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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of February


Main Event: Shawn Michaels vs Scott Steiner

(If Steiner wins, he chooses the World Championship Match stipulation.

If Michaels wins, ???)


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Billy Kidman


Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash


Al Snow vs TAKA Michinoku


Terry Funk vs AJ Styles

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Main Event: Shawn Michaels vs Scott Steiner

(If Steiner wins, he chooses the World Championship Match stipulation.

If Michaels wins, ???)


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Billy Kidman


Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash


Al Snow vs TAKA Michinoku


Terry Funk vs AJ Styles

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  • 5 weeks later...

WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of February, 2002


The show starts with a pyro display, and the announcers greet the audience. They talk about tonight's main even, which will have Shawn Michaels face off against Scott Steiner. Here, Schiavone reveals what Michaels will get if he wins against Steiner: There will no longer be a defensive force to deter interference in matches.


Just as he finishes, Terry Funk comes down to the ring and the next match starts.


Terry Funk vs Aj Styles



The match starts with Styles ducking a clothesline and hitting a springboard reverse DDT. Styles maintains control, until he goes for a springboard forearm, but his feet slip on the top rope, causing him to land awkwardly on the top rope. Funk takes the opportunity and keeps Styles down, and works his legs. Styles is able to fight back up to a vertical base, but has issues running with is leg, and the match ends when Styles gets hit with a Piledriver.




Time: 12 Minutes and 40 Seconds




Rating: 56




Notes: This marks terry Funk's first singles win since returning in October.


The announcers compliment the aged veteran as he exits the ring and mention the moment the match changed which was Styles slip on the top rope. The talk about the match and a little bit about Triple X, but before they can go in depth with much, the camera feed cuts to the parking lot, where Kevin Nash, DDP and Shane Douglas seem to be having a pow wow.




It's a little quiet due to how far away they are, but the audience and announce team can overhear the conversation, where DDP and Douglas are voicing their disapproval about Mark Jindrak. They start to list some of the reasons, but before they can go to in depth, Stacy Kiebler enters the shot, and the pow wow ends. The announcers are unsure exactly what to make of what they heard and saw, but Heenan eludes to a potential change in the Horsemen.



Rating: 73


TAKA Michinoku vs Al Snow



The match starts with Al Snow stopping TAKA's offense before it gets far. Snow is in control of the match for a good portion, kind of just toying with TAKA. That is until Snow goes for the Snow Plow, and TAKA is able to roll thorugh, and almost gets a quick pin. Snow pops up right away, but TAKA is finally able to get some offense going, and has Snow in a precarious, when TAKA goes for the Michinoku Driver. Snow reverses it and hits TAKA with a stiff clothesline that knocks TAKA inside out. Snow hits a couple of maneuvers on him, before hitting the Snow Plow and getting the victory.




Time: 15 Minutes and 2 Seconds




Rating: 64




Notes: None.



The announcers talk about the match and show some highlights, with Styles saying that TAKA almost had the match won, while Schiavone says that it wasn't ever close. Styles starts to push back on that when all three stop,and look at each other. Schiavone then announces that there is a meeting between ECW wrestlers going on, and that they are allowing a camera guy inside, and they switch feeds to the meeting, which is already in progress.



Most of the ECW guys are in the locker room, that we can see. It takes a minute for the talk to come back around to the main point: the idea of making an alliance with WCW to drive off Michaels and his cohorts. Steve Corino voices his opinion that ECW would benefit from WCW dealing with a new side, and to not have the alliance and he gets joined by Bill Alfonso. Tommy Dreamer voices his support for an alliance, and after about half a second of arguing from everybody, eventually Tommy Dreamer silences the room, and ECW takes a vote.

  • Yes:TAKA Michinoku, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Tommy Dreamer, Devon Dudley
  • No: Steve Corino, Bill Alfonso, Yoshihiro Taijiri, Masato Tanaka, Jerry Lynn

At a 5-5 tie, everyone in the room looks to RVD, who votes 'Yes', saying that he believes it is the best thing for ECW, and their survival. With a 6-5 lead, the 'no' group accepts the results. Alfonso and Dreamer then leave the room, followed by Mike Awesome for his upcoming match, and the feed goes back to the announcers, who comment on the prospect of such an alliance. Heenan makes a comment on how Styles never even voted, to which Styles says he'd have voted for 'yes', to which the other two announcers seemed pleased.



Rating: 61




Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash



This match starts out with the two big men trying to power the other out, with each having a moment where they gain the upper-hand, but the ultimate winner in this test of strength was Kevin Nash, who capitalizes on the momentum. He knees Awesome in the gut, and after a few minutes of some stiff looking shots, Awesome is able to catch Nash's big boot, and hit him with a clothesline, switching the momentum of the match. Awesome pounds away at Nash until Mark Jindrak and Stacy Kiebler make their way down to the ring. This distracts Awesome for a second, which allows Nash to get back to an even keel, and the two men trade shots. Things take a wrong turn for Nash when he whips Awesome into the ropes and Jindrak grabs at his feet, causing him to fall to the mat, while Nash appears to have been going for a big boot. The ref didn't see him do it, but admonishes Jindrak anyways. That is until Nash tell Jindrak off. He turns around in time to catch a clothesline. Awesome picks him up and hits him with the Awesome Bomb for the victory.




Time: 14 Minutes and 3 Seconds




Rating: 77




Notes: Following the match, Nash chews out Jindrak for interfering, and Stacy tries to calm the two men down, but fails. (Rating: 61)



The announcers talk about the interference of Jindrak, which Heenan states both helped and hurt Nash, but that it's not going to do him any favors with the rest of the horsemen. They talk a little bit more about the match, before turning it over to Gene Okerlund, who's set to interview Samoa Joe.



Okerlund asks Joe why he viciously attacked O'Haire last week. Samoa Joe says:

O'Haire was nothing more than wounded dog, too prideful to know when his body couldn't fight anymore. I just did us all a favor and put him out of his misery. And I hope all of you out there, WCW, ECW, WWF, whatever or wherever you come from, you better get used to seeing this face, because I'm not going anywhere for a long, long time. And if I've got to put anyone else out of their misery during that time, so be it.



Without another word, and giving Okerlund no time to ask another question, he leaves. Okerlund sends it back to the announce team, who state that due to that attack O'Haire's out of action for at least 3 months, maybe longer, with significant damage to his lower back and neck. They all take exception to him equating the situation to euthanizing a dog, but before much else can be said, the next match begins.



Rating: 37


WCW World Television Championship:

Samoa Joe © vs Billy Kidman



Kidman starts out the match ducking a clothesline from Samoa Joe, and hitting a springboard moonsault. Kidman focuses on the legs of the bigger man, however this strategy falls shorts after Joe hits him with a dragon screw leg whip, and starts focusing on his legs, which proves to be more effective. Samoa Joe eventually just starts toying with a man who can hardly stand on his feet, and ends the match with the Coquina Clutch.



Time: 12 Minutes and 18 Seconds




Rating: 65



Notes: This marks Samoa Joe's first defense.


The announce team give praise to Joe while also giving pointed remarks about his ruthlessness. Heenan says that he believes Joe's mentality is one that WCW needs to adopt, and that if they had, earlier, they could have fought off ECW and Michaels probably wouldn't be around. Styles and Schiavone press him on this, but Heenan stands firm. Schiavone then sends the feed to the back where Steiner is waiting to be interviewed. Okerlund asks Steiner how he feels about fighting Shawn Michaels, and his upcoming opportunity at a championship. Steiner says that he should be the champ, and that when he gets his hands on Rhino, he'll break his back. But for tonight, he'll settle for breaking Shawn Michaels back, and send him back into retirement. Just as he finishes his sentence, Michaels confronts him and the two almost get into a large fight right there in the interview area, but are stopped by security, as well as Shane and Eric. During the commotion, Shawn Michaels is able to hit Shane with the Sweet Chin Music, knocking him out cold.



Rating: 81


Scott Steiner vs Shawn Michaels


The match starts out with both men exchanging punches, and Shawn escapes multiple attempts by Steiner to grab him and hold him down. Michaels agility is a major boon, and it allows him to evade Steiner for much of the first half of the match, while also being able to tee off on Steiner when he could. Eventually, Steiner blows his top, and chases Shawn around the ring, which Shawn uses to use advantage, knocking down Steiner with a flying forearm. Shawn gets a little too cocky and taunts Steiner, who finally gets a grab on Michaels. He proceeds to batter Shawn with heavy blows and back breaking moves. Steiner seems to take pleasure in his beat down of Michaels, posing during the match, and taking his time with dismantling Michaels. It all goes sideways when Steiner this Michaels with a fall-away slam, that also hits the referee. Michaels takes the opportunity to low blow Steiner, and goes out to grab a chair. One of the WCW wrestlers in the crowd, Alex Wright, tries to prevent him from using it, but eats a chair shot, and Michaels scares off the other guy, before getting into the ring with the chair. He hits Steiner a few times, before Steiner catches the chair, pulls Michaels towards him and hits him with a overhead belly-to-belly. Steiner then grabs the chair and waits for Michaels to get to his feet, and hits him in the head. Steiner tosses the chair away, and pins him. The ref stirs and crawls over to make the pin, but Michaels kicks out at '2'. Steiner rolls him over and attempts to put him in the recliner, but Michaels worms his way out of the ring. Steiner follows and hits him in the back, before rolling him back into the ring. Steiner takes his time to get into the ring, and Michaels crawls over to the corner and starts to lift himself up. Steiner walks over and puts him on the top rope. He climbs up and goes for the Frankensteiner, but Michaels pushes him off, causing Steiner to land chest first on the ground. When Steiner gets to his feet, he eats a Sweet Chin Music. Michaels goes to the top and goes for an elbow, which Steiner rolls out of the way. Steiner tries to get him into the recliner once more, but Michaels rolls him up and uses the ropes for leverage to get the victory.




Time: 25 Minutes and 13 Seconds



Rating: 83




Notes: This marks the 1st time Scott Steiner fought Shawn Michaels in a singles match, at any point in time.


Steiner gets up after kicking out at 3.1, and starts attack Michaels. The other WCW wrestlers come out of the crowd to get him to stop, but they get his wrath instead. Shawn gets another Sweet Chin Music off and with all of the other wrestlers indisposed thanks to Steiner, he summons Ron Simmons, Bradshaw and Al Snow, and they start beating on him. Shortly after, RVD comes down to the ring with Lance Storm and Mike Awesome and save Steiner from a bigger beat down. When Steiner gets up after the fight, the ECW wrestlers vacate the ring, and Steiner is still livid about the finish.



Rating: 80


Overall Rating: 80


Main Event: Shawn Michaels vs Scott Steiner

(If Steiner wins, he chooses the World Championship Match stipulation.

If Michaels wins, no more wrestlers can be crowdside during matches for defensive purposes.)


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Billy Kidman


Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash


Al Snow vs TAKA Michinoku



Terry Funk vs AJ Styles



Old School Face: 3/5


DHK1989: 4/5

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Card for WCW SuperBrawl XII, 2nd Week of February, 2002


#1 Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page

(Winner gets a shot for the World Championship at Uncensored).


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs Rhino ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The New Faces of Fear (Simmons and Bradshaw) vs The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas)


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Terry Funk


Rob Van Damn vs Al Snow


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo


Ron Killings vs Steve Corino


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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#1 Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page

(Winner gets a shot for the World Championship at Uncensored).


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs Rhino ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The New Faces of Fear (Simmons and Bradshaw) vs The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas)


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Terry Funk


Rob Van Damn vs Al Snow


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo

Ron Killings vs Steve Corino


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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#1 Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page

(Winner gets a shot for the World Championship at Uncensored).


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs Rhino ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The New Faces of Fear (Simmons and Bradshaw) vs The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas)


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Terry Funk


Rob Van Damn vs Al Snow


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo


Ron Killings vs Steve Corino


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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#1 Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page

(Winner gets a shot for the World Championship at Uncensored).


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs Rhino ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The New Faces of Fear (Simmons and Bradshaw) vs The Four Horsemen (Jindrak and Douglas)


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Terry Funk


Rob Van Dam vs Al Snow


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo


Ron Killings vs Steve Corino


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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  • 3 months later...

Early Morning, Sunday, 2nd Week of February, 2002


Shane McMahon paced around the office, and gave the layout of the show a couple of glances, but that was more so to take his mind off the show, and to what Bischoff had proposed to him earlier in the week.


Bischoff had made the suggestion that they should bring back the World War 3 match for April, taking place during the Mayhem PPV. Shane pushed back on the idea, especially since he didn’t have 60 guys. He and Eric knew when they rebooted the company that they were more than likely going to have to operate on a shoe-string budget, which wasn’t entirely accurate. FOX had given them more money than they had expected, so they were able to sign more men, but they were beginning to feel the impact as they had experienced their first month in the red, and it looked like it was going to be the only month, and even then, they still only had 58 active wrestlers. Needless to say, when it was pitched to him, he shot it down quickly.


But Bischoff pressed him on it, suggesting some changes to it. Instead a large-scale battle royale, it’d be like the Royal Rumble, with 20-men, and with pinfalls and submissions. Shane wasn’t enamored with the idea. Shane told him he’d think on it and get back to him today. And he’d made up his mind that he was going to tell him ‘no’. They could do their own thing without having to copy from the WWF.


Or atleast, that’s what he had planned on. When Bischoff arrived, he came in with Dallas Page, who had actually pitched the idea to Eric a couple weeks back. Bischoff started the pitch, but Dallas quickly took over and went through what he had in mind for the storylines during the match. Shane had to admit, it was a good pitch. Good enough, that he gave them the ‘ok’. Of course, there was the storylines up to the match that would need to be worked on, but what Dallas and Eric had come up with worked for him, and the three then spent some time working on when to fit in the announcement during tonight’s show. Once that was decided, he went to Dallas, and told him that before he went through with one of the parts of the plan, he wanted to make sure that the man was clean and that he stayed away from those vices. He wanted that guarantee, and Dallas was more than willing to give it to him. Shane also made him, and those that would be in the best position to ensure that the guarantee was upheld, to secrecy.


WCW Opinion of Shane McMahon: +2



The event begins with a pyrotechnics display, and a greeting from the commentary team. Before the camera cuts to the commentary table, it shows the area where the WCW wrestlers used to sit on guard, which is now empty.


Tony Schiavone goes through the card for tonight, with Heenan and Styles giving their two cents for each match. When they get to the double main event, however, they talk about the implications, a World Championship match at Uncensored. Heenan and Schiavone, of course, put their backing behind Steiner and DDP, but Styles goes for Rhyno and DDP. Styles states that “Steiner is a beast of a man, but Rhyno is the man-beast. Rhyno can keep his composure until the match. With the way Steiner acts on a weekly basis, Shawn Michaels will have no issue getting the upper hand.”. Heenan and Schiavone disagree, but before they can get into their reasoning, the next match is about to begin.



WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The battle of the juniors begins with a quick, but pretty exchange of reversals and technical moves. It ends when Rey Mysterio attempts a snap suplex, but Chavo reverses, picking him up and heaving him gut first onto the top rope, where Mysterio bounces a couple times before falling to the apron. Chavo reaches through the ropes and drags Rey back into the ring, where he hits him with a couple suplexes.

Chavo then whips Rey into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, which Rey ducks before rebounding off the ropes and hitting him with a basement dropkick to the left knee. Rey then hits Chavo with a basement DDT, before going for a quick pin, getting only a ‘2’. Rey maintains control until he goes for another pin, this time a roll-up, but Chavo reverses with a wheelbarrow suplex.


The two stay on equal footing, exchanging blows, moves and reversals, until Chavo finds himself in the advantageous position, reversing into the Brainbuster. He doesn’t hit it however, as Rey floats over and lands on his feet, where he dropkicks Chavo into the ropes. Rey quickly heads to the apron, and as Chavo turns to face him, Rey jumps off the top rope and goes for the West Coast Pop, but gets powerbombed instead. Chavo picks him up and hits him with the Brainbuster to get the victory, marking his 2nd defense of the championship.


Time: 15 Minutes and 25 Seconds


Rating: 81


Notes: Following the match, Chavo and Rey shake hands.



We go to the announcer team, who talk about the match, while highlights play. While they are talking about that, the camera cuts to the back in the middle of Schiavone’s sentence. A camera man is looking at a scene down the hall, where Steve Corino, Taijiri, Tanaka and Lynn are conversing, and they appear to be talking in hushed voices, heads huddled together. Corino and Lynn are in their ring gear, while Tajiri and Tanaka are in their casual clothes. The interaction only lasts for a dozen seconds after appearing on the screen, when Lynn spots the cameraman, and the group quickly disperses. The feed goes back to the announce team, where all three men are confused, with Heenan asking “What was that about?”. Schiavone listens to his headset as Heenan drills Styles with questions, and Schiavone reveals to them and the audience that they had been conversing for about 5 minutes prior to being shown. He also mentions that the 4 men where ⅘ that voted against an alliance last week when ECW took a vote.


Schiavone and Heenan both look to Styles, but Styles is as confused as they are, remarking “I would’ve voted ‘yes’. I made that clear on Nitro, and I stand by it today.”. Heenan gives Schiavone a skeptical look, but Schiavone, at least outwardly, reserves judgment. Before much else could be said, the next match is set to begin.


Steve Corino vs Ron Killings


As Corino makes his entrance, the announcers are able to do some more pondering regarding his intentions with the other dissenters. This mainly consists of Shiavone and Heenan prodding Styles, but Styles, like before continues to make it clear that he’s on board with the Alliance idea. Then Ron Killings makes his debut in WCW, and Tony Schiavone does his best Mike Tenay impression, and talks about the skillful young man, his 36-24 record in 2001, a lengthy reign as a Hardcore champion (lasting 2 ½ Months) including a victory against current WCW champion Rhyno. Joey Styles, immediately after Schiavone finishes, states that Rhyno has also beaten Ron Killings twice.


As the bell rings, Corino walks out ot the center of the ring and seems to size up Killings, and Killings does the same. Corino throws the first punch and the two begin exchanging blows, which Corino is able to come out on top of. Corino continues his offense for a couple of minutes, which comes to an end when he goes for a clothesline that Ron Killings is able to duck with the splits. He pops back up and hits Corino with a leg lariat, effectively transferring momentum to Killings. With the advantage for most of the rest of the match, Ron Killings is able to punish Corino. Killings attempts to go for his finisher, Truth Conviction, but Corino is able to slip out, and hits Killings with an arm drag. The two competitors start battling once more, exchanging blows and moves until Corino goes for the Old School Expulsion, but Killings is able to slip out of his finish, and rolls him up for the ‘3’.


Time: 14 Minutes and 32 Seconds


Rating: 64


Notes: Steve Corino looks surprised and angry, while Ron Killings rolls out of the ring, raising his arms in victory.



While Corino lets out his frustration on his way to the back, the announce team talks about the impressive debut of Ron Killings, but are still curious as to his allegiances. Schiavone then directs the audience to the interview area backstage, where Gene Okerlund is waiting to talk to Chuck Palumbo.


The first question ‘Mean’ Gene asks is whether he went to those in charge to get this match or if they offered it to him. Chuck Palumbo is silent to start with, before saying that he “had been at home, watching my good friend take down man after man for weeks. And after Steiner had attacked him, I had wanted to come back to make sure O’Haire was alright. Instead, I was told to stay and make sure I was 100%. I should have been here, but I wasn’t. I called them up the next day, and I demanded a shot to get some revenge for my friend, and they gave it to me.”.


Mean Gene asks him to elaborate on the ‘100%’ comment, and asks if that has something to do with his absence. Palumbo states that as a result of his match against Steiner, he had tweaked his lower back, making it hard for him to do much of anything for the first three weeks. But, he’s been cleared to compete tonight.


Okerlund presses him on it. “You might be cleared to compete tonight, but are you 100%?”.


Palumbo begins to speak, getting three,four words out, before stopping abruptly, as both he and Okerlund turn to their right and Palumbo walks forwards. The camera backs up and turns to capture what’s going on and it’s revealed that Samoa Joe has walked up to the interview area. Mean Gene shuffles his way back into frame, as Joe begins to speak.


“Go on. Answer the question.”, Joe says, with a smile eerily similar to the one he had when he saw O’Haire’s condition prior to the match where he injured O’Haire. Palumbo says nothing, and Joe laughs. “I hope, for your sake, that you are 100%. Or else, you’re going to be just like O’Haire: Put down like a dog.”.


Palumbo throws a punch at Joe, which connects, and before either man can act again, security gets in between them. Palumbo is livid, but Joe starts to laugh once more as he walks away.


The feed cuts back to the announce team, who look concerned. Schiavone asks the back if they can get him information regarding Palumbo’s readiness, and while they wait for word on that, the three talk about the next match, and about Samoa Joe.


“This guy shows up, beats a couple of nobodies, and injures a man who’s gone through hell, and he seems to think he’s the best thing going today.”, Heenan remarks, which Styles seems to take an exception to.


“TAKA and Tanaka are not nobodies. Masato Tanaka is a former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, and TAKA is an accomplished wrestler both here in America and in Japan. The only nobody he’s had the pleasure of facing is Ernest Miller, and I hesitate to consider him a challenge on any level to anybody.”.


Schiavone intervenes before Styles and Heenan can go further on, with a medical update regarding Chuck Palumbo. He’s about 6 weeks away from being 100%. All three react poorly to the news, and Heenan asks why he was given the greenlight for this match. Before anyone can attempt on answer to that question, Palumbo begins to make his way to the ring for the next match.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo


As Palumbo walks to the ring, the announcers look to see if he’s got obvious signs of injury, of which they aren’t able to see. Schiavone voices an optimistic viewpoint, that the injury he got fighting Steiner wasn’t as severe as originally believed. And all of them agree on that hope.


Samoa Joe comes down the aisle with a sinister smile on his face. When he gets into the ring, Palumbo jumps him and attacks him while he’s on the mat. The bell rings and Palumbo keeps laying into Joe, but Joe’s able to get up to his feet, and starts fighting Palumbo blow for blow, eventually ducking a Palumbo punch, and hitting him with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles.


Palumbo immediately starts writhing in pain, holding his back, and Joe wastes no time in continuing the punishment to his lower back. Joe then transitions to a slow, methodical pace, letting Palumbo get to his feet, which he needs to use the ropes to do, and pushes him into the corner, and shoulder blocks his lower back, causing Palumbo to cry out in pain. Palumbo crumples to the ground, sitting in the corner. Joe proceeds to repeated scrape his boot against Palumbo’s face, before running off the ropes and hitting him with a brutal looking facewash kick. Joe picks up Palumbo, and lifts him tot he top rope, before hitting him with a Muscle Buster. He goes for the cover and the ref counts to ‘2’, before Joe interrupts his own pin. He continues to beat down on Palumbo’s back to the point where Joe allows Palumbo to get to his feet, but Palumbo can’t stand without extensive weight on the ropes. Joe gives a harsh kick right to the lower back, sending Palumbo right back down. Joe tortures palumbo for a few minutes, before he puts Palumbo into the same Dragon Sleeper variation that he put O’haire into, and he wrenches back on the hold and Palumbo instantly taps out.


Time: 9 Minutes and 34 Seconds


Rating: 50


Notes: Joe holds the submission in long enough that several referees and some security have to come in and get him to stop. When he does, he leaves an incapacitated Palumbo in the center of the ring. The announce team is irate over the blatant disregard for Palumbo’s well-being, and Palumbo, like O’Haire before, is taken out on a stretcher.


Still lamenting over the fact that Samoa Joe has now injured two wrestlers, the feed abruptly goes to the back once more, where we see Jerry Lynn, Bill Alfonso and Corino, still in his gear, talking at RVD, who’s scheduled to compete next. They speak in hushed tones, so very little of what’s said can actually be understood, and whatever it was that the three of them were saying, RVD doesn’t seem to be interested, and interrupts Corino by walking away. Alfonso follows him, towards the direction of the stage, while Lynn and Corino seem to be angered by whatever they failed to do.


The feed cuts back to the announce team, who are puzzled by the events that transpired. Heenan looks over at Styles and asks, “What’s going on with ECW?”.


Rob Van Dam vs Al Snow


With that question in the air, Al Snow makes his entrance. The announce team, seemingly reluctant to move on, talk about Al Snow, and go over his accomplishments, much like what they did with Ron Killings, but they have an edge to what they say, as Al Snow is clearly an antagonist to both WCW and ECW.


When RVD makes his entrance, they return to that question, and the announce team speculate as to what the conversation was about, but don’t get very far as they keep prodding Styles, who is knows as much about the situation as they do.


Al Snow starts out the match getting bested by RVD’s athleticism, but the playing field would be leveled when Snow reverses RVD’s corner monkey flip into a stiff spinebuster. Snow starts working on RVD’s legs, and this continues for most of the match, where RVD is able to mount a bit of an offense before Snow cuts him down and continued to work on his legs.


The match comes to an end when Snow tries to go for the Sno-Plow, but Van Dam is able to roll him up. Snow kicks out at ‘2’ and while he gets up, RVD uses the ropes to help himself to his feet. Snow walks over and goes to kick Van Dam’s leg, but Van Dam surprises him with a side kick, which hurts both men. RVD does his springboard kick, which knocks Snow to the ground, while RVD sells his legs. Snow is able to get to his feet first, and goes for a clothesline, which RVD rolls under, before hitting Snow with a spinning heel kick. RVD goes to the top and hits the 5* Frog Splash, and gets the victory.


Time: 19 Minutes and 17 Seconds


Rating: 79


Notes: After RVD celebrates the win, Joey Styles leaves the announce table and meets RVD on the ramp, where the two speak for a brief moment. Styles returns to the commentary table, where he tells the other commentators and the audience in the arena and at home, that Corino was trying to ‘recruit’ him. “Recruit him for what?”, Schiavone asked. “He wouldn’t tell me.”, Styles said.



As the commentary team starts to speculate around that new question, Eric Bischoff’s music plays and he walks out onto the stage and down to the ring. Those at the commentary table are curious as to what he’s got to say.


Eric Bischoff announces that at Mayhem, two months away, there will be a 20-man Gauntlet match and the winner will earn a WCW World Championship match at the Great American Bash, and that starting tomorrow night, wrestlers will have to qualify for entry into the match, and at Uncensored, there will be a match to decide who will come in last. As he speaks, a graphic appears on screen, with the Rules of the match, which are:

Two competitors start the match, decided by a lottery held during the event for wrestlers who won their qualifying matches.

Every two minutes, another competitor will enter the match, until the final participant enters.

A competitor can be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope and having a part of their body touch the floor, by being pinned, or by submitting.

The Winner of the Mayhem Match will face the WCW World Heavyweight Champion at The Great American Bash.


Afterwards, Eric Bischoff bows out of the ring and to the back. The announce team takes over from here and hype up this brand-new match as well as speculate on whether it will be just WCW wrestlers, or if ECW wrestlers will be involved, as well as whether or not now’s the best time to showcase such a match.


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Terry Funk


Terry Funk makes his entrance, and while he does so, the announce team talk about the accomplishments in Funk’s legendary career (mostly Styles, although Heenan, having wrestled Funk twice in his career, chimes in with some comments), and how that this is the first time Booker T and Terry Funk will have been in the same ring for a match.


Just as Booker T slides into the ring after his entrance, Terry Funk puts the boot to him, and the match begins. Booker fights his way to his feet, and he and Funk exchange punches, which ends when Funk hits Booker with a suplex. Funk maintains control of the match until he bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, which Booker ducks. Booker then hits him with a jumping sidekick, followed soon after with a scissor kick.


The match comes to an end when Funkgoes for the piledriver, before getting backdropped in the center of the ring. As he rises to his feet, Booker calls for and hits the Book End, winning the match.


Time: 11 Minutes and 3 Seconds


Rating: 67


Notes: Booker celebrates his championship defense, while Funk slinks away. As he does, Heenan mentions that Funk did not vote with the rest of ECW on the previous Nitro. Styles simply says that he wasn’t there to vote, just like how he himself, didn’t vote.



After the match, the camera cuts to the interview area, where the Four Horsemen, with exception to Jindrak and Douglas, are being interviewed. Flair takes most of the time talking, and it’s here he reveals that due to the alliance between ECW and WCW, his 6-month match suspension is being lifted 3 months ahead of schedule. The interview was then turned over to Kevin Nash while Flair continues being Flair in the background. Nash talks softly and says that tonight his old friend is going to see the cream of the crop in WCW when Douglas and Jindrak take on Shawn’s lackeys and when Diamond Dallas Page beats him later tonight. The interview moves onto DDP, who begins talking as Flair hypes him up.


“Michaels, when you showed your cowardly face here in WCW, it was by attacking me when my back was turned. And you’ve been ducking me ever since, but tonight, I will have my chance at revenge. And when all is said and done tonight, you will regret ever setting foot here in WCW. And you will feel the bang!”.


As he finishes, Shane Douglas shows up and the interview turns to the next match, the World Tag Team Championship Match, and Gene asks him how he feels going into this match. Shane says that he’s more than ready to defend his championship, but that Jindrak and Stacy so far have been a no show. Okerlund asks him where he thinks they are, and Shane is unsure, but says that if need be, he’ll do it alone “since it’sa been clear to everyone in the Horsemen that Jindrak has been the weakest link, and has cost us matches through his incompetence”. Nash intercedes, and says that if it comes to it, he’ll take Jindrak’s spot in the match.


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


The match begins with the two men staring each other down in the center of the ring. They exchange words before those words turn into fists. Sting wins the initial exchange and remains on the offense for the better part of the 1st half of the match. Things turn into Lynn’s favor when Sting goes for the Stinger Splash, and Lynn gets out of the way in time. Lynn hits Sting with a back suplex and keeps up his momentum.


The match comes to an end when Lynn goes for his piledriver. He goes to lift Sting, but Sting resists and hits Lynn with a back drop. Lynn sells shortly before getting back to his feet. Sting meets him and the two throw pouches once more. Sting is able to stagger Lynn with a good punch, causing him to turn around. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Drop, but Lynn’s close enough to the ropes and is able to escape the hold by jumping onto the 2nd rope and hitting Sting with a headscissor takedown. Lynn goes to the corner to recuperate, while Sting gets back to his feet. Sting goes for another Stinger Splash, and again Lynn dodges, this time but jumping onto the second rope. Sting catches himself on the second turnbuckle and Lynn is able to hit the Corner Sunset Flip Powerbomb, and gets the ‘3’.


Time: 13 Minutes and 19 Seconds


Rating: 67


Notes: Jerry Lynn celebrates his victory.


The announce team talks about the remaining matches, and just as they finish going over them, the feed cuts to the back and into the owner’s office, where Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff are talking about the Mayhem match. It’s during this segment were a couple Qualifying Matches are announced for tomorrow’s Nitro.

  • Samoa Joe vs Rick Steiner
  • Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett

As he finishes reading off the last match, you can hear the door open and both Shane and Eric look up to see Tommy Dreamer, who has come to finalize the Alliance, and if Shane and Eric will agree to it. Shane says that they’ve looked over the proposal and that they agree, effectively finalizing the Alliance between WCW and ECW against Shawn Michaels and his . Dreamer leaves, appearing happy.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Elimination Match:

The Four Horsemen (Mark Jindrak and Shane Douglas) /w Stacy Kiebler © vs The New Faces of Fear (John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons)


The challengers for the championship come down to the ring, and as they do, the announce team goes over their accomplishments, individually and as a team. Schiavone talks about how Ron Simmons was a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion almost 10 years ago, and how sickening it is that he returns to the place where he was at the top of the mountain as just another lackey for Shawn Michaels. AS John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons get into the ring and wait for the champions to come down, there’s a lengthy pause until the Horsemen’s theme starts to play.


Shane Douglas walks out from the back and stops at the top of the ramp, his half of the World Tag Team Championship wrapped around his waist. He turns to the curtain and out walks Kevin Nash with Jindrak’s half of the championship over his shoulder. As the two members of the Horsemen walk down to the ring, Schiavone and Styles talk about Jindrak’s absence and how Shane Douglas was originally supposed to have DDP as his partner at Starrcade. While they do that, Bobby Heenan is strangely quiet. Schaivone notices and asks him what he thinks and Heenan says “All I’m thinking about right now, is where did Nash got that title. Jindrak and Stacy haven’t show up yet, so where did he get Jindrak’s half of the championship?”. That question hangs in the air as the match begins.


Shane Douglas and John Bradshaw start out the match, and Douglas is able to gain the upperhand early, attacking the legs of the bigger individual. However, this doesn’t last long, as Bradshaw dodges one of the basement dropkicks with a Clothesline from Hell. He goes for the cover and almost gets the victory off the only offensive move his side had done in the match. With Shane Douglas knocked for a loop, he gets caught up in the corner for a large portion of the match, as John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons work over Douglas. During this part of the match, Heenan makes note of how apathetic Nash seems to be, with a blank face and unmoving despite the beating his partner is receiving.


The matches changes in favor of the Four Horsemen when after minutes of Douglas being punished, Shane is able to reverse the Dominator and hits Ron Simmons with the Pittsburgh Plunge, and starts to crawl over to Nash, who for the first time all match shows emotion. Bradshaw gets tagged in and jumps into the ring to prevent Douglas from getting to Nash,and despite Bradshaw grabbing Douglas, and dragging him away, Douglas gets a surge of energy, and flights Bradshaw toe-to-toe. Bradshaw goes for the Clothesline from Hell, but Douglas ducks it this time and hits Bradshaw with a neckbreaker. Douglas crawls over to his corner and tags in Kevin Nash, who gets into the ring over the top rope, and locks eyes with Bradshaw who got up to a knee. As they do that, Douglas uses the ropes to get up to his feet. Bradshawand Kevin Nash nod at each other, and Kevin Nash turns and hits Douglas with a knee to the gut and a Jackknife Powerbomb. The announce team is incredulous as Nash gives the ‘too sweet’ to Bradshaw, and then to Ron Simmons, before he exits the ring. The referee counts him out, and Kevin Nash is eliminated. (12:27).


The announce team is stunned, and as they work through what’s happened, and what this means, the action in the ring continues as Bradshaw goes for the cover. Douglas, however, has some life left in him as he kicks out at 2.9. Bradshaw and Nash are both surprised, and Bradshaw goes to pick up Douglas, and looks to position himself to hit another Clothesline from Hell. Just as Douglas got to a knee on his own power, Bradshaw pulled him up and went for the clothesline, but Douglas ducks it and hits Bradshaw with a back suplex. Douglas is still selling the he was given throughout the match, so Bradshaw gets to his feet first. Bradshaw hits DOuglas with a couple hard strikes and a knee, but Douglas still gets to his feet, and throws a few strikes of his own, exchanging them at a losing rate as Bradshaw forces him into the ropes. Bradshaw goes for the irish whip, but Douglas hits him with a bulldog. Douglas gets to his feet first, and hits a DDT on Bradshaw. Both men sell, and get to their feet at the same time, and Douglas dodges a strike from Bradshaw, kicks him in the gut and hits him with the Pittsburgh Plunge, this time hooking the leg. 1,2,3! John Bradshaw has been eliminated! (16:31).


Ron Simmons gets into the ring and starts clubbing Douglas while Nash starts to climb the steps and gets onto the apron, which distracts the ref. Simmons goes to hit Douglas with the Dominator, but Douglas slips out aas Simmons tries to prop him up on his shoulder. Douglas lands on his feet and gets his head taken off by Bradshaw with the Clothesline from Hell. Bradshaw rolls out of the ring while Simmons picks him up off the mat, and hits Douglas with the Dominator. Ron Simmons covers Douglas, and the ref, after “getting” Nash to get off the apron, couts the ‘3’. Shane Douglas has been eliminated, and the New Faces of Fear are the New Faces of the WCW World Tag Team Championship. (17:22).



Time: 17 Minutes and 22 Seconds


Rating: 60


Notes: In the aftermath of the match, Douglas is knocked out in the center of the ring, and the three others starts to beat down on him. Bradshaw and Simmons pick him up, and Nash hits him with a second Jackknife. While Douglas lays flat on his back, Nash, Bradshaw and Simmons pose over him, OUt from the back comes a myriad of wrestlers, with Flair and Page at the head. But before they are able to get their hands on the turncoat and the New Faces of Fear, the three of them get out of the ring and leave through the crowd. As things die down, the tension remains palpable as the announcers go over the match and the betrayal of Kevin Nash. They talk about what happened to Jindrak and Stacy Kiebler, as well as what this means for the invasion. “If wrestlers you’ve fought beside start turning against you, who can you trust?” is the line Heenan says, before Schiavone sends the feed back to the interview area.


We go to the back for an interview with Scott Steiner, who says that this shot is a long time coming. That he should have been the guy at Souled Out, but because of “daddy’s little princess, Shane McMahon” it was given to Sean O’Haire, who got so badly hurt by some fat*** from California, and got knocked out of action for the next few months. And tonight, he’ll bring the gold back around his waist, and it doesn’t matter to him who wins the main event, since. The fact that they’re in the main event and he isn’t is a travesty. Okerlund, who’s been standing with the microphone this whole time, goes to ask Steiner about what we just saw, Kevin Nash’s betrayal, and Steiner talks about how it doesn’t surprise him that he and Michaels got back together, as weak men tend to do. He flexes to show off his muscles before saying “Me? I’m a genetic freak. I don’t need anybody to help me.”. With that, he leaves, and Okerlund sends it back to the Announce Team, who begin talking about the next match: the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rhyno © vs Scott Steiner


As the challenger makes his entrance, they talk about his near-400 day reign as WCW World Heavyweight Champion from November of 2000 to Starrcade of 2001, and how dominant he was over that period. Styles is all too happy to point out how dominant he was until he ran into Rhyno, who beat him 1,2,3 at Starrcade. Steiner’s entrance ends with him posing in the ring.


When Rhyno’s music hits, he sprints down to the ring and as soon as he slides in, Steiner and him start throwing blows. Rhyno’s attempt is admirable, but Steiner’s strength and anger propel himself to take the momentum of the match. Clubbing blows slowly break down Rhyno’s energy, and Steiner starts to throw him around with belly-to-belly suplexes. He takes time to taunt Rhyno, and goes to end the match early with a Steiner Recliner, but Rhyno is able to escape the hold. Steiner tries to keep up the pressure, but Rhyno is able to get Steiner staggered, and hits Steiner with a couple belly-to-belly’s of his own. Steiner seems surprised and gets to his feet, while Rhyno sets up for the Gore. Steiner gets checked on by Nick Patrick, and when he does finally turn to face the champion, Rhyno sprints over to hit the Gore, and hits Nick patrick after Scott Steiner moves out of the way. Rhyno and Steiner keep fighting, and Steiner gets the upper-hand once more, and puts Rhyno in the Recliner long enough that he passes out, but Nick Patrick is still out. Steiner relinquishes the hold, and goes to resuscitate the ref, and as he does, Matt Hardy slides into the ring with a chair, and starts attacking Steiner, as Jeff Hardy gets up onto the apron. Matt hits Steiner with the Twist of Fate, and Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb. The two stand over Steiner and when they turn around, they both get Gored by Rhyno, and the two of them roll out of the ring. Rhyno crawls over to and drapes an arm over Steiner, and Nick Patrick crawls over and counts the ‘3’.


Time: 12 Minutes and 18 Seconds


Rating: 68


Notes: The Hardyz exit back through the crowd, and Rhyno rolls out of the ring having retained his championship. When Steiner comes to, and comes to the realization that his chance has gone by the wayside, he goes beserk, attacking Nick Patrick, and putting him in the Recliner. Security comes out to contain him, but Steiner is a man possessed, and beats down anyone that gets in front of him. The carnage gets to a point where Shane McMahon comes out form the back and tries to calm down Steiner, but that backfires when Steiner puts Shane in the Recliner. Only after half a dozen guards swarm him does Steiner finally get restrained and forcibly removed from the ring and arena. The announce team is at a loss for words, and before they can say much of anything…


We cut to the interview area for the last time tonight, where Shawn Michaels talks about his match with DDP. He continually mocks DDP, and says that the only thing that will happen at the end of the nigh is disappointment, because the ‘cream of the crop’ are gonna amount to nothing. As he says that, Kevin Nash appears and the two share an embrace, before Michaels continues with the interview. The Horsemen have lost a member and the World Tag Team Championships, and when Michaels is done, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be his, and by the end of the year, WCW and ECW will be right where they belong, six feet under.


#1 Contender’s Match:

Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page


The announce team talks about the main event match, and how personal this must be for Dallas, having been attacked by Michaels back at Starrcade, and by having his friend Nash turn his back on WCW. As they finish that train of thought, the camera cuts to the back, where DDP is walking to the ring. He looks surprisingly calm considering how the day has gone, and he disappears behind the curtain as his music begins to play through the arena.


As DDP makes his entrance, the announce team notices how stern and focused he appears, not even playing to the fans. When he gets to the ring, he simply walks over to the corner, takes off his shirt and stands in the corner, staring down the aisle. When Michaels music hits, he saunters out of the corner and stands in the center of the ring.


Shawn Michaels makes his entrance, and seems to be in high-spirits. He gets down to his knees and raises his hands to the heavens, before springing to his feet, taking off his chain vest, and getting clotheslined by DDP, who had rolled out of the ring and rushed Michaels while he was doing the taunt.


The match effectively starts in the middle of the entrance way, with DDP exerting his will on Michaels, whipping him into the guardrails on either side of the aisle. Michaels starts to fight back, but gets shut down by DDP, who hip tosses him into the stairs. Dallas walks around Michaels, who’s on his hands and knees, selling his back, and starts to move the padding on the floor, exposing the concrete. He walks over, and goes to hit Michaels with a suplex onto the concrete. Michaels floats over, and lands on his feet before hitting Page with a Sweet Chin Music, sending him to the ground in a heap. Michaels takes a little to compose himself and rolls DDP into the ring, When he rolls in afterwards, the match officially begins.


Michaels goes for the cover right away, but Page kicks out at ‘2’. Michaels takes control of the match, but it’s a tenuous grip as Page has moments where he’s about to turn the match in his favor, but gets stopped by Michaels at almost every opportunity. Eventually, Page gets the upper-hand, and he unleashes a flurry of offense keeping Michaels unbalanced. Page whips Michaels into the ropes and hits him with a stiff arm clothesline before picking him up and whipping him once more. This time, Micahels ducks the clothesline, runs off the ropes and hits Page with a flying forearm.


Both men lay prone, but Michaels kips up to his feet, and starts tuning up the band for another Sweet Chin Music, and as Page gets to his feet. Michaels goes for it. Page ducks the kick, and picks Michaels up, and after better positioning his arm, flips Michaels over and hits him with the Diamond Cutter. Page isn’t able to cover him right away, and as a result, Michaels kicks out in time.


Page lifts Michaels back up to his feet, and after a few strikes, hits Michaels with a gutwrench gutbuster. Page continues to beat down on Michaels, and goes for the Diamond Bomb. When he lifts him up, Michaels slips out and goes for the Sweet Chin Music. Page catches his foot, and pulls him forward for the Diamond Cutter. Michaels pushes him off, and when Page turns around, Michaels is able to hit him with the Sweet Chin Music. Michaels scrambles for the pin, and Page is able to kick out at ‘2’, much to the surprise of Shawn Michaels.


Michaels positions Page and heads for the top rope. Page gets to his feet and crotches Michaels. Page goes for a Super DIamond Cutter, but Michaels holds onto the ropes and hits Page with a crossbody. Both men sell in the center of the ring, and both start to get to their feet. When they do, they exchange strike, increasing in intensity until Michaels goes for a clothesline, which DDP catches and reverses into the Diamond Cutter. He goes for the pin on Michaels, and as the referee counts, Page overcommits to pin and when the ref hits ‘2’, Michaels is able to reverse the pinfall attempt, and cinches in a an attempt of his own. 1,2,3! Shawn Michaels defeats Diamond Dallas Page and will receive a championship match at Uncensored.


Time: 25 Minutes and 12 Seconds


Rating: 91


Notes: Following the match, DDP attacks Michaels and the fight between the two turns into a brawl as Alliance Members and members of Michaels’ Kliq come to blows and the end devolves into a huge brawl. After a few minutes, the Kliq comes out ahead due to the New Faces of Fear using weapons to effectively control the Alliance Crowd. Nash and Flair go at it, but Flair gets attacked from behind. Triple X have a moment of momentum against the New Faces of Fear and Al Snow, but they eventually get beat down as well. Both sides are battered and scarred, but Michaels and the Kliq appear to come out on top. Michaels gets handed a steel chair and he goes to Pillmanize DDP, and the others continue to beat down some of the other Alliance wrestlers. As they continue to do this, and Michaels starts to play tot he audience,

. Michaels pauses on the turnbuckle, while Nash freezes and stares at the entrance way, as Hulk Hogan walks out dressed in the good old red and yellow. He plays to the crowd as he walks to the ring, and when Hogan gets there, some of the Alliance members have gathered themselves and they circle the ring. When Hogan gives the order, they storm the ring. fighting happens all over the ring, but in the center, Hogan fights off Nash, clotheslines him out of the ring, when Michaels hits him in the back with the chair, which Hogan no sells, turning to face Shawn Michaels. Michaels goes to hit him with the chair once again, but Hogan blocks the chair shot, punches Michaels and clotheslines him out of the ring as well. The Kliq is on the run, as Hogan gives the Alliance a well-needed shot in the arm.. And with that, the PPV comes to a close.


Overall Rating: 86

(Highest Ranked Show (WCW Monday Nitro, 2nd Week of February, and PPV (WCW Souled Out 2002: 80) by 6 points)


Card + Winners:


#1 Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diamond Dallas Page

(Winner gets a shot for the World Championship at Uncensored).


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner vs Rhino ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The New Faces of Fear (Simmons and Bradshaw) vs The Four Horsemen (Nash and Douglas) ©


Sting vs Jerry Lynn


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T © vs Terry Funk


Rob Van Damn vs Al Snow


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Chuck Palumbo


Ron Killings vs Steve Corino


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.




DHK1989: 7/9

(Scott Steiner over Rhyno, Sting over Jerry Lynn)


OldSchoolFan: 6/9

(Scott Steiner over Rhyno, Sting over Jerry Lynn, Rey Mysterio Jr. over Chavo Guerrero Jr.)


Hitman74: 5/9

(Scott Steiner over Rhyno, Sting over Jerry Lynn, Rey Mysterio Jr. over Chavo Guerrero Jr., Chuck Palumbo over Samoa Joe)

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Main Event: The New Faces of Fear (John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons) vs The Extremists (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)


Ron Killings vs Elix Skipper


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett


The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs The Lunatic Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Rick Steiner vs Samoa Joe


WCW World Television Championship Match: Alex Wright vs Samoa Joe ©

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Week of February, 2002


The show starts off with Eric Bischoff coming down to the ring, accompanied by Tommy Dreamer, dressed in business attire. Bischoff explains that part of the deal to create the Alliance between WCW and ECW involved the ceding of ECW championships to WCW, which is what Tommy Dreamer is there to do, albeit begrudgingly. He goes to hand Bischoff the championships, but gets jumped by Corino who comes through the crowd, Corino chases Eric away, and takes the mic, saying that he can’t believe that Tommy Dreamer, the heart of ECW was so willing to demote ECW to nothing more than a minor league team under WCW. He goes through the last 8 months, and how ECW stood toe-to-toe with WCW, and that he did not believe that Shawn Michaels sudden reappearance in the business was worth dishonoring the legacy of ECW. And he says that he wasn’t alone in that mindset, and with that, he takes the championships and walks back through the crowd.


Rating: 60


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Alex Wright


In an extremely short match, Samoa Joe defeated Alex Wright in 5:15 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. Samoa Joe makes defence number three of the WCW World Television title.


Notable Moment: Before Samoa Joe was able to really cinch in the Sleeper, Alex Wright tapped out, ending the match before the same thing that has sidelined Palumbo and O’Haire could be done to him.


Rating: 36


A match for next week is announced with a graphic.



Right after the match is announced, Samoa Joe is about half-way up the ramp, before Rick Steiner comes out and says that they might as well have the match now, and despite having just competed in a match, Samoa Joe is more than happy to oblige.


Rating: 53


Mayhem Match Qualifier:

Samoa Joe vs Rick Steiner


In a decent match, Samoa Joe defeated Rick Steiner in 12:08 by pinfall with a Muscle Buster.


Notable Moment: Samoa Joe tried to cinch in the Dragon Sleeper and the Coquina Clutch, but Rick Steiner, through his experience and amateur background was able to prevent Joe from gaining a submission victory. However, Joe caught Steiner off-guard, and was able to hit the Muscle Buster for the pinfall victory.


Rating: 66


Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash come out to the ring and revel in their accomplishment fro the previous day’s event. During their piece, Michaels mocks Hogan as a geriatric old man, and reveals that he wasn’t the one who attacked Page at Starrcade. It was actually Kevin Nash. Nash talks about how he got a phone call the week before Starrcade and it was then that he and Michales created the plan to kill off WCW for good. He was surprised at how they bought him saying that he turned down his buddies offer without needing much else. He says how easy it was to know when Page would be arriving, and when he’d be alone. Little did he expect, however, that Mark Jindrak would prove an ample substitute, and that he and Shane Douglas would defeat Mike Awesome and Lance Storm to reclaim the championship for WCW. Before he can say much else, DDP appears at the top of the entrance way. He begins by saying how he didn’t expect Nash because they had broke bread together and had been good friends for the better part of the last 3 years.


“I didn’t feel the need to question you because I trusted you. I took you at your word. And now I find out that you were the one who tried to bash my head in. I’ll be honest, with Michaels, it was all business. I wasn’t happy about it. I understood why he would want to take me out, but that didn’t change the fact that I wanted to get some payback for that, and just so you know, Sexy Boy, I’ll get you back for all this later. But right now, Nash, you made this personal.”.


He drops the mic and starts to walk to the ring. Nash and Michaels toss aside their Microphones and get ready to fight, but before he can get far, Hulk Hogan makes his return to Monday Nitro, and stops DDP. He goes back and grabs Page’s dropped microphone, before he starts to talk about how he knows what it’s like to get stabbed in the back, but that it’s important to not go it alone. Hogan and Page have a staredown, before both men nod. Hogan tosses the microphone, and he and Page rush the ring. Nash and Michaels dive out, not wanting to fight, and escape through the crowd.


Rating: 90


The Lunatic Fringes vs The Hardy Boyz


In a decent match, Hardy Boyz defeated The Lunatic Fringes in 7:47 when Jeff Hardy pinned James Storm with a Swanton Bomb, after Matt Hardy hit James Storm with a Twist of Fate.


Rating: 66


A match is announced for Next Week’s Nitro.


We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is standing in the interview area with Jeff Jarrett. He asks jeff Jarrett what he thinks about Nash’s betrayal the night prior, and Jarrett says that it’s always been in Nash’s nature to do what’s best for Nash. That he’d buddy up to you in order to have a better chance at stabbing you in the back all if it meant that he had something to gain, and tonight, he’s going to make sure that Nash gain’s nothing from their match.


Rating: 59


Mayhem Match Qualifier:

Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Kevin Nash defeated Jeff Jarrett in 12:51 by pinfall with a Jacknife Power Bomb. Kevin Nash is the second confirmed participant for the Mayhem match.


Rating: 70


The main event of Next Week’s Nitro is announced.


We cut to the interview area once more where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Ron Killings, a recent acquisition by WCW. Okerlund asks Killings if he stands with Michaels, to which Killings gives a resounding ‘no’, that he fought on his own to get to where he was up north, and was rewarding with a nice sum of money to come down to Atlanta, and prove that he deserves not only more money, but a spot higher up the card. Okerlund, seemingly un-pleased with the lack of a side being chosen, asks him who he believes would help him achieve that goal, and Killings says that there isn’t a side that’ll help him achieve that. That being lost in the shuffle of a large group would just cause him to disappear in the haze, and that would ultimately hurt him in his quest.


Rating: 48


Ron Killings vs Elix Skipper


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Elix Skipper defeated Ron Killings in 16:59 by pinfall with small package.


Following the end of the match, Killings and Skipper get into a confrontation that gets broken up by Daniels and Styles, who more or less force Killings to leave the ring.


Rating: 63


We cut to the back for the final interview of the night, where we find not Gene Okerlund, but actually Don West, who interviews the Extremists. West asks where they’ve been since Starrcade. Awesome reminds West that he’d had a few singles matches in the last few weeks, and Lance Storm states that he needed time to recover from the match at Starrcade. But now, they’re both 100% and ready to get back to business. West asks them how they feel about the Alliance and about what Corino had to say earlier in the night. Awesome and Storm both talk about how the Alliance would’ve kill ECW, and would probably make it remain into the future, whereas fighting alone would’ve been more of an uphill battle.


Rating: 50


The New Faces of Fear vs The Extremists


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, The Extremists defeated The New Faces of Fear in 22:18 when Mike Awesome was attacked by Steve Corino, ending the match in a Disqualification.


Rating: 69


Corino wails on Awesome, while Lynn, Tanaka and Taijiri attack lance Storm, with a few shots going towards Awesome as well. John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons slink away during the beatdown, and Corino grabs a microphone, saying how Awesome and Storm didn’t get it. That because they had abandoned ECW for greener pastures, they weren’t qualified to preach about what would keep ECW alive as they had shown that they were more than happy to leave. He reiterates once more that the Alliance will dishonor and effectively destroy ECW, leaving it to be corrupted by WCW.


“What makes me madder than hell, is that the one guy who I thought would’ve understood that better than anyone is the one who’s signed ECW away. To all those in the back who came from ECW, you have to decide whether or not to throw away the legacy of the company that we shed our blood, sweat and tears for. You have to chose whether or not all that you gave is worth throwing away so that others will decide what our hard work was for. We here in this ring have decided that our work, our blood, our sweat and our legacy is worth fighting for and that we will fight until the death of ECW to maintain what we fought for. Dreamer has decided that all that we’ve done can be thrown away, and hand it to the son of the man up north. It’s a choice between dishonoring all that we’ve done, or fighting until the death of the ECW.”.


Rating: 61


Overall Rating: 72


Card + Winners:

The New Faces of Fear (John Bradshaw and Ron Simmons) vs The Extremists (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)


Ron Killings vs Elix Skipper


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett


The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs The Lunatic Fringes (James Storm and Johnny Swinger)


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Rick Steiner vs Samoa Joe


WCW World Television Championship Match: Alex Wright vs Samoa Joe ©



DHK1989: 4/6


Full Official Card for Next Week's Monday Nitro to be announced Wednesday morning.


Announced Matches for Next Week's Monday Nitro:

Hulk Hogan and DDP vs Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash


WCW World Television Championship Match: Samoa Joe © vs TAKA Michinoku


Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Hardy

Edited by IronWarrior22
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Main Event: Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page vs Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash


Mike Awesome vs John Bradshaw


Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Hardy


Steve Corino vs Lance Storm


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs TAKA Michinoku

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of February, 2002

Following the opening graphics and pyrotechnics display, we go to the owner’s office where Eric Bischoff sits behind a desk. Here, he explains that Scott Steiner’s violent attack at WCW SuperBrawl from 8 days ago has sidelined Shane McMahon for the foreseeable future, and as such, he’s been indefinitely suspended, with Eric Bischoff taking full control until Shane’s return.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs TAKA Michinoku


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Samoa Joe defeated TAKA Michinoku in 11:48 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. Samoa Joe makes defense number four of the WCW World Television title.


Rating: 75


As Samoa Joe walks away with the WCW Television Championship,

. The announcers talk about the legacy of both teams and how they are rooting for the Legion of Doom.


Rating: 59


We go to an undisclosed location of the building where Steve Corino and a handful of ECW wrestlers (Jerry Lynn, Masato Tanaka, Yohsihiro Taijiri, and Chris Candido) are gathered. It appears to be the same area that ECW used to sequester to before they won rights to their own locker rooms back at Halloween Havoc, 3 months prior. Corino then cuts a promo about how the current leadership of ECW has given up the fight, and now its time for them to take up the mantle. He then leaves to go participate in his Mayhem Qualifying match against Lance Storm.


Rating: 60


Mayhem Match Qualifier:

Lance Storm vs Steve Corino


In a superb match, Steve Corino defeated Lance Storm in 15:08 after stealing Lance Storm’s Boston Crab submission.


Rating: 74


We cut to the back where Sting is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund, and Sting talks about the invasion in its entirety. From the ECW interlopers back in July at the Big Bang, to when Shawn’s Kliq arrived at Starrcade, and to Kevin Nash’s betrayal the night before. And despite the betrayal of Nash, Sting states that that wasn’t the betrayal that surprised him the most, since Nash has always had an iffy situation regarding allegiances and that Shawn was practically family. It was the fact that Ron Simmons sided against WCW. Someone who was brought up in Jim Crockett Promotions, who worked his way up the ranks and became the World Heavyweight Champion siding against the company that gave him that opportunity is something Sting both can’t abide or understand. The promo ends with Sting stating that he’s going to try and bring Ron Simmons back to the side he championed nearly a decade ago.


Rating: 73


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing

And by put over, it’s more like Bobby Heenan suggesting that Eric Bischoff gave Hulk Hogan an easy match, which Schiavone tries to rebuke but has some difficulties in doing that.


Rating: 65


Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Hardy


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Jeff Hardy defeated Christopher Daniels in 14:19 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf.


Rating: 68


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing

Heenan questions the idea of having Triple X in Mayhem Qualifying matches as not only have they not joined a side, Elix Skipper was a turncoat. Schiavone and Styles don’t have an answer for that question, other than maybe that Eric Bischoff sees Triple X as an easy target.


Rating: 41


Right after the speculation about the tag match for next week, we go to the back where DDP and Hulk Hogan are getting prepared in the locker room. Hogan is hyping up the match and trying to hype up Page, but Page remains stoic and determined. As Hogan continues, Randy Savage comes in, and after a tense moment with Page, states that he will be waiting in the back, just in case the Kliq tries to do anything during their match.


Rating: 79


Mike Awesome vs John Bradshaw


In an exceptional match, John Bradshaw Layfield defeated Mike Awesome in 14:01 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb.


Rating: 77


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing

Rating: 32


We cut to the back where Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels are being interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Gene asks Nash why he sided with Michaels, and Nash states pretty bluntly that he did it for money, and he did it for one of the few people he considers to be his brother. Shawn says that being practically family helps quite a lot, and so does money. Gene is disgusted, but continues to ask questions that all end along the same vein as the first. Lastly, Gene asks Nash why he attacked DDP at Starrcade, and Nash says that he loved Page, but knew that he was loyal to a fault, and so, tried to take him out early, wanting to knock him out for the rest of the invasion, but admits that doing that to someone he saw as a good friend made him pull the beatdown before he could put Page out of commission. Nash then looks at the camera and tells Page that if he doesn’t back out now, he won’t pull back again.


Rating: 86


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing


Rating: 63


Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page vs Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels defeated Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page in 23:40 when Shawn Michaels pinned Diamond Dallas Page, after Shawn low-blowed him.


Rating: 75


Following the match, Michaels and Nash try to put down Page and Hogan, and it turns into a big brawl as Page and Hogan fight back. Savage starts to make his way down to the ring, but Al Snow comes from behind and attacks him with a chair. As Snow continues to attack Savage, Rhyno comes from the back and Gores Snow on the ramp. He sprints down to the ring and as Page clotheslines nash out of the ring, Michaels goes for the Superkick on Hogan, who catches it, and spins Michaels around, right into a Gore from Rhyno. Nash drags Michaels out of the ring and the two slink away through the crowd.


Rating: 77


Overall Rating: 77


Card + Winners


Main Event: Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page vs Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash


Mike Awesome vs John Bradshaw


Christopher Daniels vs Jeff Hardy


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Steve Corino vs Lance Storm


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs TAKA Michinoku



DHK1989: 5/5

Old School Fan: 2/5


Announced Matches for Next Week's Nitro:


Main Event: Booker T vs Rhyno


Mayhem Qualifier Match: Hulk Hogan vs Aj Styles


The New Faces of Fear vs The Road Warriors


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Triple X vs The Filthy Animals


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Mikey Whipwreck


Official Match Card to be announce Thursday.

Edited by IronWarrior22
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Booker T vs Rhyno


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Hulk Hogan vs Aj Styles


The New Faces of Fear vs The Road Warriors


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Triple X vs The Filthy Animals


Jerry Lynn vs Terry Funk


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe vs Mikey Whipwreck

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Main Event: Booker T vs Rhyno


Mayhem Qualifier Match: Hulk Hogan vs Aj Styles


The New Faces of Fear vs The Road Warriors


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Triple X vs The Filthy Animals


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Mikey Whipwreck

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of March, 2002


The show opens with a pyrotechnics displays, before going to the announce table. They go over tonight’s card, but spend more time on the final two matches of the night. Starting with Styles and Hogan, Heenan talks about how Bischoff’s probably throwing a bone to Hogan, giving him an easy match-up to get into the Mayhem match. Schiavone tries to hype up Styles but Heenan comes back with: “Styles has only been wrestling for two years, and hats off to him, he’s won a few titles in his time, he is not Hulk Hogan. And I as much as I might not like Hogan, right now, with everything going on here, we need someone who can beat Shawn Michaels and end this, and once again, no offense to Styles, but he’s not Hulk Hogan.”.


Following that, the graphic for the ‘Champion vs Champion’ non-title exhibition appears, and the announce team talks about that match, and how this inter-alliance match will work in regards to the cohesion of the alliance. Eventually, though, the speculation comes to an end in time for the first match of the evening.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe © vs Mikey Whipwreck


In a decent match, Samoa Joe defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 11:37 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. Samoa Joe makes defence number five of the WCW World Television title.


Rating: 59


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing


Following the match announcement for next week, we go to the interview area backstage, where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Terry Funk. Okerlund asks him about joining the Alliance, and Funk begins to talk about his experience across the world as a wrestler, and that right now, it’s more important to prevent either WCW or ECW from succumbing to the invasion forces. Before he can say much else, his opponent for tonight, Jerry Lynn appears, and essentially claims that Terry has no loyalty to anyone, and is instead doing what best suits him. The two almost come to blows, but security gets in between and Lynn states that they’ll settle this in the ring.


Rating: 60


Jerry Lynn vs Terry Funk


In a good match, Jerry Lynn defeated Terry Funk in 9:39 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker Submission.


Rating: 71


Notes: Following the match, Jerry Lynn tries to attack Funk, but security prevents it from being a serious attack. The ECW-Alliance members come out from the back, but before they can attempt retaliation against him, Jerry Lynn leaves through the crowd.


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing


Mayhem Match Qualifier:

Triple X (Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels) vs The Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr.)


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Filthy Animals defeated Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper in 15:43 when Rey Misterio Jr. reversed the Angel’s Wings and hit Daniels with a Hurricanrana for the ‘3’.


Rating: 69


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing

They talk about how they haven’t seen him or Stacy Kiebler since before SuperBrawl, and following some speculation as to what happened just over two weeks ago, they send the feed to the back where we see Diamond Dallas Page in the interview area with Gene Okerlund. Okerlund asks Dallas about the announced match, and he responds saying that he’s been in contact with Jindrak and that he’ll be 100% against Kevin Nash, and before Okerlund can ask another question, Page grabs the microphone, and says that he ‘just got out of the office with Eric’ and that not only did he get Jindrak a chance at revenge, but he did the same for himself. That at Uncensored, it will be Kevin Nash vs Diamond Dallas Page. “And Michaels, after I’m done with Nash, I’m coming for you”.


Rating: 75


The New Faces of Fear (Ron Simmons and John Bradshaw) vs The Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk)


In a superb match, The New Faces of Fear defeated The Road Warriors in 7:41 when John Bradshaw pinned Road Warrior Hawk with an Aided Powerbomb.


Rating: 74


Notes: Following the match, the New Faces of Fear start to beat down the Road Warriors and despite a valiant effort on their part, can’t fight them off. Sting comes out from the back, followed by a few other WCW wrestlers, and unlike Lynn earlier in the night, John Layfield doesn’t get out of the ring in time, and he and Sting trade punches, with Sting winning the exchange. Simmons pulls Bradshaw out of the ring, saving him from any more punishment. Simmons and Sting exchange words that aren’t caught by the cameras, and the New Faces of Fear retreat up the ramp.


Rating: 67


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing



After that, we cut to the back, where we see Triple X. Daniels and Skipper have put on shirts but are otherwise still in their gear, and Styles is getting worked up. Daniels and Skipper try to hype him up and reiterate that if he doesn't beat Hogan, then Triple X is out of the Mayhem match entirely. Styles nods along and before leaving, gives a pat onto both men's shoulders.


Mayhem Match Qualifier:

Aj Styles vs Hulk Hogan


Aj Styles is the first man to come down to the ring, and while he does, the announce team try to put him over as much as they can, but it's all tempered because of the stakes of the match, and the caliber of opponent he has. Schiavone states, "Had it been anybody else, I think Styles could have completed an upset. But it's probably not going to be that way tonight.". Heenan chimes in with, "Not without a lot of help.".


Then, Hogan's music hits and he starts to make his way to the ring, dressed in his traditional red & yellow. The announcers hype him up, considering that this is his first singles match since Bash at the Beach 2000. Schiavone pipes up and says, "If there's one saving grace for Styles, it's that Hogan might not have shaken his ring rust, and that might give him the opening.".


The match starts, and Hogan is feeding off the energy of the crowd. Styles goes to start the match with a quick flurry of offense, but Hogan quickly kiboshes that before starting an offensive of his own. Hogan goes to end the match early, and whips Styles into the ropes for the big boot, but Styles hooks his arms and prevents that from happening. Hogan walks over to Styles, and Styles hits Hogan with an elbow, before going for his springboard reverse DDT. Hogan catches him in mid-air and slams him to the ground. Hogan goes for the cover, and only gets a '1' count.


Hogan pulls Styles to his feet and hits him with a few power moves, imposing his will on the smaller participant. Hogan hits Styles with a power slam, and Styles lands a considerable distance away. Hogan walks over to him as Styles adjusts his position on the ground. Hogan goes to grab one of Styles legs, and Styles kips up and hits Hogan with a huricanrana from the canvas! Hogan seems stunned, and Styles takes this moment to fly into a flurry of offense. He resorts to flying forearms in an attempt to stagger Hogan, and it appears to work, as it forces Hogan off his feet. When he gets up, Styles hits a springboard forearm to Hogan, which knocks him down again.


Styles maintains the pace, attacking Hogan's legs, but that only works for so long. Eventually, Hogan gets back to his feet, and when Styles goes to run off the ropes, Hogan hits him with the big boot. This doesn't knock Styles to the ground, but staggers him immensely. Just as Hogan gets back to a vertical base, Styles hits him with the Pele Kick, which forces Hogan to a knee. Styles scrambles to his feet, runs off the ropes and hits Hogan with his springboard reverse DDT. With Hogan selling on the ground, Styles rushes to the top rope and hits Hogan with a Spiral Tap. Styles goes to cover Hogan and gets a '2' before Hogan lifts Styles off of him and Styles gets tangled in the ropes. When Styles regains his senses, he see Hogan hulking up. Instead of punches, Styles throws forearms at the big man, and Hogan no sells them, finally catching one and hitting Styles three times, and whipping him into the ropes and hitting him with a big boot. Hogan plays to the crowd before running off the ropes himself. He, however comes to an abrupt stop.


Standing on the apron across from him is Shawn Michaels. The referee immediately tries to get Michaels off the apron, but the distraction seems to have worked, as Hogan walks over to the side of the ring that Michaels is on, and the two men exchange words as security closes around Michaels. Hogan gets too close to the ropes and the ref goes to push Hogan back, and Michaels takes that moment to slide into the ring unmolested. He and Hogan get into a staredown, while the ref tries to keep the two men away from each other. Hogan goes to get the crowd involved and starts to feed off them as he and Michaels continue to trade bards. Michaels takes off his jacket and it looks like the two men are going to start exchanging blows, when Michaels turns to his right and kicks Styles head, almost off his shoulders. Styles had spent the entire staredown getting back to his feet, only to be reintroduced to the canvas as soon as he did. Hogan stands there stunned as Michaels bails out of the ring, and the ref calls for the bell. Hogan, seemingly not hearing the bell first checks on Styles before looking like he's going to go after Michaels, who's already several rows in the crowd. That's when the decision of the match is announced: Aj Styles via disqualification.


Time: 7 Minutes and 35 Seconds


Rating: 75


Notes: Following the announcement, Hulk Hogan plays to the crowd while Styles is beginning to come to. Hogan grabs a microphone and cuts a promo on Michaels (who’s at a safe distance, still in the crowd), talking about his cowardice, before he talks to Styles, who’s by this point on a knee, saying that he’s got an opportunity, and to not let it slip through his fingers.The camera cuts to Michaels, who looks like he’s enjoying the idea of Styles making the most of being forced into the Mayhem match by Michaels’ Sweet Chin Music. While he does that, he doesn’t notice the man walking up behind. Scott Steiner, who hasn't been seen for the past few weeks, starts clubbing Shawn Michaels, and gets a lot of good shots in, before Michaels tries to escape. Steiner follows and beats him towards the ring, also getting in shots at the security that try to stop him. Steiner clotheslines Michaels over the guardrail and security finally amasses enough people that they prevent Steiner from getting at Michaels.


Hogan takes this moment to hop out of the ring and he gets some shots on Michaels as well, before Steiner breaks through security. He shoves a man into Hogan, and Micahels takes that moment and hits Hogan with a Sweet Chin Music, before he looks into the eyes of Scott Steiner. That brief staredown ends with Steiner chasing Michaels around the ring, and Michaels rolls into the ring to escape Steiner, and Michaels tries to keep Steiner out of the ring. Styles comes up behind Michaels, and dropkicks his back, knocking Michaels out of the ring and into Steiner, knocking him to the floor. Steiner goes to get up, but Michaels hops over the guardrail and flees, with security back up on their feet. Steiner looks into the ring and sees Styles by, himself. Steiner rolls into the ring, and hits Styles with a vicious German, and gives him a stiff boot to the head, as Security swarms the ring. Steiner, after tossing some guards out of his way, exits the ring, and leaves through the crowd.


The announcers, after talking about the ending of the Hogan/Styles match, Shawn’s interference, and Steiner’s rampage, put over the fact that we'll be seeing



We cut to the back where we see Okerlund waiting in the interview area with Booker T. Okerlund asks him about the non-title exhibition, to which Booker says that it’s like any other match, except that when he beats Rhino, he’s going to have a legitimate claim at being a contender for the championship. Okerlund begins to ask another question, before he pauses, looking past Booker. Booker turns to see what Okerlund staring at, and the camera shifts to show Rhyno. Booker starts trash talking him and says about the same thin. Rhyno laughs and says “You’re going to find, that cuts both ways.”, while looking at the United States Championship. The two have a staredown, before Rhyno walks past him.


Rating: 78


Rhyno vs Booker T


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Booker T drew with Rhino in 13:38 following a double disqualification.


Rating: 75


Notes: As the referee calls for the bell, Corino continues to lay into Rhyno with the steel chair. Booker T gets to his feet, and eats a chairshot as well, before rolling out of the ring. Corino grabs a mic and starts to to cut a promo. He starts out by talking about guys like RVD and Mike Awesome, saying, “They’ve only ever been about the money, and have never stood for anything in their lives, so it’s not surprising that they do the same thing now. Hell, if Michaels offered either man enough money, they’d probably switch sides faster than your head would spin. But the real betrayal comes from people like you, Rhyno. You stayed, you championed ECW, and then, like a good lapdog, you followed your master and sat at the heels of a McMahon, ready to give up everything because that’s what Dreamer told you to do.”. It’s at this point, Corino turns to look at hard-cam and gets up on the second rope. “Dreamer! I don’t care why you’re keen on playing second fiddle, although it’s something you do rather well. I do care that you’re content on dragging the rest of us down with you, as well as dragging ECW down to their level. All of the hard work and sacrifices we made to even get ECW up to a level where we could compete, all of that, and you seem 100% ready willing and able to disrespect and dishonor that, and for what? A place at a McMahon’s table? There’s a fundamental difference between you and me Dreamer, and it’s that I’m not willing to compromise, I’m not willing to disrespect everything we’ve sacrificed to even get to this point. I’d rather die than dishonor all of that. And you seem more than willing to-”. He gets interrupted by the remnants of the security team from Steiner’s assault earlier in the night and Corino bails the ring, all while the ending signature shows on the screen.


Rating: 66


Overall Rating: 75


Card + Winners

Booker T vs Rhyno


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Aj Styles vs Hulk Hogan


The Road Warriors vs The New Faces of Fear


Mayhem Match Qualifier: Triple X vs The Filthy Animals


Jerry Lynn vs Terry Funk

WCW World Television Championship Match: Samoa Joe © vs Mikey Whipwreck



DHK1989: 4/5

Old School Fan: 2/5

ElectricX: 3/5


Booker T vs Rhyno ended in a Draw, and therefore doesn't count for predictions.

Match Winners, or participants, that are italicized indicate that they did so through disqualification or Count Out

Edited by IronWarrior22
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Last night had been unkind for a number of reasons. Of course, when he told Hulk Hogan the plan for the match, he was more than a little unpleased, as was Bischoff. Both complained that the finish made him look weak and that it should really be a no contest, instead of a loss. Shane held his ground, and Hogan didn't have much of a leg to stand on. There were a few comparisons to Russo, but that didn't bother him. Hogan was just mad that he wasn't going over, and he was more than happy to use that as an example. If Hogan wasn't going to get his way, neither was anyone else. At least that's the message he hoped they got.


Going over the plan for next week's Nitro, as well as next Sunday's PPV, he almost didn't notice when someone knocked on his door. “Come in”, he said, not looking away from the papers on his desk. He didn’t look up until the individual was by his desk. And saw that it was Finlay.


“I've got something I want to talk to you about.”, he said. Shane put the papers down and waited for Finlay to continue. “I’ve got some good news. We’ve finally got a guy from the Power Plant that we could put on TV.”.


After the acquisition of UPW, and Finlay staking his claim on Samoa Joe and The Prototype, Shane promoted him to head of the Scouting Department, which covered both the Power Plant and everything not WWE. He had an eye that Shane trusted in areas that Shane, admittedly, didn't know very well.


“I don’t see that as good news. We’re having problems with money, and you think giving what little we do have to a rookie is good news.”, he said, and it was true. Money was always an issue, and based on what he was hearing about the financial reports, it was either going to be slightly better or slightly worse. Not enough to give him a solid foundation, but not enough to knock the ground from underneath him either.


“Well, considering you’ve been paying for the Power Plant the last 8 months, and no one during that period was remotely ready for television, I think it’s good news that you’re finally seeing people coming out, ready to be wrestling in front of audiences. Home-grown talent is something we’ve been lacking, and it’s finally starting to come around. I think it’s the best thing that could happen.”, Finlay said.


Shane wasn’t a fan of paying a rookie, but had to concede that Finlay had a point. The most recent home-grown guys that WCW could boast about, Elix Skipper and AJ Styles, came around over a year ago, so having more guys potentially filling the ranks was not bad. But money was tight, and he didn’t want to commit any large sum of money until he got the financial reports for last month, but, Finlay seemed determined, and he had been the one to recommend Samoa Joe, so he decided to acquiesce.


“Who’s the guy?”, Shane asked grabbing a plain piece of paper.


“Chris Mordetzky. 19-year old kid.”, Finlay said. “He’s got a physique, but needs more seasoning.”.


Shane paused. “I thought he was ready for TV.”.


“He is. Just needs time on TV and in front of an audience to get better. I never said it was WCW TV that he should be apart of.”.


Shane nodded. “Wildside?”.


Back in September, Shane realized that he wasn’t going to be able to put some of the younger guys like Chris Harris on TV, or at least not in any way that would be beneficial to them and therefore not beneficial to him, so he made an agreement with Wildside. He’d pay for the contracts, and WCW wrestlers would be used on their television show to their discretion, which he wasn’t the biggest fan of, as he knew that that left the door open for them to bury his talent, but still felt that it was better than having them do nothing. And it was only costing him $14 grand to use Wildside as a pseudo-development company, one that he had no control over.


“I think that’d be best.”, Finlay said.


Shane wasn't so sure. While he liked the idea of a developmental company, like what his father had in Ohio Valley Wrestling, he didn't have the money to invest in a promotion and have enough sway. He wasn't on solid ground yet, and while he didn't like it, it was better than just having them collect dust on the shelf. Especially with plans he had in mind, he was going to need a good developmental system to substitute two different companies. And having his guys be utilized outside of his control was not a good look for a company like WCW, and it certainly wouldn't when they got on solid ground. For now, he had to hang his tail between his legs and use what he had, but that didn't mean he wasn't waiting for an opportunity.


He looked back up to Finlay and said, "Alright. Get the papers drawn up.".




WCW signs Chris Mordetzky to a 3-yr deal.


Mordetzky has been training at the Power Plant for about nine months, just after FOX and Shane McMahon's acquisition of the company. Working closely under the tutelage of Power Plant trainer, DeWayne Bruce (AKA Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker), it seems as though WCW has decided that the 19-yr old rookie has learned enough to sign him to a long-term deal, the first of which for the Shane McMahon era. According to our sources, he will be sent to NWA Wildside, as one of the handful of wrestlers who've been sent there, including the likes of Adam Pearce, The Prototype and Chris Harris. Time will tell if this assignment will bear fruit for Mordetzky, and we'll see how well the Power Plant is under the new regime. Prior to his time at the Power Plant, he was training to be used by Ultimate Pro Wrestling, the very company that Shane McMahon bought out. Maybe the plans of a buyout from WCW were in the works back in June, and that's why Mordetzky went there instead of returning to UPW facilities.

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The Hardy Boyz vs The Four Horsemen


Mayhem Qualifier: Rob Van Dam vs Yoshihiro Taijiri


Mark Jindrak (w/ Stacy Kiebler) vs Kevin Nash


Mayhem Qualifier: Ric Flair vs Masato Tanaka


WCW World Television Championship Match: Samoa Joe vs Chris Candido


Mayhem Qualifier: Randy Savage vs Buff Bagwell

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