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How do you keep it realistic to the time period?

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Hi everyone,


Hope you're all doing ok!


One of the things that I struggle with most in long-term real world games is keeping my booking etc realistic to the time period. For some reason, it feels important for me to do so as 'creative parameters' but I often find myself booking historical mods unrealistically.


So my question is -


What do you do to help keep your booking in line with the time period? Are there in-game tricks/options you use? Do you have limits you put on yourself? Do you only tell certain kinds or stories or book certain match types? Does most of it happen in head cannon? Do you only sign people in the year they were signed in real life? Do you hold back on pushing Steve Austin, or giving him his Stone Cold gimmick? Or do you not bother with any of that and just book how you wish the era was?


Really looking forward to hearing responses. Am a huge fan of this game, but want to play 1995 as 1995 and not rush ahead to Attitude or modern sensibilities...

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I used to try to keep quite realistic to the workers who were with my chosen company, or I wouldn't sign certain workers away from other companies to stay realistic, but I figured, history is going to change anyway, so why does it matter if I sign John Cena to TNA? WWE may end up signing Bobby Roode 20 years earlier than in real life. In a Risky business save (1985) I'm playing, Bob Orton and Roddy Piper have both been WWF champion BEFORE 1988. Randy Savage went to JCP and not WWF.


However, I do try to keep realistic to the time period I'm playing. 1991 for example: The types of matches. No Triple threat or hell in a cell, No "Authority figures" (Except maybe one guy "in charge", like a Jack Tunney president role for instance). No Brand Extensions, Try to have a few MAJOR PPVs in the year, with more minor end of month events for the rest of the year.

It really depends how you want to play. It's your game / Save / Series.


In summary, you can be as realistic as you like, but ALL of the AI companies are going to do things that will change the course of history. Don't let it worry you (it used to worry me), most of what happens in a game-world is out of your control. Just play as if the future hasn't been written yet.

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Best way to keep it realistic, is to not fall in the WWE'13 trap. Stay aware that you need a main event & a undercard for every show and don't just hire the best people. In WWE'13 (the Attitude Era game) the roster mostly consisted of main event & upper midcarders. As a result someone like Razor Ramon ends up becoming your midcard-fall-guy. If you keep the numbers of top prospects and future world class stars low, you will automatically end up with a more realistic roster and more era-appropriate booking.
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