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ELI5 For B-Show and Pre-Show Matches/Promos?

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I've historically just let Auto-Booker take care of my B-Show, and rarely use Pre-Show matches unless I'm trying to get someone on a PPV. However, I've recently started a new project and want to be more hands on with the booking of my B-Shows and use the Pre-Show of the Main Show to develop some of my newer workers.


Is this possible? Will my newer guys get experience, momentum, and exposure by winning matches on the B-Shows and Pre-Shows? I'm basically having unimportant rookies beat other unimportant guys (jobbers, essentially). Eventually, I'd like those rookies to be recognizable with some degree of popularity so I can have them beat jobbers on the Main Show for more exposure, but I'm very unfamiliar with how the systems work.


I do know the shows and pre-show do not impact the popularity of the show itself, but I'm more worried about how it impacts the workers.

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