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(RELEASE) Alternative History: Fighting the World 1987

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This is the tentative version of the alternative mod “1987- Fighting the World”. It is far from a finished product, as it lacks a lot of things that the game has, but I hope it’s a fun and challenging mod. I’ve worked to play in America as AWA, NWA, WCCW, WCW, WWF or WWE and in Japan as JPWA or NJPW. I’ve tried to give each company a different flavor with different assets and challenges.


In general terms, most of the talent has loyalty to his company, and the non-loyal talents have drawbacks, so it’s a “stick to your guns” game. The initial tv contracts are very advantageous to the companies, so the failure of a big company can happen, but it’s unlikely (I’ve seen once in 16 gameplays)


Also the loyalty of graduates is activated for the “Big 8” and most of the evident talent to debut is set to a dojo, so it won’t be easy to steal future talent. Of course a non-evident talent can flourish, but it’s part of the game.


All the feedback will be welcome. I think I’ve cleaned most of the glaring issues, but I ‘m afraid that I could have missed some duplicate workers or some bios could not match with the scenario. I’ll be glad to correct all these things.

The File


The link is updated to the V05 version!!



The picture pack that works with the mod is the NgoStickers.




I’ve added some companies and stables. You could see that my works is astonishing primitive, but mmmm well…, it’s a 80s mod. If you want to use it, just merge it with the NgoSticker folder, and don’t overwrite.




As I’ve no talent to made pictures to all the tv shows and events I’ve decided to put all the images of these shows the same that the company logo. It can be underwhelming, but I don’t like the “no logos”.


The list of people that I’ve took things from this mod is very long, and everyone has shown a great talent that only can be compared to the kindness when I’ve requested permission to use his resources. Thanks TsuMirren, Jaysin, Matty, OGPistolpete, gazwefc83, Jans and W4lru5. If you find that I am using info that I’ve no requested permission or that I’ve no gave the proper recognition, please blame to my ignorance not my bad faith, and tell me to correct it!



Building this mod has been a blast and I’m eager to play with it. I hope you like it too!

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A little backstory...




In New York, in early 1982

-Mr. McMahon(1)?

-Yes Arnold(2)?

-Do you still want to sell the Company to your son, if I’m aware?

-Yes, Vince Jr. is a fine young lad, with a lot of potential and vision… something wrong Arnold?

-Well, I’ve found something… troublesome. He left on the desk a memo about his plans about the future of the company.


-You should read it yourself, sir

(Five minutes later)

-Are you sure this is legit?

-100% sir

-This spoiled brat son of a …..

-Yes sir

-I’ve to phone him, and Arnold, if this piece of .. paper is true, I assure you that Vince Jr. will have not a snowball’s chance in hell to be the owner of the WWF.



(1) Vince McMahon Sr.

(2) Arnold Skaaland

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In 1963 Rikidozan survived the stabbing by a member of the Yakuza. His career begun to winding down, but kept the organization working. In September 1977, his health was beginning to deteriorate due to liver failure, dying in November 1977. The JPWA organization was inherited by the Momota Brothers, Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki. Rikidozan gave a substantial chunk of property to Giant Baba and Antonio Inoki to avoid that they left the organization.


In the early days of 1982, Arnold Skaaland found a draft wrote by Vince McMahon about his plans to buy the WWF and becoming a national powerhouse, changing his style and raiding the talent of other companies. Unsure of how react, Arnold informed Vince McMahon Sr about the draft. Vince Sr., enraged, confronted with his son, and the situation escalated to almost a physical confrontation. Both McMahons never talked again.


Instead of letting it go, Vince McMahon went public addressing the necessity of a global wrestling federation instead the “dying territorial system”.


In July, 28th, 1982 in the David Letterman show Vince confronted with Jim Crockett Jr. Vince was charming, persuasive and self-assured, While Jim was nervous and without a coherent message. The interview finished with Jim slapping Vince. This incident increased the notoriety of Vince, with the public opinion feeling that he was the “good guy”.


In October, 1st, 1982, the World Wrestling Enterprise (WWE) debuted his WWE Smackdown TV show in the MTV. Behind the scenes Vince convinced the MTV direction that a wrestling show will have great ratings, and they backed the WWE. He stole talent left and right, getting a talented roster but above all a very colorful roster with fighters like Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, The Iron Sheik, Ivan Koloff or Tito Santana. It was the first time that the fighters signed a written contract with clauses of non-competition.


Although not a smashing success the WWE Smackdown ratings are pretty good, making both (MTV and WWE) pretty happy. Specially, Roddy Piper is the star of the show, with his fire and charisma.


Even inside the NWA there are discording voices, Jim Crocket and Sam Muchnick enforce a politic of ignoring WWE, thinking that it will fall by itself. Instead it continued his growth, culminating in the WWE Starrcade (November, 24th, 1983) were Roddy Piper retained the WWE World Heavyweight against The Hulkster, Terry Boulder. This match is the starting point of the feud between The Hulkster and the Celtic Piper, a feud that will be a standard of the industry for years.


In February, 9th, 1984 David Von Erich suffered a stroke (some said it was a drug overdose, others it was an enteritis). He was personally drove to the hospital by Giant Baba who took care of all the situation. David was dry-dock for 9 months. This has two big results, the first is a strong bond between the Von Erichs and the JPWA. The second is that, counting that David was bound to win the NWA World HW, Fritz asked the NWA brass to pass the chance to Kerry. It was denied as they considered he was not ready. In response, the WCCW left the NWA.


Vince McMahon Sr died May 24, 1984. He left the WWF to his son Rod McMahon.


The Black Saturday-The July 14, 1984 the Brisco brothers sold their stock in GCW to Jim Crockett Jr for $900,000. In return Jim Crockett Jr received GCW's television time slots on WTBS, which he claimed for the JCP, very shortly following the purchase the decision was made to utilize the familiar "World Championship Wrestling" television show name, as the brand name for this new promotion. There is still controversial if the JCP left the NWA or it was expelled but anyway the NWA lost one of its biggest members.

In Agust, 1984 Riki Choshu leaded an exodus from JPWA, citing the lack of opportunities to the new generations. The initial members of the NJPW were Riki Choshu, Genichiro Tenryu, Nobuhiko Takada, Yoshiaki Yatsu, Kuniaki Kobayashi, Hiro Saito and Atsushi Onita. The WCCW talent helped the JPWA to fill the gaps. Anyway, the JPWA still was loaded with talent Jumbo Tsuruta, Akira Maeda, Hiroshi Hase, Tatsuji Fujinami or Vader. In exchange of the help of WCCW the JPWA quit the NWA, also feeling that this organization was in his last legs.


Seeing the writing in the wall the last meeting of the NWA as an alliance was in November, 1984. It was decided that the NWA as alliance was to be discontinued, merging most of the Territories around the Central States of Bob Geigel. Meanwhile the eastern territories (Maple Leaf, CW of Florida) decided to merge with WWF.

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Very interesting scenario, made me come back to tew.


Here's what I've seen so far watching the save you left and running a 6 month test.


Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling and Polynesian Pro Wrestling always don't have owner so they cancelled show and end with 0 pop everywhere.

I don't know why, jwp as 3 possible owner but it doesn't work. You should gave owner to all active promotion (6, 4 of them always seems to find an owner), I hope future promo don't struggle too, I will continue my test.


JPWA will probably be the first promotion I will play, I have looked at some of their workers:

mutoh, chono, Hashimoto, taue and probably some others have 0 experience but should have some, also others should have more like Eigen who begin in 66 but have 90 (he should have 100 past 20 years).


For the future it would be nice to have more japanese workers for long save(I don't think it will cause problem with 10 years save, so not the most important for now).

Also there's not a lot of promotion other than the big 8 that signed contracts with broadcasters, so they end up losing all their pops except in their region they run show. I don't know if a lot of them can survive past few years. I will continue running simulation.


Congratulation for this first version, you put a lot of work in it.

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Very interesting scenario, made me come back to tew.


Here's what I've seen so far watching the save you left and running a 6 month test.


Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling and Polynesian Pro Wrestling always don't have owner so they cancelled show and end with 0 pop everywhere.

I don't know why, jwp as 3 possible owner but it doesn't work. You should gave owner to all active promotion (6, 4 of them always seems to find an owner), I hope future promo don't struggle too, I will continue my test.


JPWA will probably be the first promotion I will play, I have looked at some of their workers:

mutoh, chono, Hashimoto, taue and probably some others have 0 experience but should have some, also others should have more like Eigen who begin in 66 but have 90 (he should have 100 past 20 years).


For the future it would be nice to have more japanese workers for long save(I don't think it will cause problem with 10 years save, so not the most important for now).

Also there's not a lot of promotion other than the big 8 that signed contracts with broadcasters, so they end up losing all their pops except in their region they run show. I don't know if a lot of them can survive past few years. I will continue running simulation.


Congratulation for this first version, you put a lot of work in it.


Thanks for your kind words.


The experience problem is across all the companies. I'll have to fix it. And the owner situation too


I hope you enjoy the mod anyway!

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I run 6 another months on the simulation (just test no company controlled), so 1 year now.


I said that not a lot of promotions signed broadcast deals, but I was wrong, they signed some local broadcast.

Just two recurrent problems that are present in my simulation and the save you left, are nwa and njpw.


-NWA always lost their Powerr deals on first weeks and always get it back at the end year with the same channel, the popularity requirements are too big for them I think, 35 in 6 regions and medium but nwa is only popular enough in 4 regions.


-For NJPW, they lost only their tv contract, not the events one despite same channel. TV Asahi size requirements should be lowered to medium, you should also change their broadcast style to No Style like Nippon TV, Mainstream isn't a good one for japan companies, it will not helped them with their product.


-NJPW product should maybe be something like Wrestling As A Sport rather than Silver Age?


For experience and respect, it's indeed a problem across every workers as some like Ultimo Dragon enter in the world with a lot of experience. Also in your picture pack there was a belt folder but nothing in it, was it a mistake?

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I run 6 another months on the simulation (just test no company controlled), so 1 year now.


I said that not a lot of promotions signed broadcast deals, but I was wrong, they signed some local broadcast.

Just two recurrent problems that are present in my simulation and the save you left, are nwa and njpw.


-NWA always lost their Powerr deals on first weeks and always get it back at the end year with the same channel, the popularity requirements are too big for them I think, 35 in 6 regions and medium but nwa is only popular enough in 4 regions.


-For NJPW, they lost only their tv contract, not the events one despite same channel. TV Asahi size requirements should be lowered to medium, you should also change their broadcast style to No Style like Nippon TV, Mainstream isn't a good one for japan companies, it will not helped them with their product.


-NJPW product should maybe be something like Wrestling As A Sport rather than Silver Age?


For experience and respect, it's indeed a problem across every workers as some like Ultimo Dragon enter in the world with a lot of experience. Also in your picture pack there was a belt folder but nothing in it, was it a mistake?


I've corrected the tv problems and I'm working in the experience data, but it's more work to do.


The NJPW product is mostly by personal choice, as I like a bit more angles.

The belt folder was done in a first version but I delete all the belts.


Thanks for the feedback

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I make another 1 year simulation to see what's come always in the scenario.

WWF always drop Andre as figurehead in the first month, so it's useless to put him in that place if he's a bad choice.


I have take a look at the IA booking, I think you could change the ia booking style of several companies :


-JPWA and AJW from basic singles and tags to Old School Puro. Seeing 7 singles matches and 3 tags on a JPWA show seems really weird. JWP style could be change to Evolving Puro.

-NWA and WWC from basic singles and tags to old school or evolving western

-AWA is already in modern western but they often used multiman bout for the light heavyweight championship so it's not shocking but I think evolving is still better (for 1987).


You should really change the roster size preference of those owner :

yoshihiro momota/riki choshu/vince mcmahon/verne gagne/jim crockett jr/fritz von erich/rod mcmahon/bob geigel from Massive to Very Large.

Massive is really to big, for example Japanese promotions always hire too much Mexican wrestlers. Very Large is already really big especially when the promotions grow to Big size, JPWA and NJPW have more than 90 wrestlers on their roster for example.


Last thing is titles:


-All the tournaments (I think all but at least a lot of them like the king of the ring, the world's strongest tag team) don't have show assigned to them, so they don't take place.

You should also reactivate the champion carnival for JPWA as they already have an event with the same name .


-Some big promotion should have more than 3 titles, for example AWA could have the international television and women's championship reactivated.

-JPWA should have JPWA International Tag and PWF World Tag titles be primary level championship as they were won by main eventer wrestlers (both NWA International were the highest, both PWF could be upper midcard sometimes).

Only All Asia Tag and Junior were for midcarder.


-Junior Heavyweights (and also Light heavyweight/cruiserweight for non Japanese) should be limited to Lightweight size.

In TEW middleweight are 230-260, I know a lot of modders put 220+ guys in it which is understandable as the limits in usa are usally 220 whereas in Japan Junior are 230max and anyone can be a heavyweight as it's just the wrestler choice and has nothing to do with weight.

The problem is that I have seen guys like terry funk fight for junior title which is not a good thing.

So limiting those title to Lightweight is the best. Japan companies tend to hire a lot of luchador so they will have a deep division.

Some wrestlers who are Middleweight should be change to lightweight for those who are real junior: in NJPW Black Cat, El Fantasma, Hiro Saito and in JPWA Chavo Guerrero, Shinji Sasazaki.

I have not look for others but if you want, I can make a list for the already debuted workers, the future workers can be change by the player when they enter in the save.


Also courage with the experience problem, I know it takes a lot of time. I really want to play an 80 save and the scenario you create is more interesting that what happened in real.

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I make another 1 year simulation to see what's come always in the scenario.

WWF always drop Andre as figurehead in the first month, so it's useless to put him in that place if he's a bad choice.


I have take a look at the IA booking, I think you could change the ia booking style of several companies :


-JPWA and AJW from basic singles and tags to Old School Puro. Seeing 7 singles matches and 3 tags on a JPWA show seems really weird. JWP style could be change to Evolving Puro.

-NWA and WWC from basic singles and tags to old school or evolving western

-AWA is already in modern western but they often used multiman bout for the light heavyweight championship so it's not shocking but I think evolving is still better (for 1987).


You should really change the roster size preference of those owner :

yoshihiro momota/riki choshu/vince mcmahon/verne gagne/jim crockett jr/fritz von erich/rod mcmahon/bob geigel from Massive to Very Large.

Massive is really to big, for example Japanese promotions always hire too much Mexican wrestlers. Very Large is already really big especially when the promotions grow to Big size, JPWA and NJPW have more than 90 wrestlers on their roster for example.


Last thing is titles:


-All the tournaments (I think all but at least a lot of them like the king of the ring, the world's strongest tag team) don't have show assigned to them, so they don't take place.

You should also reactivate the champion carnival for JPWA as they already have an event with the same name .


-Some big promotion should have more than 3 titles, for example AWA could have the international television and women's championship reactivated.

-JPWA should have JPWA International Tag and PWF World Tag titles be primary level championship as they were won by main eventer wrestlers (both NWA International were the highest, both PWF could be upper midcard sometimes).

Only All Asia Tag and Junior were for midcarder.


-Junior Heavyweights (and also Light heavyweight/cruiserweight for non Japanese) should be limited to Lightweight size.

In TEW middleweight are 230-260, I know a lot of modders put 220+ guys in it which is understandable as the limits in usa are usally 220 whereas in Japan Junior are 230max and anyone can be a heavyweight as it's just the wrestler choice and has nothing to do with weight.

The problem is that I have seen guys like terry funk fight for junior title which is not a good thing.

So limiting those title to Lightweight is the best. Japan companies tend to hire a lot of luchador so they will have a deep division.

Some wrestlers who are Middleweight should be change to lightweight for those who are real junior: in NJPW Black Cat, El Fantasma, Hiro Saito and in JPWA Chavo Guerrero, Shinji Sasazaki.

I have not look for others but if you want, I can make a list for the already debuted workers, the future workers can be change by the player when they enter in the save.


Also courage with the experience problem, I know it takes a lot of time. I really want to play an 80 save and the scenario you create is more interesting that what happened in real.


I think i've tinkered the experience of (I hope) most of the things that were weird.


I'll change the rest of thing you suggest. All are great points. If you can help with the Jr. HW list it will be most welcome.


Thanks for your words!

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I probably miss some, especially in the uk has a lot of the guys don't have info on cagematch, I also look at some yet to debut workers. At the end, not a lot of them need change.


Black Cat

El Fantasma

Hiro Saito

Chavo Guerrero

Shinji Sasazaki

Brian Maxine

Jim Breaks

Spinner McKenzie

Jimmy Del Ray

Ken Wayne

Ricky Gibson


Rayo de Jalisco Jr.

Rikki Nelson

Ace Steel

Christian Cage

CM Punk


Richie Steamboat


For the titles that need to be limited to lightweight size, no problem for jpwa and njpw, for the others especially in the uk and mexico, it can be difficult to know what size put to middleweight, lightweight, welterweight belts. TEW doesn't offer has much precision in weight class (and a middleweight in tew isn't the same thing that a middleweight in real life) and if you really want to respect them, you will end up with some promotions having 3 or 4 titles with the same goal.


So for the company outside of japan do what seems the best for you. I know for example that WWC has a junior title but they only have 1 worker below middleweight, so maybe keeping them has a small-middleweight title for youngster is the best choice.


For AWA, Greg Gagne is the light-heavyweigth champion but he never won that title, maybe give him the international tv title that he won in real life.

AWA has enough workers to make the title with small-lightweight class but again, a small-middleweight for youngsters can work too.


It's really for Japan that i find important to make the change for prevent guys like Masahiro Chono or Terry Funk from becoming Junior champion.



I think I have decide what promotions I will played for my first game, a JPWA-WCCW save (as the von erich has great relationship with JPWA in the scenario).

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Hi people


The link is updated to the V03 version!!



Most of the changes have been the problems that alex6291 has seen, so kudos for him.


A JPWA/WCCW I think should be a blast of the game. All the companies are a little "my babies" but these two, at least for me, are the cutest. JPWA can be a little overwhelming, but oozes talent, but WCCW is stacked!.



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Hi again, I've take a look at the update. I don't have made simulation yet, just looked the change you made. You made them quick so thanks. I've seen just a few mistakes that will be quick to fix.


For the experience and respect, in the yet to debut worker, I've seen Ultimo Dragon with 43 respect instead of 0 but it's the only one, I've looked at twenty others and they were all 0 in experience and respect, so maybe just make a quick mass edit again for the yet to debut workers to be sure.


For the titles, you should probably deactivate the AWA Jr. Heavyweight, there's already the light heavyweight. And activate the AWA World Women's as they have a women's division.


You forgot to activate the JPWA Champion's Carnival and the Super Grade Tag League doesn't have an event assigned.


Last one is that tournaments should be considered achievements, I didn't see it before but he can be fix with mass edit, so it will not be too long.


That's it, I will probably make simulations tomorrow or Monday, maybe more than one year this time, I think it will be great and I will start a first game soon. Can't wait. Thanks for your work.

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I've seen that NOAH is set to appear in 1991, is it a mistake? There's already some promotions to start in japan in early 90 so Noah can open later, if they ever start as Misawa must be the founder, so it will happen only if he's not under contract so probably never. Maybe add FMW who's not in the game.

Border City Wrestling is set to open in 2002 but happen in 93 in real life.


I think USA need more future promotions to be open in the first years, it's where most of the workers are, if small indy closed there will be too many guys without contracts. Of course the player can activate the organic companies if he feels there's not enough companies. Here's some that you could add if you want, it should be enough :

-Southern Championship Wrestling, 1988

-Century Wrestling Alliance, 1989

-Global Wrestling Federation, June 1991

-Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation, August 1991

-Smoky Mountain Wrestling, October 1991


Maybe change one of the last three to 90 for better distribution over time.

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I didn't have the time these past couple of days but I do have some today, I'll probably start simulating for at least 2 in-game years today if not 3 or 4 to see how the world really turns out in the not too distant future from when the mod begins. I'm sure it'll be a joy to play when fully done.



I hope you enjoy it. I don't want to sound grumpy, but the mod is mostly fully done. I will rebalance some things (as for example JPWA and NJPW are using too much mexican talent, so I will reduce the owners requirements again) and some minor other things (I'had Ricky Morton as Female :confused::confused:) but I will be centered in playing this mod and maybe some side projects.




I've seen that NOAH is set to appear in 1991, is it a mistake? There's already some promotions to start in japan in early 90 so Noah can open later, if they ever start as Misawa must be the founder, so it will happen only if he's not under contract so probably never. Maybe add FMW who's not in the game.

Border City Wrestling is set to open in 2002 but happen in 93 in real life.


I think USA need more future promotions to be open in the first years, it's where most of the workers are, if small indy closed there will be too many guys without contracts. Of course the player can activate the organic companies if he feels there's not enough companies. Here's some that you could add if you want, it should be enough :

-Southern Championship Wrestling, 1988

-Century Wrestling Alliance, 1989

-Global Wrestling Federation, June 1991

-Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation, August 1991

-Smoky Mountain Wrestling, October 1991


Maybe change one of the last three to 90 for better distribution over time.



I'll add this companies, but at this moment I wont have new logos for them. NOAH is in 1991 because in my dataline is where it will debut, but I'll put in 2000 anyway.


Thanks for all your help!

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I hope you enjoy it. I don't want to sound grumpy, but the mod is mostly fully done. I will rebalance some things (as for example JPWA and NJPW are using too much mexican talent, so I will reduce the owners requirements again) and some minor other things (I'had Ricky Morton as Female :confused::confused:) but I will be centered in playing this mod and maybe some side projects.







I'll add this companies, but at this moment I wont have new logos for them. NOAH is in 1991 because in my dataline is where it will debut, but I'll put in 2000 anyway.


Thanks for all your help!


There's already uwfi, sws, wing and fmw if you add them. It will be too much Japanese promotions for that period, maybe 1996?

I know all the promotions that I suggested to you have logos in other pic pack, I think some are freeware.


So I start an other sim, seems to work good, I find some things quick to fix, it seems the scenario is playable for me.


-njpw tv show is only 1h (others are all 2h)

-jpwa, njpw and nwa should have a b-show on the same model that other promotion, it will allow their low carder to have more exposure

-there's maybe some other companies like cmll for example, who should have a 2 hour a-show instead of 1h (ia don't change lenght so they will always have less time, I don't know if ia create new tv show or if it's fixed?)

-one good question, why wwe season finale is starrcade instead of wrestlemania? Starrcade should be for nwa or wcw for me, but your choice (I will change for my save if you have your reason)

-speaking of season finale, some promotions like njpw should have season finale, wrestle kingdom for njpw obviously, I don't have look for all big 8, some can have no finale as not all promo have one in real life (like japw, i don't know if champion carnival is really a finale)

-you should put a fix region for the finale (the main region of each promotion, like Kanto, Tri-State, South East...), having those show in region where the company is not popular always made me tick, and it's just for the ia


Last, I found some yet to debut workers are too strong for rookie like ultimo dragon, you could use mass edit de-age skill for that but I don't think it's a good idea as others have correct skill.

So you can keep it that way, but that's one thing to know. Personally, I change their skills when they come into the world, it's very simple like that and it doesn't take much time if you do it as you go.


I think I will start my save after those changes, I don't know if you have more things to do after but for me it looks really good, great work, thank you!

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There's already uwfi, sws, wing and fmw if you add them. It will be too much Japanese promotions for that period, maybe 1996?


I know all the promotions that I suggested to you have logos in other pic pack, I think some are freeware.


Companies as UWFI, SWS and FMW are very linked to workers that I've used in "The Big 2". This linked with there are not many Japanese wrestlers... maybe I will move themin the late 90s..


The logos are very linked with the NGo sticker mod, so it would look awkward ...


So I start an other sim, seems to work good, I find some things quick to fix, it seems the scenario is playable for me.


-njpw tv show is only 1h (others are all 2h)

-jpwa, njpw and nwa should have a b-show on the same model that other promotion, it will allow their low carder to have more exposure

-there's maybe some other companies like cmll, for example, who should have a 2 hour a-show instead of 1h (ia don't change lenght so they will always have less time, I don't know if ia create new tv show or if it's fixed?)


I'll add the JPWA, NJPW and NWA b-shows, and fix the NJPW 1hour problem. I can change the CMLL duration, but outside the "Big 8" I´ve not touched almost nothing



-one good question, why wwe season finale is starrcade instead of wrestlemania? Starrcade should be for nwa or wcw for me, but your choice (I will change for my save if you have your reason)


Truth is part of the joy of the mod is throw some "curveballs" (Piper and Hogan in opposite sides, Vince outside the WWF, WWF against the WWE) and I think that Vince's dream was based in Stars, so.. I awarded him the Starrcade. And the whole truth is that I forgot about Wrestlemania. So.. what company should use Wrestlemania? I'm leaning toward change the WCCW final to "WCCW Wrestlemania", but I'm open to suggestions.


-speaking of season finale, some promotions like njpw should have season finale, wrestle kingdom for njpw obviously, I don't have look for all big 8, some can have no finale as not all promo have one in real life (like japw, i don't know if champion carnival is really a finale)


-you should put a fix region for the finale (the main region of each promotion, like Kanto, Tri-State, South East...), having those show in region where the company is not popular always made me tick, and it's just for the ia


My bad. I'll fix it.



Last, I found some yet to debut workers are too strong for rookie like ultimo dragon, you could use mass edit de-age skill for that but I don't think it's a good idea as others have good skill.

So you can keep it that way, but that's one thing to know. Personally, I change their skills when they come into the world, it's very simple like that and it doesn't take much time if you do it as you go.


I think I will start my save after those changes, I don't know if you have more things to do after but for me it looks really good, great work, thank you!


The Ultimo Dragon situation is clear. He always steamrolls the rookie awards.


Anyway I'll add these minor things. I hope to have it fixed tomorrow or tuesday.

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Companies as UWFI, SWS and FMW are very linked to workers that I've used in "The Big 2". This linked with there are not many Japanese wrestlers... maybe I will move themin the late 90s..


Ok so do as you want for Noah. You could also change some founders to preferred instead of mandatory, so they will open even without the worker required.



Truth is part of the joy of the mod is throw some "curveballs" (Piper and Hogan in opposite sides, Vince outside the WWF, WWF against the WWE) and I think that Vince's dream was based in Stars, so.. I awarded him the Starrcade. And the whole truth is that I forgot about Wrestlemania. So.. what company should use Wrestlemania? I'm leaning toward change the WCCW final to "WCCW Wrestlemania", but I'm open to suggestions.


Yeah why not for WCCW


Can't wait to start to play. 80s was always my favorite period for TEW.

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Going through the data, I was intrigued by some of the choices made, but I love em, and also how you stuck to some things too, it would of been easy to not have Magnum TA not get into the car accident but you kept that to my surprise.



Edit: You also have Nailz in the data twice, once as Kevin Kelly in the AWA and once as Nailz seperately, you also have King Kong Kirk's bio saying he's already passed away at a later date from mod start. Also Kim Duk and Tiger Chung Lee are the same guy and they're both in the same promotion

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I don't know if this was discussed or mentioned, but both Ultimo Dragon (I'm pretty sure this was mentioned) and Col. DeBeers are in the database twice, under their famous gimmicks and under their real names. Among that, the winners of the Best of the Super Juniors for 1991 & 1992 are in the database although we're in 1987.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Chikbot" data-cite="Chikbot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52687" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Going through the data, I was intrigued by some of the choices made, but I love em, and also how you stuck to some things too, it would of been easy to not have Magnum TA not get into the car accident but you kept that to my surprise.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AdarLowenheim" data-cite="AdarLowenheim" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52687" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't know if this was discussed or mentioned, but both Ultimo Dragon (I'm pretty sure this was mentioned) and Col. DeBeers are in the database twice, under their famous gimmicks and under their real names. Among that, the winners of the Best of the Super Juniors for 1991 & 1992 are in the database although we're in 1987.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fixed and in the new version. Thanks!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://www.mediafire.com/file/mtoqarktuy1fofi/1987-Fighting_the_World_V04.rar/file" rel="external nofollow">https://www.mediafire.com/file/mtoqarktuy1fofi/1987-Fighting_the_World_V04.rar/file</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Chikbot" data-cite="Chikbot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52687" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Going through the data, I was intrigued by some of the choices made, but I love em, and also how you stuck to some things too, it would of been easy to not have Magnum TA not get into the car accident but you kept that to my surprise.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Yep. It was one of the last changes, and one of the changes I'm less proud. In my initial versions I tried to have a bunch of great wrestlers as "freelancers" (Randy Savage, Jerry Lawler, The Funks, Magnum TA and some other minors) to give the player the chance to rotate them to refresh the rosters but not making a "uber-roster" (that is the ultimate goal of the mod). </p><p> </p><p> However, in my first tests I found that the IA didn't signed the freelancers. I tried to balance it making the preferences of the owners to Massive rosters, but it did not work. So I give up the "freelance project", made Randy and Jerry two @$$holes (to balance them), but I've no idea what to do with Magnum TA, so I decide to retire him. Anyway if somebody has some good/crazy idea to him in the mod.. you are welcome.</p>
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<p>Great works, I've seen that your forgot some small mistakes I report to you two days ago, I repost them :</p><p> </p><p>

-You should probably deactivate the AWA Jr. Heavyweight, there's already the light heavyweight. And activate the AWA World Women's as they have a women's division.</p><p> </p><p>

-You forgot to activate the JPWA Champion's Carnival and the Super Grade Tag League doesn't have an event assigned.</p><p> </p><p>

-Tournaments should be considered achievements (it's just a cosmetic stuff), it can be fix with mass edit, it took me 5 minutes (because I was checking some titles I was not sure) .</p><p> </p><p>

-The njpw a-show is set to 1h30 instead of 2h, and jpwa b-show 1h30 instead of 1h.</p><p> </p><p>

I will probably start my first real game tonight or tomorrow.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alex6291" data-cite="alex6291" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52687" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great works, I've seen that your forgot some small mistakes I report to you two days ago, I repost them :<p> </p><p> -You should probably deactivate the AWA Jr. Heavyweight, there's already the light heavyweight. And activate the AWA World Women's as they have a women's division.</p><p> </p><p> -You forgot to activate the JPWA Champion's Carnival and the Super Grade Tag League doesn't have an event assigned.</p><p> </p><p> -Tournaments should be considered achievements (it's just a cosmetic stuff), it can be fix with mass edit, it took me 5 minutes (because I was checking some titles I was not sure) .</p><p> </p><p> -The njpw a-show is set to 1h30 instead of 2h, and jpwa b-show 1h30 instead of 1h.</p><p> </p><p> I will probably start my first real game tonight or tomorrow.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fixed!</p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://www.mediafire.com/file/mrdwxabz5ec9esg/1987-Fighting_the_World_V05.rar/file" rel="external nofollow">https://www.mediafire.com/file/mrdwxabz5ec9esg/1987-Fighting_the_World_V05.rar/file</a></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> merci beaucoup !</p>
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