. Moreover, Burchill, I promise you that, official Number One Contender or not, you will never challenge me for my title!


Quote The World Heavyweight Champion




The match is a very even contest.

In the tenth minute, benoit locks in the Crossface but, in a great show of strength, Cactus Jack breaks it.


The Sandman runs in with a Singapore cane. However, he is apprehended by Tommy Dreamer before he can make it to the ring.



A wild brawl begins between the two nemeses.

Meanwhile, Benoit goes for a Northern Lights Suplex on Cactus.

However, Cactus counters with a knee to the gut.

He then reverses the move into a Double Arm DDT.


Match Rating: B


After the match, the brawl on the outside spills into the ring and it becomes a 2-on-2 affair.



Angle maintains a small degree of control throughout and wins with an Angle Slam at 14:07

Match Rating: B+


After the match, Jerry Lynn emergres from the crowd.



As Angle is celebrating, Lynn storms the ring and takes him out from behind.

He folows up by laying the boots in as the fans applaud his appearance.

He takes a chair from ringside, opens it and sets it up.

He then positions a prone Kurt Angle so that the back of his neck is resting across the top of the back of the chair.

He ascends the turnbuckle as the crowd rises to its feet.


Taz: Oh man, what's Lynn got planned?


Jerry Lynn then performs a breathaking Sommersault Legdrop that drives Kurt's neck down onto the chair.


"Holy sh*t! Holys h*t Holy sh*t!"


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: Sh*t, wait! Kurt's not moving, Joey.

Joey: Jesus, you're right!


After playing to the crowd, Lynn realises that Kurt isn't moving.

He bends down to check on hi fallen enemy.

Suddenly, he shoots up and waves his arm for EMTs to come to the ring.

A medical team duly obliges.


Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a work. Jerry Lynn and Kurt Angle have been at one another's throats for the past month an even Jerry looks concerned!

Taz: It looks bad, Joey. It looks real bad!

Joey: I hate to be a pessimist but let's not forget that Kurt Angle has had serious neck problems in the past.


As Kurt's neck is braced and he is taken away on a stretcher, Lynn follows after looking sincerely distraught.


The show cuts to a hype video for Rhino.



Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to ensure you that, if we hear any news on Kurt Angle's condition between now and teh end of the broadcast, we will pass the information on to you immediatley.




RVD is on fire and is able to subdue Hayabusa surprisingly easily.

In the ninth minute, he floors Japanese flier in the corner.

Traci grabs a chair from ringside and reaches through the ropes so that the chair covers Hayabusa's face.

RVD exits to the opposite apron, jumps, springboards of the ropes and...



Match Rating: A


Paul Burchill and Shane Douglas make their way to the ring to a standing ovation.



Chants of "Franchise" and "Burchill" are traded around the arena.


Taz: Well, I guess this is what we've been waiting for, Joey.


Douglas picks up two microphones and the two men enter the ring.


Douglas clears his throat and let's out his signature laugh.


Franchise: Raven, I told you I'd have my revenge!


He again laughs as the fans cheer.


Franchise: Now, to the main order of business... I expect you're all wondering exactly what happened last night; how such an act of genius came to fruition.


Joey: I know I am.


Franchise: Well, I want you to cast your minds back because this all started seven months ago when Raven ended my in-ring career at November To Remember.


Taz: What the...


Franchise: I have been planning my vengeance for seven months and FINALLY it's happened! Back in December, when Paul E made me Commissioner, I knew that I wouldn't be wrestling again for a very long time; perhaps, never again. So, instead of focusing on bettering myself, I made it my mission to better the talent of ECW. That's why, before F' The Mainstream went off the air, that programme became dedicated to the younger guys.


Taz: Fair enough but what's this got to do with last night...or the last seven months?


Franchise: The only problem was there was one young talent, one shining light who I had no influence over. That man was Paul Burchill.


Burchill laughs at the mention of his name.


Franchise: I made overtures towards Burchill on several ocassions but he stayed loyal to Raven.


The fans boo the reference to the World Champion.


Franchise: Oh, I know but he came good in the end. You see, if you remember, at the beginning of February, just after Got Blood?, Raven and that narcissitic dick Pag started arguing non-stop. Soon enough, it had turned into a full-blown power struggle for the leadership of the New Age Enterprise.


Burchill: It was then that I started to get disillusioned. I got pissed off with Pag being such a controlling bastard and I was sick of Raven being the two-faced parasite that he is!


The crowd voices their agreement with this statement.


Burchill: It was at this time that Raven started "convincing" us all that we were his blood brothers and, regardless of what happened to Pag, that we should stick with him. Well, the others may have been fooled but I saw exactly what was happening as soon as it started. Then, Raven kicked Pag out and I knew it was time to leave!


The big screen shows video evidence of this.

The rest of the NaE enter the ring to celebrate.



The group celebrate and congratulate the new World Champion.


Mcintosh: The New Age Enterprise is back!


Pag: We said we would once again be the most dominant force in wrestling...


While Pag speaks Vito and Punk position tables at either side of the ring as Burchill and Goliath pick up Sabu.


Pag: ...and, lo and behold, our prediction came true!


Raven gives a signal and Vito and Punk re-enter the ring.


Pag: Now, we have the International All Action champion, the World TV Champion and the World Heavyweight champion in our ranks.


Raven gives another signal and Goliath throws Sabu from the ring.


Pag: Do you know what this means?


Raven gives a third signal.

Burchill picks up Stephanie Mcintosh in a Military Press and Goliath does the same to Pag.

They then launch them from either side of the ring, through the ringside tables.


Joey: OH MY GOD! Pag and Mcintosh just got unceremoniously ejected.

Taz: What the hell?

Corino: I have no idea.


Raven: Oh, I know what it means "Bossman". It means that it's time to take out the trash! You see, you were useful for a time. For instance, you made this title match but, now that we are dominating the title picture, we don't need you anymore!


Taz: Woah!

Corino: Raven just ousted Pag and Mcintosh.

Joey: Oh, great, one egomoniacal leader replaced by another!


Raven: So, allow me to introduce everyone to the newly re-formed Raven's Nest!


Franchise: ...and that's when he came to me. He told me that he was pissed with it all and, I of course, was more than willing to help. All we needed was an opportune moment to strike. So, when Paul E said that the winner of the Baptism Of Fire match would get a title shot, we knew we had the perfect chance. The only problem was that champions were not included in the match and Burchill was the TV Champ.


Burchill: So, I went about losing my title. Here's a question for you: do you not find it strange that I lost it to Bret Hart, the very man who just two weeks prior I had beaten clean without any interference from the Nest?


Taz: Your joking, they can't have planned that.

Joey: I dunno, Taz.


As if on cue from Taz's comment, the big screen displays another replay.



Paul Burchill is seemingly able to match Bret Hart hold for hold and presents the champion with some difficulties.

However, Hart is able to establish an advantage.

In the twelfth minute, he goes to lock in the Sharpshooter but Burchill kicks him towards the ropes.


The New Age Enterprise make an inevitable appearance.



Surprisingly, though, Burchill signals for them to head backstage.


Taz: What the...?

Joey: I think he wants to prove he can beat Bret by his own merit.

Callis: That's surprisingly admirable!


Pag motions for them to ignore Burchill's instructions and involve themselves anyway but Raven holds the others back.

Hart and Burchill look on awaiting an outcome.

After a few seconds deliberation, the NaE head to the back and the match continues.

In the seventeenth minute, Hart floors Burchill with a Spinebuster and, again, goes to lock in the Sharpshooter.

Burchill rolls him up into a Small Package.



Taz: Wow, that was close.


Burchill goes for a Clothesline but Hart reverses into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge pin.



Callis: And again.


Burchill hits a quick Sitout Powerbomb and hooks Hart's legs.

1...2...Hart inverses the weight to cover Burchill.


Taz: This is insane!



Both men roll backwards out of the predicament.

Hart now goes for a Clothesline but Burchill catches his arm.

He hits the C-4.


Callis: This could be it.



Match Rating: B


Joey: Paul Burchill just pinned Bret Hart with no help from the New Age Enterprise!

Taz: Wow. That's Bret's first loss in ECW.


Burchill: Another question: did you not find anything else strange? For instance, when Vito and Monsters Inc saved me from losing the title to Bret first time around I flew off the handle at them.


The big screen again shows video evidence of this.



As always, these two put on a great and evenly contested match.

In the twelfth minute, Hart hits a Brainbuster on Burchill and sets up for the Sharpshooter.


Abyss, Goliath and Vito run to the ring.



They pull Hart off Burchill and Goliath hits a Giant Chokeslam.


Owen Hart comes to make the save.



Abyss and Goliath team up to take out Owen as Bret is hit by a Vito Driver.

Burchill makes the cover.


Match Rating: A


Joey: Damn it! They always find a way to sneak out of trouble!


After the match, Burchill picks up a mic.


Burchill: Hey, Vito.


He signals for his team mate to come over.

When he does, Burchill smacks him across the face.


Burchill: This was my match, not yours. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong.


Joey: What's got into Burchill? Vito just saved him from losing the TV title.

Taz: I have no idea.


Vito: But, Paul, Raven said that...


Burchill: I don't care what Raven said. If you pull a stunt like this again, I'll f**king cripple you!


Burchill angrily takes his title from ringside and storms backstage, leaving Vito and Monsters Inc looking bemused.


Burchill: That's not because I was some chaste defender of virtue...


Franchise: ...Hell, he was playing a heel at the time.


Burchill laughs at the "insider" remark.


Burchill: It was because I wanted to lose the title. However, just a week later, I did lose the title to Bret.


Franchise: So, Bret was removed from the Baptism Of Fire match and Burchill, no longer a champion, entered. Then came the only part of this that was not sorted before hand... Burchill won the Baptism Of Fire match.


The fans cheer.


Franshise: There were no tricks... he's just f**king good!


Burchill: So, I became the Number One Contender and Raven thought that I would lay down for him. He was wrong!


Franchise: Enter the masked man, none other than yours truly. I kicked the crap out of Raven on a weekly basis and made the f**ker about as paranoid as he could be.


Burchill: For the more astute of you, that was the third and final small clue that we could not conceal. Did it ever strike you that I came of a lot better than the other guys in those beatings?


The big screen shows a final cut scene.

Suddenly, The masked man from last week runs to the ring with a chair in hand.



He takes out Abyss and Goliath with the chair.

Burchill goes to punch him out but is tossed over the top rope for his trouble.

Vito approaches... steel chair to the head.

CM Punk clubs him in the back, turns him around and whips him to the ropes.

The masked man rebounds... GORE!


Gertner: Well, the mask isn't off but I think we just found out who's under it.

Callis: Maybe... but is that enough proof for Raven to sack him?

Gertner: Good point.


Meanwhile, Raven is hooked up by his adversary who is still masked.

Rhino Driver!

Raven and his Nest are left completely incapacitated.

The masked man runs out with a steel chair in hand.



Taz: Well, I'm no Columbo but I think that means it ain't Rhino!


The masked man takes out Goliath with a chair shot.

He gives the same treatment to Abyss.

He then throws Burchill through the middle and top ropes.

Vito is sent to the floor with a huge clothesline.


Joey: Oh, man this guy is a one man wrecking crew!


CM Punk is then Powerbombed into the steel chair.

Raven runs to make an escape but Rhino grabs him by the hair.


Taz: You ain't going anywhere champ!


The masked man hits a Piledriver on Raven just like last week.

However, he then locks in a Sharpshooter.


Taz: Hang on, does that mean it's...

Joey: ...which one?

Taz: Well, it can't be Bret!

Joey: Owen?

Taz: It has to be.


After wrenching Raven's back to the point where he is screaming in agony, the masked man makes to leave.

After the match, Monsters Inc restrain Tajiri as Raven enters the ring.

The champion proceeds to use a helpless Tajiri as a punching bag.

However, the lights suddenly go out.


When they turn back on, the masked man is standing in the middle of the ring with a chair in hand.



He throws the chair straight at the head of Abyss, who promptly falls to the mat.

He boots Burchill in the gut and throws him to the outside.

As Vito tries to restrain him, he springboards off the middle rope and hits a Dropkick.

As Goliath approaches, he picks the chair back up and delivers the same treatment that he gave to Abyss.

Punk and Raven attack the masked man together and, finally, the numbers game proves too much.

Raven sets him up for a Raven Effect.

However, it is reversed with a lowblow.

The assailant then turns and throws a fireball into the face of CM Punk.


Callis: Oh my...

Gertner: Where did that come from?


As Punk stumbles blindly from the ring, the masked man picks up the chair again and takes out the World Champion with a thunderous shot.

He then sets up the chair...

Triple Jump Moonsault!


Gertner: The fireball... the Moonsault... it has to be Sabu!

Callis: No way, Sabu wouldn't have been able to lock in a Sharpshooter, would he? He is no submission master!

Gertner: Who's to say it's one guy, Don?

Callis: Excuse me?

Gertner: Think about it. It could be that Rhino, Owen and Sabu have been working together so that, regardless of who wins the tournament, they will have an advantage against Raven.

Callis: I find that very difficult to believe. After their war during the Baptism Of Fire match, I can't see Rhino and Owen Hart co-operating. Plus, after burning a picture of him a few weeks ago, I don't think Sabu would be willing to work with Hart either. After all, it was Owen who eliminated him in that same match. There's no way!

Gertner: Maybe...


As the masked man stares at the carnage he points his finger to the sky.


Gertner: Oh, it has to be Sabu.

Callis: Hey, wait a minute!

Gertner: What?

Callis: Isn't Sabu in the main event?

Gertner: Yeah... so?

Callis: So, if it's Sabu, how is he gonna be able to come down for his match without drawing suspicion?


As the masked man stays pointing, the lights flick off and on.

Suddenly, he is nowhere to be seen...


Burchill: Finally, just when Raven was wondering who the masked man was, it turned out that it was all orchestrated by his closest ally!


Taz: Wow!

Joey: i don't know what to say? They planned the whole thing! I'm stunned!


Franchise: And the best part is that the "Master OF Mind Games", Raven, just got played!


The two men laugh hysterically as the crowd applauds.


Franchise: So, say hello to your future World Heavyweight Champion, "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill!


A "New Franchise!" chant, screamed by 15,000 fans, thunders around the soldout arena.


As the fans go crazy Vito comes to the ring.



Vito: The rest of the Nest is not here tonight but, in light of all this, I want to prove my loyalty by kicking your ass!


Vito slaps Burchill in the face and referee Jim Molineaux enters the ring.



Burchill flat-out dominates.

In the eighth minute, He picks up Vito in a Fireman's carry and carries him to the corner.

He jumps forward and hits a Rolling Samoan Crash on Vito.

After rolling through, he jumps to the top buckle in one continuous movement.


1...2...Burchill chooses to release the pin.

He backs away from a prone Vito.

Suddenly, in a great display of athleticism he hits a Standing Shooting Star Press!


Match Rating: A


Joey: Oh my god, I've nver seen Burchill look so impressive!

Taz: The New Franchise is here, baby!


Show Rating: A

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That was outlandishly well done. Every part of the puzzle waiting eerily to be slotted in, yet no one, but no one picked it apart before it got to the assembly stage. That's the best piece of booking I've witnessed in a very long time. Congratulations.
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Thank you very much guys; I truly appreciate your comments! I'm glad that you enjoyed the show as I've been waiting for about four months to write that particular one :D.


Problem is, I've got a similarly long, slow-building story planned which could take another couple o' months... Oh, dear :p.


Thanks again. You're all stars!


Quote The Raven


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One thing I feel when I read that was unfortunately non ECW related. I just thought what if Bischoff had have used similar booking logic to unearth a story where there were hidden clues... Heck, to be honest, even WWE today could use that sort of epic delivery of a storyline. But all in all, I just thought how perfect it could have been to see the nWo, which turned into a cancer, split apart while promoting someone as a mega face or heel due to a story similar to this.


That's about the best critique I can give really, I really loved that promotion and when I read this I just wish a man of your learned knowledge was involved to spin the yarn in real life to keep the dream alive.

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Well dude, that was bloody impressive right there. How long had you planned Burchill turning on Raven in advance?


Only just saw this.


In all honesty, since nearly the very beginning of the diary (ever since they formed a tag team/union at least).


What better way to make Burchill a top face than by having him take on THE top heel? Or at least that's what I figured.


Quote The Raven


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I have just read the whole diary today. I started reading at 7 AM and its now 8 PM, yet i have been just gripped! I might edit T-Zone and add your ECW to it. Unless you want to send me the savegame, which i would really appreciate. If not, no biggy, i'll just add it to T-Zone. Only thing is, i'll have to skim through the whole thing again to do title linages, but oh well. Good going Nevermore, you truly are the greatest Diary Writer on these boards ;)
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I have just read the whole diary today. I started reading at 7 AM and its now 8 PM, yet i have been just gripped! I might edit T-Zone and add your ECW to it. Unless you want to send me the savegame, which i would really appreciate. If not, no biggy, i'll just add it to T-Zone. Only thing is, i'll have to skim through the whole thing again to do title linages, but oh well. Good going Nevermore, you truly are the greatest Diary Writer on these boards ;)


Wow, that's one of the biggest compliments I've ever been paid right there. The fact that you read all 50 pages in one day... wow, thanks, I appreciate the dedication :D.


Now you mention it, I've been considering "releasing" my data for a while and I'd be more than happy to help you in whatever it is your planning.


Unfortunately, there was a slight issue with a save game just before Baptism Of Fire and the new savegame I set up has a few factual errors. So, seeing as I was going to set up another one anyway (one of the reasons why I haven't got right back into this), I'll iron those out and, then, send you whatever you like.


The two rosters (ECW and WWF) are quite interesting now, making for some decent competition. So, at least the people who have read this diary may well be interested.


Thanks again, dude. I very much appreviate your kind words!


Quote The Raven


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WOW!!! After two days of reading here at work I finally an caught up with this dynasty. And I got to say that this is one of the most amazing dynasty's on this site, along with Tigerkinney's BHOTWG. The Burchill turn/angle was planned out perfectly, great job, totally worth the time spent reading! Keep up the great work!
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Wow, that's one of the biggest compliments I've ever been paid right there. The fact that you read all 50 pages in one day... wow, thanks, I appreciate the dedication :D.


Now you mention it, I've been considering "releasing" my data for a while and I'd be more than happy to help you in whatever it is your planning.


Unfortunately, there was a slight issue with a save game just before Baptism Of Fire and the new savegame I set up has a few factual errors. So, seeing as I was going to set up another one anyway (one of the reasons why I haven't got right back into this), I'll iron those out and, then, send you whatever you like.


The two rosters (ECW and WWF) are quite interesting now, making for some decent competition. So, at least the people who have read this diary may well be interested.


Thanks again, dude. I very much appreviate your kind words!


Quote The Raven



No prblem, i 'Appreviate :p' your work put into this. If you do iron it out then i would love for you to send me the savegame/mod or whatever. Anyways, keep the unbeleivabley fantastic work up



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Infact i've got an idea for a new mod...



Nevermore's Promotion War


Choose ECW to play as you can make them the number 1 Promotion, or the challenge of keeping WWF the number 1 promotion, if you choose them. All i will need off you is The full rosters for both promotions, and title linages for WWF (I've already sorted out the linages for ECW)




Cheers in advance, a big fan of your writing, W3LSHY ;)

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Hype For Nevermore's Promotion War Mod...(If you allow it ;))





Or there is this one...




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Right, then, two things:


First off, this should be back up and running very shortly (Yay :p!)


Second, I think I will go ahead with the releasing the data idea. W3lshy, so you know, I've just finished updating the ECW title lineages and I'm gonna do a slightly simpler version for the WWF (starting in 1995 when the diary/savegame originally started). If you're cool, I may ask you to do some simple modding for me to smooth out some of the data that was lost when my hard drive crashed.


Nice pics by the way ;).


Quote The Raven


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Guest The Aussie

Since this is still the creative-criticism month, I have a minor issue to bring up.


You seem to have a little tendancy to break up groups quite often. Nothing big but it can be easy for a reader to not know what is going on.

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Since this is still the creative-criticism month, I have a minor issue to bring up.


You seem to have a little tendancy to break up groups quite often. Nothing big but it can be easy for a reader to not know what is going on.


Why I oughtta :mad:!


No, seriously, fairplay. It's a tad depressing you brought that up seeing as I was wondering about that myself recently. I guess I just get bored easily. At least, now, I'm trying to filter members in and out (like with the nest) rather than just having an implosion (like with NaE).


Anyway, ta, I'll always take criticism on board and vey much appreciate when people give it.




Quote The Raven


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Why I oughtta :mad:!


No, seriously, fairplay. It's a tad depressing you brought that up seeing as I was wondering about that myself recently. I guess I just get bored easily. At least, now, I'm trying to filter members in and out (like with the nest) rather than just having an implosion (like with NaE).


Anyway, ta, I'll always take criticism on board and vey much appreciate when people give it.




Quote The Raven



Good answer, I'll also give another spin on it, to me, in TEW and in dynasty's respectively things tend to get booked and spun very quickly, because by nature, it's rare to find a long standing diary or even save game. I mean, when we all start with a roster, we all make the sacrificial firing of a few lambs. Likewise, we move the belt quickly onto who we want. The dynamics of TEW change quickly too, all of a sudden a player will start improving massively in certain stats and be irresistable to ignore. Adam Ryland points this out that momentum and popularity obviously change quicker in TEW than in real life, I guess to add a bit of playability, so things are likely to mould together or break apart quicker because it's the logistics of how the game is played and organised.


Another way of looking at it is if you book a dynasty, and you put a stock standard show up without a lot of 'high heat' moments, IE turns, or interferences, or heated promos, or lo and behold belt changes, people can tend to tire quickly of it and see it as a repetitive, so I think we are all prone somewhat to move towards a more crash TV style product to keep the product moving very quickly and thus stables, and titles tend to change more frequently than they would in a simulated television scripted set up.

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Good answer, I'll also give another spin on it, to me, in TEW and in dynasty's respectively things tend to get booked and spun very quickly, because by nature, it's rare to find a long standing diary or even save game. I mean, when we all start with a roster, we all make the sacrificial firing of a few lambs. Likewise, we move the belt quickly onto who we want. The dynamics of TEW change quickly too, all of a sudden a player will start improving massively in certain stats and be irresistable to ignore. Adam Ryland points this out that momentum and popularity obviously change quicker in TEW than in real life, I guess to add a bit of playability, so things are likely to mould together or break apart quicker because it's the logistics of how the game is played and organised.


Another way of looking at it is if you book a dynasty, and you put a stock standard show up without a lot of 'high heat' moments, IE turns, or interferences, or heated promos, or lo and behold belt changes, people can tend to tire quickly of it and see it as a repetitive, so I think we are all prone somewhat to move towards a more crash TV style product to keep the product moving very quickly and thus stables, and titles tend to change more frequently than they would in a simulated television scripted set up.


I agree. Things change and move more rapidly then they ever would in real life. Its hard to portray the long slow build in a diary, that's what makes the whole Burchill storyline so brilliant.

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