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Black Canvas Grappling: Invasion of the TITANS

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Just wanted to say absolutely fantastic stuff. Been reading this over the past few days and just caught up. Love the format and love the stories you're telling.

Hello, welcome and thank you. Always nice to know people read and enjoy. Thumbs up for the predictions too, appreciate people going the extra mile of explaining their pick, provides some nice feedback into how the booking is perceived.

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Fri. W2 September 2020

New Mei Sports Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Attendance: 10.000 (sold out), Rating: 70, Views: 50.204 (0.06 on Shogun TV)





Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror and Ragnarok) vs Okamoto-gun (Dynamite Narahashi, Yoshisada Matsuzawa and The Diamond Dogs)

The charismatic, fun loving Okamoto-gun team did a nice job of firing up the audience at the start of the show, while also providing a stark contrast to their intimidating opponents. Oddly enough, Dread Army should -in theory- control the match and bully their opponents around, but in a refreshing twist of things it was their opponents who seemed to be on top by taking advantage of the chaotic nature of such a multi man match. Dread Army looked a lot like a collection of big strong individuals while Okamoto-gun came across more like a team, using their speed and frequent tags to always keep a fresh contestant in while confusing the opposition. Chipping away at four monsters is no small task though and all it took was one simple miscalculation from Matsuzawa, providing Ragnarok with a chance to hit one big move to end the match.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity and Ragnarok) defeated Okamoto-gun (Dynamite Narahashi, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda) in 14:30 when Ragnarok pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Death of the Gods. [55]





Seven Samurai (Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Roku Sotomura) vs Conner Threepwood and The Hurt

It should come as no surprise that this match was all about the technical aspects of wrestling, with all six men putting on a clinic. This slow pace, light impact style was just the thing for veterans Yokokawa and Sotomura, as it allowed them to preserve strength and play up their experience while hiding their declining stamina and athleticism. Their opponents proved to be excellent dance partners for such a style, especially Robinson and Svensson who threw in a few teamwork spots to turn things around more than once, but it was Threepwood who in the end wrapped it up as he tapped Yokokawa, leaving Seven Samurai to ponder about their depleted ranks and aging members.


In a bout that had good wrestling but didn't have much heat, Conner Threepwood and The Hurt defeated Seven Samurai (Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Roku Sotomura) in 16:05 when Conner Threepwood submitted Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Stretch Plum. [54]



Challengers Series Medallions match


Atto Savage vs Zeshin Makioka

This was very much what one would expect here, with Savage using his power to dominate while Makioka focused his attacks on his opponent's recently injured leg. Given how much Savage seemed to be limited in his performance, it's no hyperbole to say he wasn't just selling the damage but suffered from legitimate pain. A lot of his tactics had to do with trying to wrap this up fast and apply the Savage Claw, something Makioka had scouted out and escaped in various creative ways, at one point simply kicking his opponent's leg as hard as he could while in the hold, counting on the spiking pain to force a release, which it did. From there, Makioka had a clear target he worked over, building up to a Figure Four and the eventual submission.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Zeshin Makioka defeated Atto Savage in 14:01 by submission. Zeshin Makioka wins the Medallion #2. Zeshin Makioka makes defence number one of the Medallion #3. [46]



Challengers Series Medallions match

Winner receives a match for the BCG Challengers Series title at The Lion's Roar


Rokuemon Matsushita vs Zeshin Makioka

A spectacular opening sequence set the tone for this match, as Makioka tried to use the same tactics and work Matsushita's recently injured hip; proving he's no longer damaged and sharp as a tack, Rokuemon effortlessly caught the leg for a shocking moment, before yanking it to pull Makioka near and floor him with a short distance lariat. His plan proven ineffective, Makioka had to survive the onslaught that followed while trying to come up with a new approach. Tapping into his WEXXV past, Makioka escaped the ring to lure his opponent into a brawl, which would eventually involve a chair swung as a weapon to provide Zeshin with a chance to lead the match. Matsushita found himself on defence, but he managed to perservere and push through the damage and his own gas tank, ultimately delivering a huge chokeslam onto the chair Makioka had used and get the pinfall win.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Zeshin Makioka in 15:40 by pinfall with an One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the Medallion #2. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the Medallion #3. Rokuemon Matsushita makes defence number one of the Medallion #1. [58]



Seven Samurai (Funakoshi & Blast Ikoma) vs Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka)

Kiyotaka's defection was the last in a long series of problems for Seven Samurai and given his undefeated streak against all its members during the tour, he walked into this match in great form alongside Yoshi Taku. Funakoshi was gunning for redemption after that roll up defeat and Ikoma really stepped up his game following his victory over Genji, now really solidifying himself as the group's biggest name behind only Funakoshi and the glue that holds everything together in these dark times.


The match began with Funakoshi demanding to face Kiyotaka and subsequently peppering him with the stiffest strikes he could muster before tagging in Ikoma to get his share as well. Kiyotaka was forced to also make a tag, giving Taku and Ikoma a chance to get the match rolling proper as they exchanged strikes in sequences leading to a big slam or suplex in the end. By the time Kiyotaka got tagged again, Ikoma had taken a decent beating and the match got slowed down even further as he got worked over on the mat with submissions. This of course built up the anticipation for a hot tag to Funakoshi, with Ikoma initially releasing himself when he sent Kiyotaka to the corner with a release suplex but couldn't get up, then rolling through a Kimura attempt into a pin, forcing another break that this time allowed him to make the tag. Funakoshi cleaned house and turned the tide in his team's favor, but he seemed hellbent on hitting Kiyotaka with the Butterfly Backbreaker, even if sometimes it came at the expense of what would be best for his side. Ikoma noticed and tried to tell Funakoshi, a subtle tension leading to perhaps an argument between the two, only to subvert expectation when the ever-stoic Funakoshi simply made a reluctant tag. Ikoma pushed through the pain and exhaustion but ended up taking a Full Nelson Bomb for a near fall that his teammate broke up. This had Taku hit Funakoshi as well with a Full Nelson Bomb, the impact rolling him out of the ring after taking the move. Just as it was being set up though, Kiyotaka slapped Taku's back for a blind tag and with Funakoshi out on the floor, he slapped the Kimura on Ikoma dead center of the ring to get the submission.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka defeated Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma in 19:04 when Kiyotaka submitted Blast Ikoma with a Kimura. [66]


Tag Team Tournament finals

Winners receive a match for the BCG World Tag Team titles at The Lion's Roar


The American Cobras vs Miura & Yoshizawa

It might seem strange, but somehow this was the first ever match between these two teams in 2020. Anticipation was high and the outcome did not disappoint, as they delivered a fast paced, action packed match full of blistering offence and quick sequences of rapid fire double teams that made good use of both teams' experience. Miura and Spillane also had an exciting part where they traded hard blows with each other, while Malloy brought the high flying to pick up the pace even further and excite the fans. His high risk offence ended up betraying him in the end however when he hit a splash and came up empty, allowing his opponents to retaliate with the End of the World and punch their tickets to a title rematch at The Lion's Roar.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The American Cobras in 26:08 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Marvel Malloy with The End Of The World. [71]



SUKI vs Tanyu Toshusai

Slowing things down for a breather after the previous match, SUKI and Toshusai spent a lot of the first minutes in this match stalling, posturing and trash talking each other before initiating a striking challenge, everything amping up the personal tension between the two of them. This set the tone for a classic slow fuse bout between them, each man methodically trying to work around his opponent and build towards his respective finisher. Toshusai focused his offence on the neck and head to set up the Brainbuster, whereas SUKI kept swapping his target to stay unpredictable, since he's got both the Mountain SUKI and SUKI Special III in his arsenal. This of course came at the cost of consistently aiming for a certain body part, with Toshusai managing to kick out of a Mountain SUKI to a loud reaction. SUKI would later respond by kicking out of his opponent's finisher and as the match pushed towards the 30 minute mark things looked like they could go either way, but the end saw Toshusai tapping out to a SUKI Special III, one that SUKI kept applied even after the bell, forcing the referee and ringside attendants to rush in and pull him off Tanyu.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, SUKI defeated Tanyu Toshusai in 27:49 by submission with a SUKI Special III. [81]



Big Bruiser Findlay vs Razan Okamoto

Winner to headline The Lion's Roar in a match for the BCG World title

In theory, Findlay versus Okamoto should be a great David vs Goliath situation, but in practice the two men proved to mesh real bad in the ring and it brought the end result down to the point where they couldn't outshine the semi main event by the final bell. Still, Findlay got plenty of offence in playing the part of the brutish gaijin and Okamoto bumped around for sympathy while getting the occasional hope spot to stay in the bout. The back injury Okamoto had sustained in January at the hands of the big bruiser also came into play, with the smaller competitor frantically trying to dodge the Atomic Spinebuster while Findlay took every chance he could to punish his opponent's previously damaged area. On top of that, the size difference meant that Okamoto wasn't able to hit many of his usual moves, including his finisher, so he resorted to mat grappling trying to wear the giant down, a strategy that made sense but messed with the pace of the bout and took some wind out of its sails. Findlay almost got the pin after a scary looking Backdrop Driver, the signature move Bulldozer Brandon Smith would use to finish his matches before leaving BCG for USPW, and he paid for his inability to end the match there and then because Okamoto would later catch him in the midst of ascending the ropes, using the situation to did deep for the strength and leverage Findlay's weight to finally hit him with a Brainbuster Suplex for the pin.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Razan Okamoto defeated Big Bruiser Findlay in 31:46 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. [75]



Revisiting the finish at The Lion Rises, Okamoto got to cut the go-home promo over the reeling Findlay, only for Furusawa to come out and congratulate him for his victory and have a staredown, hyping up their now re-confirmed title clash at The Lion's Roar.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Okamoto: "I literally had to achieve the impossible tonight, but I proved I can do impossible things. And if people think there's no way Furusawa is losing that title, well I guess that's another impossible for me to conquer. I've proven I can and at The Lion's Roar I will become the new BCG World champion!"


SUKI: "Tanyu is a great wrestler, but he's in over his head. Tonight I taught him humility. I showed him his place. Defeating Furusawa was, just like I'd said, a lucky night for him and nothing more."


Yoshizawa: "When we lost our titles to The Horror, they were newcomers. We didn't know what to expect and we got caught by surprise. We've fought hard for another chance and this time we will be prepared to reclaim the gold."


Matsushita: "When Tanyu Toshusai won the Challengers Series title in January, he became the first and only three time holder of the belt. At The Lion's Roar, I intend to match him and then go a step beyond by completing all three defences for a chance at the World title."</div>

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BCG The Lion's Roar 2020 Press Conference Highlights




~ The Lion's Roar marks the peak of BCG's schedule each year and this year it was no different, as the company chose this event to debut a new title belt. Dubbed the BCG National championship, the title is meant to fill a gap in the upper half of the promotion's card, above the Challengers Series title and perhaps meant to be used as a secondary main event belt behind the World title. In order to crown the first ever National champion, the company revealed the brackets of a single elimination tournament (see below), highlighting their decision to stick with the name and only have Japanese wrestlers compete for it.




~ Shozo Kawamata was also revealed to no longer be a part of BCG, meaning that the announce desk returns to the familiar two man format as Gonkuro Nakanishi and Naizen Uboshita will be calling the action. Officials clarified that this was a mutual decision and pointed out that Kawamata's year long services will be acknowledged by inducting him into the company's Hall of Fame alongside Kazu Yoshizawa and Pistol Pete Hall.




~ It wasn't all departures however: Animal Harker made his official return declaring he's ready to go and he certainly looked like it, having put on a significant amount of muscle to his frame since he was last seen. According to Harker, working out kept him sane and focused while he was away and he focused on his upper body first with bench presses and curls, then used his rehab routine for the leg to add in squats.




~ Kiyotaka seems to have found a new edge since defecting to Dawnguard, but his seat was filled this month when Motoyuki Miyake was announced as his replacement. The former SAISHO star has showcased the skill as well as the attitude to attract the attention of the group and joining them is expected to be beneficial for his own career as well. Meanwhile, BCG also announced the signing of Kyuichi Matsumoto, who immediately sided with the Dawnguard faction.




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Roaring Lion Tour Night 1 in Kyoto, kansai Region

Sat. W3 September 2020

954 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror and Ragnarok) defeated Okamoto-gun (Dynamite Narahashi, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) in 17:44 when Ragnarok pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Death of the Gods. [61]

The upcoming battle for the BCG World Tag Team titles was teased in this eight man tag, with Dread Army and Okamoto-gun clashing to kick off the tour. Both teams put on a good performance to get the fans going and in the end, Ragnarok blasted Matsuzawa for the win.


2. Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Tanyu Toshusai) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto and The Diamond Dogs) in 21:21 when Mabuchi Furusawa submitted Jimmy Stratosphere with a Furusawa Armbar. [62]

Furusawa sent a message to his challenger in this match when he tapped out Jimmy Stratosphere, but his team had to work hard for more than twenty minutes to get him there. Between teamwork issues that SUKI and Toshusai had given their recent heat as well as an apparent hip injury the latter sustained, it was an uphill battle but one they still managed to win. According to reports, the injury is not something major to sideline Toshusai, but he is expected to now have a lighter schedule in order to save him for the bigger shows.


3. Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody defeated Rokuemon Matsushita and Shuzo Utagawa in 17:41 when Giant Brody pinned Shuzo Utagawa with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [65]

Brody and Matsushita for the Challengers Series title is a highly anticipated match, but it was clear that Shuzo Utagawa did not belong in this match. To no one's surprise, Utagawa took most of the beating here as well as the pin, but still got a few outbursts of offence and a chance to showcase his selling as well as his fighting spirit against his larger opponents, somehow managing to look decent even in defeat.


4. Zeshin Makioka defeated Omezo Shikitei in 13:52 by pinfall. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [66]

Makioka began his course in the tournament off the right foot, hoping to this time make it to the end after coming inches away recently from winning a shot at the Challengers Series title. Shikitei provided a tough challenge that had the match looking like it could end up with either man on top, but ultimately Z-Mak scored the pin to advance and wait to face one half of the Black Iron Corps.


5. Kiyotaka defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka in 27:58 by submission with a Kimura. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [60]

Former teammates collided in the main event, Kiyotaka coming in with his confidence boosted after a series of wins over each member of the Seven Samurai last tour. "Serene K" gave him another challenge in the form of a technical bout and the two men dragged this almost to the half hour mark in a dramatic exchange of holds that still had the fans hooked in. Once again though, Kamisaka came up short and did not have an answer for the Kimura, tapping out yet again to send Kiyotaka to the next round.


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<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Roaring Lion Tour Night 2 in Osaka, kansai Region</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Mon. W4 September 2020</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

861 Fans</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Diamond Dogs defeated Last of the Golden Lions</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 15:35 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Ryobe Uno with a Sweep DDT. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[48]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Diamond Dogs got a modicum of revenge in the opening match by defeating the Pillars team of Kikuchi and Uno. Lately working dates for Pro Wrestling SAISHO as well, Uno has had a rough schedule take its toll on his focus as well as his body, leading to him having to push through but in the end get caught with a Sweep DDT.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

2. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>FEAR and Ragnarok defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 18:23 when Ragnarok pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Death of the Gods. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[47]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>"Serene K" had to work with a new teammate here while also struggling with his confidence after another loss to Kiyotaka and his elimination from the National Championship Tournament. Not the best of setups when going up against the massive representatives of Dread Army and despite Miyake's best efforts, FEAR and Ragnarok had a clear upper hand in this match and earned a well deserved victory.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Wild Ones defeated Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 20:32 when Animal Harker pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Trash Compaction. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[60]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Animal Harker's return to the ring saw him team up once again with Findlay and absolutely steamroll through the opposition, making good use of his newfound physical power. Harker made up for whatever ring rust he had through sheer intensity and enthusiasm, leading to the big finish of the Wild Ones hitting their tag finisher once again and Harker scoring the fall.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Azumamaro Kita defeated Fujio Narahashi</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 19:25 by pinfall with a quick cradle. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[47]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>The two members of Black Iron Corps faced off here and it was a fluid back and forth match, building on their familiarity with each other. Neither man held back and it made for a hard hitting, impactful bout that Kita managed to win just before the twentieth minute by surprising Narahashi with an inside cradle.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

5. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>SUKI defeated Yoshinaka Taku</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 27:43 by submission with a SUKI Special III. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[74]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>A big one on one match that could well be found on a major show card, SUKI and Taku clashed for a spot in the next stage of the tournament, with neither man willing to yield. From inviting strikes to kicking out of huge moves, both men had ample opportunities to showcase their toughness and fighting spirit, all the way to the finish where they simply dropped bombs on each other until SUKI slyly slipped his opponent into the SUKI Special III to squeeze out a submission.</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p></div><p></p>

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<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Roaring Lion Tour Night 3 in Nagoya City, Chubu Region</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Thu. W4 September 2020</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

153 Fans</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 15:48 when Blast Ikoma pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Northern Lights Suplex. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[51]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Dawnguard up-and-comers Mitsukuri & Kinoshita found themselves in the opening match of the night, these days mostly working dates for Pro Wrestling SAISKO. Ikoma and Kamisaka had no problem wrestling them to a victory, although it became more than apparent that the two youngsters have been developing by leaps and bounds.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

2. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman and The Wild Ones) defeated Okamoto-gun (Dynamite Narahashi and The Diamond Dogs)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 15:36 when Animal Harker pinned Motty Kuroda with a Stump Piledriver. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[53]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Harker continued to build up momentum this night, all the while providing a much needed connection between the veteran Findlay and blue chipper Texas Hangman. This cohesion helped their team get the win despite their opponents' best efforts and Harker's return seems to be doing a lot to get the Bruiser Brigade back in the game.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The American Cobras defeated The Hurt</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 18:21 when Marvel Malloy pinned Billy Robinson with a Cobra Strike. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[62]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Two top tier teams with leagues of experience clashed in this one, Cobras bringing some speed and high flying to match the Hurt's technical prowess. An extremely open ended match that felt like it could end at any moment with either team victorious, Malloy ensured his team got the best of this clash.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Yoshisada Matsuzawa</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 17:51 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[35]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Still an unknown to BCG fans, Matsumoto sure made a statement here by beating Matsuzawa, courtesy of his deadly finisher. The hard hitter got the best of his fun loving opponent to score a shocking, unexpected win and advance to the tournament's quarterfinals.</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

5. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Funakoshi defeated Danjuro Kikuchi</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> in 23:07 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[64]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Speaking of unexpected, no one thought Funakoshi would lose to Kikuchi in the main event, in fact the former BCG World champion is a favourite to win the entire tournament and claim the new belt for himself. What was really of note here was how much of an obstacle Kikuchi posed, taking the match well past the twenty minute mark before staying down for the three.</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p></div><p></p>

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Roaring Lion Tour Night 4 in Hamamatsu City, Chubu Region

Sun. W4 September 2020

154 Fans


1. The Wild Ones defeated Omezo Shikitei and Shuzo Utagawa in 16:14 when Animal Harker pinned Shuzo Utagawa with a Stump Piledriver. [50]

Shikitei's usual teammate Ray Snow has been sidelined with a broken arm and thus Utagawa stepped up to fill in for him in this match against the fired up gaijin duo. For all his technical skill though, Utagawa lacks the striking power and experience of Snow as well as the implicit chemistry with Shikitei, which led to the team's downfall and him getting pinned after a Stump Piledriver.


2. Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated The Hurt in 15:48 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Billy Robinson with a Full Nelson Bomb. [57]

Following his big tournament win over Matsuzawa, Kyuichi Matsumoto returned here to team up with Yoshi Taku against The Hurt. This was largely a struggle over the style and pace of the contest, with the two technical-minded foreigners trying to keep things slow and grounded against Matsumoto's intensity. Some of it seemed to rub off on Taku as well too and in the end he was the one to score the pin for the Dawnguard duo.


3. Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa defeated Last of the Golden Lions in 18:25 when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Ryobe Uno with a Double Arm DDT. [45]

With Kikuchi now out of the tournament, he and Uno reunited for this match, where they found themselves outmatched by the experience of their battle hardened opponents. Matsuzawa especially showed some signs of lingering damage from his tournament match but was able to push through it all and get the win.


4. FEAR and Ragnarok defeated The Diamond Dogs in 18:08 when Ragnarok pinned Motty Kuroda with a Death of the Gods. [63]

Despite not being a regular team like their opponents, there's no accounting for sheer size and power, which is what the Dread Army duo brought to this match. The Diamond Dogs had a game plan that utilized their speed, agility and double teams for hit and run tactics, but it only served them in surviving for nearly twenty minutes before the inevitable happened.


5. Blast Ikoma defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 20:43 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [57]

The main event was a clash between two of the Seven Samurai and it played out much like a respectful trial, with Ikoma testing the skill of the newest addition to the group. Miyake was relentless with his kicks and kept getting up from every suplex Ikoma threw at him, pushing the veteran to take him seriously in order to finally get the win and advance.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 5 in Shizuoka City, Chubu Region

Tue. W1 October 2020

154 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage and Ragnarok) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Takenori Doi) in 16:18 when Ragnarok pinned Takenori Doi with a Death of the Gods. [55]

Dread Army continue to show dominance in BCG and this match was no different. Despite having the ever-dangerous Matsumoto by his side, Yoshi Taku couldn't pull through as Doi made a rookie mistake and got caught in a Death of the Gods that led to the pinfall.


2. The Hurt defeated The Diamond Dogs in 17:53 when Billy Robinson submitted Jimmy Stratosphere with a Capital City Crucifix. [56]

The two teams have clashed in the past under SAISHO's banner, thus they displayed their familiarity of each other and put on a great match, made even better by the fact that the BCG audience has warmed up to them by this point. An even contest, it ended in favor of the Hurt, courtesy of Robinson's devastating finisher.


3. The Wild Ones defeated Last of the Golden Lions in 15:56 when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Ryobe Uno with a Powerbomb. [59]

An easy win for Harker and Findlay here against their smaller opponents, with Uno once again being the fatal man for his team. What really stood out in this one was Findlay using a powerbomb to end the match, instead of his usual Atomic Spinebuster.


4. The American Cobras defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa and Roku Sotomura in 18:25 when Storm Spillane pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Cobra Strike. [56]

Yokokawa may be more used to tagging with Sojuro Sen, but despite Sotomura filling in for the injured Sen they share enough experience to be able to work together regardless. Their toughness gave their opponents a tough fight, but the Cobras managed to prevail in the end and get the win.


5. Dynamite Narahashi defeated Tanyu Toshusai in 17:48 by pinfall with a Narahashi Cutter. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [56]

Losing to SUKI seems to have had a lingering effect on Tanyu Toshusai, who lacked focus and aggression in this match, ultimately getting eliminated from the tournament while Narahashi advanced to the next stage where he will face, ironically enough, SUKI.



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Roaring Lion Tour Night 6 in Niigata City, Chubu Region

Fri. W1 October 2020

154 Fans


1. The American Cobras defeated Last of the Golden Lions in 15:57 when Storm Spillane pinned Ryobe Uno with a Cobra Strike. [55]

Despite their undeniable chemistry, Kikuchi and Uno keep struggling and this was another loss added to their resume. The Cobras showed some cracks in their armor as the tour goes on and it created openings for their opponents to shine, but there was no denying them on this night.


2. Seven Samurai (Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Roku Sotomura and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Naozane Goto, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Takenori Doi) in 16:27 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Takenori Doi with a Knock Out Kick. [51]

A classic setup, pitting the conservative grumpy veterans of Seven Samurai against the hungry young guns of Dawnguard. With several veterans to keep things together and less focus on themselves alone, youngsters Miyake and Doi had an opportunity to do well in this match, the former even pinning the latter for the finish.


3. FEAR defeated Yoshisada Matsuzawa in 15:44 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. [56]

Matsuzawa fought bravely against the odds here, using his wits and experience to frustrate his larger opponent and lure him into making mistakes. This allowed him to stay in the match for much longer than someone might have expected, but all FEAR needed was a single opening to counterattack and hit his Fear Driver to win it.


4. The Wild Ones defeated The Diamond Dogs in 16:07 when Animal Harker pinned Motty Kuroda with a Trash Compaction. [64]

This match played out exactly as expected: big, strong but slow bruisers against the faster, agile but weaker underdogs. Pretty by the numbers, but still a satisfactory match, ending with Harker and Findlay hitting their destructive tag finisher for added emphasis.


5. Azumamaro Kita defeated Zeshin Makioka in 21:13 by pinfall with a Penalty Kick. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [62]

The quarterfinals of the tournament kicked off with this match and it was, as expected, an extremely hard hitting contest. Kita’s scything kicks gave him the early advantage, but Makioka managed to clothesline him over the top rope and turn this into a brawl outside the ring. Kita pushed on and gradually managed to turn things around again, finishing off the match with an impactful PK to score the pin and move on to the semi finals.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 7 in Okayama, Chugoku Region

Mon. W2 October 2020

140 Fans


1. Last of the Golden Lions defeated The Hurt in 15:51 when Danjuro Kikuchi submitted Billy Robinson with a Step Over Leg Bar. [46]

A much needed victory for the Pillars team following a series of losses, Kikuchi and Uno were able to pull off the win against The Hurt in a highly technical contest.


2. Okamoto-gun (Yoshisada Matsuzawa and The Diamond Dogs) defeated Seven Samurai (Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Motoyuki Miyake) in 16:23 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Frog Splash. [50]

Consistency was the name of the game and being on the same page carried the Okamoto-gun trio to victory, while their Seven Samurai opponents seemed to lack focus following the defection of Kiyotaka, the departure of Lion Genji, Sojuro Sen's injury and Miyake trying to fit in. The Diamond Dogs zoned in on Yokokawa with double moves during the finishing stretch and Stratosphere hit a Frog Splash with impressive hang time to get the three count.


3. The American Cobras defeated Yoshinaka Taku and Takenori Doi in 16:05 when Storm Spillane pinned Takenori Doi with a Storm Bringer. [57]

Taku and Doi's timing is all over the place and it only made things harder for them in this match against the well oiled machine that is the American Cobras. The gaijin duo were spot on with their wrestling and delivered a textbook performance, isolating Doi on their half of the ring to wear him down and despite the hot tag, survive long enough to get back to work on him leading to the pin.


4. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated The Wild Ones in 17:52 when FEAR pinned Animal Harker with a Fear Driver. [65]

Dread Army put a halt to Harker's triumphant return and winning streak when he fell to a Fear Driver. Despite lacking the experience of their opponents as a team, FEAR and Savage were still able to go toe to toe with the Wild Ones and come out on top with the victory.


5. Funakoshi defeated Kiyotaka in 15:39 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [57]

Funakoshi was relentless in this match, dropping his usual slow methodic style for an all out attack on Kiyotaka in search of redemption for his roll up defeat a while back. This sudden rush of striking caught Kiyotaka by surprise and although he managed to recompose himself, the early damage had already been done and by the fifteenth minute Funakoshi went for the Butterfly Backbreaker, surprisingly altering the move from the hold into a Powerbomb Pin version that got a loud reaction.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 8 in Okayama, Chugoku Region

Thu. W2 October 2020

137 Fans


1. Zeshin Makioka defeated Roku Sotomura in 14:15 by pinfall with a Z-Bomb. [58]

Makioka got the victory over the crusty veteran here and he did so by debuting his new finisher, dubbed the Z-Bomb. Sotomura's perfomances continue to be fewer and declining in quality, indicating another incoming headache for his Seven Samurai allies.


2. Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka defeated The Diamond Dogs in 18:28 when Kiyotaka submitted Motty Kuroda with a Kimura. [54]

Kiyotaka came back from losing to Funakoshi and it seemed to have lit a fire under him. Despite not being a regular team, he and Yoshi Taku controlled the pace of the match and were able to get the win, forcing Kuroda to tap out.


3. The American Cobras defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Nobuharu Yokokawa in 17:44 when Marvel Malloy pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Cobra Strike. [57]

More troubles for the Seven Samurai here, with the Cobras looking unstoppable against Kamisaka and Yokokawa. The gaijin duo kept things fast and rolling, throwing their slower technician opponents off guard until they hit the Cobra Strike on Yokokawa for the pin.


4. Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 14:22 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. [61]

Miyake showed a lot of heart in this singles match, standing his ground against the bullying Findlay who would very much like to have a squash and quick win. Miyake looked especially strong, even if he wasn't really expected to win and thus managed to appear good even in defeat.


5. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Blast Ikoma in 28:01 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [60]

Matsumoto has proven to be a great signing for BCG and the Dawnguard faction as he's turning into a tournament killer with a win here over former World champion Blast Ikoma. Very much a slow bout that eventually ascended into a bombfest, this saw both men hitting their biggest slams until Ikoma got blasted into the turnbuckles one time too many and stayed down for the count. Matsumoto now advances to the semifinals, where he will be facing Azumamaro Kita.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 9 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Sun. W2 October 2020

137 Fans


1. Kiyotaka defeated Yoshisada Matsuzawa in 15:52 by submission with a Kimura. [41]

Kiyotaka got the show started with a somewhat unexciting match, but he still got to walk away with a victory. His calm demeanor was a stark contrast to the cheeky Matsuzawa, who did his best to get the fans invested and fill in for his opponent's apparent lack of charisma, before eventually tapping out to the Kimura.


2. FEAR defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa in 16:21 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. [58]

Yokokawa can't seem to catch a break lately and going up against FEAR wasn't going to help his case. The tough veteran made things hard for his less experienced opponent, wrestling a very cerebral match to play to his own strengths but it was always clear who is on the rise here and who is not.


3. Zeshin Makioka defeated Yoshinaka Taku in 18:20 by pinfall with a fast roll up. [62]

A surprise victory for Zeshin Makioka, who managed to defeat the stand-in leader of Dawnguard. Taku put on a great performance but Makioka's unpredictable style kept throwing him off guard, leading to the finish out of nowhere.


4. Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated The Wild Ones in 17:54 when Blast Ikoma pinned Animal Harker with a Northern Lights Bomb. [63]

Ikoma and Kamisaka are not a regular tag team, but they still managed to stand their ground against the Wild Ones in a hard hitting contest here. Fired up and seeking a win after being eliminated from the National Championship Tournament, Ikoma was able to go all the way and get the pin, frustrating Harker who was on the receiving end of the pin.


5. SUKI defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 20:48 by submission with a SUKI Special III. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [66]

A solid main event between two established members of the BCG roster, this match saw Narahashi try to use his speed and explosiveness to carry him through. SUKI survived several near falls in a showcase of his fighting spirit and ultimately got the tap, moving on to a huge match against Funakoshi in the semi finals of the tournament.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 10 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Tue. W3 October 2020

136 Fans


1. FEAR defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 16:05 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. [59]

FEAR continues his solid run this tour as he picked up another win here over Miyake, who looked extremely good even in defeat and proved why he's considered as a potential future star. His array of kicks did the job of chopping the big man down, but FEAR's power was just too much and thanks to his devastating finisher, he got the victory in the end.


2. Zeshin Makioka defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka in 17:33 by pinfall with a Z-Bomb. [60]

Makioka's new finisher, the Z-Bomb, continues to yield victories for the man and it was "Serene K" who fell to it this time. Kamisaka was unable to impose his slow, mat grappling pace and this cost him the match as Makioka continues to look good in his BCG stint.


3. Blast Ikoma defeated Yoshinaka Taku in 17:31 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb. [53]

Another win for Ikoma, another loss for Taku. The #2 of their respective factions clashed here and as time goes on, fans and critics agree that Ikoma is turning into somewhat of a holy grail for the young Taku, his gatekeeper to finally cracking the main event scene of the company.


4. The Wild Ones defeated Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa in 18:04 when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Trash Compaction. [59]

Redemption at last for the Wild Ones, who got back to their winning ways with this win over Okamoto-gun. This time it was Findlay who stepped forward and took charge of things and it showed as he was also the one to score the pin once he and Harker hit their tag finisher on Matsuzawa for the finish.


5. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Azumamaro Kita in 20:54 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [47]

When the tournament began, neither Matsumoto nor Kita were on many people's lists to go this far, but here they were wrestling each other for a spot at the finals and a very real chance to win the newly introduced BCG National title. For all the hard hits and stiff strikes, fans were moderately invested in the match as they're not that familiar with both men, but Matsumoto continued his crazy run in the tournament and ended up punching his ticked for a title match at The Lion's Roar, where he'll have the unenviable task of facing either Funakoshi or SUKI.


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Roaring Lion Tour Night 11 in Kobe, Kansai Region

Thu. W3 October 2020

959 Fans


1. Okamoto-gun (Dynamite Narahashi, Yoshisada Matsuzawa and The Diamond Dogs) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Motoyuki Miyake) in 18:22 when Dynamite Narahashi pinned Motoyuki Miyake with a Narahashi Cutter. [50]

Black Canvas returned to their home turf of Kansai for the final night of the tour before The Lion's Roar and the opening multi man match harkened back to their booking at the start of the year. Okamoto-gun were up against the Seven Samurai team and wrapped up a shaky tour with a victory, looking like worthy teammates of their leader who is set to main event BCG's biggest show of the year in a World title match against Mabuchi Furusawa.


2. Black Iron Corps defeated The Hurt in 18:28 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Nigel Svensson with a Black Iron Lariat. [55]

Well acquainted with each other from their days in Pro Wrestling SAISHO, these two teams let it all out in the ring and regardless of the outcome, certainly managed to win some new fans for themselves as they went back and forth.


3. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated The American Cobras in 17:39 when Atto Savage submitted Storm Spillane with a Savage Claw. [65]

Two gaijin teams clashed here, with Dread Army being the de facto heel bruisers and the Cobras wrestling as faces thanks to their crowd pleasing offence. Despite that and their experience together though, there was no accounting for the sheer power of their opponents and Savage ended up submitting Spillane via his skull crushing Savage Claw.


4. Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka defeated The Wild Ones in 18:01 when Kiyotaka submitted Animal Harker with a Kimura. [67]

All four men would likely want their tour to have gone a little better, so they brought the fire here as they sought one last big win before The Lion's Roar. A match that really could have gone either way (and felt like it too) but ultimately swung the way of the Dawnguard team.


5. Funakoshi defeated SUKI in 27:53 by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [78]

A highly anticipated clash, a match that could have headlined major BCG shows and a fitting finale to the biggest tour of the year, this one had Funakoshi and SUKI leave it all out as they struggled to earn their title shot. Almost 30 minutes that flew by like a breeze and a great performance from both participants, of which Funakoshi ended up winning to face Matsumoto for the belt at The Lion's Roar.


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Sat. W3 October 2020

New Mei Sports Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG World title match

10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs 2020 Sole Survivor Razan Okamoto


BCG National title match

Funakoshi vs Kyuichi Matsumoto


BCG World Tag Team titles match

14th Champions The Horror vs Challengers Miura & Yoshizawa


The American Cobras vs The Wild Ones


BCG Challengers Series title match

18th Champion Giant Brody vs Challenger Rokuemon Matsushita


30 Man Battle Royal

Confirmed participants: Atto Savage, Azumamaro Kita, Billy Robinson, Blast Ikoma, Conner Threepwood, Dynamite Narahashi, FEAR, Jimmy Stratosphere, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka, Motoyuki Miyake, Motty Kuroda, Nigel Svensson, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Roku Sotomura, SUKI, Takenori Doi, Texas Hangman, James Diaz, Yoshinaka Taku, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Zeshin Makioka plus 7 mystery participants</div>

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BCG World title match

10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs 2020 Sole Survivor Razan Okamoto


BCG National title match

Funakoshi vs Kyuichi Matsumoto


BCG World Tag Team titles match

14th Champions The Horror vs Challengers Miura & Yoshizawa


The American Cobras vs The Wild Ones


BCG Challengers Series title match

18th Champion Giant Brody vs Challenger Rokuemon Matsushita


30 Man Battle Royal

Confirmed participants: Atto Savage, Azumamaro Kita, Billy Robinson, Blast Ikoma, Conner Threepwood, Dynamite Narahashi, FEAR, Jimmy Stratosphere, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka, Motoyuki Miyake, Motty Kuroda, Nigel Svensson, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Roku Sotomura, SUKI, Takenori Doi, Texas Hangman, James Diaz, Yoshinaka Taku, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Zeshin Makioka plus 7 mystery participants


Don't know if you're encouraging predictions but let's go.

Give Funakoshi all the belts!

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After a sabbatical, I'm finally back on the boards and catching back up. Loving what you are producing here. The tournament is really developing nicely!


Don't know if you're encouraging predictions but let's go.

Give Funakoshi all the belts!

I'm not running any predictions contest, but I never discourage reader presence, comments and interaction!

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Sat. W3 October 2020

New Mei Sports Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Attendance: 7.308, Rating: 76, Views: 51.406 (0.06 on Shogun TV)



BCG's biggest annual show kicked off with a live band performing on stage, the entrance customized to resemble a giant roaring lion, thus appearing as if wrestlers walked out of its mouth. There was a light show, there was pyro, there was a pan across the front rows for the camera to catch some celebrities in attendance and overall a very sports entertainment-like feel that, compared to BCG's usual spartan presentation, made the show come across as something special, a big deal indeed. Before the matches would begin, Yoshifusa Maeda walked out on stage and welcomed the fans, then gave a short speech to introduce Shozo Kawamata into the company's Hall of Fame.



The first match of the night was a 30 man battle royal, with Blast Ikoma and Naozane Goto starting out. Soon after, they were gradually joined by Atto Savage, Yoshisada Matsuzawa and Roku Sotomura, as the ring began to fill up.



MUSCLE Serizawa was the first somewhat surprising participant to come out, since he's mostly been working for Pro Wrestling SAISHO even after the promotion was bought out by BCG.



It took FEAR joining the match for the first eliminations to take place, creating some much needed space between the ropes. Assisted by Atto Savage, the leader of Dread Army did a bit of housekeeping and managed to get Matsuzawa, Sotomura and then Serizawa over the top rope to eliminate them.



James Diaz was the next competitor and he made his mark upon entering, knocking everyone down to clear the ring and stand tall but not causing any eliminations. His entrance was followed by Motty Kuroda, who found himself picked up and smashed spine first against the corner pads. Jimmy Stratosphere was in next and he rushed to make the save, but only got buckle bombed by Diaz for his efforts, before a revived Goto hit him with the Goto Slam and the FEAR-Savage pairing tossed the second generation star over the top rope to eliminate him.



The chaos continued as SAISHO's Isoruko Araraki and the veteran Nobuharu Yokokawa joined the fray, followed by Takenori Doi and Ryobe Uno. Araraki, also a former sumo competitor, caused the surprising elimination of Naozane Goto while the Diamond Dogs had a burst of tandem offense that allowed them to knock Atto Savvage over the top rope with a double dropkick, eliminating him as well.



Nigel Svensson, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Conner Threepwood were the next participants, all three of them struggling to utilize their mat based arsenal in such a crowded situation. Fortunately for them, Doi hit a running knee on Uno to stun him long enough for an elimination, before FEAR caught him on the rebound for a Fear Driver over the rope onto the apron, eliminating him as well.



One man who thrives in chaos though is Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe, a surprise and shocking participant, the former WEXXV star rushed into the ring and unleashed hell on everyone inside it. Yokokawa got speared with the Animalistic Gore (and subsequently eliminated by an opportunistic Araraki) while Threepwood found himself trading blows with Konoe on the apron, before he got driven head first onto the steps with a Savage Cradle DDT as the fighting spilled out of the ring for the first time.



Suguru Emoto joined next, followed by Texas Hangman who immediately rushed to join Konoe on the outside for a nasty brawl that culminated with "The Animal" getting chokeslammed onto the barricade. Meanwhile, inside the ring, Araraki and FEAR went toe to toe for a spot of exchanging blows, ultimately ending with a lariat from FEAR turning Araraki inside out and flipping him over the top rope for the elimination.



Motoyuki Miyake was next, then Fujio Narahashi and after him, Billy Robinson. Reunited in the ring, the Hurt went after the Diamond Dogs and given how long the latter were already in the match (as well as the punishment they'd taken, especially from Diaz) it didn't take long before both members got eliminated. Meanwhile, FEAR left the ring and joined the brawl on the outside to get the best of both Konoe and Hangman as he stacked the former WEXXV star on the announcers' table and then proceeded to drive the Texas brawler through it.



Azumamaro Kita was the next participant and as expected, the reunited Black Iron Corps began to fight against The Hurt. Meanwhile, Miyake caught Emoto with a head kick, getting him just groggy enough to be knocked over the top rope while "Serene K" landed a snap suplex on Threepwood, followed by a back body drop to cause the elimination.



Just as Kamisaka threw Threepwood out, Kiyotaka was making his way to the ring and the two former partners locked up in a nasty, personal fight. Meanwhile, Ikoma, who was still in the match from the beginning somehow, eliminated his stablemate Miyake with a blow from behind, a spot that got a reaction and is sure to come up in the future in regards to more drama among the Seven Samurai. Before he could complain, Miyake got caught up in the Konoe-Hangman-FEAR brawl and struggled to leave the ring in one piece, while the other three, technically still in the match, slowly made their way back between the ropes.



Yoshinaka Taku was the next participant and he rushed to assist his Dawnguard stablemate Kiyotaka, the two on one predicament quickly causing the elimination of "Serene K". Ikoma was a tad late to assist his ally, but he did at least manage to get enough force behind a dropkick to send Kiyotaka flying over the top rope and down to the floor next to Kamisaka, knocking him out of the match. Meanwhile, Konoe tried a desperate Animalistic Gore aiming for FEAR, but the big man showed surprising agility and awareness when he stepped to the side, avoiding the move to let Texas Hangman take it, before he moved in to capitalize and eliminate the brawler from Dallas.



Another surprise participant was former INSPIRE star, Morimasa Kato. The newcomer showed some great ring smarts as he didn't rush to get in the ring, but instead took a moment to scan the situation: Black Iron Corps were still fighting against The Hurt, Ikoma was locked up with Taku while FEAR was trading blows with Konoe. Kato spent his time until the next entrance at ringside and fans popped when Zeshin Makioka rushed down the ramp to engage with Kato, their fight getting inside the ring just as Nigel Svensson was getting knocked out of it with a Black Iron Lariat, leaving his teammate Robinson in a 2 on 1 predicament before he eventually got eliminated as well.



The final participant was SUKI, making him a favourite to win the rumble for more than one reason. SUKI entered the ring and locked horns with Yoshinaka Taku just as Ikoma seemed to start gasping for air, providing him with a much needed break as he caught the Dawnguard star in a variation of the SUKI Special III that also involved the ropes, making good use of the rules that didn't involve any rope breaks or disqualifications. Meanwhile, Kato caught Narahashi in a Choke Sleeper, leaving a disoriented Kita to get hit with a Fear Driver and eliminated. Taheiji Konoe somehow seemed to get a second wind and speared Makioka against the corner with an Animalistic Gore, the two men revisiting their shared past in Ryu Kajahara's promotion but neither managing to get an elimination at that moment. Instead, it was SUKI who caught Konoe after the move to pull off a Mountain SUKI, subsequently eliminating "The Animal" from the match. Fujio Narahashi also got eliminated moments later, courtesy of FEAR who by this point had racked up a significant number of eliminations, looking dominant almost throughout the match and likely to win it.


Now with fewer people to worry about and more space to work with, Morimasa Kato focused his submission game on Ikoma, who had been in the match the longest. FEAR saw an opportunity and almost eliminated them both when he used his freakish strength to pick them up while locked up in a hold, but only Kato's feet touched the ground as Ikoma held on to the ropes. FEAR got caught in a Full Nelson by Taku and although the move wasn't completed into a Bomb, it still bought Ikoma enough time to get back in the ring. This was short lived however, as SUKI rushed in with a running pump kick on Taku to break the hold, releasing FEAR to hit a discus clothesline. SUKI ducked and the blow connected with Ikoma, this time knocking him out of the match for good and drawing an audible gasp from the fans who were hoping to see him go all the way.



This brought the match down to the Final Four: FEAR, Taku, Makioka and SUKI. The fighting continued with some desperate strikes from the damaged competitors and it was Makioka who hit Taku with a Z-Bomb eventually, before SUKI picked him up and knocked him out of the ring. FEAR caught the opportunistic Pillars member with a headbutt, before chokeslamming him on the apron, SUKI rolling down to the floor and leaving the leader of Dread Army to go one on one against Makioka in what seemed like a David against Goliath situation. FEAR went for a Bear Hug to exhaust his much fresher opponent, but Makioka reversed it into a Guillotine Choke. Fans got on their feet as the big man went down to one knee and with his feet on the mat, Makioka completed the move into a DDT. Just as FEAR was getting back on his feet, Makioka risked it all to get his head between the legs of his opponent, lifting him up into an Electric Chair position and falling back onto the ropes. FEAR stumbled, but he fell, leaving Zeshin Makioka alone in the ring as the winner of the match.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Zeshin Makioka won a battle royal in 56:45. The other members of the 'final four' were FEAR, SUKI and Yoshinaka Taku, with FEAR being the final elimination. FEAR got the most eliminations over the course of the match; Blast Ikoma set the record for surviving the longest. [66]



BCG Challengers Series title match


18th Champion Giant Brody vs Challenger Rokuemon Matsushita

After an exciting, but long and crowded opener, it was down to a more traditional singles bout next as Brody defended his title against the holder of the three Medallions, Rokuemon Matsushita. A classic hoss fight between two big men, this one saw Brody predictably focus his offence towards his opponent's recently injured hip. This meant that Matsushita worked as the face of the match, struggling against the odds and riling the fans behind him, who wanted to see him beat the big gaijin bruiser. It was all about fighting spirit and how much Matsushita could take while still pushing through. Brody remained in control for most of the match but his opponent just wouldn't stay down, eventually forcing him to go high risk and utilize his well documented agility despite his size. Brody tried to hit a top rope elbow but only connected with the mat, thus creating an opening for Matsushita to begin his comeback and ultimately hit an impressive One-Handed Choke Slam on his massive opponent for the pin, winning the match to become the new BCG Challengers Series champion for the third time in his career.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Giant Brody in 13:43 by pinfall with an One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the BCG Challengers Series title. [70]



The American Cobras vs The Wild Ones

This was Harker's first big match back after tearing his quad and it was all about showcasing how much he's improved during his absence, as he came back with a much larger, more muscular frame that he put to great use alongside the ever dangerous Findlay. What the Cobras had on their side was teamwork, as well as the lack of any ring rust, using their speed and two man combos to stay in the match and push their opponents. The action between the ropes was stellar, but since this was two teams of foreigners wrestle, the fans didn't really seem to cheer for either of them and it took away from the heat of the match, which might have been better if it was one of these teams facing a duo of Japanese workers. Still, the contest was exciting from bell to bell and the Wild Ones managed to celebrate Harker's comeback with a big win after they hit the Trash Compaction and the brawler from Dallas scored the pin to wrap it up.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Wild Ones defeated The American Cobras in 17:48 when Animal Harker pinned Marvel Malloy with a Trash Compaction. [73]



BCG World Tag Team titles match


14th Champions The Horror vs Challengers Miura & Yoshizawa

A highly anticipated match that truly felt worthy of taking place on this grand stage, the tag team titles bout wrapped up a long ongoing storyline between these two teams. To sum up, Dread Army debuted in January at Heritage, then The Horror won TagMania 7 in February and went on to beat Miura & Yoshizawa for the titles at Lionheart in March. The former champions would have to regroup and rebuild, eventually winning a tournament that culminated at The Lion Hunts last month, bringing them back for the rematch at BCG's biggest show of the year.


All this was showcased already in the opening sequences of the match, with Miura & Yoshizawa dodging their opponents' moves and looking like they were always a step ahead of them. No longer surprised against an unknown competitor, the former champions had done their homework and seemed ready to reclaim the belts, a task easier said than done though when up against the sheer power and dominance of The Horror, who in the meantime have literally steamrolled through BCG's entire tag team division. After the opening outburst of offence, the match settled down into a much slower pace once the champions shook out the cobwebs and got to work on the challengers, making this a classic BCG contest of escalating tension (and impact). The longer it went on though, the more it was in favor of the challengers, both due to stamina but also because the champions seemed more and more frustrated with their opponents' persistence and their own inability to get a quick win. This culminated into the finishing sequence around the 20th minute, when The Horror attempted to hit their Apocalypse Blast tag finisher, only for Miura to rush in and hit a chop block on Abomination to block it. The two men then double teamed Monstrosity and turned things around by hitting him with their own tag finisher, The End Of The World, which got them the pin as they reclaimed the BCG World Tag Team titles to start their sixth reign as champions.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The Horror in 20:10 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Monstrosity with The End Of The World. Miura & Yoshizawa win the BCG World Tag Team titles. [81]



BCG National title match


Funakoshi (with Blast Ikoma) vs Kyuichi Matsumoto

Winning a tournament yielded gold for Miura & Yoshizawa in the previous match so both participants here were looking for a similar outcome as the tournament to crown the inaugural BCG National champion reached its climax. Seeing Funakoshi in this match came as no surprise, but it was Matsumoto who was facing his first major test after managing to make it through the entire race to this finish line. Sharing the sentiment, Funakoshi invited the youngster to hit him with his best shot and after the opening striking exchange, the two went through the usual feeling out process, testing out each other's defences looking for a weak spot. Matsumoto brought the aggression and intensity alright, delivering both the Japanese Express (running release powerbomb) and the Spinal Shock (turnbuckle powerbomb) for respective two counts, clearly focusing on his opponent's back to best use his wide array of powerbomb variations, including his top rope powerbomb finisher, dubbed the Matsumoto Murder Bomb. Funakoshi withstood the onslaught and quickly found an advantage when he slowed things down and took the fight to the mat, where he had a clear advantage over his more rough edged opponent. This in turn urged Matsumoto to respond by taking the action out of the ring for a brawl, tapping into his brief stint with WEXXV while also providing a stark contrast to that style and what Funakoshi stands for. Pinfalls can't happen on the outside however and Matsumoto eventually had to take things back into the ring, where Funakoshi turned the tables after a Northern Lights Bomb out of nowhere, a nod to his teammate Blast Ikoma who was at ringside, for a two count. This was the turning point for Funakoshi to begin his comeback and get another near fall after a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin, before he finally got the three count courtesy of his trusted Butterfly Backbreaker. Funakoshi got the win and was handed the title, celebrating his victory with Ikoma inside the ring as fans applauded.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Funakoshi defeated Kyuichi Matsumoto in 17:52 by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker. Funakoshi wins the BCG National title. This match was part of the BCG National Championship Tournament. [78]



BCG World title match


10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa (with SUKI) vs 2020 Sole Survivor Razan Okamoto (with Dynamite Narahashi)

The main event was highly anticipated, and for good reason. The two competitors had last faced off in the finals of the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix in April, a night that went Furusawa's way, launching him into the title match where he won the BCG World championship. Now in the rematch, Okamoto came in as the winner of this year's Sole Survivor match, while Furusawa recently suffered a shock loss to Tanyu Toshusai in a non title contest, showing cracks in his armor. The atmosphere was tense and it seemed like this time Okamoto had a good chance to finally conquer the top.


Again, the match was off to a somewhat slow start, the two men letting the fans take in the moment as they stared down each other before launching into their opening, tentative offence. As things progressed, it became apparent that the champion was targeting Okamoto's shoulder, which was injured earlier in the year, looking perhaps to soften up an arm for his finisher, while Okamoto tried to mix things up and remain unpredictable instead of focusing on the neck and back area in service of his own Brainbuster Suplex finisher. Further down the match, around the 15 or 20 minute mark, it became clear that Okamoto was itching for a scrappy brawl while Furusawa tried to keep things on the mat and turn this into a grappling contest, where he had the advantage.


Things kept building and escalating, with Furusawa looking vicious as he chased the limb and Okamoto feeling more and more like he was fighting from underneath, a setup that in turn had the audience cheering louder and louder in favor of the challenger. Some 30 minutes into the match, Furusawa locked in a flashy Spinning Arm Breaker and Okamoto looked trapped; although he did eventually make it to the ropes to force a break, it was clear he had been damaged and his selling only served to rile up fans further in supporting him. This was made clear a few minutes later, when Okamoto had an opening and tried to hit the Brainbuster Suplex, but he lacked the strength to keep his opponent locked in and Furusawa escaped into a basic hammerlock, further twisting his opponent's damaged arm. From there it seemed like victory was slipping away (no pun intended) from Okamoto's grasp and indeed, some fourty minutes into the match, Furusawa finally slapped on his Furusawa Armbar dead center of the ring. Okamoto screamed and struggled, but there was no escape, no ropes to save him, so he was forced to tap out, once again falling to his superior opponent.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Razan Okamoto in 39:57 by submission with a Furusawa Armbar. Mabuchi Furusawa makes defence number one of the BCG World title. [78]



SUKI joined Furusawa inside the ring to celebrate the first successful defence of the BCG World title and the champion got to cut the final promo, sending fans home happy as he wrapped up the company's biggest show of the year, a smile on his face as he praised Okamoto for giving him a tough fight.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Furusawa: "He pushed me for real, he's come a long way since the Grand Prix. However, he's still not the best wrestler in this company. That would be me and that is why I still have the BCG World title to show for it."


Okamoto: "I am disappointed and I apologized to all the fans I let down tonight. This is the second time Furusawa beat me in a big singles match, although I know I can beat him. Hopefully third time will be the charm."


Funakoshi: "I am proud to be representing Black Canvas Grappling as the National champion. My plan is to continue defending this title against all comers and elevate it to being almost equal in importance to the World championship itself."


Makioka: "Battle Royales are never an easy thing and I never thought I had this in the bag. I had to play it smart and I think this was evidenced especially in the finish, how I eliminated FEAR who had dominated the bout almost from the start. I'm hoping this will make people and BCG officials take me more seriously in the future."</div>

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Mon. W4 October 2020

Osaka, Kansai Region, Japan

Attendance: 12.619, Rating: 74, Views: 46.741 (0.06 on Shogun TV)





Zeshin Makioka and Black Iron Corps vs Rokuemon Matsushita, Gidayu Katou and MUSCLE Serizawa

Just two days after The Lion's Roar IX, Black Canvas Grappling debuted their new show "Rise" which apparently is meant to signal the start of a new wrestling season and launch the next series of feuds. The opening six man tag match saw Black Iron Corps team with the winner of the 30 man Battle Royal, Zeshin Makioka, against the new BCG Challengers Series champion Rokuemon Matsushita and two SAISHO imports, MUSCLE Serizawa and the debuting -in a major BCG show- Gidayu "The Lariat" Katou. This may be a hint of Makioka looking to challenge Matsushita for the belt, although that would mess with the usual process of collecting the three Medallions. Meanwhile, Narahashi and Katou had their little 'battle of the lariats' going on as a theme in the match and it was the former who hit it on Serizawa to end the match with a win for his team.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Zeshin Makioka, Azumamaro Kita and Fujio Narahashi defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Gidayu Katou and MUSCLE Serizawa in 16:18 when Fujio Narahashi pinned MUSCLE Serizawa with a Lariat Clothesline. [49]



The Diamond Dogs vs Dallas Demolition Crew

Up next was the debut of the Dallas Demolition Crew, the new team comprised of Animal Harker and Texas Hangman. Apparently tapping into their shared city of origin, BCG has put the two brawlers together in a pairing that will hopefully help Hangman grow while also releasing Big Bruiser Findlay to focus on his singles career. As such, the two gaijin played their part to a tee against their talented high flying opponents and made a statement by picking up their first win as a team, with Hangman pinning Kuroda after a Choke Slam.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Dallas Demolition Crew defeated The Diamond Dogs in 15:54 when Texas Hangman pinned Motty Kuroda with a Choke Slam. [53]





Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto and Miura & Yoshizawa)

Back to multi man matches, this one came hot off the heels of the BCG World Tag Team titles changing hands two nights ago as the former champions teamed up with FEAR to face their usurpers and Razan Okamoto. While the storytelling of the match had a lot to do with that rivalry, it was also about Okamoto still bearing the scars of his epic battle against Furusawa and it was actually weaved into the finish of the match as Dread Army noticed the crack in his armor and focused their attack on him, leading to FEAR getting the clean pin over him.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto and Miura & Yoshizawa) in 17:56 when FEAR pinned Razan Okamoto with a Fear Drive. [63]





Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) vs Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Kiyotaka)

Again, this faction clash revolved around two intertwining storylines, on one hand the war between defector Kiyotaka and his former stablemates, particularly "Serene K" Kadonomaro Kamisaka, on the other the clash between Funakoshi and Matsumoto after their BCG National title match two days earlier. A good mix of striking and technical wrestling was on display, but the finish belonged to Blast Ikoma who got the pin over Matsumoto, ironically with the Northern Lights Bomb in what some believe to be the start of a budding feud between the two men who are known to favor a wide array of slams in their matches.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Kiyotaka) in 21:17 when Blast Ikoma pinned Kyuichi Matsumoto with a Northern Lights Bomb. [66]



Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody

The main event was the only match of the night that wasn't based on some match outcome from The Lion's Roar IX. Of course, one could argue that perhaps BCG are looking to move Brody up into the upper midcard or main event scene via this bout, but if that was the case, it's unlikely they would have him drop the Challengers Series title to Matsushita so soon after claiming it. Regardless, the match was by far the best of the night, as the main event should be, with Furusawa and SUKI playing the babyfaces against the two hulking foreigners. The Bruiser Brigade duo looked strong and dominant, while their opponents told the story of two heroes struggling against the odds and relying on their wrestling acumen as well as their fighting spirit to carry them through, with Furusawa finally managing to force Brody into submission by the twenty fifth minute.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody in 25:23 when Mabuchi Furusawa submitted Giant Brody with a Furusawa Armbar. [85]



The winners barely had a moment to speak and deliver the closing speech, when they got cut off and...


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Bunrakuken Torii's music had the crowd explode in applause as he made his triumphant entrance, walking down to the ring in order to joined the stunned pairing of Furusawa and SUKI. As the announcing team reminded everyone, Torii had completely torn his ACL back in June and was supposed to be out for half a year, but here he was just four months later. As he said on the mic, he's in peak fighting condition and has been cleared by the doctors to wrestle, thus he laid down the challenge: Torii wants a shot at Furusawa's BCG World title. Since BCG's next tour would be the World Tag League, the date was set for the following show, the two men set to headline December's Generations show with the title on the line.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Torii: "I'm not the type to surprise my opponents and I don't want Furusawa to have any excuses. I walked up right to his face, issued my challenge and gave him ample time to prepare. Time is ticking down."


Furusawa: "I have no fear of Bunrakuken Torii. He is a great wrestler and a two time BCG World champion, as am I. It will certainly be a great match between us at Generations, but right now I'm on a roll and he's rusty coming back from injury, the odds are in my favour."


Harker: "I'm hyped to be back and I'm hyped to have a fellow Texan by my side. We started strong tonight, World Tag League is coming up, watch out for the Dallas Demolition Crew!"


Makioka: "It is too early to say what championship I will be using my Battle Royale win for. I will have time to think about it during the World Tag League and make my choice."</div>

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BCG World Tag League 2020 Press Conference Highlights




~ The Lion's Roar IX and Rise have been a triumphant climax for Black Canvas Grappling and owner Yoshifusa Maeda took a moment at the start of the Press Conference to thank his staff and fans for providing such a memorable experience, saying he's even more hopeful for the future. According to wrestling analysts, Maeda is right to be optimistic as his company is now rated as "Medium" in terms of size and importance, a level of growth that brings with it new challenges, including a potential clash with PGHW for the spot of Japan's #2 wrestling promotion.




~ Central in the event was the presentation of the World Tag League cups, a prize to be awarded to the winner of the round robin tournament. This format, resembling a tag version of the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, is sure to provide several interesting matchups while also helping the tournament feel different to February's TagMania, as the latter is held as a single elimination tournament.








~ The participating teams were also revealed, providing a good mix of established duos and new pairings that will be looking to make a name for themselves throughout the tour. Black Iron Corps, The American Cobras, The Diamond Dogs and The Horror are some of the more familiar names, while the BCG World Tag Team champions Miura & Yoshizawa will also be partaking in the grueling tournament. Of the teams looking to climb up the rankings, the fresh pairing of Animal Harker and Texas Hangman under the name of Dallas Demolition Crew stands out, as do the two Dawnguard teams of Goto & Doi and Mitsukuri & Kinoshita. Finally, The Hurt are likely to be the dark horse of the entire race, as they have undeniable skill and talent, but so far have not managed to really make a name for themselves since the purchase of Pro Wrestling SAISHO by BCG.




~ Last but not least, "Machine Gun" Bunrakuken Torii was showered with questions from the press following his early return at the end of Rise and it was confirmed that he will be going one on one against SUKI in the semi main event of the final World Tag League show, a first showing of his current fighting ability as he faces the trusted lieutenant of Mabuchi Furusawa before their title clash at Generations in December.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">World Tag League Tour Day #1

The American Cobras vs The Horror

The Diamond Dogs vs Miura & Yoshizawa

Black Iron Corps vs Goto & Doi

Dallas Demolition Crew vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita


World Tag League Tour Day #2

The American Cobras vs Miura & Yoshizawa

Black Iron Corps vs Dallas Demolition Crew

The Diamond Dogs vs The Hurt

Goto & Doi vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita


World Tag League Tour Day #3

Black Iron Corps vs The Horror

The American Cobras vs Dallas Demolition Crew

Goto & Doi vs Miura & Yoshizawa

Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs The Hurt


World Tag League Tour Day #4

Miura & Yoshizawa vs The Hurt

Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Horror

Black Iron Corps vs The Diamond Dogs

Goto & Doi vs The American Cobras


World Tag League Tour Day #5

Black Iron Corps vs The Hurt

Miura & Yoshizawa vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita

The Diamond Dogs vs The Horror

Dallas Demolition Crew vs Goto & Doi


World Tag League Tour Day #6

Black Iron Corps vs The American Cobras

Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Hurt

Goto & Doi vs The Horror

The Diamond Dogs vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita


World Tag League Tour Day #7

The Horror vs The Hurt

Black Iron Corps vs Miura & Yoshizawa

The American Cobras vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita

Goto & Doi vs The Diamond Dogs</div>

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World Tag League Tour Night 1 in Nagoya City, Chubu Region

Thu. W1 November 2020

169 Fans


1. Dallas Demolition Crew defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 17:40 when Texas Hangman pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Choke Slam. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [43]

The recently formed Bruiser Brigade duo are off to a strong start in the tournament with a victory over Dawnguard's Mitsukuri & Kinoshita. Harker's experience really proved to be a game changer here and his ring generalship helped guide his partner to a hard fought win.


2. Black Iron Corps defeated Goto & Doi in 18:01 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Takenori Doi with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [48]

Naozane Goto returned to BCG, teaming up with the smaller but equally aggressive Takenori Doi in a matchup that seems to bring out the best of both men. Unfortunately, this natural knack was no match for the teamwork and experience of Kita and Narahashi, who managed to get the pinfall after Doi nearly got his head knocked off his shoulders with a Black Iron Lariat.


3. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The Diamond Dogs in 19:44 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Motty Kuroda with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [56]

Champions are always favourites in all tournaments and seeing the newly crowned BCG World Tag Team champions win here came as no surprise. Their stablemates Stratosphere and Kuroda didn't make it easy for them, but there was a lot of respect and no hard feelings on display before, during and after the match when both teams shook hands.


4. The Horror defeated The American Cobras in 21:27 when Monstrosity pinned Storm Spillane with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [60]

Hard hitting main event, with The Horror bringing their dominance and a side of frustration against the Cobras who are struggling to get back on a winning roll. Lot of oomph behind each and every strike, though the Cobras would occasionally shake things up with a bit of grapppling or Malloy's aerial moves, but an Apocalypse Blast sealed the deal after over 20 minutes of fighting, earning the Horror their first two points in the tournament.



2 - Black Iron Corps

2 - Dallas Demolition Crew

2 - Miura & Yoshizawa

2 - The Horror

0 - Goto & Doi

0 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita

0 - The American Cobras

0 - The Diamond Dogs

0 - The Hurt

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World Tag League Tour Night 2 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Sat. W1 November 2020

146 Fans


1. Goto & Doi defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 17:49 when Naozane Goto pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Goto Slam. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [34]

Dawnguard clash in the opener as both participants chased their first two points of the tournament. Very much a showcase of what BCG's tag division has in the future, assuming Goto & Doi stick together of course, the match saw the former sumo star and ex Challengers Series champion claim an emphatic win via his devastating slam.


2. The Hurt defeated The Diamond Dogs in 17:59 when Nigel Svensson submitted Jimmy Stratosphere with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [52]

The Hurt entered this match fresh after taking Night 1 off and it payed dividends against the Diamond Dogs who were coming from a rough contest against the BCG World Tag Team champions previously. Robinson and Svensson patiently worked whatever damaged area they could locate and eventually got the win when Svensson caught Jimmy Stratosphere with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock in the ring while Robinson prevented Kuroda from breaking it up.


3. Black Iron Corps defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 17:31 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Texas Hangman with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [49]

Once again the Black Iron Lariat bulldozed through the opposition, costing the Dallas Demolition Crew the match and two points as Kita and Narahashi continue to be in the lead of the race. All it took was a rookie mistake from the Hangman, allowing Kita to knock him down to a knee with kicks so that his teammate could deliver the killing blow.


4. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The American Cobras in 20:48 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Storm Spillane with The End Of The World. This match was part of the BCG World Tag League 2020 tournament. [56]

Second main event for the Cobras and another loss, this time at the hands of the reigning tag champs. The American duo have been off to a rough start with two challenging matches and will need to turn the tables for the rest of the tournament in order to catch up and hope to win the entire thing.



4 - Black Iron Corps

4 - Miura & Yoshizawa

2 - Dallas Demolition Crew

2 - The Horror

2 - Goto & Doi

2 - The Hurt

0 - Mitsukuri & Kinoshita

0 - The American Cobras

0 - The Diamond Dogs

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