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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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On March 24th, 2001, a McMahon bought WCW.


But on March 23rd, Vince McMahon was in the middle of talks with AOL to purchase WCW, and was making headway, and it seemed as though a deal was going to be done soon. He was going to acquire his competition, a thorn in his side, and stand atop the wrestling world uncontested. And he was going to do it all for the low price of $2.5 million. He could hardly believe it, but, there he was, waiting for the final terms to be made and for the whole contract to be put to paper. Hell, it looked as though the paper would reach his desk for him to sign that night.


But as he waited for it to arrive, the clock ticked on, and at midnight, he would receive a call from Shane.


Vince: "Yes?".


Shane: "Hey, we've run into a problem.".


Vince: "What kind of problem?".


Shane: "Something on their end. Lawyer saw something with one of the terms and they're going over it again. If I were to guess, it'll be finalized sometime tomorrow.".


Vince: "Is that the only issue?".


Shane: "Yes.".


Vince: "Ok.".


Vince hung up the phone, and sighed. He decided to stay at the office and work on Wrestlemania 17, and his fued with his son Shane. He had this idea of Shane 'buying' WCW and making his match with him a 'WCW vs WWF' proxy match. He got right to work on it.


At 6 a.m. on the 24th of March, Vince McMahon gets a call. On the other end is Jamie Kellner.


Kellner: "Vince?".


Vince: "Yes.".


Kellner: "This is Jamie Kellner. I'm calling to inform you that the deal has fallen through.".


Vince: "What? What do you mean?".


Kellner: "Well, Vince, someone else bought WCW. They already signed the paperwork".


Vince: "What do you mean someone else bought it? We had a deal, one you agreed to!".


Kellner: "We did, but we received an offer last night and we at AOL accepted that one. It was a considerable upgrade over your offer, and better for us overall.".


Vince: "How much?".


Kellner: "I can't disclose the financial amount, but it was about triple what you offered. They got the video library as well.".


Vince: "Who bought it?".


Kellner: "...You really don't know?".


Vince: "Why would I know?".


Kellner: "Vince. Your son, Shane, and his backers, bought the company.".





Shane kicked his feet up on the table and relaxed. Keeping the whole thing a secret had been exhausting, but now he owned the one thing that his father had wanted for the last ten years. He now owned WCW. And not only did he own the company, he had secured a primetime TV time slot with Fox, who had been looking for a wrestling show for the last couple years. The War would continue, and now he was the one who was going to put his father out of business, not Ted.


He closed his eyes and thought about what to do next. The odds of the guys in the WCW locker room taking his ownership with smiles was probably not gonna happen, but he had an idea. They probably wouldn't trust him, but he figured bringing in Eric would allow the boys some comfort. There was planning to do, and he couldn't wait.




Eric sat in the kitchen of his home, dejected. He tried vehemently to make sure WCW lived and now it was going to be sold to Vince. All of his work and pitching to potential backers had been for nothing.


His phone rang, and he picked it up, assuming it was another one of his backers pulling out of the deal, not that it really mattered.


Eric: "Yeah?".


Shane: "Is this Eric Bischoff?".


Eric: "It is. And who is this?".


Shane: "I'm Shane McMahon.".


Eric: "Well, I'll stop you right there. I have no interest in going to work for the WWF. Not right now.".


Shane: "Well, Eric, I got some good news for you. I'm not asking you to come work for WWF, since I no longer work for the WWF. You see, Eric, I bought WCW.".


Eric: "You mean your dad bought it for you.".


Shane: "No. I am the majority owner of WCW, and I've secured a deal with Fox to air Nitro, Prime time, Monday Night. Vince isn't involved. In fact, I imagine he's learning about this right now, just like you. But that's not important, Eric. What's important, is that I want to bring you in to the new WCW.".


Eric could scarcely believe what he was hearing. It sounded to good to be true.


Eric: "If what you've told me is true, I'm in.".



This version of WCW is based on if Shane McMahon actually bought WCW from underneath his father.


WCW will begin airing shows in July of 2001, on Fox, while Shane and Eric come up with a creative direction for the company, while also trying to get Fox and some wrestlers to agree to come back (aka get bought out from their Time Warner deals). The first event will be the Sunday before the debut of Nitro on Fox, which is The Big Bang.


However, there is still the March 26th episode of Nitro that needs to be done first, which is the last show on TNT and with AOL. After that, then the time would come to think about the future. A quick glimpse into the new regime.


WCW will not have the limitless payroll that was afforded to them by Ted Turner, so they will have to shorten up the amount of money that is offered out.


WCW Owner: Shane McMahon

WCW Booker: Eric Bischoff/Shane McMahon






WCW The Big Bang (1st Week of July, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of July, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of July, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of July, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of August, 2001, Monday)

WCW Bash At The Beach (1st Week of August, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of August, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of August, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of August, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of September, 2001, Monday)

WCW Fall Brawl (1st Week of September, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of September, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of September, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of September, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of October, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of October, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of October, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of October, 2001, Monday)

WCW Halloween Havoc (4th Week of October, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of November, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of November, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of November, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of November, 2001, Monday)

ECW November to Remember (4th Week of November, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of December, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of December, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of December, 2001, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of December, 2001, Monday)

WCW Starrcade (4th Week of December, 2001, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of January, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of January, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of January, 2002, Monday)

WCW Souled Out (3rd Week of January, 2002, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of January, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of February, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of February, 2002, Monday

WCW SuperBrawl XII (2nd Week of February 2002, Sunday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of February, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (4th Week of February, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (1st Week of March, 2002, Monday)

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (2nd Week of March, 2002, Monday)




WCW World Heavyweight: Rhyno (1) (Defenses: 2) (Won at WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, Sunday, 2001)


Previous Champions::

Scott Steiner (1) (Defenses: 12) (Won at WCW Mayhem PPV Event, November 26th, 2000)


WCW World Tag Team: The New Faces of Fear (John Bradshaw (1) and Ron Simmons (2)) (Defenses: 0) (Won at WCW SuperBrawl XII, 2nd Week of February, Sunday, 2002)


Previous Champions:

The Four Horsemen (5) (Mark Jindrak (3) and Shane Douglas (3)) (Defenses: 1) (Won at WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, Sunday, 2001)

The Extremists (1) (Mike Awesome (1) and Lance Storm (1)) (Defenses: 4) (Won at The Big Bang PPV Event, 1st Sunday of July, 2001)

The Natural Born Thrillers (1) (Chuck Palumbo (4) and Sean O'Haire (3)) (Defenses: 9) (Won at WCW Sin PPV Event, January 14th, 2001)


WCW World Television: Samoa Joe (1) (Defenses: 6) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of February, Monday, 2002)


Previous Champions:

Sean O'Haire (1) (Defenses: 21) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, 1st Week of October, Monday, 2001)

Steve Corino (Substitution for Injured Jerry Lynn) (Defenses: 0) (Substituted on WCW Monday Nitro, 1st Week of October, Monday, 2001)

Jerry Lynn (1) (Defenses: 3) (Won at WCW Fall Brawl, 1st Week of September, Sunday, 2001)

Rey Mysterio Jr. (1) (Defenses: 7) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, 3rd Week of July, Monday, 2001)

AJ Styles (1) (Defenses: 0) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, 2nd Week of July, Monday, 2001)


WCW Cruiserweight: Chavo Guerrero Jr. (1) (Defenses: 2) (Won at WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, Sunday, 2001)


Previous Champions:

TAKA Michinoku (1) (Defenses: 1) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, 3rd Week of October, Monday, 2001)

Yoshihiro Tajiri (1) (Defenses: 0) (Won at WCW Fall Brawl, 1st Week of September, Sunday, 2001)

Billy Kidman (4) (Defenses: 2) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, March 26th, 2001)

Shane Helms (1) (Defenses: 1) (Won at WCW Greed PPV Event, March 18th, 2001)


WCW United States: Booker T (2) (Defenses: 2) (Won at WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, Sunday, 2001)


Previous Champions:

Elix Skipper (1) (Defenses: 0) (Won at ECW November to Remember, 4th Week of November, Sunday, 2001)

Mark Jindrak (1) (Defenses: 2) (Won on WCW Monday Nitro, March 26th, 2001)

Booker T (1) (Defenses: 0) (Won at WCW Greed PPV Event, March 18th, 2001)

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<p>March 26th, 2001: The End of an Era and A New Beginning</p><p> </p><p>

The show begins, and the news of Shane buying WCW from under his father's nose isn't widespread.</p><p> </p><p>

The show opens with a triple threat Cruiserweight match, where Shane Helms has to fight Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr. After a fast-paced 13 minutes match, Kidman scores a pinfall after rolling up Helms to win the WCW Cruiserweight title.</p><p> </p><p>

The next match is for the WCW tag team titles, as Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire fights Team Canada. After Storm gets taken out by Palumbo on the outside, O'Haire gets out of the Awesome Bomb and hits Mike Awesome with the Fisherman's Carry Facebuster for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

The next match is another triple threat, this time for the WCW US title. Booker T defends it against Mark Jindrak and Vampiro. The match comes to a conclusion after Booker T hits the Book End on Vampiro, and Booker gets tossed out of the ring by Jindrak, who gets the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

The Semi-Main comes up, and it's Scott Steiner defending the WCW World Heavyweight Title against DDP. After a few near falls, Steiner reverses a Diamond Cutter with a belly-to-back suplex and transitions into the Steiner Recliner. DDP passes out and Scott Steiner retains the title.</p><p> </p><p>

The Main Event comes around and it's Sting vs Ric Flair. After a 14 minute match, Sting defeats Flair with a Scorpion Deathlock.</p><p> </p><p>

After the main event, Shane McMahon comes down the aisle and announces to the crowd, to those watching at home, and to the rest of the world, that he owns WCW.</p><p>


A quick synopsis of the last show prior to the 3-month hiatus that the company will be on until The Big Bang PPV the day before the Nitro on Fox.</p>

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<p>March 28th, 2001: Creating a Roster</p><p> </p><p>

One of the downfalls of the deal, Shane realized, was that he still had to pick up some of the Time Warner deals in order to bring in the talent he'd need to even run a show.</p><p> </p><p>

He and Eric spent yesterday and today creating their roster of wrestlers, and it currently came to rest at:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Workers (31):</span></strong></p><p>

Aj Styles</p><p>

Alex Wright </p><p>

Bam Bam Bigelow</p><p>

Billy Kidman</p><p>

Booker T</p><p>

Buff Bagwell</p><p>

Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p>

Chris Harris</p><p>

Chris Kanyon</p><p>

Chuck Palumbo</p><p>


Elix Skipper</p><p>

Ernest Miller</p><p>

James Storm</p><p>

Jeff Jarrett</p><p>

Jimmy Yang</p><p>

Johnny Swinger</p><p>

Kevin Nash</p><p>

Kid Kash</p><p>

Lance Storm</p><p>

Mark Jindrak</p><p>

Mike Awesome</p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr.</p><p>

Ric Flair</p><p>

Rick Steiner</p><p>

Road Warrior Animal</p><p>

Scott Steiner</p><p>

Sean O'Haire</p><p>

Shane Douglas</p><p>

Shawn Stasiak</p><p>


Vampiro</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Referees (3):</span></strong></p><p>

Billy Silverman</p><p>

Charles Robinson </p><p>

Nick Patrick</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Announcers (4):</span></strong></p><p>

Bobby Heenan</p><p>

Mike Tenay</p><p>

Tony Schiavone</p><p>

Gene Okerlund</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Managers (2):</span></strong></p><p>

Midajah (w/ Scott Steiner)</p><p>

Stacy Kiebler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Road Agents (2):</span></strong></p><p>

Arn Anderson</p><p>

Fit Finlay</p><p> </p><p>

Shane sighed as he put down the paper. Half of the roster that was on WCW just a few days prior wouldn't be around for the new iteration, but he had some hope. Fox had made a hard limit of 55 members of the roster, and they were currently at 42, excluding himself and Eric. He had quite a bit of room that he could still use.</p><p> </p><p>

He looked at a mound of paperwork, one that Eric and him and gone over to try and make an effective pitch to Fox. The amount of paperwork was astounding, considering that they were only for one guy.</p><p> </p><p>

Bill Goldberg was probably going to be the harder of the two to pitch in terms of how much he'd have to be paid just to bring him in. Bill was going to be paid $6 mil over the next two years, and right now Time Warner were the ones footing the bill. Convincing Fox to pay that much for one guy was going to be an uphill battle, but he hoped that they would be receptive to it.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric had wanted to bring in Hulk Hogan, but Shane shot the idea down. Hogan would've added a lot of star power, but getting them to agree to all that they already had had been quite a bit, and he figured that asking them to pick up Goldberg's deal was going to be the last thing they could feasibly ask for, and the odds of them getting it weren't great. Still, it was a risk worth taking.</p><p> </p><p>

There was another thing he had his eye on: ECW. They hadn't run a show in a few months and he had heard that they might file for bankruptcy. There were a few guys he figured he could get from the ashes of that company: Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn and Yoshihiro Taijiri.</p><p> </p><p>

Time would tell whether they'd come over, but as things stood now, Shane was looking forward to what he and Eric could accomplish.</p>

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March 29th, 2001: A Golden Opprotunity, Gone Away, But Not Lost


Eric Bischoff sat in Shane's office, and looked over the response from Fox regarding the Bill Goldberg situation and threw them on the table. It wasn't a straight-up denial, but instead it was a $2 million investment,, which was to be used to offer Goldberg a buy-out.


Eric knew that that wasn't going to happen. If they were lucky, they could scrounge up another $2 million, so they could offer him $4 million, but he knew that Goldberg wasn't going to lose that $2 million.


He was waiting for Shane to arrive so he could break the news. He'd have to wait another twenty minutes for Shane to enter the room.


Eric: "Fox got back to us.".


Shane: "They said no?".


Eric: "They are giving us $2 million to pursue a buyout.".


Shane: "Or we could get the other $4 million and take on his contract.".


Eric: "Where would we get that? I figure that we could get, maybe another $2 million from our backers.".


Shane: "Well, would he take 4?".


Eric: "No.".


Shane: "Well, go and give him a call. Make the offer and when he says no, tell him that next year, probably November, we'll offer him the $2 million to buy out the remainder of his contract, and that we'll offer a new deal then. He should be fine with that right?".


Eric stood up. "I'll go ask.".


Shane watched as Eric left the room, phone in hand. He looked away and at the paper that he brought into the room. ECW was about to go under, and he was getting ready to jump on any and all opportunities he could.


He'd figured that it'd take a couple million, so he'd spent the better part of the morning speaking with the backers and had secured $1.5 million for his ECW pursuits. Of course, he did that after trying to get them to cough up $3 million for Goldberg, which they weren't doing. Convincing them to give him half of that for 4 wrestlers was a lot easier. Not that it was easy, it wasn't but they were more receptive to that.


He looked up as the door opened up and Eric walked back in.


Eric: "He agreed.".


Shane: "To the buyout?".


Eric: "No. To him coming back next November for $2 million.".


Shane: "Good. Go have our lawyers draw up the papers and make sure he signs them. Last thing we want is to have Vince swoop in and take him.".


Eric nodded and left.


It wasn't as early as he would've liked, but he would have Goldberg in November of 2002. He just had to get to that point, and he'd have a good shot at making some money.

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April 4th, 2001: An Extreme Day


Shane smiled as he looked at the headline of the article: ECW declares bankruptcy. He picked up the phone and after about half an hour, called up H.H.G. Corporation.


At the end of the hour long conversation, Shane ended up the the video library, and the amount owed to Van Dam and Dreamer. All for the low price of $750k. With about half of his spending cash from the backers gone, he got in touch with Jerry Lynn and Taijiri, and had them down for contracts for about $130k combined for this year.


He then called Tommy Dreamer, who was reluctant to come to WCW. He was more attentive when Shane offered $100k this year, in addition to the $100k owed to him by ECW.


3 up, 3 down, and things were looking good. He still had just over $400k to work with and with the $150k he was going to pay back regardless, he was optimistic that a deal could be reached.


Rob was even more apprehensive than Dreamer was, and Shane knew why. There was a good chance that Vince could offer him more money in a few days, but Shane offered him the full amount he had left to sign him. RVD agreed to the deal.


He had gotten his four ECW guys, and the video library for the amount that was given to him. He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. That was all that he could really do with the roster, at least for the rest of the year, anyways.

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April 7th, 2001: Dreamer's Input


This was the first meeting between Shane and his newest signee, Tommy Dreamer. He was surprised when Dreamer said he wanted to talk about the creative direction of him and the other guys from ECW.


He and Eric had spent the day working on the storylines that they were going to start out with, and what the card was going to be come July for Big Bang. Then Dreamer gave them a call, and said he had some ideas that he wanted to run by them. That stopped the planning phase.


Shane: "You have some ideas for me?".


Dreamer (Over Speaker Phone): "I do. I think we should do an invasion storyline between ECW and WCW.".


Eric: "We've only got you, Lynn, Van Dam, and Taijiri. That's not much of an invading force.".


Dreamer: "You've also got Storm and Awesome on the roster, right? They're both ECW guys.".


Eric: "That'd bring us up to six.".


Dreamer: "I know of a couple more guys you can bring in.".


Eric was about to speak up when Shane intervened. "Who do you have in mind?".


Dreamer: "Masato Tanaka, Bill Alfonso, Steve Corino, and The Sandman.".


Shane mulled it over in his head. "Have you talked to any of them about this?".


Dreamer: "Sandman, Corino and Alfonso. The F didn't give them a contract, and they'd like to work for you.".


Shane: "Well, tell Corino and Sandman that we'll give them each 60k, and tell Alfonso that we'll give him 40k.".


Dreamer: "I can definitely do that.".


With Dreamer hanging, Eric voiced his displeasure. "We've done invasion storylines already. Our audience is not the kind that will like that style. Hell, half of them only know ECW because of the handful that come in and chant it.".


Shane: "That's fair, but we can do that style too. Not to the full extent, but just enough to get that audience in, without making ours stop watching. Besides, if Sandman and Corino come in, we'll have five former ECW champion. Tanaka might cost a fair amount more.".


Eric: "Speaking of cost, we don't have the money to give for those deals.".


Shane: "I'll pay for them.".


Eric: "You'll pay for them?".


Shane: "And Tanaka. If you could, get him on the phone, or his translator and make him an offer for $80k. Highest I'll go is $90k.".


Eric paused for a second before nodding and leaving the room. After about an hour, Dreamer had called back and said that the others accepted the offer., and Eric had come back and said that Tanaka would take the offer if he could still work some dates in Japan. Shane accepted the terms.


He looked at the new roster, and saw how close it was beginning to be to the limit. He also saw what could turn out to be a very profitable storyline. On the other hand, however, it could quickly blow up in his face if he did not tread carefully.

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April 12th, 2001: The Snag


Eric could not believe what he was reading. The headline was as clear as day, and he scrambled to get a hold of Shane. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, Shane finally picked up.


Shane: "Hello?".


Eric: "Vince just picked up Goldberg's contract.".


Shane bolted upright and shot up our of bed. "Not a buyout?".


Eric: "He's paying the whole thing.".


Shane nodded to himself and pondered. Their top guy was gone, but Vince now had a guy who was getting paid more than most of the roster, and wasn't going to be on TV until at least August due to his shoulder injury. It wasn't as big of a loss, since he wasn't going to be able to use Goldberg until November of next year.


Shane: "That's fine.".


Eric: "That's fine?".


Shane: "We weren't going to be able to use him anyways, it's not to much of a loss. Let's focus on what we have, instead of what we lost.".


Eric was silent for a fair amount of time, before: "Okay.", and hanging up the phone.


Shane understood the sentiment, but what was there for him to do? He couldn't take on any other contracts and couldn't poach talent from Vince since none of interest were coming up.


It sucked, but getting hung up on it wasn't going to help.

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<p>June 1st, 2001: Creating the Card for Big Bang</p><p> </p><p>

Eric and Shane looked over the card as it was would be promoted and smiled. It was shaping up to be a good show, and they both hoped that their ending gamble would work out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sunday, 1st Week of July, 2001</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW: The Big Bang</span></em></strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Event: Triple Threat Match For the WCW World Heavyweight Championship</span></em></strong></p><p>

Scott Steiner © vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi-Main: Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

Booker T vs Ric Flair</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi-Main: Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

Kevin Nash vs Sting</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcard: United States Heavyweight Championship match</span></em></strong></p><p>

Mark Jindrak © w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Shawn Stasiak</p><p>

</p><p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

Midcard: WCW Tag Team Championship Match</span></em></strong></p><p>

Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo © vs Team Canada (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lower Mid-Card: Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opener: 6-Man Elimination Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship</span></em></strong></p><p>

Billy Kidman © vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre-Show:</span></p><p>

Chris Harris vs James Storm</p><p>

AJ Styles vs Johnny Swinger</p>

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Main Event: Triple Threat Match For the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Scott Steiner © vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


Semi-Main: Singles Match

Booker T vs Ric Flair


Semi-Main: Singles Match

Kevin Nash vs Sting


Midcard: United States Heavyweight Championship match

Mark Jindrak © w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Shawn Stasiak


Midcard: WCW Tag Team Championship Match

Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo © vs Team Canada (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)


Lower Mid-Card: Singles Match

Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon


Opener: 6-Man Elimination Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Billy Kidman © vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang



Chris Harris vs James Storm

AJ Styles vs Johnny Swinger

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Sunday, 1st Week of July, 2001

WCW: The Big Bang


Main Event: Triple Threat Match For the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Scott Steiner © vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett

-Three of my favorites of late WCW in one match. There's a lot of money to be made in Big Poppa Pump as the arrogant asshole bad ass though. On the other hand, I could see Double J picked up the win. I'll go with my gut though.


Semi-Main: Singles Match

Booker T vs Ric Flair

-Ric should be putting over up and coming talent at this point in his career.



Semi-Main: Singles Match

Kevin Nash vs Sting

-I'm a big fan of Nash, certainly a bigger fan than most, but Stinger is my all time favorite. Hard to pick against him


Midcard: United States Heavyweight Championship match

Mark Jindrak © w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Shawn Stasiak

-Jindrak is a future star, Stasiak's future involves running into random walls and suits of armor


Midcard: WCW Tag Team Championship Match

Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo © vs Team Canada (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)

-Lance Storm is an unsung hero of ECW and late WCW, but O'Haire has megastar written all over him. I would love to see Lance get a main event push based on his talent alone, but I think it's far more likely the guys with the superstar look get the push.


Lower Mid-Card: Singles Match

Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon

-Buff is a joke at this point and Kanyon was mega entertaining.


Opener: 6-Man Elimination Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Billy Kidman © vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang

-Rey is pure money



Chris Harris vs James Storm

AJ Styles vs Johnny Swinger

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Sunday, 1st Week of July, 2001: WCW The Big Bang


Pre-Show Match #1: AJ Styles vs Johnny Swinger


The match starts out with Swinger getting the offense on Styles, and commanding the momentum of the match. The momentum shifts to Styles when he leapfrogs over Swinger and hits him with a dropkick. Styles whips Swinger outside and hits a dive to the outside. Styles goes up onto the apron, and as Swinger stands up behind him, Styles flips over him and hits him with a reverse DDT outside on the floor. Styles then rolls into and back out of the ring to break the count. Swinger throws Styles into the corner post, and regains the momentum. He rolls Styles back into the ring, and goes for the Swinging Neckbreaker, but it gets reversed by Styles who hits Swinger with a Pele Kick. Styles goes up to the top rope and hits Swinger with the Spiral Tap and gets the 3.


Time: 11 Minutes and 38 Seconds


Rating: 33


Notes: Styles and Swinger have great chemistry as opponents, and it added to the match


Pre-Show Match #2: Chris Harris vs James Storm


At the start of the match, James Storm whips Harris into the corner and does some mounted punches, before Harris reverses by giving Storm a spine-buster. The match continues with mostly lethargic spots that do more to kill the crowd than entertain them. The match ends when Chris Harris hits Storm with the Catatonic.


Time: 12 Minutes and 54 Seconds


Rating: 13


Notes: Storm was really off his game. This match brought the crowd down.


The PPV Begins


Opener: 6-Man Elimination WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match.

Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang

The match starts with three groups of two fighting it out. Five minutes into the match, Kid Kash hits Elix Skipper with the Money Maker. Kash covers Skipper, but before the 3, Kidman hits both Kash and Skipper with a shooting Star Press, breaking up the pin. Kash rolls out of the ring, while Kidman pins and eliminates Skipper. (5:12)


As Kidman rolls off of Skipper, Wang Yang comes in and tries to roll up Kidman, but Kidman kicks out. Wang Yang tries to keep Kidman down to his his moonsault but Kidman keeps getting up. Yang finally gets him to stay down, but before he can hit his move, Chavo Guerrero Jr. hops up to the top rope and hits Yang with a brain buster. Chavo pins and eliminates Jimmy Wang Yang. (7:51)


The four remaining participants are in the ring, and the three challengers gang up on Kidman. The three work him over for a minute before Kash tries to roll up Chavo. Chavo kicks out, and those two start fighting it out on the other side of the ring. Kid Kash goes for the Money Maker, but Chavo reverses and hits a Brain Buster on Kash. He brings Kash back up to his feet and hits him with the Gory Bomb, and eliminates Kid Kash. (14:39)


Chavo goes over and helps Rey fight Kidman. Kidman fights out of the corner, and throws Chavo out of the ring. Kidman and Rey fight for about thirty seconds, wherein Rey gets the upper hand and goes for the West Coast Pop on Kidman. Kidman ducks and Rey ends up hitting Chavo, who had gotten into the ring and came up behind Kidman. Kidman kncoks Rey out of the ring, and pins Chavo, eliminating him. (17:11)


Rey was just a bit short in breaking up the pinfall, but is able to get a good shot at the back of Kidman's head, which he takes. Rey goes for a springboard splash, but Kidman gets his knees up. Kidman hits Rey with a suplex, and goes to the top. He attempts a Shooting Star Press, but Rey rolls out of the way causing Kidman to crash into the mat. Rey tries to take advantage with a quick pin, but Kidman kicks out a 2.9. Rey kicks at Billy Kidman's legs until he has a noticeable limp. He then goes for the West Coast Pop, and hits it, but fails to hook both of Kidman's legs, the free one getting to the rope. Rey stands up and gets set up for another West Coast Pop. This time, however, Kidman reverses it into the BK Bomb and pins Rey Mysterio Jr. (23:16).


Time: 23 Minutes and 16 Seconds


Rating: 49


Notes: Rey Mysterio Jr. and Elix Skipper were off their games.


Following the opening match, both Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon come out and talk about reviving and bringing WCW to the heights it had three years ago, and that the guys who opened up the show were going to be the some of the guys who lead the way into this new era of WCW wrestling.


Rating: 68


Notes: Eric looked good and improvised well without a script. This segment got the crowd interested again.


Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon


The match starts out with a Buff Bagwell body slam. The match continues with Buff controlling the momentum, until Buff send Kanyon to the outside. Once he does that, Kanyon is able to lure Buff over to the steps and does a drop-toe-hold, sending Buff face first into the steps. Kanyon takes over the match, and focuses on Buff's back, picking him up and ramming his back into the corner post three times. Kanyon rolls him back into the ring, and continues to work Buff's back. Kanyon whips Buff into the corner and attempts to do a corner clothesline, but Buff gets foot up and trake sback some momentum. Buff hits the Blockbuster on Kanyon, but Kanyon kicks out at 2. Schiavone notes that Kanyon hasn't taken much damage besides the opening two/three minutes. Kanyon tries to regain the momentum, but Buff is a house of fire. The match ends when Buff hits the Yellow Jacket Suplex and pins Kanyon.


Time: 14 Minutes and 17 Seconds


Rating: 59


Notes: Buff and Kanyon have pretty good chemistry with each other. This match was too short for an important match in the eyes of our fans.


Kevin Nash comes out and begins to cut a promo on Sting, his opponent later that night, and talks about how he'll beat Sting, and anybody else in his way to get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. As he continues to talk, Sting comes down the ramp, at which point Nash discards the microphone. Sting gets into the ring and the two start fighting. A ref quickly comes down to the ring, and the match starts early.


Rating: 68


Notes: None.


Kevin Nash vs Sting


Kevin Nash is still wearing the shirt over his attire and Sting still has his trench coat on. After about two minutes of fighting, Nash knees Sting in the gut and tosses him out of the ring. Nash takes off his shirt, while Sting subtley removes his trenchcoat while on the ground. Nash gets out of the ring, picks Sting up and rolls him back into the ring. Nash whips Sting into the ropes and hits a sidewalk slam on Sting. When Sting gets up to a knee, Nash clubs Sting in the back. he then whips Sting into the corner and does a series of knees to the abdomen. After the fifth knee, Sting catches the sixth and comes out of the corner, throwing every thing he's got at Nash, which works, driving him back into the other corner. Sting then hits a Stinger Splash, sending Nash to a knee. Sting goes for another Splash, but Nash cuts him off and hits another sidewalk slam.


Nash picks Sting up and whips him into the ropes and hits him with a big boot. The moment Sting hits the ground, he pops back up, beats his chest and starts throwing everything at Nash again, getting him into the corner once more. He hits a Stinger Splash, whips Nash to the opposite corner and hits another one. Sending Nash to the ground. Sting gets him into the Scorpion Deathlock and torques it enough to make Nash tap out after being it it for 47 seconds.


Time: 15 Minutes and 51 Seconds


Rating: 63


Notes: This match was too short for an important match in the eyes of our fans. This Match got the crowd buzzing.


We cut to the back, where Ric Flair and Gene Okerlund are standing in the interview area. Gene Okerlund asks Ric Flair about his match-up with Booker T, and Flair goes off, saying that Booker T, while being a star, still isn't up to his level. Before he can get much further into his next thought, Booker walks into the interview and talks back to Ric, he was up to his level, and that tonight he was going to prove it.


Rating: 69


Notes: Gene Okerlund was very underwhelming. Ric came across well and enjoyed not having to go off a script. This angle got the crowd hotter.


WCW Tag Team Championship Match

Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo vs Team Canada (Mike Awesome & Lance Storm)


The match starts with O'Haire and Storm being the legal men. Sean O'Haire overpowers Lance Storm for a good portion of the opening minutes, until Lance slips out of a power slam attempt and hits O'Haire with a superkick, kocking him down immediately. Storm rolls over to his corner and tags in Awesome, who Heenan notes is looking his best in the last year, and with longer hair. Awesome waits for O'Haire to pull himself up and clotheslines him out of the ring, followed by a over the top rope dive by Awesome, who narrowly misses hitting the guardrail with his head. He throws O'Haire back into the ring, where he proceeds to pick him up for an Awesome Bomb, but O'Haire completes the rotation and lands on his feet, and hits Awesome with his own powerbomb. He then reaches over and tags in Chuck Palumbo, who rushes over and knocks Storm off the apron and down to the floor. Palumbo turns to find Awesome rising to his feet. Palumbo goes for and hits a overhead bell-to-belly on Awesome. Palumbo then walks over and drags Awesome to his feet and whips him back into his corner. He tags in O'Haire and the two hit a double team suplex. O'Haire controls the momentum with punches to the gut and head, and tries to hit Awesome with the Crucifix Powerbomb, but Storm rolls into the ring, and hits O'Haire with a superkick. As Palumbo tries to get into the ring, Storm rushes over and knocks him to the floor, while Awesome goes for the Awesome Bomb on O'Haire. He hits the move and gets the pin, while Storm holds onto Palumbo's leg, keeping him halfway out of the ring and preventing him from breaking up the pin.


Time: 13 Minutes and 12 Seconds


Rating: 64


Notes: This match was too short for an important match in the eyes of our fans. This Match got the crowd buzzing.


The feed cuts to the back where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Mark Jindrak, who's accompanied by Stacy Kiebler. Mark doesn't say much, letting Stacy bad mouth Stasiak. When Gene presses Jindrak, he says that Stasial is going to regret this shot at his title.


Rating: 37


Notes: Gene Okerlund Worked the crowd pretty well.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Shawn Stasiak


The match starts off slow and sluggish, but at around the 3 minute mark, Stasiak begins lighting up Jindrak, forcing Jindrak to retreat out of the ring. Jindrak and Stacy exchange some words, and Jindrak gets back into the ring. Stasiak begins lighting up Jindrak again, but Jindrak is able to dodge a punch and hit a german suplex on Stasiak, effectively gaining control of the match for a little while. Stasiak regains the momentum with a back body drop. He hits Jindrak with a running clothesline, picks him up, whips into the corner and hits Jindrak with a superplex. Stasiak signals for and does a fisherman suplex and holds the bridge. As the ref goes for the pin, Stacy gets up onto the apron, distracting the ref. Stasiak lets go of the bridge and walks over to Stacy who hopes off the apron as he approaches. Before Stasiak turns around, Jindrak gets up and hits Stasiak with the Mark of Perfection and snugly pins him, getting the victory.


Time: 13 Minutes and 54 Seconds


Rating: 49


Notes: Mark Jindrak was really off his game. Stacy did some good work ringside. Stacy and Jindrak are a good pairing as they play off each other well.


Booker T vs Ric Flair


Immediately after, the Semi-Main begins. Flair comes out the gate with chops, forcing Booker into a corner. Two chops later, Booker sends Flair into the corner and starts chopping him. Booker does a final chop and backs up, and Flair comes out of the corner and gets back body dropped by Booker. Flair gets up and Booker kicks him in the gut and goes for the axe kick, but misses, with Flair gaining the upper-hand for a few minutes. Flair puts on the figure-four leg lock and after about a minute, Booker reverses the hold, and effectively gets ahold of the momentum. Booker sells the leg damage, but does hit Flair with the Axe Kick. Flair has once last flurry of attacks, before Booker hits him with the Book End. Booker doesn't go for the cover, and instead goes to the top rope and hits Flair with the Harlem Hangover, and gets the pinfall.


Time: 17 Minutes and 28 Seconds


Rating: 76


Notes: This match was too short for an important match in the eyes of our fans.


It cuts back to the interview area for the final time of the night with Gene Okerlund interviewing Scott Steiner right before his title match. He says that he beat DDP at Greed back in March, and that he would've beat Jarrett had he not been screwed by the ref and the comissioner of WCW, and that tonight Jarrett's got nowhere to hide and no one to save him.


Rating: 54


Notes: Midajah looked dreadful.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Scott Steiner vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


The match starts out with DDP and Jarrett both going after Steiner, and succeeding in knocking him out of the ring. With him indisposed temporarily, DDP and Jarrett start fighting each other. Jarrett clotheslines DDP out of the ring and turns around into a Belly-to-Belly suplex from Scott, who plays to the crowd, with Jarrett cowering in the prescence of Steiner. Steiner has his way with Jarrett for a little under a minute, when DDP comes back in and hits Steiner with the Diamond Cutter. Before he can cover Steiner, Jarrett tries to get the better of DDP by hitting him with the Stroke, but DDP turns it around on Jarrett and almost hits him with the Diamond Cutter, but Jarrett pushes him away and flees the ring. Page covers Steiner but barely gets a two before Steiner powers out. Diamond controls the pace for a few seconds, until Jarrett grabs him by the legs and pulls him out of the ring. The two brawl for a second before Steiner double clotheslines the both of them. Steiner then picks up and belly-to-belly suplexs DDP into the baricade. He then picks up Jarrett and rolls him into the ring. Jarrett tries to get out from Steiner's grasp, but inadvertenly positions himself in a way that allows Steiner to really synch in the Steiner Recliner. Jarrett's just about to tap before DDP breaks it up. Jarrett rolls to the outside while DDP and Steiner have a brawl in the center of the ring.


DDP gains the upperhand momentarily, and goes for the Diamond Cutter once more, but Steiner instead flings DDP away. DDP lands on his back and Steiner flips him over and puts the Recliner on him. DDP is beginning to fade when Jarrett rolls back in and hits Steiner with the Stroke. Jarrett pins Steiner, but DDP kicks Jarrett, breaking up the attempt. DDP and Jarrett start fighting, and that ends when DDP whips Jarrett into the corner. DDP places Jarrett up on the top rope and tries to go for a super Diamond Cutter, when Jarrett fights him off. Jarret kicks DDP and gets ready to do a aerial manuever when Steinergoes up to DDP and bell-to-belly suplexs him in a fashion where DDP's foot hits the top rope, crotching Jarrett. Steiner then picks DDP up, throws him out of the ring, climbs up to the top rope and hits Jarrett with a Frankensteiner. Steiner pins Jarrett, and retains the World Heavyweight Championship.


Time: 19 Minutes and 44 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: This Match got the crowd Buzzing.


Steiner begins celebrating with Midajah. Jarrett and DDP are outside, recovering on the floor. He goes up to the top rope and the lights go out. They remain out for about twelve seconds, and when they came back on, Steiner stood on the mat, and across from him was Sandman. Steiner looks at Sandmand and doesn't realize that Dreamer and Van Dam are outside the ring behind him. Those two grab his legs , pull him to the corner post and crotched him. The two then got into the ring and with Sandman, proceed to beat him like a dog.


Rating: 45


Notes: None.


While that happens inside the ring, outside the ring, DDP and Jarrett have to defend themselves from Tajiri, Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino, and Masato Tanaka. DDP gets beaten down by Corino and Tajiri, while Jarrett gets beat by Lynn and Tanaka.


Rating: 74


Notes: None


As Steiner gets beaten by the 3 ECW guys, Sting and Flair come down and start fighting them. Shortly after they come down, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome come down, and it looks as though they might help Sting and Flair, before Lance superkicks Flair, and Mike Awesome powerbombs Sting. Awesome rips off a 'Team Canada' shirt, which reveals a 'ECW' shirt. Lance isn't wearing a shirt, so he can't do that.


Rating: 63


Notes: Sandman did a good job improvising reactions from the crowd.


Van Dam grabs a chair. Flair works his way back to his feet, valiantly fighting the ECW guys, before Van Dam hits him with the Van Daminator. Flair gets color and gets beaten down by Jerry Lynn after the fact.


At the same time, Mike Awesome rolls out of the ring, clears off the announcers table, and Awesome Bombs Jarrett through the table.


Rating: 59


Tommy Dreamer walks over and grabs a microphone and brings back what Shane and Eric said at the beginning of the show. "This is a new era of WCW, and it just got Extreme". The ECW guys then exit the ring. As they do so, teh other WCW guys come barrelling out of the back and the ECW guys leave with more urgency.


Rating: 59



Overall Rating: 65


Card + Winners


Main Event: Triple Threat Match For the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Scott Steiner © vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


Semi-Main: Singles Match

Booker T vs Ric Flair


Semi-Main: Singles Match

Kevin Nash vs Sting


Midcard: United States Heavyweight Championship match

Mark Jindrak © w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Shawn Stasiak


Midcard: WCW Tag Team Championship Match

Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo © vs Team Canada (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)

Lower Mid-Card: Singles Match

Buff Bagwell vs Kanyon


Opener: 6-Man Elimination Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Billy Kidman © vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Elix Skipper vs Kid Kash vs Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang



Chris Harris vs James Storm

AJ Styles vs Johnny Swinger

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2nd Week of July, Monday, 2001: WCW Nitro on FOX


The shows intro plays and Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to the new WCW Monday Nitro on FOX.


Shane McMahon comes out to start the show, and addresses the incident that ended the PPV last night, and said that, the individuals who attacked our roster will be dealt with and won't be brought up again. Immediately after saying that, a very angry Steiner walks out. He grabs a mic and says that what they should do is get those ECW bastards and fight them instead of cowering from them. Shane tries to calm him down, but remains firm in his opposition to having WCW wrestlers fight 'the individuals'. Scott Steiner spits on Shane and trash talks him all the way back up the ramp.


Rating: 74


Notes: This angle got the crowd hotter and was a good way to start the show.


WCW World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles vs Shawn Stasiak

The match starts with Stasiak getting the upper-hand on the smaller Styles. He throws him around like a rag doll for the early parts of the match, until Styles unleashes a flurry of kicks, knocking Stasiak to a knee. Styles then followed that up with a running forearm, knocking Stasiak to the ground. Stasiak tries to get up and Styles does it again. it almost happens a third time, but Stasiak pops up to his feet before Styles rebounds off the ropes and does a back body drop where Styles goes up pretty high, and lands flat on his back. Stasiak picks him up and clotheslines Styles out of his boots. Stasiak goes for the cover and Styles kicks out. Stasiak picks Styles up and throws him into the ropes. Styles jumps, springs off the middle rope, and hits the reverse DDT on Stasiak. Styles jumps over the ropes and hits Stasiak with the flying forearm. Styles goes for the cover and Stasiak kicks out. Stasiak gets up and Styles goes for a running clothesline and ends up getting hit with a scoop powerslam. Stasiak picks Styles up and goes for the fisherman suplex, but Styles knees Stasiak in the head, causing him to stagger backwards. Styles lands on his feet, dragging Stasiak's upper body down, puts Stasiak's head between his legs and hits him with the Styles Clash. 1,2,3.


Time: 10 minutes and 59 Seconds


Rating: 47


Notes: This Match got the crowd buzzing.


A celebration for Styles winning happens for about a minute before cutting to the back, where Booker T, Buff Bagwell and Kanyon are confronting Shane Douglas. They accuse him of having a hand in the incident that happened the night before, and want answers from him. Douglas proclaims his innocence and does so valiantly. However, Kanyon doesn't waver in his accusation and challenges Douglas to a match right then and there. Douglas is reluctant but accepts it.


Rating: 65


Notes: Shane Douglas was superb without a script, had the fans in the palm of his hands.


Shane Douglas vs Kanyon


There are no entrances as they walk out from the back immediately after the angle before. As soon as he enters the ring, Kanyon attacks Douglas, giving him an advantage before the bell even rings. For the first half of the match, Kanyon is in the driver seat, controlling the action, but unable to put Douglas away. At the halfway mark, Douglas reverses a back body drop attempt and hits Kanyon with a piledriver. He covers Kanyon and gets a 2. Douglas picks up Kanyon and whips him into the ropes and catches Kanyon on the rebound, hitting him with a belly-to-belly. Kanyon fights his way back up, only to be stopped by a snap suplex. Douglas picks up Kanyon, drags up to one of the corners and proceeds to spike Kanyon's head into the top turbuckle 7 times. When he goes for the 8th, he gets punched in the gut, which stuns him momentarily, but enough for Kanyon to grab his head and begin spiking him into the turnbuckle. Douglas regains the upperhand by giving Kanyon a snap clothesline, breaking the turnbuckle spiking. Kanyon tries to go for a clothesline on his way up, but Douglas ducks it, shoulder checks Kanyon's gut, and hits him with another Piledriver. 1,2,3.


Time: 20 Minutes and 31 Seconds


Rating: 60


Notes: This match got the crowd hotter.


Elix Skipper vs Alex Wright


Alex Wright starts out the match, hitting Elix with a neck breaker. Elix starts to get up when Wright kicks him in the back, stopping Elix in his tracks. Wright gets down, puts Elix in a headlock, drags him to his feet and hits Elix with a suplex. Elix sits up and gets a running kick to the chest. Wright goes up to the top, and hits Elix with a diving elbow. He goes for the cover and when the ref gets his hand raised to go down for 2, Elix contorts himself out from under Wright. Wright, surprised, tries to get to his feet and eats a spinning heel kick. Elix then heads to the top rope, and once Wright got to his feet Elix hit him with a missile dropkick. In complete control of the match now, Elix lifts Wright up and hits him with a dragon suplex. Elix picks him up again, picks him up and crotches him on the rope. While Wright sells the damage, Elix climbs to the top rope and hits the rope-walk huricanrana. As Wright staggers to his feet, Elix hits him with the greatest wreslting move of all time, the Overdrive, and wins the match.


Time: 8 Minutes and 50 Seconds


Rating: 44


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing.


Scott Steiner comes out and grabs a mic. He says that he won't stick his tail between his legs like Shane, and doesn't ask, but demands that a ECW wreslter come down and fight him. When one doesn't come out within seconds of answering, he brands them all as gutless cowards who are afraid of 'a real man', and says that they'd rather pretend to be tough. As he finishes, Masato Tanaka emerges from the crowd with a ECW shirt on. He talks it off and hops the barricade, wherein security tries to stop him. Steiner says that if they touch him, he will kick their asses. He then demands a ref to come down, or he'll go back and get one. Charles Robinson sheepishly comes out, and the match begins.


Rating: 91


Scott Steiner vs Masato Tanaka


The match begins with both men exchanging clubbing blows, with Steiner eventually get the upperhand. Steiner goes for and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, and goes for the Recliner. Before he can get it synched in, he does a reverse double leg takedown, and begins doing some ground and pound on Steiner. Steiner worms himself free and rolls out of the ring, shortly followed by Tanaka, spears Steiner into the stairs. Tanaka picks Steiner off the floor and hits him with a fallaway slam. Tanaka then rolls Steiner into the ring and hits him with a tornade DDT. Steiner fights his way back into control of the match, and does a belly-to-belly into the corner. Steiner picks Tanaka up and tries to go for a frankensteiner, but gets reversed into a top rope powerbomb. Tanaka goes for the cover and gets a nearfall. Tanaka picks Steiner up and goes for the Complete Dust, but gets stopped by Steiner who picks him up, and lifts him to the top rope. Tanaka tries to fight him off, but after a few strong Steiner punches, he hits the Frankensteiner. 1,2,3.


Time: 12 Minutes and 8 Seconds


Rating: 58


Notes: This match was too short for an important match in the eyes of the fans.


Awesome and Storm rush into the ring and the three ECW guys try to beat down on Steiner, who sells the attack for a little bit, before busting an over head belly-to-belly to Tanaka over the rope and out of the ring. He then double clotheslines Awesome and Storm, and the two roll out of the ring as members of the WCW roster come out to fend off the invaders. AS the ECW guys retreat, Eric Bischoff comes out and tells them that since they're still the champions, they will be defending their titles next week.


Rating: 59


Dreamer and the other ECW guys appear from the crowd, and Dreamer states through a megaphone, that Storm and Awesome are ECW Tag Champs and WCW Tag Champs. If ECW titles were going to be on the line, than ECW should get something out of it. Eric tells them to get real, but Dreamer says that they can do with the belts however they please if Eric doesn't want to play ball, and that they could take them 'elsewhere'. Eric asks what Dreamer whats, if his guys win the match. Dreamer says that he wants ECW and WCW to fight each other at the next PPV. Should WCW win the most matches, the ECW guys will leave and never come back. But if ECW wins, than not only do they get to stay, they'll have shots at the WCW championships at the next PPV. Eric takes the deal.


Rating: 54


We cut to the office of Shane McMahon after the commercial break, where he and Eric are trying to temper the anger from 6 men: Bam Bam and Douglas, O'Haire and Palumbo, and Sting and Jarrett. All of them want to be the ones who fight Awesome and Storm next week. Shane tells them to go out to the ring and have a match, with the winning team getting the shot. Douglas mentions that he's already been in a match tonight and asks to have it moved to next week. Eric tells him that he can sit out if he doesn't want to be in the match tonight. Douglas relents.


Rating: 64


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sting and Jeff Jarrett (Tornado Tag Turmoil)


The match starts and Shane Douglas gets hit first, by Chuck Palumbo and Jeff Jarrett, and knocked out of the ring. Bam Bam and Sean O'Haire go after Sting. After a few minutes of brawling on the outside, Douglas gets put through the table by Jarrett and Palumbo. As he walks away, Jarrett calls Douglas 'ECW' trash. The two get back into the ring and focus on Bam Bam. The gang up on Bam Bam is going well, until Jarrett misses Bam Bam and he hits Sean O'Haire which angers him and Palumbo. Bam, Bam Bigelow rolls out of the ring while Sting and Jarrett fight off O'Haire and Palumbo. Palumbo goes for a fallaway slam on Sting, but Jarrett takes out his legs, allowing Sting to get around him and hit the Scorpion Deathdrop on Palumbo. Sting covers Palumbo and eliminates the team. (13:39)


Sting and Jarrett turn their attention to Bam Bam, who's just beginning to get to his feet. They throw him into the ring and double team him for a around 30 seconds, when Douglas gets back into the ring and hits Jarrett with the Franchiser. Before he can attempts a pin, Sting throws punches at him, preventing him the opprotunity. For a brief minute, Bam Bam and Douglas double team Sting, wherein Bigelow hits the Greetings from Asbury park. Jarrett slips past Douglas, who's exhausted at this point, and breaks up the pin. Douglas throws a punch and Jarrett dodges and goes for the Stroke, but stops as Bigelow charges him. He pushes Douglas away, hits Bigelow with a drop toe hold, and hits Bigelow with the Stroke. As Jarrett pins Bigelow, Sting clotheslines Douglas out of the ring. As Douglas hit the floor, the ref's hand counts three. (22:30)


Time: 22 Minutes and 30 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: Sting Looked Excellent out there, and this match got the crowd buzzing.



Overall Rating: 65



Current Announced Card for the 3rd Week of July, Monday, 2001: Nitro

Main Event: ECW Tag Team Championship

The Extremists (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome) vs Sting and Jeff Jarrett


WCW World Television Championship

AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Scott Steiner vs Shane Douglas

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3rd Week of July, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


Tony Schiavone welcomes the audience to Monday Nitro after the into and some pyro. He then says that we'll go right into action tonight with newly crowned WCW World Television Champion AJ Styles taking on Rey Mysterio Jr.


WCW World Television Championship Match

AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The match starts out with alternating strikes, with Styles throwing a few forearms at Rey and Rey kicking Styles in the leg. Styles throws a flurry, knocking Rey to the ground. Styles quickly hops over the ropes and hits a springboard 450 on Rey, and goes for the cover for a 2-count. Styles picks Rey up and whips him into the ropes to go for the over-under dropkick spot, but Rey holds onto the rope, causing Styles to hit nothing but air. As Styles goes to get up, Rey hits him with a dropkick of his own, hitting him squarely in the chest. Rey then runs over to the ropes and his a springboard moonsault. He goes for the cover, but only gets a 2-count. Styles rolls out of the ring, and Rey does a somersault seated senton to the outside and combos it with a Huricanrana. Rey goes up to the apron, and once Styles stands up, Rey goes for a huricanrana, but Styles holds onto Mysterio's legs, flips back over, lifts him up and hits the Styles clash on the outside floor. Styles lifts himself up back to his feet, picks Rey up and rolls him back into the ring. He goes for the cover but Mysterio kicks out at 2.8. Styles gets up and waits for Mysterio to get up to one knee and goes for the springboard reverse DDT, but Mysterio runs at the ropes, under Styles, and when Styles lands on his feet, he gets hit with a springboard moonsault. Rey covers and gets a 2. Rey then goes for the West Coast Pop, but Styles reverses it and hits a powerbomb. He holds on to Rey's Legs, and lifts him back up to go for the Styles Clash, but Rey slips one of his legs out of Styles grasp and kicks him in the head repeatedly until he lets go. Styles charges at Rey, but Rey drop-toe-holds him into the middle turnbuckle, which gives Rey enough time to hop over the ropes and then hit Styles with the West Coast Pop for the pinfall.


Time: 13 Minutes and 25 Seconds


Rating: 51


Notes: This match got the show off to a strong start and got the crowd buzzing.


Rey celebrates the victory. The feed cuts to Shane's office where he and Eric are talking when Shane Douglas walks in, madder than hell. He accuses them of buying into the idea that was posited last week: that he had a hand in the ECW guys coming into the arena at The Big Bang. Shane tries to calm him down, but Shane's determined to prove his innocence. Eric steps in and say that he should look at it as a chance to move up. If he were to beat the World Heavyweight Champion, it's more than likely that he'd be in line for a title shot. Shane likes what he hears and leaves, but is still simmering.


Rating: 62


Notes: This Angle got the crowd hotter.


Sting and Jarrett are backstage talking to one another about their gameplan for their match against Awesome and Storm. It's more focused on what to do regarding outside interference than the two combatants, which Sting notes. The two are finding it hard to get on the same page, considering that they had been fighting each other for much of the last 12 months.


Rating: 55


Notes: Sting looked fantastic


Shane Douglas vs Scott Steiner


Steiner charges at Douglas before the match starts and starts laying into him, while Douglas tries to flee. Douglas gets a lucky shot to Steiner's gut, which stuns Steiner enough for Douglas to hit a neckbreaker, and gain some momentum. Douglas hits Steiner with a couple stomps, before Steiner catches his foot, stands up and does an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He picks Douglas off the ground and does a military press slam, followed by some showing off his muscles, and taunting. The match continues in this fashion for a little while, with Steiner having most of the offense, and Douglas having to fight to get his shots in. At the end of the match Steiner hits Douglas with the Frankensteiner, but Shane lands awkwardly on the mat, causing the ref to tend to him. While the ref looks at Shane, Van Dam runs out of the crowd and over the barricade with a chair. Steiner has his back to Van Dam, posing for the crowd before he goes for the pin. Van Dam hits Steiner in the back with the chair and again at his legs. Van Dam then runs back over the barricade, but not before Steiner stands up and starts shouting at Rob. He turns to find Douglas, who had just gotten up, who hits him with the Franchiser. Douglas pins Steiner and wins.


Rating: 64


Notes: Steiner seemed off his game.


As Douglas celebrates his unlikely win, he notices Van Dam in the crowd and starts shouting at him, with Rob smiling at him and walking away. Shane doesn't appear to realize that Rob interfered in the match. Steiner, who very much did, charges at Douglas and beats him down, finally ending the assault by putting on the Recliner until he passes out.


Rating: 67


Notes: Rob was very underwhelming in this segment.


Kanyon vs Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler


The match starts out with Kanyon sending Jindrak to the outside after a flurry of offense. Kiebler gives some advice to him and Jindrak gingerly gets back into the ring. Kanyon tries to go back on the offense, but Jindrak is able to use Kanyon's aggressiveness against him, taking him down to the mat and gaining control of the following few minutes. Kanyon would regain control by reversing an Irish whip into the corner and doing a shoulder block to Jindrak's back. Jindrak goes for a suplex, but Kanyon reverses by flipping over him, landing on his feet and hitting him with the Scream Machine. Jindrak struggles to his feet, wherein he goes for a punch. Kanyon catches it, and applies the Octopus Stretch. Jindrak tries to escape the hold but finally relents and taps out.


Time: 19 Minutes and 56 Seconds


Rating: 56


Notes: None.


As Kanyon and Jindrak exit the ring, Awesome and Storm come in through the crowd, accompanied by Bill Alfonso. When they get in the ring, Alfonso does a promo and says that not only will Awesome and Storm win, but when ECW wins at the PPV and then wins all of the titles, ECW will be reborn from the ashes of WCW.


Rating: 54


Notes: None.


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) vs Sting & Jarrett


Sting and Jarrett come out as a united front, going into the ring and taking on the ECW guys right away. Sting focuses on Awesome while Storm takes on Jarrett. The ref tries to get the match started, but it's not until Storm superkicks Sting out of the ring, with Jarrett clotheslining Awesome out of the ring. The match starts with Jarrett and Storm as the legal men for their respective teams. Storm tries to get the advantage on Jarrett by throwing a superkick, but Jarrett grabs the foot, pulls Storm towards him and goes for the stroke, but is stopped when Storm reverses that into a Russian Leg Sweep. Storm and Jarrett begin trading punches while Awesome and Sting go to their respective corners. Storm isolates Jarrett in their corner, for a significant amount of time, tagging in with Awesome multiple times, while Sting tries to rally the crowd, which partly works. Awesome goes for an Awesome Bomb, but Jarrett reverses it with a back body drop. Just as Jarrett lunges over for a tag with Sting, Storm rushes in and grabs Jarrett's leg and pulls him away. The ref forces Storm back out, while Jarrett tags in Sting. Sting comes in and before he can really get going, the ref forces Sting back out to the apron because he never saw the tag. While the ref does that, Awesome and Storm beat down on Jarrett. When the ref turns around, Awesome tags in Storm, who rushes over and knocks Sting off the apron. He then goes for a Superkick, but this time Jarrett is able to reverse it into he Stroke, but Sting is not on the apron. Storm tags Awesome in, and before Sting can get up onto the apron, Awesome drags Jarrett away. Jarrett reaches out and grabs the ref, and while obscuring the ref's vision, kicks Awesome in the groin. When Awesome staggers back, blocking Storm from getting to Jarrett, he's finally able to tag in Sting. Sting comes in, house of fire, and takes it to Awesome and Storm. He whips Awesome into one corner and Storm into another and hits the both of them with Stinger Splashes. He then clotheslines Storm out of the ring and locks Awesome in the Scorpion Deathlock. He holds it long enough that Awesome is just about to tap, but Storm is able to get back into the ring and superkick the back of Sting's head. The ref sends Storm back to his corner, while Jarrett rolls into the ring, as Awesome staggers to his feet and hits him with the Stroke. He then rolls back out of the ring, and onto the apron. He reaches out for Sting, tags himself in when Sting reaches for the ropes, intercepting his hand. Jarrett immediately goes for the cover, but only gets a 2-count. Jarrett drags Awesome to his feet, knees him in the gut and goes for another Stroke, when Awesome reverses it, kicks him in the gut and hits him with an Awesome Bomb. Awesome goes for the cover after draggin him closer to his corner. As the ref makes the count, Storm rushes over to block Sting from breaking up the pin. 1,2,3. Awesome and Storm win and retain their titles.


Time: 22 Minutes and 39 Seconds


Rating: 62


Notes: Sting carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. This match got the crowd buzzing.


Awesome and Storm exit the ring and go out into the crowd where they meet Dreamer and Van Dam who are waiting for them. On the ramp, Bischoff and McMahon watch as the ECW guys celebrate their newfound chances at redeeming what they fought years for, the right to exist. At some point, Dreamer slips on one of the steps.


Rating: 51


Notes: Dreamer did not come out of this looking good.



Overall Rating: 62




WCW World Television Championship: AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Shane Douglas vs Scott Steiner

Chris Kanyon vs Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler

The Extremists (Awesome & Storm) vs Sting & Jeff Jarrett

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4th Week of July, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


Chris Harris & James Storm vs Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo


The match starts out with O'Haire taking out both guys single-handedly, and knocking Harris out of the ring. O'Haire dominates the match, and the only time Palumbo gets into the ring is when he and O'Haire double-superkick Storm. O'Haire covers him and gets the victory.


Time: 6 Minutes and 18 Seconds


Rating: 38


Notes: This match was too short, given it's importance in the eyes of the fans.


Shane and Eric host Bill Alfonso, and the three go over the match structure for BATB. The current card looks like:


Main Event: 3v3 Elimination match


Semi-Main: ECW Tag Team Championship Match: The Extremists (Awesome & Storm) vs ???


Semi-Main: ECW vs WCW Singles Match


Midcard: ECW vs WCW Singles Match


Midcard: ECW vs WCW Singles Match


Shane and Eric try to add the stipulation that both sides have to finalize the participants in each match prior to the even, but Alfonso doesn't accept.


Rating: 57


Notes: Eric, Shane and Bill enjoyed being able to improvise.


AJ Styles vs Elix Skipper


This fast-paced match starts out a couple quick chain-wrestling manuevers, with Elix Skipper getting the upper-hand and controlling the momentum for the first few minutes. It changes abruptly when Styles hits the reverse DDT spot. Elix tries to roll out of the ring and gets hit with a dive from Styles. Styles throwsElix into the ring and goes for a flying forearm, but Skipper does his spinning heel kick, knocking Styles off balance and crashing into the ropes. Elix is in control for most of the rest of the match, until after he hits another spinning heel kick, Styles comes back and hits a Pele Kick. When both men return to their feet, Styles unleashes a forearm flurry knocking Elix down. He then goes for the flying forearm and connects, and follows that with a Styles Clash to pick up the victory.


Time: 11 Minutes and 56 Seconds


Rating: 44


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing.


Ric Flair makes his first appearence since Big Bang and seeks out Shane Douglas, who is rather jumpy. Flair explains that he believes that Shane Douglas is on the side of WCW, which Shane appreciates. Booker T comes by, and overhears that, and interrupts the two. Booker believes that Shane helped ECW, and Shane challenges Booker to a match, fed up with these accusations.


Rating: 78


Notes: This angle got the crowd hotter.


WCW World Television Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kid Kash


Kid Kash comes out of the gate, trying to do a fast roll-up on Mysterio. Another fast-paced match that ends when Mysterio hits the West Coast Pop, and scores the pinfall.


Time: 9 Minutes and 45 Seconds


Rating: 70


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing.


Billy Kidman comes out and says that he knows that there are ECW guys there and issues an open challenge to any one of them. As he waits, Jerry Lynn appears from the crowd and Kidman gestures for him to come to the ring. Unbeknownst to Kidman, Tajiri enters the ring behind him and when Kidman hops down from the middle rope, he attacks him.


Rating: 46


Notes: None


Billy Kidman vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Tajiri goes hard on the offensive, kicking the hell out of Kidman. Kidman is able to fight out of Tajiri's offense and lays a few hard punches into him. Kidman hits a suplex onto Tajiri, picks him up and whipes him into the corner, where he picks him up to his a superplex. Tajiri tries to fight out, but does get hit with the move. With Tajiri on the ground, Kidman goes to the top rope, where he goes for the a shooting star press. Tajiri gets his knees up, causing a lot of damage to Kidman. Tajiri capitalize with a brainbuster and scores the pinfall.


Time: 8 Minutes and 27 Seconds


Rating: 55


Notes: None


After Booker T's entrance, Shand DOuglas comes out and quite a few ECW wrestlers appear in the crowd. Booker starts talking to Douglas, and whatever is said does not endear him to Douglas who slaps him in the mouth.


Rating: 62


Notes: None


Booker T vs Shane Douglas


The ECW wrestlers in the audience take much of their focus away from each other, but after a few minutes they appear to ignore the watching eyes of the invaders and start actually wrestling. Neither one gains the momentum of the match for a long stretch of it, until Douglas goes for the Franchiser, which Booker attempts to reverses into the Book End, but they both fail to hit their finishers. The match ends when Douglas tries to hit a superplex on Booker T, and he gets pushed off the top rope. Booker then gets ready to hit the Harlem Hangover, but Shane gets to up to a knee too quickly, so he instead hits Douglas with a missile dropick, which Douglas sells like he's been shot. Booker rushes over and snugly rolls up Douglas, which earns him the win.


Time: 20 Minutes and 40 Seconds


Rating: 66


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing.


As the ref counts three, Dreamer and Corino rush through the crowd armed with chairs and go to attack Booker. Douglas gets to his feet and helps Booker sned the ECW wrestlers away. Booker finally seems to believe Douglas.


Rating: 52


Notes: None


Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome


With Awesome still being a contract WCW wrestler, he has to participate in matches, and so reluctantly comes down to face DDP. Awesome controls the pace of the match for the opening few minutes, and DDP only gets the momentum once Awesome goes for the Awesome Bomb, but Page is able to rotate completely, land on his feet and hit Awesome with the Diamond Cutter. He goes for the cover too late and only gets a 2-count, but the momentum had shifted. The match would end when DDP hit Awesome with a second Diamond Cutter after reversing a clothesline attempt from Awesome, and covers him for a 3-count.


Time: 11 Minutes and 32 Seconds


Rating: 74


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing but was too short given how the fans view important matches.


DDP celebrates the win, but as he does a few ECW wrestlers appear in the crowd and start rushing towards the ring. Not before Kevin Nash comes out, two baseball bats in hand. He gets tosses DDP a bat and he fends off the ECW guys on the outside. He rolls into the ring and DDP and Nash stand back to back. Dreamer decides to retreat instead of potentially getting some of the his guys hurt. DDP and Nash taunt the ECW wrestlers as they leave.


Rating: 50


Notes: None


Eric Bischoff comes out and says that next week's Nitro will feature a tag team tournament, with the winners facing Awesome and Storm at Bash at the Beach.


Rating: 66


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 72



Show Card:


Chris Harris & James Storm vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

AJ Styles vs Elix Skipper

WCW World Television Championship Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kid Kash

Booker T vs Shane Douglas

Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome


Next Show Card:


Round 1:

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Bam Bam Bigelow and Chris Kanyon

The Insiders (DDP and Nash) vs AJ Styles and Jimmy Wang

Ric Flair and Shane Douglas vs Billy Kidman and Alex Wright

Booker T and Sting vs Jeff Jarrett and Mark Jindrak

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1st Week of August, Monday, 2001: WCW Nitro on Fox


Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay welcome the audience to Nitro, and explain the tournament that will be happening through out the show. They run down the 1st round of the tournament:


The first match of the tournament will be Ric Flair and Shane Douglas, taking on the current WCW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman and Alex Wright.


The second match will be Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Kanyon and Bam Bam Bigelow.


The third match will be AJ Styles and Jimmy Wang Yang vs The Insiders (DDP and Nash).


The fourth and final match of the 1st round will be Booker T and Sting vs Jeff Jarrett and Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler.


They also mention that, aside from Bill Alfonso, no other ECW wrestler is in the building, and that security is posted at every entrance to turn them away.


The night starts out with a Gene Okerlund interview, where he is interviewing Ric Flair and Shane Douglas. Gene asks Flair why he picked Douglas to be his partner, considering the rumors about him. Flair reiterates what he said last week and says that they simply aren't true. That Douglas could have turned his back on WCW already, and has already been given ample reasons to do so, and hasn't. Flair says that Douglas has his trust. As he finishes, Scott Steiner walks up and completely ignores Flair, and continues to berate Douglas, saying that he better not be, or Steiner will break him. Douglas holds is tongue and Steiner eventually leaves.


Rating: 68


Notes: None


Ric Flair and Shane Douglas vs Billy Kidman and Alex Wright


A rather simple match. Shane Douglas starts it out, fighting Alex Wright. Douglas spend a few minutes working him over, before tagging in Flair. During Flair's offense, Wright was able to escape and tag in Kidman, who gets a good amount of offense on Ric, before Ric flips the script on Kidman. He puts on the Figure-Four, and Kidman eventually taps out.


Time: 7 Minutes and 22 Seconds


Rating: 57


Notes: Too Short for an Important Match


We cut to Shane's office where Bill Alfonso is talking about Tajiri's victory against Kidman, and says that since he beat Kidman straight-up, he should get a title shot at Bash at the Beach. Eric mentions that Tajiri took a cheap shot at Kidman prior to the match starting, but Alfonso calls that 'semantics'. Tajiri won, and did so without any shenanigans in the confines of the match. Shane nods and agrees, which surprises both Alfonso and Eric. Alfonso shakes Shane's hands and leaves. The moment Alfonso's outside the office, Eric says 'what the hell?'. Shane smiles and before he talks the feed cuts back to the ring for the next match.


Rating: 61


Notes: None


Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire vs Bam Bam Bigelow and Kanyon


Palumbo and Kanyon are the two that start out the match, and after a couple minutes, Bigelow comes in. While Palumbo and Bigelow fight in the ring, O'Haire goes around and takes out Kanyon, ramming him into the stairs and over the barricade. He then runs around and back to his corner, tags in, and he and Palumbo do a double superkick to Bigelow. O'Haire covers Bigelow and gets the 3-count.


Time: 6 Minutes and 33 Seconds


Rating: 49


Notes: Too short for important match


We cut to the back for another Gene Okerlund interview, where Booker T and Sting are there. Booker T says that he and Sting are looking forward to winning the tournament and taking the titles off of Awesome and Storm. Sting chimes in saying that Awesome and Storm made their bed, and the two of them are going to make sure they lie in it.


Rating: 69


Notes: None


The Insiders (DDP and Nash) vs AJ Styles and Jimmy Wang Yang


The two cruiser-weights stand little chance against the two multi-time World Champs. Nash and Styles start out the match, and Nash laughs at the sight of that's significantly smaller. He charges at Styles to do a clothesline, who ducks underneath and breaks into a sprint towards the ropes. Nash turns and throws a back forearm, which Styles also ducks. Nash turns and lifts Styles into the air as Styles runs at him. Styles takes this opportunity to dropkick Nash right in the face, sending him to the canvas. He rolls out of the ring, which Styles plays up to the fans. Nash gets back in, and Styles starts to do some more athletically gifted things, but eventually gets cut off by Nash, who takes his time to demolishing Styles. Styles is able to evade Nash's grasp and tag in Jimmy Wang Yang, who fares about as well against Nash. Nash jackknifes Wang Yang and gets the 3-count. DDP nods and smiles. He's completely fresh for the next match.


Time: 7 Minutes and 15 Seconds


Rating: 52


Notes: Too short for an important match


Another Gene Okerlund interview, this time with Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. Palumbo and O'Haire talk about how they've fought with Awesome and Storm countless times, and that the two teams were always swapping victories. But now that they've shown their true colors as traitors, they are more determined than ever to put them in their place.


Rating: 54


Notes: None


Booker T and Sting vs Jeff Jarrett and Mark Jindrak


Sting and Jarrett start out the match and after three minutes, Jarrett hits Sting with the Stroke, and goes for the cover. Booker T breaks up the pin, and fights Jarrett back into his corner. The ref forces Booker out, while Jarrett nurses his nose. As Jarrett gets out of the corner, Jindrak reaches over and tags himself in. Jarrett looks pissed, but is forced into the corner. Jindrak starts working over Sting, but at one point Sting is able to tag in Booker, without Jindrak noticing. When he turns around, he gets hit with a axe kick from Booker T, as Sting rolls out of the ring. Booker hits Jindrak with an scissor Kick, and goes up to the top rope. Jarrett moves to either crotch Booker or knock him off the top, but is stopped by Sting, who pulls him off the apron and hits him with the Scorpion Death Drop. Booker T hits Jindrak with a missile dropkick and snugly pins him for the victory.


Time: 7 Minutes and 44 Seconds


Rating: 62


Notes: Too short for an important match


DDP and Nash are backstage for the 4th Gene Okerlund interview of the night. DDP and Nash talk about how well the match went for them, and that DDP is the freshest man still in the tournament. Nash gives props to Styles for having a bit more spunk than he thought he would, but that he's still too small to box with god. Gene asks them of their opinion of their opponents in the Semi-Finals, and DDP says that with how ready they are and how fresh they are, they stood a good shot at winning the whole thing.


Rating: 73


Notes: This angle got the crowd hotter.


The Insiders (DDP and Nash) vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire


DDP starts out the match against Palumbo, who get into a decent brawl for a few minutes. The Insiders try to isolate Palumbo, but it backfires horribly when Palumbo is able to take out Nash and he and O'Haire are able to isolate DDP for a long time. Whenever Nash tried to get back onto the apron, O'Haire would knock him back down. The match ends when Palumbo and O'Haire doublke Superkick DDP and get the pinfall. It seems as though Nash hurt his knee during this match.


Time: 11 Minutes and 57 Seconds


Rating: 66


Notes: Too short for an important match.


Ric Flair and Shane Douglas are strategizing about their next match, Booker T and Sting walk up. Booker T says that he's willing to take a chance on Douglas being with WCW, but that he's still going to be under a watched eye, and then he leaves. Sting is a bit more understanding, having been in the same position 5 years prior. He tells Douglas to keep on doing what he's doing, and he'll be fine. Douglas extends a hand, which Sting shakes.


Rating: 76


Notes: None


Ric Flair and Shane Douglas vs Sting and Booker T


Douglas and Booker start out the match. Booker and Douglas have a lengthy back and forth, with Douglas tagging Flair at the end of it to keep up the heat placed on Booker. Booker fights his way to his corner and tags in Sting. He and Flair have a series of exchanging blows, Stings punches and forearms against Ric Flair's chops and jabs. Sting's offense wins out, and they isolate Flair in their corner. Sting tags in Booker and Flair is able to get to Douglas when Booker misses an axe kick. Booker and Douglas resume their fight, and it all comes to an end when gets hit with a scissor kick, and a Harlem Hangover. Sting prevents Ric from breaking up the pin, and they advance to the finals.


Time: 14 Minutes and 43 Seconds


Rating: 67


Notes: Too short, but did get the crowd buzzing.


We cut to the final Gene Okerlund interview of the night to find Gene talking with Buff Bagwell, who talks about his match against Rey for the World Television. He speaks in a very confident manner, and essentially makes the point that since he's so much bogger than Rey, it'll be an easy match for him.


Rating: 52


Notes: None


WCW World Television Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Buff Bagwell


Buff comes into this match severely underestimating Rey's ability against larger wrestlers and it shows early and often throughout the contest. Rey hits fast, and evades much of Buff's offense, culminating in a failed Blockbuster attempt, which Rey uses to hit Buff with the West Coast Pop for the victory.


Time: 8 Minutes and 22 Seconds.


Rating: 51


Notes: Too short for an important match


Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoof are in their office and Eric is surprisingly happy about something. He gives credit to Shane, for coming up with such an idea completely on the spot. Shane nods and turns to look at a piece of paper, at which point the WCW participants for each match is announced for Bash at the Beach, excluding the Tag Team Championship match.


Rating: 69


Notes: Both of them did a good job improvising


Booker T and Sting vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire


Booker and O'Haire start out the match, and they tag out before the two minute mark has passed, as the two started out swining. Sting takes control of the match over Palumbo and never looks back. O'Haire never sees the ring again, he gets nailed by Booker often before he can get in. Sting tags Booker in, hits Palumbo with the Scorpion Death Drop, and rushes over to knock O'Haire off the apron. Booker than hits the Harlem Hangover and gets the 3. Booker and Sting win the tournament and will face Awesome and Storm at Bash at the Beach.


Time: 12 Minutes and 26 Seconds


Rating: 72


Notes: Too short, but got the crowd buzzing.


Booker T and Sting celebrate and the card for Bash at the Beach is announced as ECW sent their list of guys after WCW announced theirs.


Rating: 68


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 71





Round 1:

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Bam Bam Bigelow and Chris Kanyon

The Insiders (DDP and Nash) vs AJ Styles and Jimmy Wang

Ric Flair and Shane Douglas vs Billy Kidman and Alex Wright

Booker T and Sting vs Jeff Jarrett and Mark Jindrak

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Round 2:

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs The Insiders (DDP and Nash)

Booker T and Sting vs Ric Flair and Shane Douglas


WCW World Television Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Buff Bagwell



Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Booker T and Sting

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1st Week of August, Sunday, 2001: WCW Bash At The Beach Card


Main Event:

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) © vs Booker T and Sting


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


MidCard Match

Steve Corino vs Shane Douglas


MidCard Match

Masato Tanaka vs AJ Styles


WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Elix Skipper vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Pre-Show Matches:

Chris Harris vs Bam Bam Bigelow

James Storm vs Shawn Stasiak

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Main Event:

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) © vs Booker T and Sting


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


MidCard Match

Steve Corino vs Shane Douglas


MidCard Match

Masato Tanaka vs AJ Styles


WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Elix Skipper vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Pre-Show Matches:

Chris Harris vs Bam Bam Bigelow

James Storm vs Shawn Stasiak

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Main Event:

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) © vs Booker T and Sting


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


MidCard Match

Steve Corino vs Shane Douglas


MidCard Match

Masato Tanaka vs AJ Styles


WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Elix Skipper vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Pre-Show Matches:

Chris Harris vs Bam Bam Bigelow

James Storm vs Shawn Stasiak

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<p>Main Event:</p><p>

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs <strong>Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman</strong></p><p><strong>


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) ©</strong> vs Booker T and Sting</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman ©</strong> vs Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard Match</p><p>

<strong>Steve Corino</strong> vs Shane Douglas</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard Match</p><p>

Masato Tanaka vs <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio Jr. ©</strong> vs Elix Skipper vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Pre-Show Matches:</p><p>

<strong>Chris Harris</strong> vs Bam Bam Bigelow</p><p>

<strong>James Storm</strong> vs Shawn Stasiak</p>

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<p>Main Event:</p><p>

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs <strong>Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) © vs <strong>Booker T and Sting</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

Billy Kidman © vs <strong>Yoshihiro Tajiri</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MidCard Match</p><p>

Steve Corino vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MidCard Match</p><p>

Masato Tanaka vs<strong> AJ Styles</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match</p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs <strong>Elix Skipper</strong> vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Pre-Show Matches:</p><p>

Chris Harris vs <strong>Bam Bam Bigelow</strong></p><p>

<strong>James Storm </strong>vs Shawn Stasiak</p>

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1st Week of August, Sunday, 2001: WCW Bash At The Beach!


Pre-Show Match: James Storm vs Shawn Stasiak


In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, James Storm defeated Shawn Stasiak in 7:33 by pinfall with a 8-Second Ride.


Rating: 32


Pre-Show Match: Chris Harris vs Bam Bam Bigelow


In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Chris Harris in 7:47 by pinfall with a Power Bomb.


Rating: 39


WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Elix Skipper vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang


The match starts out fast paced, and quickly after the bell rings, Chavo and Skipper go to the floor, where they brawl on the outside for a decent portion of time. inside the ring, Yang and Rey duel it out with Yang getting the upper-hand momentarily, but losing it when Rey reverses Yang's brain-buster attempt, hitting him with a spike DDT. Rey then hits the West Coast Pop onto Yang and scores the first elimination of the match. (7:12)


After eliminating Yang, Rey heads to the outside, where Skipper was raining blows onto Chavo, who was doing all he could to block the punches. From this point on, Chavo and Rey team up on Elix, who for being in a handicap situation, fights valiantly. His demise in the match comes after Rey ducks a spinning heel kick, which leaves him open. Chavo hits him with a brain buster and Rey hits a springboard moonsault, and Elix gets eliminated. (18:01)


As Elix Skipper rolls out of the ring, Chavo and Rey exchange looks, followed by a quick handshake. They start fighitng, with both guys giving everything they had. The match ends when Chavo tried to go for the Gory Bomb, but Rey broke free and rolled up Chavo for the win. (25:13)


Time: 25 Minutes and 13 Seconds


Rating: 55


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing and the show off to a strong start. In terms of in-ring work, Rey was head and shoulders above everyone.


We go to the back, where Booker T and Sting getting ready for their match. Unlike with Jarrett, Sting has complete faith in Booker and they have a united front. They walk into the locker room and further down the hall, Shane McMahon and Billy Kidman are talking to one another, with Shane demonstrating something.


Rating: 66


Notes: This Angle got the crowd hotter.



Masato Tanaka vs AJ Styles


Throughout the entire match, Tanaka and Styles aren't on the same page, causing a few botches. At one point, Tanaka exhibits some frustration at Styles, and later on, Styles does it as well. Styles goes for a flying forearm, which Tanaka catches, putting Styles into a Fujiwara Armbar. Styles eventually taps.


Time: 15 Minutes and 2 Seconds


Rating: 36


Notes: Masato Tanaka and AJ Styles just don't click at all and it showed in their performances.


ECW-1, WCW-0


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Tajiri comes down the ramp and when he's about half-way down, Kidman charges out of the back, steel chair in hand. He cheap shots Tajiri, attacking his back and legs. Kidman drags Tajiri over to the steps, places his leg atop the stairs and starts swinging the chair, causing Tajiri much pain. Tajiri is finally able to get into the ring, and once Kidman enters, the match official begins.


Angle Rating: 47


Tajiri is unable to stand, but does hit Kidman with a schoolboy roll-up and almost gets the three. Kidman gets up and stomps on him for a couple seconds. Kidman picks up Tajiri and hits him with a suplex, goes up to the top rope, and hits the Shooting Star Press onto Tajiri for the win.


Time: 3 Minutes and 6 Seconds | ~11 minutes in total


Rating: 51


Notes: None.


ECW-1, WCW-1


Shane Douglas is in the back getting ready for his match, when he hears someone walking up to him. He looks up to see Steve Corino standing next to him. Corino insinuates that Douglas can still return 'home', but Douglas scoffs, and asks why he'd help the people who've tried to turn his fellow workers against him. He admits that if he had been asked before everything that's happened, he'd have thought about it, but now, that ship has long since sailed. Corino nods, and says he'll regret his decision come the end of the night.


Rating: 59


Notes: Angle got the crowd hotter



Steve Corino vs Shane Douglas


The match begins with Douglas coming out swinging. Corino takes the rbunt of Douglas' starting salvo, but once Douglas starts to slow down, Corino is able to dodge one of Douglas' strikes and gain the upperhand. Corino controls the pace for the next few minutes, until Douglas rakes Corino's eyes. Corino, somewhat blinded, goes for a clothesline, but Douglas ducks underneath and hits a neckbreaker. Douglas, despite breaking Corino's control of the pace, is unable completely control the momentum, causing a back and forth affair. The match ends when Corino tries to go for the Old School Expulsion, but Douglas fights out of it and hits Corino with a piledriver.


Rating: 64


Notes: This match got the crowd hotter


ECW-1, WCW-2


In the back is a simmering Jarrett, who's angry that he wasn't picked for the main event, and that he still has to stay and do nothing, and is very vocal about it. Eventually, Kevin Nash has had enough of his whining and says that if he wants to do something, Nash will fight him. Jarrett at first is reluctant but after Nash insists, they head down to the ring for a match, but gets stopped and told that they'll have to wait until after the ECW World Tag Team Championship match.


Rating: 67


ECW Tag Team Championship Match

Booker T and Sting vs The Extremists


Booker and Sting come out first and look ready. Awesome and Storm come down the entrance ramp, and they look more reserved than Sting and Booker. The match starts with Storm and Sting as the legal men. Sting gains the upperhand quickly and when Awesome comes in about 3 minutes after the match starts, he keeps the upperhand against him. Awesome does end up hitting Sting with a hellacious clothesline. Awesome keeps the momentum for the next couple minutes, until Booker gets tagged in. Booker hits the Axe Kick, knocking Awesome to the ground. As he attempts to get to his feet, Booker goes for a scissor kick, but Awesome pops up, grabs both of Booker's legs and hits a dangerous looking powerbomb (very reminiscent of a jackknife). Awesome then clotheslines Booker out of the ring, before hitting a suicide dive. Awesome rolls Booker back into the ring and tags Storm in. Storm puts Booker into a Boston Crab, and Booker powers out after a minute or so of Storm torquing his back. Storm isolates Booker, but Booker is able to tag in, after reversing Storm's superkick into the Book End. Sting gets the hot tag and knocks Awesome off the apron, before hitting Storm with the Scorpion Deathlock. 1,2- and it gets broken up by Awesome, who dives into the ring over the bottom rope to break it up. Booker enters the the ring and he and Awesome have a fight while the ref tries to get them out. Booker is just about to hit the Book End on Awesome, when Storm superkicks him, causing Booker to roll out of the ring. Storm then gets hit with the Scorpion Deathlock, but before Sting can make the cover, he gets Awesome Bombed. Awesome drags Storm over Sting and exits the ring. The ref makes the 3-count, and ECW gets their second win, tying WCW, and making the main-event a winner take all match.


Time: 20 Minutes and 29 Seconds


Rating: 71


Notes: None


ECW-2, WCW-2


We cut to Shane's office, where he and Eric are mad about the developments of the night, with the loss of Booker and Sting to Awesome and Storm. While they talk about the main event, Alfonso comes into the room, hotter than hell about Kidman's attack on Tajiri. Shane asks him what he means, since Kidman won straight-up. Alfonso rebutts that statement saying that Kidman attacked Tajiri for 7 minutes. Shane looks surprised and says that from bell to bell, Kidman used nothing to gain an edge, much like how Tajiri did. Shane then asks Alfonso if he still likes the semantics that he defended. Alfonso says nothing and leaves, still mad.


Rating: 64


Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett


Both men are in what would most likely be considered street fight gear (aka jeans and wife-beater shirt). This impromptu match begins when Jarrett charges at Nash and ducks the big boot, allowing some time to get some shots on Nash. The match continues where Jarrett evades Nash as best he can, while taking shots at his legs. Nash finally gets his hand on Jarrett and does a sidewalk slam. Nash picks him up and whips him into the corner, and goes a few knees to the abdomen. The match comes to an end when Jarrett goes to the well and eats a big boot. Nash then picks him up and hits the jackknife for the win.


Time: 20 Minutes and 50 Seconds


Rating: 75


Notes: None


Team WCW get ready for their match against Team ECW. Flair tries to rally the troops, but Steiner provides more energy to the group based on his description of what he will do to ECW.


Rating: 81


Notes: Scott Steiner was a real star in this segment


ECW vs WCW 4-on-4 Tag Team Match

Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn and Sandman vs Scott Steiner, DDP, Kanyon and Ric Flair


The match starts out with Steiner and Sandman. The two throw clubbing blows, until Steiner knocks Sandman out of the ring. He follows Sandman out and throws a couple stomps on him. Sandman is crawling away from the ring, egging Steiner on. Steiner clotheslines Sandman over the barricade near the ECW corner, and hops over to continue giving him punishment. The ref counts 6, and Steiner puts on the recliner, barking at the ECW guys who are watching him do it. From the other side of the ring, the WCW guys are yelling at Steiner to get back into the ring, but he can't hear them. He tries to insult them and entice them to come and fight him, but Steiner makes a realization, when the ref counts 8. He lets go of the recliner and attempts to get over the barricade, when Van Dam does a missle dropkick from the apron. As Steiner gets knocked back over the apron, the ref counts 9. By the time Steiner gets up, and over the barricade, the ref counts 10, waves his hands in the air, and gestures for the ring announcer to come over to him, The ref tells the R.A. and the R.A. announces that since bother legal men were counted out, they are both disqualified from the match, and the match will continue as a 3v3. The WCW guys are shocked, while the ECW guys are smiling. Tenay posits that this was their plan: to have Steiner get disqualified.


Steiner is ready to kill somebody, and Van Dam just happens to be the closest guy. Before he can get to him, RVD rolls into the ring, amking him the legal man of ECW. Meanwhile, DDP gets into the ring making him the legal man for WCW. However, Steiner rolls into the ring and charges at RVD, but gets stopped by DDP, who is trying to talk to him and get him to stop before they get disqualified and lose. Steiner, however, is not a man who easily listens to others. Van Dam stands still as Steiner comes toward him and Steiner lunges at him, and only gets stopped because DDP tackles Steiner to the ground, and drags him out of the ring. Outside the ring, Flair, Kanyon and DDP try to physically restrain him, but Steiner will not be denied. He breaks free, gets back into the ring and does a double leg takedown to Van Dam. Before he can do any punches, Sandman runs in and waps Steiner in the back of the head with a kendo stick. Sandman then rains down kendo stick shots onto Steiner before Page gets back into the ring, causing Sandman to flee, not wanting their plan to backfire. Dreamer is seen directing Sandman to go back into the crowd, which Sandman does. Steiner is really hurt by the kendo stick head shot and rolls out of the ring, where he is attending to by the ring side doctor and eventually taken to the back during the match.


Now a 3v3 match, DDP and RVD are the legal men. The WCW guys look slightly dejected, while the ECW guys are ecstatic. DDP and RVD have a back-and-forth offensive flurry that ends when RVD tags in Jerry Lynn. Lynn is able to get the upperhand on DDP, with a sunset flip powerbomb. Lynn goes for the Cradle Piledriver, but DDP reverses with a back body drop, and tags in Ric Flair. Lynn and Flair exchange blows, with Flair overpowering Lynn, and locking in the Figure Four. While Flair has him in it, RVD goes to the top and hits Flair with the 5-Star Frogsplash, breaking up the submission. Unluckily for him, Kanyon gets into the ring and tosses RVD out of the ring, closer to the WCW side. Kanyon and a barely recovered DDP beat on RVD. Lynn tags in Dreamer and Dreamer rushes over and hits Flair with the Dreamer DDT. He goes for the cover and would've gotten the 3, had Kanyon not noticed Dreamer being tagged in. Kanyon then drags Flair over to their corner, gets on the apron and gets tagged in, while Flair rolls out, holding his gut.


Kanyon controls the pace for a decent amount of time, until Dreamer does a reverse STO into the turnbuckle (moreso out of desperation). Dreamer tags RVD in and RVD does a few athletic manuevers before heading up to the top rope. Lynn and Dreamer rush around the ring, while RVD takes flight. RVD makes the cover on Kanyon, while DDP valiantly tries to fight Dreamer and get in to break up the pin. DDP succeeds in getting into the ring and slipping out of Dreamer's grasp. 1,2,3. DDP is just a bit short and RVD gets the victory for ECW.


Time: 26 Minutes and 32 Seconds


Rating: 63


Notes: None


ECW celebrates as they won 3 of the matches and WCW only won 2, meaning that come Fall Brawl, they will have a shot for every WCW championship.


Rating: 57


Overall Rating: 67



Card + Winners


Main Event:

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Kanyon and DDP vs Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Jerry Lynn and Sandman


Impromptu Match: Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Extremists (Awesome and Storm) © vs Booker T and Sting


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


MidCard Match

Steve Corino vs Shane Douglas


MidCard Match

Masato Tanaka vs AJ Styles


WCW World Television Championship 4-Way Elimination Match:

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Elix Skipper vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Pre-Show Matches:

Chris Harris vs Bam Bam Bigelow

James Storm vs Shawn Stasiak

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Aftermath of Bash At The Beach: Sunday, 1st Week Of August, 2001


Shane sat in his office as the show went off the air. He smiled, stood up, and started pacing. The last two PPV's had been a success, in his mind at least. They had started gaining viewers. Every report from their show, besides a very scant few, were positive. In fact, the papers on his desk, brought to him mid-way through the show, showed that they had turned a profit in July. Not much of one, barely over 100k, but Shane took that as a huge victory. He'd even been on the phone with New Japan, to try and re-kindle the old relationship that the two companies had. He was happy that the creative direction was working out, and that fans were getting into what they were doing.


But throughout this whole period, Shane had been at arm's length, and he didn't blame the talent. How could he? His old man nearly put them out of a job. Most of the under-card and mid-card guys knew that this was probably their one shot, and they weren't going to forget that it was nearly taken from them. The upper-card guys were more tolerant of him, but Eric was their guy. Tommy was the guy for the ECW talent. He was just kind of 'there'.


And he wanted to change that, make it so that there wasn't the ECW guys, WCW guys and Shane, but a united locker room. The only real thing they were united in was that they wanted a job. He knew, that if he could get them as united as the WWF locker room was in winning this war, they could win the damn thing yet. But he didn't know how to get them there.


Eric walked in while these thoughts were swirling around in his head.


Eric: Did we get some bad news?


Shane: No. I'm just thinking about how to best solve a potential problem.


Eric looked at him in a confused manner. Before he could say more, Tommy walked in, still wearing his gear.


Tommy: How'd it look on the TV?


Shane: It looked fine. I've no doubt that some people probably didn't like the Steiner part, but the crowd didn't seem to mind towards the end.


Tommy: Good, good. I've been thinking about an idea.


Shane: A minute, okay? I've got something I want to talk to you both about.


Eric looked at Tommy, who himself looked at Eric. They then look at Shane and wait for him to speak.


Shane: Tommy, I want to start out by apologizing to you.


Tommy: Apologize for what?


Shane: When you called me after I signed you, and pitched this whole idea, I didn't think it was going to work. I thought it was going to fall flat on it's face, and it was going to be over before Halloween Havoc, and that aside from you, RVD, Lynn and Tajiri, they'd all be gone by November. Well, I was wrong about that, and I want to make sure that that's clear to you and to the ECW guys. As such, I'd like to extend all of you until the end of 2004. Do you think that is something your guys will accept?


Tommy: Yes, they will.


Shane: Good. And Eric, I want you to do the same thing. Once you go do that, come back here. There something else I want to talk about.


Tommy and Eric looked at each other, got up and walked out of the room. They would come back about fifteen minutes later, and while Dreamer appeared to be in high spirits, Eric wasn't in nearly as high of spirits, which Shane decided to ask about later.


Shane: Now, I want to be clear in our goal here. Our goal is to win this war. And in order to do that, we need be united, not divided. Tommy, you speak for the ECW guys, and Eric, you speak to the WCW guys, and I make the decisions. We need to be able to cooperate, and get rid of that idea, of their being the ECW guys and the WCW guys. We're all WCW now, and the success of WCW means that all of us are going to be better off than if there was only the WWF. So, Tommy, Eric, from now on, we need to try and unite the locker room. Do I have your support?


Tommy: Of Course.


Eric: Well, you know I'm going to stand by you, but there've been some talks going on.


Shane: And that's what I want from you two. You tell me what's going on, and we address it before it gets hot. If we have a good locker room, it'll be easier to get them to come together. The sooner we can go from a divided locker room to a united one, the better, but it's going to take time. You two have your fingers on the pulse and you are the guys they go to with their issues. We deal with them, get their minds off of it, and get them to work together and we can win.


Eric: You're preaching to the choir, Shane.


Shane: I'm making sure we're clear on what we're doing and where we're going. So, now that I've done that, is there anything I should know?


Eric looked at Tommy and gestured for him to go.


Eric: You said that you had an idea already, yeah?


Tommy: I want us to bring in Sabu.


Eric: I don't know about that. No offense to him, but I don't think that he's a priority. Arn and Finlay came to me earlier today and said that we should get another agent. It's just the two of them right now, and it's starting to wear down on them.


Tommy: We can get both.


Eric: We can't. We've got 54 members of the company. We can't go over 55, or we'll have to pay all of the production costs. That's about, minimum 200k a month. I doubt we even made a profit last month, let alone made anything.


Shane: I have the financial reports, and we made a little over 100k.


Eric: Oh. Well, you know, that's a start, but we're not there yet. Once we can pay for the production crew, we can get as many people we want, but we aren't at that point.


Shane stood, back against his desk. On one hand, getting more help for the agents would go over well by everyone, while on the other, getting Sabu was more than likely just going to enhance the ECW talents opinion of him, while the WCW guys would not like it as much.


It was then, he realized the tightrope he was walking. He had to placate both sides long enough for the two sides to come together. He didn't know how long that was going to take, but he did know, that if he went to far one way or the other, the other side was going to blow up.


He asked Eric and Tommy what his standing was with each side. He also asked what the talent from both sides thought of the other, and they had differing answers.


ECW Opinion of Shane: 55

WCW Opinion of Shane: 20


ECW Opinion of WCW: 35

WCW Opinion of ECW: 15


(Scale of 0-100, 50 being average)


(In order to integrate both sides of the roster, they have to have a good view of each other, and in order for them to be united for Shane's vision, they have to have a good view of him as well. Once each side reaches 80 in their respective areas, they can integrate, getting rid of the 'ECW' and 'WCW' monikers.)

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The Next Morning: 2nd Week of August, Monday, 2001


Shane read over the agreement with FOX, and had just gotten off the phone with a representative. He had a plan, and if executed properly, could placate both sides: bringing in Sabu and getting Arn and Finlay some help with the agent work.


The first thing he'd do, is get Arn and Finlay some help. He had asked Eric for the number, and Eric was surprised that he asked for his number, and was somewhat worried about what he had in mind, but Shane had reassured him.


He dialed the number into the phone and waited, hoping that the man on the other end of the line would answer. On the fourth ring, the call was answered and the voice came through.


Dusty Rhodes: Hello?


Shane: Hello, Dusty. This is Shane McMahon. I was hoping you were interested in making a talent trading agreement between WCW and TCW.


Dusty: Oh, well, I'm not sure about, daddy. That would help us out here a great deal, but what would you get out of it?


Shane: Well, Dusty, I'd like to bring you in for two months. You'll be compensated for your time.


Dusty: Wait, daddy. What would you bring me in for? And who would you give TCW in exchange for my services?


Shane: I need another guy to agent our matches. In return for your services, WCW will offer the services of Buff Bagwell. We will also pay his for his appearences at TCW and compensate you for your services here at WCW.


Dusty:...Well, I can accept that.


Shane smiled. The two exchanged goodbye's and Shane called his laweyer and had him draft up the agreement. While doing that, he called up Dreamer, who in turn called up Sabu. Dreamer would call back, saying that Sabu was receptive to the offer, but wanted to take a few days to think about it. Shane thanked Dreamer for his work and hung up the phone. He then looked over the card for tonight's show.


Card for Monday Nitro on Fox (2nd Week of August, Monday, 2001)


Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Sting


Upper-Card: Scott Steiner vs Sandman


Upper-Card: Kevin Nash vs Booker T


Mid-Card: Diamond Dallas Page vs Shane Douglas


Mid-Card: WCW World Television Championship Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang


Lower-Card: Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Elix Skipper


Opener: AJ Styles vs Mike Awesome


Bringing in Dusty Rhodes (WCW Opinion of Shane: +3 | ECW Opinion of Shane: +1)


ECW Opinion of Shane: 56

WCW Opinion of Shane: 23


ECW Opinion of WCW: 35

WCW Opinion of ECW: 15

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Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Sting


Upper-Card: Scott Steiner vs Sandman


Upper-Card: Kevin Nash vs Booker T


Mid-Card: Diamond Dallas Page vs Shane Douglas


Mid-Card: WCW World Television Championship Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang


Lower-Card: Mark Jindrak vs Elix Skipper


Opener: AJ Styles vs Mike Awesome

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