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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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4th Week of September, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


The show starts out with Ric Flair and Shane Douglas speaking with Eric Bischoff. The two are asking about what WCW's side of the deal was should they lose. Bischoff tells them that should ECW win at the War Games come Halloween Havoc, they will earn another shot at the World Heavyweight title at Starrcade, as well as a series of matches at World War 3, the nature of which he's not ready to say yet. As he finishes, Shane McMahon walks in and tells Flair and Douglas that he and Bischoff are working on a solution.


Rating: 74


Notes: None


The Extremists (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome) vs James Storm and Johnny Swinger


The match starts out with Storm getting the heat on Swinger. Storm stays on the offensive, until Swinger makes a tag to J. Storm that L. Storm does not see. J. Storm is able to blindside Lance, and stays on the offensive. James goes for a super kick of his own, which Lance ducks and uses it the opportunity to tag in Mike Awesome, who kills James with a brutal clothesline. Awesome hits him with a Military Press Slam, while Lance hits Swinger with a super kick. Awesome goes to the top rope and hits James with a Awesome Splash and gets the '3'.


Time: 9 Minutes and 50 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: The Extremists looked good out there.


Shane McMahon walks into the locker room just as the cameras cut to the back. He tries to rally the troops against ECW, a common enemy, and says that infighting is not going to help anyone. Bischoff arrives and chimes in a few


Rating: 66


Notes: None


Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sonny Siaki


The match starts with Bigelow chargin at Siaki, who catches Bigelow and hits him with a scoop powerslam. Siaki hits Bigelow with a couple of big moves, before on of them backfires on Siaki, letting Bigelow get the upper-hand for a while. The momentum changes for the final time when Siaki rolls out of the way of Bigelow's moonsault. Bigelow goes up to a knee and Siaki quickly hits him with the Siakalypse. 1,2,3.


Time: 11 Minutes and 21 Seconds


Rating: 47


Notes: Bam Bam and Siaki have great chemistry with each other.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. comes out to the ring and waits for Styles to come down. When Styles appears, he's not alone, as Jerry 'The King' Lawler comes down the ring with him.


Rating: 33


Notes: None


Aj Styles (w/ Jerry Lawler) vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.


The match starts with quick cruiserweight action with neither man hitting a move, but doing some cool looking reversals. The first real shot delivered is given to Styles by Guerrero, who knocks him out of the ring, and then hits a dive to the outside. Lawler walks over and rolls Styles back into the ring, and gives him some words while Guerrero gets to his feet. Guerrero walks over to the two and Lawler walks away. When Guerrero grabs Styles, Styles is able to kick Guerrero in the head. He then springs to his feet and hits a flying forearm to the outside. Styles quicly rolls Guerrero into the ring while Lawler shouts out some advice to him. Styles hits Guerrero with a springboard 450, and only gets a '2'. Styles tries to follow it up with a another springboard manuever, but gets his legs knocked out from under him by Guerrero, causing him to land on the top rope rope abdomen first. Guerrero takes control of the match, hitting multiple high risk moves. Styles takes back control when he hits Chavo with a dropkick as he's coming off the top rope. Styles hits the Pele Kick onto Chavo and hits him with the Styles Clash for the victory.


Time: 17 minutes and 20 Seconds.


Rating: 50


Notes: Lawler did a good job at ringside.


We cut to the back, where Flair and Booker are talking. Flair tries to convince Booker to join the WCW team at Halloween Havoc but booker seems apprehensive, still not really believing that ECW is that big of a threat, although not taking them as lightly as he was before. He tells Flair that he'll think about it.


Rating: 76


Notes: None.


Jeff Jarrett vs Rob Van Dam


The match begins with Jarrett reversing a RVD kick, and getting the heat on Van Dam. He controls the pacing of the match and keeps RVD on the back foot, until Bill Alfonso, RVD's manager, distract Jarrett, giving RVD the opportunity to take Jarrett down. RVD beats Jarrett after hitting him with the 5* Frog Splash.


Time: 13 Minutes and 3 Seconds


Rating: 58


Notes: Van Dam and Jarrett didn't seem to click at all.


Ric Flair's music hits and he comes down to the ring in his ring attire. He grabs a mic and says that Jerry Lynn has shown that he's a good wrestler, and that he might even be great. But, he's not the best, and that's why Flair will beat Lynn and take back the WCW World Television Championship. As he finishes, Jerry Lynn walks down to the ring and the match starts.


Rating: 72


Notes: Ric Flair's performance was good.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Ric Flair vs Jerry Lynn ©


The match starts as soon as Lynn slides into the ring and both men start trading punches, with Flair still in his robes and Lynn with the championship still around his waist. After a minute or so of fighting, Flair knocks Lynn out of the ring, and both men are able to take off their accessories.


The match continues with Flair getting the heat on Lynn and keeping him on the defensive. Whenever Lynn seems to almost get the upper-hand, Flair cuts him off.


However, Lynn is able to get one big flurry of offense in and it seems to be going well, until he lands awkwardly on his knee. He's clearly in pain and he rolls out of the ring. Flair goes to grab Lynn and Lynn hits Flair with a chair, causing the ref to disqualify Lynn. Flair wins the match, but the title stays with Lynn.


Time: 26 Minutes and 57 Seconds


Rating: 61


Notes: Jerry Lynn sustained a damaged knee cap.


As Jerry Lynn crawl over to the corner barricade, Mike Awesome, Lance Stroam and Steve corino rush down to the ring, where Corino and Awesome fight the Four Hrosemen, while Awesome grabs Lynn and extradites him.


Rating: 65


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 64


Card + Winners

The Extremists vs James Storm and Johnny Swinger

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sonny Siaki

AJ Styles (/w Jerry Lawler) vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Jeff Jarrett vs Rob Van Dam

WCW World Television Championship Match: Ric Flair vs Jerry Lynn ©

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4th Week of September, Tuesday, 2001


Shane breathed a sigh of relief. The MRI of Jerry Lynn's knee came back and the prognosis was good. He'd still be able to wrestle, but wouldn't be at full strength for a few weeks. He was happy that the injury wasn't serious, but given how much it'd impact Lynn's performance, he didn't know if it would save what he wanted to do in the lead-up to Halloween Havoc.


He decided to give Lynn the next 3 weeks off. It would be better to let him heal than it would be to let him wrestle with an injury that drastically limited his wrestling style. He tried to come up with an angle or a rule that he could use to let Lynn still be the champion, but have a substitute in his stead. He knew he wouldn't be able to just have Lynn hand the belt off to somebody else, as that would destroy the titles prestige, one that he had spent a decent amount of time trying to raise. He had the next week to try and come up with a suitable way of giving the Lynn the time off he needed to heal.



Opinion Changes:

Giving Lynn Time Off to Heal- ECW Opinion of Shane: +3


ECW Opinion of Shane: 70

WCW Opinion of Shane: 29


ECW Opinion of WCW: 28

WCW Opinion of ECW: 10

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1st Week of October, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


The show starts out and after the pyrotechnics and the welcome from the commentary team, we cut to the back where Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff are speaking with Bill Alfonso, mid-conversation. Alfonso is trying to pitch stipulations to Shane and Eric so that they don't strip Lynn of the title, and fails to do so. However, Shane offers a stipulation of his own. ECW wanted to pick the match stipulations once more for their matches come Halloween Havoc, and Shane says that WCW will be picking all of them, and in return they will not strip Lynn of the title. Alfonso accepts and goes to shake Shane's hand, but Shane say's that he isn't done yet. The title must still be defended in Lynn's abscence, so they better find one before the match against Sean O'Haire tonight. And once that supstitute has been picked, they're locked in until Lynn comes back. Alfonso hesitates for a minute, but does shake his hand, accepting the deal.


Rating: 61


Notes: Bill Alfonso under performed, but improvised well.


We cut to the ring as the Horsemen's theme plays. Out walks DDP, and he goes down to the ring and grabs a mic. He makes a challenge to Tommy Dreamer, and says that if Dreamer beats him, he won't be in the War Games match at Halloween Havoc. Dreamer comes out through the crowd and accepts the challenge.


Rating: 67


Notes: None


Diamond Dallas Page vs Tommy Dreamer


Page lets Dreamer roll into the ring and get to his feet. When he does, Page then goes after him, and the two start exchanging blows. Dreamer momentarily gains the upper-hand, but DDP is able to get him off-kilter and takes control of the match from then on. The match comes to an end when Dreamer's final flurry of offense almost culminates in a Dreamer DDT, which gets reversed into a Diamond Cutter. 1,2,3.


Time: 19 Minutes and 51 Seconds


Rating: 54


Notes: None


We cut to the back where Don West is interviewing Rob Van Dam. West asks him about his upcoming match against Bagwell. RVD replies non-nonchalantly that he's gonna smoke Bagwell.


Rating: 37


Notes: None


Rob Van Dam vs Buff Bagwell


RVD evades the initial offensive attempts from Bagwell and takes him down with a couple of reversals. Form that point on, RVD is in the driver seat. The match comes to an end after RVD hits a heel kick, he then goes up to the top rope and hits a frog splash onto Bagwell and gets the '3'.


Time: 17 Minutes and 37 Seconds


Rating: 69


Notes: None


We cut to Gene Okerlund in the interview area and standing next to him is Aj Styles and Jerry Lawler. Gene asks, firstly, what Lawler is doing here, and secondly, why he's with Styles. Lawler cuts an anti-ECW promo, and says that Styles has all the potential to be great and with a King by his side, he's going to get there. Lawler says that that will have to wait as dealing with the bingo hall residents is going to have to come first.


Rating: 50


Notes: None


We then cut to Shane and Bischoff arguing. Bischoff is saying that they could've simply stripped Lynn of the title, and WCW would have been better off instantly. Shane says that what they got back was worth, and he fully expected the title to come back to WCW hands tonight.


Rating: 62


Notes: None


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs ??? ©


O'Haire waits in the ring to see who the ECW substitute is and out walks Steve Corino, holding the WCW TV Championship. Alfonso accompanies him to ringsidea dn after announcing that Corino is in fact the substitute, he walks back into the crowd. Corino enters the ring and before the bell is rung, cheap shots O'Haire with the belt.


Corino capitalizes on the chance he created and lays down a significant amount of attacks. It's not looking very good for O'Haire until Corino goes for a running manuever which O'Haire uses to hit him with a jumping crescent kick. The momentum shifts back to O'Haire, who goes for a running manuever of his own, and Corino telegraphs a back drop. O'Haire jumps over him and gets him with a sunset flip. The quick pinfall attempt is kicked out of before a '2' count.


O'Haire is able to competely stonewall any more offensive attacks from Corino and the match comes to an end when O'Haire hits Corino with the Black Widow and gets the pinfall.



Time: 14 Minutes and 36 Seconds


Rating: 57


Notes: None


We cut to the back for the final time tonight, where Don West is interviewing Chuck Palumbo and Booker T, two people who faced each other the prior week. West asks about the pairing and Palumbo says that it was going to be him and O'haire, but when he got the shot at the TV Championship, he needed a partner and Booker stepped up. Booker states that the two are WCW, and he's willing to put aside their differences to fight some ECW punks. Sean O'Haire steps into the shot and gets congratulated by both men for getting the TV Championship back into WCW hands. Sean tells them to go out and take down the traitors, Storm and Awesome.


Rating: 59


Notes: Finally, a good Don West segment.


The Extremists vs Chuck Palumbo and Booker T


The match starts with Awesome facing off against Booker. The two stare each other down and go into a test of strength, which Booker starts winning, and gets booted in the mid-section by Awesome. Awesome throws some clubbing blows onto Booker and controls the pace of the match until Booker ducks a clothesline and hits Booker with a back suplex. He tags out to Palumbo who comes in like a house of fire and hits Awesome with a stiff clothesline and knocks Storm off the apron.


The next few minutes Palumbo completely controls the match and tries to kick Awesome's leg out from under him and keep the big man hobbled. The strategy works until the big man tags out to Storm, who hits Palumbo with one hell of a super kick. Storm goes for a pin, but Palumbo kicks out at '2'. Storm tries keep Palumbo isolated, but Palumbo tags in Booker, which starts a new phase of the match as Storm and Booker go back and forth.


The match comes to an end when Booker hits Storm with an axe kick at the same time Storm hits him with a super kick. Storm tags in Awesome and a second later, Booker tags in Palumbo. Awesome has a step on Palumbo, but with his hobble, Palumbo gets a couple sucker punches in, which gives him a couple of seconds of offense. Palumbo goes for a clothesline, which Awesome ducks and hits Palumbo with a boot to the gut. Awesome goes for an Awesome Bomb, but due to the damage to his foot, it's more of a jackknife powerbomb. Awesome pins Palumbo and the stunted Awesome Bomb proves to be enough to put Palumbo away.


Time: 18 Minutes and 38 Seconds


Rating: 65


Notes: None


As Storm and Awesome exit through the crowd, the Horsemen come out of their hiding places near the ring, and Flair grabs a mic. He tells the ECW guys that come Halloween Havoc, Awesome and Storm will fight two men from the Horsemen for their titles, in a steel cage.


Rating: 69


Notes: None.


Overall Rating: 66


Card + Winners

DDP vs Tommy Dreamer

RVD vs Buff Bagwell

WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire vs Steve Corino (Substituting for Jerry Lynn) ©

The Extremists vs Booker T and Chuck Palumbo


Current Confirmed Card for Halloween Havoc (3 Shows Away):

5v5 War Games: WCW (???,???,???,???,???) vs ECW (???,???,???,???,???)

WCW Tag Team Championship Steel Cage Match: The Extremists vs Two of The Four Horsemen (Flair, DDP, Jindrak and Douglas)

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War Games AND a regular steel cage match all on one PPV? Seems a little excessive.


The Steel Cage Match will still be using the War Games set up. It might be a bit excessive, but I wanted to use the cage set-up at least twice, and had planned on it being the Tag Team Match that also used it.

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2nd Week of October, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on Fox


The show starts out with some pyro and immediately after, Mark Jindrak walks down to the ring for his match against Lance Storm.


Mark Jindrak vs Lance Storm


Jindrak and Storm start out the match in a collar-elbow tie-up, which Storm wins. Storm remains in the driver seat until Stacy Keibler distracts him, which allows Jindrak to get the upper-hand in the bout. Jindrak wins the match when he ducks Storm's superkick and he hits Storm with the Mark of Excellence.


Time: 13 Minutes and 12 Seconds


Rating: 54


Notes: Jindrak and Storm have bad chemistry and it showed.


Storm tries to cheap shot Jindrak with a superkick, but Jindrak catches his foot and hits him with a back suplex. The rest of the Horsemen come out form their spots in the crowd and they beat down on Storm.


Rating: 66


Notes: None


As the Horsemen return to their positions, Bill Alfonso comes down and announces that Tajiri won't be facing Mysterio tonight, and then shows his replacement, who is none other than TAKA Michinoku.


Rating: 40


Notes: None


TAKA Michinoku vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The match starts out with some cruiserweight offense, culminating in a Mysterio dive to the outside. Mysterio tries to send TAKA into the ring, but TAKA reverses that and sends Mysterio into the corner post. TAKA hit him with a couple of suplexs and aerial moves before hte match returns to the ring. The two trade the momentum for the remainder of the match, until Rey hits the West Coast Pop onto TAKA, but TAKA reverses the pinfall attempt and is able to get the win.


Time: 17 Minutes and 19 Seconds


Rating: 57


Notes: TAKA and Rey have bad Chemistry and it showed.


Shane Douglas comes out from hiding in the crowd and gets ready for his match against Corino, but not before cutting a promo on him.


Rating: 54


Notes: None


Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino


Douglas is in firm control of the match during the opening minutes, but Corino is able to gain it for himself when distracts the ref and low blows Douglas. Douglas is able to get the momentum back with a suplex reversal, which sends Corino to the outside. Douglas takes a couple moment to take a breath and while he does, Van Damn runs through the crowd and while he does, Flair and Page also hope the barricade. Van Damn is able to hit Douglas with a Van Damninator, and gets out of the ring, while Corino grabs the ref to distract from what's going on in the ring. Flair and Page try to catch Van Dam through the crowd and while they go off, Corino hits Shane with the Old School Expulsion and gets the victory.


Time: 22 Minutes and 36 Seconds


Rating: 52


Notes: None


While the Horsemen run after RVD, Corino gets a couple of manuevers in and takes advantage of the time afforded to him by RVD. Eventually the Horsemen run back to the ring and Corino gets out before they can do much damage. The Horsemen take Douglas to the back. As they do so, RVD speaks through a microphone that Corino grabbed as he escaped. RVD challenges Douglas to a Hair vs Hair match at Halloween Havoc.


Rating: 49




WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs Jimmy Wang Yang


Sean O'Haire completely overpowers Wang Yang and wins handidly, rag-dolling the smaller competitor.


Time: 6 Minutes and 46 Seconds


Rating: 63


Notes: None

Don West interviews both Page and Flair about the match and the attack on Douglas. DDP says that he'll do to Awesome what Corino did to Douglas, and Flair says that the Horsemen will not let an attack like that go unanswered.


Rating: 63


Notes: None


Mike Awesome vs Diamond Dallas Page

Page and Awesome get into a test of strength, which ends with Awesome hitting a powerslam onto Page. Awesome controls the pace of the match with a variety of power moves and holds onto it until page ducks a clothesline and sends Awesome over the top rope. While outside, Page gets the upper-hand and sends Awesome back into the ring. The two exchange blows and moves until the end of the match, where Awesome goes for another powerslam, which Page reverses into the Diamond Cutter. 1,2,3.


Time: 23 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 65


Notes: None


The Horsemen come down to the ring and are able to do some damage onto Awesome before he scampers away. Douglas grabs a mic and accepts RVD's challenge.


Rating: 62


Notes: None


Overall Rating: 63


Card + Winners:

Mark Jindrak vs Lance Storm

TAKA Michinoku vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino

WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Jimmy Wang Yang

Mike Awesome vs Diamond Dallas Page


Confirmed Card for Halloween Havoc (2 Shows Away):

5v5 War Games: WCW (???,???,???,???,???) vs ECW (???,???,???,???,???)

Double Steel Cage Match for the WCW World Tag Team Championships: The Extremists vs Two of the Four Horsemen (Flair, DDP, Jindrak and Douglas).

Hair vs Hair: RVD vs Shane Douglas

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3rd Week of October, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (Backstage Pre-Show)


Shane looked over the financial report from September and it came back just as he expected. There margins had went down by 400k, the amount it would cost to pay the production crew. They had made about 762k, and this was going to be the first month where those expenses from the new contracts would really start, with all of the big money ones beginning on the first of the month. If everything were to go to plan, then they'd still have about 200-300k by the end of the month to save. Shane smiled and put the papers down, just in time for Bischoff to burst into the office and say, "We got a fight going on in the locker room.".


Shane sprang from his seat and followed Eric to the locker room where the fight had seemingly already ended. The tension in the air was still palbable, and Shane worked his way to the center of the room where he saw the two men who had gotten into a fight: Scott Steiner and Yoshihiro Tajiri. Steiner was relatively scratch-free, while Tajiri looked like he had gotten the piss knocked out of him.


Upon seeing Steiner, Shane immediately assumed that he was the on who had started the fight, and thought about coming right out and accusing him, especially since he had just come off of a suspension due to him fighting Nash 4 weeks ago.


But he decided to cool the jets and ask around and piece together what happened. He asked those around and there wasn't much being said worth of note, with every one following the theme of: "Didn't notice until the punches started to fly". The more he asked, the less sure he was that it was Steiner. If he was going to get into a fight, people would've known about before it happened. But he also couldn't believe that Tajiri of all people decided to box with God.


But when Shane walked up to Sting, there was no doubt to how it started. Steiner had actually been doing what Shane ahd asked of him, however long ago it seemed to be. He was listening to the agents about what was going on during the shows and was generally minding his own business, which Shane found hard to believe. Sting then went on to say that Tajiri started spouting things at Steiner in Japanese, which Steiner didn't acknowledge, probably because he didn't know it was being directed at him. Tajiri then spoke some more and slapped Steiner in the back of the head, which Steiner very much noticed and then proceeded to kick the absolute tar out of Tajiri.


So, Shane went around to everybody once again and asked if this recollection of events was what happened and there were a few people who had disagreements with minor parts of Sting's account, but other than that, it seemed like Sting was telling the truth.


Shane called for every member of the roster to come into the locker room, and he explained what happened, and what was going to be down. Since Steiner did nothing to instigate the fight, let alone ever talk to Tajiri, he wasn't going to receive a punishment.


He then pivoted to Tajiri and told him that he was going to be suspended for the next 4 weeks, meaning he'd miss out on Halloween Havoc. Tajiri, surprisingly, was happy about it, which really through Shane for a loop, and Steiner was happy about the punishment as well. Tajiri began to pack up his things, and SHane had to remind him that the suspension happened after the show. He was going to have to wrestle tonight.


Once things had settled down, he pulled Steiner aside and told him that after the show, he'd be reimbursed the 80k that he was fined for.


Opinion Changes:

Suspended Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW Opinion of Shane: -5 | WCW Opinion of Shane: +5)

Did not suspend Scott Steiner (ECW Opinion of Shane: -3 | WCW Opinion of Shane: +5)

Reimbursed Scott Steiner for his earlier fine: (WCW Opinion of Shane: +2)

ECW vs WCW Fist-Fight: (Opinion of Each Other: -2)


ECW Opinion of Shane: 62

WCW Opinion of Shane: 41


ECW Opinion of WCW: 26

WCW Opinion of ECW: 8


Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX (3rd Week of October, Monday, 2001)


Main Event: Shane Douglas vs Booker T


Upper-Card: The Extremists (Storm and Awesome) vs The Filthy Animals (Mysterio and Kidman)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Yoshihiro Tajiri © vs ???


Bonus Point for guessing the correct participant.


Lower-Card: Chuck Palumbo vs Rob Van Dam


Opener: WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Shawn Stasiak


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Main Event: Shane Douglas vs Booker T


Upper-Card: The Extremists (Storm and Awesome) vs The Filthy Animals (Mysterio and Kidman)


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Yoshihiro Tajiri © vs ???


Bonus Point for guessing the correct participant.

Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Lower-Card: Chuck Palumbo vs Rob Van Dam


Opener: WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Shawn Stasiak

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3rd Week of October, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


The show starts off with a pyrotechnics display and shortly after getting the greetings from the announce team, the Four Horsemen's music plays, and they come out to the ring. Ric Flair gets on the mic and announces a new member to the Horsemen and out walks a returning Kevin Nash, fresh off of his completed month-long suspension. Flair says that come Halloween Havoc, ECW will be finished once and for all.


Rating: 71


Notes: With Nash having been suspended, he'd not formally been inducted into the group, even though he'd always been slotted for a spot. Now the Horsemen are complete.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Shawn Stasiak


Shawn Stasiak gets hit with the Widow Maker and Sean O'Haire gets the '3'.


Time: 10 Minutes and 22 Seconds


Rating: 59


Notes: I feel bad for Stasiak.


We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Chuck Palumbo and asks him about his match with ECW wrestler Rob Van Dam. Palumbo says that while RVD has him beat in agility, Palumbo has the size and strength advantage and that will be difficult for RVD to beat.


Rating: 42


Notes: Since the Big Bang in July, this will be Palumbo's second Singles Match in 4 Months. The first was against Booker T, which he won barely.


Chuck Palumbo vs Rob Van Dam


While Palumbo was correct about his size and strength being a big advantage, he was wrong about it being hard to overcome, as RVD did have some early difficulties in the match, but would eventually out maneuver Palumbo. The match ends when RVD hits a 5* Frogsplash.


Time: 12 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 66


Notes: N/A


Bill Alfonso comes out to the ring with Tajiri, who looks a bit worse for wear. Alfonso gets into the ring and grabs a mic, and says that Tajiri wishes to fight somebody, and issues an open challenge championship match. Alfonso moves over to the corner, awaiting whichever WCW wrestler comes to accept it. He was not expecting to see the challenger come from behind him, when TAKA Michinoku climbs into the ring. Alfonso freaks out and tells TAKA to go back to wherever the ECW wrestlers linger during shows, but TAKA blows him off and gets into Tajiri's face. From Alfonso's microphone, you can hear TAKA saying something in Japanese, and if you were able to understand Japanese, it's essentially him saying that Tajiri's not good enough and that he is, especially since he got whipped like a dog earlier in the day. Of course, most (if not everbody) doesn't know what's being said, but Tajiri throws a punch a TAKA and TAKA reciprocates. A ref runs down and starts the match.


Rating: 35


Notes: I was torn between Elix Skipper, Christopher Daniels and lastly, TAKA Michinoku. I figured Daniels wasn't around long enough to warrant a shot, and Skipper almost beat the US Champion, so why not have him continue chasing that title? There weren't very many others I thought about besides AJ Styles, but he's doing something else right now. Everybody else (Chavo, Kash, Yang, etc.) hasn't done much to get a shot and haven't won much lately.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs TAKA Michinoku


Tajiri has the advantage at the start due to his cheap punches before the bell and TAKA takes a couple minutes of offense, until he takes control with a sit-out powerbomb.


TAKA hits a few knee strikes onto Tajiri and after dodging a buzzsaw kick, hits Tajiri with a Michinoku Driver for the victory.


Time: 16 Minutes and 12 Seconds


Rating: 60


Notes: This match performed better than I was expected. If you were wondering what I was expecting, look at the segment rating that happened before this one.


As TAKA celebrates the championship victory, Alfonso is reprimanding him, and the audience at home can hear him saying that he wasn't supposed to make himself known yet. TAKA walks past him, and as he attempts to get over the barricade, Tajiri attacks him and the two fight into the crowd, with TAKA getting the upper-hand as they leave the camera view.


Rating: 40


Notes: Alfonso's words are true.


We cut to the announcers, who talk about any more possible infighting going on in the ECW locker room, before going to Don West, who's armed with a microphone and a cameraman. He explains that he was told to come out to this location of the building to interview Mike Awesome and Lance Storm. After fifteen seconds, Awesome and Storm come out from behind the cameraman, and Don West conducts the interview, asking them about their opponents tonight (Mysterio and Kidman). Awesome and Storm say that those two don't deserve to be in the same ring with them and single out Mysterio, who 'had the opportunity' to join ECW at the start, but since he didn't, much like Douglas, he'll receive a beating. Don West then asks them about the Four Horsemen, who they'll have to fight come Halloween Havoc. Awesome says that they've already beat DDP and Douglas, and that Flair and Nash don't scare them. The Extremists then leave for the ring, leaving Don West by himself.


Rating: 55


Notes: Another good Don West segment.


The Extremists vs The Filthy Animals


Immediately upon the bell ringing, Mysterio hits Storm with a hurricanrana into Awesome, knocking him off the ropes. Mysterio and Kidman isolate Storm for a while, until Storm hits Kidman with a Super Kick and tags in Awesome, who rag dolls both men.


The Match comes to an end when Mysterio hits the West Coast Pop on Awesome, but before the '3' can be made, Storm superkicks Rey, and then goes after Kidman. Awesome, still hurt from the West Coast Pop, gets to his feet and hits Rey with a Awesome-Bomb and gets the victory.


Time: 18 Minutes and 2 Seconds


Rating: 70


Notes: Rather happy with the outcome of this match. I was expecting it to be good, around 65, so being at 70 is great.


We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is interviewing Booker T. Gene asks him first about his match with Douglas tonight, and then about wether or not he'll be in the War Games Match at Halloween Havoc. Booker says that he can't answer his second question, but says that while he was wrong about Douglas' allegiance to ECW, he won't go easy on him and that he'll beat him like he did earlier in the year.


Rating: 75


Notes: These two have fought each other twice, Once in a Singles match back in July, and again in August in a Tag Team Match. In both of those matches, Booker T was on the winning side.


Booker T vs Shane Douglas


The match starts with Booker getting heat on Douglas, and taking advantage of the early momentum. Douglas eventually fires back with some offense of his own, locking the two into a battle of attrition.


The match comes to an end when Booker T goes for the Book End, and Douglas reverses it into a Belly-to-Belly suplex, and pins Booker T for the victory.


Time: 22 Minutes and 14 Seconds


Rating: 65


Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 68


Card + Winners:


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Shawn Stasiak


Chuck Palumbo vs Rob Van Dam


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match: Yoshihiro Tajiri © vs TAKA Michinoku


The Extremists vs The Filthy Animals


Shane Douglas vs Booker T


Confirmed Card for Halloween Havoc (1 Shows Away):


5v5 War Games: WCW (???,???,???,???,???) vs ECW (???,???,???,???,???)


Double Steel Cage Match for the WCW World Tag Team Championships: The Extremists vs Two of the Four Horsemen (Flair, DDP and Nash).


Hair vs Hair: RVD vs Shane Douglas


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match: TAKA Michinoku © vs ??? (TBA Next Week)


WCW Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © (Could Change) vs ??? (TBA Next Week)


WCW United State Championship Match: Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler © vs ??? (TBA Next Week)

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4th Week of October, Monday, 2001: WCW Monday Nitro on FOX


After the pyrotechnics display and the greetings from the announce team, we go to Shane McMahon's office, where he and Eric were going over plans for the War Games and who to put in. Before they can really get into the meat of the discussion, Elix Skipper walks in. He explains that he's been waiting for a month now, and it's high time he get what he should've gotten earlier, and honest shot at the United States Championship. Shane talks him down and says that they're busy with Halloween Havoc and ECW, and that ECW is pushing for a shot at the title come Sunday. Elix pushes Shane on this and says that he deserves a shot. Shane relents and tells Elix that he and the ECW wrestler will have a match. The winner faces Mark Jindrak on sunday.


Rating: 57


Notes: N/A


Steve Corino vs Jeff Jarrett


The match starts with Corino launching a flurry of offense, whiuch is able to stagger Jarrett for a while, until Jarrett low blows him out of view of the referee. Jarrett then controls the pace of the match for the next portion of it, and only loses when he goes to the well and comes up dry. Corino goes for the Old School Expulsion, which Jarrett reverses into a Stroke attempt, which Corino reverses back into an Old School Expulsion and gets the '3'.


Time: 17 Minutes and 58 Seconds


Rating: 58


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Don West is interviewing Sean O'Haire. West asks him about his challenger tonight, Buff Bagwell. Sean O'Haire says that Bagwell hasn't been a legitimate threat for years, and says that beating him will be nothing.


Rating: 49


Notes: N/A


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Buff Bagwell


A hard hitting match that has both men taking quite a bit of punishment, with large clubbing blows and plenty of power moves. The match comes to an end when O'Haire catches Bagwell's Block Buster attempt and hits him with the Widow Maker.


Time: 11 Minutes and 45 Seconds


Rating: 69


Notes: This match far exceeded my expectations.


As Sean O'Haire celebrates, Jerry Lynn returns and challenges him to a match at Halloween Havoc, stating that he never beat him, and he should get another shot. O'Haire agrees, with the stipulation that it be a Tables Match.


Rating: 51


Notes: N/A


As O'Haire leaves, Scott Steiner returns from his suspension and cuts a promo in the ring, ranting about ECW. He says that nobody ECW has to offer can match up to the Genetic Freak and- Before he can finish, his opponent for tonight, Bam Bam Bigelow comes down to the ring and the match begins.


Rating: 84


Notes: This is Steiner's first appearance in 6 Weeks.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs Scott Steiner


At first, Bam Bam has a decent amount of offense that Steiner gets surprised by, but Bam Bam's time in the driver seat quickly evaporates as Steiner proceeds to destroy him, forcing him to tap out to the Steiner Recliner.


Time: 7 Minutes and 17 Seconds


Rating: 69


Notes: N/A


As Bigelow rolls out of the ring, Steiner grabs a mic and says


'As I was saying before the fata*** come down, no body in ECW can stand up to Freakzilla. And If anyone of them wants a shot at it, they are welcome to try.'.


Before he can say much else of note, Corino appears in the crowd and says that he'll accept the challenge. Steiner laughs and mocks Corino, and says that after their match on Sunday, Corino will regret trying to box with God.


Rating: 75




Elix Skipper vs Masato Tanaka


Skipper starts out the match on the back pedal as Tanaka forces him into the corner, wherein he rains a considerable amount of offense unto Skipper, who does his best to protect himself. Skipper only gets on the offense after Tanaka goes for an early pinfall attempt, which Skipper maneuvers out of and hits Tanaka with a spinning heel kick from Skipper. Skipper stays in the driver seat for a short time and the match goes to a back and forth between both wrestlers. The match ends when Elix Skipper hits Tanaka with the Overdrive and wins another shot at Jindrak's US championship.


Time: 13 Minutes and 9 Seconds


Rating: 59


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back and Don West is interviewing the Four Horsemen stable. West asks nash and Page about their match against the Extremists, and both of them say that this will be a look at what happens come Sunday. Flair then gets on the mic and says that WCW has a surprise for ECW and that after Halloween Havoc, ECW will offically be dead.


Rating: 71


Notes: N/A


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Nash) vs The Extremists (Awesome and Storm)


Nash and Awesome start out the match and neither one is able to gain the upper-hand until Awesome clotheslines Nash out of the ring and hits him with a Suicide Dive. As Awesome rolls Nash into the ring, he tries to take a cheap shot on DDP, which ultimately ends up backfiring, as Page hits Awesome with a Diamond Cutter and rolls him into the ring. Nash tags Page in, just as Awesome tags in Storm and Page is able to control the pace pf the match.


As the match reaches it's climax with neither side really getting the upper-hand, Rob Van Dam runs in and attacks Page, causing a DQ. As he does, the Horsemen who were watching from the crowd rush into the ring.


Time: 17 Minutes and 4 Seconds


Rating: 75


Notes: N/A


The match devolves into chaos and a big brawl ensues between the Horsemen and ECW wrestlers. Before any WCW wrestlers come to back up the Horsemen, ECW has the numbers advantage and out walks Terry Funk, who takes it to Flair and Nash. He goes for a piledriver onto Shane Douglas, but stops when Macho Man Randy Savage's theme hits and he, along with seemingly the entire WCW roster. ECW flees, but not before Savage is able to get to Dreamer, and gives him a few good punches. In the crowd, Sting returns and attacks Tanaka, TAKA and Dreamer. As ECW backs away, WCW stands together against the invaders.


Rating: 74


Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 75


Notes: This is the highest rated show of the rebooted Nitro. The previous highest was 72 back in August.


Card + Winners:


The Extremists vs The Four Horsemen


WCW United States Championship #1 Contenders Match: Masato Tanaka vs Elix Skipper


Bam Bam Bigelow vs Scott Steiner


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Buff Bagwell


Steve Corino vs Jeff Jarrett

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Roster Update as of the 4th Week of October


Major Star:

Booker T

Diamond Dallas Page

Kevin Nash

Mike Awesome (ECW) (ECW World Tag Team Champion)

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

Rob Van Dam (ECW)

Scott Steiner (WCW World Heavyweight Champion)

Sean O'Haire (WCW World Television Champion)

Shane Douglas




Chuck Palumbo

Jeff Jarrett

Lance Storm (ECW) (ECW World Tag Team Champion)

Mark Jindrak (WCW United States Champion)

Rey Mysterio Jr.


Well Known

Bam Bam Bigelow

Billy Kidman

Buff Bagwell

Ernest Miller

Jerry Lynn (ECW)


Rick Steiner

Terry Funk (ECW)




AJ Styles

Alex Wright

Chavo Guerrero Jr

Elix Skipper

Sabu (ECW)

Sandman (ECW)

Shawn Stasiak

Steve Corino (ECW)

TAKA Michinoku (ECW) (WCW Cruiserweight Champion)

Tommy Dreamer (ECW)

Yoshihiro Tajiri (ECW)



Chris Candido (ECW)

Chris Harris

Christopher Daniels

James Storm

Johnny Swinger

Kid Kash

Masato Tanaka (ECW)

Mikey Whipwreck (ECW)

Sonny Siaki

Jimmy Wang Yang



Bill Alfonso

James Mitchell

Jerry Lawler


Stacy Kiebler



Don West

Gene Okerlund



Joey Styles (ECW)

Mike Tenay

Tony Schiavone


Color Commentators:

Bobby Heenan



Billy Silverman

Charles Robinson

Mark Johnson

Nick Patrick


Road Agents:

Arn Anderson

Dusty Rhodes

Fit Finlay

John Laurinatis

Ricky Steamboat


Authority Figures

Shane McMahon

Eric Bischoff

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Card for Halloween Havoc 2001, 4th Week of October, Sunday


Main Event: 5 vs 5 War Games Match


Team WCW (Randy Savage, Booker T, TFH, Sting, and Chuck Palumbo) vs Team ECW (Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Sabu, Sandman, ???)


Bonus Points for picking correct Horsemen (TFH) and correct ECW wrestler.


(Note: If ECW wins, they get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade. If WCW wins, ECW goes away)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:


Scott Steiner © vs Steve Corino


Chris Candido vs AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler


WCW World Tag Team Championship Double Steel Cage Match:


The Extremists vs The Four Horsemen


Bonus Points for picking the correct Horsemen.


Masato Tanaka vs Sting


WCW United States Championship Match:


Elix Skipper vs Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler ©


WCW World Television Championship Table Match:


Sean O'Haire © vs Jerry Lynn


Hair vs Hair Match:


Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:


TAKA Michinoku vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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Main Event: 5 vs 5 War Games Match


Team WCW (Randy Savage, Booker T, TFH, Sting, and Chuck Palumbo) vs Team ECW (Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Sabu, Sandman, ???)


Bonus Points for picking correct Horsemen (TFH) and correct ECW wrestler. Ric Flair & Bam Bam Bigelow


(Note: If ECW wins, they get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade. If WCW wins, ECW goes away)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:


Scott Steiner © vs Steve Corino


Chris Candido vs AJ Styles


WCW World Tag Team Championship Double Steel Cage Match:


The Extremists vs The Four Horsemen


Bonus Points for picking the correct Horsemen. DDP & Nash


Masato Tanaka vs Sting


WCW United States Championship Match:


Elix Skipper vs Mark Jindrak ©


WCW World Television Championship Table Match:


Sean O'Haire © vs Jerry Lynn


Hair vs Hair Match:


Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:


TAKA Michinoku vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

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Halloween Havoc 2001, 4th Week of October, Sunday


After the large pyrotechnics display, the announce team introduce themselves and begin to run down the card for the show. They speculate about the final match, and while optimistic of a WCW victory, the question is asked by Schiavone, asking what the other stipulations ECW had are, since we only know of the one: if ECW wins, they get a World Championship Match at Starrcade. Heenan says that it doesn't matter, since ECW won't win tonight.



Before Schiavone or Tenay can say anything else, Rey Mysterio Jr comes out and the opening match is set to begin.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

TAKA Michinoku © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


The two men start out the match by staring each other down. TAKA, being slightly taller has to look down a bit as they get with a few inches of each other. TAKA tries to hit a snap suplex, but Rey over rotates and lands on his feet. He runs off the ropes and hits TAKA with a running dropkick just as he got to a knee. Rey, wasting no time, runs off the ropes and just as TAKA got to his feet goes for a huricanrana to the outside. TAKA, however, catches Rey, lifts him up and back over the top rope and hits him with hard powerbomb. He goes for a cover, but Rey kicks out before '2'.



TAKA picks Rey up, whips him into the ropes and hits a drop-kick of his own. Rey gets up to a knee when TAKA picks him up for a suplex, but instead props Rey up on middle of the top rope. He goes up to the top rope and hits a flying knee to Rey's back. Rey tilts forward and slides backwards off the top rope and to the floor. TAKA heads up to the top rope once more and when Rey gets to his feet, launches himself off the top and hits Rey with a diving cross-body. TAKA picks Rey up and rolls him into the ring, but as he tries to get in, Rey sends a series of kicks that stagger TAKA. Rey takes the opportunity and goes for a over the top rope suicide senton, which connects. Rey lands on top of TAKA who staggers backwards, lower back hitting the announce table. Rey, who was still on top of TAKA, goes over him and over the announce table, hitting Tenay.



The first back to their feet is Rey, who picks TAKA up and rolls him into the ring. Rey clambers to the apron and waits for TAKA to get to his feet. Once he does, Rey goes for the West Coast Pop, which TAKA dodges by rolling out of the way, causing Rey to hit nothing but mat. TAKA gets to his feet first and hits Rey with a Michinoku Driver. 1,2,NO! Rey kicks out just in time, and TAKA can't believe. TAKA picks Rey up, and goes for a brain buster, which gets reversed into a neck-breaker. Rey then picks TAKA up and hits him with his own move, the Michinoku Driver. 1,2 and TAKA kicks out well before the three.



Rey hops over the top rope and waits for TAKA to get to his feet. He goes for and hits the West Coast Pop. 1,2 and just before the Ref's hand hits the mat for '3', TAKA reverses the pinfall attempt and puts Rey into a pinning predicament. 1,2 and Rey kicks outs. Rey waits for TAKA to get to a knee and goes for a springboard bulldog, but TAKA catches him and goes for a back suplex, which Rey reverses and lands on his feet. TAKA kicks Rey's knee-cap and hooks his arms. He then hits Rey with the back-to-back double under-hook piledriver. TAKA quickly gets him back up to his feet and hits him with another Michinoku Driver. 1,2,3. TAKA Michinoku retains his championship.



Time: 17 Minutes and 13 Seconds



Rating: 60



Notes: N/A


Hair vs Hair

Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas


As RVD comes out for his match, he is accompanied by Bill Alfonso and when Shane Douglas comes out, the announce team hype him up. Tenay mentions that the other Horsemen aren't present.



As the bell rings, Douglas goes after RVD, trying to get a hold of him, but RVD is able to maneuver out of his grasp each and every time, eventually sending a kick right into Douglas' face. RVD picks Douglas up and hits him with a suplex. He picks him up again, and goes for another suplex. This one gets reversed, and Douglas hits RVD with a stalling suplex. Douglas sneds a couple of punches to RVD as he gets up on his feet. The punches guide RVD to the corner, where Douglas whips him into the opposite and hits a clothesline. He sends RVD back to the other one and goes for it again, but RVD gets out of the way and kicks Douglas in the head. He then jumps over the top rope, lands on the middle rope and hits Douglas with a springboard back kick. RVD waits for Douglas to get to his feet, and goes for a kick, which Douglas catches. RVD then jumps up and goes for a kick, which Douglas dodges, but RVD lands on his one foot and quickly jumps back up and kicks Douglas in the face with a keel kick. Douglas quickly gets to his feet and gets hit with a scoop slam, followed by a rolling thunder. RVD goes for the cover and only gets a '2'.



RVD goes to pick up Douglas, and Douglas surprises him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Douglas quickly picks him up and hits him with a snap suplex and then picks him up again and hits a DDT. With Douglas on the offensive, he stomps on RVD's legs, trying to limit the agility of RVD. After a few minutes, he picks RVD up and goes for the Pittsburgh Plunge, which RVD reverses out of, but when he lands on his feet, he sells the leg damage, allowing Douglas to hit him with a german suplex. Douglas holds on and brings him back up to his feet before actually hitting him with the Pittsburgh Plunge.



Just as Douglas goes for the pin, Alfonso makes himself known and gets up onto the apron. Douglas gets up and walks over to Alfonso, and slugs him, knocking him off the ring apron. When he turns around, Lance Storm, who'd run in through the crowd, hits him with a superkick, before exiting the ring. RVD staggers to his feet and to the top rope, where he goes for and hits a 5* Frog Splash. 1,2,3.



After the match, an badly hurt Douglas is shaved bald by Bill Alfonso, RVD, and Lance Storm.



Time: 22 Minutes and 27 Seconds



Rating: 74



Notes: N/A



WCW World Television Championship Table Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Jerry Lynn


The announcers talk about Lynn's injury, and how he lost the title without ever actually being in the match when Sean O'Haire won it. And Lynn wastes no time in trying to finish the match and reclaim the title he never lost, by dipping out of the ring and searching under the ring for a table. He finds one, just as O'Haire slides out of the ring and the two starts exchanging punches on the outside.



The exchange lasts for ~20 seconds, before O'Haire picks up Lynn and drops him onto the announcers table, which doesn't break. O'Haire takes the opportunity to slide the table into the ring. When he turns around, he finds that Lynn had gotten to his feet, and was currently in the air, about to hit him with a missile dropkick, jumping off of the announcers table. The kick hits O'Haire sending him backwards into the ring apron. Lynn quickly rolls O'Haire into the ring and tries to set the table up, but O'Haire punches him a few times in the abdomen, preventing him from getting it ready.



Lynn comes back with a few punches of his own and runs off the ropes and hits O'Haire with a head scissors takedown. Lynn picks O'Haire up and O'Haire powers Lynn up into the air with a back body drop. O'Haire picks up the table and uses it as a weapon, hitting Lynn in the abdomen a few times with it, before getting it set up in the corner. As he turns around, Lynn tries to spear O'Haire into the table, but O'Haire blocks it and tries to hit Lynn with a powerbomb, which Lynn reverses into a huricanrana to the outside. Lynn then proceeds to hit O'Haire with a suicide dive. While O'Haire tries to get to his feet, Lynn takes the table out of the corner and sets it up ~3 feet away from the corner. Lynn rolls out of the ring, and tries to toss O'Haire into the ring, but O'Haire reverses and chucks Lynn into the steps. O'Haire then whips Lynn into the barricade, before rolling him into the ring. O'Haire, seeing the table set up on its legs, sizes up Lynn and once he gets to his feet, O'Haire picks him up and hits up with a Widow Maker through the table.



At least, it should have been through the table. But instead of the table breaking, Lynn bounced off of it and rolled out of the ring. O'Haire's staring at this table in disbelief, and the table is slightly bowed, but unbroken. O'Haire rolls out of the ring and finds Lynn on his feet. O'Haire goes to grab him and eats a chair shot to the head. Lynn quickly rolls him into the ring and drags him to the top rope, where he gets him set up in a Cradle Piledriver position. Before he can actually do it, O'Haire kicks Lynn in the head a few times, and Lynn drops him. O'Haire, luckily lands on his feet and goes up to the middle rope. Lynn tries to punch him off, but O'Haire dodges the last punch and grabs Lynn's legs. Lynn's struggling to get out and O'Haire hits Lynn with a top rope Alabama slam that breaks the table. Sean O'Haire retains his championship.



Time: 14 Minutes and 41 Seconds



Rating: 64



Notes: I had been going back on forth on whether or not Lynn should get his title back, since I feel that Lynn would probably have better matches than O'Haire. That being said, O'Haire is younger, already a star, and could be elevated to the next level and be a big time guy. After a while, O'Haire was the clear choice.


WCW United States Championship Match:

Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler © vs Elix Skipper


The announce team talks about the last time these two fought, and how close Skipper was in defeating the reigning United States Champion, Mark Jindrak, and that if it hadn't been for the help of Stacy Kiebler, I'd be more than likely that Skipper would've gotten a Championship opportunity well before this event.


The moment the bell rings, Skipper charges at Jindrak who rolls out of the ring. Skipper impatiently waits for Jindrak to get into the ring, and whenever he gets up onto the apron, he;d hop back down if Skipper made a move. Eventually Skipper walks over to the ropes and yells at Jindrak, saying "I've waited three months to get my hands on your cowardly ass. Now get in here!".



Jindrak, however, was in no way shape or form interested on Skipper getting his hands on him. Eventually Skipper followed him out of the ring and chases Jindrak around the ring. Jindrak rolls into the ring and gets to his feet as Skipper slides in. Jindrak starts laying a mudhole onto Skipper's shoulder, but Skipper's fueled by anger and gets to his feet. Jindrak tries to run away, but SKipper finally gets his hands on Jindrak, and throws a couple of stiff punches and hits a dragon suplex. Before Jindrak can do anything, Skipper jumps on top of him and starts throwing punches down onto Jindrak, just absolutely pummeling him. Jindrak grabs onto the ropes but Skipper doesn't stop and the Ref, Charles Robinson has to intervene. Skipper is forced to back off while Jindrak rolls out of the ring. Skipper quickly goes up to the top and hits Jindrak with a missile dropkick, sending him up and over the barricade. He continues to beat into him as Charles Robinson begins to count.



ON the outside, Elix Skipper hits Jindrak with another dragon suplex. Skipper picks him up and goes to toss him back over the barricade, when Stacy Kiebler stands in front and refuses to move. Skipper pushes her aside and tosses Jindrak over. She gets up and gets into his face, yelling at him, but Skipper ignores her, and focuses on Jindrak. Robinson momentarily stopped counting to reprimand Kiebler before resuming the count, which is at '5'. Skipper hears that and tries to rolls Jindrak into the ring, but Jindrak sends Skipper into the steps. He walks over and picks Skipper up and goes for the Mark of Excellence, but Skipper reverses it into a reverse Dragon Suplex. Skipper stomps Jindrak a few times, until he hears Robinson count '8'. Skipper quickly tries to toss Jindrak into the ring, but Jindrak reverses and throws Skipper into the ring as Robinson counts '9'. Jindrak goes to get into the ring, but Kiebler stops him and just as Skipper gets to his feet and realizes what's just happened to his chance, Robinson counts '10'.



Elix Skipper wins the match via count out, meaning that while he won, Mark Jindrak still retains the championship. Skipper, of course, is absolutely pissed and charges out of the ring, while Jindrak and Kiebler make their escape up the ramp. The announce team talk about the finish and note that this is the second time that Kiebler has helped Jindrak retain his championship in these nefarious manners.


Time: 9 Minutes and 49 Seconds



Rating: 51



Notes: N/A


Masato Tanaka vs Sting


Sting comes out and doesn't appear to have any limp at all. The announce team hype up the fact that he's even here, considering the initial diagnosis said he wouldn't be back until at least the middle of November. As Sting waits, his opponent comes down to the ring. The announce team regale the audience of the fact that this is the second match between these two men. The other match happened on the Nitro prior to Fall Brawl, and showcased a badly injured Sting, in a match that Tanaka won. Tenay states that this match will not go very well for Tanaka, as he's now facing the face of WCW at or near 100%.



Tanaka wastes no time in starting the fight as he charges at STing before the bell even rings. The bell does ring on the third punch and after the next two hit Sting, he retaliates and the two men start trading punches. Sting finished this exchange by ending a flurry of punches directly into Tanaka's face, felling the Japanese participant. Sting picks Tanaka up and pushes him back into the corner and throws his combination of punches. Tanaka takes them, and eventually dodges one, putting Sting into the corner and starts wailing on him. Tanaka takes Sting out of the corner, gets up onto the middle rope, and hits a tornado DDT. Tanaka quickly picks him up and hits a brain-buster.



Tanaka keeps Sting grounded and once he feels like Sting's taken enough punishment, he picks him up and hits him with Complete Dust. While Tanaka stands on his knees, Sting hits the mat and pops right back up, before flexing and taking it to Tanaka, pushing him back into the corner. He whips him off to the opposite side and hits him with a Stinger Splash, and then hits him with a Scorpion Death Drop. 1,2,3.



Time: 10 Minutes and 18 Seconds



Rating: 66



Notes: N/A


For the first time all night, we cut to the back, where Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff are speaking with Ric Flair. Shane asks Flair if he's really sure about the change in plans that Flair just dropped on him. Flair reassures Shane and says that the Horsemen have shown that not only can they stand above the Extremists, but that the Extremists have needed outside help to even have a chance, and tonight, they'll have nowhere left to run and nobody left to help them.



Rating: 77



Notes: N/A


ECW World Tag Team Championship Double Steel Cage Match:

The Extremists © vs The Four Horsemen


The Extremists are the first to come out and they enter the Steel cage. They stand in the first ring and wait for their opponents to come out. The Horsemen theme plays and out walks Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair. Tenay says that this must mean that Kevin Nash will be in the War Games. Heenan expresses apprehension to the choice, stating that while Flair was as good as Nash, Page and Nash were tag team partners and champions. Schiavone is much more optimistic about the pairing.



Upon entering the ring, Awesome and Storm attack Flair and Page., respectively. Awesome hits Flair with some clubbing blows, while Page is able to get the better on Storm. Page pushes Storm away, and Storm tries to get closer by throwing a superkick, which Page catches and reverses into a Diamond Cutter. Awesome sees this and leaves Flair and goes to attack Page before he can cover Storm. For a short time, Awesome is in a handicap situation which he admirably deals with until Storm returns to his feet and superkicks Flair. Meanwhile, Awesome picks DDP up in Military press slam position and instead of dropping him, he tosses him into the other ring. Awesome turns his attention to Flair momentarily and the Extremists take advantage of the numbers game. Storm superkicks Flair again, and Awesome immediately hits Flair with a German suplex. Awesome pins Flair close to the ropes and DDP is able to throw a punch and hit Awesome before Storm can intercept him.



Storm heads over to the other ring where Page is and the two start exchanging blows, while Awesome beats down on Flair, eventually tossing him into the steel cage walls repeatedly. At some point, Flair starts to bleed and Awesome grates his face against the steel cage. In the other ring, Page has gotten back to his feet and starts forcing Storm to retreat, before getting him into the corner. He starts laying punches into Storm's head and Storm falls to the ground, sitting in the corner. Page picks him up and continues to wail on him. Meanwhile, having pacified the Nature Boy, Awesome leaves Flair in a bloody heap and goes to the other ring. Page seems unaware and gets hit in the back of the head by Awesome and the Extremists team up on DDP, until DDP reverses a double back drop into twin DDTs.



The first to their feet are Page and Awesome who exchange punches. Flair is beginning to stir in the opposite ring, and Storm crawls to the ropes. Page catches one of Awesome's punches and tries to go for the Diamond Cutter, but Awesome pushes him away. Page tries coming back to Awesome but Storm cuts him off with a punch to the abdomen. He then looks to the other ring and points at Flair, who's also just gotten to his feet and is using the ropes for leverage. Awesome looks over and nods. Flair staggers backwards from the ropes just as Awesome runs off the ropes. Flair turns around to see Mike Awesome jumping over the center pair of ropes and Awesome hits Flair with a suicide dive. Storm wails on Page as Flair gets beaten down by Awesome.



The tables turn on the Extremists when Page hits a head scissors takedown on Storm. Storm gets to his feet and Page hits him with a jumping DDT, sending Storm right back to the floor. Page picks him off the ground and hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex. He picks him up again and hits him with a couple of stiff arm clotheslines, before hitting him with the Diamond Bomb. He only gets a '2' count but Storm is prone on the ground. Awesome hears the ref counting and turns just in time to see Storm kick out, but he sees that Page is in control of that side of the ring. He watches as Page begins to get to his feet and Awesome runs off the ropes. Page looks over to see Awesome in the air, but has enough time to catch Awesome's head and hit him with the Diamond Cutter. Page covers Awesome and almost gets a '3', but Storm was able to break-up the pin. Page gets to his feet first, as Flair walks over to the other ring. Page lays in some shots onto Storm and Awesome begins to stir behind Page. When Awesome gets to his feet, Storm tries to recreate the spot they had done earlier, but when he goes for the superkick, Page ducks and Storm hits Awesome, knocking him back down. Storm is shocked and turns around and almost gets hit with the Diamond Cutter, but throws Page off. When Page gets to his feet, and Storm kicks him in the gut and hits him with a cradle piledriver. Storm covers Page, but Page kicks out at '2'.



Storm stands up and catches his breath. As he does, Flair walks up behind him and turns him around before launching into a flurry of jabs and chops. Storm throws a wild haymaker to try and get Flair to back off, but Flair ducks and low blows Storm, sending him to the ground. Flair grabs one of Storm's legs and applies the Figure Four. Storm struggles in the hold for nearly a minute, before Awesome goes to break it up. Page stops Awesome and the two start trading punches while Storm's in agony. Awesome ducks a Page Clothesline and kicks him in the gut. Awesome then hits Page with the Awesome Bomb onto Flair's prone body, breaking up the Figure Four. Awesome then picks up Flair and hits him with an Awesome Bomb. 1,2,3. The Extremists retain their championships.



Time: 17 Minutes and 46 Seconds



Rating: 72



Notes: N/A


AJ Styles vs Chris Candido


Candido starts out the match with an arm drag, and tries to keep the quicker opponent tied down with a wristlock, but fails as Styles is able to reverse it into one of his own. Styles dropkicks Candido out of the ring, and Lawler starts to shout instructions at Styles. Styles hits a suicide senton onto Candido. He then rolls Candido back into the ring and tries to hit a flying forearm, but Candido ducks it causing Styles to hit nothing ut air. Candido hits Styles with a suplex and then a back breaker. He then sends Styles into the corner and gets him set up for a Superplex, but Styles gives him repeated headbutts to knock him off the top. He then hits a Spiral Tap onto Candido and gets the '3'.



Time: 13 Minutes and 2 Seconds



Rating: 52



Notes: N/A


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner © vs Steve Corino


The moment the bell rings, Steiner and Corino charge at each other and the two starts trading blows, Steiner throwing punches and Corino throwing forearms. Steiner gets the upper-hand and grabs Corino for a Belly-to-Belly, but Steiner firsts moves to the ropes and tosses Corino over the ropes and into the other ring. Steiner quickly hops over to the other ring and picks up Corino. He tries to whip Corino into the ropes and hit Corino with a clothesline but Corino ducks it and hits Steiner with one of his own.



Corino stomps on Steiner a few times, and then picks him up and hits him with a suplex. He picks him up once more and and hits him with a nothern lights bomb. Corino only gets a '2', as Steiner kicks out right after the Billy Silverman's hand hit the mat. Corino picks him up and tries to get him up for a fisherman buster, but Steiner overpowers Corino and launches him into the corner. Steiner picks Corino up and hits him with a double underhook powerbomb. With Corino on the ground, Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner. Corino tries to squirm out of the hold, but fades over the course of a minute, until the match is stopped due to Corino passing out. Scott Steiner retains his championship.



Time: 9 Minutes and 51 Seconds



Rating: 76



Notes: N/A


With the match over, Steiner grabs a mic and says that no ECW wrestler can beat him, and that once the War Games is over, ECW will be a thing of the past.



Rating: 93



Notes: N/A


War Games: Team WCW vs Team ECW



Prior to the match, a coin toss is done to see who will have the man advantage in the match. ECW wins the toss.



The first man for ECW is their captain, Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer enters the ring and waits for the next participant. The first man for WCW is Chuck Palumbo. As he enters, Tenay mentions that each new participant will come in every two minutes.



Dreamer wastes no time in trying to gain the upperhand on his opponent, but gets over powered by Palumbo, who lifts Dreamer off of the mat with a military press slam. Palumbo picks Dreamer up and whips him into the corner, before doing 10 mounted punches, and then tosses Dreamer out of the corner. When Dreamer gets to his feet, he turns to find Palumbo launching off of the top rope and ends up getting with with a shoulderblock. Palumbo picks Dreamer up and gets close to the ropes. As the 10 Second countdown timer starts for the next entrant, Palumbo hits a massive fallaway slam onto Dreamer, sending him over the first top rope, and landing on the middle rope of the 2nd ring. As Palumbo stands, the 2nd ECW wrestler comes down the aisle as the countdown hits '0'.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer




The 2nd ECW wrestler is the Sandman, who runs in with his kendo stick. Palumbo, however, is completely ready for Sandman, and once he gets into the ring, Palumbo charges at Sandman, trying to disarm him. He succeeds and uses it on Sandman, before Sandman kicks it out of his hand. Palumbo then continues to lay into Sandman, until Dream comes up behind him and hits him with the discarded kendo stick, knocking Palumbo to the ground. The two ECW wrestlers start stomping on Palumbo, and Palumbo takes a tremendous amount of punishment. As they continue to wail on Palumbo, the countdown timer starts. The two men stop and await the 2nd WCW wrestler.


Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman



The 2nd WCW wrestler is none other than a member of the Four Horsemen; Kevin Nash, who saunters to the ring. He gets into the ring and hits Sandman with a big boot, before Dreamer starts htting Nash with the kendo stick. Nash catches the stick, and pulls Dreamer towards him and hits a sidewalk slam. Nash takes the kendo stick and beats the hell out of Dreamer and Sandman. Palumbo finally gets to his feet and he and Nash beat down on the two members of ECW. Dreamer crawls away to the other ring, and Nash follows him while Palumbo focuses on Sandman. The countdown timer appears and in 10 Seconds, the next participant is on their way down to the ring.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman




The 3rd member of the ECW team is former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Mikey Whipwreck. Tenay states that he has to be the mystery man for the ECW team, and also mentions his prior accomplisments such as he aforementioned title victory and his victory over Steve Austin back in 1995. He enters through the door on the second ring and attacks Palumbo, who isn't fazed by it at first, but after a couple well aimed punches and Dreamer joining in, Palumbo gets taken out by a Dreamer DDT. Dreamer and Whipwreck head over to the other ring and help Sandman. Or try to, as Nash is able to combat all three for time, but eventually Nash is felled by the three ECW men. The three team up on Nash and target his legs. Palumbo gets to his feet and heads to the other ring and tries to alleviate the punishment being inflicted onto Nash, but the numbers are in favor of the ECW team. But as they wail on Nash and Palumbo, the numbers were about to even up, as the countdown timer appeared. When it hit '0', the three were too busy trying to incapacitate the current members of team WCW to really notice.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck



It's Sting! Sting's the third man for WCW, and he races down to the ring like a house of fire, and upon getting into the ring, he takes it to the closest man, Dreamer. He hits his combination of strikes and ast the other members of ECW come around him, he hits them all with his jab/backhand combination. He whips them into different corners and hits all of them with a Stinger Splash. With Sting having pacified the ECW threat, Nash and Palumbo are able to get to work on weakening them. Nash and Sting head to the second ring in pursuit of Dreamer and Whipwreck, while Palumbo stays behind in the first ring to pummel Sandman. During this point, Tenay mentions that Sting seems to be well-rested, considering that he has already wrestled tonight. As Sting synches in the Scorpion Deathlock onto Tommy Dreamer, the countdown timer begins.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash, Sting | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck



When it hits '0', the lights go out. When they come back on, Sabu is in the ring with a steel chair, which he throws into Palumbo's face. He picks it up and whips it at Nash, who was just beginning to get into the first ring, and hits him in the face as well. He picks the chair up off the ground once more and fires it at Sting, who catches it and tosses it aside. Sting and Sabu start trading punches, and Sting forces him into the ropes. Sting whips him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, which Sabu ducks. When Sting turns around, Sabu jumps off the middle rope and hits Sting with a springboard leg lariat, knocking him to the ground. The other ECW wrestlers are up on their feet at this time, and they use the Steel Chair and Kendo Stick to their advantage, taking their pound of flesh from each of the WCW competitors. As the kendo stick frays across the back of Chuck Palumbo, the countdown timer begins, and ECW appears to be standing tall.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash, Sting | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu



The timer goes off and out runs Booker T, the 4th man for WCW. All of the ECW guys are waiting for him in the first ring, but Booker is able to get in unmolested and ducks a chair shot thrown by Sabu, which bounces off the cage and lands next to Nash. Booker throws an axe kick which knocks the Sandman down, but gets hit in the back with a kendo stick by Whipwreck. Booker turns to face Whipwreck, who swings the kendo stick at him once more, but Booker dodges it and hits Whipwreck with the Book End, causing Whipwreck to drop the kendo stick. Booker gets back up and gets hit in the back by Dreamer and Sabu. Sabu goes to grab the chair, but Nash gets to a knee and rams the chair into Sabu's abdomen, while Booker kicks Dreamer in the gut and hits him with a scissor kick. The WCW guys get to their feet and start to lay into the ECW wrestlers. When Nash cracks Dreamer across the temple with a steel chair, the countdown timer comes up.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash, Sting, Booker T | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu


The final ECW wrestler comes down and it's Terry Funk. He enters the ECW door and the first person to greet him is Kevin Nash. Funk throws a couple of good punches at Nash, which reels him into the corner. Funk does 10 mounted punches before Palumbo comes up form behind and kncoks Terry down. With Nash and Palumbo focusing on Funk, Booker and Sting have to deal with the other four, and over the course of a minute, the four gain the upperhand on the two, with Dreamer and Sabu heading to the second ring to help Funk. With Dreamer and Sabu's help, Funk is able to hit Palumbo with a pildriver, and hits Nash with a sitdown jawbreaker that staggers him. Dreamer hits Nash with a DDT, while Sabu sets up the chair. He then hits Nash with the Triple Jump Moonsault. Sabu and Dreamer pick up Nash and Funk hits him with a piledriver. As the ECW wrestlers resume the beatdown on the WCW wrestlers, the countdown timer comes up again, for the final time.



Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash, Sting, Booker T | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu, Terry Funk



The final participant of the match comes down and it's the 5th man for WCW, Randy Savage, who bounds to the ring and once inside, takes out each and every ECW wrestler. Tenay notes that with every participant in the match, any pinfalls or submissions will now end the match. He grabs Dreamer's head, busted open from the earlier chair shot, and punches him dead in the wound, knocking him to the ground. Fighting breaks out all over the twin rings, with Palumbo, Sting and Booker, fighting Sandman, Terry Funk and Mikey Whipwreck, respectively, in the first ring and in the second ring, Nash and Savage are fighting Dreamer and Sabu. At first, the fresh man of WCW puts them over the edge, but as the minutes pass, the offensive flurry of WCW wavers, until Savage heads to the top rope.




Team WCW: Chuck Palumbo, Kevin Nash, Sting, Booker T, Randy Savage | Team ECW: Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu, Terry Funk




Dreamer lies prone on the mat, and Savage leaps of the top rope only to hit canvas as Dreamer rolls out of the way. With Savage on the ground, and Nash fighting Sabu, Dreamer quickly runs over and shoulderblocks Nash's knee, taking him to the ground. When Savage gets up, he finds himself in a 2v1 situation that he tries to fight off, but succumbs to a chair being whipped in his face by Sabu. Sabu and Dreamer get into the first ring and help the other ECW guys. Sabu hits Booker and Palumbo, with the chair, knocking them down, but when he hits Sting, Sting no sells it, flexes, and starts taking it to all of the ECW guys, going back and forth from each of the men with his combination punches. Dreamer takes a swing at him with the kendo stick, but Sting dodges, and hits Dreamer with a Scorpion Deathlock. As Sting goes to pin Dreamer, Funk waps Sting in the back with the steel chair, and he no sells that and gets to a knee, when Funk grabs Sting, pulls him in and hits him with a piledriver. He covers Sting while the other ECW wrestlers run interference. 1,2,3. Terry Funk pins Sting and Team ECW wins the match.



Time: 24 Minutes and 18 Seconds



Rating: 67



Notes: I was going back and forth about whether it should be Nash in this match or Flair, and I felt that in this situation, Nash would've been the better choice in the War Games.


Team ECW celebrates their victory as the announces contemplate what just happened and what's in store come tomorrow night.



Rating: 71



Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 70


Card + Winners:


Main Event: 5 vs 5 War Games Match


Team WCW (Randy Savage, Booker T, TFH, Sting, and Chuck Palumbo) vs Team ECW (Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Sabu, Sandman, ???)


Bonus Points for picking correct Horsemen (Kevin Nash) and correct ECW wrestler (Mikey Whipwreck).


(Note: If ECW wins, they get a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade. If WCW wins, ECW goes away)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:


Scott Steiner © vs Steve Corino


Chris Candido vs AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler


WCW World Tag Team Championship Double Steel Cage Match:

The Extremists vs The Four Horsemen


Bonus Points for picking the correct Horsemen (Diamond Dallas Page and Ric Flair).


Masato Tanaka vs Sting


WCW United States Championship Match:


Elix Skipper vs Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler ©


WCW World Television Championship Table Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Jerry Lynn


Hair vs Hair Match:


Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match:


TAKA Michinoku © vs Rey Mysterio Jr.




DHK1989: 8/11
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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of November, 2001


Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Mike Awesome


Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


Elix Skipper vs Chuck Palumbo


Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman


Opener: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

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Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Mike Awesome


Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett


Elix Skipper vs Chuck Palumbo


Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman


Opener: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of November, 2001


This week starts out, not with Pyro, but with Bill Alfonso, who comes out and explains just exactly what was on the line in the main event last night. The only thing that had been revealed to the audience was that a ECW wrestler will challenge Scott Steiner at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. And Alfonso finally reveals the the conditions that they won:



  1. ECW will have a shot for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade (which had already been disclosed)
  2. The November PPV (November to Remember) will be an officially sanctioned ECW PPV, held at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
  3. All titles currently held by ECW wrestlers are now officially ECW championships.
  4. ECW wrestlers have been given locker rooms in the building separate from the WCW ones, and are official members of the roster.
  5. ECW Champions will not have to defend their titles until after Starrcade.

After the 5th condition, he looks to the announcers table and says that the last condition required one of the announcers to leave, and Alfonso picks Mike Tenay. Tenay and Alfonso exchange words and Tenay heads to the back. As he does, Alfonso introduces Tenay's replacement: Joey Styles. Styles gets acclimated to the desk as the first match begins.



Rating: 41



Notes: A new thing I'm gonna try is to save those long match descriptions for PPV's. I figured I'd give this format a try for the next 4 weeks of TV and see how it works, and I thought of it during my 4 days of writing the Halloween Havoc match descriptions. As shown below, only important highlights of the match will be given for these weekly shows, but if there is a storyline significant moment, that will be described as normal.



AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler vs Christopher Daniels


Highlights: Christopher Daniels goes for the Angel's Wings early, but Styles reverses it into a northern lights suplex.




Styles does his under-over-dropkick spot, knocking Daniels out of the ring. While Daniels recovers on the outside, Lawler gives advice to Styles.



Styles goes for a flying forearm only to land on nothing and get hit with the Angel's Wings. Lawler prevents the Ref from couting and Daniels punches Lawler off the apron. Styles then hits the Styles Clash and wins the match.



Time: 15 Minutes and 23 Seconds




Rating: 48




Notes: If after these 4 shows, you want me to return to the old way, I will acquiesce.


Scott Steiner comes out to the ring and begins to cut into ECW, but before he can say much of anything, Randy Savage comes out. The two stare each other down, until Savage starts talking. Savage praises Steiner's battles with ECW, but admonishes him for going it alone. Savage then posits the idea of he and Steiner teaming together against the ECW threat. Steiner thinks about it, and only agrees after Savage reveals that he needs a tag partner against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome in next week's main event.



Rating: 75



Notes: N/A


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Billy Kidman


Highlights: Kidman gets out of the Widow Maker and hits O'Haire with a Kidman Bomb.




O'Haire catchs Kidman's Shooting Star Press and hits him with the Widow Maker and gets the victory.



Time: 7 Minutes and 59 Seconds



Rating: 65



Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Elix Skipper is furiously waiting in Shane's office. When Shane walks in, Skipper immediately launches into a tirade about Jindrak and how it's wrong that he's been screwed twice because of Stacy Kiebler. Shane asks what he wants, and Elix says he wants a match against Jindrak for the US Championship without Stacy at ringside. Shane shoots it down and says that he just had one, and that he's going to have to wait and prove that he's ready for another one, and tells him to go get ready for his match. Elix leaves, still furious.



Rating: 58




Notes: N/A


Chuck Palumbo vs Elix Skipper


Highlights: Elix Skipper maneuvers out of a pinfall attempt and hits Palumbo with a spinning heel kick.



Elix Skipper goes for the New School, put Palumbo hit him with a powerbomb.



Chuck Palumbo hits Skipper with the Chuck Deluxe and gets the pinfall.



Time: 10 Minutes and 19 Seconds




Rating: 55




Notes: N/A


Shane Douglas comes out, with a shaven head. He grabs a mic and says that with everything ECW won from last night, they should enjoy, because they won't have it forever. He says that RVD couldn't beat him on his own, so he went out and got help, and that whatever feelings he had for his old stomping ground are gone and that he's going to make sure that ECW burns to the ground. Before he can say anything else, Corino runs down the aisle and their match begins.



Rating: 73




Notes: N/A


Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino


Highlights: Steve Corino hits Douglas with a fisherman buster.



Shane Douglas hits Corino with a belly-to-belly.



Shane Douglas hits Corino with the Franchiser.


After the Match, Douglas grabbed a chair and laid into Corino.




Time: 14 Minutes and 7 Seconds




Rating: 66




Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where DDP is getting ready, and Jarrett walks up to him. The two exchange some words, before things start getting ready, due to Jarrett mocking him for losing to Awesome and Storm the night prior. Page retorts that atleast he actually fought yesterday, while Jarrett was at home. The two almost get into a fight, but some security guys start pushing Jarrett to the ring.



Rating: 62



Notes: N/A


Jeff Jarrett vs Diamond Dallas Page



Highlights: Jeff Jarrett wiggles out of the Diamond Cutter twice during this match.



Jeff Jarrett hits Page with the Stroke and wins the match.



During the match, Page was distracted by the Extremists, who were watching from the rampway, allowing Jarrett to get the upperhand at the end of the match and win.



Time: 13 Minutes and 48 Seconds




Rating: 71




Notes: N/A


Kevin Nash comes out to the ring and begins to cut a promo on the Extremists and calls them 'lucky', and that if they ever had to be in a fair fight, they'd lose. Awesome comes out and says that they have been in fair fights and have beaten everybody thrown their way, and that he's going to kick Nash's rear-end all over the ring.



Rating: 63




Notes: N/A


Kevin Nash vs Mike Awesome


Highlights: A big man fight, where one of the big man is very agile.



Mike Awesome goes for a suicide dive and hits the barricade as Nash moves aside.



Awesome goes for the Awesome Bomb, but Kevin Nash escapes the move, before hitting Awesome with a Jackknife power-bomb for the victory.



Time: 9 Minutes and 5 Seconds




Rating: 66




Notes: N/A


As Nash gets up to celebrate, Storm rushes down to the ring and hits Nash with a superkick. Storm picks Awesome up and the two start to beat down on Nash, until Shane Douglas rushes down with a chair, getting a few hits on Storm and Awesome as they run away.



Rating: 66




Notes: N/A



Overall Rating: 69


Card + Winners

Main Event: Kevin Nash vs Mike Awesome


Diamond Dallas Pagevs Jeff Jarrett


Elix Skipper vs Chuck Palumbo


Shane Douglas vs Steve Corino


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire vs Billy Kidman


Opener: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels




DHK1989: 5/6

TheBigBad1013: 4/6

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of November, 2001


Main Event: Randy Savage & Scott Steiner vs The Extremists


Upper MidCard:WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Chuck Palumbo



MidCard: Booker T vs Rob Van Dam



Lower MidCard: Ric Flair vs Buff Bagwell



Opener: Elix Skipper vs Tommy Dreamer

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Main Event: Randy Savage & Scott Steiner vs The Extremists


Upper MidCard: WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Chuck Palumbo



MidCard: Booker T vs Rob Van Dam



Lower MidCard: Ric Flair vs Buff Bagwell



Opener: Elix Skipper vs Tommy Dreamer

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<p>WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of November, 2001</p><p> </p><p>

After the pyro and the welcome from the announce team, Tommy Dreamer comes out and challenges Elix Skipper to a match, saying that he’s tired of hearing his whining, and that he would never have made it in ECW because ECW wrestlers take their chances and make the best of them. Skipper comes down and the two wrestlers start to brawl.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 61</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Elix Skipper vs Tommy Dreamer</span></p><p> </p><p>

Highlights: The two exchange a flurry of punches, ending with Skipper getting the upper-hand.</p><p> </p><p>

Skipper hits Dreamer with a brainbuster and goes for the pin, but Dreamer kicks out. Skipper reaches out to grab Dreamer’s leg, but Dreamer kicks Skipper’s hand and Skipper starts and jumping up and down in pain. When the camera is able to get a shot, it shows that the kick ended up breaking Skipper’s ring and pinky finger.</p><p> </p><p>

Skipper pulls through the injury and hits Dreamer with the Play of the Day and gets the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 14 Minutes and 9 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 50</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: Skipper actually broke his fingers in this match, but after only 6 days, they’ll be healed, so he’ll be more than fine for the next week’s show, if he’s booked.</p><p>


Buff Bagwell comes out and complains about the performance of the Horsemen at the last PPV, calling Jindrak a coward, Douglas a traitor, and- then he gets cut off by Flair who says that the reason why Bagwell wasn’t even there is because everyone at home, everyone in the back and everyone in the crowd knows that Bagwell simply can’t cut it. Flair then says that he’s going to beat Bagwell like a dog, and their match begins.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 64</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Buff Bagwell vs Ric Flair</span></p><p> </p><p>

Highlights: Flair spends the first few minutes throwing jabs and chops</p><p> </p><p>

Bagwell beals Flair off the top rope</p><p> </p><p>

Flair hits Bagwell with a crossbody</p><p> </p><p>

Bagwell whiffs on the block buster</p><p> </p><p>

Flair makes Bagwell tap out ot the figure-four.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 12 Minutes and 47 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 69</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


As Flair heads to the locker room, Booker comes out and asks him to keep the Horsemen at bay for his next match against RVD, saying he can do it on his own. Flair shrugs and leaves, as Booker heads to the ring for his match.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 69</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rob Van Dam vs Booker T</span></p><p> </p><p>

Highlights: Booker t hits Van Dam with an Axe Kick after RVD lands from a missed springboard kick.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker goes for the Book End, and RVD overrotates, lands on his feet and hits Booker with a DDT.</p><p> </p><p>

Van Dam hits the rolling Thunder on Booker. </p><p> </p><p>

RVD goes for the 5* Frog Splash and and hits the Canvas.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker gets up, picks RVD up and hits a spine buster.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker goes to the top rope and RVD gets up earlier than expected, so Booker hits him with a Missile Dropkick.</p><p> </p><p>

Booker goes for the Book End, but RVD reverses into a small package. He almost gets the victory, until Booker reverses the hold, putting RVD in the pinning predicament, and Booker wins the match:</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 21 Minutes and 22 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 74</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


As soon as the package is broken, RVD starts attacking Booker and starts to get Booker into a corner where all he can do is defend himself, until Douglas runs down with a bat, and is able to snag RVD’s arm with it, causing RVD to get somewhat hurt. Douglas grabs a mic and challenges RVD to a match a November to Remember, and that if he wins, the Extremists will defend their titles at Starrcade, against the Horsemen. RVD does not provide an answer.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: </p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>WCW World Television Championship Match:</strong></em></span></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sean O’Haire vs Chuck Palumbo</span></p><p> </p><p>

Highlights: Tag Team partners facing off against one another for a singles championship.</p><p> </p><p>

Palumbo and O’Haire do not take it easy on each other, hitting each other with hard hitting blows.</p><p> </p><p>

Palumbo goes for a Belly To Back Suplex, but O’Haire gets out.</p><p> </p><p>

O’Haire gets put into the Torture Rack, but gets out, and hits Palumbo with the Widow Maker and gets the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 7 Minutes and 38 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 63</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


We cut to the back where Don West is interviewing Randy Savage and Scott Steiner. The two hype up their match against the Extremists and Savage spends a good amount of time hyping up Steiner while Steiner poses. Steiner starts to talk, and says that with the Macho Man and Freakzilla, the Extremists don’t stand a chance.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 72</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Randy Savage & Scott Steiner vs The Extremists</span></p><p> </p><p>

Highlights: Steiner does a military press slam and drops to his knees, posing with his muscles. </p><p> </p><p>

Storm hits Steiner with a superkick, and turns around into a flying double axe-handle from Savage.</p><p> </p><p>

Awesome and Steiner throw clubbing blows at each while Savage hits a crossbody onto Storm.</p><p> </p><p>

Awesome goes for an Awesome Bomb onto Savage and eats a clothesline from Steiner.</p><p> </p><p>

As Steiner puts Storm into the Steiner Recliner, RVD runs out from the crowd and hits Steiner with the chair, and the ref calls for the bell, having Steiner and Savage when via DQ.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 16 Minutes and 13 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 73</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


The Extremists and RVD try to beat down on Savage and Steiner but the two put up a fight, and when Shane Douglas arrives from the back, the three men push back the ECW invaders. Douglas stares down RVD, and the ECW guys walk away.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 68</p><p> </p><p>

Notes: N/A</p><p>


Overall Rating: 68</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Card + Winners</span></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: <strong>Randy Savage & Scott Steiner</strong> vs The Extremists</p><p> </p><p>

Upper MidCard: WCW World Television Championship Match: <strong>Sean O'Haire ©</strong> vs Chuck Palumbo</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

MidCard: <strong>Booker T</strong> vs Rob Van Dam</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Lower MidCard: <strong>Ric Flair</strong> vs Buff Bagwell</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Opener: <strong>Elix Skipper</strong> vs Tommy Dreamer</p>

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<p>Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Week of November, 2001</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Randy Savage vs Mike Awesome</p><p> </p><p>

Upper-MidCard: Mark Jindrak vs Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard: Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels vs James Storm & Johnny Swinger</p><p> </p><p>

Lower-MidCard: The Four Horsemen (DDP & Douglas) vs The Unholy Alliance (Tajiri & Whipwreck)</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler</p>

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<p>Main Event: <strong>Randy Savage</strong> vs Mike Awesome</p><p> </p><p>

Upper-MidCard: Mark Jindrak vs <strong>Jerry Lynn</strong></p><p> </p><p>

MidCard: <strong>Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels</strong> vs James Storm & Johnny Swinger</p><p> </p><p>

Lower-MidCard: <strong>The Four Horsemen (DDP & Douglas)</strong> vs The Unholy Alliance (Tajiri & Whipwreck)</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Match: <strong>Sean O'Haire ©</strong> vs AJ Styles</p>

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Week of November, 2001


As the pyro technics finish and the annoucners introduce themselves, we cut to the back where Bill Alfonso, Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon are conversing in Shane's office. Alfonso is negotiating with Eric, while Shane stands aside, simply listening in. Since the next PPV is a ECW PPV, they have a decent amount of control over the matches and stipulations and Eric was haggling hard with Alfonso.


Currently, Alfonso had gotten a match for the WCW United States Championship, where Mark Jindrak would be without Stacy Kiebler. He had gotten a gauntler for the WCW World Television Championship, where Sean O'Haire would start and, if he were to retain, have to beat 4 wrestlers in succession.


Eric, however, had thwarted some of Alfonso's requests, such as putting Steiner into a large handicap match with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line. What would happen with Steiner was unclear, but in order to defeat that line of questioning, Eric had to give up a stipulation for another match.


He of course, asked Shane Douglas before agreeing to the exchange. Now it was official. Shane Douglas would meet with Rob van Dam at November to Remember. If Shane Douglas won, then The Extremists and TAKA Michinoky would have to defend their championships at Starrcade. In return, if Rob Van Dam won, Shane Douglas would be forced to retire.


Rating: 54


Notes: N/A


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler


Highlights: AJ Styles kicks out one of O'Haire's legs sending him to a knee. He then runs off the ropes and as he goes to step on O'Haire's leg, O'Haire begins to stand, and Styles jumps off his leg and hits him with a leg drop.



O'Haire catches a Styles flying forearm attempt and hits a military press slam. When O'Haire goes to pick him up, Styles does a kip-up huricanrana.



O'Haire goes for the Widow Maker, but Styles reverses it into a DDT. He then goes for the Styles Clash, but O'Haire picks him up and hits the Widow Maker, getting the victory.



Time: 13 Minutes and 11 Seconds




Rating: 52




Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Don West is interviewing DDP and Shane Douglas of the Four Hrosemen. Don W. first asks about their match tonight, which both Page and Douglas seem very confident about. Don then asks about the stipulation for his match against Rob Van Dam, and Douglas smiles, and states that he's not worried about what will come to pass in 13 Days.



Rating: 62



Notes: N/A


The Four Horsemen (DDP and Douglas) vs The Unholy Alliance



Highlight: This match is the debut of James Mitchell.



This is Tajiri's first match back from suspension.




DDP and Douglas use teamwork to hit Whipwreck with a double suplex, followed a flapjack Diamond Cutter to Tajiri for the victory.




Time: 17 Minutes and 9 Seconds



Rating: 62



Notes: N/A


Not much is snoticed as James Storm and Johnny Swinger come out, but once Elix Skipper walks out with Daniels, the commentary team notices some ECW wrestlers (Lance Storm, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer) watching from the crowd, with Schiavone pondering why they're watching this match and not the last one. Joey Styles says that there's no reason to watch a tag team that won't be around 2 weeks from now.



Rating: 49



Notes: N/A


Elix Skipper and Christopher Daniels vs James Storm and Johnny Swinger


Highlight: Elix Skipper tags out to Daniels after leaving Swinger crotched on the top rope. Skipper then hits a New School, and before Swinger can get a sceond of time on the ground, Daniels hits him with the Angel's Wings getting the pinfall while Skipper ran interference on Storm.



As the match ends, the camera pans to the ECW wrestlers and shows Storm speaking with Dreamer, pointing at the ring. Dreamer simply nods as the two walk out of view.



Time: 12 Minutes and 45 Seconds




Rating: 46




Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Stacy and Jindrak are getting ready. Stacy's giving him words of encouragement and making a plan for how to deal with their opponent, when Lynn walks up to them. Jindrak gets tensed up, ready for a fight, but Lynn doesn't give it to him, instead giving him a warning, that 13 Days from now that belt will no longer be in his possession.



Rating: 57



Notes: N/A



Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler vs Jerry Lynn


Highlight: Just as Lynn hits Jindrak with the cradle piledriver, Stacy distracts the ref. Lynn has to abandon his pinfall attempt and he knocks Stacy off the apron. This gives Jindrak enough time to roll Lynn up and get the victory.



Time: 13 Minutes and 29 Seconds



Rating: 60




Notes: N/A


We cut to the back for the final time tonight, where Steiner and Savage are getting ready for Savage's match. Savage describes what he's going to do to Awesome while Steiner hypes up Savage.




Rating: 82



Notes: N/A


Randy Savage vs Mike Awesome





Awesome hits a big boot onto Savage, knocking him out of the ring.




Awesome goes for, and hits the Suicide Dive to the outside, but htis Steiner instead of Savage. When he gets him he realizes his mistake, but it's too late as Savage takes the upper-hand.



Savage hits Awesome with a body slam and goes for the Elbow Drop, but Awesome rolls out of the way.



Awsome goes for the Awesome Bomb, but Steiner helps Savage get out of it.



Awesome and Savage start exchanging punches. When it looks as though Savage might lose, he distracts Awesome. When Awesome confronts Steiner, Steiner throws a punch, which misses Awesome and hits Savage, allowing Awesome to hit Savage with the Awesome Bomb and get the victory.



Time: 15 Minutes and 1 Seconds




Rating: 60




Notes: N/A


As Awesome leaves the ring, Savage is madder than hell at Steiner and Savage gets into Steiner's face. Steiner doesn't take to kindly and the two almost come to blows before secutiry breaks them up.



Rating: 84




Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 66


Card + Winners


Main Event: Randy Savage vs Mike Awesome


Upper-MidCard: Mark Jindrak vs Jerry Lynn


MidCard: Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels vs James Storm & Johnny Swinger


Lower-MidCard: The Four Horsemen (DDP & Douglas) vs The Unholy Alliance (Tajiri & Whipwreck)


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs AJ Styles /w Jerry Lawler




DHK1989: 3/5
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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of November, 2001


Main Event: Lance Storm vs Sting


Upper MidCard: Shane Douglas vs Jerry Lynn


MidCard: Billy Kidman vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Lower MidCard: Elix Skipper vs TAKA Michinoku


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs James Storm

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