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Something I really do not like...

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Here's the situation. My opponent is danger, exhausted. I'm medium, tired. I have a finisher that is done from standing when my opponent is down and I miss it. He pins me, despite giving 10 spirit points to the cause. I've seen many threads about it so far. My finisher is like the Lionsault, except you spin when you hit the ropes into a curled up Senton. Okay, I can understand someone missing it, but being pinned right after? I'd imagine that after you missed it, you'd fly to the other side of the ring... way out of pinning position. I think this is silly. I hate having to remove the realism by removing miss damage but I hate losing matches like this. Sort of to counter-respond to what Adam said about Crucifix Cradles and Backslides, I HAVE seen people win off them. It's very rare but it happens. I saw a backslide win in Japan once, and one a long time ago in WWE. But what have I never seen? I've never seen someone lose a match directly after missing a finisher from the top or something. Sure, there's been pin attempts but never an actual loss, let alone 12 minutes into a match where the person who receives the loss hardly even got beat on. Also, I suggest that you add decimal success rates. Backslides should have 0.1 or something, and make that the max low level pin rate. Medium should also have some... a piledriver can end a match.. come on. Also, a question. How does the condition work aside from determining move availbility and medical disqualification? If it doesn't factor into the match finish and submission, it really should. A simple success rate is rather silly. Finally, can you win by fall on top? I've done it about 100 times but it's never worked. Thanks for the read. I've yet to purchase because of some of these issues as it detracts from the fun greatly. I hope you'll agree with me on a few of these and address them accordingly. My suggestion for the first one is simply add a checkbox for something like "leaves in vulnerable position when missed" or something and greatly reduce the chance of being pinned, or add another slider for that. Obviously, if it's a diving headbutt, you'll probably be more vulnerable then if you missed a leg drop. -Kles EDIT: Typo.
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To answer your points, beginning with the two questions: * The opponent's condition does factor into the chance of being pinned or submitted, as well as affecting both the moves he has available, and the success rate of them, as well as altering the success rate of the attacker's moves being done on him. It's a lot deeper than "available moves and medical DQ" * Yes, you can win by falling on top, dependent on the move you're countering. In regards to the "lion sault": * You should upgrade the version of WreSpi - 1.2 had some of the stuff you asked for, and 1.3 will be out shortly with more. In regards to the backslide \ crucifixes: * IMO you're missing the point. This has [U]nothing[/U] to do with whether they could get pins in real life. Real life = booked, WreSpi = shoot. The game is structured that you build up as you go along. You wear people down with Low Level, soften them up with Medium, then you go to the High and Finisher level moves to finish the bout. The reason backslides et al can't finish bouts is because that doesn't fit in with that structure. If you have a Medium level Sunset Flip in there with a 5% chance, why on earth wouldn't you go for it? You've eliminated the chance of the opponent bothering with FS, so eventually you're going to get him. Bottom line - If you're sitting there wanting WreSpi to exactly conform to "real life" wrestling, then you've misunderstood the concept of the game. It's a shoot game, not a booked game, and therefore certain changes have to be made to what can happen. The suggestion of even giving 0.1% chances goes completely against how the game is meant to be played.
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Hmm, makes sense. Real life = booked, WreSpi = shoot as you said, I can understand. A backslide wouldn't be too hard to roll out of in real life. I thought you couldn't upgrade the demonstration version? Oh well, I'll try it. Thanks for the reply, Adam.
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about your post a couple posts ago adam. In any update or version of WreSpi are you considering perhaps adding a "booked matches" mode or something where instead of wrestling like a shoot your bookers tell you who goes over etc.. And you have to be a backstage politician to get to the top of the business? It'd be fun in some aspects. Like if you don't want someone to go over you can choose to stiff him etc... That'd make the matches interesting. Only the finish would be booked. i.e. He would say to you "Go Home" And you could have the option of not following it the way that it was planned and just laying down and making him pin you lol. I dunno.... Maybe it's only fun in my warped little head.
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It's not so much underestimating (although some players would do it, as evidenced by some of the posts we've seen so far) as realising that it would ruin the way the game plays. If you were totally dominating a match and suddenly got backslided for a 3 count out of nowhere, you'd be furious - and even with a 1 in a 1000 chance, that situation is likely to happen every 4 or 5 matches. Does anyone really want a quarter of their matches to end with "out of the blue" moves?
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