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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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2nd Week of August, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


Shane walked through the locker room and spoke to as many people as he could to try and build up some camaraderie between the boys. As he was doing so, Shane Douglas walked up to him and asked to speak to him outside the room. Shane was worried that it was going to be something serious, but once Douglas started to talk, Shane's worry went away. All Douglas wanted to tell him was that he was willing to put Kidman over in a match, saying that he had a good future and wanted to get him up higher. Shane thanked him for his willingness to put his fellow workers ahead of himself, and Douglas went back into the locker room, leaving Shane alone, with a smile on his face.


WCW Opinion of Shane: +2


He walked back into the locker and found Ric Flair reprimanding Stasiak for hitting another worker's rental car. He decided Ric had that covered and continued his walk-through of the room and caught sight of James Storm, one of the younger talent, talking with Sting. When he walked past Dreamer, he asked about that, and Dreamer told him that Sting had taken Storm under his wing about three weeks ago. Shane nodded and felt somewhat embarrassed, as he was most likely the last person to find out. Luckily, he was talking with Dreamer, so only he knew that.


Just as he completed his walk-through of the room, Dusty walked up to him and said that Scott missed his meeting with the agents. When Shane asked Finlay and Arn, he learned that this was a recurring problem,as he had missed it the last three shows. Shane listened to everything they had to say, and then went to find Scott. He found him in the locker room and asked for him to step outside so he could talk to him.


Once he did, he fined Scott $80k, which made Scott just a little unhappy. It took Shane a considerable amount of time to talk Scott down, but was able to do so by convincing him that if he consistently showed up for the meetings, than he would be given the money back. The confrontation ended well, surprisingly and Steiner was considerably cooled off. Eric came up to him a little while afterwards and asked what happened, and after Shane told him, Eric relayed to him that Steiner had been mouthing off about him and the agents the last few weeks, and the fact that he didn't come back in continuing to mouth off like he had before was noticed by the boys.


WCW Opinion of Shane: -1 (Administered A Massive Fine)

WCW Opinion of Shane: +2 (Reigning In Steiner)

ECW Opinion of Shane: +2 (Reigning In Steiner)


The show begins with some pyro, and we cut to Alfonso, Shane and Eric talking about which ECW contender will have title matches at Fall Brawl.


Rating: 54


AJ Styles vs Mike Awesome


AJ Styles music hits, as he walks down for his match against Mike Awesome. Mike Awesome comes out and it's obvious that he's oozing with confidence. The match starts with a Mike Awesome clothesline that Styles ducks and responds with a Pele Kick, knocking Awesome out of the ring. Styles then does a over the top rope senton dive onto Awesome. Awesome staggers back up to his feet, and Styles goes for the flip-over reverse DDT using the apron, but he gets caught by Awesome who hits a running power-slam on the outside.He picks up and rolls Styles back into the ring.


This time, Awesome nails Styles with a clothesline who sells it like death. He picks Styles up and whips him into the ropes and hits Styles with a boot. He picks Styles up again and goes for the Awesome Bomb, but Styles plants his feet into Awesome's chest, and does a back flip. He lands on his feet and runs at Awesome who throws a clothesline, which Styles ducks. He then jumps off the middle rope and hits Awesome with the flip-over reverse DDT. He goes for the cover but only gets a two count.


He waits for Awesome to stand up, and attempts to hit the flying forearm, but instead gets caught and hit with an overhead belly-to-belly. Awesome take a few minutes to wear down Styles and goes for the Awesome Bomb again, but Styles rolls through, hitting him with a sunset flip powerbomb. The ref starts to count, but Styles gets out, and lifts Awesome up for the Styles Clash. He hits it and doesn't go for the cover, instead rolling him over, going up to the top rope and hits him with the Spiral Tap. 1,2,3.


Time: 11:42


Rating: 46


Notes: None.


Styles starts to celebrate when Lynn rolls into the ring and gives him a rabbit clothesline. Lynn wails on Styles until Awesome gets up, and he hits Styles with an Awesome Bomb to the outside of the ring.


Rating: 56


Elix Skipper is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund, who asks Elix if his nervous abouthis match against the United States Champion, Mark Jindrak. Skipper says that he's not nervous at all, and that when he beats Jindrak, he should get a shot at his title.


Rating: 37


Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Elix Skipper


The match starts out with Skipp getting the upperhand, eventually knocking Jindrak out of the ring with a spinning heel kick. Skipper quickly hopped out of the ring and threw Jindrak back in and kept up the offensive momentum. The momentum would shift to Jindrak when he hit a German onto Skipper. He would give it back to Skipper when he went for a short arm clothesline, which Skipper would duck, and use his newfound position to pick up Jindrak and crotch him on the top rope. While Jindrak sold the move, Skipper would hop up to the top turnbuckle and it the New School on Jindrak. He would then pick up Jindrak and hit the Play Of The Day. Before he could go for the cover, Kiebler would hop onto the apron and would distract the ref from making the count. She would get off of the apron once Skipper approached, but the distraction would give Jindrak enough time to roll up Elix and get the win.


Time: 8 Minutes and 26 Seconds


Rating: 34


Notes: None


Rey Mysterio is warming up in the back, when yang comes up to him and wishes him luck in their match. Rey kinda blows it off.


Rating: 43


WCW World Television Championship

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang


The match begins and Yang attempts to get the upper hand on Mysterio, but his plan backfires when Rey is able to hit a springboard moonsault. Yang is unable to get the upperhand for the rest of the bout, and is defeated when Rey hits him with the West Coast Pop.


Time: 8 Minutes and 27 Seconds


Rating: 49


Notes: None


Diamond Dallas Page is stretching backstage, when Shane Douglas walks up to him. He pitches the idea that he and Dallas should team up to fight Awesome and Storm at Fall Brawl, but Dallas shoots it down for now. He does say that if Douglas beats him, he'll think about.


Rating: 75


Shane Douglas vs Diamond Dallas Page


The match starts with a collar-elbow tie-up, which DDP wins, and uses the momentum to control the opening few minutes of the bout. The momentum shifts over to Douglas, when he;s able to his DDP with a back body drop. The momentum changes hands several times over the remaining time of the match, and it ends when Douglas is able to hit DDP with the piledriver.


Time: 12 Minutes and 19 Seconds


Rating: 70


Notes: DDP and Douglas have Great Chemistry and it showed in their performance.


Booker T is in the back and he gets a promo on Kevin Nash, saying that it's time for the Old Guard to move out of his way, once and for all.


Rating: 81


Notes: Booker T was superb working without a script.


Booker T vs Kevin Nash


Booker T starts out as a house of fire, but gets stopped by Nash when he hits Booker with a sidewalk slam. Kevin Nash controls the pace of the match for a couple minutes, until Booker takes over. The match ends when Booker hits Nash with the Book End.


Time: 11 Minutes and 33 Seconds


Rating: 68


Notes: None


Scott Steiner comes down to the ring and cuts a promo on Sandman and ECW. He goes on a rant halfway through and it's rather appearent that he doesn't have extensive knowledge on ECW. It is still entertaining, nonetheless.


Rating: 64


Notes: Steiner did not look good without a script to follow.


Scott Steiner vs Sandman


Steiner controls the match, pretty much from start to finish, after attacking Sandman prior ot the bell. Steiner was injured in this match after he went for the frankensteiner, and Sandman ended up falling onto top of Steiner, injuring his neck. Steiner then proceeded to put him into the most painful looking Steiner Recliner.


Time: 6 Minutes and 27 Seconds


Rating: 49


Notes: Scott Steiner suffered a quizzical neck strain, which should be gone by the next show.

WCW opinion of ECW : -2 (Injured Scott Steiner)

ECW opinion of WCW: -2 (Buried Sandman)


Sting is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund and gets about a minute in, when RVD walks up to him. RVD and Sting exchange words, with RVD seeming to be very unfazed by his opponent.


Rating: 73


Rob Van Dam vs Sting


The momentum of the match flucuates consistently, with neither man able to get complete control of the match. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but RVD reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex, and hits Sting with the 5* Frogsplash for the victory.


Time: 20 Minutes and 22 Seconds


Rating: 58


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 65


Card +Results



Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Sting


Upper-Card: Scott Steiner vs Sandman


Upper-Card: Kevin Nash vs Booker T


Mid-Card: Diamond Dallas Page vs Shane Douglas


Mid-Card: WCW World Television Championship Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jimmy Wang Yang


Lower-Card: Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler vs Elix Skipper


Opener: AJ Styles vs Mike Awesome


Opinon Changes:


ECW Opinion of Shane: 58

WCW Opinion of Shane: 26


ECW Opinion of WCW: 31

WCW Opinion of ECW: 13

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Main Event: Sting vs Booker T- ECW have title shots, following their win at the PPV , which makes this a no contest. Probably Van Dam interefers


Upper-Card: Elix Skipper vs Rick Steiner - Skipper just lost only after distraction to the US Champion, Rick is just the brother of the World Champion.


Mid-Card: AJ Styles vs Billy Kidman I love the mandatory push given to AJ here, but Kidman is the cruiserweight champion , so he gets the w


Opener: Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Shane Douglas and DDP. DDP takes the fall in this one. The real team wins.


Some observations: You found a good groove after the first shows, when you made some mistakes like the double booking of Douglas. Or was that intentional?


I kind of like the Shane Douglas babyface push , shocking that he pinned both DDP and Steiner, 2 WCW World Champions. Building him to be the next guy Steiner beats?


I also like the Steiner loose cannon gimmick. Makes sense. It's what Scott does best.


I like Jindrak as the US Champion. Bold choice, by the way to have him be the Us Champ, but him cheating and winning is a solid way of getting him over. Same for Rey as TV Champ. He beats everyone, has a counter for everything.


The focus on the Tag Titles - Tag Champs got challenged by Booker and Sting. That says all. They even won. Sure, a little dirty, but beat Booker T and Sting. That is a big , very big deal. The entire invasion started because of the Tag Titles. I really dig that, sucka!


What i don't like. Too many on and off pairings. Jarrett tagging with Bam Bam, then with Sting, Douglas tagging now with DDP.


The angle "out with old" from Booker's promo. Isn't Booker a WCW guy? Shouldn't he be right, left, front and center in the invasion angle? Instead he randomly cuts a promo on Nash.


Giving money matches on free TV. Sting vs RVD , with RVD winning clean should happen at Starcade, not on TV. Same with Booker and Nash. Same with Sandman and Steiner. This should have been on PPV, not a middle of the card match on TV. This whole invasion started with Sandman hitting with the kendo stick Steiner. That to me is a way to put Sandman in contention for the World Title. .It writes itself. Loose cannon Steiner wants revenge, Sandman is nuts. Give them a Falls Count Anywhere, or loser gets 10 kendo stick shots and you have a main-event to sell.


Too little focus on the World Title. Why doesn't Corino go after Steiner? Or Dreamer? Invading a company , but not going after the top prize?


The invason. 80% is good, you have a good balance and brought in the ECW names. But am i the only one wondering where Rhyno is? Isn't he the last ECW World Champion? Plus Steiner vs Rhino is money .


All in all, i like this rebuild of WCW, but i think you need to organize a bit better the cards. There are fine points and there is also some hotshotting. It's not a knock, just some observations.

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The Pitbull: You found a good groove after the first shows, when you made some mistakes like the double booking of Douglas. Or was that intentional?


That was intentional.


The focus on the Tag Titles - Tag Champs got challenged by Booker and Sting. That says all. They even won. Sure, a little dirty, but beat Booker T and Sting. That is a big , very big deal. The entire invasion started because of the Tag Titles. I really dig that, sucka!

Too many on and off pairings. Jarrett tagging with Bam Bam, then with Sting, Douglas tagging now with DDP.


The amount of legitimate teams that I have aren't very many, with The Extremists (Storm and Awesome), The Natural Born Thrillers (O'Haire and Palumbo), and The Insiders (DDP and Nash). The random pairings are me trying to find and make more tag teams. The other teams that I would've had were The Filthy Animals (Kidman and Mysterio), but both are singles champs, and Stasiak and Jindrak, and Jindrak is a singles champ. I'm trying to find out who has chemistry with who and trying to make additional teams as I go along.


But am i the only one wondering where Rhyno is? Isn't he the last ECW World Champion? Plus Steiner vs Rhino is money .


He went to the WWF before the purchase of WCW and the collapse of ECW. So, he was never available for me to get. Trust me, I wanted Rhyno.


Also, thanks for the feedback.

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Monday of August, 2001


We start the night with Shane and Eric in the office looking over a few requests from the ECW ambassador, Bill Alfonso, Before they can really say what's on the letter, Elix Skipper walks in. He states his case for a shot at the United States title, and Shane listens to him, and says that he agrees that he got the better of Jindrak last week, but there are a few reasons why he won't.


1) We're in a war against ECW. Take that anger and aggression you want to use on Jindrak and point it at them.


2) Jindrak is going to have to defend his title at Fall Brawl against an ECW representative.


3) Despite getting the better of Jindrak, he didn't win the match.


Skipper isn't happy with the reasoning of Shane, but Shane gives him an opportunity to show himself. That tonight, he will take on Rick Steiner. If he wins, I'll think about it. Skipper says, 'Well, you better start now'.


Rating: 74


Notes: Angle got the crowd hot and got the show off to a strong start.


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs Shane Douglas and DDP


The match starts with Sean O'Haire and DDP as the legal men. They get into a collar-elbow tie-up and O'Haire throws Page back into his corner, and beckons him to come back at him, which Page obliges by feigning a return to a tie-up and kicking him in the gut. Page goes for a suplex which gets reversed by O'Haire. He controls the pace of the match until Page hits him with a running swinging neckbreaker. DDP goes over and tags in Douglas, who hits a snap suplex on O'Haire. Douglas takes some time to beat down on O'Haire, and goes for the bell-to-belly, when O'Haire reverses and hits him with a overhead belly-to-belly. He then tags out to Palumbo.


As Palumbo rains down some boots, The camera cuts to show Storm and Awesome watching the match from the crowd. At first, none of the wrestlers notice, until Palumbo does, and he stares them down and beckons them to the ring. When he turns back, Douglas gets him with a bell-to-belly and goes for the cover, only getting a 2-Count. Douglas takes control of the match and drags Palumbo to his corner, where he tags in Page and they hit the Hart Attack on Palumbo. Page covers, and O'Haire breaks the pin attempt. He gets a couple of kicks onto Page before he grabs and drags Palumbo to his corner and Palumbo tags in O'Haire.


O'Haire quickly rushes over and does a few big power moves to DDP. He then picks DDP up for a military press slam, but as he goes to send DDP to the ground, DDP hooks his head and and hits the Diamond Cutter. Both men are down, with Douglas standing at his corner, reaching out for a tag. Page tags him in, and as O'Haire rises to his feet, he hits him with the Piledriver. 1,2,3.


Time: 18 Minutes and 6 Seconds


Rating: 65


Notes: Shane Douglas and DDP showed Excellent Chemistry when teaming.


With their victory in the match, Douglas and DDP celebrate and exchange some words with one another before they walk to the back. In the ring, O'Haire is talking with Palumbo and he points up at where Storm and Awesome were watching the match. The camera pans over, but they are no longer there.


Rating: 58


Notes: None


AJ Styles vs Billy Kidman


The match begins with a minute of quick reversals and athletic maneuvers that end with the two facing off with each other. It then goes to a tie-up, which Kidman wins handily. Kidman is in control of the match, until he whips Styles into the ropes, and goes for a drop kick. Styles waits for Kidman to miss and as he rise up from the canvas, he hits a vicious looking short arm clothesline. Styles hits a flurry of kicks, followed by a failed reversal attempt by Kidman which leads to another flurry, this time of forearms strikes. He goes for his dropkick combo, but Kidman is the one who gets Styles to miss and hits him with the clothesline. Kidman Keeps Styles on the ground for about twenty seconds, when Styles does a kip-up hurricanrana. When Kidman gets to his feet, Styles hits him with a dropkick. Styles then hits Kidman with the springboard forearm, and goes to the top rope. He attempts to hit the Spiral Tap, but Kidman gets his knees up, causing a brutal looking landing for Styles. He quickly goes up to the top rope and hits Styles with the Shooting Star Press and gets the 3.


Time: 12 Minutes and 50 Seconds


Rating: 51


Notes: This match got the crowd buzzing.


After the match, starts to walk up the ramp when Jerry Lynn comes from out of the crowd and starts laying into him. Kidman rolls towards the ring and once he gets close enough, Styles does a suicide dive to Lynn on the outside. Styles gets a couple good shots until Lynn drop toe holds him into the steps. He then hard whips him into the steps, and then throws him into the ring. As he goes into the ring, he punts Kidman in the groin, incapacitating him. As Styles groggily gets to his feet, Lynn tries to go for the Cradle Piledriver, but Styles prevents him and tries to mount a comeback. He gets cut off quickly and Lynn whips him into the corner and hits him with a Cradle Piledriver from the middle rope. As WCW guys from come out, Lynn slinks off into the crowd.


Rating: 48


Notes: This angle got the crowd hotter.


Elix Skipper vs Rick Steiner


Skipper wastes no time in trying to get control of the match, but Rick is able to stifle his attempt and gains control of it himself. He hits a few power moves, and is in complete control, until he goes for a back suplex. He hits it and goes for the cover. Skipper manuevers out of the pinfall attempt, and when Rick stands to face him, he gets hit with the spinning heel kick. Skipper takes firm control of the match after hitting Rick with an exploder suplex. The match comes to an end when Elix Skipper hits the Play of the Day for the 3.


Time: 16 Minutes and 29 Seconds


Rating: 38


Notes: Skipper and Rick didn't click at all and it showed.


As Skipper gets up and begins to celebrate his big win, Tajiri rushes in and attacks him from behind. He is just about to his the Buzzsaw Kick when Rick charges at him, making Tajiri bolt out of the ring.


Rating: 44


Notes: None


WCW World Television Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kid Kash


Kid Kash's second attempt at Rey Mysterio and the WCW Television Championship starts off with Kash knocking Rey out of the ring. He then hits Rey with a dive, and is quick to attack, giving Rey no time to rest. Kash goes up to the top and hits a cross body from the top rope. He's in complete control of the match until he goes for a springboard somersault. He misses and Rey hits him with a Springboard moonsault. The momentum is not transfered completely until Rey does a hurricanrana, sending Kash to the outside. Rey hits him with a cross body to the floor. rey throws Kash into the ring and goes to hit him with the West Coast Pop, but instead gets powerbombed. The ref counts 1,2, and Rey counters the pinfall attempt and puts Kash into a pinfall attempt. 1,2,3.


Time: 11 Minutes and 31 Seconds


Rating: 55


Notes: None


We cut to the back where Booker T and Ric Flair are talking. Ric tells Booker that his focus should be on the ECW invaders, as they've made themselves known tonight. Booker says he's ready for them, but that he wants the WCW World Heavyweight Championship once more. The invasion is something to take seriously, but to him, the Championship takes priority. He knows that he's good enough to beat them, and so, he isn't worried about them. Sting walks up and says that he should as the ECW wrestlers are like cornered wolves. 'Their backs are against the wall and they will do anything necessary to do get through us. They know that if we repel them, ECW will definitively die. But as long as they're here, they will fight like hell to win, because that's their only option.'. He then tells Booker to keep an out out during their match.


Rating: 62


Notes: Everyone looked good.


Sting vs Booker T


Booker comes out from his corner swinging and Sting is able to match him, blow for blow. This continues until Booker is able to get the upper hand. Booker keeps it until he goes for the axe kick, which Sting ducks. When Booker turns to face him, Sting unloads a barrage of strikes, knocking Booker into the corner. He continues to throw combinations punches until Booker starts to slump in the corner. Sting then whips him into the opposite corner and hits Booker with a Stinger Splash. He whips him back into the other corner and goes for the Splash once more, but Booker ducks, causing Sting to hit the top turnbuckle. Booker capitalizes on the opportunity and takes control of the match.


Booker goes for the axe and waits for Sting to get to his knee. He then hits him with the scissor kick. Booker then goes up to the top to go for the Harlem Hangover, when Steve Corino jumps over the barricade on the opposite side of the ring. Booker quickly hops down and rushes over to where Corino is. Corino puts a hand on the rope, the other holding a lead pipe, and once Booker gets close enough, he backs away. While Booker is standing over Corino, Sting starts to get up. As he does, RVD runs in from the side that Booker was at just a moment ago, also weilding a lead pipe. He rolls into the ring and takes a swing at Sting's knee. Sting lets out a cry of pain, which gets Booker's attention, but when he turns to look Van Dam and Sting, Corino jabs the lead pipe into his ribs, stunning him just enough to allow Van Dam to start laying into Booker. The ref calls for the bell and eats a lead pipe shot from RVD. Corino gets into the ring and aims for Booker's abdomen, while RVD takes shots at Sting's knee.


Time: 21 Minutes and 54 Seconds


Rating: 64


Notes: Got the Crowd Buzzing


As the ECW guys cheap shot Booker and Sting, the WCW guys come out of the back and barrel towards the ring, but the ECW guys get out in time. In the ring, Sting is selling his knee and Booker is sitting up in the corner holding his ribs. The ECW guys are nowhere to be seen.


Rating: 58


Overall Rating: 64


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That was intentional.


I'm trying to find out who has chemistry with who and trying to make additional teams as I go along.


Why not do a BattleBowl? This will give you the perfect way to find chemistry and then you can also crown a new number one contender for the World Title with the winner of the Battle Royal. It was a WCW tradition

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Why not do a BattleBowl? This will give you the perfect way to find chemistry and then you can also crown a new number one contender for the World Title with the winner of the Battle Royal. It was a WCW tradition


I did do something similar to this on one of the Nitro's but I could definitely see doing it again.

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Monday of August, 2001


Main Event: Scott Steiner vs ECW Wrestler

Who is the ECW Wrestler?:


Upper-Card: WCW World Television Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Kanyon


Lower-Card: WCW World Television Championship #1 Contender's Match: Kid Kash vs Elix Skipper


Opener: Billy Kidman vs ECW Wrestler

Who is the ECW Wrestler?:

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Main Event: Scott Steiner vs ECW Wrestler

Who is the ECW Wrestler?: Mike Awesome


Upper-Card: WCW World Television Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kanyon


Lower-Card: WCW World Television Championship #1 Contender's Match: Kid Kash vs Elix Skipper


Opener: Billy Kidman vs ECW Wrestler

Who is the ECW Wrestler?: Lance Storm

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Monday of August, 2001


The show begins and Shane McMahon is standing in the ring. He tells the crowd and the audience at home that due to the attacks from last week, Sting is out until late October, Booker's out til the end of September and Styles is out until after Fall Brawl. He wishes them a quick recovery, before turning his attention to away from the crowd, as he looks directly at the camera.


"Dreamer, I've gotten pretty damn tired of you thinking you and your ECW ilk own the place, coming and going like you please. I have with me a letter, one that you had Alfonso give to me, which has the stipulations that you asked for at Fall Brawl. Now, per the deal we made, you were entitled to receive shots at our championships, but you were never given the authority to make stipulations. But you know what? I'll let you pick the stipulations for the matches at Fall Brawl if, and only if, you can overcome your cowardly tactics and face me like a man two weeks from now on the last Nitro before the PPV. And to make sure that none of your cronies try to help you, it will be in a Steel Cage.". As he finishes the sentence, Dreamer comes out and accepts.


Rating: 52


Notes: Got the crowd hot and started off the show strong.


As Shane exits the ring, Billy Kidman rushes out and demands that Dreamer send out Jerry Lynn, the one who tried to attack him, and ended up sidelining Styles. Lynn comes out, and a match between the two begins. Shane McMahon stays at ringside.


Rating: 32


Notes: None


Jerry Lynn vs Billy Kidman


The match starts after Shane starts the bell on the outside, which he does once Lynn gets into the ring. There isn't a ref right away, so for the first minute or so, Shane's the defacto official, at least until the ref arrives. Kidman tries to get control of the match, but Lynn is able to head-off any and all attempts made to do so. It's a back and forth fight that rarely breaks. At least, until Kidman is able to hit a hurricanrana onto Lynn and sends him to the outside. When Lynn doesn't get back into the ring, Kidman tries to grab Lynn's head and drag him back into the ring. The camera shows Lynn waiting for Kidman to come at him, chair in hand. When Kidman does grab him, Lynn hits Kidman with a steel Chair, causing the ref to ring the bell.


Time: 20 Minutes and 6 Seconds


Rating: 57


Notes: Got the crowd buzzing


As the ref calls for the bell, Lynn dives into the ring, raises the chair and hits Kidman with two chair shots before Shane rolls into the ring. Before Lynn is able to use the chair against him, Shane starts throwing his flurry of punches, and is able to get the chair away from Lynn. Before Kidman and Shane can really do anything to him, Lynn's able to roll out of the ring and escape.


Rating: 57


Notes: None


Kid Kash vs Elix Skipper


Kash flies out of the corner to try and get Skipper into a bind, which he does, gaining the upper hand. Unfortunately for him, he goes for a pin on Skipper, who maneuvers out of it and hits Kash with a spinning heel kick. Kash stays on the defensive, and has one last flurry of offense, almost hitting Skipper with his finisher before Skipper crotches him on the top rope. He then kits the New School and pins Kash for the win.


Time: 12 Minutes and 5 Seconds


Rating: 36


Notes: None


As Skipper celebrates his victory, he walks over to the announce table and says that he's going to sit at ringside to both watch the macth, gaining insight into either one of the two people he'll face next week, and to make sure that no ECW wrestler thinks they can run in without obstruction. Rey Mysterio and Kanyon come out for their match.


Rating: 37


Notes: None


WCW World Television Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Chris Kanyon


With Skipper at ringside, the match begins with Rey dodging and avoiding his bigger opponent. Rey is able to hit Kanyon with dropkicks, regular kicks, and stomps when Kanyon fails to grab him. He's able to get a lot of hits in, in a rather small amount of time, but eventually gets his comeuppance when Kanyon finally gets his hands on him, and is able to hit a few power moves, slowing down the much quicker Mysterio. Kanyon controls the pace for a large section of the match, with Rey attempting to (and failing) to get away from his larger adversary, and subsequently taking a lot of punishment. Rey eventually rolls out of the ring, and kites Kanyon over to where the stairs are. Kanyon goes to grab him, but Rey hops up to the apron and then back off, onto Kanyon and hits him with a hurricanrana that sends Kanyon onto and over the steps. As they get closer to the announcer's table, Skipper moves away as not to interfere with the match. When Kanyon gets back to his feet, Rey (who hopped back onto the apron) goes for and hits a springboard moonsault to the outside, sending both men onto the announce table which doesn't break. Kanyon sells the damage inflicted onto his back, and Rey rolls into and back out of the ring to break the count, which had reached '8'. Rey waits for Kanyon to reach his knee and throws him back into the ring. He then gets onto the apron and waits for him to reach his feet. Rey goes for the West Coast Pop, but gets powerbombed out of his shoes. Kanyon is unable to take advantage of the brutal reversal, but does eventually pin Rey, getting only a '2' count. Kanyon is the first to his feet, and hobbles to Rey, and motions for his finisher, the Flatliner. He hoists Rey up on shoulders and goes to the turbockles and begins the climb. Rey struggles and gets out of it, sitting on the top rope. He kicks Kanyon down and hits the West Coast Pop from the top rope. He's only able to hook one of the legs, but he holds it for dear life and gets the '3'.


Time: 20 Minutes and 36 Seconds


Rating: 70


Notes: None


Skipper leaves with the others, bringing up the rear and preventing an ambush from behind. Just as they disappear from view, Scott Steiner comes barrelling out of the back and down towards the ring. He grabs a mic and says that he's had enough of waiting. He goes on to say that he doesn't need to be protected from anybody, and if anybody were to need it, it'd be whoever was on the end of his onslaught. He then challenges any ECW wrestler to come down, but singles out the two ECW wrestlers who attacked Booker and Sting, Rob Van Dam and Steve Corino. He waits and just before he's about to start talking, Corino appears in the crowd, and makes his way towards the ring.


Rating: 44


Notes: None


Steve Corino vs Scott Steiner


Steiner comes out hot and tries to end the match quickly, but Corino handles the situation better than was expected of him. While he can't completely stand toe-to-toe with Steiner, he is able to take Steiner off guard at times and does gain the upper-hand for a short period of time. This all contributes to making Steiner absolutely pissed, and progressively more and more careless in his attacks, giving Corino more and more opportunities to gain offense, which continues the vicious cycle. But, finally, Steiner is able to get Corino in his wheel-house and absolutely brutalizes Corino. For a solid four minutes, it's just Steiner beating the holy hell out of Corino. Corino, trying to get out of the onslaught brought on by Steiner, does the only thing he really can to get a reprieve. He shoves Steiner away and when Steiner comes after him, he punts Steiner right in the family jewels, causing the ref to ring the bell.


Time: 21 Minutes and 11 Seconds


Rating: 60


Notes: Scott Steiner look good.


Van Dam quickly rushes out and he and Corino attempt to beat down Steiner, but Steiner powers up to his feet and proceeds to toss Van Dam out of the ring by lauching him out with a scary looking back body drop and puts Corino in the Steiner Recliner. He doesn't hold it for very long, as RVD is able to grab Corino's foot and drags him out of the hold and ring.


Rating: 44


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 60


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1st Week of September, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on Fox


The show opens with Shane and Eric talking about the stipulations for the matches come Fall Brawl.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Street Fight

WCW World Television Championship Match: Texas Death

WCW World Tag team Championship Match: Ladder

WCW United States Championship Match: Dog Collar

WCW World Cruiserweight Championship Match: 2/3 Falls


Rating: 68


Notes: Got the crowd hot and the show off to a strong start


Jimmy Wang Yang vs Ric Flair


The match starts out with Yang getting the better of Flair, at least at the beginning. Yang is able to get a '2' count on Flair, before Flair's offense becomes too much to handle. Flair is able to make Yang tap out to the Figure-Four Leglock.


Time: 14 Minutes and 47 Seconds


Rating: 67


Notes: Flair was off his game, but this match got the crowd buzzing


The announcers (Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone) talka bout the stipulations brought up earlier in the night. As they do so, Masato Tanaka hops the barricade, grabs a mic and enters the ring. He challenges anybody to come out and fight him, and Sting is the one who answers the call. Despite having a noticeable limp, due to the attack caused by ECW, he's determined to fight. The annoucners say that Sting was supposed to be unable to wrestle until late October. As the match starts, Schiavone says that he's been told that Sting was cleared to compete, but that he's not anywhere near 100%.


Rating: 45


Notes: Angle got the crowd hotter.


Sting vs Masato Tanaka


It's clear from the get-go that Sting probably shouldn't be in this match, as Tanaka attacks his leg early and often. Sting is able to get some offense when he no sells some of the hits Tanaka lays into him and goes for the Stinger Splash, but takes longer hobbling over to the corner, which allows tanaka to dodge he move and hit Sting with his finisher.


Time: 10 Minutes and 34 Seconds


Rating: 50


Notes: Match got the crowd buzzing, Sting's performance was good, and Tanaka seemed off his game.


We cut to the back where Douglas and Page are talking about facing Mike Awesome and Lance Storm come Fall Brawl. DDP seems apprehensive about the Ladder stipulation that they want to attach to the match. Douglas isn't as apprehensive, and instead turns Page's attention to his match with Jeff Jarrett.


Rating: 63


Notes: DDP looked like a star. He and Douglas improvised well.


Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


The match starts with Jarrett getting the momentum of the match, after reversing a surprise Diamond Cutter into the Stroke. Page kicks out at '2' when Jarrett goes for the cover, and Jarrett is firmly in the driver seat for a large section of the match. This changes when Jarrett decides to go to the well, and gets caught on the top turnbuckle, which DDP tosses him off of. DDP starts laying into Jarrett and just as he begins to motion for the Diamond Cutter, Sandman hops the barricade and hits DDP with a low blow, sending him to the floor. Jarrett, not knowing that the Sandman is there, puts DDP into the Figure-Four. DDP eventually taps.


Time: 20 Minutes and 56 Seconds


Rating: 63


Notes: Got the crowd buzzing.


Sandman, RVD, Lynn and Tajiri attack Jarrett and DDP, with DDP taking the brunt of the attack. Some WCW guys come down, but they get stonewalled by the four ECW guys. While that's happening, Awesome hops over the barricade and Awesome Bomb's DDP through the announcer's table. After that, Awesome and the other ECW guys leave, not without taking a few shots first.


Rating: 56


Notes: DDP and RVD looked great.


After things settle down, we see Nash and Flair talking to one another. Nash creates the idea of having WCW enforcers around the ring for matches form then on, to prevent ECW wrestlers from attacking defenseless WCW wrestlers. Flair likes the idea.


Rating: 79


Notes: None


We cut to the interview area where Mysterio is cutting a promo on Skipper, his challenger. In the middle of the promo, Skipper shows up and the two of them have a back and forth. Right when Skipper goes to leave and head towards the ring, Kidman and Alex Wright show up and say that they, along with Nash and Flair will be at ringside to make sure no one interferes with the match.


Rating: 37


Notes: Elix Skipper did a poor job improvising.


WCW World Television Championship Match

Elix Skipper vs Rey Mysterio Jr. ©


The match starts with Mysterio getting the upper-hand at the beginning, but after a few minutes of offense, Skipper is able to reverse a potential West Coast Pop, by crotching Mysterio on the top rope and hitting him with the New School. Skipper controls the momentum, until he goes for the Play of the Day, which Rey reverses by flipping Skipper and hitting him with a hurricanrana, sending Elix into the ropes. Rey runs off the opposite side ropes and when he comes back to the side Elix is on, Rey holds onto the top and middle ropes and swings around, hitting Elix Skipper with both his legs. Skipper sells it and rolls to the center of the ring. Rey waits for Skipper to get to his feet and hits Skipper with the West Coast Pop, securing the victory.


Time: 21 Minutes and 20 Seconds


Rating: 58


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 64

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Card for Fall Brawl, 1st Week of September, Sunday 2001


Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)

Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

*If Dreamer wins, the stipulations for the matches are official

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)


Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

*If Dreamer wins, the stipulations for the matches are official

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)


Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

*If Dreamer wins, the stipulations for the matches are official

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)


Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

*If Dreamer wins, the stipulations for the matches are official

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Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)


Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

*If Dreamer wins, the stipulations for the matches are official

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WCW Fall Brawl 2001, 1st Sunday of September


Steel Cage Match:

Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon


The Match starts out with the two men exchanging punches, with Shane staggering Dreamer with a flurry of punches, sending Dreamer reeling into the corner. Shane continues his onslaught until Dreamer ducks the flurry and hits Shane with a spinebuster. He gets into a ground and pound position and rains elbow strikes down on Shane. Dreamer brings Shane to his feet and goes for his DDT, but Shane reverses out of it and hits a DDT of his own. He sets Dreamer up in the corner and hits him with the Coast to Coast. He goes for the pin, but Dreamer kicks out at 2. When Dreamer stand up, Shane hits him with a float over DDT.


With Dreamer prone, Shane McMahon climbs to the top rope and looks down at him. He gets ready to jump, when his back hits the cage. Shane looks to the top of the cage and climbs up. He spends a fair amount of time getting ready and goes for a elbow drop from the top which does hit Dreamer, but causes Shane to bounce on the mat. This hurts Shane far more than Dreamer, but Shane is able to crawl over to perform a pin, but enough time has passed that Dreamer is able to kick out. Dreamer is the first to his feet, and Shane is crawling on the ground, obviously in pain. Dreamer picks him up, and hits him with his DDT. 1,2-no! Shane kicks out, but that seems to have taken a considerable amount of energy out him. Dreamer picks him up, and hits him with a spike piledriver. This time, Shane does not kick out and Dreamer picks up the victory.


Time: 12 Minutes and 19 Seconds


Rating: 71


Notes: Crowd got hotter and got the show off to a strong start.


Tommy Dreamer celebrates the victory, while Shane gets helped out of the ring by EMT's. Schiavone says that with Dreamer's victory, all of the match stipulations are confirmed.


Rating: 61


Notes: Got The Crowd Hotter


Two Out Of Three Falls Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Billy Kidman ©


The match starts with Tajiri hitting the Buzzaw kick out of nowhere and snugly pinning Kidman for the 1st fall. (1:47)


The second fall starts with Tajiri trying to snugly pin Kidman a second time immediately after, but Kidman is able to kick out at '2'. Kidman fights his way back up to his feet and hits a snap suplex on Tajiri. Tajiri tries to go for another Buzzaw kick, but Kidman ducks underneath it and hits Tajiri with a neckbreaker. Kidman goes to the top rope, but Tajiri was playing opossum, and attacks Kidman, but gets fought off the top, and gets hit with a shooting star press, with Kidman winning the 2nd fall. (9:13)


Entering the 3rd and final fall, Kidman has the momentum at the start, hitting a few springboard moves and a couple power moves, before Tajiri reverses a suplex attempt by floating over and hitting a dragon suplex on Kidman. Tajiri goes for another Buzzaw Kick, but Kidman reverses it and puts him into a single leg Boston Crab. Tajiri is able to break it by reaching the ropes. When Tajiri reaches his feet, Kidman goes for a Dragon Sleeper Facebuster, but Tajiri slips out. When Kidman turns to face him, he sprays the mist into his eyes. Tajiri then hits Kidman with a moonsault and gets the victory.


Time: 19 Minutes and 47 Seconds


Rating: 53


Notes: Tajiri was tiring by the end.


Hardcore Match

Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon


The match starts with the two men doing a test of strength. Neither person gets an advantage until Kanyon charges at Tanaka, still in the hold, and the two fall out of the ring through middle rope. Kanyon whips Tanaka into the steps and goes to use the steps as a weapon, but Tanaka is able to hit Kanyon with a basement dropkick, sending Kayon to the ground and face first into the steps. Tanaka takes this moment to reach under the ring and pull out some plunder. He takes a chair and whaps Kanyon across the back with it, and do so again 2 more times, bending the chair. He tosses the chair and grabs a sledgehammer. He goes to strike Kanyon with it, but Kanyon reverses and hits Tanaka with a suplex on the outside onto the chair that Tanaka had tosseed aside. Kanyon rolls Tanaka back into the ring and tosses a garbage can into the ring and rolls in himself with a garbage can lid. He readies the lid and waits for Tanaka to get to his feet and hits him with the lid. He tries to do it again but, Tanaka does another dropkick to Kanyon's leg and Kanyon falls face first into the Garbage can. Tanaka raises Kanyon to his feet and hits him with the Roaring Elbow for the win.


Time: 12 Minutes and 30 Seconds


Rating: 63


Notes: Tanaka was really off his game.


Dog Collar Match for the WCW United States Championship:

Steve Corino vs Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler ©


The match starts with both men being collared. Immediately upon the bell ringing, Jindrak grabs and yanks on the chain connecting them, jerking Corino towards him, and giving him the advantage. He hits a back suplex onto Corino. As Jindrak goes to stand, Corino pulls on the chain, bringing Jindrak back down to the floor, giving Corino some time to get to his feet. The match continues in this way for a few minutes, with both wrestlers using the chain to give themselves an advantage, and quickly getting a receipt from their opponent. Corino uses the chain to drag Jindrak towards him and hits a clothesline. He drosp down as Jindrak sits up and wraps the chain around Jindrak's neck. Corino then drags Jindrak to his feet and whips Jindrak over the ropes and holds him there, while Jindrak hangs. Corino holds him there long enough that the ref has to intervene, trying to bring Jindrak back into the ring. While the ref does that Stacy slides into the ring and punts Corino in the groin when he turns around. She quickly exits the ring and Jindrak is gasping for air, but capitalizes on the opportunity given to him and hits Corino with the Mark of Perfection for the victory.


Time: 17 Minutes and 19 Seconds


Rating: 53


Notes: Got The Crowd Buzzing


First Blood Match

Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair


The match starts with Van Dam using his athleticism to gain the upper-hand against Flair, and he holds it for some time. Eventually, Flair anticipates RVD's moves and unleashes a long combination of chops and jabs. Once RVD gets knocked down, Flair exits the ring and brings in a chair. He waits for RVD to get to his feet and cracks RVD across the head with it, but is unable to get him to bleed. When Flair goes to do it again, RVD rolls out of the way and hits Flair with the Van Damninator. Flair is rocked, but not busted open. RVD goes to the outside and grabs the ring bell. He goes for a headshot on a kneeling Flair, but gets a lowblow for his trouble. Flair then picks up the ring bell and goes for shot on RVD, but RVD was able to grab the chair and the two weapons collide, with Flair dropping the bell and RVD holding onto the chair. RVD hits Flair in the head with the chair, but once again, Flair doesn't start to bleed. Van Dam drags Flair to the corner, sets the chair up and heads to the opposite corner. While RVD positions himself, Flair uses his foot to drag the ring bell over to himself and grabs it. Van Dam goes for the Van Terminator, but hits nothing but air. He gets to his feet and eats the ring bell, courtesy of Flair. Flair grabs the ring bell and rains in some shots on RVD, before RVD gets out of the predicament. RVD is in pain, but not bleeding, and he looks under the ring for an object to use, while Flair exits the ring, bell in hand. RVD finds a bent garbage can lid (from the earlier hardcore match), and whaps Flair with it a few times. Flair swings the bell and hits nothing. RVD gets a few more shots in, and backs up to the steps. Flair goes for another ring bell shot, but RVD reverses it into a back suplex onto the stairs. While Flair writhes in agony, RVD gets into the ring and sets up the chair. He then exits the ring, throws Flair into it and follows him in. He waits for Flair to stand and hits a DDT onto the standing chair. The chair crumbles under the move, and when Flair looks up to the lights, blood is spilling out of hit head.


Time: 21 Minutes and 25 Seconds


Rating: 52


Notes: Two Big Matches in Succession = Bad


Texas Death Match for the WCW World Television Championship:

Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs Jerry Lynn


The match starts out with the typical crusierweight athleticism on display with rapid reversals spanning the opening few minutes. The first wrestler to gain the upper hand is Rey Mysterio, who hits Lynn with a huricanrana to the outside and then hits him with a suicide dive. When Lynn gets to his feet Rey hits him with another huricanrana, this time jumping off of the apron, sending Lynn into the barricade. Rey gets Lynn back into the ring, and continues to hit high-risk moves, and they work out for Rey, until they don't with Lynn catching a huricanrana attempt and reversing it with a spike Piledriver. He pins Rey for the 3, and the Ref starts counting to 10, with Rey getting to his feet and breaking the count at 5. (#1)


Lynn is now in firm control of the match and wastes no time in getting Rey into the proverbial corner. Rey tries to get out, but is stonewalled at every opportunity by Lynn, who doesn't let up the offensive. Lynn goes for another Piledriver, but Rey is able to hook Lynn's head and hits him with a West Coast Pop, getting the 3. Lynn breaks the 10 count at 2, and goes back on the offensive. (#2)


Lynn is selling the effects of Rey's finisher, which causes him to lose control of the match, but not enough that the control goes to Rey. Instead, the match enters a long back-and-forth between the two men, with neither one able to get another pin attempt in. That ends when Lynn hard whips Rey into the corner, which Rey reverses into a moonsault. The control finally goes to Rey, who uses it to the fullest, keeping Lynn grounded and defensive. Lynn does a whip to the corner out of desperation, which Rey turns into a West Coast Pop, hitting Lynn. Rey gets the pinfall and the ref starts counting. 1,2,3, and Lynn is crawling to the ropes. 4,5,6, Lynn gets to it and tries to pull himself up, but is dealing with spaghetti legs. 7,8, Lynn seems like he's unabel to get his legs underneath him. 9, and right before the ref counts '10', Lynn falls under the middle rope and lands on his feet, with the ring apron and bottom rope supporting him. The count stops and Rey is quick to attack Lynn. (#3)


Rey keeps the pressure on Lynn, who is still having a hard time standing upright. Rey is able to get him back into the ring, and hits him with a springboard splash. Rey goes to the top and waits for Lynn to stand. Lynn who has his back to Rey, gets to a knee before he grabs the ref and throws him into the ropes, causing Rey to crotch himself. With the display of ring awareness, Lynn hobbles over to the corner, climbs up and puts Rey into position for a top rope piledriver, the same move that knocked AJ Styles out of competition. He jumps off the rope and spikes Rey. He pins Rey and gets the 3. The ref starts counting and Rey never moves for the duration. The moment the ref hits '10' he rings the bell and calls for the EMT's. (#4)


Time: 30 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 48 (How is this the worst match of the night?)


Notes: Two Big Matches in Succession = Bad


Jerry Lynn celebrates with the championship, while Rey is helped by the EMT's. Schiavone mentions that ECW currently has a majority of the championships in WCW, but that WCW can still get the majority back should Shane Douglas and DDP beat the Extremists and Steiner retains his title.


Rating: 44


Notes: Rey's Selling was good.


Ladder Match for the WCW World Tag Team Championships:

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP


The match starts out with DDP and Awesome brawling in the center of the ring, while Storm races for a ladder, and with Douglas right behind him. Outside of the ring Douglas and Storm battle it out, using the ladder as a weapon. Inside the ring, DDP and Awesome are hitting power moves on each other. The momentum shifts to the challengers when Awesome goes for his pwoerbomb, and DDP over rotates, lands on his feet and hits Awesome with the Diamond Cutter. On the outside, Douglas is able to knock Storm over the barricade with the ladder. Douglas slides the ladder into the ring, and DDP grabs it, sets it up and starts to climb. Douglas maintains his focus on Storm, who's beginning to come over the barricade. DDP makes it halfway up, before Awesome tries to tip the ladder over. DDP hops down and throws a couple of punches at Awesome, knocking him back into the ropes. DDP goes for a clothesline, but Awesome beales him over the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor. Awesome quickly tries to set up the ladder, but Douglas notices and goes into the ring.


On the outside DDP starts to stir and gets superkick'd by Storm. On the inside, Douglas heads off Awesome on the top of the ladder. Storm gets into the ring and before he can drag Douglas off the ladder, Douglas is able to knock Awesome off the top of the ladder. Douglas and Storm continue their fight, and when Storm goes for a super kick, Douglas ducks, causing Storm to hit his partner. When Storm turns around, Douglas hits him with the Pittsburgh Plunge, and Storm rolls out of the ring.


Shane Douglas centers the ladder and starts to climb. With all others incapacitated, no one is able to stop Douglas as he reaches the top of the ladder. As he reaches up to grab the championships, the lights go out. When they come back on, Sabu is in the ring, under the ladder. Douglas looks at Sabu and quickly goes to grab the championships, but is too late as Sabu tips the ladder over, sending Douglas out of the ring and through the announcers table.


Sabu exits the ring and resuscitates Awesome who staggers into the ring, centers the ladder, and climbs up to the top, grabbing the championships and winning the match.


Time: 18 Minutes and 28 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: Sabu's Debut and Douglas took a crazy bump.


With Douglas unconcious after his plunge form the top of the ladder, Awesome , Storm and Sabu beat on DDP, and before any WCW guy can run down, they injure DDP.


Rating: 59


Notes: None.


Street Fight for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

Scott Steiner vs Sandman


The match starts out backstage, as Steiner attacks Sandman while his music plays. Sandman and Steiner fight each other in the back, and Steiner does an overhead belly-to-belly to Sandman into a door, which comes off it's hinges. Steiner picks him up and throws him headfirst through a glass window. Steiner hits him a couple times and Sandman staggers out ot he stage. The two fight out to the aisle, where both men are getting in shots, but Steiner is very much in control. Sandman grabs a chair from the front row and hits Steiner over the head with it, staggering the champion. Sandman quickly looks under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick. When Steiner turns to face Sandman, he gets hit with the stick. Sandman hits him with it a few more times, and Steiner rolls into the ring. When Sandman does, Steiner stomps him enough that Sandman lets go of the stick. Steiner drags him to his feet and hits him with an overhead belly-to-belly. Sandman lands and rolls out of the ring. Steiner quickly follows him out and gets hit with the kendo stick. This staggers him enough that Sandman is able to get into the ring befor Steiner gets to his feet, and Sandman rains down shots onto Steiner's back. Sandman goes for and hits Steiner with a suplex. Sandman goes for his DDT, when Steiner powers Sandman up into a military press slam. Steiner hits Sandman with a belly to belly and attempts to lock in the Steiner Recliner, but Sandman is able to get his hand on the stick and hits Steiner in the back of the head. Sandman is able to get a couple more shots on Steiner, before Steiner dodges a shot and hits an overhead bell to belly into the corner turnbuckles. Steiner lifts Sandman up to the top and hits the Frankensteiner. he then synchs in the Steiner Recliner and Sandman taps out.


Time: 12 Minutes and 25 Seconds


Rating: 60


Notes: None


Scott Steiner celebrates and when Sandman tries to swing his kendo stick to a distracted Steiner, it turns out that Steiner wasn't so distracted. Steiner boots him in the mid-section, hits Sandman a coupel of times with the kendo stick and synches in the Recliner until Sandman passes out.


Rating: 68


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 62


Card + Winners


Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Scott Steiner © vs Sandman (Street Fight)


Upper Card: WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Extremists © vs Shane Douglas and DDP (Ladder Match)


Upper Card: WCW World Television Championship Match

Jerry Lynn vs Rey Mysterio Jr © (Texas Death Match)


Upper Card: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair (First Blood)


Mid Card: WCW United States Championship Match

Mark Jindrak w/Stacy Kiebler © vs Steve Corino (Dog Collar Match)


Mid Card: Masato Tanaka vs Kanyon (Hardcore Match)


Lower Card: WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match

Billy Kidman © vs Yoshihiro Taijiri (2/3 Falls Match)


Opener: Tommy Dreamer vs Shane McMahon in a Steel Cage Match


Prediction Points:

DHK1989- 8 Points (Perfect)

StingerSplash- 6 Points

DGenerationMC- 5 Points

TheBigBad103- 4 Points

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<p>2nd Week of September, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on Fox</p><p> </p><p>

The show starts and after the initial pyro and a 'welcome' from the announcers, Ric Flair comes down to the ring. When he gets in, he grabs a mic and after talking for a few minutes, he gestures to the back, and out comes Shane Douglas, Diamond Dallas Page, Arn Anderson, and Mark Jindrak (w/Stacy Keibler). When all of them get into the ring, Ric Flair announces the new configuration of the Four Horsemen.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 65</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jimmy Wang Yang vs Yoshihiro Tajiri</span></p><p> </p><p>

In a terrible match, Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Yang by pinfall with a Brainbuster.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 20 Minutes and 33 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 41</p><p> </p><p>



After the match, we head to the back, where Eric Bischoff stands in the office, going over some papers given to him by Bill Alfonso. Bischoff looks them over and shakes his head, not willing to give in to whatever demands written on the paper. Alfonso tries to convince him, and Eric reluctantly accepts, on the condition that should ECW lose the War Games match at Halloween Havoc, they will leave WCW for good. Alfonso accepts the condition, and says that Eric better make sure to hold his end of the bargain.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 54</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lance Storm vs Shane Douglas</span></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts with Storm and Douglas going into a collar-elbow tie-up. Storm wins the tie-up and takes control of the match, getting a decent amount of offense in, until Douglas reverses a suplex attempt with one of his own. Douglas is able to pick up the victory when he catches Storm's foot, spins him around and hits him with a piledriver.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 22 Minutes and 2 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 64</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


After the match RVD rushes to the ring and tries to cheap shot Douglas, but Douglas fights off RVD, and almost eats a Lance Storm superkick, but is able to dodge it, and toss him out of the ring. The rest of the Horsemen run down as RVD and Storm leave through the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 60</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Television Championship Match:</span></em></strong></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jerry Lynn vs Kanyon</span></p><p> </p><p>

In a decent match, Jerry Lynn defeated Kanyon by submission with a Cross Armbreaker Submission. Jerry Lynn makes defence number one of the WCW World Television title.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 21 Minutes and 44 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 58</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Lynn and Kanyon didn't click at all.</p><p>


Steiner cuts a promo on ECW and says that no matter who they through at him, he will break their back. But tonight, he's going to break Awesome's back.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 81</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Scott Steiner vs Mike Awesome</span></p><p> </p><p>

The match starts out with an Awesome clothesline that gets ducked by Steiner. Steiner then starts laying into Awesome and all Awesome can do is try to get away, but keeps failing, even when he rolls out of the ring, Steiner heads him off. Steiner rolls Awesome back into the ring, but Awesome is able to clothesline Steiner out of the ring. Awesome follows that up with a suicide dive onto Steiner. Awesome, now in control of the match, lays into Steiner and rolls him into the ring. Awesome whips him into the corner and goes for an avalanche, but Steiner moves out of the way, causing Awesome to barrel into the corner and hit nothing but turnbuckle. Steiner then hits Awesome with a overhead belly-to-belly which clips the ref and knocks him down for about 20-30 seconds. During this time, Sabu runs in and hits Steiner with a steel chair twice, once on the back and the other on the head. Awesome capitalizes on the opportunity and Awesome Bombs Steiner, and beats the champion.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Time: 16 Minutes and 44 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 57</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Steiner and Awesome didn't click at all.</p><p>


As Awesome and Sabu start attacking Steiner, they roll him out of the ring nearest the announce table, as a few ECW guys hop the barricade. They get about 20 seconds of uninterrupted time to beat down on Steiner, who despite a valiant attempt to fend off the attackers, is hurt badly. They quickly run away when the Horsemen come barreling down the aisle. Not everyone is able to get away as Tanaka gets caught by Douglas, and Tanaka gets beaten down by the Horsemen.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 53</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: None</p><p>


Overall Rating: 62</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Card + Winners</span></p><p>

Jimmy Wang Yang vs <strong>Yoshihiro Tajiri</strong></p><p>

Lance Storm vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lynn</strong> vs Kanyon</p><p>

Scott Steiner vs <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p>

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2nd Week of September, Tuesday, 2001: Great Financial News


Shane looked at the financial reports that had arrived last night during the PPV. He could not believe what his eyes were telling him. According to this piece of paper, WCW had eclipsed $1 million in profit. He'd crunched some numbers with the accountant and saw that if they went over the limit now, they'd still have about $700k to use for wrestlers a month, if things stayed the way they were.


He quickly had gone over some ideas with Bischoff and Dreamer about guys they could bring in, and within a few hours, the three had work-shopped a rather significant load of wrestlers to bring in for next month.


Dreamer wanted him to bring in some more ECW guys to further flesh out the invading force, and Shane agreed with him on one of the three he wanted to bring in.


Mikey Whipwreck was once a ECW World champion, and not only that, had a pinfall victory over Stone Cold Steve Austin. Considering he had also purchased the Video library of ECW, Shane knew that he could easily make that work.


Dreamer also wanted to bring in Public Enemy, but Shane wasn't as fond of that idea. WCW had had them at one point and based on what he could recall, they weren't big names, and certainly not people he'd want to be his Tag Team Champions. Dreamer made a few other suggestions but none of them seemed worth it. Until Dreamer suggested that they bring in Funk and that he and Funk team together.


Funk was a former ECW World Champion, and with the money that they had, they could now bring him in. Dreamer also suggested James Mitchell and said that with him, Whipwreck and Tajiri, they could remake the Unholy Alliance, giving ECW another tag team. He also suggested Chris Candido, who had teamed with Lance Storm, so if Shane wanted, Mike Awesome could become a singles competitor. The last guy that Dreamer pitched to Shane was Joey Styles, the voice of ECW. It didn't take much to convince him of those ideas and Shane McMahon agreed to send some offers out to them.


All in all, once all of the contracts had been sent out, it'd only cost WCW about 54k per month if all of them were accepted. That was a price he could've paid at the start, he realized.


But he knew that if he brought in a lot of ECW talent, Eric would want to bring in some guys as well. Before he went to speak with Bischoff, Shane looked over some option that he'd been considering since buying the company. He'd had Road Warrior Animal under contract, but hadn't used him very much, if at all. He decided to extend an offer to Hawk, who was still injured, but the idea of having the Road Warriors in his tag division would help it out.


He also figured now was the time to go out and get some more talent for WCW. He extended a contract to Christopher Daniels, an industry vet, and one that he'd met before back in the WWF. Vince thought he was too short to be taken serious, but Shane figured he'd be a good wrestler, but wasn't as sure about him being a star. Still, he needed more good wresters.


He also extended a contract to Sonny Siaki, a guy who looked legit, and had been in WCW before. He'd watched a bit of his matches and while he'd admit that he wasn't there yet, he saw some potential for a star.


He also extended a contract to a guy named Don West, a 3am TV salesperson. He scoffed at the idea when he'd heard of it, and nearly fired an intern when they suggested the idea, but when one late night he was working on the card for Fall Brawl, he saw him on TV and had to admit that the guy was entertaining. He'd heard he wanted to get into wrestling as an commentator. He wasn't sure if he wanted him to do that for WCW, but he could have him a backstage interviewer, where that energy and charisma could be put to good use.


He extended a contract offer to Jerry Lawler. This was a hard decision for him as Lawler had been the color guy for WWF for years, and that perception wasn't going to be easy to dismiss just because he was on WCW. But he was anti-ECW, both in storyline and out, so he figured he could make it work.


Lastly, he called up Dusty and laid out a contract that would allow Dusty to officially become a member of WCW, while also allowing him the freedom to continue in his own endeavors.


He figured that with all of those contracts, he'd be paying around $117k a month. With how much the ECW contracts would cost, he'd still have a little over $500k a month to work with.


After getting off of the phone with Bischoff, he breathed a sigh of relief. Bischoff only wanted three guys: Ricky Steamboat, John Laurinatis and Randy Savage. He knew that the first two were being brought in as agents, and he somewhat figured that Savage was being brought in as a wrestler.


He wasn't sure how he thought about it, but with the storylines being what they were, another big name guy for the WCW side was needed. How receptive Savage was going to be to the idea, he didn't know, but figured that it was worth it. He extended an offer to each of the three.


With the three contracts sent out, Bischoff's requested guys came to a total of around $96k, leaving him with a monthly profit of around $400k.. He was ready to call it a night, when he got a call from Dreamer.


Dreamer had one final name, one that had just come up to him: Taka Michinoku. Shane said that Taka was still under contract with the Fed, to which Dreamer said that Taka's contract comes up at the end of the month, and that he wants to come be apart of the invasion. Dreamer tried his damnedest to convince him, and Shane thought about it for a while, before acquiescing Dreamer's final request. He figured that even if Taka wasn't a big name, he was still a name. It'd be something, not as grand of a defection as Luger was back in 1995, but it was still something to use. And with that, he called it a night and started figuring out how these pieces were going to fit together in the future.

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2nd Week of September, Thursday, 2001: Horrible Personnel News


Shane rubbed his temples after hanging up the phone. Apparently, Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash had gotten into a fight at one of their house shows, and apparently, the warning signs had been ignored or belittled by those who were supposed to keep an eye out for potential things like that. And now it fell to him on how to punish both guys.


Since Steiner's previous infarction, he'd done what was asked of him. But if what he heard was true, it all started with Steiner taking a verbal shot at Nash two days prior, which really pissed Nash off, enough so that he waited a couple of days to attack him.


Nash had some previous infractions, but nothing of this magnitude. Luckily, neither guy got hurt as it was broken up quickly enough. Still, the fact that it happened at all was infuriating to him, so he didn't dwell on it too long, since him getting angry wouldn't help the situation.


He decided that both men needed to be punished, and decided to suspend both of them. They be out until October, and would be back well in time for Halloween Havoc, and he knew that he could weave this into the storyline, but how, he wasn't sure of yet. He sighed and picked up the phone to tell the agents what the verdict was. They had nobody to blame but themselves. Besides, the mirage of infighting between WCW guys would probably work out storyline wise.


Opinon Changes:

Suspended Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash (WCW Opinion of Shane: -7 | ECW opinion of Shane: +4


ECW Opinion of Shane: 62

WCW Opinion of Shane: 19


ECW Opinion of WCW: 31

WCW Opinion of ECW: 13

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OOC: Some honest answers


1. I kind of like the Shane Douglas babyface push , shocking that he pinned both DDP and Steiner, 2 WCW World Champions. Building him to be the next guy Steiner beats?


2. I like Jindrak as the US Champion. Bold choice, by the way to have him be the Us Champ, but him cheating and winning is a solid way of getting him over. Same for Rey as TV Champ. He beats everyone, has a counter for everything.


3. The focus on the Tag Titles - Tag Champs got challenged by Booker and Sting. That says all. They even won. Sure, a little dirty, but beat Booker T and Sting. That is a big , very big deal. The entire invasion started because of the Tag Titles. I really dig that, sucka!


What i don't like 4. The angle "out with old" from Booker's promo. Isn't Booker a WCW guy? Shouldn't he be right, left, front and center in the invasion angle? Instead he randomly cuts a promo on Nash.


5. Giving money matches on free TV. Sting vs RVD , with RVD winning clean should happen at Starcade, not on TV. Same with Booker and Nash. Same with Sandman and Steiner. This should have been on PPV, not a middle of the card match on TV. This whole invasion started with Sandman hitting with the kendo stick Steiner. That to me is a way to put Sandman in contention for the World Title. .It writes itself. Loose cannon Steiner wants revenge, Sandman is nuts. Give them a Falls Count Anywhere, or loser gets 10 kendo stick shots and you have a main-event to sell.


6. Too little focus on the World Title. Why doesn't Corino go after Steiner? Or Dreamer? Invading a company , but not going after the top prize?


I was focusing on other things and couldn't devote the time to go through all of your observations, but I do now. I've numbered the sections you said so that you can know what I'm talking about specifically.


1. Gonna be honest, completely forgot he was there at first. Had I remembered him, I don't know if things would be as they are, but once I realized that he was there, and was left out, It seemed like a perfect thing to weave into the storyline. And I will not be telling anyone what plans I have for Douglas.


2. I think Jindrak had the size to be a big player, but he didn't have the look (facially) to be a killer monster. He seems, to me, a guy who'd fit better as someone who could hold their own, but wouldn't be above using dirty tactics to win. And the reason I had Rey win all lot, was because I'm not a big fan of hotshotting titles. Matches on the other hand, I'll do that, since you can have 5 matches between two people and they could all be different and good. Doing so with titles is very not good.


3. Nowadays, it seems like the tag titles are wholly secondary, when that shouldn't be the case. Yes, they might not be the Main Event titles, but that doesn't mean they should be overlooked. As you say, the Invasion started with the tag team championships. You can do a lot more with the Tag Champs than you can with even the world champion. At least, that's what i believe.


4. That's a very fair way of looking at it, but I'd have to disagree. When you look at it as an equal company invading WCW, yeah, everyone would be united in this endeavor. But it's really not an equal company, since most of the main stars (Raven, Rhyno, the Dudleyz, Paul Heyman) aren't involved at that time, and those that are involved aren't really very high on the totem pole. To Booker, they are a thorn in the side of WCW, one that can and will be defeated sooner rather than later. And it's not just confined to Booker. In this kind of scenario, you'd have guys who took the threat seriously (Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Sting, DDP and Shane Douglas) and guys who don't (Scott Steiner, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett). In these situations, those of the latter group will wise up and the entire group takes on the problem. However, sometimes, this revelation is too little, too late, and the 'minor annoyance' becomes something that they can't fight, and it becomes a long struggle, far longer than it would've been had they destroyed it when it started. Whether or not the coalition is completed before this hinge point is reached, I won't tell.


5. As said in #2, I don't mind hotshotting matches on free TV. Sure, it'd be better to hold off until the PPV to do the money matches, but with how the invading force was at the start, it needed to be clear that the force could fight and beat the some of the best competition WCW had to offer. When things get cooler in the invasion (if they ever do), then the big money matches won't be as prominent on Nitro, but as things stand, it kind of has to happen.


6. When you have a guy like Steiner holding that title, gunning for it is akin to a death sentence. Instead, building a solid foundation is a better move and when that foundation is set, then gun for it. Right now, the invading force has a majority of the titles, and has a nice pool of bodies to combat WCW with. Had they gunned for the World Championship right away, they probably would've been wiped off the map, Carthage-style. The idea of avoiding Steiner was prevalent at Bash at the Beach.

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3rd Week of Septemeber, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


The show starts with the Four Horsemen coming out and Flair announcing that from now on, the Horsemen will be present at, or near the ringside area. Flair also talks to the locker room, saying that instead of taking out their frustrations on each other, it should be focused on the ECW guys whenever, and wherever they decide to rear their heads.


Rating: 71


Notes: Flair looked and sounded fantastic.


Christopher Daniels vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


One of the more unfortunate things about being an invader and capturing a title, is that when you are scheduled to compete, you can't say no, lest you get stripped of the title. All of the hard work you had to go through to get it will be for not.


Yoshihiro Tajiri figured that out as he walked down the aisle, very apprehensive about the Horsemen, who allowed him to enter the ring. Throughout the match, Tajiri is always looking around for potential interference from the Horsemen, and it's that worry that gives Daniels a huge advantage.


Daniels is able to beat Tajiri with the Last Rites, when DDP is able to distract Tajiri by grabbing the rope, making Tajiri recoil and prepare for an attack that'd never come.


Time: 11 Minutes and 42 Seconds


Rating: 42


Notes: Christopher Daniels and Tajiri don't click at all.


We cut to Mike Tenay. who introduces the new backstage interviewer, Don West, and we see him and Elix Skipper. Skipper hypes up his match against Rey Mysterio Jr.


Rating: 59


Notes: None


Elix Skipper vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Mysterio takes firm control of the match all the way up until the end, with Skipepr having moments of great offense but ultimately getting stonewalled by Mysterio. The match comes to a conclusion when Skipper crotches Mysterio after catching the West Coast Pop. He then hits Mysterio with the New School and gets the pinfall.


Time: 21 Minutes and 1 Second


Rating: 59


Notes: Rey looked good, and Skipper was off his game.


As Skipper and Mysterio exit the ring, Shane Douglas takes off his shirt and hops into the ring for his match against Billy Kidman.


Rating: 37


Notes: None


Billy Kidman vs Shane Douglas


Douglas and Kidman have a back and forth for a long time, until Douglas gains the upper hand. The match comes to a conclusion when Douglas goes for a Piledriver on Kidman, but Kidman instead hits a huricanrana, hooking Douglas' leg and getting the victory.


Time: 23 Minutes and 14 Seconds


Rating: 59


Notes: None


We cut to the back where Don West begins interviewing Buff Bagwell, who's returned from his excursion to TCW, and is being given a shot at Jerry Lynn's Television Championship. Bagwell says that he'll win due to his size and strength advantage over Lynn.


Rating: 30


Notes: None


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Jerry Lynn vs Buff Bagwell


Unlike Tajiri, Lynn doesn't bother with the Horsemen, instead placing his whole focus on Bagwell, who's strength and size is a plus, but not nearly as big of an advantage as he seemed to think. Lynn reverses the Blockbuster into a Cross Armbreaker and wins after Bagwell taps out.


Time: 14 Minutes and 45 Seconds


Rating: 56


Notes: None


We cut to the back one last time, where we see Gene Okerlund interviewing Booker T for his match against Chuck Palumbo. Booker brings up Flair's words at the beginning of the show and says that maybe he took the ECW guys too lightly, but also says that he's still going to be focused on winning the World Championship.


Rating: 57


Notes: Booker was a real star


Booker T vs Chuck Palumbo


Booker spends some time talking with the Horsemen at the start of the match, and this allows Palumbo to gain the upper hand. Palumbo is able to beat Booker T, primarily due to this distraction.


Time: 14 Minutes and 1 Second


Rating: 59


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 60


Card + Winners

Christopher Daniels vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

Elix Skipper vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

WCW World Television Championship Match: Jerry Lynn vs Buff Bagwell

Booker T vs Chuck Palumbo

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4th Week of September, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (Backstage Pre-Show)


Shane passed through the locker room, which had become a weekly tradition now, and conversed with the wrestlers as much as he could. How much headway this was making to them, he wasn't sure, but it was still a bit early to tell. He looked over at Jerry Lawler, who'd just arrived a couple hours ago, and saw him and AJ Styles talking to each other. When he passed by, he could hear Lawler giving him advice. Shane assumed that like Sting, Lawler had taken the guy under his wing.


Speaking of Sting, he was not only talking to James Storm, but also Johnny Swinger. Shane took a note of that in his head. If Sting was willing to take both guys under his wing, he must see something in them. He figured that while the singles division was going to be a tough thing to break into, the tag division was pretty open ground.


Just as he was walking out of the door, he heard Dusty's voice clear as day and looked over to see him speaking with Mark Jindrak. Shane was fairly surprised at how quickly Dusty and Lawler had found people to put their backing behind, but was pleased. He knew that at this stage, it was going to make the locker room better.


The word of the new hirings had made their way around the locker room and for the most part, everyone was happy about it, which went a long way in increasing their opinions of him. However, it did somewhat increase the division between the two sides.


Opinion Changes:

All of the Signings: WCW Opinion of Shane: +10 | ECW Opinion of Shane: +5

Increased Division: WCW Opinion of ECW: -3 | ECW Opinion of WCW: -3


ECW Opinion of Shane: 67

WCW Opinion of Shane: 29


ECW Opinion of WCW: 28

WCW Opinion of ECW: 10

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