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[RELEASE] CV97 / Cornellverse 1997 (Updated: 20th Aug 2021)

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Does this mean that the data has been updated in Google Drive to reflect all the changes?


Nope, just means my version is up to date. I don't want to release loads of different versions of the data as that'll get confusing in a hurry. Looking to have a v1.01 release on the 8th and then see what other updates will be needed beyond that.

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What are you looking to achieve?


As you can no-doubt guess, I want to achieve a game as close as possible to the 'official' outcome.


Again: loving all the flavors. Truly a magnificent piece of work. The added workers aren't "OP" and provide options for those that want to without screwing up immersion by harvesting the main titles.


Let a watcher game run during work, and after a couple of years the following things happened (lenghty post incoming ;)):

[note: not saying these things shouldn't happen; just communicating it happened :p]


- HGC lost Hollyweird TV after jan '98, despite some decent booking with 99% Sam vs Rip matches. The '97 War even pulled a 94, given the the hype video pre-match counts for some reason. [i DID change it to "main event focus", which I'd recommend you do to facilitate their ratings]


- HGC had a trade agreement with CGC which probably happened organically but is supercool. It was after Pee-Wee took over and ended hostilities, with Man-Darin as head booker [i am NOT kidding :eek:], who jobbed himself out to Whippy the Clown at "A little south of sanity". THIS is the kind of game I like to watch. :cool:


Unsure whether it's your mod as someone would've reported this bug by now, but the '00 War was held in a... bar? Colorado Springs bar in MS. It didn't even sell out. 244 drunks? A year after their near 50K sellout of the same event? Are you kidding me? :p Even a major PR disaster can't cause this debacle. What I'm thinking happened is that their "small" size, despite pulling huge crowds, prompts the AI to take refuge in small arenas. I thought that worked organically but I guess I'm wrong. Then again: organically you'll probably never end up with pop like HGC's starting stats. :rolleyes: Can you see if anything can be done? I couldn't care less myself as I'll be taking the HGC reigns in my game to be, but for others it might spoil the fun.


Actually: scratch that. Apparently they've suddenly got 12 pop across... the entire country save SW. How the...? Is it because of them losing their weekly show and not having the option to do house shows? That should never happen. With Outbacker Harris as their main champ in 2002, they're gonna have a rough time.


- AAA didn't make it to 2001, BUT the gameworld recovered by debuting... err. PUSA - led by good ol' Jimmy Ross (a spawn) - which had Cat Quine beat Cat E Tude for the PUSA world title, which is downright hilarious if read phonetically. Again, I am NOT making this up. :eek:


- MPWF surprisingly got to 3rd spot and "big" size. 5SSW got 4th spot, despite not even having "5 stars" on their roster.


- Viccie Stone left McFly to start a romance with Craig Prince, the champ (4C Hardcore champ that is). Unfortunately it didn't last and he left her for Farrah Hesketh, potentially dooming the company when his contract runs out (but it's ongoing so...). Farrah already got dropped after she got pregnant. Awkwaaaard.


Now, I forgot to put randomness on "high" and it was basically default settings.


And finally a question: do I just edit the "begins in" date for training facilities to 2015 or something to prevent random workers to debut? Or will that stop the canon workers assigned to camps too, and completely destroy the mod?

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And finally a question: do I just edit the "begins in" date for training facilities to 2015 or something to prevent random workers to debut? Or will that stop the canon workers assigned to camps too, and completely destroy the mod?


The begins in date is only for generated workers. The canon workers will still debut with that set to a later date.


This is super interesting. Would love to hear more about what happened with HGC if anyone figures it out.

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After consulting the manual again, I can only conclude that HGC's situation would be due to pop decay from not appearing in certain areas, due to the AI not differentiating enough. The AI works fine, as it doesn't make sense to switch location as a "small" company. The key point here is the loss of the TV show, which just causes a blackout in certain areas. Logically, there's no limit on the pop decay which will just plummet. In 4 months, any pop they've build up is gone after loss of exposure/TV. The company will never recover, or at least I assume not in the next 10 years.


Started another watcher game and now they broadcast Hollyweird TV on a 'collection' of 9 different broadcasters, despite being "big"-sized. Maybe a company is just 'stuck' on this fragmented approach because most broadcasters refuse to share coverage. Again, jan '98 ends their deal. They immediately signed with C.A.N.N but lost the deal within the month, possibly by putting on the worst main event ever: 3 vs 3 feat. Jason Jackson & Danger Kid ffs. It put them 'just' at 73%. Again: I made it 'main event focus' so the default mod might've escaped it.


Hopefully by tweaking the broadcasters the situation's been resolved. Imo historical development would be more important than gameplay/balance. Arcadia's style should be equal to HGC's product. Right now, the "no-style" seems exactly what it says it is, but as a result doesn't fit anywhere. Only C.A.N.N has no style but requires "big" level. If they miss the deal in the first few months, they'll never get another deal. And they will miss it as the broadcaster requires shows rated 81 (!). The AI just can't handle that. C.A.N.N also needs 6 areas with big pop and they can only sustain 5.


I like the no-style style to play as, but for an observer it's very boring: there's never a storyline, resulting in boring segments.

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Imo historical development would be more important than gameplay/balance.



Derek has mentioned before that he doesn't want this to be a sim of the future and that he's not focused on making sure things turn out exactly how they did in canon which I agree with. I don't know what fun there is in tweaking everything so that it turns out exactly the way it did in canon. Just my opinion.

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The main issue that all others stem from is that HGC aren't moving their TV deal to a new network when they lose it... they lose their existing US deal because they're on a network with a Kids focus (a relatively recent change I made in the data) and as a result of losing their deal at the same time their Canadian one expires, they seem to be getting hit with blocks on being able to get another deal at all. There are a couple of solutions that I think will work as I've seen in testing that it's very rare for them to manage to get through without a significant hit, though they often do recover to some degree over time.


1. Move them to another network. I haven't tested yet, but it looks like NCTV would be best for them and they should be happy to renew their US deal there. Not sure of the knock on effects of their Canadian deal.


2. Stagger the length of their TV contracts. They are set to expire at the same time just now, which is part of the complication. I could make one longer to potentially different effects...


a. Extend US deal... they may lose their Canadian deal at 1 year BUT would make it more likely they would find a new home for their US deal when that expires at maybe 2 years.


b. Extend Canadian deal... might also encourage them to find a US deal, I'm not currently sure if having multiple TV deals at what is alwyas Medium size is potentially creating an issue for the AI renewing.


I'm leaning towards moving network as I think it makes more sense given the network focus and HGC's financial position.... if that doesn't work, I THINK extending the US deal should balance things out. Will give it a test later today to see if it works. :)

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Derek has mentioned before that he doesn't want this to be a sim of the future and that he's not focused on making sure things turn out exactly how they did in canon which I agree with. I don't know what fun there is in tweaking everything so that it turns out exactly the way it did in canon. Just my opinion.


There's a difference between turning out "exactly like canon" (which is impossible) and wiping TCW from existence, basically creating a SWF-monopoly for the next decade. That's a totally different ball-game and - from a gameplay perspective - might not be fun for a SWF player (unless they like being in'Vince'able :p) and for several smaller players who like to watch it unfold. It's true that - long-term - HGC still has better papers to stay on top due to money etc., but it's very unlikely they will return to their glory. I'm fine with it if it happens as a result of a scandal, though.


I've also noticed NOTB Ed Henson not having AI instructions for the 2 vs 2 main event (not a requirement obviously and could've been a conscious choice but I'll be changing it for my game as it makes sense to me). But maybe it doesn't play well with the title settings? Haven't tested that.


After changing Arcadia's focus to "none", HGC managed to resign but lost the deal after mere weeks, despite getting resp. 79, 75, 86 & 78 ratings. They only beat SWF once in the ratings, but they're not at war and quite frankly you can't expect them to even up already after merely a year. It's almost a miracle that they pulled that off already.

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I've also noticed NOTB Ed Henson not having AI instructions for the 2 vs 2 main event (not a requirement obviously and could've been a conscious choice but I'll be changing it for my game as it makes sense to me). But maybe it doesn't play well with the title settings? Haven't tested that.


They already have the tag tournament set for that event, setting a 2v2 main event is more likely to set up the show so that a non-tournament tag match would headline rather than the tournament itself or the NOTBPW Canadian title match. The AI may also sometimes not run the tournament due to not having enough strong teams, though that has been rare in sims.

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setting a 2v2 main event is more likely to set up the show so that a non-tournament tag match would headline rather than the tournament itself


Yeah, I suspected as much. Actually, it's quite interesting and makes a lot of sense. Every single time I've booked NOTB, like, ever, I've made it the main event, but that restricts booking a LOT as even a McWade title win basically HAD to be against the Stone Siblings or the event ratings would've bombed (even then you're shooting yourself in the foot there :p). This allows for more freedom plus adds to the main title prestige given you don't have to host it on the weekly show, which is just counter-intuitive to the product imho. The only drawback is you're booking yourself into a corner if you plan to let either contender or champion partake in the tourney. If they're not immediately out, they're in for a... long night. (meaning bad ratings - and worse - serious injury risks :p)


As for HGC: maybe you can create a lower-tier broadcaster that'd have them. Too bad the AI can't create their own broadcaster with all the money. Granted, a scandal early '98 caused them to practically lose all their money, so that'd be a no-go. Maybe the best solution is to drop the product in favor of something more mainstream?


I'm assuming it's too late to ask Adam to have them change their product to their "core product" (Classic Southern Rasslin') based on the broadcasters available, which... isn't exactly a feature anyone is waiting or asking for. I've asked once for conditional narratives, but so far it hasn't come to pass. :(


As for the added recurring AAA Showcase event: I guess it can help them somewhat, but it sometimes results in the title NOT being booked for their flagship show, which is a very painful sore on the data. I'll try setting all the regular shows to "defend all valid titles" and just turn the frequency off.

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I love this mod, I have waited for this in order to play 2020.


I also barely played the game before this. The problem is you don't want to commit to a long-term game and played with complete disregard to the future of the company. It was more playing around with features. :p


Is there a solution yet to the new workers that will pollute the database? There have never been so few tools for db-makers to work with in a Ryland-game ever. In WMMA5 we could edit the skill levels of the generated workers AND we could just turn them off altogether. Here there seems to be... nothing? Is there some sort of technical problem he ran into you know of, Derek? :confused: For your mod, this is REALLY problematic.

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I also barely played the game before this. The problem is you don't want to commit to a long-term game and played with complete disregard to the future of the company. It was more playing around with features. :p


Is there a solution yet to the new workers that will pollute the database? There have never been so few tools for db-makers to work with in a Ryland-game ever. In WMMA5 we could edit the skill levels of the generated workers AND we could just turn them off altogether. Here there seems to be... nothing? Is there some sort of technical problem he ran into you know of, Derek? :confused: For your mod, this is REALLY problematic.


The first post of this thread, in the RECOMMENDATIONS section, covers this with a solution that should work for you. Glad to see people reading that. :p

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Running a save with Rip Chord as booker of HCG. I gave them a two year commitment, and may start my own company if I get that far. RPing a brilliant old school booker who has to book things a 16-year-old loves, like the cruiserweight division and hardcore division.


Anyway... Just booked the go-home to MiW and Sam Strong invented a new catchphrase. Strong OP pls nerf.

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Strong OP pls nerf.


I know you're kidding but I haven't really monitored his stat decline. Sometimes he retires within the year. He is supposed to suck, but his selling soon downgrades to about 60, his consistency to 65 and his brawling to 55. I guess it's fine.


But Optimus aka Mr. A*! He's so OP it's just getting ridiculous! (j/k :D)


Anyhow, here's my suggestions for mods to worker potential (to be set to L6 obviously):


  • Dan Stone Jr (prim, ment, fund)
  • Sean McFly (prim, ment)
  • Jeremy Stone (ment)
  • Tommy Cornell (fund)
  • Yoshimi Mushashibo (ment)
  • Eisaku Kunomasu (prim, ment)
  • Mito Miwa (prim, ment)


I know I'm biased here but for some of these - especially Dan Jr & Kunomasu - it just seems impossible to reach their TEW2005 heights without these tweaks. (unless you highroll :p)

I also know I haven't played TEW20 much at all so it might not really be necessary. TEW05 had quite high stats for a lot of workers, to the point where it became weird.

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TEW05 had quite high stats for a lot of workers, to the point where it became weird.


"Quite high" is an understatement of the century. In general I think everyone should be 10-30 points lower across all Cornellverse in every iteration of it. A and A* should be very, very rare.


Damn I miss grades. :(

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Just got the most unusual owner goal from George DeColt, cannot hire anybody who is classed as a brawler. That seems... wrong in a company like CGC.


I don't think that's something a modder can change, and honestly not such a 'wrong' goal as it's often very temporary. :p Either way, these goals are just to spice up your games. Remember that you can easily break one or two of these if your overall performance is good. Most people seem to figure out a way to book around it. Makes the game more fun and keeps people from just using the same old road to guaranteed success, which is getting old for me.


@FINisher: 30 points? Giant Redwood might not even go that high. :p I share your concern and the database is definitely in a great spot stat-wise, but I fear without these tweaks there aren't going to be enough "ringmasters" later on, as progression for AI is quite slow, being paired with lesser workers more often than not.

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Google Drive Link (20Mb) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1897bHcQfVeXjroQ1UoK-9KekZo5ySycc/view?usp=sharing - Version 1.01


Everything mentioned in this thread so far has been addressed, along with various other things from the Discord and things I've noticed. There hasn't been a need for any major changes, which is always good. Some changes were made to broadcasting deals to help the AI a little and the limited testing so far has shown it to work well. The Helpful Documents were uploaded in two formats, hopefully everyone can open at least one of them now. :)


Keep the feedback coming, I'll keep improving on things though I'm happy that so little has needed to be changed so far. I'm looking forward to getting a proper game going in 97 myself so the faster you feedback to me the quicker I can do that. ;)

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