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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner © vs Rhyno


Randy Savage vs Jerry Lynn


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (DDP and Douglas) vs The Extremists


Sting vs Sabu


Kevin Nash vs Rob Van Dam


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Elix Skipper ©


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Steve Corino


ECW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs TAKA Michinoku ©


Jerry Lawler vs Taz


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs A Debuting ECW Wrestler (Vic Grimes or Brother Devon)

Vic Grimes

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WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, Sunday, 2001


At the top of the show, a large pyrotechnics display goes off and the announcers welcome everybody to Starrcade!


WCW World Television Championship

Sean O'Haire © vs A Debuting ECW Wrestler


Sean O'Haire waits in the ring for his opponent, and while he does so, Schiavone mentions that come Souled Out, depending on whether or not a ECW wrestler holds the US Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship, O'Haire will get a championship opportunity. Shiavone mentions that for the duration of the event, WCW wrestlers will be at ringside to help dissuade interference. While speaking about them, the camera shows a few of them in the crowd, and they include Ric Flair, Bam Bam Bigelow, Alex Wright and Jeff Jarrett. Just as Bobby Heenan goes to speak, the challenger's music begins and out comes Devon Dudley.


Joey Styles starts to go through the accolades of Devon Dudley, even as the match begins, going through his 8 Tag Team Championship victories and the 4 Tag Team Championship victories up in Connecticut, followed by Heenan saying: “So, he’s needed someone else’s help to win.”.


O’Haire goes for a clothesline the second Devon enters the ring, which Devon ducks and he starts throwing punches, and once O’Haire gets knocked back to the ropes, Devon whips him into the ropes and hits him with a corkscrew shoulder block, sending O’Haire to the mat. Devon gets up and plays to the fans for a couple of seconds, allowing O’Haire to get to a knee. When Devon goes over to grab him, O’Haire hits him with a spinebuster.


O’Haire, now in control of the match, hits Devon with a suplex, and gives him a couple of stomps while he’s on the ground. O’Haire helps Devon to his feet before picking him up and attempting to end the match quick with a Widow Maker, but Devon reverses it and hits him with the Saving Grace, but only get a ‘2’ count.


Devon puts the boot to O’Haire and continues to as O’Haire gets to his feet, and it only comes to a stop when O’Haire catches Devon’s boot, pulls him in closer, and hits him with an exploder suplex, sending Devon out of the ring. O’Haire follows and Devon tries to create some separation with a few punches, but O’Haire responds with some of his own, staggering Devon, who uses the announcers table as a crutch. O’Haire walks over, and picks Devon up before dropping him back first on the announcers table, which doesn’t collapse, and Devon slides off of it and lands at the announcers feet. Styles takes this moment to try and offer words of encouragement. O’Haire picks him up again and throws him into the ring this time, and while he gets in, Bill Alfonso runs down the aisle and climbs on the apron, and starts jawing with the ref about the what just happened.


While this happens, O’Haire positions Devon in the ring and goes up to the top. Someone hops the guardrail and tries to push O’Haire off the top, but he lands on the apron and goes after the man, but the WCW wrestlers stationed at ringside descend upon him before O’Haire can get close. The camera is able to get a glimpse of the perpetrator and Styles reveals that it is Vic Grimes. Sean O’Haire climbs up to the top rope and shouts at Grimes, and while he does that, Devon gets up, clubs him in the back and hits him with a rope hung neckbreaker. Devon goes for the pin, but Sean O’Haire kicks out.


Devon picks him up and tries to go for the Saving Grace once more, but O’Haire reverses and gets Devon set up for, and hits the Widow Maker, and gets the ‘3’. Sean O’Haire retains his WCW World Television Championship for the 16th time.


On the outside after the match, Devon is yelling at Alfonso as they make their way up the ramp. Vic Grimes is escorted out by security, while Flair talks with the other wrestlers. They return to their seats, but are closer to ringside.


Time: 14 Minutes and 5 Seconds


Rating: 59


Notes: When I originally planned for Starrcade, I was going to have O’Haire lose the belt to Devon, since I wanted him to be available for other matches in the lead-up to Souled Out and a different Television champion to tell a different story. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that having O’Haire be this dominant champion week in and week out told a better story and worked better in the grand scale of the invasion, as well as where the ECW side of the invasion, was going to go.


Backstage, Devon is yelling at Alfonso about the interference, saying that he told him not to come down and that he could do it on his own. Alfonso says he just wanted to make sure he had the best chance at winning, and before Devon can reply, Eric Bischoff walks up to him, flanked by security. He tells Bill that due to his interference, he’ll be forced to vacate the premises along with Vic Grimes. The security then takes him away, and Eric is left with Devon. The two exchange looks and Bischoff walks away without another word.


Notes: When it was just the plucky underdog invasion led by ECW, a leader/spokesperson like Alfonso was fine, but now with a 3rd force entering led by a far more prestigious leader, and with the WCW leaders being well-established, a guy like Alfonso isn’t going to work very well in the coming future.


Taz vs Jerry Lawler

A short video plays before hand that shows Lawler’s previous involvement with ECW and Taz trying to honor ECW’s name back during that time. It then shows more recent events, with Taz beating AJ Styles and then attacking Jerry Lawler. It ends with a snippet from Lawler’s promo on the last Nitro, where he said, “And come Starrcade, I’ll send you back to the Bingo Halls where you belong!”.


The match starts with Lawler trying to get the upperhand, and getting stonewalled by Taz. Taz takes Lawler’s punches, and hits him with a overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Taz then picks him up and hits him with a couple of german suplexes. He goes for the quick finish with the Katahajime, but Lawler hits him with a snapmare and put shim in a head lock, which Taz fights out of.


Lawler throws a couple more punches, these appearing to do more damage than the former ones. He goes for a clothesline, but Taz ducks, and his him with a back drop. Taz tries to lock in the Katahajime when lawler tries to get up, but Lawler, crawls out of it, and tries to get a quick roll-up pin on Taz, but Taz gets out. Lawler crawls away from him, but Taz follows. Lawler throws a couple of desperation kicks at Taz, and hit him twice in the gut, before Taz catches his foot, pull shim towards the center of the ring, and locks in the Katahajime, causing Lawler to pass out.


Time: 14 Minutes and 45 Seconds


Rating: 66


Notes: I realized shortly after putting Styles with Lawler that that wasn’t the direction I wanted to go with Styles, specifically. Having Lawler be a manager works perfectly fine for what I had in mind, but after booking Styles more recent matches, Lawler is taking up to much of the focus for Styles. The only reason i paired the two was because Lawler took on Styles as a protege and I, much like I did for James Storm and Johnny Swinger (made them into a tag team because they were both made into protege’s of Sting’s). Unlike Storm and Swinger, I think Styles works better alone, and this is stepping in the direction where Styles won’t have a manager again, and seeing as how it’s only been that way for about 2 months, I consider this to be my first legitimate booking failure.


ECW World Cruiserweight Championship Match

TAKA Michinoku © vs Chavo Guerrero


The match starts with some typical cruiserweight action that ends with the two men in a staredown as they get back to their feet. The two circle the ring and get into a collar-elbow tie-up, with Chavo coming out on top with a kick to the gut and a northern lights suplex into a pinning bridge, which only gets a ‘1’ count. Chavo quickly gets TAKA into a front headlock, and drags him up to his feet, and hits him with a snap suplex. He tries to get him up again, but TAKA hits him with a back body drop. Chavo sells his back and he gets up to a knee before TAKA hits him with a running dropkick, sending him out of the ring.


TAKA walks over to the ropes, and when Cahvo gets to a knee, springboards off the top rope and hits Chavo just as he turns to look up. TAKA waits for Chavo to get to his knees, and he dropkicks Chavo into the steps, face first. The ref counts ‘3’. TAKA picks up Chavo, who’s selling his jaw and throat, and throws him into the ring. Immediately after doing so, he hits Chavo with a snap suplex into the turnbuckles.

TAKA climbs up to the top rope and hits Chavo with a flying crossbody and gets a ‘2’ count on the pinfall attempt. TAKA glares at the ref as he grabs Chavo’s head, and drags him to his feet. He goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Chavo rolls him up into a small package which gets a ‘2’ count. Both men get to their feet, with Chavo still struggling with the suplex and crossbody, so TAKA gets the initiative on him and hits him with a hurricanrana. Chavo use the ropes to get to a knee, and when TAKA gets to him, hits him thrice in the stomach with an elbow, and hits him with a quick DDT.


Chavo gets to his feet first, and springboards off the rope and hits TAKA with a tornado DDT. Chavo quickly runs up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a frog splash but comes up with nothing but canvas as TAKA rolls out of the way. TAKA tries to roll up Chavo, but only gets a ‘2’, although it’s a very close ‘2’. TAKA drags Chavo to his feet once more, and goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Chavo flips over TAKA, and when TAKA turns to face him, he gets kicked in the stomach, and Chavo hits him with the Brainbuster. He doesn’t go for the cover and instead picks him up and hits him with the Gory Bomb. 1,2,3. Chavo Guerrero wins the WCW Cruiserweight Championship!.


Time: 14 Minutes and 50 Seconds


Rating: 62


Notes: I didn’t always have Michinoku losing this match, but as I’ve had time to think about where the storylines were going versus where they are now going to, TAKA needed to lose this match.


Rey Mysterio Jr vs Steve Corino


Corino starts the match by getting hit with a huricanrana by Mysterio and that gets followed up with a springboard crossbody, and a pinfall attempt that almost ends the match before it really begins. Rey continues the fast paced offense until he goes for a wheelbarrow bulldog, and Corino tosses him out of the ring, with Rey landing hard on the floor. Corino follows him out of the ring and when Mysterio gets to his feet, Corino picks him up and crotches him on the barricade before doing a one-handed bulldog, sending Rey face first into the guardrail. Rey remains crotched on the guardrail and is selling both his crotch and face, when Corino hits him with a clothesline, sending his back into the guardrail and Rey slides down off of the guardrail. The ref counts ‘4’.


Corino rolls into the ring and walks over to the opposite side fo the ring and sits down at one of the turnbuckles as Rey sells the damage on the outside. As the ref begins to count ‘6’, Rey staggers to his feet and rolls back in as he gets to ‘8’. Immediately, Corino gets up, walks over and starts stomping on Mysterio. Corino bends over and grabs ahold of Mysterio’s head and drags him to his feet before hitting him with a snapmare, and locking him into a headlock. Corino keeps him in it for a minute before Mysterio gets up to his feet. Corino tries to toss him over again, but Mysterio holds onto the ropes, and climbs out onto the apron, while Corino still had a hold of his head. Corino, refusing to let go, followed him, but was still on the otherside of the ropes. However, the moment Corino’s upperbody came level with the middle rope, Rey pulled him out of the ring and hit him with a back suplex out onto the floor.


Both men sold the impact, and the referee began counting. When he got to ‘5’, Mysterio got to his feet, and when he got to ‘7’, Mysterio was in the ring just as Corino began to show signs of life. The referee got to ‘8’ and Corino was propping himself up on the guardrail, selling his neck. The ref counted ‘9’, and Corino pushed himself off the guardrail and rolled into the ring. When he got to a knee, Mysterio came sprinting off the ropes and gave him a dropkick into the turnbuckles. Corino slammed into the turnbuckle, and bounced off right into Rey’s springboard huricanrana, which Corino kicks out of. Rey goes to the top rope and goes for a crossbody, which Corino ducks, causing Rey to hit the Canvas hard. Rey gets back to his feet and Corino hits him with a stiff lariat, and he goes for a pin, which only gets a ‘2’. Corino picks Rey up and he tries to go for the Old School Expulsion, but Rey hits him with a jaw breaker, causing Corino to stagger backwards. Rey gets back to his feet and runs off the ropes and gets hit with a leg lariat. Corino picks him up off the mat and goes for a fisherman buster, but Rey wiggles out of the hold and hits him with a DDT. Rey goes out to the apron and waits for Corino to get to his feet and goes for the West Coast Pop, but gets powerbombed. Corino goes for the cover and gets a ‘2’ before Rey just barely reverses the pinfall attempt, putting Corino into one of his own, and gets the ‘3’.


Time: 17 Minutes and 49 Seconds


Rating: 80


WCW United States Championship Match:

Elix Skipper © vs Booker T


As the combatants make their entrance, Heenan and Schiavone grill Styles as to whether Skipper is a member of ECW, but Styles is just as unsure as they are.


Booker, immediately starts trash talking Skipper when the latter gets into the ring and the two get up into each other’s faces, with the first shot thrown coming from Skipper in the form of a open palm slap, and Booker responds with a double leg takedown, just as the bell begins to ring.


Booker uses his ground-and-pound as much as he can, until Skipper reaches the ropes. Booker doesn’t break until ‘4’, and when he does, Skipper gets out of the ring. Booker cuts him off by rolling out in front of him , and the two start exchanging punches on the outside. Skipper gets the upper hand for a moment, and goes for the spinning heel kick, which Booker catches. He throws his foot down, and puts him in a full nelson. He drags him around to the steps, picks him up and slams him down backfirst onto the steps. Skipper slides off to the opposite side, and Booker T rolls into the ring, and goes out on the same side that Skipper is on to break the count.


Elix Skipper gets up to a knee as Booker T approaches, and he pops up and hit shim with a back body drop onto the steps, and Booker sell his back. Skipper does to as he hobbles around the steps, and slowly picks up Booker, and gives him a hard knife-edge chop. Booker staggers to the side fo the ring and, Skipper throws him in, and rolls in himself. Booker is on his hands and knees as Skipper punts him in the stomach. Skipper picks up Booker and gives him another set of chops, getting him into the corner. He climbs up to the middle rope and punches Booker 7 times, when Booker hits him with a power bomb. Booker goes for the cover, and only gets a ‘2’. Booker gets to his feet, and when Skipper does, he hits him with a spinebuster. Booker drags Skipper back up to his feet, and hits him in the gut and hits him with the axe kick. He does a spinaroonie, and finishes on his feet, as Skipper gets to his. When he does, Booker goes for the Book End, but Skipper elbows his way out. The two exchange some more punches, until Booker goes for the scissor kick. Skipper catches him and crotches him on the top rope. Skipper tkaes his time as he goes over to the corner and climbs to the top rope and it proves to be his detriment, as when he goes for the New School, Booker crotches himself, and takes out his legs, causing Skipper to fall down and get guillotined at the waist by the top rope, and flips into the ring. He rises to his feet, selling the damage, and Booker hits him with the Book End and wins the WCW United States Championship!


Time: 14 Minutes and 42 Seconds


Rating: 68


Notes: This one was never in question for how it was going to end. Skipper seemingly sells his soul to win the championship, but declines every advance given to him from ECW, and is ostracized from WCW. What will happen to him now?


Rob Van Dam vs Kevin Nash


The match begins with Van Dam hitting Nash with a springboard kick, and attacking the taller competitor’s legs. He finally knows the man down to a knee after a running basement dropkick, and fells the giant with an enzuigiri. With Nash lying face down, Van Dam hits him with a rolling thunder.


Van Dam focuses on the man’s legs until, Nash is able to grab Van Dam’s pony tail, and he yanks him down to the ground. Now with Van Dam caught in his clutches, Nash takes his time beating on on him as he gets to his feet, and when he does, he tosses Van Dam halfway across the ring. And as Van Dam starts to stand, Nash forces him into the corner, and hits him with a a few knee lifts, before picking up Van Dam and hitting him with the snake eyes. Van Dam tries to mount a comeback with another springboard kick, however, Nash catches him and throws him down.


This continues until Nash hits Van Dam with a sidewalk slam, and get back to his feet, and signals for the JackKnife. As Van Dam staggers to his feet, Kevin Nash hits him with a lifting knee, and gets him into position for the JackKnife. He lifts him up but Van Dam goes over the head of Nash and hits him with a sunset flip. Van Dam quickly gets up and hops to the top rope and hits Nash with the 5* Frog Splash and wins.


Time: 14 Minutes and 43 Seconds


Rating: 78


We cut to the back where Shane Douglas is standing next to Don West for an interview but DDP is nowhere to be seen. Don West starts the interview asking about DDP, and Douglas says he and the rest of the Horsemen are unsure of where he is. The interview goes on for a minute longer before you can hear someone off camera call for Shane, who leaves right away. The cameraman follows and finds the Horsemen (not including Ric who’s still at ringside) in the parking lot, standing over a battered and bruised DDP, who’s unresponsive. Jindrak runs away to get some EMT’s, while Nash and Douglas check on him. While doing so, Nash blames ECW for the attack, and when the EMT’s come back with Jindrak, they say that he cannot wrestle tonight. Nash makes the call for Jindrak to replace DDP in tonights match.


Rating: 65


Sting vs Sabu


The match starts with each man staring the other down, with Sting walking towards Sabu, and Sabu staying out by the ropes. When in range, Sting throws a back fist, which Sabu ducks. Sabu kicks Sting in the gut, and follows him away from the ropes, continuing his offense. Sting fights back and the two begin exchanging punches. Sting gets the definitive upper hand, backing Sabu into a corner throwing jab and backhands. Sting whips Sabu into the opposing corner, and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Sabu jumps up and plants both feet firmly in Sting’s gut , knocking Sting back onto the ground.Sabu rolls out of the ring while Sting writhes in it, and he grabs a chair before rolling back in. The ref confronts Sabu, but Sabu simply sets the chair up next Sting, runs off the ropes, jumps on and off the chair onto the ropes and hits Sting with a moonsault. On commentary, Schiavone questions whether or not that it’s legal in the match, to which Styles says that it’s not being used as a weapon, but as a platform, and as long as it isn’t used as a weapon, it’s okay. Schiavone is still unsure.


Sabu continues his aerial offense, keeping Sting near the center of the ring and it begins to wear on Sting, until Sabu sets the chair a little to close to Sting, and as Sabu goes to jump off it for another moonsault, Sting kicks the chair out from under him, causing Sabut to collapse atop the chair. Sting gets to his feet while Sabu sells the damage, and he drags him to his feet and hits him with a suplex. Sting gets back to his feet, and takes the chair and tosses it out of the ring. Sting walks back over to Sabu who throws some punches to Sting’s gut, but Sting easily wins the punching exchange and backs Sabu into a corner. Sting whips Sabu over to the opposite corner and this time he successfully hits the Stinger Splash. Sting cups his hands around his mouth and shouts ‘Woo!’, which the crowd repeats. Sabu rolls out of the ring and Sting follows him. While fighting on the outside Sabu is able to hit Sting with a low blow out of view of the referee. With the upperhand, Sabu takes control of the match with some springboard moves. Sabu goes up to the apron, and when Sting gets to his feet, Sabu hits him with a huricanrana. With Sting down, Sabu walks over, picks up a different chair and gets into the ring. He sets it up and when Sting is about halfway to hif feet, Sabu runs off the the ropes, jumps off the chair and onto the ropes, and then hits Sting with a sitting senton. Sabu picks Sting up and rolls him back into the ring.


Sabu heads up to the top rope and when Sting gets to a knee, he jumps off, going for the Arabian Facecrusher. It hits Sting and Sting staggers, and Sabu gets to his feet and Sting straightens up and flexes. Sabu goes for a punch, which Sting blocks and comes out with a flurry of his own strikes, forcing Sabu back into a corner, Sting whips him to the other corner and hits him with a 2nd Stinger Splash. The moment Sting lands on his feet, he whips Sabu back to the original corner and he hits him with another Stinger Splash, which causes Sabu to collapse to the ground. Sting drags Sabu to the center of the ring and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock. Sabu struggles in it and is able to crawl his way to the ropes, but before he can grab them, Sting drags him back to the center of the ring, and torques Sabu’s back until Sabu taps out.


Time: 15 Minutes and 3 Seconds


Rating: 71


ECW World Tag Team Championship Elimination Match:

The Extremists vs The Four Horsemen (Mark Jindrak and Shane Douglas)


The match starts with Lance Storm and Shane Douglas in the ring and the two get into some chain wrestling, which Storm wins out on, hitting Douglas with a back suplex. Keeping him grounded, Storm locks Douglas in a leg hold, and Douglas has to spend a fair amount of time getting out of it, but once he does, He’s able to fight back to a vertical base, and ducks a Storm clothesline and hits Storm with a german suplex. He tags out ot Mark Jindrak, who capitalizes on the kneeling man, and takes the boot to him. Things turn in Storm’s favor after Jindrak goes for a suplex, and Storm reverses it into one of his own. He drgas Jindrak over to their corner and tags out to Awesome, and the Extremists isolate Jindrak for the better part of the opening four or five minutes


Jindrak breaks away after being beaten down, and tags in Douglas, who ducks a clothesline from Awesome, and hits him with a belly-to-belly, and only gets a ‘1’. Douglas keeps the big man grounded, but Awesome overpowers him and is able to tag out to Storm. Storm and Douglas exchange strikes, and Storm tries to surprise Douglas with a superkick, which Douglas catches. Douglas kicks out his other leg and drags him over to his corner and tags out to Jindrak, who attacks Storm’s knee. Jindrak brings Storm to his feet and hits him with a suplex. Jindrak continues with some grounded strikes, but Storm is able to escape, and gets to his feet, anc catches Jindrak with a superkick. He then tags out to Storm, who races across the ring and knocks Douglas off the apron. Jindrak staggers to his feet, and Awesome kicks him in the gut, picks him up and hits him with the Awesome Bomb, pinning and eliminating Mark Jindrak. (8:12)


Douglas stands up on the outside, and realizes that he’s alone in the fight. He gingerly walks up the stairs and into the ring, upon which Awesome charges him. Douglas is barely able to evade the larger competitor, and tries to mount some offense with some punches, but Awesome punches back and the two get into it for a little bit with Awesome winning out on it, forcing him back into his corner. He lifts Douglas up ont the top turnbuckle before tagging out to Storm. Storm gets into the ring and hits a superkick to Douglas’ chest, who would have slumped over and fallen down to the ring side area if Awesome didn’t catch him. Storm climbs up the ropes and gets ready to hit Douglas with a superplex, but Douglas is able to throw some punches to stagger Storm for a few seconds, but a few punches from Awesome gives Storm the opportunity to go for the Superplex. He does, but Douglas is able to reverse it, so he lands onto Storm like it were a crossbody attempt. The ref gets down to count and Storm kicks out at ‘2’. Douglas and Storm sell their abdomens as they get back to their feet and Storm tries to go and tag in Awesome, but Douglas is able to head him off and hits a desperation german suplex, putting himself between Storm and Awesome. Storm and Douglas battle it out, with Awesome growing more and more impatient, waiting for Storm to make the tag. Eventually, when Douglas stops Storm once more, Awesome gets into the ring, and clubs Douglas in the back, and throws him out of the way. The referee quickly gets into Awesome’s face and despite some threatening motions from Awesome, the ref is able to get Awesome back into his corner. While that happened, Storm took the opportunity to try and punt Douglas in the groin, but Douglas catches his foot, and gives Storm a low blow. Following this, he kicks him in the gut, and hits him with the Pittsburgh Plunge. He makes the cover just as Awesome goes back to his spot on the apron. The ref starts to make the count, and Awesome tries to get in, but stumbles over the ropes, allowing Douglas to get a ‘3’ on Storm, turning the match into a 1v1. (17:46)


Douglas is breathing heavily, while Awesome is in near-mint condition, and it shows in the first minute of the fight as Awesome controls much of the momentum. Awesome, tide firmly in his corner, clotheslines Douglas out of the ring. He follows and Douglas tries to shake him off with some punches, but Awesome is unperturbed, and blocks the last of Douglas’ punches and hits him with one of his own, causing Douglas to stagger back to the announcer’s table. Awesome clears off the table and tries to get Douglas onto it, but he tries to fight back, throwing punches as hard as he’s been able to and finally starts to stagger the bigger man. Awesome tries to end this flurry with a clothesline, but Douglas dodges it but rolling onto the table. Awesome follows and the two men exchange punches while atop the table. Awesome punches Douglas hard, almost making Douglas fall backwards off of the table, but Douglas regains his balance and continues the fight. Awesome kicks Douglas in the gut, and starts to pick him up for the Awesome Bomb, but Douglas worms his way out, and gives Awesome a kick of his own. He picks Awesome up and hits a Pittsburgh Plunge on the announcers table, and both men are knocked down. The ref, who had been trying to get them back into the ring, goes into the ring, and starts to count. When he gets to ‘5’, Douglas is on all fours, and Awesome is crawling towards the ring. When he gets to ‘7’, Douglas rolls into the ring, and Awesome is kneeling next to the ring apron. When the ref gets to ‘9’, Awesome rolls into the ring, and both men spend a little bit of time recuperating. Douglas is the first to his feet, and he drags Awesome up to his, and hits him with a vicious chop. Awesome responds with a punch, and the two go back and forth, until Douglas hits Awesome with a jaw breaker, causing him to stagger back into the corner. Douglas walks over and shoulder blocks him a couple of times, and gets a knee to the face on the third attempt. Awesome grabs Douglas and throws him into the corner and shoulder charges him a few times, before lifting him up onto the top turnbuckle. He climbs up to the middle rope, and gets Douglas into the position for a superplex once again. Douglas fights out of it, and stands on the top turnbuckle, and hits Awesome with a sunset flip powerbomb. Awesome lands high up on his shoulder and he rolls over, coming to rest on his knees. Douglas quickly hops to his feet and picks Awesome up and hits him with another Pittsburgh Plunge, and Awesome does not kick out. Shane Douglas and Mark Jindrak win the ECW World Tag Team Championships!


Time: 25 Minutes and 34 Seconds


Rating: 72


Just as the ref’s hand hits ‘3’, Shane Douglas rolls off of Mike Awesome, hands covering his face. The ref walks over with the championship belts and he gives them to Shane Douglas who begins his celebration as Jindrak races down the aisle. When he gets into the ring the two share an embrace, before Douglas gives Jindrak his title and the two celebrate in the ring.


Rating: 50


Randy Savage vs Jerry Lynn


The match starts with the two getting into each other’s face, and the size difference is noticeable, with Savage being taller and more jacked, yet, when the two finally start going at it, Savage is able to hang with Lynn, up until Lynn hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, sending Savage to the canvas. As Savage gets to his feet. Lynn jumps off the ropes and hits Savage with a tornado DDT. Savage rolls out of the ring, selling the neck, and as he goes around the corner post, Lynn climbs up to the top and jumps off with a crossbody. Lynn keeps up the frantic offense with a suplex and and neck breaker out on the floor. Savage gets rolled into the ring and Lynn follows him in. Lynn then slowed down the pace of the match, locking Savage in some submission holds, ending with a crossface. Savage is able to force Lynn off his back, but Lynn transitions into an arm breaker. Savage is able to get to his feet, and lifts Lynn up, giving him a powerbomb. Lynn doesn’t let go right away, so Savage hits him with another, which does break Lynn’s grip.


Savage sells the arm, and when Lynn gets to his feet, Savage walks over and puts him in a collar-elbow tie-up. The two proceed to chain wrestle with Lynn momentarily getting the upperhand, until Savage drops him with a DDT. Savage picks him back up and goes to put him back in the tie-up, but Lynn shoots him off into the ropes. Lynn drops down and Savage goes over him. Lynn hops to his feet and hits a stiff dropkick, one that stops Savage dead in his tracks, and causes him to collapse to the ground. Lynn signals for the Cradle Piledriver, and picks Savage up off the mat, and gets him into position, before Savage hits him with a back body drop. When Lynn gets to his feet, Savage hits him with a piledriver, and goes up to the top rope, and hits him with a flying elbow drop. 1,2,3. Randy Savage defeats Jerry Lynn!


Time: 17 Minutes and 58 Seconds


Rating: 81


We cut to the back for the final time tonight, where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Scott Steiner, and Scott Steiner rants about ECW and when he gets to Rhyno says that he’s nothing more than a man who’s about to meet a genetic freak, and that no one will be able to save him once he’s in the ring.


Rating: 71


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner © vs Rhyno


As soon as Rhyno hits the ring both men start raining blows onto each other, with Rhyno using his smaller frame to get leverage on Steiner, and hits Steiner with a belly-to-belly. Stiner rolls over onto his stomach, as Rhyno gets to his feet. When Steiner gets to a knee, Rhyno walks over and kicks Steiner hard in the sternum, but Steiner doesn’t go down, but staggers a bit. Rhyno does it again, and again, and when he goes to do it the 4th time, Steiner catches the food, pulls Rhyno towards him, and hits him with an exploder suplex. Steiner stays on the offensive and doesn’t allow Rhyno a chance to breath, picking him up and hitting him with a Gotch-Style German Suplex, with Rhyno landing high up on his shoulders. Steiner maintains the pressure, until he goes to pick up Rhyno, and Rhyno surprises Steiner with a death valley driver, more so done out of desperation.


Now with time to breathe, Rhyno is able to chip away at Steiner’s momentum, until it’s gone entirely, and now in his hands. Rhyno punches Steiner into the corner, and goes to life him up, but Steiner starts to fight his way out, so Rhyno scraps the idea he had, and instead gives Steiner a spinebuster. Rhyno stomps him a few times while Steiner’s on the ground, and when Steiner starts to get up, Rhyno gets set up to hit the Gore, but when he charges at Steiner. Steiner drops back down, and Rhyno whiffs the Gore attempt. When he gets back up, Steiner is there and clotheslines him back down. He then shows off his arm muscles, kisses his bicep and drops an elbow on Rhyno, which garners a ‘2’ count. Steiner picks Rhyno back up, lifts him up and hits a running powerslam into the corner.


Steiner goes to end the match by applying the Steiner Recliner, but he is unable to cinch it in, and Rhyno escapes by lifting Steiner and hitting him with an electric chair drop. As Steiner gets to his feet Rhyno hits him with the Gore, but Steiner kicks out at ‘2.9’ much to the shock of Rhyno. He goes over to the corner and waits for Steiner to get up again, and when he does goes for another gore, but Steiner jumps over Rhyno, and Rhyno crashes into the corner. Steiner gets back up and hits Rhyno with an overhead belly-to-belly. Steiner walks over, flips Rhyno over and locks in the Steiner Recliner. Steiner torques Rhyno’s back, but Rhyno doesn’t tap, and after a minute of Steiner yanking back as far as he could, he leans too far, and has to reposition, giving Rhyno a moment, which Rhyno capitalizes byt standing up and jumping backwards, landing on top of Steiner. Steiner’s the first to get to his feet, but Rhyno’s over by the ropes, selling his back. Steiner lifts him up onto the top rope, and gets prepared to do the Frankensteiner, but Rhyno punches him, causing him to keel over, and Rhyno capitalizes on the situation, and hits Steiner with a Rhino Driver. Steiner sells it, while Rhyno gets set in the corner and waits for Steiner to get to his feet. When he does, Rhyno hits him with one more Gore, and when Rhyno pins him, Steiner kicks out after the referee counts ‘3’. Rhyno wins the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!


Time: 15 Minutes and 7 Seconds


Rating: 73


The commentary team, sans Joey Styles, is in shock, as is the ref, who only goes to grab the belt after staring at the scene in front of him for half a minute. When he hands the belt to Rhyno, he grabs it and starts celebrating. And he goes to each corner to do so, but when he comes down from the last one, Steiner gets back to his feet and attacks Rhyno, hitting him with a high angle German Suplex. The WCW guys who were at ringside come into th ering to stop Steiner, Steiner toss each and every one of them out of the ring to get to Rhyno, and he hit shim once more with a overhead belly-to-belly. Tommy Dreamer and RVD race down the aisle and try to stop Steiner, but Steiner destroys the both of them. He walks over to Rhyno and puts him back into the Steiner Recliner and this time, Rhyno passes out, but Steiner just will not let go, or at least he doesn’t until someone enters the ring behind him. The crowd and the folks at home can see who it is, but Steiner is still unsure as he lets Rhyno out of the hold and turns to look at the man. But all he sees in the boot of Shawn Michaels as he gets hit with a Sweet Chin Music, knocking him out. Shawn Michaels stands in the ring and poses over Steiner, and with that visual, Starrcade comes to an end.


Rating: 80


Overall Rating: 74


Card + Winners

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner © vs Rhyno

Randy Savage vs Jerry Lynn


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas) vs The Extremists


Sting vs Sabu


Kevin Nash vs Rob Van Dam

WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Elix Skipper ©


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Steve Corino


ECW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs TAKA Michinoku ©


Jerry Lawler vs Taz


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs A Debuting ECW Wrestler (Vic Grimes or Brother Devon

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1st Week of January, Monday Morning: Financial Report


For Shane McMahon, it was a nice change of pace to have the financial report the first day of the month. Although, it was more because he and FOX knew the likelihood of a large loss this year, and sure enough, WCW had lost over $1 million in the month of January. It wasn't much over it, but he knew that they would make it sound like it was closer to $2 million in order to get as much out of him as they could. He had gotten them to agree to a 75-25 deal, but the deadline for it to be approved was midnight, and he had already fielded calls, It seemed to him that they were going to go with 80-20, or hell, 85-15. With the records at where they were, They'd lose 350k/month, which wasn't great, but losing the $1.7 million that came with dropping to 20%. He had to figure out how to convince them to keep the current agreement, or, figure out how to get them to stay where they were at.


With the show tonight being on the East Coast, and him being needed on the West at FOX HQ, he left the preparations to Eric Bischoff, with some clear instructions:


  • Hulk Hogan was not to appear at the show, or hinted at. He would make his return at SuperBrawl.
  • Shawn Michaels would appear during a segment where Bischoff rails against ECW and announce the new faction of WWF wrestlers, with John Bradshaw debuting and the return of Ron Simmons.
  • He was not to book any ECW wrestlers. Shane was always worried about WCW wrestlers trying to make the ECW guys look weaker, but he'd been happy with the strives made in the last 6 months in that regard.


The success of Starrcade was something everyone backstage was proud of, and while ECW got the short end of the stick W/L wise at the PPV, they were ecstatic with Rhyno winning the World Championship. Even the WCW guys weren't too terribly annoyed, and Sting even made some overtures to the ECW guys and it was a big celebration, all in all.


Before he left, the Head of Marketing for WCW, Rob Garner, came to him and asked for finances to upgrade the merchandise operation. He told him that his estimations: it would cost WCW 50k over the course of the year to upgrade the operation, and that when completed, it would add 150k to their merchandise sales monthly. That was a no-brainer to him, and he gave the greenlight on the project.



*Rhyno Made World Champion: ECW Opinion of Shane: +10

*Sting congratulating Rhyno: WCW Opinion of ECW: +2 | ECW Opinion of WCW: +2

*Success of Starrcade: Opinion of Shane: +2

*Jerry Lawler won Manager of the Year

*Bobby Heenan won Color Commentator of the Year


ECW Opinion of Shane: 74

WCW Opinion of Shane: 43


ECW Opinion of WCW: 28

WCW Opinion of ECW: 10

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2002 WCW Roster Update


Major Star:

Booker T

Diamond Dallas Page

Hulk Hogan (Yet to Return On-Screen)

Kevin Nash

Mike Awesome (ECW)

Randy Savage

Ric Flair (5-Month Suspension from In-Ring Competition)

Rob Van Dam (ECW)

Scott Steiner

Sean O'Haire (WCW World Television Champion)

Shane Douglas (WCW World Tag Team Champion)

Shawn Michaels (WWF)


Taz (ECW)



Al Snow (WWF)

Chuck Palumbo

Devon Dudley (ECW)

Jeff Hardy (WWF)

John Bradshaw (WWF)

Matt Hardy (WWF)

Rhyno (ECW) (WCW World Heavyweight Champion)

Road Warrior Hawk

Ron Simmons (WWF)


Well Known:

Buff Bagwell

Elix Skipper (???)

Ernest Miller

Jeff Jarrett

Jerry Lynn (ECW)

Lance Storm (ECW)

Mark Jindrak (WCW World Tag Team Champion)

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Rick Steiner

Road Warrior Animal

Ron Killings (WWF)

TAKA Michinoku (ECW)

Terry Funk (ECW)



AJ Styles

Alex Wright

Bam Bam Bigelowe

Billy Kidman

Chavo Guerrero Jr (WCW World Cruiserweight Champion)

Chris Kanyon

Sabu (ECW)

Steve Corino (ECW)

Tommy Dreamer (ECW)


Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW)



Chris Candido (ECW)

Christopher Daniels

James Storm

Johnny Swinger

Kid Kash

Masato Tanaka (ECW)

Mikey Whipwreck (ECW)

Samoa Joe (???) (Yet To Debut)

Sandman (ECW)

Shawn Stasiak

Sonny Siaki

The Prototype (John Cena) (???) (Yet To Debut)

Jimmy Wang Yang



Bill Alfonso

James Mitchell

Jerry Lawler


Ric Flair

Stacy Kiebler



Don West

Gene Okerlund



Joey Styles (ECW)

Mike Tenay

Tony Schiavone


Color Commentators:

Bobby Heenan



Billy Silverman

Charles Robinson

Mark Johnson

Nick Patrick

Earl Hebner (WWF)


Road Agents:

Arn Anderson

Dusty Rhodes

Fit Finlay

John Laurinatis

Ricky Steamboat


Authority Figures:

Shane McMahon

Eric Bischoff



  • The Four Horsemen: Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, Shane Douglas, Mark Jindrak and Stacy Kiebler
  • The Extremists (All ECW Wrestlers)
  • The Confederation (All WWF Wrestlers)


Tag Teams:

The Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr.)

The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

The Extremists (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)

The Four Horsemen (DDP, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Shane Douglas and/or Mark Jindrak)

The Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)

The New Faces of Fear (Ron Simmons and John Bradshaw)

The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy)




WCW World Heavyweight Championship

ECW World Heavyweight Championship


WCW World Tag Team Championship

ECW World Tag Team Championship


WCW World Television Championship

ECW World Television Championship


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

WCW United States Championship

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of January, 2002


WCW World Television Championship:

Sean O'Haire © vs Ernest Miller


In 8 Minutes and 6 Seconds, Sean O'Haire defeated Ernest Miller via Pinfall, after O'Haire hit Miller with the Widow Maker. This marks his 17th defense.


Rating: 60


After the match, Scott Steiner comes down to the ring and gets into O'Haire's face, saying that Steiner deserves the shot at Rhyno, and O'haire can go back to being a nobody, which is put in kinder terms than actually said. O'Haire stands his ground, and the two nearly come to blows.


Rating: 74


The Road Warriors vs The Fringes


In 12 Minutes flat, The Road Warriors defeated the Fringes via Pinfall, after Johnny Swinger got hit with the Doomsday Device.


Rating: 56


After the ring has been cleared, Eric Bischoff comes out. He announces that Shane is not there tonight, as he's meeting with FOX. And, as far as he's aware, ECW isn't there either. He then spends a minute going through Starrcade and how WCW beat ECW up and down the card with two exceptions. He says that the end of the invasion is in sight, and that when Rhyno gets beat by O'Haire at Souled Out, ECW will be a distant memory. As he's speaking, Shawn Michaels works his way through the crowd, until he's in the ring as Bischoff finishes talking. Bischoff turns and sees Shawn, who's standing behind him. Shawn walks over and tries to grab a microphone, but the ringside assistant doesn't give him one right away, only after Bischoff gestures for them to do so.


Shawn Michaels speaks on WCW television for the first tine, telling Bischoff that the Invasion isn't over until he says it's over, and that when the invasion is over, ECW and WCW will be nothing more than ashes on the ground. He says that he's not alone either, and that he was tired of sitting on the sideline listening to either McMahon's, so he decided to come take out the kid before moving onto the father. And that Easy E can either get out of his way or join the both of them. The segment ends with Michaels leaving the ring, and being escorted out by the WCW wrestlers that keep watch in the crowd, with Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels having a stare down as he leaves.


Rating: 99


AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler vs Elix Skipper


In 23 Minutes and 44 Seconds, AJ Styles beats Elix Skipper via Pinfall, after Styles hits him with the Styles Clash.


Rating: 56


After the match, AJ Styles stays in the ring and extends a hand to Skipper, much to Lawler's dismay. Skipper shakes Styles hand.


Rating: 31


Scott Steiner vs Chuck Palumbo


In 8 Minutes and 47 Seconds, Scott Steiner defeated Chuck Palumbo via Submission, using the Steiner Recliner.


Rating: 71


We cut to the back for the one and only time tonight, and Gene Okerlund is interviewing Randy Savage, who talks about his match at Starrcade, and what he wishes he could've done to an ECW wrestler tonight that he will instead do to Jeff Jarrett.


Rating: 57


Randy Savage vs Jeff Jarrett


In 16 Minutes and 27 Seconds, Randy Savage defeated Jeff Jarrett via Pinfall, after Savage hit Jarrett with a flying Elbow.


Rating: 72


As Savage celebrates, Shawn Michaels comes into the ring and kicks Jarrett's head off. Savage turns to face Michaels in the ring, as the WCW wrestlers (Ric Flair, Rey Mysterio Jr., Alex Wright and Chris Kanyon) station near ringside jump the barricade. Before they can get to Michaels, he's able to hit Savage with a Sweet Chin Music. They descend on Michaels, who fights them. As he's doing that two more people hop the barricade, and enter the ring. The first person to turn to face them was Mysterio and he eats a clothesline from Hell. Ron Simmons and John Bradshaw proceed to help Shawn Michaels beat the WCW guys, and it ends with Michaels kicking Flair's head off. The three men leave the ring as reinforcements come down from the back.


Rating: 69


Overall Rating: 77


Card + Winners


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Ernest Miller


The Fringes (J. Storm and Swinger) vs The Road Warriors


AJ Styles vs Elix Skipper


Scott Steiner vs Chuck Palumbo


Jeff Jarrett vs Randy Savage

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1st Week of January, Wednesday: The Samoan Submission Machine


The meeting with FOX went worse than he wanted to admit. He had negotiated an agreement early to have the split by 75-25, and with the large loss in December, the revenue split for 2002 would be 85-15. He already dreaded whatever the financial reports would be come the beginning of February. It was the worst possible decision that could have come his way, and he wondered what he'd have to do to get in the black as he walked into the Power Plant.


Finlay really wanted him to see one of the UPW guys that they had gotten. He was introduced to Samoa Joe, who had pretty good size, but Shane wondered what made Finlay like this guy, and figured that he had to be the type of guy that could do things that didn't make sense given his look, and sure enough, that's what it was. Finlay had him wrestle another UPW guy, The Prototype, and that guy looked like a million dollars, bt Samoa Joe was just as athletic as he was, if not more so, and when the little impromptu match ended, he knew that Joe was the kind of guy that needed the Goldberg treatment. He wasn't sure how well of a promo he was, but he had the look of a hard-hitting monster, who could fly around the ring and wrestled better than Goldberg. The Prototype looked good too, but Shane instantly knew what he could do with Joe, and before he left for the TV Taping, he took Samoa Joe with him.

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of January, 2002


Devon Dudley vs Elix Skipper


In 15 Minutes and 50 Seconds, Devon Dudley defeated Elix Skipper via Pinfall, hitting him with the Saving Grace.


Rating: 65


Following the bell, Devon Dudley starts attacking Skipper, with Dreamer and Corino coming down and when none of the WCW wrestlers near ringside get up to help, they crawl into the ring and start beating down on Skipper. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels race down the aisle and are able to save Skipper. Christopher Daniels helps Skipper to his feet, and Styles is talking with Alex Wight outside, and the two get into an argument, which ends when the 3-men walk up the aisle together.


Rating: 46


Before the start of the next match, with TAKA in the ring, Samoa Joe makes his debut, with Schiavone saying that Joe had been around since the middle of November, and in the two months he's been around, showed himself to be the best of WCW's Power Plant, and worthy of a match here on Nitro.


Rating: 38


Samoa Joe vs TAKA Michinoku


In 4 Minutes and 54 Seconds, Samoa Joe defeated TAKA Michinoku via Submission.


Rating: 50


In the back, the Four Horsemen begin to talk about the ECW invasion and the new interlopers, when they show up, Shawn Michaels is flanked by Simmons and Bradshaw. Shawn and Ric get into a war of words, when Nash intercedes and Bradsahw steps up to him, a fight nearly breaks out. Shawn steps in and says that he doesn't want a fight now, and that if they want a shot at him, they'll have to wait a while longer, since Bradshaw and Simmons have a match tonight.


Rating: 68


The Filthy Animals vs The New Faces of Fear


In 13 Minutes and 15 Seconds, The New Faces of Fear defeated the Filthy Animals via Pinfall, after Bradshaw hit the Clothesline From Hell on Mysterio Jr.


Rating: 78


We cut to the back, and Shawn Michaels is in the office of Eric Bischoff. Michaels says that he's happy Eric took him up on his offer and Eric says that he didn't do it out of the kindness of hist heart, but to see how serious Michaels was about joining ECW in an invasion. Michaels reiterates that he and the 'rest of us' aren't part of ECW. At this point, Shane walks in and he and Michaels have a brief stare-down, before Michaels tries to lighten the mood with a joke, and he leaves right after. Shane watches as he leaves and then asks Eric what's going on. Eric says that he accepted a proposal from Shawn that would allow the New Faces of Fear to compete tonight and next week, and that they'd have a series of matches at the PPV, and if they won all of them, they'd be given the same benefits as ECW. Shane is livid, but Eric defends it, because unlike Shane's arrangement where they had to win a majority, Michaels' guys would have to win all of their matches. Shane is still unhappy about the development, and Eric tells him that Michaels still has one guy to wrestle tonight.


Rating: 93


WCW World Television Championship:

Sean O'Haire © vs Sabu


In 12 Minutes and 37 Seconds, Sean O'Haire defeated Sabu via Pinfall with the Widow Maker.


Rating: 63


We cut to the back and the Four Horsemen are being interviewed once again, with Okerlund saying, 'And hopefully this time we don't get interupted.'. Flair hypes up the Horsemen, and DDP's match against Michaels mystery opponent. He then hypes up Nash, who says that the Horsemen are his friends now, and that there won't be any hesitation should he have to fight Shawn.


Rating: 71


Diamond Dallas Page vs Al Snow


In 25 Minutes and 29 Seconds, DDP defeated Al Snow via DQ, due to interference from Shawn Michaels and the New Faces of Fear.


Rating: 71


As soon as Michaels kicks Page's head off, the WCW wrestlers rush the ring and despite Michaels and his guys fighting well, they are forced to back away due to the numbers game. The show goes off the air, with the final shot being Shawn Michaels' smiling at the scene before him as he backs away from the ring.


Rating: 76


Overall Rating: 76


Card + Winners:


Elix Skipper vs Devon Dudley


Samoa Joe vs TAKA Michinoku


The New Faces of Fear vs The Filthy Animals


WCW World Television Championship:

Sean O'Haire © vs Sabu


Diamond Dallas Page vs Al Snow



DHK1989: 5/5

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Week of January, Monday, 2001


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Mikey Whipwreck


In 12 Minutes and 9 Seconds, Guerrero Jr. defeated Whipwreck via Pinfall, after Guerrero Jr hit Whipwreck with a brainbuster.


Rating: 64


We cut to the back, and we see the Horsemen together in the back, in the middle of a conversation, talking about Michaels and the New Faces of Fear. As they are talking, RVD, Taz and Jerry Lynn walk in. The Horsemen immediately get ready for a fight, but RVD talks down the Horsemen, saying that they aren't there to fight, further elaborating that Michaels wants to put both of them in the ground. In a surprise moment, RVD offers to have some ECW wrestlers watch over the matches with Michaels guys, stating that it's better for both sides to get Michaels out of the way, than to have a third side that they''ll have to fight. Flair shots down the offer, and the ECW guys leave.


Rating: 71


WCW World Television Championship:

Sean O'Haire © vs Masato Tanaka


In 12 Minutes and 56 Seconds, Sean O'Haire defeated Masato Tanaka via Pinfall, with the Widow Maker. This marks Sean O'Haire's 19th defense of the Television Championship.


Rating: 64


As O'Haire celebrates, Scott Steiner comes down to the ring and he immediately grabs a mic. He tells O'Haire to let a real man fight Rhyno, and when he doesn't get the answer he wants, he gets into O'Haire's face. O'Haire bows up to Steiner and the two get into a fight that has to be broken up by security.


Rating: 74


Samoa Joe vs Ernest Miller


In 6 Minutes and 13 Seconds, Samoa Joe defeated Ernest miller via Submission.


Rating: 43


We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is about to interview Skipper, when Michaels, Al Snow, and the New Faces of Fear interrupt, and force Skipper to leave through threat of a beat down prior to their match. Michaels tells Okerlund that there was another condition to his deal with Eric, and that if his guys win, not only do they get the same privileges as ECW, but he'll get to choose his opponent at SuperBrawl. But tonight, the New Faces of Fear will destroy their opponents.


Rating: 66


AJ Styles and Elix Skipper vs The New Faces of Fear


In 14 Minutes and 58 Seconds, Bradshaw pinned AJ Styles after hitting him with the Clothesline From Hell.


Rating: 63


Steve Corino vs Booker T


In 12 Minutes and 40 Seconds, Steve Corino defeated Booker T via Pinfall, with a school boy pin.


Rating: 72


Shawn Michaels appears the crowd, and before he can do much of anything, DDP, Nash and Flair come down the ring. Michaels remarks that they didn't even give him time to do anything. Flair and Shawn go back and forth, and Michaels reveals that he was the one who beat down Page at Starrcade. Page immediately tries to fight him and he gets held back by Nash. Page instead grabs the mic from Flair and offers to be the challenger to fight Michaels at the PPV. Michales looks slightly surprised before he breaks the news that his opponent has already been chosen and assumes that it'll be Kevin Nash, since it's not Page. Nash looks puzzled, and tells Shawn that he hasn't been asked. Shawn looks confused and at that moment, Randy Savage appears in the crowd a few rows behind Shawn, and while Shawn starts to talk, Savage attacks him, and the two get into a fight while DDP, Nash and Flair exit the ring and head towards the two. Michaels is able to get away before he can really get beaten down.


Rating: 81


Al Snow vs Sting


In 21 Minutes and 12 Seconds, Sting wins via Disqualification after Shawn Michaels hits him with a Sweet Chin Music.


Rating: 76


A brawl ensues with Snow and Michaels fighting DDP, Nash, Flair and Sting until the New Faces of Fear arrive, and the brawl ends with Michaels hitting Savage with a Sweet Chin Music, and the new ivading force coming out on top before scurrying away from the second wave of WCW wrestlers.


Rating: 79


Overall Rating: 79


Card + Winners


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Mikey Whipwreck


WCW World Television Championship:

Sean O'Haire © vs Masato Tanaka


Samoa Joe vs Ernest Miller


The New Faces of Fear vs AJ Styles and Elix Skipper


Steve Corino vs Booker T


Al Snow vs Sting



DHK1989: 5/6

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Card for WCW Souled Out, Sunday, 3rd Week of January


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs Masato Tanaka


WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs AJ Styles


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Nash) vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Simmons)


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Steve Corino


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas) © vs The Road Warriors


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rhyno © vs Sean O'Haire


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage

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WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs Masato Tanaka


WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs AJ Styles


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Nash) vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Simmons)


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Steve Corino


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas) © vs The Road Warriors


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rhyno © vs Sean O'Haire


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage

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  • 2 months later...

WCW Souled Out, Sunday, 3rd Week of January


The event begins with a video package, focused on the ending of Starrcade, and the ramifications of it. Shawn Michaels first match in over 3 years, ECW's Rhyno winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Shane Douglas enduring the Extremists to bring back the WCW World Tag Team Championships, and the deal between Eric Bischoff and Shawn Michaels.


Following the package, we cut to a live feed of the arena, and pyro starts to go off. Once finished, a panning shot of the sold-out crowd begins while the announcers: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Joey Styles welcome the PPV audience to the event. They go through the match card, and talk about each match briefly.


As they are talking about the Main Event, Rob Van Dam makes his entrance.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Rob Van Dam


Sean O'Haire spends a lot of time having difficulties getting the more agile competitor, and almost loses the title after getting rolled up about 5 minutes in. However, the momentum of the match would swing into O'Haire's favor when RVD went for a springboard kick, which O'Haire caught, power bombing him to the ground. From that moment until the end, O'Haire was able to command the pace of the match, and kept Van Dam grounded and subdued. He would make an attempt at a Widow Maker, which Van Dam reversed into a hurricanrana. Van Dam would quickly head to the top rope and attempt to hit the 5* Frog Splash. He would find O'Haire's knees inhis mid-section. The Match ended after O'Haire hit Van Dam with the Widow Maker.


Time: 12 Minutes and 51 Seconds


Rating: 81


Notes: This Match represents Sean O'Haire's 20th defense of the WCW World Television Championship.


The announcers talk about the match for a brief moment before giving the feed to Gene Okerlund, who's in the back and interviewing Shawn Michaels. Gene asks why he came to WCW, and Michaels laughs, saying he's already explained why, but does give an additional reason: Kevin Nash. He says that he expected his long time friend to join him, and with more people on his side, he could bring down both WCW and WWF. ECW would be "just a bonus" in his plan. But, Nash has instead been a thorn in his side by deciding to "play with the big boys". But Michaels tells Nash that he can always call him: "when he fells like being a man again.".


Rating: 71


Samoa Joe vs Masato Tanaka


Tanaka and Joe stare each other down, and start out the match with hard strikes. Tanaka wins the battle of strikes, and takes advantage of the momentum gained with a flurry of strikes, but is unable to knock Joe off his feet. He tries to hit a clothesline, but Joe reverses it and almost gets the Rear-Naked Choke applied, but Tanaka is able to get to the ropes. When the ref comes to break up the hold when Joe doesn't let go, Tanaka kicks Joe in the groin. The ref doesn't see and Joe goes to the ground. Tanaka work on Joe for a moment, but Joe gets up, angry as hell. Joe blocks a strike from Tanaka and beats the hell out of him, knocking him into the corner. Joe then lifts Tanaka up to the top and does a jumping kick, almost knocking Tanaka off the top. Joe quickly gets up and hits Tanaka with a muscle buster, and gets the victory.


Time: 7 Minutes and 35 Seconds


Rating: 39


Notes: This is Samoa Joe's first Pinfall victory, as well as the first time he's hit the Muscle Buster.


The announcers talk about the match, with Bobby and Tony praising Samoa Joe, while Styles doesn't. From then, we cut to the locker room of the Horsemen, where Gene Okerlund is standing next to Flair, while the other 4 get ready for their matches. Gene asks Flair if the Horsemen are ready, and Flair lauches into a promo, hyping up the other members of the Horsemen, before putting down their opponents, specifically Ron Simmons. Flair brings up the fact that Simmons started in Jim Crockett Promotions, and that he was a former WCW champion, and what a betrayal him trying to kill WCW is. As he finishes, Page and Nash say that they are going to give the New Faces of Fear the fight of their life, before leaving the locker room. As the interview ends, Douglas starts to try and hype up Jindrak, who seems more interested in Stacy Kiebler.


Rating: 69


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs AJ Styles


The match begins with high flying cruiserweight action with the two trading a flurry of strikes and aerial maneuvers. Aj Styles clotheslines Chavo out of the ring and hits him with an over the top rope senton to the outside. Styles hits Chavo with a flurry of forearm strikes and rolls him into the ring. Styles has the momentum and is on a roll until he goes for a phenomenal forearm, and gets his feet swiped out from underneath him, causing him to crash and burn to the outside. Chavo waits for him to get to his feet and hits him with a suicide dive, and then quickly rolls him back into the ring. Chavo picks him up and hits him with a Brainbuster and secures the victory.


Time: 18 Minutes and 20 Seconds


Rating: 60


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Nash) vs The New Faces of Fear


The match starts out with DDP and Bradshaw as the legal men, and the two go at each other, ending with Page charging at Bradshaw and sending both of them out of the ring. The two men fight on the outside, with page prolonging it twice by rolling into and out of the ring to break the count. Bradshaw reverses an irish whip and sends DDP careening into the guard rail, before putting him back into the ring. Simmons gets the tag and the NFF beat down on Page for a few minutes, until Nash gets the hot tag, and flips the momentum instantly, and takes charge of the match for a few minutes. He goes to hit Simmons with a Jackknife, but Bradshaw hits him with the Clothesline From Hell before he can get him up. Page tags back in, and forces Simmons to tag out, and Bradshaw and Page resume their fight, which ends in a stalemate. Bradshaw is able to tag back out to Simmons, but Nash isn't back up on the apron just yet, so Page has to fight Simmons, but it goes poorly. Simmons goes for the Dominator, but Page reverses it and hits Simmons with the Diamond Cutter. Page goes for the cover, but only gets a '2' count, due to the two men being incapacitated for some time. On the outside, Nash is able to get to his feet, but gets knocked right back down as Bradshaw runs around to that side of the ring and hits him with a second Clothesline from Hell. Page crawls over to his corner, only to find Nash out cold, while Simmons crawls to his and finds Bradshaw, who tags in. He then hits Page with a Clothesline from Hell and gets the victory.


Time: 22 Minutes and 13 Seconds




Notes: DDP and Nash haven't won a tag team match since August of 2001, when they defeated the Filthy Animals.


The announce team laments the outcome of the match, including Styles which surprises the other two, who ask him why he wanted WCW to win. Styles reiterates what RVD told the Horsemen, and that he would rather not have to deal with a third party.


Following the announcers talk, we cut to the back where Booker T is getting ready for his match. As he's going through his warm-ups, his opponent, Steve Corino, comes into frame. Booker pauses his warm-up and watches Corino, who doesn't say anything until he extends his hand, and wishes Booker luck. Booker reluctantly accepts.


Rating: 57


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Steve Corino


Corino acts like he got shot out of a cannon and charged at Booker, who was caught off guard by the sudden move. Corino backed Booker into the corner and proceeded to ram his shoulder into Booker's midsection, and then went up to the middle rope and began to punch Booker. after 6 punches, Booker ends Corino's offense with a resounding spinebuster. Booker maintains the pace and Corino can't do much to stop him up until the mid point of the match. Booker's momentum only wavers when he does the spin-a-roonie and Corino is able to dropkick Booker's leg out from under him as he gets up. From that moment on, Corino is in control of the match and has a couple near falls, but it's all for not when Booker is able to reverse into his finisher the Book End. Booker pauses for a second before heading up to the top rope, and he hits the Harlem Hangover, and pins him for the '3'.


Time: 14 Minutes and 53 Seconds


Rating: 69


Notes: This match marks the 5th time Corino has challenged for a championship without obtaining it, and the 6th time he's participated in a Championship match. He was, at one point, a substitute for Jerry Lynn who needed one due to an injury. He would lose that championship to Sean O'Haire.


The announcers talk about the match and about the next 3 afterwards, and Schiavone sends us back to Gene Okerlund in the Interviewing area, where he stands in the middle of the Road Warriors. Gene asks them about their first WCW World Tag Team Championship Match in 5 years. Animal starts talking about how it that doesn't matter and that they are always ready to fight and tear their opponents apart, and whether it was 5 years ago or 50, they'd be just as ready. "Tell 'em, Hawk!". "Well!", he begins before talking about how they will leave Jindrak and Douglas battered and bloodied, and leave as the new Tag Team Champions.




WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (Douglas and Jindrak) /w Stacy Kiebler vs The Road Warriors


Douglas and Animal start out as the legal men, and while Douglas tries to subdue Animal, he falls short, and Animal gets the upper hand, with the peak of his offensive flurry culminating with a scoop power-slam. Douglas eventually tags out to Jindrak, who fairs about as well, but Animal doesn't tag out, instead continuing to inflict punishment. However, this starts to backfire as he begins to get tired, and this becomes a focal point in the momentum shift when Jindrak tags out and Douglas is finally able to subdue Animal, and keeping him knocked down and isolated. After a minute, Douglas tags back out to Jindrak. Jindrak gets a few maneuvers in, but falters and allows Animal to tag out to Hawk, who kicks the hell out of both Jindrak and Douglas. The one-sided beat-down by Hawk is culminated by the Doomsday Device. Before Hawk can get the pin on Jindrak, Douglas is able to pull Jindrak out of the ring. Hawk and Animal go to the outside and Douglas has to try and fight both men off, which he has a hard time doing. Jindrak does get to his feet and rolls back into the ring with Stacy cheering him on, and as he does so, Hawk rolls into the ring and resumes his assault.


However, luck favors the Horsemen, as Jindrak is able to jump up and make the tag while Hawk catches him, oblivious to the tag. Hawk hits a brutal spinebuster onto Jindrak, who rolls out of the ring. Hawk would've stopped him, had Douglas not prevented him and chop blocked the back of his knee. Douglas puts the boot to Hawk's knee, and goes to tag out, but Jindrak is staying down on the floor while Stacy tends to him. Douglas shouts at him to get up, but Jindrak doesn't. Douglas turns back to face Hawk, who's gotten to his feet, and the two start exchanging strikes, with Hawk getting the upper hand, but clearly limping. Hawk tags out to Animal and the two try to double team Douglas, but Douglas chop blocks Hawk's knee again, knocking him down to the ground. Animal and Douglas fight each other, and Animal wins again, and lifts him up for the Doomsday Device. Hawk goes up to the top rope, and as he goes to leap off, his knee buckles and he falls short. Douglas wiggles his way out and hits Animal with the Franchiser, which stuns him. Douglas follows it up with a Pittsburgh Plunge, but instead of holding the bridge, he cinches up on a pinfall attempt, and with a fistful of Animal's tights, Douglas gets the '3'.


Time: 12 Minutes and 38 Seconds


Rating: 68


Notes: Following the match, Douglas shouts at Jindrak, who rose to his feet seconds after the match ended. Jindrak goes to leave, but Douglas gets about a quarter-inch away from his face and just starts shouting at him, to the point where Stacy gets in-between.


The announcers comment on the after match confrontation between Jindrak and Douglas, with Heenan stating his apprehension about Jindrak. He isn't given much time to elaborate, and Jindrak and Douglas haven't even got to the top of the entrance way, when Scott Steiner's music plays and he comes down to the ring, brushing past the other two without much acknowledgement for them. When he gets to the ring, he grabs a mic and he rants about Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon, giving his title shot to Sean O'Haire. He warns WCW that he is not going to toe the line for them and that if they don't learn to appreciate him, he will make them regret it.


Rating: 63


The announce team speculate on what he means by making them regret it, whether that be joining ECW or Michaels new faction. They don't get much time to speculate, as the graphic for the main event appears, and they segue into a video package showcasing the roads the two men were on to get to this point, with Rhyno coming in the middle of December to winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade, defeating Scott Steiner. The part of the video package with O'Haire showcases his journey from tag team star to Television Champion, leading to his 1st World Heavyweight Championship opportunity.


As the video ends, O'Haire comes down to the ring, followed a few minutes later by Rhyno.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs Rhyno ©


The match starts with a test of strength and O'Haire plwoing Rhyno out of the ring and following him outside. The two fight on the outside for a time, but the momentum stays with O'Haire, who rolls Rhyno into the ring. Unfortunately for O'Haire, Rhyno was playing opossum and reversed an irish whip into the ropes with a Gore. He goes for a quick cover which O'Haire barely kicks out of. Rhyno is now firmly int the driver seat, and the effects from O'Haire's first match are on full display, as he gets exhauted by the 10-minute mark. He gets a second win and fight sback long enough to attempt the Widow Maker, which gets reversed by Rhyno, who wiggles out and hits O'Haire with a DDT. Rhyno waits for him to get to his feet and O'Haire turns into another Gore, which keeps him down for the '3'.


Time: 14 Minutes and 52 Seconds


Rating: 69


Notes: Sean O'Haire wreslted 27 minutes and 43 Seconds tonight.


Following the end of the match, Scott Steiner comes back out and destroys Rhyno, putting him into the Steiner Recliner. As he does so, ECW wrestlers rush down, bu before the get to the ring, Steiner applies the Recliner onto O'Haire, which makes the WCW wrestlers come down to protect their guy, leading to a weird moment where both WCW and ECW are trying to pacify Steiner without getting anyone's head bitten off. Eventually, security is brought out to pacify Steiner, but that goes as well as can be expected, with none even able to slow the man down. Eventually, Shane McMahon comes down and confronts Steiner, telling him to stop or he;ll have him arrested. Steiner ignores the warning, flips Shane into the ring and puts him in the recliner. At that moment, the police that accompanied Shane enter the ring and pacify Steiner.


Rating: 74


The announcers talk about what'll happen to Steiner, but are forced to move onto the main event, and they send the feedback to Gene Okerlund, who's waiting to speak with Randy Savage. Savage comes out of the dressing room and Okerlund asks him what he expects from Michaels, considering it's been nearly 4 years since his last match. Savage says that it's much like riding a bike, and that he expects to see the world class athlete that Michaels was, but that he has always been a world class athlete. Savage goes through a hallway door, heading to the Jody Position. Okerlund gives his own thoughts on the upcoming match, and he sends it back to the ring and the announcers.


Rating: 69


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage


The match begins with a brief period where the two opponents stare each other down., as they walk towards each other, and meet in the center of the ring. They exchange words and Michaels throws the first punch. The two exchange strikes and that only ends when Savage hits Michaels with a clothesline. Sending him to the ground. The two keep up the back and forth, eventually knocking each other to the outside. Neither man gets much of an upper hand, until Michaels is able to hit Savage with a Sweet Chin Music, knocking back onto the announcer table. Michaels goes to pull him off before looking up at the corner post. He positions Savage in a more opportune way, and he climbs up to the top of the corner post. He jumps off and Savage is just able to get out of the way, but not completely off the table, and Michaels comes crashing down. Savage uses the miscalculation to his advantage. He rolls Michaels into the ring, and the momentum lies squarely in his favor. Savage keeps up the offensive, until he goes for another clothesline, which Michaels ducks. He then hits Savage with a flying forearm, before kipping up. He goes for the Sweet Chin Music and catches Savage on the button, causing him to fall backwards and out of the ring, much to the chagrin of Michaels. He hops back to the outside and picks Savage up, and tries to roll him back into the ring, but Savage elbows Michaels in the gut and whips him into the corner post. Savage throws a couple more strikes, and tries to throw Michaels back in, but Michaels reverses, sending Savage into the ring apron. Michaels is able to roll Savage into the ring and keeps control of the match, until Savage is able to hit him with a scoop slam, he heads to the top signaling for a flying elbow, but as he gets up to the top, Michaels gets to his feet, and he changes plans. He jumps off the top for a flying double axe-handle and that proves to be a fatal mistake as Michaels hits Savage with a Sweet Chin Music, and picks up the victory.


Time: 25 Minutes and 6 Seconds


Rating: 85


Notes: This is the Highest Rated Match since the reboot in July. It overtakes Shane Douglas vs Rob Van Dam at ECW November to Remember 2001, which was rated at 82.


As Michaels celebrates, the announcers lament the outcome and Schiavone wonders what we'll see now that Michaels faction has the same privileges as ECW.


Overall rating: 80


Notes: This is the highest rated show since the July Reboot, with the previous record holders being ECW November to Remember 2001 and last week's Nitro, which was 77.


Card + Winners


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Rob Van Dam


Samoa Joe vs Masato Tanaka


WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs AJ Styles


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Nash) vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Simmons)


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Steve Corino


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas) © vs The Road Warriors


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rhyno © vs Sean O'Haire


Shawn Michaels vs Randy Savage



DHK1989: 7/8

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of January


Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Devon Dudley


Scott Steiner vs Sean O'Haire


Diamond Dallas Page vs Bradshaw


Mark Jindrak vs Al Snow


Vic Grimes vs Samoa Joe


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels /w AJ Styles vs The Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)

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Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Devon Dudley


Scott Steiner vs Sean O'Haire


Diamond Dallas Page vs Bradshaw


Mark Jindrak vs Al Snow


Vic Grimes vs Samoa Joe


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels /w AJ Styles vs The Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of January


The show opens with a burst of pyro, followed by the announce team greeting the viewing audience to another WCW Nitro, before talking about the developments from last night, where Shawn Michaels and his renegade band won the same privileges as ECW. Styles remarks on how undeserved it feels, considering ECW spent months pursuing what Michaels got in 3 weeks. Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone both mention how ECW should never have gotten those privileges, but they do agree that Eric Bischoff made a bad deal. Before they can say much else, the participants of the next match make their way down to the ring.


Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels /w AJ Styles vs The Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)


As Skipper and Daniels make their way down, with AJ Styles right behind them, the commentary team mention how these three men have seemed to form a coalition in recent weeks, which makes each man wonder why Daniels and Styles, who was up until recently under the wing of Jerry Lawler, decided to side with Elix Skipper, a known traitor to WCW.


The match begins with Skipper and Storm the legal men, and it doesn’t take long forSkipper to get control of the match, and when Storm is able to tag out to Swinger, not much changes. Daniels would be tagged in and kept up the momentum given to him by Skipper, almost pinning Swinger after hitting the Angle’s Wings, only after being interrupted by Storm. With the split second opening, Storm was able to tag in and got just about the only offense managed by the team, but would be stopped after a well-placed kick. Daniels would tag back out to Skipper and they would hit Storm with the Power-Plex. Skipper made the cover while Daniels ran interference, and they would win the match.


Time: 7 Minutes and 2 Seconds


Rating: 44


Notes: This is the second time that Daniels and Skipper have faced off against the Fringes, with their last match having been back in November. As a tag team, Daniels and Skipper are 2-0, with their individual records being 15-12 and 11-10. AJ Styles has an individual record of 8-9. The Fringes (Storm and Swinger) record as a tag team is 0-5, with their individual records being 1-6 and 0-4.


Following the match, Christopher Daniels grabs the microphone and says that it’s time to address the elephant in the room, that nobody but Skipper saw: Mark Jindrak. Daniels claims that Skipper knew that he was a snake in the grass and a liability to WCW, and that the treatment of Skipper for ‘trying to improve the quality of champions’ was heinous and unwarranted. Not only did he feel that way, but so did Styles, and that ‘if those at the top want bury their heads in the sand and ostracize the one guy who tried to tell them the truth, then they better not complain when it bites them in the ass.’.


Rating: 38


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The match begins with high-flying cruiserweight action, and after about 6-7 minutes of back and forth aerial maneuvers, it transitions into a technical bout, and the momentum switches back and forth throughout the match. Rey Mysterio is just about to hit the West Coast Pop, when Chavo is able to reverse and hit Rey with the brainbuster. A ‘3’ count later, and Chavo Guerrero wins this non-title match.


Time: 21 Minutes and 23 Seconds


Rating: 74


Notes: Prior to this match, Chavo Guerrero Jr had a 5 match win streak, which was preceded by a 3 match losing streak. His W/L record is now 6-3. Rey Mysterio Jr started out with an 8-2 record (July to September), but since that point, he’s gone 3-7. His W/L record is 11-9.


The announce team comments on the match, before the feed cuts to the back in the ECW locker room, where all ECW guys are holding a meeting. Bill Alfonso still isn’t back from his stint in jail following the trespassing and resisting arrest charges from Starrcade, so the meeting is disjointed until Van Dam gets everyone’s attention before turning it over to Dreamer, who goes on to talk about the new combatant in their fight for survival. In a move that makes Joey Styles verbally question the decision, Dreamer tells the ECW guys to make sure that Michaels and his cronies can’t hurt the WCW wrestlers. Some ECW wrestlers voice disapproval, but once Van Dam announces his support, the dissenters quiet down. Meanwhile, Vic Grimes slinks away for his upcoming match.




Vic Grimes vs Samoa Joe


In a quick match that was dominated by Samoa Joe, he makes Vic Grimes tap out to the Rear-Naked Choke.


Time: 3 Minutes and 43 Seconds


Rating: 48


Notes: This marks Samoa Joe’s 6th straight victory.


Mark Jindrak vs Al Snow


The match begins with Snow getting the upper hand, and after a botched interference attempt from Stacy Kiebler, Snow would hit the Snow Plow, and gets the victory.


Time: 12 Minutes and 12 Seconds


Rating: 64


Notes: The commentary team, specifically Bobby Heenan, mention that the competitors seem off, like they aren’t putting everything into the match. The other two corroborate after it’s brought up, and Heenan mentions it again later on in the match, saying “Something just seems… off.”.


Following the conclusion of the match, we cut to the back where the other members of the Four Horsemen were watching the match from backstage. Flair voices his disappointment while Douglas says that he isn’t surprised.


“He doesn’t have his head on right.”, Douglas says, sounding sarcastic.


“He hasn’t for a while.”, Nash says, as Page gets up.


“I’ve got some business to go take care of.”, Page says, walking out of the room.


When Page walks out, Douglas and Nash start to talk about what to do about Jindrak should he not get his head on right, while Flair keeps watch of the TV, and at Jindrak walking back up the stage with Stacy Kiebler.


Rating: 76


We cut back to the announce team who talk about Jindrak and what’s going on with the Horsemen. Heenan says that he ‘smell a trap’ in the works, before not-so-subtly looking at Joey Styles, who says that as of this moment, and as was shown earlier, it is in ECW’s best interest to take out Michaels first. “If we were going to do anything to anyone, we’d be doing it to them, not WCW”. As they continue to speculate, DDP walks down the aisle to no music. He gets in the ring and asks for a microphone.


Upon getting one, he begins to talk about Starrcade, and how due to a late flight, he had to arrive at the show later than what he wanted to.


“I had just barely gotten out of my car and grabbed my luggage when I was jumped from behind, beaten like a dog and left in the back. But the one good thing that came out of it was that I saw who attacked me. Shawn, I know that you confessed to it last week, but I know for a fact, that you didn’t do it alone. I will find out exactly who each and every one of you are, but for tonight, I will be satisfied with kicking your ass. I know you’re back there, and I’m calling you out right now.”.


After a few seconds, Shawn Michaels walks out onto the stage. “You want me? Well, Dallas, I have no reason to fight you. I’ve already gotten what i wanted out of you, but I’m a fair man. I’ll give you a fight, but if you want me, then you’re going to have to accept my offer: You get to wrestle me, at SuperBrawl, but Mark Jindrak and Shane Douglas are going to have to defend their Tag Team Championships against a team of my choosing. And I’ll give you til next week to think about your decision. But if you want a match today, I will be more than happy to give you what you want: a fight against one of the people who jumped you at Starrcade.”.


As the last word leaves his mouth, Bradshaw walks out on stage and down to the ring. Page takes off his shirt and the two men exchange blows in the ring. While doing so, a ref from the back runs down and once Page is clearly on the offensive, rings the bell.


Rating: 77


Notes: As the ref rings the bell, Shawn Michaels heads down to ringside.


Diamond Dallas Page vs Bradshaw


Page starts out the match with a clear advantage, but a miscalculation led to a strong Clothesline form Hell that knocked Page off his feet. However, before Bradshaw could capitalize, Page rolled out of the ring, checking his jaw. Bradshaw followed him and the two brawl on the outside, with bradshaw rolling Page back into the ring, and the two kept up the brawl inside the ring. Just when it looks like Page is about to put Bradshaw away, Michaels distracts both Page and the ref by ringing the bell. The ref goes to reprimand Michaels, and while his back is turned. Bradshaw low blows Page, and hits him with another Clothesline From Hell, and gets the victory.


Time: 14 Minutes and 57 Seconds


Rating: 80


Notes: This is Bradshaw’s 1st singles match.


As the WCW wrestlers in the crowd start to get up, they get attacked by figures in black, and while they try to fight them off in the crowd, Bradshaw and Michaels attack Page. However, they only get a couple of shots in before Rob Van Dam sprints down the aisle, with a steel chair. Michaels notices him first, and taps Bradshaw, who turns to face the new challenger. When Van Dam gets into the ring, Michaels rolls out of the ring. Bradshaw goes for a clothesline, which Van Dam ducks, tossing the chair to the ground while doing so. He rebounds off the ropes and Bradshaw goes for another clothesline, which Van Dam also ducks. When Bradshaw turns around, he finds Van Dam springboarding off the ropes and hitting him with a kick, staggering Bradshaw. Van Dam picks up the chair and throws it at Bradshaw, who catches it and gets hit with a Van Daminator. Bradshaw rolls out of the ring, an dhe and Micahels retreat through the crowd, where the figures in black have made a pathway through to safety. Page gets to his feet and he and RVD share an awkward moment, where the two just stare at each other, before RVD leaves the ring.


Rating: 74


Notes: As RVD walks up the ramp, the announce team speculate on what ECW’s plans are, prodding Styles to tell them, but Styles claims he isn’t sure himself, other than it being in ECW best interest. The announce team continues this talk until the next match begins.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O’Haire © vs Scott Steiner


The announce team changes gear once Steiner’s music starts to play, and talks about Steiner’s interference the night before, and they contemplate just what he believes he’s accomplishing.

Styles says “It’s obvious what Steiner wants. He wants the World Championship back. And I don’t think anything is off the table for him if it means he can get it.”.


Sean O’Haire comes down to the ring and the instant he gets into the ring, Steiner descends on him, and after a overhead belly-to-belly into the turnbuckles, he rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel pipe from under the ring. He goes back into the ring and the ref makes an attempt to stand between him and O’Haire, but when Steiner swings with the pipe, the ref takes a good shot on the arm and rings the bell. But that doesn’t stop Steiner.


Time: 50 Seconds


Rating: 66


Notes: Due to the disqualification victory, this marks O’Haire’s 21st title defense.


Steiner doesn’t wait for O’Haire to get up before beating him with the pipe, targeting his legs and lower back. O’Haire tries to get to his feet, but Steiner clocks O’Haire in the head, which send shim back down to the ground. Steiner hits him a couple more times before locking in the Steiner Recliner on a bloodied O’Haire. As he sunches in the submission hold, security and WCW wrestlers attempt to come to O’Haire’s aid, but Stienr retrieves his Steel Pipe and fends off and beat anyone who tries to get into the ring. The stalemate in the ring continues until Shane McMahon comes down to ringside, while Bischoff watches from the ramp. Shane grabs a mic and tries to calm down Steiner, who swings the pipe at him when he tries to get into the ring. Shane tries again and is able to get into the ring when he tells Steiner that he’ll give him his championship match if he lets O’Haire leave. Steiner yanks the microphone out of Shane’s hand and says that he better get it at SuperBrawl, or he’ll be the next one that gets carried out on a stretcher.


Rating: 72


Notes: The announce team talk about Steiner’s heinous attack on O’Haire as he is being checked on by the ringside doctor. O’Haire is eventually helped to the back, and the commentary wonders what will happen if Steiner doesn’t get his way. Heenan says “Shane better take life insurance out on himself if that does happen, because I don’t think there is a man on this earth that will be able to stop Steiner. Rhino better be careful, because Steiner’s out for blood, and we saw it here tonight.”. The talk about Steiner dies down when the participants for the main event come down to the ring.


Kevin Nash vs Devon Dudley


Kevin Nash starts out the match in the driver seat, and maintains the lead for much of the fight, until Steve Corino, one of the earlier dissenters, comes down to help at ringside. Shortly thereafter, Mark Jindrak comes down to the ring to aid Nash. Corino’s appearance was noted by Nash but didn’t sway the needle of momentum one way or the other. When Jindrak shows up, he almost immediately intercedes in the match, distracting the ref, and allowing Devon to get some much needed breath after immobilizing Nash with a shoulder block to the leg. Devon stomps on the downed Nash’s legs, and keeps the big man hobbled. The match ends when Nash is finally able to get the upper hand, but once again gets interrupted by Jindrak who grabs Devon, stopping him dead in his tracks as he ran off the ropes. He would’ve gone right into a big boot from Nash, but instead, Devon hits him with another shoulder block, and then hits him with the Saving Grace, and gets the pinfall.


Time: 15 Minutes and 14 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: This defeat marks Kevin Nash’s 8th loss.


Corino and Dudley walk away while Nash berates Jindrak, getting into his face. Flair and Douglas come down to the ring and try to diffuse the situation. Flair just gets in front of Jindrak and forces him to back away while Douglas and Nash have a heart-to-heart in the opposite corner. Page comes down later and with Flair, talk to the younger member of the Horsemen. And on that note, WCW Monday Nitro comes to a close.


Rating: 78


Overall Rating: 77


Card + Winners

Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Devon Dudley


WCW World Television Championship Match: Scott Steiner vs Sean O'Haire


Diamond Dallas Page vs Bradshaw


Mark Jindrak vs Al Snow


Vic Grimes vs Samoa Joe

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels /w AJ Styles vs The Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)



DHK1989: 5/7

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of February


Main Event: DDP and RVD vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Ron Simmons)


Mike Awesome vs Al Snow


Steve Corino vs Mark Jindrak


AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Samoa Joe


Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper vs The Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri)

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Main Event: DDP and RVD vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Ron Simmons)


Mike Awesome vs Al Snow


Steve Corino vs Mark Jindrak


AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Samoa Joe


Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper vs The Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri)

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A Gift Horse: 1st Week of February, Monday Morning


Shane stared down at the financial report in disbelief. With how much they had lost in December ($1 million), and how much they were losing as a result of the revenue split changing in Fox's favor, he had expected to be losing about $600k this month. But as he looked at the paper before him, he smiled.


The original revenue split was 70-30, and he had made a deal to make the split 75-25. However, FOX waited until the 11th hour, and changed the deal, making the split 85-15, effectively cutting their TV revenue in half. The contracts that he had negotiated in December added an additional $350k/month to salary. If he had gotten the 75-25 split that they had agreed to at the beginning of December, money wouldn't be an issue. It wouldn't be something to dismiss entirely, but it would be alright, sitting at a negative $150k. With what they had in reserve, they could've lasted years at that level. Hell, even 80-20 would've been just fine, at $350k/month loss. With how things were now, the losses were projected to be somewhere around $600k.


In the short term it would've hurt, but everything was trending upwards. By July, he figured he'd be back in the black based on increased ticket sales, PPV revenue, sponsors and merchandise.


July. He just had to make it to July, and things would be better. That's what he thought at the beginning of the year.


But the financial report told him that he had put the bar low. Really low. Souled Out had 82k more buys than Starrcade. They sold 290k more in Ticket sales, and 250k more in Merchandise, not to mention that the drop off in TV revenue wasn't as severe as the projections made it out to be. But the most important number was what was at the bottom line: $58k in losses.


That told him just how much Shawn Michaels moved the needle, and he was reminded then that Eric Bischoff started having Hulk Hogan merchandise sold again, and he had no doubt that both of those things had a large uptick in sales. He had a product that people were getting back into, and he just needed to keep the ship righted.


He put down the paper and sighed in relief. He was still losing money, but compared with what he, and really everyone else, expected, this was one time he was glad to be wrong. He just needed to keep on the course, and maybe they would be able to get into the black.

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<p>WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of February</p><p> </p><p>

The show begins with a pyro demonstration and the announcers welcome the audience to WCW Monday Nitro. The go over the card, and talk about the peculiar main event, with one member of both WCW and ECW taking on members of Shawn Michaels invasion force. Styles reiterates the talking point that ECW seems to have adopted in recent weeks: It’s in both sides best interest to get rid of the third party. However, Heenan and Schiavone aren’t convinced. </p><p> </p><p>

Before they can talk much more about the main event, Schiavone alerts the team to a new development, and the feed cuts to the back, where we come into a conversation already in progress between Shane McMahon, Eric Bischoff and recently released Bill Alfonso. Bischoff is incredulous about something, while Shane seems to be wondering whatever it was Alfonso said prior to the camera’s turning on. It’s revealed that he’s brought forth the idea of an WCW/ECW alliance to reject Shawn Michaels and his Kliq, and Bischoff, is not having it, outright rejecting the idea. Shane tries to calm down Bischoff, but Bischoff raises the point that ECW has festered in WCW, attacking their guys, and that ECW is only doing this to better their standing, using WCW to fight the new invaders. As he starts to go into another point, we hear the door open and in walks Shawn Michaels. Each man recoils, but Shawn comes in smiling, holding up his hands, saying he’s not here for a fight, but instead to make a deal. And shortly after saying that, the camera man is removed from the office while they talk. (Rating: 70)</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper vs The Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts out with Tajiri surprising Skipper with a flurry of offense that causes him to tag out to Daniels relatively quickly. Daniels faces the same issues for a short while, before ducking a punch and hitting a back suplex. Daniels drags him to a corner and he and Skipper tag in and out, keeping him isolated. Tajiri is able to escape and tags in Whipwreck, who comes in hot, but the heat dies down, and Skipper is able to subdue him, while Daniels attacks Tajiri on the outside. Daniels rolls into the ring and they hit the Power-Plex on Whipwreck and get the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 8 Minutes and 32 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 52</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None.</p><p>


After Skipper and Daniels celebrate their win, the announce team spends some time talking about the development of the Four Horsemen, and the odd actions of Mark Jindrak, as well as what was said about him last week by Daniels. As they are talking, Schiavone interrupts as he’s getting information and sends the feed to the back, where Shane Douglas and Jindrak are being held apart by members of security and Kevin Nash. Not much can be heard from all the talking and shouting coming from everyone involved, so the feed cuts back to Schiavone who relays to the fans and viewing audience that Douglas took offense to something Jindrak had said to nash, and things got physical from there. The announce team then speculate as to just what is going on with the Horsemen. (Rating: 65)</p><p> </p><p>

As they finish speculating, the feed cuts to the back, where some of the trainers and the ringside physician are in the back tending to Sean O’Haire. Last week, he was brutally beaten by Steiner, and they aren’t sure if he is able to compete, while O’Haire says he is. While they check on him, Samoa Joe, the challenger for O’Haire’s Television Championship, smiles as he walks past the injured champion. (Rating: 61)</p><p>


<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Television Championship Match:</span></em></strong> <strong>Sean O'Haire © vs Samoa Joe</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Samoa Joe walks in the ring and watches as O’Haire comes out with the ringside physician right behind him. O’Haire is clearly limping, but is powering through it for the match. The match starts with Samoa Joe hitting O’Haire with a suicide dive through the ropes, knocking O’Haire to the ground, writhing in pain clutching his back. Joe wastes no time in attacking the injured man’s back, whipping him into the steel steps and guard rails. He spends a few minutes beating him down, before rolling him into the ring. Once inside, the bell rings and the match officially starts, and Joe plays with his opponent, kicking O’Haire in the back whenever he tries to get to his feet. On the 4th time O’Haire tries to get up, he’s in the corner, so Joe picks him up and places him on the top rope, before jumping up and kicking O’Haire hard in the head, nearly making him keel over and outside of the ring. However, Joe stops him, and hits him with the Muscle Buster. He goes for the cover and when the ref counts ‘2’, he breaks up his own pin by picking up O’Haire’s head. Smiling, he turns O’Haire onto his stomach, and sits on his lower back, lifts up O’Haire’s arm, slips his under, wraps it under O’Haire’s chin, and cranks back into a Dragon Sleeper. Immediately, O’Haire taps out.</p><p> </p><p>

Segment Time: 7 Minutes and 49 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Match Time: 2 Minutes and 27 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 58</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: After the bell rings, Joe keeps O’Haire in the submission hold for a few seconds longer, and when he does let go, O’Haire is immobile in the ring. Joe grabs the belt, slings it over his shoulder and walks away smiling, while O’Haire is being tended to by the Physician and trainers. (Rating: 61)</p><p>


As the trainers help O’Haire onto a stretcher, the announce team wonder why? Why did Samoa Joe hospitalize this man? Even Joey Styles is baffled by the actions of Samoa Joe, wondering why a WCW guy would willingly hurt their own team to which Bobby Heenan remarks: “Maybe he isn’t on our side.”.</p><p> </p><p>

The three men stay silent as O’Haire gets stretchered to the back. Once O’Haire is gone, they continue to speculate about Joe’s intentions, before moving on to the next match, although somewhat unwillingly.</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with the two participants going back and forth, and Lynn comes out ahead in the initial exchange, focusing his attacks on Styles lower back and legs. Things change in favor of Styles when he hits the Pele kick, followed in the springboard reverse DDT. Styles hits Lynn with a dropkick, and follows it up with e flying forearm. He and Lynn go back to exchanging blows, and it almost goes Lynn’s way, as he’s almost able to hit Styles with the Cradle Piledriver, but with a few stiff kicks to Lynn’s head, Styles is able to reverse the attempt, and hits Lynn with the Styles Clash for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 12 Minutes and 15 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 56</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Following the match, Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper come down and Daniels christens the new group “Triple X”.</p><p> </p><p>

(I’ve thought about it for a while, and I didn’t like any of the names I came up with, so I’m falling back to their original name, except instead of Low-Ki, it’s AJ Styles.).</p><p>


The announce team talks about the new group, ‘Triple X’, and they wonder where they stand, since Skipper was pretty much excommunicated from WCW and didn’t join ECW. Schiavone speculates that they ‘probably’ haven’t joined the Kliq either, but that is a bit more up in the air.</p><p> </p><p>

They speculate for a little bit longer before they receive word from the interview area, and they send the feed over to them, where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Scott Steiner. Steiner rants about Rhino and Shane McMahon saying that Rhino would’ve lost the title at Souled Out if Shane knew what he was doing and put him in instead. He reveals some of what was talked about in the meeting between WCW, ECW and the Kliq, and says that next week, he’ll face Shawn Michaels. If Steiner wins, he chooses the stipulation for his world championship match at SuperBrawl. Gene asks if he knows why Michaels is willing to get in the ring with him, to which Steiner says he doesn’t. (Rating: 82)</p><p> </p><p>

The announce team speculate themselves as to what Michaels is getting out of this, and Schiavone wonders if they are any other parts of the deal that will come to light should Michaels beat Steiner. Before much else can be said, the participants of the next match make their way down to the ring.</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Steve Corino vs Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match begins with Corino hitting a couple stiff punches, before Jindrak is able to knock him down, and gain control over the match. Jindrak keeps up the momentum, until Corino hits a basement dropkick, knocking him down to a knee. Corino goes for a move, but Jindrak rolls out of the ring, where Stacy checks on him. Corino follows him out, and goes to attack Jindrak, who puts Stacy in harm’s way by moving her into the range of the attack. Corino is able to pull back on his attack, and gets punted in the groin, which the ref doesn’t see. Jindrak rolls him into the ring while Stacy is in disbelief. Jindrak stomps on Corino, and after a few minutes is about to put him away, when Corino revers the mark of Perfection, and launches into an offensive flurry, that ends with the Old School Expulsion, and Corino gets the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 13 Minutes and 15 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 66</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: This victory marks Corino’s 4th victory.</p><p>


As Corino exits the ring, Stacy gets at Jindrak shouting at him for putting her in harm’s way. The two go back and forth in their arguing, and when they get to the ramp, Jindrak turns his back to the ramp and starts screaming at Stacy, before leaving her on the ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Page watches this unfold on the monitor, and Triple X is talking to him. Daniels makes a theory that the one who told Micahels had to be a member of the Horsemen, and asks him which member of the Horsemen he thinks it could’ve been. Page doesn’t say anything, and Daniels posits that it was more than likely either Nash or Jindrak, that Flair wouldn’t join Michaels, and if Douglas was going to join anyone, it’d be ECW and he’s already turned them down. Page acknowledges the concern, but says that right now, he’s focused on his match. He can worry about the traitor later. (Rating: 49)</p><p> </p><p>

The announce team talk about Daniels theory, and wonder if what he says has any merit, worrying that if it does, than how many others could be traitors too. They leave that thought hanging in the air as the participants of the next match come out.</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mike Awesome vs Al Snow</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with Snow trying to chop down Awesome’s legs, but it fails when Awesome catches and deadlifts Snow and then hits him with a gut buster. Awesome continues his offense, and Snow is able to get some offense in , but Awesome maintains control of the match, and ends it with an ‘Awesome Bomb’.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 14 Minutes and 1 Second</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 73</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: This mark’s Mike Awesome’s 5th Singles Victory.</p><p>


Following the match, the announce team spend a brief moment talking about the main event, before DDP comes out, with Ric Flair in tow. Page is in his ring attire, while Flair is in a suit. They wait in the ring and shortly after, RVD comes down to the ring, and he and Page exchange some words as the two wait for their opponents. However, Shawn Michaels comes out instead, and offers a match to DDP at SuperBrawl. A #1 Contender’s match, with the winner facing the WCW World heavyweight Champion at Uncensored. Flair tries to talk with Page, but Page accepts it right away. Michaels smiles and walks away, and out comes the New Faces of Fear, and the match begins. (Rating: 79)</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">DDP and RVD vs The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Ron Simmons)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with Page and Bradshaw in the ring, and the two exchange blows and Bradshaw tries to exert his strength onto Page, but Page is able to match it and the the two power each other out of the ring, where they continue fighting. Simmons and RVD get involved, and it turns into a big schmohz on the outside, with Page and RVD earning the momentum for a brief moment, but that comes to an end when Bradshaw knocks out RVD, and Simmons and Bradshaw roll DDP into the ring and they keep him isolated for a few minutes. DDP is able to tag out to RVD, who has a flurry of aerial maneuvers, knocking Bradshaw off the apron and turning the tables on Simmons. After a few more tag ins and outs, DDP and SImmons knock each other out, and they both tag in their respective partners. The match almost comes to an end when Bradshaw hits RVD with a stiff Clothesline from Hell, but Page breaks it up right before the ref counts ‘3’. Bradshaw clubs Page in the back, while Simmons gets into the ring. Bradshaw gives Page to him, and Simmons goes for the Dominator, but Page slides out of it and hits Simmons with a Diamond Cutter. Bradshaw sees this as he’s lifting RVD to his feet, and leaves RVD to go after Page as Simmons rolls out of the ring. Bradshaw clubs Page some more and goes for the Clothesline of Hell, but Page catches the arm, swings him around and hits the Diamond Cutter on him. The ref forces Page to exit the ring, and RVD climbs up to the top rope and leaps off to hit a 5* frog splash, and hits it, but takes considerable damage himself. Page rolls in, drags RVD on top of Bradshaw, and gets a ‘2’. RVD tags in Page, who raises Bradshaw for the Diamond Cutter, but gets pushed off, and brought back into the Clothesline from Hell, and gets the victory a split second before RVD can break up the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 23 Minutes and 4 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 82</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: After the match, The New Faces of Fear try to attack their two opponents, but Page and RVD fend them off, standing tall in the ring. AS the show is about to go off the air, RVD and DDP shake hands as they stare at the retreating duo. (Rating: 73)</p><p>


Overall Rating: 78</p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Card + Winners</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: DDP and RVD vs <strong>The New Faces of Fear (Bradshaw and Ron Simmons)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mike Awesome</strong> vs Al Snow</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Corino</strong> vs Mark Jindrak</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs<strong> Samoa Joe</strong></p><p>


Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper</strong> vs The Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri) </p><p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

DHK1989: 5/6</p><p>

OldSchoolFan: 5/6</p>

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