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Black Canvas Grappling: Invasion of the TITANS

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Heritage Tour Night 3 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Tue. W2 January 2021

170 Fans


1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and Dallas Demolition Crew) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 16:11 when Texas Hangman pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Choke Slam. [55]

Another predictable opening match, this time having Furusawa tag with his two young lion proteges. This provided a chance for Texas Hangman to go over and score the pin as the Bruiser Brigade trio regained a bit of heat after their Night 2 losses.


2. Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror and Atto Savage) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku, Kiyotaka and Kyuichi Matsumoto) in 16:30 when Atto Savage submitted Kiyotaka with a Savage Claw. [61]

Atto Savage gave Kiyotaka a taste of his own medicine when he returned the favor and tapped him out with his own submission finisher. The addition of Matsumoto made for a rather hard hitting match, but it was not enough to secure a victory for the Dawnguard quartet.


3. Ragnarok defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 14:08 by pinfall with a Death of the Gods. Ragnarok wins the Medallion #3. [37]

It was almost a clean sweep for Dread Army this tour but Miyake played spoiler and claimed the final Challengers Series Medallion when he defeated Ragnarok. Fans were somewhat put off by having to see a singles match between two wrestlers they barely know or care about, causing a sudden loss of enthusiasm in the show's buildup.


4. The Hurt, The American Cobras and Shuzo Utagawa defeated Okamoto-gun (Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, The Diamond Dogs and Dynamite Narahashi) in 16:30 when Marvel Malloy pinned Motty Kuroda with a Marvel Breaker. [56]

As champions and challengers for the BCG World Tag Team titles continue their feud, other teams get involved for a chance to shine and it was the Cobras who did it on this night thanks to a stellar performance.


5. Tanyu Toshusai and Azumamaro Kita defeated SUKI and Ryobe Uno in 14:03 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Ryobe Uno with a Penalty Kick. [62]

Kita tagged with Toshusai instead of his usual partner in Fujio Narahashi but that didn't stop their team from delivering a great match. SUKI brought down the strikes as he targeted Toshusai and this lack of tactics cost him the match, leaving Uno to receive a PK that echoed across the venue before Kita fell on top of him for the three count.


6. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) defeated Destiny Bond (Zeshin Makioka, Rokuemon Matsushita and Fujio Narahashi) in 16:43 when Blast Ikoma pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Northern Lights Bomb. [63]

Seven Samurai were all fired up after their defeat on Night 2 and it was the opposite scenario here for the other half of the Black Iron Corps, who cost his team the match when he had a moment expecting some assist that Kita would likely provide under different circumstances. This allowed Ikoma to done in and hit him with the Northern Lights Bomb for the pin, providing the first significant dent in the newly formed Destiny Bond's track record.


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Heritage Tour Night 4 in Okayama, Chugoku Region

Thu. W2 January 2021

162 Fans


1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and Dallas Demolition Crew) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 15:39 when Texas Hangman pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Choke Slam. [58]

BCG repeated their Night 3 in Hiroshima opener for their Okayama fans on Night 4 and the outcome was exactly the same. What was different was the flow of the match, which was better, presumably because everyone involved was more familiar with it this time.


2. Okamoto-gun (Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, The Diamond Dogs and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) defeated The Hurt, The American Cobras and Shuzo Utagawa in 15:35 when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Shuzo Utagawa with a Double Arm DDT. [55]

A slight tweak for this 5 vs 5 match, with Matsuzawa replacing Narahashi from the previous night. "Yoshi-Matsu" was particularly motivated here and he even managed to score the pin for a good reaction from the crowd.


3. FEAR defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 15:23 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. FEAR makes defence number one of the Medallion #2. [61]

Narahashi was busy trying to win one of the Challengers Series Medallions but this was easier said than done when FEAR is the opponent. The big man put on a great performance against his much more experienced challenger and retained the prize for a hopeful shot at the title.


4. SUKI and Ryobe Uno defeated Tanyu Toshusai and Fujio Narahashi in 15:55 when SUKI pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Mountain SUKI. [57]

By this point, BCG fanatics must have noticed they were watching the same card as the last night but with minor repositioning of names. In this case, it was Fujio Narahashi taking the spot of Azumamaro Kita, though the outcome was different since SUKI managed to dodge his Black Iron Lariat and retaliate with his own finisher for the three count.


5. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Dread Army (Ragnarok and The Horror) in 14:46 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Ragnarok with a quick cradle. [58]

Kyuichi Matsumoto brought the fire for his team and this rush of aggression allowed Dawnguard to fight back against their plus sized opposition. The trio held the line and in an unusual deviation from his powerbomb arsenal, Matsumoto won this one with a cradle.


6. Destiny Bond (Zeshin Makioka, Azumamaro Kita and Rokuemon Matsushita) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Motoyuki Miyake) in 15:39 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Motoyuki Miyake with a Penalty Kick. [62]

Destiny Bond recovered quickly from the shock of their first loss on the previous night and retaliated with a blizzard of strikes, as if they were out to beat their opponents until they were all punch drunk. Makioka's aggression and Matsushita's power were the difference maker here, although it was Kita involved in the finish as he and Miyake traded kicks before a PK sealed the deal.


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Heritage Tour Night 5 in Fukuoka, Kyushu Region

Mon. W3 January 2021

175 Fans


1. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai and Black Iron Corps) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Ryobe Uno and Ritsu Ibata) in 14:09 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Penalty Kick. [55]

With the reunited Black Iron Corps on one side and young lion Ritsu Ibata on the other, there was never any doubt as to how this opening contest would end. Destiny Bond looked strong and it should be mentioned that Ryobe Uno is starting to finally look like he's coming unto his own as a wrestler after almost a full year with BCG.


2. Okamoto-gun (Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) defeated The Hurt and Shuzo Utagawa in 15:52 when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Shuzo Utagawa with a Double Arm DDT. [57]

A trimmed down version of their previous night's match, lacking the Cobras and the Diamond Dogs allowed for less chaos and more time for each participant to shine, in turn making for a better contest. What didn't change was the outcome, as Matsuzawa yet again had Utagawa's number and spiked him for the pin.


3. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Ragnarok in 13:51 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. Kyuichi Matsumoto wins the Medallion #3. [39]

A shocking victory for Matsumoto, who managed to defeat Ragnarok for one of the three Challengers Series Medallions. The Icelander is no small man so overcoming him was a hard task, but as soon as Matsumoto hit the Murder Bomb on the big man, it felt like he'd gone the distance to deserve the prize.


4. Big Bruiser Findlay and Animal Harker defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and Yutaka Ogata in 14:24 when Animal Harker pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Stump Piledriver. [61]

Though no longer announced as The Wild Ones, Findlay and Harker haven't also lost the experience of working together as a team and they gave Furusawa a rough bargain in this one: leave his young lion protege to take a beating and cost him the match or risk a more personal involvement that might damage him in light of his upcoming title defence against Findlay. Furusawa valiantly went for the latter, but Ogata still ended up getting pinned and the battering he sustained might just come back to haunt him in a few nights.


5. Dread Army (Atto Savage and The Horror) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka) in 15:32 when Atto Savage submitted Kiyotaka with a Savage Claw. [65]

The battle of the submission finishers seems to continue between Savage and Kiyotaka, the former squeezing another tap out win from the latter on this night. The Horror's teaming experience was the difference maker here, providing cohesiveness and some devastating combination offence for the Dread Army trio.


6. Zeshin Makioka and Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma in 22:48 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Blast Ikoma with a Z-Bomb. [67]

The two teams revisited their Night 2 match in Chubu for the BCG fans in Kyushu and even though the outcome was the same, the quality of the match itself wasn't as apparently most of the die hard fans in attendance had already watched most of it during the Shogun TV highlights broadcast.


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Heritage Tour Night 6 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Wed. W3 January 2021

105 Fans


1. Okamoto-gun (Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and The Diamond Dogs) defeated The Hurt and The American Cobras in 16:16 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Storm Spillane with a Yoshizawa Bomb. [53]

Four tag teams with a ton of talent and experience between them kicked off the final night of the touring section, the outcome being more than enough to fire up fans early on. Still, Yoshizawa surprised everyone when he pulled off his individual finishing move, the Yoshizawa Bomb, to end the match, which felt refreshing as opposed to seeing one of the many double team finishers that were expected.


2. Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Sojuro Sen) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody and Dallas Demolition Crew) in 16:24 when Blast Ikoma pinned Texas Hangman with a Northern Lights Suplex. [55]

Veteran Sojuro Sen made a return to action as his trio faced Brody and the DDC. The grit, toughness and experience of Sen made a huge difference in how the match played out and despite failing to tap out Hangman with his Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker, he did enough damage to soften him up for Ikoma's finisher some minutes later.


3. Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror, Atto Savage and Ragnarok) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku, Kiyotaka, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Naozane Goto) in 15:31 when Atto Savage submitted Kyuichi Matsumoto with a Savage Claw. [60]

Dread Army came out in full force and Naozane Goto returned to join his Dawnguard teammates for this match. It was quite the spectacle and heavy on the strikes, but once again it ended with the Savage Claw, this time applied on Matsumoto instead of Kiyotaka. With his finisher built up throughout the tour, Savage has to be a favorite in the Challengers Series race, but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out given that his stablemate and leader FEAR is also in possession of a Medallion.


4. Zeshin Makioka and Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Funakoshi and Motoyuki Miyake in 17:33 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Motoyuki Miyake with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [64]

Funakoshi and Makioka over the BCG National title is reaching a fever pitch and the two clashed once again in a tag match, this time with Miyake and Matsushita joining them respectively. Miyake had another chance to show he can hang out with BCG's finest, but for all his fighting spirit on display, he was no match for the BCG Challengers Series champion's power in the end.


5. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI drew with Big Bruiser Findlay and Tanyu Toshusai in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [74]

Findlay and Toshusai are not stablemates so initially their team might have looked strange, but there was deeper storytelling at play here. Toshusai is the only man to date to have beaten Furusawa one on one, albeit in a non title match, something Findlay will try to do to become the BCG World champion. Furthermore, Toshusai has a well documented history with SUKI because of this, which only got worse after he left Pillars to form his own group. All this made for a heated match and having it end indecisively due to a time limit draw only helped to further fan the flames as we head towards the final show of Heritage.


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Fri. W3 January 2021

Nara Baseball Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG World title match

10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay


Singles Grudge match

Tanyu Toshusai vs SUKI


BCG National title match

1st Champion Funakoshi vs Challenger Zeshin Makioka


BCG World Tag Team titles match

15th Champions Miura & Yoshizawa vs Challengers The Hurt


BCG Challengers Series title match

19th Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger Savage/FEAR/Matsumoto


Three Way Challengers Series Medallions match

Atto Savage vs FEAR vs Kyuichi Matsumoto


Tag Team match

Black Iron Corps vs The Diamond Dogs


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody & Dallas Demolition Crew) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)


Six Man Tag match

Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka) vs Dread Army (The Horror & Ragnarok)


Opening Six Man Tag match

Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi & Yoshisada Matsuzawa) vs Seven Samurai (Yokokawa & Sen and Roku Sotomura)</div>

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BCG World title match

10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay

Do it!


Singles Grudge match

Tanyu Toshusai vs SUKI


BCG National title match

1st Champion Funakoshi vs Challenger Zeshin Makioka


BCG World Tag Team titles match

15th Champions Miura & Yoshizawa vs Challengers The Hurt


BCG Challengers Series title match

19th Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger Savage/FEAR/Matsumoto


Three Way Challengers Series Medallions match

Atto Savage vs FEAR vs Kyuichi Matsumoto


Tag Team match

Black Iron Corpsvs The Diamond Dogs


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody & Dallas Demolition Crew) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)


Six Man Tag match

Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka) vs Dread Army (The Horror & Ragnarok)


Opening Six Man Tag match

Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi & Yoshisada Matsuzawa) vs Seven Samurai (Yokokawa & Sen and Roku Sotomura)


That's a stacked card! Let's go!

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Fri. W3 January 2021

Nara Baseball Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG World title match

10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay

My mind knows that likely you'll go with Furusawa until you're ready for Razan to win, but my heart wants Findlay so bad I'll predict him here.


Singles Grudge match

Tanyu Toshusai vs SUKI


BCG National title match

1st Champion Funakoshi vs Challenger Zeshin Makioka

Two title changes on one show is what I'm calling. Give Makioka the 'chip.


BCG World Tag Team titles match

15th Champions Miura & Yoshizawa vs Challengers The Hurt


BCG Challengers Series title match

19th Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger Savage/FEAR/Matsumoto


Three Way Challengers Series Medallions match

Atto Savage vs FEAR vs Kyuichi Matsumoto


Tag Team match

Black Iron Corps vs The Diamond Dogs


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody & Dallas Demolition Crew) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)


Six Man Tag match

Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka) vs Dread Army (The Horror & Ragnarok)


Opening Six Man Tag match

Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi & Yoshisada Matsuzawa) vs Seven Samurai (Yokokawa & Sen and Roku Sotomura)

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Fri. W3 January 2021

Nara Baseball Stadium, Kansai Region, Japan

Attendance: 14.471, Rating: 76, Views: 96.942 (0.12 on Shogun TV)





Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi & Yoshisada Matsuzawa) vs Seven Samurai (Yokokawa & Sen and Roku Sotomura)

The opening six man tag was all about the happy-go-lucky Okamoto-gun squaring off against the gruff, super serious veterans of Seven Samurai, a contrast that was apparent in their demeanor as much as it was in their fighting styles. With Okamoto scoring the pin over Sotomura, the concept clearly was to give the faction's leader some momentum back after his loss to Funakoshi at Generations, but it all got overshadowed by a nasty, nasty bump Dynamite Narahashi took back first onto the apron. Narahashi had to be stretchered out after the match and early reports say he has suffered severe damage to his spine, to the point where it might even end up forcing him into an early retirement.


In a decent match, Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) defeated Seven Samurai (Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Roku Sotomura) in 16:03 when Razan Okamoto pinned Roku Sotomura with a Brainbuster Suplex. [56]





Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka) vs Dread Army (The Horror & Ragnarok)

Perhaps looking to outshine the shock opening with some great action, teams in the second match of the night went all out in hopes of delivering an early show stealer of a bout. Fans were all behind the Dawnguard team as they fought an uphill battle against the big gaijin invaders, but the style of the match did no favors to Kiyotaka, whose lack of charisma and flashy offence stood out, perhaps a factor to him ultimately taking the pin after Ragnarok floored him with his Death of the Gods finisher.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Dread Army (Abomination, Monstrosity and Ragnarok) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka) in 14:30 when Ragnarok pinned Kiyotaka with a Death of the Gods. [58]





Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody & Dallas Demolition Crew) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)

More multi man matches in a classic puroresu undercard, this time with another Seven Samurai trio taking on the Bruiser Brigade representatives. The teams were pretty similar to those in the previous bout but the action wasn't, as this time the competitors maintained a slower pace. This contest was largely about showcasing the development of each team's youngsters and comparatively speaking, it's not hard to tell that Miyake is currently a much better wrestler than Texas Hangman, even managing to hit Harker with his trademark Knock Out Kick to score the pin.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody, Animal Harker and Texas Hangman) in 13:50 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Animal Harker with a Knock Out Kick. [53]



Black Iron Corps vs The Diamond Dogs

Moving on to the night's only non-title tag team match, two former Pro Wrestling SAISHO teams clashed and their familiarity with each other showed as they spent no time feeling each other out while also throwing in several reversals. Joining Destiny Bond seems to have rekindled a flame inside Black Iron Corps and the duo was all fire in the match, striking hard and refusing to stay down. The Diamond Dogs tried to keep up but on this night, their opponents just wouldn't be denied and after fifteen or so minutes of back and forth, Kita caught Kuroda with a Black Iron Lariat for the pin.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Black Iron Corps defeated The Diamond Dogs in 14:19 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Motty Kuroda with a Black Iron Lariat. [60]



Three Way Challengers Series Medallions match


Atto Savage vs FEAR vs Kyuichi Matsumoto

Once again, FEAR found himself in this type of match but unlike Generations, this time one of his opponents was a man from his own stable. Matsumoto tried to exploit any and all doubt between his two opponents, fighting defiantly but struggling to pick either of them up for one of his many powerbombs. This had Savage and FEAR team up to eliminate him from the match and from there, it all came down to the two of them. The initial exchange of strikes showcased there would be no holding back here; whether due to greed, a respect for power or some twisted warrior code, this was about the best man winning. To his credit, Savage put on a good fight and almost had his opponent caught in the Savage Claw, but FEAR blocked the move with a well aimed punch to the midsection and went on the offensive, building up to his Fear Driver for the final cover and a ticket to a Challengers Series title match.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, FEAR defeated Atto Savage and Kyuichi Matsumoto in an Elimination match in 13:33; the order of elimination was Kyuichi Matsumoto first, and then Atto Savage. FEAR makes defence number two of the Medallion #2. FEAR wins the Medallion #1. FEAR wins the Medallion #3. [60]



BCG Challengers Series title match


19th Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger FEAR

Unlike most other matches for the Challengers Series title, FEAR came into this match without much lost in the previous match so it seemed like he had a good chance to reclaim gold. Matsushita stood his ground and took the fight to his challenger regardless, in an entertaining hoss fight that did however suffer a bit as neither man is used to doing a lot of selling. Still, the match was quite competitive and felt like it could swing either way, the finishing sequence being about who could be able to hit their finisher on their massive opponent first. After several failed attempts from both, it was Matsushita who nailed FEAR with a One-Handed Choke Slam to make the pin for his second successful defence of the belt.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Rokuemon Matsushita defeated FEAR in 14:03 by pinfall with a One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita makes defence number two of the BCG Challengers Series. [60]



BCG World Tag Team titles match


15th Champions Miura & Yoshizawa vs Challengers The Hurt

The two teams chose to focus on their differences in this match, with the champions being the all-rounders and the challengers the ultra focused submission specialists. Robinson and Svensson worked over the arm and shoulder area of both their opponents to soften them up for their respective finishers, but they ended up paying for their lack of focus to a single opponent. Without isolating one man to work him over, the damage was spread across both Miura and Yoshizawa, which in turn allowed them to stay in the match and make a comeback, ultimately hitting Robinson with the End Of The World for the pin to retain.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Miura & Yoshizawa defeated The Hurt in 15:08 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Billy Robinson with The End Of The World. Miura & Yoshizawa make defence number two of the BCG World Tag Team titles. [69]



BCG National title match


1st Champion Funakoshi vs Challenger Zeshin Makioka

Makioka rushed Funakoshi before introductions were finished and assaulted him with a barrage of strikes, setting the tone for the fast paced brawl that would follow. The BCG National champion took a beating before he was able to recover and get back in the match, but he showed he's no slouch either when it comes to strikes, even if Makioka surprised him and forced him work a style that suited the challenger more than it did the champion. A big Butterfly Backbreaker made for a shocking near fall as Makioka somehow kicked out of it and Funakoshi soon returned the favor when he kicked out of a Z-Bomb. With both men having dropped their big bombs, it was a struggle to go the extra mile and finish it off, but in the end it was Funakoshi who did it, delivering a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin for the three count and his second successful defence of the BCG National title.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Funakoshi defeated Zeshin Makioka in 14:31 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin. Funakoshi makes defence number two of the BCG National title. [80]



Tanyu Toshusai vs SUKI

In theory, this should have provided a breather between the last two big title matches but the palpable hatred between Toshusai and SUKI never let the tension levels drop. For a while, it seemed as the hailstorm of strikes would make this way too similar to the previous bout, but SUKI smartly switched things up with submissions, looking to punish his opponent and maybe even force a shameful submission out of him. Toshusai responded in kind with a series of crunching suplexes, immediately floating over to crank the neck with a hold. A close called, supremely competitive contest, this one had fans on the edge of their seats and it ended with Toshusai using SUKI's fire against him, when he dodged a charge with a drop toe hold, knocking the Pillars of Puroresu representative neck first onto the rope, then capitalizing with a Dangerous Brainbuster for the three count.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Tanyu Toshusai defeated SUKI in 20:49 by pinfall with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [78]



BCG World title match


10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay

Everyone knew this match was going to be a marathon and not a sprint, so it was no surprise it started off slow with both men testing each other's defences. As the big man in the fight, Findlay was all too happy to take it slow and reserve his stamina, while Furusawa apparently took a two stage approach here, first targeting the legs to bring his challenger down and then working the arm over in preparation for his killer armbar. An early attempt led to a big spot where Findlay stood up, still in the hold, and fell to the side, driving Furusawa back first onto the mat to escape. Moments later, Findlay would charge in for the Atomic Spinebuster but Furusawa smartly rolled out of the ring to avoid it. Frustrated, Findlay left the ring for a brief brawl outside the ring where he had the clear advantage, but was forced to get back between the ropes to avoid a countout. Furusawa tapped into his fighting spirit to continue the fight against the big gaijin and although he was able to stand his own during striking exchanges, it was clear that brawling suited Findlay and he needed to make this a technical wrestling match to gain the upper hand. Another armbar attempt ended with a rope break, Findlay showing signs of weakness and frustration as he quickly got back up to unleash stomps on his fallen opponent afterwards. Furusawa delivered a huge backdrop driver for another near fall and when that didn't work, he whipped Findlay to the ropes in hopes of catching him for another slam. Instead, Findlay just speared the champion on the rebound and caught him with an Atomic Spinebuster as he was getting back up, moments after the twenty minute mark as he fell on top of him for the three count.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Mabuchi Furusawa in 21:58 by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster. Big Bruiser Findlay wins the BCG World title. [81]



Streamers and confetti flew over the ring as Big Bruiser Findlay was handed the BCG World title. The new champion got to cut the customary end of show promo and he did so in flawless Japanese, threatening to demolish any challenger that got in his way just like he did with Furusawa.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Findlay: "It's been a long time coming, 6 years on Japanese soil but at long last, I am the BCG World champion. The era of the Big Bruiser is upon us and I intend to hold the gold for an even longer time."


Toshusai: "I have defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and now I also hold a victory over SUKI. If nothing else, this proves I was right to branch out on my own instead of staying in their shadows as a member of Pillars."


Funakoshi: "Once again, Zeshin Makioka tried to use his barbaric garbage wrestling ways but we're not in Sendai. This is Black Canvas Grappling and I am its proud National champion!"


Matsushita: "I beat the big man FEAR tonight and I made my second title defence. So Findlay's the new World champion? Watch me make my third defence and beat another big man to become the next BCG World champion."</div>

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BCG TagMania 8 Participants



Black Iron Corps



Dallas Demolition Crew



Miura & Yoshizawa



The American Cobras



The Diamond Dogs



The Horror



The Hurt



Yokokawa & Sen



Torii & Taku



Araraki & Serizawa



Mitsukuri & Kinoshita



Hatamoto & Hyodo



The Tokyo Mountains



Nishio & Yamanaka (a.k.a. The Chaos Demons)



Brothers in Vengeance



Polynesian Providers of Pain (Java & Rhino Umaga)</div>

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TagMania Tour Night 1 in Doshisha Athletic Center, Kansai Region

Sun. W4 January 2021

1.000 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Roku Sotomura and Motoyuki Miyake defeated Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou in 14:26 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Gidayu Katou with a Knock Out Kick. [49]

As the reigning SAISHO Tag Team champions, Arato & Katou were not eligible to partake in the TagMania 8 tournament, but they can still make sporadic appearances such as in the opener of Night 1, where they got a rough welcome by the veteran/youngster pairing of Sotomura and Miyake. Still, it was bright as day that the future belongs to the three youngsters, with Sotomura nearing retirement and the SAISHO champions putting on a performance worthy of a main BCG roster spot.


2. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated The Chaos Demons in 14:34 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Takeshi Yamanaka with a Full Nelson Bomb. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [49]

Nishio & Yamanaka came into the tournament as a special feature team, largely thanks to their time in PGHW (let's pretend the whole masked thing in WEXXV never happened) but age and ring rust were huge issues, thus leading to a match in which they were heavily protected, mainly to preserve their stamina for a bout that would last more than a couple of minutes. Torii & Taku gave them a decent performance before obliterating them out of the race for a dominant start in the tournament.


3. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Hatamoto & Hyodo in 16:15 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Goro Hatamoto with The End Of The World. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [54]

Young lions Goro Hatamoto & Iron Hyodo were never expected to win against the reigning BCG World Tag Team champions here, but they made the best of this showcase opportunity to display their undeniable chemistry together and the progress they've made working for SAISHO. Hatamoto's broken leg, from which he only recently recovered in time to participate in the tournament, was the obvious target for the champions and they worked it over before hitting him with their finisher for the pin.


4. Polynesian Providers of Pain defeated The Hurt in 18:49 when Rhino Umaga pinned Billy Robinson with a Rhino Charge. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [53]

A dominant start for PPoP and a shocking loss for the latest tag title contenders, even if Umaga had to do most of the heavy lifting for his team. Java got the most out of his few big spots and his team got the win, signaling that this tournament will be anything but predictable.


5. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI drew with Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [75]

The bad blood between Pillars of Puroresu and Destiny Bond continues to make for intense, hard hitting matches and such was the case in the night's main event, twenty minutes of stiff strikes and hard slams until the time limit was reached. An indecisive finale to keep the feud going, it nonetheless entertained the live audience and provided a couple of spots that are bound to make their way into some highlight reel sooner or later.


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TagMania Tour Night 2 in Hamamatsu, Chubu Region

Wed. W1 February 2021

194 Fans


1. Naozane Goto and Suguru Emoto defeated Desperado Dave Barker and James Diaz in 14:29 when Naozane Goto pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Goto Slam. [41]

Naozane Goto returned to team with fellow Dawnguard member Suguru Emoto since his regular partner Takenori Doi has been off on excursion. Their opponents were the higly promising second generation wrestler James Diaz and the debuting "Desperado" Dave Barker, who has been appearing with SAISHO lately while still employed by MAW as The Historian. A solid opener despite featuring lesser known competitors, this one ended with Goto making his mark over the gaijin newcomer.


2. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou in 16:19 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Akira Arato with a Z-Bomb. [61]

SAISHO Tag Team champions Arato & Katou suffered another defeat, this time at the hands of the Destiny Bond duo of Toshusai and Makioka. No shame in losing to two of BCG's brightest up-and-coming stars, another solid performance from the champions before Arato fell to the Z-Bomb.


3. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Roku Sotomura and Motoyuki Miyake in 16:19 when SUKI pinned Roku Sotomura with a Mountain SUKI. [65]

Both teams walked into this match after a victory in Night 1 but there was never any doubt that the Pillars duo had this one in the bag against the aging veteran and the inexperienced youngster. Once again, Miyake had a chance to show what he can do while in the ring with two stellar opponents, while Sotomura did his part in holding his team together for the bout.


4. Brothers In Vengeance defeated The American Cobras in 18:24 when Hiroshi Morisue pinned Storm Spillane with a Running Powerslam. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [53]

First tournament match of the night and the decorated WEXXV team of Sakata & Morisue got the big win over the Cobras. Not many expected BCG to give such a push to representatives of Kajahara's hardcore promotion, but given their experience and title history, the outcome was easier to swallow for the live audience.


5. Dallas Demolition Crew defeated Yokokawa & Sen in 15:48 when Animal Harker pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Stump Piledriver. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [45]

Another shocking outcome in the TagMania tournament as Dallas Demolition Crew got the win over the veteran pairing of Yokokawa & Sen. Hangman's inexperience did hold the match down a bit but it didn't cost him victory as Harker was able to hit Yokokawa with his finisher and score the three count.


6. The Horror defeated The Diamond Dogs in 17:47 when Abomination pinned Motty Kuroda with an Apocalypse Blast. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [70]

Given the two teams' trajectories for almost a year, it made sense for The Horror to win the main event, although with so many surprises in the tournament already, it really did feel like the Diamond Dogs could have ended the night with an underdog victory.


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TagMania Tour Night 3 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Sat. W1 February 2021

113 Fans


1. The American Cobras defeated The Chaos Demons in 10:12 when Marvel Malloy pinned Ieshige Nishio with a Cobra Strike. [46]

Following their respective eliminations from the TagMania tournament, the Cobras and the Chaos Demons met in the opening match of Night 3 with the former regaining some momentum over the latter. Thankfully, the match was kept short at about 10 minutes so there were no stamina issues with the Demons, nor did the booking need to be particularly protective of them at the expense of match quality.


2. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated The Tokyo Mountains in 14:08 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Shogo Awatari with a Belly To Belly Suplex. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [29]

Mitsukuri & Kinoshita spent little time with BCG before moving on to SAISHO but they never really established themselves, so the audience was rather dead here seeing a lesser known team go up against two young lions. It didn't help that both behemoths were having a bad night and botched most of their spots, but at least it made the outcome feel justified as the Dawnguard team advanced to the next round.


3. Black Iron Corps defeated Arakaki & Serizawa in 15:10 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Isoruko Arakaki with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [50]

In the last of the quarter final matches, Black Iron Corps got the win over SAISHO regulars Araraki & Serizawa. The two men brought a scary amount of power and stiff hits to the match, but the Destiny Bond team was able to overcome through sheer fighting spirit and hit the dreaded Black Iron Lariat to advance into the semi finals, where they will be facing Torii & Taku.


4. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka drew with The Hurt in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [66]

The Hurt may have been eliminated from the tournament, but they are far from out as they dragged the hot pairing of Toshusai and Makioka to a twenty minute time limit draw. Robinson and Svensson imposed the slow methodical pace that suits them best but they were unable to squeeze out a submission in time.


5. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Yokokawa & Sen in 19:06 when Mabuchi Furusawa submitted Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Furusawa Armbar. [64]

Almost as compensation for being eliminated in the first round of TagMania, the veteran team of former BCG World Tag Team champions Yokokawa & Sen were given the main event slot here against Furusawa and SUKI. The rugged Seven Samurai representatives gave their opponents a tough fight and the Pillars team had to work hard to earn their win as Yokokawa tapped out less than a minute before the time limit would have saved him.


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TagMania Tour Night 4 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Tue. W2 February 2021

180 Fans


1. Polynesian Providers of Pain defeated The Horror in 13:37 when Rhino Umaga pinned Abomination with a Rhino Charge. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [57]

The night began with a tournament semifinals match and two big man teams colliding. Once again, Java had a bit of trouble keeping up, but since everyone held back a bit in order to work the audience anyway, it wasn't that much of an issue. Rhino Umaga was the one to score the pin yet again and send his team to the next stage, a somewhat shocking outcome given the success that The Horror have had since arrival but an absolutely reasonable one as the tournament winners get a shot at the BCG World Tag Team titles and The Horror vs Miura & Yoshizawa has already been done several times.


2. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 18:04 when Ichiro Mitsukuri pinned Texas Hangman with a S.T.O. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [48]

Pro Wrestling SAISHO may be used as BCG's developmental territory these days but that doesn't mean its talent is inferior, as was the case in this match. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita were all too happy to brawl with their Texan opponents and eventually managed to win the bout as they carry the Dawnguard flag to the next round.


3. Brothers In Vengeance defeated Miura & Yoshizawa in 20:02 when Battle Sakata pinned Noritoshi Miura with a roll up. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [43]

As was the case with The Horror, it stands to reason that the current BCG World Tag Team champions would, at some point, have to get knocked out of the tournament so that another team could win and challenge them. Who would have thought though that it would be at the hands of Brothers in Vengeance! The wild style of Sakata and Morisue served them well in this match, although Miura would beg to differ as he ended the night with a couple of broken ribs, courtesy of a reckless move from Hiroshi Morisue.


4. Black Iron Corps defeated Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku in 20:54 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [59]

The main event did not disappoint as it provided a good mix of hard strikes and technical grappling, but in the end it came down to team experience and cohesion versus two stellar singles competitors. It was the double team moves that left Torii reeling outside the ring after a lariat/leg sweep combo, leaving Taku to catch the Black Iron Lariat and stare at the lights for three.


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TagMania Tour Night 5 in Kitakyushu, Kyushu Region

Thu. W2 February 2021

190 Fans


1. The Diamond Dogs defeated The Chaos Demons in 10:16 when Motty Kuroda pinned Ieshige Nishio with a Sweep DDT. [46]

With both teams eliminated by this point, the Diamond Dogs had an opportunity to get the fans going in the opening thanks to their flashy high flying offence. The timer was kept short on this one yet again to protect their opponents' diminishing stamina, but they did get a bit of offence in before putting the youngsters over on their way out of this tour.


2. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Yokokawa & Sen in 18:04 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Z-Bomb. [60]

Toshusai and Makioka also got a win over veterans Yokokawa & Sen, although they had to work much harder to get it in a match that went on for almost double the time of the opener. Despite apparently being slowly phased out and pushed down the card, Yokokawa & Sen remain a popular and skilled team that can have good matches with anyone and such was the case here, before Makioka got the pin over Yokokawa.


3. Polynesian Providers of Pain defeated Mitsukuri & Kinoshita in 14:25 when Java pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Greetings From The Island. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [45]

It was the final night of the tour leg and both tournament matches were to determine the pair of finalists. Both Polynesian Providers of Pain as well as Mitsukuri & Kinoshita had made it way further into the tournament than anyone might have expected them to, so this was an interesting match to watch. Furthermore, this time it was Java who wrapped it up instead of Umaga, sending his team to the finals.


4. Black Iron Corps defeated Brothers In Vengeance in 17:36 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Battle Sakata with a Black Iron Lariat. This match was part of the 'TagMania 8' tournament. [54]

This was going to be an "outsider" teams final, seeing as Black Iron Corps also got their start in SAISHO and not BCG, but they've spend enough time to have fans on their side here against the WEXXV veterans. Between that and years of deathmatches taking their toll on Sakata and Morisue, it made sense that their opponents would be the ones to advance and indeed they booked their spot after Kita hit the Black Iron Lariat for the three count.


5. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku in 19:06 when SUKI submitted Yoshinaka Taku with a SUKI Special III. [77]

The night's main event wasn't related to the tournament but it did feature four of BCG's biggest stars, so no complaints. This was Pillars versus Dawnguard and it was very competitive, with all participants getting in a good chunk of offence for the near twenty minutes it lasted, before Taku was forced to tap out to the SUKI Special III.


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p>

<img alt="aPinEG4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aPinEG4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Sat. W2 February 2021</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

Osaka @ Kansai, Japan</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Event Card</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>TagMania tournament finals</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Black Iron Corps vs Polynesian Providers of Pain</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Big Bruiser Findlay & Giant Brody vs Tanyu Toshisai & Zeshin Makioka</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Bunrakuken Torii & Yoshinaka Taku vs Funakoshi & Blast Ikoma</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

The American Cobras vs Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Brothers in Vengeance vs Razan Okamoto & Yoshisada Matsuzawa</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

The Horror vs Yokokawa & Sen</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Hurt</span></div></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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TagMania tournament finals

Black Iron Corps vs Polynesian Providers of Pain


Big Bruiser Findlay & Giant Brody vs Tanyu Toshisai & Zeshin Makioka


Bunrakuken Torii & Yoshinaka Taku vs Funakoshi & Blast Ikoma


The American Cobras vs Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI


Brothers in Vengeance vs Razan Okamoto & Yoshisada Matsuzawa


The Horror vs Yokokawa & Sen


Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Hurt

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p>

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<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Sat. W2 February 2021</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

Osaka, Kansai Region, Japan</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

Attendance: 20.847, Rating: 49, Views: 70.865 (0.09 on Shogun TV)</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="5Skxv12.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5Skxv12.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="xLr3FJQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xLr3FJQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="JPY9q5Y.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JPY9q5Y.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="NDNxjjZ.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NDNxjjZ.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Dallas Demolition Crew vs The Hurt</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

The opening match featured two teams in opposite trajectories; on one hand, Dallas Demolition Crew who despite being a relative new pairing and featuring the inexperienced Texas Hangman, did pretty well in this year's tournament up to their eventual elimination. On the other, The Hurt, a veteran team that was however eliminated in their first TagMania match. This was also a case of brawling versus shoot grappling, thus the match featured an interesting clash of styles with Hangman being almost on par with his teammate already in terms of in-ring skills. Still, Svensson was able to gain a measure of redemption for his team when he managed to catch the youngster in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock dead center of the ring for the tap.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The Hurt defeated Dallas Demolition Crew in 16:19 when Nigel Svensson submitted Texas Hangman with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. [49]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="aJXf09a.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aJXf09a.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="6xVJmZj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6xVJmZj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="shcIJcc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/shcIJcc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="S3NOutE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/S3NOutE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Horror vs Yokokawa & Sen</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Champions and frequent contenders throughout 2020, last year’s TagMania winners The Horror found themselves knocked out of the tournament this year and faced off against the veteran pairing of two time BCG World Tag Team champions Yokokawa & Sen. What would have otherwise been a very one sided match turned out to be a real trial for the Dread Army team given their recent performances and their opponents really looked like they have a fighting chance, momentarily making the crowd forget that these days they’re mostly used to train younger talent in dark matches or SAISHO. Yokokawa & Sen brought a ton of striking to this match but could not finish off the job as they were consistently unable to lift their large opponents for the Stump Puller or the Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker, a fact that allowed the Horror to regain control of the match on more than one occasion until they finally flattened Sen with the Apocalypse Blast to get the pinfall win.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Horror defeated Yokokawa & Sen in 19:37 when Monstrosity pinned Sojuro Sen with an Apocalypse Blast. [66]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="TIXyTCp.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TIXyTCp.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="nSHqbha.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nSHqbha.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="GskIv1l.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GskIv1l.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="1fsXQIm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1fsXQIm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Brothers in Vengeance vs Razan Okamoto & Yoshisada Matsuzawa</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Okamoto and Matsuzawa dedicated this match to Noritsoshi Miura, who Hiroshi Morisue recently injured during a match and that set the tone for a very personal clash on top of the whole “BCG’s straight wrestling versus WEXXV hardcore style” that was the theme of this match. Morisue and Sakata did of course try to make this a ringside brawl but thankfully skipped all the weapon swinging in favor of smashmouth strikes, proving they’re quite capable wrestlers outside all the Kajaharan gimmicks. Matsuzawa especially sold the offence exceptionally and built up to the hot tag, with Okamoto cheered as he entered the match to turn the tide. His teams disadvantage in terms of size and power did make this a hard match to win, pushing it to about twenty five minutes total, but Okamoto did manage to drop Morisue onto his own mohawk with a Brainbuster Suplex and pick up the victory in the end.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a decent match, Razan Okamoto and Yoshisada Matsuzawa defeated Brothers In Vengeance in 24:29 when Razan Okamoto pinned Hiroshi Morisue with a Brainbuster Suplex. [60]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="8NlUtyD.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8NlUtyD.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="IdpVsZb.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IdpVsZb.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="wFcGLdM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wFcGLdM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QdKNLA8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QdKNLA8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The American Cobras vs Mabuchi Furusawa & SUKI</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Furusawa and SUKI might be two of BCG’s top singles competitors, but they lack the experience and flow of the Cobras, which in turn made for a pretty competitive match here. The Cobras made sure to highlight this via quick tags, double team moves and brilliant showcases of fluid, rapid fire dual offence, whereas their opponents relied more on their individual skill to work the match. A good mix of strong style, chain wrestling, mat grappling and the occasional aerial move, the match turned out to be a show stealer and early candidate for match of the night, with SUKI eventually pinning Spillane after twenty or so minutes.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated The American Cobras in 19:07 when SUKI pinned Storm Spillane with a Mountain SUKI. [80]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="BjgvDys.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BjgvDys.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="WGDp9oH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WGDp9oH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2C2TFxV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2C2TFxV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="3t41LoN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3t41LoN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Bunrakuken Torii & Yoshinaka Taku vs Funakoshi & Blast Ikoma</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

The actual match of the night came up right after, as the Dawnguard team of Torii and Taku took on the leader and second in command of the Seven Samurai. With about half an hour for their bout, all four men took the time to pace themselves and deliver a classic climaxing slow burner as the hungry young ones struggled to take down the established traditionalists looking to put them in their place. A highlight of the contest had to be Taku and Ikoma hitting each other with the biggest bombs in their arsenal as they traded suplexes, as well as Torii’s machinegun chops picking up the pace of the bout before Funakoshi responded with a flurry of elbows and forearms. All four participants really pasted each other for almost half an hour much to the excitement of the fans, before Taku sealed the deal with a Full Nelson Bomb on Ikoma just as Torii jumped to the outside with a Flying Forearm to prevent Funakoshi from breaking up the pin.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma in 29:35 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Blast Ikoma with a Full Nelson Bomb. [83]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="ceDGfhh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ceDGfhh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="mUEUpR9.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mUEUpR9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="kGZrPvC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kGZrPvC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="k2IlGow.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/k2IlGow.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Big Bruiser Findlay & Giant Brody vs Tanyu Toshusai & Zeshin Makioka</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Recently crowned BCG World champion and leader of the Bruiser Brigade, the big man from Cobb County, Georgia teamed up with the equally imposing Giant Brody to take on Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka of Destiny Bond. A classic David vs Goliath matchup in tag format, the bout was a little one sided for a large part of the opening, which in hindsight probably hurt it as Toshusai and Makioka didn’t have many opportunities to showcase their offence. Not that Findlay and Brody are masters of selling when it was their time to play defence, but there was an interesting swerve in the finish where the gaijin team tried to take the fight to the outside, only to find out that Makioka is no stranger to the hardcore chaos, something that led to him hitting the Z-Bomb on Brody to pick up the win in the end.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody in 27:31 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Giant Brody with a Z-Bomb. [77]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>TagMania tournament finals</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>

</strong></span><img alt="FO47iVM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FO47iVM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4OQuacU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4OQuacU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="e5yYUwq.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/e5yYUwq.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="dCF8NNX.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dCF8NNX.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>

Black Iron Corps vs Polynesian Providers of Pain</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

Having to follow two or three stellar matches didn’t make things easy for teams in the main event, a hardship on top of Java’s physical decline and the fact that fans weren’t as invested in these four men as they were in the previous competitors. Still, it was the finals of the tournament and it had to headline the show, so both teams tried to make the best of it. Black Iron Corps defiantly stood their ground against their larger bulldozing opponents and despite not being a homegrown BCG team, somehow managed to get the fans on their side against what felt like outsiders in their opposition. Java and Umaga played their part as the devastators they were supposed to be, though given how the match went on for more than half an hour, they quickly ran out of moves and there’s so many times one can bear to watch avalanches and splashes. When it was time to finish it, Kita and Narahashi worked in perfect timing to hit Java with the Black Iron Lariat, dropping the veteran to be pinned as their team scored the win.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Black Iron Corps defeated Polynesian Providers of Pain in 34:22 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Java with a Black Iron Lariat. Black Iron Corps win BCG TagMania. [45]</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="wubglQ4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wubglQ4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><img alt="JjJyYIj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JjJyYIj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="FO47iVM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FO47iVM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4OQuacU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4OQuacU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

After the match, Yoshifusa Maeda got in the ring to present the trophies and award them to the winners. Streamers and confetti caused a hailstorm of colour between the ropes, showering everyone as Black Iron Corps cut a basic promo to thank the audience before posing for the mandatory photographs.</span></div></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post show interviews and comments</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Narahashi:</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>"We’ve worked our asses off and it paid off tonight. This is the first step towards achieving our destiny, which is to become the next BCG World Tag Team champions."</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Kita:</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>"I know one half of the champions is out injured, but he’d better heal up fast so I can send him back to the hospital and take his title!"</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Java:</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>"Me and Umaga never teamed before, but we still made it to the finals. No one thought we would. That to me is already a huge success, even if we didn’t end up winning the whole thing."</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Umaga:</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>"I’m not happy we lost, but it’s been a great journey. Sure beats having to compete against masked juniors, I was happy to be faced with a proper challenge."</em></span></div></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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I just noticed this diary won the September/October DotM award! Thank you all for your love, I'm very much enjoying this save and intend to keep it going, but things like these are always a motivation booster.


Congratulations to CGN91 also, with whom I share the prize. He deserves it more than me, as his White Canvas Grappling diary back in the TEW16 days provided the blueprint for how I present tour shows in my Puroresu diaries, including this one.

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Lionheart Tour Night 1 in Osaka, Kansai Region

Mon. W4 February 2021

790 Fans


1. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Suguru Emoto) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Ryobe Uno) in 15:43 when Suguru Emoto pinned Ryobe Uno with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [67]

Emoto and Uno joined the teams of their respective groups for a match meant mainly to showcase the two youngsters. In that vein, they were also involved in the finish trying to hit each other with their finishers, Emoto getting the best of Uno in the end.


2. Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror and Ragnarok) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Dallas Demolition Crew) in 15:43 when Ragnarok pinned Texas Hangman with a Death of the Gods. [64]

Eight man tag next, a true hoss fight between the two big man factions of BCG. Dread Army chased the pin over Findlay for a potential title shot, but eventually had to settle for felling Texas Hangman.


3. Naozane Goto defeated Atto Savage in 14:33 by pinfall with a Goto Slam. Naozane Goto wins the Medallion #1. [49]

Dread Army weren't as fortunate in the Challengers Series Medallion match though, as Naozane Goto overcame Atto Savage to claim the first of three amulets. His position is anything but secure however, as he'll also have to defend his prize later in the tour.


4. Black Iron Corps defeated Inejiro Yoshizawa and Razan Okamoto in 20:20 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Inejiro Yoshizawa with a Black Iron Lariat. [62]

Still suffering from his broken ribs, Miura was kept off the show and Razan Okamoto took his place. A talented singles competitor, Okamoto's skills were not enough as Yoshizawa wasn't used to teaming with him and was left exposed on more than one occasion, leading to him getting flattened with a Black Iron Lariat.


5. Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma drew with Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka in 30:00 when the time limit expired. [78]

Big fight in the main event but an inconclusive outcome between Seven Samurai and Destiny Bond.


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Lionheart Tour Night 2 in Nagoya City, Chubu Region

Thu. W4 February 2021

156 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror and Atto Savage) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Dallas Demolition Crew) in 16:07 when Atto Savage submitted Animal Harker with a Savage Claw. [59]

Two nil so far in the tour, with Dread Army scoring another victory against the Bruiser Brigade. Losing his Medallion match the night prior seems to have lit a fire under Savage and he made up for it by submitting Harker here.


2. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI drew with Yoshinaka Taku and Naozane Goto in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [65]

An indecisive match between Pillars of Puroresu and Dawnguard that was nevertheless exciting to watch. Naozane Goto had a chance to show he can hang in with BCG's finest and although his in-ring performance wasn't exactly up to par, he wasn't terrible either and proved he has the stamina for longer matches.


3. Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Suguru Emoto in 15:46 by submission with a Triangle Choke. Kadonomaro Kamisaka wins the Medallion #2. [45]

Emoto was another Dawnguard blue chipper who showed off the progress he's made wrestling for SAISHO, but he was unable to wrap it up with a win and "Serene K" tapped him out to win the second Challengers Series Medallions.


4. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Funakoshi and Motoyuki Miyake in 17:40 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Motoyuki Miyake with a Z-Bomb. [68]

Destiny Bond scored the equalizer over Seven Samurai following their Night 1 defeat. Miyake's inexperience was what made him pay in the end and a Z-Bomb from Makioka flattened him for the count.


5. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Destiny Bond (Rokuemon Matsushita, Azumamaro Kita and Fujio Narahashi) in 28:40 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Yoshizawa Bomb. [61]

Miura's return from injury came with a victory and the Okamoto-gun trio ended the night on a high note. Black Iron Corps left the ring holding their TagMania cups in the air, a reminder of them being next in line to challenge for the BCG World Tag Team titles.


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Lionheart Tour Night 3 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region

Sun. W4 February 2021

181 Fans


1. Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Ryobe Uno) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita) in 15:40 when SUKI pinned Koyo Kinoshita with a Mountain SUKI. [63]

The opening match showcased more of BCG's up and coming stars in the form of Uno and the team of Mitsukuri & Kinoshita. A great match, no less thanks to their veteran teammates and a win for the Pillars team.


2. Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Rokuemon Matsushita) defeated Okamoto-gun (Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Yoshisada Matsuzawa) in 18:02 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [58]

Destiny Bond were able to score a win over a team featuring both their future opponents for the BCG World Tag Team titles, thus building momentum as contenders in front of their showdown.


3. Ragnarok defeated Giant Brody in 14:48 by pinfall with a Death of the Gods. Ragnarok wins the Medallion #3. [55]

Last of the three Medallions was claimed by Ragnarok, meaning two of the three are now in the hands of Dread Army. Giant Brody put on a valiant effort in this hoss match but ultimately fell to the hungrier youngster.


4. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Funakoshi and Kadonomaro Kamisaka in 18:55 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Z-Bomb. [75]

Funakoshi and Kamisaka looked as though they've been teaming forever even if this was their first time as a tag team, but it still wasn't enough against Toshusai and Makioka who looked unstoppable on this night.


5. The Horror defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Animal Harker in 29:28 when Monstrosity pinned Animal Harker with an Apocalypse Blast. [70]

No strangers to each other from back when they used to team as The Wild Ones, Findlay and Harker reunited to take on The Horror. That was all the joy they'd get in the night however, as The Horror outwrestled and outlasted them to get the pin, narrowly avoiding a time limit draw.


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Lionheart Tour Night 4 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Wed. W1 March 2021

116 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and Dallas Demolition Crew) in 15:46 when FEAR pinned Texas Hangman with a Fear Drive. [62]

It seems Dread Army have Bruiser Brigade's number in this tour; that or the rest of Findlay's group don't quite measure up to their leader, which is to be expected given the influx of several young members, many of which are still honing their skills with SAISHO.


2. Naozane Goto defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 14:43 by pinfall with a Goto Slam. Naozane Goto makes defence number one of the Medallion #1. [45]

Miyake clearly outwrestled his opponent here and had fans on his size, but there's no accounting for sheer power as the big ex sumo wrestler endured the onslaught and overwhelmed his challenger for a successful defence of the Challengers Series Medallion.


3. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Funakoshi and Sojuro Sen in 16:03 when Tanyu Toshusai pinned Sojuro Sen with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [67]

Funakoshi just can't find the right partner to stop Toshusai and Makioka in this tour and the veteran Sen didn't make it either. Still, this was arguably the best match of the night, with all four participants going above and beyond to deliver a show stealing spectacle.


4. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka in 18:18 when Mabuchi Furusawa pinned Kiyotaka with a Spinning Arm Breaker. [65]

A rather predictable outcome in an otherwise solid contest, this one had the rough task of following up the previous showdown. Lots of chain wrestling back and forth for lovers of that kind of action and a flashy finish from Furusawa who whipped out his Spinning Arm Breaker for the pin.


5. Black Iron Corps defeated Miura & Yoshizawa and The Hurt in 23:43. [60]

A rare three way tag match for the main event, this was nearly good enough to have the tag titles on the line for it. This was contested under one fall rules, not elimination, so Kita and Narahashi were able to end the night victorious by hitting the Black Iron Lariat on Nigel Svensson for the pin.


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Lionheart Tour Night 5 in Kitakyushu, Kyushu Region

Sat. W1 March 2021

193 Fans


1. Miura & Yoshizawa defeated Black Iron Corps and Dallas Demolition Crew in 19:14. [56]

From the previous night's main event to this one's opener, with Harker and Hangman replacing the Hurt. The BCG World Tag Team champions scored the equalizer against the Black Iron Corps, pinning the Texan rookie for the win.


2. Kadonomaro Kamisaka defeated Kiyotaka in 15:20 by pinfall with a Stump Piledriver. Kadonomaro Kamisaka makes defence number one of the Medallion #2. [45]

"Serene K" made his first Challengers Series Medallion defence against former teammate and defector Kiyotaka. Although their familiarity made for a match with lots of reversals and chain wrestling, both men's glaring lack of charisma kept the match from truly hitting the next level before Kamisaka hit the Stump Piledriver to retain.


3. Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody drew with The Horror in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [70]

Bruiser Brigade's top two big men took on The Horror in the night's show stealing match, an exciting clash despite its inconclusive finish. Surprisingly enough, this wasn't a one dimensional case of big guys beating each other up, but was spiced up thanks to Brody's shocking aerial spots and some great technical wrestling from all participants.


4. Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Naozane Goto and Suguru Emoto) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Ryobe Uno) in 18:27 when Naozane Goto pinned Ryobe Uno with a Goto Slam. [63]

Six man faction war in the semi main event and despite fielding some less experienced fighters, Dawnguard were able to walk away with the win thanks to Goto's power. Yoshi Taku held things together for his team and Emoto showcased a lot of fire in his strikes, the trio wisely avoiding Furusawa and SUKI as best as they could in order to isolate Uno and focus their offence on him.


5. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Funakoshi and Nobuharu Yokokawa in 18:58 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Z-Bomb. [65]

This time Sen was swapped for his regular teammate Yokokawa but the outcome was the same, a loss for Funakoshi and co. against the Destiny Bond pairing of Toshusai and Makioka.


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