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Several Issues

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So I've been trying to get into TEW 2020 since its release and I've found myself really struggling to grasp the gameplay and differences from TEW 2016. I'm sure the majority of the issues stem from my own lack of ability to adapt to the changes and I'm still running the game the way 2016 ran, but I will be open to suggestions how to turn the tide around and start getting some success.


So I'm running WCW in 1993 and I'm not doing very well. Matches and segments that should get solid ratings usually bomb or don't live up to expectations. For instance, a Ric Flair promo one show will get an 89 and the next show be a 69. I can't find any good reason for such huge differences other than Flair's gimmick rating, however, I don't understand if the gimmick rating is the deciding factor why he would get an 89 for one promo and not another.


I finally was able to decipher the issue of "not much going on" bullet point but it's still a crap shoot on when you get it and when you don't.


I've also signed some broadcasters to try and expand my viewership and gain popularity, which is really a struggle in this game. Often at the end of the shows, I will get notice that I gained popularity in 12 regions, but then I get red alerts stating "You would have gained popularity in 3 British regions but the viewership is too low to gain." Or something to that effect. I've tried searching everywhere but I can't find anything about this and why I'm getting it or how to improve it.


I'm also having a really hard time gaining company popularity. My shows are increasing popularity in my home region but it just seems to keep falling. I'd have to look at the business and which way the needle is going but if I'm gaining popularity from my shows, I should be moving up despite the trends.


Similarly, Sting (and others) keeps losing popularity for some reason. He's now dropped to 70 popularity in the US despite him continuing to be booked strong and win matches. Sting started the game out in the 80's. I have no idea why he (and others) are continuing to drop in the popularity. Due to this unknown drop in popularity, I've failed the owner goal of keeping his popularity at or above 71 and now am running the risk of getting fired.


I've never really struggled at the TEW games to this extent and it's really caused my eagerness to play to wain. My gimmicks also keep bombing as well despite being a 6/10 for the skill that impacts the success of gimmicks. Anyone that has any suggestions, let me know because so far I'm really struggling here.

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I finally was able to decipher the issue of "not much going on" bullet point but it's still a crap shoot on when you get it and when you don't.



This is the one thing I can answer with certainty. It's not a crap shoot.


If your angles are rated on ''overness'' they get penalised once they exceed 5 minutes. Basically, ''overness'' translates to the guy just standing there looking cool. :D


You have to change them to something else, like ''entertainment''. Somebody like Ric Flair should get consistently great ratings when it comes to entertaining angles :cool:

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So I've been trying to get into TEW 2020 since its release and I've found myself really struggling to grasp the gameplay and differences from TEW 2016. I'm sure the majority of the issues stem from my own lack of ability to adapt to the changes and I'm still running the game the way 2016 ran, but I will be open to suggestions how to turn the tide around and start getting some success.


So I'm running WCW in 1993 and I'm not doing very well. Matches and segments that should get solid ratings usually bomb or don't live up to expectations. For instance, a Ric Flair promo one show will get an 89 and the next show be a 69. I can't find any good reason for such huge differences other than Flair's gimmick rating, however, I don't understand if the gimmick rating is the deciding factor why he would get an 89 for one promo and not another.


I finally was able to decipher the issue of "not much going on" bullet point but it's still a crap shoot on when you get it and when you don't.


I've also signed some broadcasters to try and expand my viewership and gain popularity, which is really a struggle in this game. Often at the end of the shows, I will get notice that I gained popularity in 12 regions, but then I get red alerts stating "You would have gained popularity in 3 British regions but the viewership is too low to gain." Or something to that effect. I've tried searching everywhere but I can't find anything about this and why I'm getting it or how to improve it.


I'm also having a really hard time gaining company popularity. My shows are increasing popularity in my home region but it just seems to keep falling. I'd have to look at the business and which way the needle is going but if I'm gaining popularity from my shows, I should be moving up despite the trends.


Similarly, Sting (and others) keeps losing popularity for some reason. He's now dropped to 70 popularity in the US despite him continuing to be booked strong and win matches. Sting started the game out in the 80's. I have no idea why he (and others) are continuing to drop in the popularity. Due to this unknown drop in popularity, I've failed the owner goal of keeping his popularity at or above 71 and now am running the risk of getting fired.


I've never really struggled at the TEW games to this extent and it's really caused my eagerness to play to wain. My gimmicks also keep bombing as well despite being a 6/10 for the skill that impacts the success of gimmicks. Anyone that has any suggestions, let me know because so far I'm really struggling here.



Storylines, gimmicks, momentum all play into people's overness besides match outcomes. Also, angles rated on overness are generally useless for booking purposes. They don't get anyone over, and hamper your ratings because effective "nothing happens". People are there to be entertained and see action. So if they aren't cutting promos or beating people up, really, nobody is gonna give a can of beans. Your best bet is to always have them involved in angles with someone else and having something else happen in the angle if they're gonna be rated on overness. Like, do a beatdown angle where one guy is rated on fighting, another on selling, and the other guy on overness. Having JUSt overness related angles are always going to bomb and give you notes that "nothing happened".



As for the falling overness in home regions, are you checking to see if you're losing any battles with other promotions? That's usually what causes popularity drops besides bad cards or region importance.

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This is the one thing I can answer with certainty. It's not a crap shoot.


If your angles are rated on ''overness'' they get penalised once they exceed 5 minutes. Basically, ''overness'' translates to the guy just standing there looking cool. :D


You have to change them to something else, like ''entertainment''. Somebody like Ric Flair should get consistently great ratings when it comes to entertaining angles :cool:




I've had them get penalized for even being 1 minute. So I don't do any overness related angles.

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I'll have to try those changes then. I have mixed up the angles and what they're rated on but I don't remember if I only get that if they are only rated on overness. Many of the default angles are setting you up for failure then if they only rate the worker on overness.


One thing I also forgot to mention is the AI is unusually excessive in 3 man tag matches and creating stables. Adam may want to look at the coding for when the AI does that. Virtually every WWF show has multiple 3 man tag matches and a ridiculous number of stables. They also have some strange obsession with pushing Virgil....


I also realize that these issues I'm having is a result of my own gameplay and not the game itself. I'm just trying to get some tips on how to better adjust to the gameplay of TEW 2020 because so far, it's been my most difficult transition.

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I'll have to try those changes then. I have mixed up the angles and what they're rated on but I don't remember if I only get that if they are only rated on overness. Many of the default angles are setting you up for failure then if they only rate the worker on overness.


One thing I also forgot to mention is the AI is unusually excessive in 3 man tag matches and creating stables. Adam may want to look at the coding for when the AI does that. Virtually every WWF show has multiple 3 man tag matches and a ridiculous number of stables. They also have some strange obsession with pushing Virgil....


I also realize that these issues I'm having is a result of my own gameplay and not the game itself. I'm just trying to get some tips on how to better adjust to the gameplay of TEW 2020 because so far, it's been my most difficult transition.


The majority of that stuff comes down to promotion settings and product. AI shouldn't be booking trios matches unless it's it in the AI product settings to do so. As for the rest of the post, that too, comes down to understanding and booking based on your product. The product setup is different than in previous versions, but the basic formula for booking the game has not. It comes down to understanding what's required of your product and booking accordingly.

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