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WCW 2001: I Now Own WCW!

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1st Week of April, Sunday, 2002: Wrestlemania X8 Results

An Event To Remember

Wrestlemania X8 just ended, and it's pretty clear to all who watched that this has been the best wrestling PPV of the year so far, and barring another fantastic PPV from any other company, it's the show of the year. It's highlighted by 3 5* matches: Chris Benoit vs Big Show, Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker, and the main event, Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs The Rock III for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Significant matches included:

  • Mr. Perfect continuing his career renaissance, by defeating Bubba Ray Dudley to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship.
  • Edge & Christian defeated The Sultans of Slam (Disco Inferno & Mike Sanders) in a Steel Cage to retain the WWF World Tag Team Championships.
  • Big Boss Man defeated Raven in a Steel Cage to retain the WWF European Championship.
  • Chris Benoit defeated The Big Show
  • The Undertaker's Streak came to an end when Kurt Angle made him tap out to the Ankle Lock.
  • The Main Event ended with The Rock finally getting his victory over Austin at Wrestlemania, ending with a Stunner being reversed into a Rock Bottom. The Rock captured the '3' and ended Austin's 371 day reign as champion

One thing to note was the absence of Bill Goldberg, who many thought would appear sometime during the show. This pretty much guarantees that he will make his debut tomorrow night during Monday Night Raw. However, there's also some concern regarding Austin. According to some sources, he has alerted WWF officials that he will be taking tomorrow night off. Our sources don't tell us how WWF officials responded, but it does seem unlikely that it'd be anything other than a tacit acceptance.

Meanwhile, WCW looks to go into their own PPV next week with a strong show tomorrow night, but it'll be very hard to live up to what the WWF achieved tonight.

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Card for WCW Monday Nitro on FOX, 2nd Week of April, Monday, 2002

Mayhem Match Qualifier: Tommy Dreamer vs The Sandman

Mayhem Match Qualifier: Sting vs Terry Funk

Triple X vs The Hardy Boyz and Al Snow

Hardcore Match: Jerry Lynn vs Sabu

Hulk Hogan vs Kevin Nash

Main Event, WCW World Television Championship Match:

Samoa Joe (c) vs Shawn Michaels

*If Samoa Joe wins, he becomes the #1 contender for the United States Championship at Mayhem.

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  • 2 months later...

As explained in the Sudden Pro Wrestling: One Last Chance thread, this save file was corrupted and I can't continue it further. However, while I can't continue it, I can say what the overall plan was. I won't go into much detail on the weekly shows, but the PPV's I will.

  • WCW Mayhem
    • Shawn Michaels was going to retain his WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Hulk Hogan.
    • Samoa Joe was going to beat Shawn Michaels on the above Nitro, and then beat Al Snow at Mayhem, becoming the United States Champion, and retaining his WCW World Television Championship.
    • The Mayhem Match would see the return of Scott Hall, and the debut of BG James and New Jack (on a one-night only basis).
    • The final three of the Mayhem match were going to be Steve Corino, Ron Killings and Aj Styles, who would've drawn the 1st entry into the match. The winner of the match was going to be AJ Styles, after Corino eliminated Killings.
  • WCW Slamboree
    • Shawn Michaels would face Sting, and retain.
    • Samoa Joe would defeat 3 others in a gauntlet match to retain both championships
    • The New Faces of Fear would retain, but further divides would occur between Ron Simmons and Jon Bradshaw.
    • Steve Corino comes to Styles aid when Styles took on Kevin Nash.
    • DDP leaves the Four Horsemen.
  • WCW The Great American Bash
    • In the buildup, The Kliq antagonizes Styles, trying to goad him into making a mistake. It backfires when Styles defeats The New Faces of Fear, courtesy of a Steve Corino/Lance Storm interference. This gives Triple X a tag team title match at GAB.
    • Triple X defeats the New Faces of Fear after Simmons turns face. Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper) join Steve Corino's faction, and become ECW Tag Team Champions as well.
    • Aj Styles fights Shawn Michaels in a 60-Minute Iron Man match that Styles loses 2-1 in Sudden Death.
      • After the match, Shane McMahon comes out and after some talking, annoucnes the reinstatement of Shawn's next challenger. Shawn then gets jumped by Scott Steiner
    • Samoa Joe defends his two championships.
  • WCW Battlebowl
    • A Tag Team Tournament dominates the whole show. The ending match is Triple X vs Sting/Ron Simmons, which the latter win.
    • Samoa Joe goes it alone and makes it to the final 4, before being beaten by Sting/Simmons
    • Hall and Nash get beat by Triple X in the final 4.
  • WCW Bash at the Beach
    • Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Corino
      • Corino wins and the Alliance breaks, with Corino getting ECW, and those still siding with Dreamer joining WCW.
    • Sting/Simmons vs Hall/Nash
      • Sting/Simmons win and Nash turns on Hall.
    • Shawn Michaels vs Scott Steiner
      • Shawn Michaels retains after Steiner gets DQ'd. Steiner would've controlled the match from bell to bell, but would've gone too far.
    • Samoa Joe wins the Cruiserweight championship, exploiting an open challenge made by Chavo Guerrero.
      • This comes after he defends his own championships.
      • Following this victory, he combines the US, TV and Cruiserweight Championship, creating the X-Division Championship.
  • WCW Fall Brawl
    • 3-way War Games
      • WCW vs ECW vs Kliq
        • WCW: DDP, Shane Douglas, AJ Styles (leaves Triple X), Samoa Joe (Officially joins WCW), Booker T
        • ECW: Steve Corino, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Lance Storm, Jerry Lynn
        • Kliq: Nash, BG James, Jon Bradshaw, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy
          • ECW would've won this match, and as their reward would be given the November PPV permenantly.
          • ECW also would've gained a TV show (Independence)
      • Scott Hall vs Shawn Michaels for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship
        • Michaels retains, but after the match bloodies Hall. DDP comes to the rescue.
        • DDP challenges Michaels to a match at Halloween Havoc.
        • Michaels agrees on the condition that if Page loses, he must retire.
          • Page comes back and adds another one of his own the following Nitro. If he wins at Halloween Havoc, he and Michaels will face Starrcade for the title. If Michaels loses at Starrcade, the Kliq invasion is over.
          • Michaels refuses for the next few Nitros, but eventually gets cornered into accepting the deal.
  • WCW Halloween Havoc
    • DDP vs Shawn Michaels: Career vs Title Match
      • DDP finally defeats Shawn Michaels and wins the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.
    • AJ Styles defeats Samoa Joe to win the X-Division Championship.
    • Sting/Simmons defeat Nash/Bradshaw.
    • BG James turns on the Kliq and forms a tag team with Ron Killings.
      • This would've been building up since the Summer.
    • Steve Corino crowns himself ECW World Heavyweight Champion after defeating RVD, Rhyno and Mike Awesome in a Fatal-4-Way elimination match.
  • ECW November to Remember
    • Corino vs Dreamer for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship
      • Corino Wins
      • Triple X vs Jerry Lynn/Rhyno for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
        • Triple X wins
  • WCW Starrcade
    • Shawn Michaels and Shane McMahon come to an agreement in the build-up from Havoc to Starrcade
      • A winner-take-all event
    • Steve Corino and Shane McMahon make an agreement, recognizing WCW and ECW as equals, reforming the alliance on Corino's terms.
    • Shawn Michaels vs DDP for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship
      • Page wins and WCW wins the overall event 6-5, ending the invasion once and for all.
  • The Nitro after Starrcade
    • A draft is held to even out the rosters of WCW and ECW, part of the agreement with ECW.


And that's where the diary would've ended for a prolonged period. With two shows being made (WCW on Mondays, ECW on Thursdays), some new homegrown stars for WCW (Styles, Joe, Killings), and a resurgent ECW more than likely filling a  'B' show role. Where it would've gone from here, I'm not too sure, but this is what I had planned on doing, and unfortunately, I will not be able to finish it. I had a lot of fun writing this diary, but all things must come to an end. Hopefully, the same thing doesn't happen to the new thread, but this is where this thread will have to end.

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Being that the limit for three-way tag matches are 3v3v3, I'd have done something where I would've just had 3 of them in game, but dynasty-wise, I would have written it as a 5v5v5. It wouldn't have accurately reflected what it owuld've been in game, but that would have been as close as I could've gotten to in game. It probably would've been listed in TEW as:

  • WCW: DDP, Booker T, Shane Douglas (Run ins from Styles and Joe)
  • ECW: Corino, Lance Storm, Jerry Lyn (Run ins from Triple X)
  • Kliq: Nash, BG James, Bradshaw (Run ins from the Hardyz)

It probably would've been dinged for being overbooked, but that was how I had planned on doing it.

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