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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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Friday, 3rd Week of November, 2001: An Honest Request


Shane relaxed in his office and looked over the booking for this Nitro’s matches, as well as the match card for November to Remember. He was happy with what they had going so far, but felt like they were still missing their big show, one that’d really put them back on the map like they had been just 3 years prior.


Halloween Havoc was a big success, but they had still only gotten 285k buys for the show. He hoped that it would translate to a higher buy rate for November to Remember, but for now was going in with the assumption that it wouldn’t, which would more than likely mean they would make around the same amount as they did this last month, which was about 500k. He was pleasantly surprised to have received his financial report and saw that the amount of money they received from just the PPV had nearly doubled, but that was to be expected with the new PPV provider they had negotiated with. Larger range meant more people could buy the PPV, and they did. The new PPV provider didn’t want much more than the previous one, so it was a rather easy move to make.


But, they still weren’t in any safe place. Come the beginning of the new year, FOX would renegotiate the revenue split between them and WCW, and he knew that they would lose out on quite a bit of revenue. Would it be enough to dip into the red? Maybe, but he wanted to get prepared for the possibility.


It was then that he heard a knock on his door. He welcomed whoever it was in, and in walked Christopher Daniels, which surprised him. He walked up and the two exchanged some small talk for a bit before Daniels got to the point. Apparently, a former place of employment for him was going to have to file for bankruptcy soon, and he wanted Shane to buy them out. Shane shot it down immediately, but Daniels explained hie reasoning. According to him, his old company had an agreement with the Fed, and should it get to a point where they’ll go out of business, the Fed will almost certainly take over and take the guys for themselves.


Shane asked him why he was so sure of it, and Daniels pulled out his phone and said that he’d been filled in on everything by some of the guys there, and that Vince had sent Patterson down to scout out some talent last month, before their financial troubles flared up, and that Patterson had glowing praise for the guys. Shane nodded, and thought to himself. Could Patterson have just been kind to these guys and they weren’t really worth anything? Maybe, but the opposite possibility was just as likely. He inquired into when their next show was and Daniels said that it would be the Friday before their PPV. Shane told him he’d send somebody over to California to scout the UPW roster, and Daniels seemed happy about that.


When he left, Shane delved deeper into the financial status of UPW and looked at their roster on paper, and if Daniels thought that he was going to pony up the 400k+ to get anybody, he was mistaken. He’d still send somebody, but he shook his head at the idea. Looking at the roster, he did see Vic Grimes on the roster, and saw that he was their current World Champion. Vic wasn’t a big ECW star, but he was ECW, and he figured that Vic Grimes was never going to go to WWF, so he just had to wait for the company to fold before getting him, preferably after Starrcade.


He sighed and made a few phone calls. By the end of the night, he had convinced Tommy Dreamer, Eric Bischoff, John Laurinatis and Finlay to go to the show and report back to him. He didn’t expect much of anything to come from it, but he had given his word.

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of November, 2001


The show begins with a pyrotechnics display, followed by the Horsemen comping out to the ring. Ric Flair is given a mic and after talking for a little bit, he reveals that he’s been told that he, Nash, and Page are going to have to wrestle each other at November to Remember in a triple threat match, with the loser being suspended from in-ring competition for 6 months. Flair says that ECW is taking liberties with their newfound power, but it won’t matter in the end, because the Horsemen will not be divided so easily.


Rating: 66


Notes: N/A


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O’Haire © vs James Storm


Highlight: Sean O’Haire hitting the Widow Maker onto James Storm for the victory.


Time: 3 Minutes and 37 Seconds


Rating: 48


Notes: One of the road agent notes that it gave me was that there was a noticeable lack of psychology in the middle of this match. The question I have, is how?


As the next match is about to begin, the camera’s cut to the crowd, where Lance Storm and Tommy Dreamer are watching the ring. As Elix Skipper comes out, Storm leans over and starts talking to Dreamer, who remains stoic.


Rating: 53


Notes: N/A


Elix Skipper vs TAKA Michinoku


Highlights: Elix Skipper maneuvers out of a pinfall attempt and throws a spinning heel kick, but TAKA catches the foot and hits Skipper with a german suplex.


TAKA Michinoku hits a springboard dive to the outside onto Skipper.


TAKA goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Skipper gets out of it and hits TAKA with a dragon suplex. When TAKA gets to his feet, Skipper hits him with a spinning heel kick.


Skipper crotches TAKA on the top rope and goes for the New School, but TAKA reverses it into a powerbomb.


Skipper hits TAKA with the Play of the Day, and gets the victory.


Time: 14 Minutes and 21 Seconds


Rating: 64


Notes: N/A


As Elix Skipper celebrates, Lance Storm hops over the barricade and enters the ring. When Skipper turns around and sees him, he tenses up and gets ready for a fight, but Storm puts his hands up and the two men talk for around half a minute. During this time, Dreamer climbed up to the apron and watched the two. Tenay notes that Skipper and Storm were former members of Team Canada, and Heenan posits that they might be trying to get Skipper to switch sides. Just as those words leave Heenan’s lips, Skipper shakes his head and exits the ring. Storm and Dreamer watch him go, and Storm goes over to Dreamer and the two exchange words. TAKA walks over and he joins in, and the three men eventually leave through the crowd.


Rating: 64


Notes: N/A


Billy Kidman vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Highlights: A few minutes of high-flying Cruiserweight action.


Mysterio hits Kidman with a Huricanrana to the outside of the ring. Mysterio then hits a suicide dive.


Kidman reverses the West Coast Pop into the BK Bomb, getting only a ‘2’ count.


Kidman hits a Top Rope DDT onto Mysterio Jr.


Kidman goes for a Shooting Star Press, but hits only canvas. As he stands, Mysterio hits a West Coast Pop and earns the victory.


Time: 17 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 72


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Don West is interviewing Shane Douglas, who rips into ECW, and says that come this Sunday, Van Dam will be pacified and ECW will not be able to simply hide away at Starrcade. But today, Jerry Lynn will have to do.


Rating: 50


Notes: N/A


Shane Douglas vs Jerry Lynn


Highlights: Jerry Lynn hits a crossbody onto Shane Douglas.


Lynn goes for an early Cradle Pildriver, but gets back dropped by Shane Douglas.


Douglas hits Lynn with a belly-to-belly.


Douglas tries to hit Lynn with the Franchiser, but Lynn reverses and hits Douglas with a BrainBuster.


Lynn goes for an Air Raid Crash, and hits nothing but air. Shane Douglas capitalizes on the opportunity and hits Lynn with the Pittsburgh Plunge for the victory.


Time: 22 Minutes and 24 Seconds


Rating: 74


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Gene Oklerlund is interviewing Sting. Gene asks Sting not only about this upcoming match, but also about Sting’s match at November to Remember, which is against Mike Awesome in singles competition. Sting talks bout his match tonight, stating that Storm is not a challenge to take lightly, but he knows that he can beat him, and he says that he will beat Lance Storm, just like he’ll beat Mike Awesome.




Notes: N/A


Lance Storm vs Sting


Highlights: Storm hits Sting with a suplex.


Storm puts Sting in the Boston Crab, and Sting reverses into the Scorpion Deathlock.


Sting hits a top rope clothesline onto Storm.


Lance Storm dodges a Stinger Splash and hits Sting with a superkick, only getting a ‘2’. He then tries to put Sting into the Boston Crap once more, but Sting fights him off and once he gets to his feet, catches a superkick from Storm and whips him into the corner and hits him with a Stinger Splash. He then hits Storm with a Scorpion Deathlock for the victory.


Time: 16 Minutes and 56 Seconds


Rating: 78


Notes: N/A


After the ring clears, Bill Alfonso comes out and announces the main event of November to Remember. Shane and Eric come down, unaware of whatever it was Bill was about to put forth. The three trade words until Bill Alfonso announces that Scott Steiner will defend his championship against Randy Savage. Steiner comes out and expresses his confidence in having to fight Savage, which Savage doesn’t take very kindly and he comes down and confronts Steiner. The two trade barbs and end up throwing fists at each other, with Shane trying to interject himself and catching a few of them, but is successful in preventing a full blown fight. Savage taunts Steiner and Steiner taunts him right back.


Rating: 71


Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 74


Card + Winners:


Lance Storm vs Sting

Shane Douglas vs Jerry Lynn

Billy Kidman vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Elix Skipper vs TAKA Michinoku

Sean O'Haire © vs James Storm




DHK1989: 5/5

Levinix: 3/5

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Friday, 4th Week of November, 2001: An Honest Investment


Shane was startled awake as his phone rang incessantly. He reached over and answered it, but gave himself a minute to get composed. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was a couple minutes to 1 AM. He shook his head, and put the phone to his ear.


S: Do you have any idea what time it is here?


Finlay: Yeah, well you told me to call if I thought we had something over here.


S: You’ve got something?


F: Yeah. There a couple guys here that we can really work with, and hell, there’s a good chance that they’ll be stars.


Shane sat upright in his hotel room bed. He was currently in Philadelphia, where they were still trying to get everything set up for the PPV on Sunday. And he certainly wasn’t expecting to hear this kind of news at this time of night.


S: Ok, and what do you want me to do about that?


F: Buy out the company.


Shane nearly dropped the phone.


S: Are you that sure? It’s not some small amount.


F: Let me put it this way, Shane: In five years, I’ll ask you if they were worth the cost, and if the answer’s ‘no’, you can fire me. And not just me. Laurinatis is pretty sure too.


S: “Pretty sure”?


F: Yeah. Our list of guys overlap quite a bit, but we each have out own guys. Tommy wants us to bring in Vic, and that’s one that I’m not sure about.


Shane shook his head.


S: Are you sure this is something to risk your job over?


F: Yes. I can tell you right now that we’ve got one, maybe two superstars just sitting here for the taking. How much is it going to cost to buy out the company?


S: At least 400k. Probably more.


F: Do it.


Shane rubbed his temples.


S: Put Eric on the phone.


There was a brief moment of silence from the otherside of the phone, before Eric spoke.


E: Yeah?


S: How sure are you that this is a good idea?


It took Eric a few minutes to answer that question, and when he finally did, Shane sighed and got out of bed. Not only did some of these guys have Finlay and Laurinatis’ approval, they also had Eric’s and Tommy’s. He told Eric to tell the owner of UPW that WCW was interested in buying the company. Eric acknowledged the order and Shane told him to put Finlay on the phone. Once the phone had been given over, Shane asked for all of the names of the wrestlers that they wanted and once he had them all written down, he looked over it and stared at the 8 men that were going to cost him 400k.


John Cena

Samoa Joe

Mike Knox

Mikey Henderson

Frankie Kazarian


Bad Boy Basil

Adam Pearce


He simply shook his head and when Eric called back and said that the offer was accepted, wished that he never had given Daniels the time of day.

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Card for ECW November to Remember 2001, 4th Week of November


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Scott Steiner © vs Randy Savage


WCW United States Championship Match: Mark Jindrak © vs ???


Bonus Point for guessing the correct challenger:


WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet Match: Sean O’Haire © vs Chris Candido vs Masato Tanaka vs Jerry Lynn vs Steve Corino


Sting vs Mike Awesome


Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas


Kevin Nash vs Ric Flair vs Diamond Dallas Page


Booker T vs Lance Storm


Sabu vs Rey Mysterio Jr.


Sandman vs Chuck Palumbo


*This is not the final layout of the card and will most likely be changed, but the participants and number of matches are finalized.

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<p>The show opens with the ECW theme playing over a raucous crowd chanting ECW. Joey Styles introduces the announce team and after the announce team finish their introductions, they talk about the card.</p><p> </p><p> To open up the show, the WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet match, where Sean O’Haire has to beat the gauntlet to retain his championship, but should anybody in the gauntlet win, the match is over. Sean O’Haire will have to start out the match and his first opponent will be Chris Candido. If he wins that match, then he has to fight Masato Tanaka, and then Jerry Lynn and lastly, Steve Corino.</p><p> </p><p> Following that match, we have the homicidal, genocidal, suicidal Sabu against Rey Mysterio Jr in regular singles competition.</p><p> </p><p> Right after that match we’ll have one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions, Mike Awesome, fighting the Icon of WCW Sting. Sting just fought Awesome’s tag partner, Lance Storm, on the last Nitro and defeated him.</p><p> </p><p> Next, we have three of the Four Horsemen fighting against each other, with the loser being suspended from in-ring competition for 6-months. Schiavone touches on whether or not the three ill actually fight at all, considering they are of the same faction, but Heenan counters it by saying that “these guys are fighters, they aren’t going to roll over. I fully expect them to leave it all out there tonight and let the better man win.”.</p><p> </p><p> For the 2nd Championship match of the evening, we have Four Horsemen member Mark Jindrak defending his title against a mystery opponent in a singles match where Stacy Kiebler, Jindrak’s manager, has been barred from ringside.</p><p> </p><p> Then we come to one of the more anticipated matches of the night, and it’s implications. Rob Van Dam takes on Shane Douglas in singles competition. Should Shane Douglas win, one of the conditions from Halloween Havoc being that the ECW Tag Team Champions (Mike Awesome and Lance Storm) and the ECW Cruiserweight Champion (TAKA Michinoku), will have to defend their championships at Starrcade this December. However, should Shane Douglas lose, he will be forced to retire.</p><p> </p><p> After that, we have the Sandman and Chuck Palumbo facing each other in singles competition.</p><p> </p><p> And for our pre-main event, we have the other half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions, Lance Storm, taking on the 4-Time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Booker T, in regular Singles Competition.</p><p> </p><p> Lastly, we have out main event of the evening, Randy Savage vs Scott Steiner in regular singles competition. It’ll be the first time these two men have faced off in singles competition since 1997, where they fought against each other on the July 28th edition of Nitro.</p><p> </p><p> ------------------</p><p> Finalized Card:</p><p> </p><p> Opener: WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet Match:</p><p> </p><p> Sean O’Haire ©</p><p> Chris Candido</p><p> Masato Tanaka</p><p> Jerry Lynn</p><p> Steve Corino</p><p> </p><p> Lower MidCard: Sabu vs Rey Mysterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p> Lower MidCard: Mike Awesome vs Sting</p><p> </p><p> MidCard: Kevin Nash vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Ric Flair</p><p> (Loser is suspended from in-ring competition for 6 months)</p><p> </p><p> MidCard: WCW United States Championship Match: Mark Jindrak vs ???</p><p> </p><p> Mid Card: Rob Van Dam vs Shane Douglas</p><p> (If Shane Wins, ECW will defend their championships at Starrcade.</p><p> If Shane loses, he must retire.)</p><p> </p><p> Upper MidCard: Sandman vs Chuck Palumbo</p><p> </p><p> Upper MidCard: Lance Storm vs Booker T</p><p> </p><p> Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage vs Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53202" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>OOC: I hope to have the whole show out by tonight.</div></blockquote>
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<p>Opener: WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet Match:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sean O’Haire ©</strong></p><p>

Chris Candido</p><p>

Masato Tanaka</p><p>

Jerry Lynn</p><p>

Steve Corino</p><p> </p><p>

Lower MidCard: <strong>Sabu</strong> vs Rey Mysterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Lower MidCard: <strong>Mike Awesome</strong> vs Sting</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard: Kevin Nash vs <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs Ric Flair</p><p>

(Loser is suspended from in-ring competition for 6 months)</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard: WCW United States Championship Match: <strong>Mark Jindrak</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

Mid Card: Rob Van Dam vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>

(If Shane Wins, ECW will defend their championships at Starrcade.</p><p>

If Shane loses, he must retire.)</p><p> </p><p>

Upper MidCard: <strong>Sandman</strong> vs Chuck Palumbo</p><p> </p><p>

Upper MidCard: Lance Storm vs <strong>Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage vs <strong>Scott Steiner</strong></p>

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<p>ECW November to Remember 2001, 4th Week of November</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet Match</p><p> </p><p>

1st Match: Sean O’Haire © vs Chris Candido</p><p> </p><p>

Sean O’Haire comes out and appears to be in great shape, notes Schiavone. Heenan also notes that he’s going to have to unless he’s able to dispatch of each man quickly enough. When Candido walks down the aisle and into the ring, O’Haire jumps and him and the match begins.</p><p> </p><p>

O’Haire picks Candido up and hits him with a roundhouse kick and quickly picks him up and hits him with a suplex. O’Haire stays on the offensive and picks him back up and hits him with a few stiff arm clotheslines. Candido tries to reverses on of the clothesline, but O’Haire takes the opportunity to hit Candido with the Widow Maker. 1,2,3. And Sean O’Haire dispatches Chris Candido in 3 Minutes and 14 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 65</p><p>


2nd Match: Sean O’Haire vs Masato Tanaka</p><p> </p><p>

It doesn’t take long for Tanaka to get to the ring, but O’Haire was able to get ready with plenty of time to spare. Once Tanaka entered the ring, the two men collided to raging bulls, throwing these devastating, clubbing blows. Tanaka is able to get O’Haire staggered first and takes it to him. This spurt of solo offensive isn’t around for very much, but it takes it’s toll on O’Haire. Tanaka’s reign of dominance in the match comes to an end when O’Haire ducks a clothesline attempt and hits Tanaka with a superkick, which catches Tanaka on the jaw, staggering him. O’Haire takes the opportunity to hit Tanaka with a german suplex. When Tanaka gets to a knee, O’Haire hits him with a big boot and while he’s on the ground, O’Haire goes to the top rope and hits him with a Seanton Bomb and gets the victory in 4 Minutes and 52 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 61</p><p>


3rd Match: Sean O’Haire © vs Jerry Lynn</p><p> </p><p>

O’Haire doesn’t get nearly as much time as he did with Tanaka and Lynn uses that time to his advantage, rushing into the ring and hitting O’Haire with a DDT. Lynn clotheslines O’Haire out of the ring and once O’Haire reaches his feet, Lynn hits a springboard moonsault to O’Haire on the outside. Lynn hits O’haire with a suplex and then whips him into the steel steps. He stomps into O’Haire, before giving him a quick reprieve to roll into and out of the ring to reset the count. He continues his stomping and then picks O’Haire up and rolls him into the ring. Lynn goes to the top and goes for a double axe handle, which O’Haire catches and hits Lynn with a northern lights suplex, but is too damaged to hold the bridge for the pinfall attempt. Lynn, despite getting surprised with the suplex, gets to his feet first, and dishes some clubbing blows to Lynn’s back. O’Haire, however, explodes and picks Lynn up and hits him with a quick spinebuster. O’haire gets to his feet first this time and hits Lynn with an overhead belly-to-belly, but holds on and goes for the pinfall attempt, which Lynn kicks out of. O’Haire gets to his feet and tries to lift Lynn to his feet, but Lynn hits him with a jawbreaker, which staggers O’Haire, sending him to a knee. Lynn quickly tries to go for his Cradle Pildriver, he almost is able to get it off, but O’Haire kicks Lynn in the head a few times with the back of his thigh. This causes Lynn to keel over, setting O’Haire on his feet, and O’Haire takes the opportunity to pick Lynn up and hits him with the Widow Maker to pick up the victory in 9 Minutes and 49 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 66</p><p>


4th Match: Sean O’Haire © vs Steve Corino</p><p> </p><p>

O’Haire is battered as he goes into the fourth and final match, and Corino gives him no time to recuperate, as the moment the ref’s hand came down to count the ‘3’, he was sprinting out from the back. He slides into the ring as O’Haire gets to his knee, and hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Corino reigns in some shots and O’Haire has to do all he can to just block them, due to the enthusiasm behind them. O’Haire is finally able to get to the ropes and the ref forces Corino off, which does not sit kindly with him and he tries to drag O’Haire away from the ropes, which fails as O’Haire kicks Corino square in the solar plexus, giving him a moment’s reprieve. The moment is soon depleted as Corino tries to come back onto the offense, but it goes poorly as O’Haire picks him up and hits him with the Widow Maker. Unfortunately for O’Haire, he’s too hurt to cover Corino immediately, and when he does, Corino kicks out at ‘2’. O’Haire gets to a knee while Corino gets to his feet, and Corino hits him with a knee to the head. Corino tries to hit him with a suplex, but O’Haire reverses it by hitting him with one of his own. O’Haire picks him up and whips him into the corner and does a couple shoulder charges into Corino’s abdomen. O’Haire pulls him out of the corner and hits him with a clothesline, knocking him to the canvas. O’Haire heads to the top and attempts to go for the Seanton Bomb, but Corino gets his knees up and O’Haire lands on them. Corino takes the opportunity to attempt a Old School Expulsion, but O’Haire wiggles out of it and hits Corino with a Crucifix Powerbomb and defeats Steve Corino in 7 Minutes and 51 Seconds! As the match ends and O’Haire stands and celebrates with his championship, the ECW crowd boos him mercilessly.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 71</p><p>


Sabu vs Rey Mysterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

As Mysterio comes out, he gets booed by the crowd. Schiavone notes that this is likely to happen all throughout the night, considering how many ECW wrestlers are fighting tonight. As if to prove his point, Sabu’s theme starts to play and he walks out to a grand ovation from the ECW crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

Sabu starts out the match by throwing a chair at Mysterio before the match begins, and once the bell rings, he refrains from using it directly against Mysterio, instead using it as an object to springboard off of, such as a springboard moonsault. Sabu tries to get more things done on offense, but Mysterio is able to out maneuver him and hits him with a West Coast Pop to win the match in 16 Minutes and 57 seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 52</p><p>

Notes: They had pretty bad chemistry, and it affected the match quite a bit, but I don’t like the idea of intentionally making a match horribly written, so instead I have it as a match that was rather unremarkable. I did try that once, and I’d rather not do it again.</p><p>


We cut to the back where Don West interviews Randy Savage, who spends the time hyping up his match, and finishes by saying that he believes that he this may be his last shot at the championship, and that he’s not going to let that opportunity go away so easily.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 67</p><p>


Sting vs Mike Awesome</p><p> </p><p>

The bells rings and sting explodes off his side and ducks a Mike Awesome big boot and proceeds to hit him with his combination punches all the way back into a corner, Sting then whips Awesome over to the opposite corner and attempts a Stinger Splash, but hits nothing but the turnbuckle as Awesome slips to the side. As Sting turns around clutching his chest, he eats a big boot from Awesome. Awesome stomps on Sting for half a minute, before picking him up. He throws a series of punches at Sting, which makes him stagger into the ropes, and Awesome follows it up by clotheslining Sting out of the ring. Awesome exits the ring and hits Sting with some clubbing blows. Awesome then tries to whip Sting into the steps, but Sting reverses and whips Awesome into the corner post. Awesome doesn’t go down completely, only to a knee, and Sting hits a running face buster onto the outside floor. Sting picks up Awesome and whips him into the corner barricade, and hits a Stinger Splash onto Awesome. Sting gets up, rolls into the ring, and back out to break the count. Sting then climbs up to the top rope and waits for Awesome to get back to his feet, and when he does, he launches off the top and hits a diving crossbody. Both men are down for a couple seconds, and Sting has to break the count once more. He tries to pick Awesome up, but Awesome hits him a couple time sin the gut as he rises to his feet. Awesome then ducks a punch attempt from Sting, picks him up, and hits a back suplex onto the floor. Awesome picks him up and whips him into the steps. He enters the ring and seems like he’s going to let the ref count out Sting, but seems to change his mind when the ref hits ‘9’. He grabs Sting, who’d gotten to hit knees, and rolls him into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Awesome waits until Sting gets to his feet, and hits him with an overhead belly-to-belly, but Sting hops to his feet immediately, and Awesome throws a punch, and Sting stands there and takes it. Awesome throws another punch, and Sting takes that one too, as well as flexing and screams at Awesome, who throws a third punch, which Sting blocks. Sting then begins to lay into Awesome throwing his combination punches and knocking him back into the corner. Sting whips him into the opposite corner and hits Awesome with a Stinger Splash. He whips him back to the original corner and hits him with another one. Awesome staggers out of the corner, and Sting grabs the back of his head and hits him with the Scorpion Death Drop. 1,2,- No! Awesome kicked out at just the last moment, and Sting is shocked, but not for long as he stands up, goes over to Awesome’s legs, and synches in the Scorpion Deathlock. Awesome’s in the submission for a decent amount of time, before Awesome powers out of it. He needs to use the ropes to get back up to his feet, while Sting gets up immediately and tries to continue the offensive, Awesome is able to hit him with another overhead belly-to-belly into the corner, which stops Sting’s offensive flurry. Awesome gets up and limps over to Sting and picks him up, punching him in the face. He grabs his head and punches him again. He goes for a third one, but Sting hits Awesome with a desperation slam, and tries to put the Deathlock back in, but Awesome is able to prevent it. Sting hurries back over to Awesome, who just gets to his feet as Sting throws a punch. And another. And then he goes for a third, which Awesome blocks. He then kicks Sting in the gut, picks him up and hits him with an Awesome Bomb. He goes for the cover, Sting is unable to kick out of the pinfall attempt and Mike Awesome wins the match in 21 Minutes and 47 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 80</p><p>


We cut to the back where Nash, Page and Flair are all getting ready for their match, and nash is the first to say anything. What he says is echoed by the other two and they give each other handshakes before going down to the ring, each agreeing to the idea that this fight was to be one between competitors and not faction mates.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 72</p><p>


Kevin Nash vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Ric Flair</p><p> </p><p>

The three men hold out their hands and and shake them once more before they get down to business for the match. Kevin Nash starts it out with a double clothesline, taking both men down, but Page gets to his feet first and those two exchange punches, until Ric Flair gets to his feet. He walks over and chops both men’s chest a few times until Nash and Page double chop Flair’s chest a few times. Page resumes punching Nash and Flair joins in, and the two eventually hit Nash with a tag team suplex. When the two get to their feet, Page tries to go for a quick Diamond Cutter, but Flair pushes him off. When they turn to face each other, they both smile at each other, and Page makes a gesture of ‘this close’, and Flair nods. The two go into a collar-elbow tie-up, and after some chain wrestling, Flair shots Page off and he eats a big boot from Nash. Nash doesn’t stop there and tries to hit Flair with a clothesline, but Flair ducks it and starts chopping away at Nash’s chest, causing him to back pedal into the corner. Flair throws chop and jab combinations until he tosses Nash out of the corner. He then goes up to the top, but when he turns around Page is right there and beales him off the top rope.</p><p> </p><p>

Before he can garner much advantage from the prone Flair, Nash is right there and the two resume their earlier fist fight. Nash comes out the better on their fist fight, and when he turns his attention to Flair, he sees that flair had gotten to his feet and climbed up to the top rope. Flair dives off, and hits nash with a crossbody. He stays on top of Nash and the ref begins to count. However, Page pulls Flair off of Nash, just as Nash kicks out of the pinfall attempt. Page hits Flair a couple of times, and when Nash gets up, he and Page both hit Flair alternatively. That ends when both men hit Flair, and he stands ram rod straight, take a couple steps away and flops to the mat. Both Nash and Page start walking towards the prone Flair, and then they both must have had the same thought, since they both stop and throw punches at each other, which stagger both men as it appears it surprises the both of them that the other thought the same thing, at the same time. All three men get to their feet at the same time, but Page stays off the attack for a moment, which gives Nash the ability to hit Flair with the Jack Knife powerbomb, which Page then followed by hitting Nash with the Diamond Cutter. He then pushed Nash out of the ring, and picked up Flair, hit him with a Diamond Cutter and covered him for the victory in 22 Minutes and 50 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 67</p><p>


WCW United States Championship Match: Mark Jindrak © vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

Mark Jindrak comes out for his match and waits to see who is ECW’s mystery man is. He doesn’t have to wait very long to see Elix Skipper come through the curtain and down to the ring. Schiavone says that Skipper has defected to ECW, but Heenan is less condemning. “He’s had to fight Jindrak twice before, and each time, Stacy Kiebler’s cost him the victory! If you were ECW, even if he wasn’t joining you, having the championship on Skipper is a better long-term option since he’s going to be on an island by himself!”. Schiavone states once more that regardless of why he’s doing it, he’s effectively turned his back on WCW.</p><p> </p><p>

Jindrak tries to get the upper-hand quickly, but Skipper comes at him like a house of fire, and completely overwhelms Jindrak. He hits Jindrak with a dragon suplex. Jindrak gets to his feet and gets hit with a crescent kick, knocking him back down. Elix picks him up and sends him into the ropes, props him up on the top and hits him with a double underhook superplex. Skipper goes over to pick him up off the mat, when Jindrak gets him into a small package, but Skipper kicks out before the ref can count ‘3’. Skipper gets up as Jindrak is trying to escape the ring, but Skipper grabs his leg and drags him back in. Skipper picks him up and hits him with another dragon suplex, picks him back up, crotches him on the middle of the top rope, and hits him with the New School. He then picks him up one last time and hits him with a brand-new move, a spinning kudo driver that he calls the Sudden Death, and beats Mark Jindrak to win the WCW United States Championship in 8 Minutes and 25 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 56</p><p>


Elix Skipper celebrates his Championship victory, until Lance Storm and Tommy Dreamer come out and try to congratulate Skipper. Storm goes over to embrace Skipper, but Skipper tells him off and leaves the ring. Storm and Dreamer exchange words before they walk away.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 62</p><p>

-------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Shane Douglas vs Rob Van Dam</p><p> </p><p>

Rob Van Dam comes out to a huge ovation form the ECW crowd. In stark contrast, when Douglas comes out, he’s nearly booed out of the building. By the time the bell rings, the crowd is chanting “F*** you Douglas! *clap, clap, clap clap clap*”.</p><p> </p><p>

Van Dam starts out the match on the offensive, utilizing his athleticism against Douglas with kicks and quick grapples. Douglas isn’t able to get much offense in, until RVD goes for his springboard kick, which Douglas dodges, and hits RVD with a rabbit clothesline. Douglas stomps on RVD for a little bit, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Douglas goes to pick RVD, but RVD kicks out one of Douglas’ legs and then follows it up with an enziguri. RVD follows it up with a standing moonsault and goes for a pinfall, which only gets a ‘2’.</p><p> </p><p>

RVD waits for Douglas to get to his feet, and hits him with the springboard side kick, knocking him down to the ground. He then hits Douglas with a rolling thunder and goes for another pinfall, which again only gets a ‘2’. RVD heads up to the top rope and goes for the 5* Frog Splash, but Douglas gets his knees up, causing RVD to come crashing down on top of them. Douglas followed that up quickly with a piledriver and only gets a ‘2’ on the pinfall attempt.</p><p> </p><p>

Douglas, now in the driver seat, tries to punish RVD, but after a little bit of time on the offensive, RVD turns the table on him by reversing a clothesline with a neckbreaker putting him right back in the seat. RVD hits a prone Douglas with a corkscrew leg drop. He then drags Douglas into the corner, heads over to the other one and hits Douglas with a Van Terminator. Douglas rolls out of the corner, and RVD hops up to the top and hits the 5* Frog Splash. He covers Douglas and Douglas kicks out at 2.9. The crowd and RVD give the ref some scorn, but RVD goes back onto the offensive, only to get hit with a belly-to-belly out of nowhere.</p><p> </p><p>

Douglas staggers to his feet, while RVD gets up as if he has no issues. RVD tries to go for the monkey flip, but Douglas dodges. RVD doesn’t go right into the turnbuckles, instead going up to the top rope and goes for another springboard side kick, which Douglas dodges. Once RVD lands on his feet, Douglas comes up behind him and hits him with a german suplex. Douglas stands up and hits RVD with another piledriver. He doesn’t go for the cover immediately, since RVD rolls away. So Douglas gets up to his feet and walks over to him. He bends over to pick him up and RVD gets him into a possum small package pin. The ref counts 2.9, but this one is much closer than the other one, and the crowd lets the ref hear it.</p><p> </p><p>

RVD gets up and gets hit with a running neckbreaker. Douglas picks him up and hits him with a snap suplex, and holds on, bringing him back up and hitting him with a DDT. Douglas waits for RVd to get to a knee and once he does, he hits him with the Franchiser. 1,2, and RVD kicks out. Douglas looks at the ref and shakes his head. He gets onto his knees, and grabs Van Dam’s head, trying to bring him up with him. When Douglas gets to his feet, Van Dam jumps up to his, and kicks out Douglas’ leg, knocking him down to his knees. RVD runs off the ropes as Douglas gets up in a bent over position. RVD jumps over Douglas in an attempt to perform a sunset flip pinfall attempt, but Douglas doesn’t go over, and instead hooks RVD’s legs and synches in a pinfall attempt. 1,2,3! Douglas defeats RVD in 22 Minutes and 29 Seconds and ECW will have to defend their championships at Starrcade!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 82</p><p>

---------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Right after the ref’s hand came down for three, Douglas doesn’t immediately jump to his feet and celebrate, instead stays in a position with his knees and elbows on the mat, with his head in his hands. Heenan says, “I can’t blame Douglas for not jumping up and down, saying ‘I did it!’. He was a few minutes, if that, away from never being able to wrestle again. I don’t know when it hit him that this could be it, that this could be the last time he stepped in the ring as a competitor, but it’s definitely showing itself now.”. After around half a minute of this position, he rises to his feet on the verge of tears, and immediately exits the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 68</p><p>

-----------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sandman vs Chuck Palumbo</span></p><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">


Sandman comes out with the kendo stick and waps Palumbo with it a couple times prior to the bell ringing. This gives Sandman an opportunity to get the upper-hand and he takes it for as much as he could get from it, until Palumbo hits him with a stiff arm clothesline. Sandman tries to get Palumbo off guard with a DDT attempt, but Palumbo reverses with a canadian backbreaker, which he then turns into a cutter. Palumbo goes for the cover and wins the match in 10 Minutes and 5 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 61</p><p>

------------------</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Booker T is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Booker talks about Lance Storm and doesn’t say much, but does call out Elix Skipper for selling out WCW and siding with ECW, and that even if he used ECW to get what he wanted, he did it against a WCW guy, and if he thought that was going to be forgotten, he would be very, very wrong.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 65</p><p>

-------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booker T vs Lance Storm</span></p><p> </p><p>

The two men circle the ring, staring at each other, wondering how theta re going to approach this. The first one to come to that mental decision was Booker T, who charged Storm with a clothesline, which Storm ducked, but when he turned, he saw that Booker was ready for it and started throwing punches. Booker whips Storm into the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. Booker picks Storm up and he tries to go for a suplex, but Storm reverses with a swinging neckbreaker. Storm picks him up and hits him with a a couple jabs, sending him into the ropes. Storm whips him into the opposite ropes and tries to go for the Superkickm but Booker ducks it and comes off the rope and hits him with a running clothesline. Booker picks him up, kicks him in the gut and goes for the scissor kick, which connects and does the spinaroonie back up to his feet and calls for the Bookend. When Storm gets up, Booker goes for it, but Storm hits him with an STO. When Booker gets back to his feet Storm hits him with a Superkick, and gets the pinfall over Booker T in 15 Minutes and 3 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 80</p><p>

----------------</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back for the final time, where Don West is interviewing Scott Steiner, who starts a rant about Randy Savage. He states that Savage once said that he was the cream of the cream and that the cream would rise to the top, but he also states that Savage has been near the top of anything, and that he has stood at the top of the company for an entire year, and no one’s come close to knocking him off. He says that a “geriatric old man can’t do what a dozen able bodied men tried and failed to do. But if he wants to box with God, he can step right on up”.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 66</p><p>

----------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:</span></em></strong> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Scott Steiner © vs Randy Savage</span></p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage comes out first, and actually gets a decent reaction from the crowd, as does Steiner. The moment the bell rings both men taunt each other, with Steiner flexing his muscles and Savage playing to the crowd. They eventually get to within inches of each other’s faces, and Steiner is the first to throw a punch, but while he may be the first, that doesn’t mean he threw the best, which Savage did right after, staggering Steiner with a well placed punch above the eye. Savage clotheslines Steiner out of the ring and races up to the top rope, and hits a flying double axe handle. Savage stays on the offensive and punches Steiner around to the other side of the ring, which is when Steiner finally gets at Savage again with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

Steiner takes a moment to gain a breather, and kicks Savage while he’s down. He picks him up and rolls him into the ring and Steiner puts the Recliner onto Savage, and holds him in there for a while, to the point where it seems like he’s faded, and the ref’s just about to call for the bell, when he wakes up and powers up to his feet, carrying Steiner on his back and simply jumps and falls backwards. Upon hitting the mat, Steiner lets go of the hold, and Savage takes a moment to breathe.</p><p> </p><p>

With both men down, the Ref starts to count, but doesn’t get very far, when Tommy Dreamer distracts him and contains him to the far side of the ring. As those two exchange words, Steiner gets to his feet, only for a well-placed chair shot from RVD to knock him back down. RVD hops back over the barricade, and Dreamer lets the ref barr him from ringside, and he leaves without any protest. In the ring, Steiner is out cold, and Savage gets to his feet, and turns to see Steiner prone on the mat. He looks around the ring and looks out at the crowd, and walks over to the turnbuckles, all while playing to the fans. He goes up to the top rope, does one last look around at the crowd, and jumps of the top rope, and hits Steiner with a flying elbow. He covers Steiner and the ref comes over to count. One, Two, Thre- No! </p><p> </p><p>

Steiner just barely kicks out, and Savage can scarcely believe it. He argues with the ref briefly, before going over to Steiner. He picks him up and punches him on the brow of his eye. He does this a few times and busts him open on the fourth or fifth punch. Savage goes for another, when Steiner catches the punch and hits Savage with a belly-to-belly suplex. Steiner wipes the blood out of his eyes, picks Savage up and whips him into the corner. Steiner punche shim a few times for good measure, before he picked Savage up and propped him up on the top rope. He clambers up the turnbuckles and goes for the Frankensteiner, but Savage punches him off. As Savage gets prepared to hit another elbow drop, Steiner jumps onto the top rope and crotches Savage. Steiner then rushes up the turnbuckles and hits Savage with the Frankensteiner. He covers Savage and wins the match, retaining his WCW World Heavyweight Championship in 14 Minutes and 59 Seconds!</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 78</p><p>

---------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Overall Rating: 77</p><p>

---------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Card + Winners</p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Gauntlet Match: <strong>Sean O’Haire</strong></p><p>

Sabu vs <strong>Rey Mysterio Jr.</strong></p><p>

Sting vs <strong>Mike Awesome</strong></p><p>

Kevin Nash vs <strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs<em> Ric Flair</em></p><p>

WCW United States Championship Match: Mark Jindrak vs <strong>Elix Skipper</strong></p><p>

<strong>Shane Douglas</strong> vs Rob Van Dam</p><p>

Sandman vs <strong>Chuck Palumbo</strong></p><p>

Booker T vs <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p>

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> vs Randy Savage</p>

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 1st Week of December, 2001


Main Event: Randy Savage vs Terry Funk


Upper MidCard: Rob Van Dam vs Billy Kidman


MidCard: James Storm & Johnny Swinger vs The Road Warriors


Lower MidCard: TAKA Michinoku vs Kid Kash


Opener: Sean O'Haire vs Frankie Kazarian

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The show starts out with Randy Savage coming down to the ring. He states that he watched his match back, and was furious that the ECW wrestlers intervened on his behalf, believing that it was because they viewed him as the easier opponent. Savage then challenges RVD to a match to show just how hard it'll be for a punk like him to stand toe to toe with him. He waits for RVD to come out, and out comes Terry Funk, who says that he's completely right, but that RVD has his own match tonight, so instead Savage will have to fight him tonight.


Rating: 68


Notes: N/A


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Frankie Kazarian


Finish: Sean O'Haire catches Kazarian's Flux Capacitor and hits him with the Widow Maker, and puts Kazarian away.


Time: 6 Minutes and 7 Seconds


Rating: 50


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where the Horsemen are speaking with Shane and Eric. Flair states that despite his in-ring suspension, the Horsemen are still strong and is trying to convince Shane to give the Tag Team Championship contendership at Starrcade to Shane Douglas and DDP. Flair mentions that if it weren't for Shane Douglas, nobody would be challenging for the belts. Shane tells them he'll think about it.


Rating: 72




TAKA Michinoku vs Kid Kash

Finish: Kid Kash goes for a frog splash, but TAKA gets both his knees up, causing Kash to come crashing down onto them. TAKA then gets up and hits Kash with the Michinoku Driver to win the match.


Time: 14 Minutes and 1 Second


Rating: 61


Notes: N/A


We cut to the back where Elix Skipper is about to be interviewed by Don West, but before West can say anything, Booker T comes up to Skipper and admonishes him for turning his back on WCW. Skipper defends his action by saying that Jindrak only ever won when Stacy helped him, and that if WCW is going to survive this invasion, they need people who can hold there own, which he believed Jindrak couldn't, so he took the deal they gave him and went back on it once he had the championship.


Rating: 75


Notes: N/A


We cut to the ring where James Storm and Johnny Swinger are already waiting for their mystery opponents. The announce team speculates as to who it could be and then the Road Warriors music starts to play. For the first time since 1990, both Road Warriors are back in WCW!


Rating: 50


The Road Warriors vs James Storm & Johnny Swinger


Finish: Road Warrior Animal picks up Swinger and Road Warrior hawk hits the Doomsday Device onto him. Animal makes the cover while Hawk runs interference and the Road Warriors win their first match back in WCW.


Time: 9 Minutes and 33 Seconds


Rating: 52


Notes: N/A


The Road Warriors ask for microphones and announce that they are back for one reason and one reason only: to win the ECW World Tag Team Championships. Upon stating this, Shane Douglas and DDP come aout and tell the Road Warriors that they're gonna have to wait for their shot. More words are exchanegd as the intensity increases, and at the end of the segment, the camera pans over to show that the Extremists were watching from the crowd the whole time.


Rating: 64


Notes: N/A


Billy Kidman vs Rob Van Dam


Finish: RVD hits Kidman with a Rolling thunder and follows that up with a 5* frog splash and gets the victory.


Time: 17 Minutes and 1 Second


Rating: 67


Notes: N/A


Bill Alfonso comes out and hypes up RVD, insinuating that RVD will be the guy to go head to head with Scott Steiner come Starrcade.


Rating: 62


Notes: N/A


Randy Savage vs Terry Funk


Finish: Randy Savage reverses a piledriver attempt with a back body drop and then goes up to the top rope and hits a Flying Elbow Drop.


Time: 15 Minutes and 4 Seconds


Rating: 65


Notes: N/A


Rob Van Dam comes out form the back and he and Funk start to beat down on Savage, until Shane Douglas comes down and helps fight them off. As Funk and RVD back away, Shane McMahon comes out and says that next week, Savage will face RVD and Douglas will face Terry Funk.


Rating: 68


Notes: N/A


Overall Rating: 68


Card + Winners

Sean O'Haire vs Frankie Kazarian

TAKA Michinoku vs Kid Kash

The Road Warriors vs Johnny Swinger and James Storm

Rob Van Dam vs Billy Kidman

Randy Savage vs Terry Funk

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1st Week of December, Wednesday, 2001: An Opportunity Presents Itself


Shane McMahon sat in his office and stared at his computer screen. He thought back to when Vince McMahon had purchased Bill Goldberg's $6 million contract and wondered if that had been a blessing in disguise, in more ways than one. He had been able to bring in ECW wrestlers for his invasion storyline with no issue since Vince had spent such a large sum of money on one guy. And now it seems, his father had over stretched himself.


WWF Releases 14 Superstars In Cost Cutting Measures


He had seen the headlines late last night, but had glossed over it at the time. Now, his jaw was on the floor over the list of people who had been let go.


Bill DeMott, Jim Korderas and Haku were the names on the list that he didn't really care much for. He had no desire to bring back DeMott or Haku, and Korderas wasn't a ref he wanted to bring in.


The other 11 names, however, he knew he could do something with. It started with some ECW guys that had been let go.


Taz was quintessential ECW, and D-Von Dudley was 1/2 of the best tag team ECW produced. Oddly enough, Vince only released D-Von, so Buh Buh was still with the Fed, but he figured having D-Von now would be more beneficial than later. Lastly, there was the guy he wanted to have at the beginning, and in perfect timing for Starrcade. Vince McMahon had released the Man Beast, Rhyno.


The other 8 names were interesting. The first one that caught his eye was Earl Hebner. He wasn't in the market for another Referee, but one of his caliber was interesting nonetheless.


The Hardy Boys, Matt and Jeff, were both released, as well as the APA, John Layfield and Ron Simmons. Two established Tag Team Champions from the Fed were left out in the open, just waiting to be taken.


Then there were some guys who were MidCard guys who were released, starting with Al Snow, who was a solid worker and had been with ECW for a few years, but had been in the Fed significangtly longer, so he was unsure whether he'd be in the ECW faction or in the new potential stable of the Fed, if he was signed at all.


After him was the current WWF Hardcore Champion, Ron Killings, who had been told he was going to be released come Monday Night, after he dropped the championship.


And Lastly, perhaps the biggest shock of all, and the reason he had even read the report. Kevin Nash had called him earlier in the morning and told him about it and he couldn't believe it, so he went and found the report and gave it a few reads to make sure his eyes didn't deceive him, and they didn't. Vince McMahon had released Shawn Michaels. Appearently, according to Michaels, relayed to him by Nash, Michaels was supposed to come back on the next RAW, but he and Vince McMahon had a falling out, with Michaels telling Vince he was staying retired, and was never coming back to Wrestling. Vince let Michaels go and now Michaels wanted to come to WCW.


This had been a surprise, but now the gears in his head turned with renewed vigor and now believed that the Invasion could be expanded. He had delusions of trying to do it earlier on, but had no means of actually perpetuating the idea as he saw it, but now? He had one of the biggest stars of the Fed, two of their tag teams, and two midcard guys who could challenge for his championships, as well as three ECW guys who could rejoin the fold, and a high caliber referee. This was all to good to pass up, but it was just simply too good. He was beginning to suspect that it was a ploy, a trap. So, he started to make some calls and with each contact made, the more and more he began to doubt that suspicion.


He looked over the financial records of the company, and shook his head, wondering if he'd have the money to give these guys a contract, especially with the meeting at FOX headquarters coming up in two weeks. But, this was a chance he couldn't pass up. He called up each man, with one exception he was interested in and made them an offer: He'd pay them a certain amount for each show WCW ran, and they would have the freedom to work at other promotions if, and only if they made sure that WCW was their #1 obligation and never went back to the Federation. This would mean he wouldn't have to pay them as much as he normally would've had to, but left himself open to the chance that they get hurt at another promotions event. All of the talent he made the offer to accepted, with the exception of Ron Killings, who didn't want to work independents, so Shane had to make him an actual, exclusive offer.


All that was left was to make an offer to Shawn, the exception to his earlier contract offers. He made the offer and Shawn immediately came back with a desire to have full creative control, if he didn't up the amount given. Shane instead offered him 80% of the merchandise cuts, as well as paying for his travel expenditures. Shawn said he'd think about it, and at the end of the day, called him back and told him he accepted the offer.


Shane was exuberant. He now had another force to add to the invasion and that force would have legitimacy with Shawn Michaels there. And he was able to get all of them at around $270k a month. But now he wondered, how would he introduce the new threat? It was going to happen at Starrcade, that he knew, but exactly what, he wasn't sure.

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of December, 2001


Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Randy Savage


Upper MidCard: Shane Douglas vs Terry Funk


MidCard: The Road Warriors vs The Filthy Animals


Lower MidCard: Diamond Dallas Page vs Lance Storm


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler

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Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Randy Savage


Upper MidCard: Shane Douglas vs Terry Funk


MidCard: The Road Warriors vs The Filthy Animals


Lower MidCard: Diamond Dallas Page vs Lance Storm


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Mark Jindrak

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<p>WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of December, 2001</p><p> </p><p>

The show starts out with Scott Steiner cutting a promo on both Rob Van Dam and Randy Savage, saying that not only did he beat Savage, he did so convincingly even when Savage had help from Van Dam. He then spends quite a few minutes taunting Van Dam, essentially saying that when Starrcade comes around, Van Dam is going to need far more help than Savage got to beat him.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 67</p><p>


<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW World Television Championship Match:</span></em></strong></p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sean O'Haire © vs Mark Jindrak w/ Stacy Kiebler</span></p><p> </p><p>

Finish: Jindrak goes for the Mark of Excellence, but O'Haire shoves him off and hits him with a super kick, and starts to go for the cover when Stacy Kieb;er hops up onto the top rope. O'Haire gets back up and gets into her face, but she stands her ground, giving Jindrak time to get to his feet. Unfortunately for Jindrak, O'Haire predicted his movements perfectly, catches and picks him up to hit him with the Widow Maker, but makes sure to spin around so Jindrak's feet hit Stacy, knocking her off the apron. O'Haire hits the Widow Maker and gets the victory, retaining his Television Championship for the 13th time.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 13 Minutes and 34 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 62</p><p>


We cut to the locker room where Shane Douglas and Diamond Dallas Page are conversing, with Douglas hyping up Dallas. Page says that he has no doubt that they can take Storm and Awesome individually, but when those two are together, they seem to be able to get lucky. Douglas tells Dallas to make sure Storm doesn't get lucky tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 66</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Diamond Dallas Page vs Lance Storm</span></p><p> </p><p>

Finish: Storm picks up Dallas, and whips him into the ropes, and tries to hit him with a Superkick, but Dallas catches his foot, pulls him back into a belly-to-back hold, turns him around and hits him with a Diamond Cutter. DDP covers Storm and gets the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 17 Minutes and 45 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 77</p><p>


We cut to the back where Booker T is about to start his interview with Gene Okerlund, in which during the opening minute, Gene asks Booker about his confrontation with Skipper last week, and Booker calls Skipper a sell-out and that he's nothing more than a traitor to WCW. Before the interview can get much further, Skipper walks up and starts shouting at Booker and the two nearly get into a fight in the backstage area.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 66</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Road Warriors vs The Filthy Animals</span></p><p> </p><p>

Finish: Rey Mysterio Jr. miraculously gets into a position where Animal is hurt and has his back to him, and gets ready to hit him with a West Coast Pop, but Animal catches him. While that happens, Hawk gets into the ring, runs over and knocks Kidman on to the floor before going up to the top rope. Animal turns Mysterio around, and he gets hit with a Doomsday Device. Animal makes the cover, while Hawk runs interference and the Road Warriors pick up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 9 Minutes and 58 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 63</p><p>


Terry Funk comes out after the tag team competitors exit the ring area, and he cuts a promo on Douglas, saying that he's forgotten where he came from and what made him, and that he's going to be given a remainder of what happens when you turn your back on your home.</p><p> </p><p>



<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Terry Funk vs Shane Douglas</span></p><p> </p><p>

Finish: Terry Funk tries to get Douglas up for a piledriver, and instead gets back dropped. Douglas waits for Funk to reach his feet and hits him with the Franchiser for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 16 Minutes and 46 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 65</p><p>


Shane McMahon comes out while Douglas is celebrating and announces that at Starrcade, Shane Douglas and Diamond Dallas Page will be the challengers to the current WCW World Tag Team Champions.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 65</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rob Van Dam vs Randy Savage</span></p><p> </p><p>

Finish: Savage finishes a sudden flurry of offense that leaves Rob Van Dam prone on the mat. He goes up to the top rope and is about to hit the Diving Elbow, when Bill Alfonso comes down and distracts Savage. Van Dam is able to take advantage as both the ref and Savage are focused on Alfonso, and RVD is able to punt Savage in the groin and follows that up with a 5* Frog Splash, and gets the win.</p><p> </p><p>

Time: 23 Minutes and 19 Seconds</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 70</p><p>


As the bell rings to end the match, Alfonso and RVD start to beat down on Savage. While they do that, Steiner comes charging down the aisle and RVD is able to escape, but Alfonso isn't and eats a belly-to-belly and he gets put in the Steiner Recliner.</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 74</p><p>


Overall Rating: 71</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Card + Winners:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rob Van Dam</strong> vs Randy Savage</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shane Douglas</strong> vs Terry Funk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Road Warriors</strong> vs The Filthy Animals</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs Lance Storm</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Match: <strong>Sean O'Haire ©</strong> vs Mark Jindrak /w Stacy Kiebler</p>

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<p>Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 3rd Week of December, 2001</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Scott Steiner</p><p> </p><p>

WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

MidCard Match: Mike Awesome vs Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Lawler's Open Challenge: AJ Styles vs an ECW Wrestler</p><p> </p><p>

*Bonus for guessing the correct wrestler</p><p> </p><p>

Opener: Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Christopher Daniels</p>

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Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs Scott Steiner


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Jeff Jarrett


MidCard Match: Mike Awesome vs Booker T


Jerry Lawler's Open Challenge: AJ Styles vs ECW Wrestler


*Bonus for guessing the correct wrestler: Jerry Lynn


Opener: Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Christopher Daniels

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The show begins with a small pyrotechnics display and a 'welcome' from the announce team. Immediately after, the first match is set to begin with Chavo Guerrero Jr. coming out towards the ring.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Christopher Daniels


Finish: Christopher Daniels gets Chavo into the position for the Angel's Wings, but Guerrero Jr. is able to hit him with a huricanrana, and hooks the leg and gets the three.


Time: 15 Minutes and 42 Seconds


Rating: 59


After both participants leave the ring, Jerry Lawler comes out with his client AJ Styles, and grabs a microphone. He challenges any 'bingo hall trash' to come out and wrestle his guy. When nobody comes out right away, he continues his rant on ECW, and about twenty seconds later, someone's music plays, and out walks Taz.


AJ Styles vs Taz


Finish: At the end of an incredibly short match, Styles tries to hit a flying forearm, but misses. As Styles lands face down, he tries to get back to a knee, when Taz sinks in the Katahajime, and makes Styles tap out.


Time: 4 Minutes and 18 Seconds


Rating: 50


Notes: This is the first appearance of anybody from the recent hires.


Soon after the end of the match, Taz gets his hands on Lawler, and after a few suplexs locks him into the Katahajime, but before Lawler can really get hurt by it, Styles breaks it up, gets a few shots on Taz, before Taz puts the hold back onto Styles, as Lawler gets away.


Rating: 65


We cut to the back where Skipper is waiting for his interview to begin, when Booker T comes up and, much like Skipper last week, goes off on Skipper, and after his rant challenges him to a match. When Skipper refuses, Booker essentially calls him a coward and that while he might have been right about Jindrak not being strong enough, that doesn't make him the top dog. Booker then leaves to go to the ring for his match.


Rating: 67


Booker T vs Mike Awesome


Finish: Just as Booker T seems poised to fell the big ECW wrestler, Skipper comes into the ring as Lance Storm distracts the ref on the opposite side, and hits him with a brand-new move: a Spinning Kudo Driver. He exits the ring as Awesome gets to his feet. He then picks Booker up and hits him with a Awesome Bomb and picks up the victory.


Time: 26 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 76


Notes: After the match, Storm goes over to hug Skipper, as if to welcome him into the ECW family, but Skipper rejects it and walks away alone.


We cut to the back where Mene Gene finally gets interview somebody after being prevented twice. He interviews the challenger for Sean O'Haire's Television Championship, Jeff Jarrett, who says that he looks forward to breaking O'Haire's winning streak and winning the Television Championship.


Rating: 54


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Jeff Jarrett


Finish: Sean O'Haire goes up to the top rope and gets crotched by Jarrett, who goes up as well and tries to hit him with the Stroke, but gets thrown off. While Jarrett sells the drop from the top, O'Haire leaps off the top and hits Jarrett with the Seanton Bomb, and gets the 3 to retain his Television Championship, marking his 14th defense of the championship.


Time: 13 Minutes and 55 Seconds


Rating: 71


We cut to the back where Scott Steiner is posing in the mirror, getting hyped for his match, when Randy Savage comes in, and the tension between the two is palpable, but no fists are thrown, as Savage tells Steiner to keep an eye out on Alfonso, and to whip the punk. Steiner laughs him off and says that regardless of whatever man is put in front of him, he'll make him his, you know.


Rating: 75


Scott Steiner vs Rob Van Dam


Finish: As Steiner synches in the Recliner, Alfonso hops up onto the apron and gets destroyed by Steiner, who had been expecting it, and shoves him back into the guardrail. When he turns around, Van Dam tries to and succeeds with hitting him with a monkey flip. When Van Dam gets up, he falls right back into the corner, and the ref goes to check on him. Steiner starts to get up as a man hops over the guardrail and enters the ring, lurched over in the corner waiting for Steiner to get to his feet. When Steiner does, the man explodes out of the corner and hits him with the Gore. Rhyno rolls out of the ring, while RVD simply hops back up to his feet and gives the ref a thumbs up, as if he's okay now, and covers Steiner for the '3'.


Time: 18 Minutes and 43 Seconds


Rating: 75


Bill Alfonso enters the ring with a mic, and is being propped up RVD and Alfonso announces that Steiner's opponent at Starrcade will not be Rob Van Dam, but instead the Man-Beast, Rhyno!


Rating: 68


Overall Rating: 74


Card + Winners


Main Event: Rob Van Dam (Via Interference from Rhyno and Alfonso) vs Scott Steiner


WCW World Television Championship Match: Sean O'Haire © vs Jeff Jarrett


MidCard Match: Mike Awesome (W/ Skipper Interference) vs Booker T


Jerry Lawler's Open Challenge: AJ Styles vs an ECW Wrestler


*Bonus for guessing the correct wrestler: Taz


Opener: Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Christopher Daniels

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3rd Week of December, Wednesday, 2001: An Honest Talk and A Wrestler Caught


Shane rubbed his temples as he hung up the phone. He just got off the phone with Candido's Lawyer. Appearently, he had been pulled over and they had found a small amount of drugs in his car, as well as a decent amount of Steroids. Luckily for Candido, he only had enough for a misdeanor drug offense, but what really hurt was the fact that he had been caught with steroids. A reporter found that out and now he was reading headlines, questioning just how many WCW wrestlers were using steroids, and they were now speculating on whether or not a case like what happened with his father could happen with him. The only difference is, and one that the media had noted already, was that his father had been accused of helping distribution, and so far (and never since he wasn't doing that), no one had come forward.


The lawyer continued, saying that even though it was his first offense, there was a chance for Candido to get 3-5 years in prison. The whole news about that didn't ease his mind, but he knew that he had to do something in response, and decided to suspend him for 1 month, without pay. Once that was over, he would report to a rehab facility, which WCW would pay for. He laid that out to the lawyer, who told him he'd relay that to Candido.


That call had come after a number of calls coming from the sponsors, all of which hummed the same tune, and sang the same threat, which all but a few backpedaled from. Unfortunately, he did lose a few sponsors, and that was money walking out of the door that he wouldn't get back anytime soon, and he already knew that things were going to be taking their tolls on the finances of WCW. This was something that was going hurt, but by how much he didn't know.


With all of this swirling around in his head, he didn't even notice the knock on his door. The only time he noticed was when Eric Bischoff had gotten to his desk and spoke.


E: Shane?


S: Hm? Oh, sorry, Eric. I, uh, just got off the phone with Candido's lawyer.


E: How's that going?


S: Poorly. I told the lawyer that Candido would be suspended and sent to rehab.


E: Are we paying him for his suspension?


S: No, but we are paying for the rehab.


Eric nodded, looked over at a chair, and pulled it closer to the desk. Shane could tell he wanted to speak about something and waited for Eric to speak first.


E: Why didn't you consult me about the WWF guys?


S: Do you disagree with the signings?


E: No. I probably would've gone along with it.


S: Then what's the problem?


E: The problem is, is that i had to find out from Page because he read Meltzer! Not only did you not consult me while you were handing out the contract, you didn't even call me to let me know.


S: That's fair, but I have to ask why you waited so long to bring this up.


E: Well, I didn't find out until three days after the fact, and you haven't been alone until now. I don't think this would be a good thing for the guys to hear about.


S: I think you'd be right about that. Look, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you, or even call you to let you know. I should have told you, and I promise that I'll make it up to you.


E: You'll make it up to me?


S: In some way, yes.


Eric nodded and leaned over the desk.


E: Here's a way you could make it up to me.



Shane furiously rubbed his temples as he got of the phone once more, this time with a wrestler of Bischoff's request. He already knew that money would be tight, but when he had dialed the number Bischoff had given him and heard the voice on the other end, he knew it was going to be much worse.


It was a voice he'd last heard in person nearly a decade ago, and was probably the most recognizable figure in wrestling history. Hulk Hogan was on the other end of the line, and according to him, he was now 100% from a knee injury that he had been dealing with the last 6 months. Before long, the discussion went to the contract that Hogan wanted, and the figure nearly made Shane jump out of his skin. Shane told him he couldn't do that number, and gave him a contract similar to most of the recent hires, along with the merchandise cut from Shawn. Hogan acquiesced to the deal, and when Shane hung up the phone, Bischoff smiled.


E: He accept.


S: Yep. And it'll cost us 112.5k a month, and however much the merchandise will be.


E: Which I imagine will be alot. Anyways, now that we have him, we have a great surprise for the end of Starrcade. Hogan returns to confront the ECW bra-


S: No. We've already got an ending. We can save Hogan for SuperBrawl or later, when things really look down. But revealing him now, would diminish the finish we already have.


Eric looked at him and eventually nodded, before wishing him a good night and walking out of the office. Shane leaned back in his chair and could feel just how much WCW would fall behind. With the buyout of UPW and the new contracts, he had added nearly 800k to this months finances alone, with nearly 400k recurring. And with the yearly renegotiation meeting with FOX coming up, he knew that money was going to be hard to come buy.

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of December, 2001


Main Event: The Road Warriors vs The Extremists


6-Man Elimination Match to Determine the #1 Contender for the ECW Cruiserweight Championship:

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Kid Kash vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Sonny Siaki vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


MidCard: Kevin Nash vs Masato Tanaka


Lower MidCard: Taz vs Shawn Stasiak


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Chris Kanyon

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Main Event: The Road Warriors vs The Extremists


6-Man Elimination Match to Determine the #1 Contender for the ECW Cruiserweight Championship:

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Kid Kash vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Sonny Siaki vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


MidCard: Kevin Nash vs Masato Tanaka


Lower MidCard: Taz vs Shawn Stasiak


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Chris Kanyon

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WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 4th Week of December, 2001


The show begins with in-ring action as Sean O'Haire comes out to defend his WCW World Television Championship against Kanyon.


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Kanyon


Finish: Kanyon gets O'Haire on his back, and is perched on the top rope, about to hit the D.O.A., but O'Haire wiggles out of it, and hits Kanyon with a crucifix Powerbomb for the victory, and his 15th Championship defense.


Time: 12 Minutes and 22 Seconds


Rating: 72


As soon as Kanyon and O'Haire have gone to the back, the competitors of the next match do their entrances.



Taz vs Shawn Stasiak



Finish: Taz Locks in the Katahajime and makes Stasiak tap out.



Time: 4 Minutes and 53 Seconds



Rating: 46


As Taz finally lets Stasiak out of the hold, Jerry Lawler comes out and after trash talking ECW for a little bit, challenges Taz to a match at Starrcade, which Taz accepts.




Rating: 76


We cut to the office of Shane McMahon, where he and Eric are going over the card for Starrcade as Sean O'Haire walks into the room. Shane congratulates him on his 15 championship defenses, and O'Haire asks for a championship match against Elix Skipper at Starrcade, to which Shane shakes his head, saying that he already has a challenger for him, but that O'Haire will get a shot at a championship come Souled Out, that is if Skipper beats his challenger and/or the worst case scenario happens in the Main Event at Starrcade. Shane also tells him that he'll have to defend his championship at Starrcade.



Rating: 75


Kevin Nash vs Masato Tanaka


Finish: Tanaka tries to hit Nash with a vertical suplex, but Nash shuts him down before he can really get him vertical. Nash follows it up with a side knee to the gut and hits Tanaka with the Jackknife powerbomb and gets the pinfall.



Time: 14 Minutes and 12 Seconds



Rating: 61


As Nash gets up from the pin, Rhyno hops over the guardrail, with RVD close behind. Rhyno gets into the ring and when Nash tursn around, hits him with the Gore. Van Dam quickly heads to the top rope and hits him with a 5* Frog Splash. AS DDP and Douglas come barrelling out of the back and towards the ring, the three ECW guys beat down on Nash. When Page and Douglas get into the ring, they find that the ECW guys just barely escape their grasp.



Rating: 74


6-Man Elimination Match for #1 Contender-ship of the Cruiserweight Championship:


Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Kid Kash vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Sonny Siaki vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


Order of Eliminations:


  1. Sonny Siaki eliminates Jimmy Wang Yang (4:12)
  2. Sonny Siaki eliminates Kid Kash (8:29)
  3. AJ Styles eliminates Sonny Siaki (after getting hit with an Angel's Wing and Spiral Tap) (12:21)
  4. AJ Styles eliminates Christopher Daniels (17:54)

Finish: AJ Styles hits Chavo with the Styles Clash, but Chavo just barely kicks out, mainly because Styles only had one arm secured. With Chavo lying prone on his back, Styles heads to the top for the Sprial Tap, but as he's about to jump, Jerry Lynn comes down and distracts Styles long enough for that when Styles does the move, Chavo rolls out of the way. Styles hits the mat, and gets onto his hands and knees as he holds his neck, and Chavo gets Styles into the La Magistral and gets the '3'.



Time: 23 Minutes and 39 Seconds





Rating: 47


We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is interviewing the Road Warriors, who say that the Extremists are in for the beatdown of their life, and that when the dust settles tonight, the Road Warriors will be on top.



Rating: 50


The Road Warriors vs The Extremists



Finish: As the Road Warriors get the upperhand on the Extremists, Animal has Storm on his shoulder, and just as Hawk gets to the top rope, Tommy Dreamer hops the guardrail and shoves Hawk off the top, and the ref calls for the bell.



Time: 13 Minutes and 37 Seconds



Rating: 70


Animal gets hits with a huricanrana by Storm and as he runs back around, selling the move, Rhyno gores him. On the outside, RVD and Dreamer are somping on Hawk, and on the inside, Mike Awesome, Storm and Rhyno beat on Animal.



Rating: 58


DDP and Douglas come down for the save, weilding baseball bats. The first two who get hit are the two outside, RVD and Dreamer, who get hit and hit hard. DDP and Douglas then get into the ring, as the three inside get out of dodge before they get hit. DDP grabs a mic and tells them to enjoy running away, because at Starrcade they won't be able to.



Rating: 65


Overall Rating: 71


Card + Winners:



Main Event: The Road Warriors (ViaDQ) vs The Extremists


6-Man Elimination Match to Determine the #1 Contender for the ECW Cruiserweight Championship:

Chavo Guerrero Jr (Via Jerry Lynn Interference) vs Kid Kash vs Jimmy Wang Yang vs Sonny Siaki vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


MidCard: Kevin Nash vs Masato Tanaka


Lower MidCard: Taz vs Shawn Stasiak


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs Chris Kanyon

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4th Week of December, 2001, Friday: The FOX Meeting


If all of the financial issues he had to deal with this month weren't enough, the meeting went about as well as he could have expected. The good news was that FOX was really happy with the product and the ratings that it was getting on Primtime, and so would keep them on that slot.


The Bad news was that they wanted to make more money. Currently, they had a 70-30 agreement on the revenue split, but the executives wanted to make it a 80-20 agreement, which Shane figured out would equate to a $1.7 million loss of revenue. Shane had to fight, and fight hard to get them to come up to a 75-25 agreement, and felt exhausted.


That's when they told him about the fines he'd have to deal with regarding Chris Candido. The Execs made it clear that such a incident was unacceptable and that since they had ties with WCW, any thing that came to hurt WCW, hurt them too, and so were leveling a $250k fine on WCW, which blindsided Shane.


He realyed the entire meeting to Bischoff, who seemed to be in higher spirits, and said that the fine wasn't the worst thing in the world. Shane asked him to elaborate and Eric said that at that moment, about 650k were one time charges on their financial records. So if they were running at a lossless than that, that would mean that they'd make a profit, which gave Shane a little bit of reprieve. No matter how bad it looked, this was going to be the worst month, simply due to that 650k. He just hoped that Eric was right and that this whole thing was being overblown in his head, but until he saw the report, he'd be on edge.


But now wasn't the time to worry about finances. They had a show in two days, and he needed a success.

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Card for WCW Starrcade, 4th Week of December, 2001


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Scott Steiner © vs Rhyno


Randy Savage vs Jerry Lynn


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Four Horsemen (DDP and Douglas) vs The Extremists


Sting vs Sabu


Kevin Nash vs Rob Van Dam


WCW United States Championship Match:

Booker T vs Elix Skipper ©


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Steve Corino


ECW Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs TAKA Michinoku ©


Jerry Lawler vs Taz


WCW World Television Championship Match:

Sean O'Haire © vs A Debuting ECW Wrestler (Vic Grimes or Brother Devon)

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