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TUF Boom 2005 Release

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On 1/14/2023 at 7:15 AM, dtown14 said:

Sorry for the newbie question, it's been awhile since I played, but once I unzip the file, where does the folder go? If I put it into the database folder it will override the WMMA5 file and wasn't sure if I should do that, and also I can't rename it. 

Open the editor which is one of the tabs you see when first opening the game. On the bottom left you should see an option to create a database. Create one and close out of the game. Once you create a database you can override the WMMA5 file within that newly created database with my mod and all should work. 

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I have begun working on the next update however the next one will be a rather large one so no timeline realistically. Months away at the earliest. If you have any suggestions you can leave them here or in my discord which has alot of fun mma related stuff. Mostly looking for missing fighters that fought from like 2005-2015



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