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Wrestling at War (Fantasy Real World Mod '96)-WWF: Mob Mentality

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July 1993 was the day I met Vince McMahon. Newly incarcerated for contributing to the distribution of prescription painkillers and steroids to the athletes that worked under him in the World Wrestling Federation. I hadn’t watched the shit since I was about ankle high. So, I didn't know how big of a deal the guy was. But, having spent my developing years and adulthood as an agent of organized crime; I could tell. He was larger than life, yoked to the gills and not afraid of anyone or anything.


My first glimpse of his personality came when he was attempting to bench press around 300 lbs, to show off that his physique was natural, when it wasn’t. A guy his age looking like an NFL linebacker. A knucklehead with a spider tattoo and an affiliation that isn’t worth getting into decided to come head first into Vince’s path. Vince didn’t hesitate to lock in a headlock and have the chump swinging wildly to get away.


Now, this wasn’t pretend, this is the real deal. Federal Prison and I, being the dumbass I am ran head first to his defense, potentially adding more time to my sentence, I fought off two other skinheads, Helping Vince slink away. It wasn’t hard to identify who had been in the fight with all the guards watching.


Saving Mr.McMahon’s bacon added only a few days in solitary for myself. He claimed he enjoyed the time alone, it allowed him to focus his mind on a plan of action, and I was the man to help him. I was due to get out in three years time, four years before him. And old Vinnie was afraid his life’s work would crumble if his family didn’t have his guidance.


He would give me a job as an executive in the company, there to pass on orders to his son, Shane and his friends still running the company from within. I was also there to take down Stu Hart, Hulk Hogan and everyone else who ever stabbed him in the back. He would teach me how to survive on the outside, if I could show him how to make it on the inside.


It was as good of a deal as I could get. I landed myself in prison being a fall guy for the mafioso, I may as well apply my Mob Mentality to the world of wrestling.



My debut show is in upstate New York at the Manley Field House. A place I’ve never visited before, but after meeting with Vince’s son Shane, I feel a little more confident with how things will progress for us.


Vince called and gave me the rundown for our storylines going into the Royal Rumble in 2 weeks time. He said that this is the road to Wrestlemania and the best shot we have at repairing the prestige lost on the WWF. He also told me to do whatever I could to make his enemies pay.


Having done my fair share of research into the NWA, I decided it was best to hit them where it’s easiest by taking out their training school, Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I had used my old connects in New Jersey to plant a story about a dog fighting ring taking place with the owners and bookers of the company.

The smear worked and the small company’s name is all over the news in the North East with fake pictures pulled from real dog fighting rings to make them look bad.


My second course of action has me worried, it’s been two days and I haven’t heard a word back from the thugs I sent on the mission. It was a simple job to embarrass the WSW by replacing their shirts with fake shirts mocking their stars and their slogans in storefronts across Chicago and New York. I hope they didn’t **** up.


After those first two events not going so well for us, Vince told me to, “Focus on rebuilding what they’ve broken up. They came after me for having a grander vision than their alliances, for seeing wrestling as what it truly is; the ultimate form of guilty pleasure entertainment. We can get these people to believe or buy into anything---as long as it still feels like it’s fun. So, we’re gonna take their fun away. We’re gonna finish what I wanted to do--but in reverse. We’re gonna buy up all the current territories and form the WWF Universe, using the combined wealth and resources of all the small promotions to crush the Big 3 (HCW, WSW, and NWA)!”



WWF: Attitude, Episode 1, January 1996. 10,000 people. Manley Field House





Michael Cole and Bruce Prichard welcome a raucous and rowdy 10,000 into the wild and unpredictable World Wrestling Federation! The hype tonight’s main event of Steve Austin and The WWF Intercontinental Champion, The Sandman against The Flock!





Hardy Boyz vs No Respect


On the Bossman’s orders we needed to push young tag teams. We need new blood, workers that have been pushed through our system to appeal to the fans. We being, me, Shane and Vince agreed the Hardy Boyz have the looks and athleticism to become mainstays of the WWF. Gedo and Jado are too talented to not be used and can play the crowd as heels pretty good. Knowing how to keep the heroes down on the mat and out of the air.


That was exactly their gameplan this evening. Gedo would keep Jeff pinned to the canvas with complicated roll ups and lucha libre style submissions, while older brother looked on from the apron.


When Matt would get a chance to get in the ring, Jado would whip him against the guard rail, preventing Matt from getting in any offense.


The change in the match came when a frustrated Matt burst into the ring with a leg drop, breaking up a pinfall attempt by Jado on Jeff. This resulted in things breaking down for the ref with dives, chair shots and bumps from the apron to the outside. The finish would arrive when Matt would DDT Jado, setting him up for a leaping Senton from the top rope by Jeff.


Rating: 53

Time: 9:07




The triumvirate known simply as the Dudley Boyz are waiting in the ring when we return from commercial. All three men are dressed up as a Mariachi band, singing a song that they claim is their own, entitled, “Los Guerreros are El Scaredo”


Not the cleverest song ever created, and certainly not the most politically correct either. But that’s not what Vince wants and that’s not what drives ratings. They eat nachos, tachos sing dance and speak in offensive LA style latino accents.


Out come Los Gurrreos while the Dudleyz are celebrating.





Bubba greets them with tacos and margaritas, while D-Von and Spike are quick to put an oversized Sombaro and Poncho over top of both men. The uncle and nephew share a glance and look ready to respond. Until Bubba grabs the mic and offers an explanation.


“I just want you two to understand that there is no hard feelings between our two families after last week, and that blood is thicker than water. We appreciate your culture and want you to feel comfortable in our country.” Bubba spoke slowly and with a ton of condescension in his voice.


Eddie and Chavo bite the tacos, chug the Margaritas, hug the Dudleyz, who are all smiles and happy their plan is working. Eddie plays to the crowd, while Chavo strums along on guitar he takes from Spike Dudley, Eddie gets a mic from Bubba. “You know, that was a pretty good song you were playing earlier, did you write it yourself?” Bubba under the volume of the mic, says it was a group effort.


“I’m impressed. I didn’t know hillbillies with down syndrome could be so creative.” Bubba is fuming. He presses towards Eddie who fights him off. A small brawl ensues, with Chavo fighting D-Von, Eddie Fighting Bubba, and Spike moving towards a dropped guitar, picking it up and waiting for his moment to El Kabong someone.


The striking exchange leads to The Dudleyz getting a small advantage sending Eddie to the floor but not before he smashes his Margarita glass over the face of Bubba. D-Von whips Chavo off the ropes towards Bubba who is blinded and stumbling into Spike. He hears D-Von Yell, “3-D!” Chavo stops in his tracks pushing Spike into blinded Bubba’s arms and through the table decorated with Mexican food.


Rating: 51




The Eliminators w/ Woman


Dean Jablonski and Victor Jovica


The Eliminators killed these two in under three minutes, taking out the knees of Jovica with chop block. Jovica actually got hurt for this spot. Good for us he was a local last minute hire to do the job and we don’t owe him a cent. They set up Jablonski to take the Total Elimination for the pinfall shortly after.


Rating: 26

Time: 2:55




Sable emerges from backstage to cheers by the crowd, she’s as always flanked by The WWF Tag Team Champions The Pitbulls. Sable lets Woman know that if she’s going to slander her and her clients she’s going to need more than words to back it up. Next week, if she’s Woman enough to meet her in the ring face to face for a contract negotiation for a World Tag Team Championship match at the Royal Rumble!


Rating: 54





Shattered Dreams Productions presents: Lady and The Bam.


A short video plays, narrated by the whispering wonder clad in gold, showing images of the weird and wonderful romance between Marlena and Goldust. Golddust finishes his monologue over the controversial attack on Marlena from Bam Bam where he tossed her from the stage in a fit of rage. Bam Bam stands, head in hands, looking in disbelief at what his rage forced him to do.


“This dreadful monster of a man known as a Bam Bam was cast to be my enemy in the greatest performance of my life, where I will redeem the monster and myself in the process. Not even a Mastodon could halt my progress in a salvation sent to me from the stars (deep inhale) and performed by the biggest beacon of Charisma the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen.”


The video ends with the numerical date of the Royal Rumble this year, inviting Bam Bam to accompany him on the gold carpet before the event.

Rating: 64




LA Parka vs Sabu w/Paul Heyman vs Shane Helms vs EZ Money


Frantic and fast paced. The idea Vince and Paul have for this division, is to create hardcore light heavyweight matches to fill the midcard. Have no rules. No count outs and let these guys kill themselves for a pop.


The story of the match was built around LA Parka’s trademark chair, and how everyone in the match kept snagging it from LA Parka whenever he would attempt to hit someone with it. Later on the in the match there’s a pay off spot where LA Parka wins the chair back from a tug of war with Shane Helms who cowers away, LA Parka dances and sits down on the chair, letting EZ Money roll up Shane Helms.


The pin is broken up by LA Parka, who whips EZ Money with the chair, and sends Shane Helms to the outside. Parka is hit with a springboard drop kick by Sabu, who nearly tripped while attempting to balance on the ropes for the attack.


LA Parka stumbles backward into the chair, falling into the seat. Sabu hits a nasty tornado DDT on EZ Money, who slumps to the Mat. Sabu attempts to cover, LA Parka tries smashes Sabu with the chair on his back during the pinfall. Sabu rolls out of the way and onto the apron.


EZ Money gets and unprotected head shot laying down. Sabu goes to the springboard dropkick well again, and is smashes across the face with the chair. Sabu is pulled from the ring by Heyman.


LA Park hits an Arabian Facebuster on EZ Money to win the match. Dancing and celebrating in the ring, Heyman snatches the chair from LA Parka’s hand makes off like he just stole gold from a Dragon. LA Parka gives chase.


Rating: 53






Rubbing his temples in leather desk chair, Shane is feeling the brunt of running a wrestling empire. A knock on the door and comes The WWF World Champion, his new best friend and right hand man, Hunter Hearst Helmsley.

He lets Shane know that he needs someone to ease the “Stress” of running a million dollar company, an assistant to give him a break. Shane is reluctant at first, until HHH tells him that he’s found the first interview for the job.


In walks Missy Hyatt, Shane perks up from his slumped position behind the desk. Telling Hunter to give him a minute with her to see if she’s “qualified” for the job. Hunter smirks as the camera fades out.


Rating: 78





Before his match with the hot starting and undefeated since his debut in October, Bill Goldberg. The Fallen Angel takes a moment to make a proclamation on behalf of his mentor and father figure of the New Church, James Vandenberg.


“Our crusade against sin and tyranny in the WWF has not gone unnoticed by the gods. No, many a candidate for the comminal fires of hell have been presented to us. Sacrifices that must be made for the greater--




Goldberg’s music and pyrotechnics begin to play on stage, with the state trooper knocking on his dressing room door. He slowly makes his way to ring, entrance theme playing over the monologue from the Fallen Angel. Vandenberg stomps at ringside, while Kane tenses, grabbing onto the wrists of his gloves, preparing to help his stable mate if he must.


Goldberg stomps to the ring, smashing Fallen Angel with a spear. The crowd erupts as the bell rings for the match to begin.


Rating: 53





Goldberg vs The Fallen Angel


Goldberg watches Fallen Angel sit motionless for thirty seconds, crouched down in his position in the corner, ready to pounce and spear him once FA reaches his feet again. Vandenberg screams while spinning in a circle that the attack was illegal!. Kane looks on.


FA is back to his feet and hit with a second spear. Goldberg taunts and erupts with a scream that is echoed by a small, but growing contingent from the audience. He picks FA up, whipping him into the air, and slamming him with authority with the JackHammer.


Rating: 38

Time: 1:20


After the dust has settled from the dismantling of The Fallen Angel by Goldberg.




Kane can no longer be held back by the Leader of the New Church, Preacher and Prophet, James Vandenberg. At the command of the Big Red Machine, flames erupt from all four turnbuckles allowing the monster a moment’s distraction to step over the top rope and into the ring. As he does so, James Vandennerg slides what appears to be The Fallen Angel’s corpse from the ring and into presumed safety.


Kane and Goldberg stand inches apart, neither man wanting to lose an inch of their territory to the other.


When a familiar tune plays…



And former WWF World Champion Cactus Jack appears on the big screen. He’s inside James Vandenberg’s New Church.


“Sorry to interupt our regularly scheduled Goldberg Ass Kicking, but we have (Finger Gun Motion), Bang Bang--Breaking news as I stand on the unholy ground known as The New Church. Where, it appears.”


Cactus Jack holds up a canister of gasoline and a match.


“A fire has broken out.”


Vandenberg screams in the ring and the lights go out. Leaving Goldberg confused and alone in the ring.


Rating: 69




Before their main event match against The Flock. SCSA and The Sandman share a round of beers.


Rating: 100




The Polarizing and enigmatic Raven is reluctant to listen to the game plan for his Flock against Austin and Sandman. Leaving mid sentence during HHH’s instructions.


Rating: 87



Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Sandman


The Flock (Justin Credible and Adam Edge)


A match designed to make our top star look like a million bucks, and to elevate our IC champ, while threading along the eventual Tag Team match with SCSA and Sandman vs HHH and Raven.


A lot more work was done on the outside of the ring, as HHH joined Cole and Bruce on commentary and Raven sat on the stage with arms crossed in a folding chair. Both men caring more about what’s going on in the ring than anything else at the moment.


The duo of dynamic drunks in the ring could not give a damn about their rivals being this close by. They took their time taking the young gun in Adam Edge to school and getting in their fair licks on the good bumper that is Justin Credible.


The match is fairly standard, our heroes toy with the heels, teasing the crowd, and leading to Ausin chugging a beer tossed to him by Sandman, spitting it in Edge’s face, hitting a stunner on him and Credible for the win.


Rating: 70


Austin and Sandman share a couple beers and spill a couple more on the bodies of The Flock. HHH yells at Raven from the announce desk. Raven doesn’t care and heads to the back.




Messy hair and makeup smeared all over his face and collar. Shane McMahon’s fun night was put to an early end as he shoves Missy Hyatta from his lap. She hits the floor with a comedic thud and groan, and he angrily yells, “Hunter! You moron. I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no other option.”


Shane dials a number memorized by heart. Yelling into the mouth piece. “We’re going nuclear.”




Overall Show Rating: 81


This show increased our popularity in 17 regions.


The first round of drug testing came through after the first show and there were a litany of offenders. Dustin Rhodes, better known as Goldust was the first performer I had to have a chat with. He smokes weed and drinks a little bit. Nothing too serious or anything that will make us look bad in the media, so Long as he keeps his shit in order.


SCSA, the face of the company, was my second conversation. We cannot afford to lose the Smoking Skull. He’s been using steroids, no reason this story should leak, so He gets a pass being our Ace.


We have big Plans for Bam Bam, and found some white stuff in his piss test. I was told by Vince to not cancel any hot angles, or suspend anyone until the pay off of their feud. So, I’m gonna listen to the big man. Bam Bam gets a slap on the wrist. Shane was very happy with how I handled the Bam Bam situation.


Slap on the wrist for the leader of the Flock. He’s gassed up.


Eddie Guerrero gets a slap on the wrist for roids as well. We’ve gotta keep all our stars on screen.


John Kronus got caught with a little bit of pot in his system. No harm.


The Pitbulls like to shared a bowl of the green stuff after a tough match. Nothing big. Just so long as they don’t begin sharing needles. Both are on roids too.


Shane Helms is another pot head lined up in the circle out back the arena.


Jeff Hardy, unsurprisingly likes to get high when he plans out his matches. Saying it gives him inspiration. He’s just a kid and the girls go crazy for him, who cares.


I would’ve suspended Pritchard, as his demeanor is fairly confrontational backstage, but Vince won’t let me bust his boy, not even for abusing pills. He claims its residual pain from his time in the ring.



The total for this round of drug test cost us $52,540. It’s a lot, but we need to save face by having a way to test, even if it is internal.


Christopher Daniels was pretty upset about his promo getting interrupted by Goldberg and then getting his ass stiffed by Bill. He says he needs to be treated better. I gave him the next couple weeks off to sell his injuries. Watching from home will hopefully resettle his ego.


1.9 million people tuned into MTV for the most recent episode of Attitude. We weren’t competing directly against one another, but our show outdrew both NWA and WSW




OOC: If anyone knows how to post image links, the assistance would be appreciated. I am brand new posting on this site. I thought I could just drag and drop the images in as they were in Google Docs.

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<p></p><ul><li>Nice opening win for the Hardy Boys.<br /></li><li>Love this segment between the Dudleys and Guerreros! Nothing like a little Mexican fiesta to kick off a feud between these two sides!<br /></li><li>Eliminators lining up with the Pitbulls, sounds perfect!<br /></li><li>Perfect vignette from Goldust, played exactly as he should be!<br /></li><li>Nice four-man match with LA Parka taking center stage, interesting choice.<br /></li><li>I like Shane wrapping his head around running the WWF and take taking stage on television, awesome idea.<br /></li><li>Goldberg destroying the undercard, probably in a collision course with Kane, but then Cactus Jack lights an actual church on fire!? Awesome stuff!!<br /></li><li>“The Dynamic Drunks” (love this) overcome The Flock undoubtedly, but how will Sandman fair against Raven later on down the line? And looks like HHH is lining up for SCSA soon too... great ending to the first show.<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

So many drug offenders!!! Super tough to deal with, good luck! Gonna be hard to get through all that all the time... really hope we see more soon!! Love the backstory as well. I sent you a PM on how to include images.</p>

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