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Black Canvas Grappling: Invasion of the TITANS

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Sole Survivor match

Bunrakuken Torii vs Funakoshi vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs SUKI


BCG National title match

2nd Champion Tanyu Toshusai vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku


Challengers Series title match

20th Champion Atto Savage vs Challenger Blast Ikoma


Special Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Texas Hangman) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura)


Non title exhibition match

Black Iron Corps vs Morimasa Kato & Shimpei Hirose


Special Eight Man Tag match

Dawnguard (Naozane Goto, Suguru Emoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita) vs Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror, Ragnarok)


Opening Six Man Tag match

Pillars of Puroresu (Danjuro Kikuchi, Yutaka Ogata, Ritsu Ibata) vs Seven Samurai (Sojuro Sen, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)

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Fri. W4 June 2021

Kobe Football Stadium, Kansai Region, Japan

Attendance: 28.133, Rating: 75, Views: 129.786 (0.17 on Shogun TV)





Pillars of Puroresu (Danjuro Kikuchi, Yutaka Ogata, Ritsu Ibata) vs Seven Samurai (Sojuro Sen, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake)

The opening match featured an interesting setup for both teams. On one hand, Kikuchi, who is usually limited to a lesser role within Pillars of Puroresu, had the opportunity to lead youngsters Ogata and Ibata, all the while looking great in comparison instead of his usual multi man role as whipping boy. On the other hand, the Seven Samurai was a balanced-out mix of the veteran Sen, Kamisaka in his prime and young Miyake on the rise. While the action was decent given the levels of those involved, it was certainly sub-par compared to the average BCG standards, making this more or less the standard undercard multi man match many fans wish they could just skip through, with Miyake getting the pin over Ibata in the end.


In a poor match, Sojuro Sen, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Danjuro Kikuchi, Yutaka Ogata and Ritsu Ibata) in 11:43 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Knock Out Kick. [59]





Dawnguard (Naozane Goto, Suguru Emoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita) vs Dread Army (FEAR, The Horror, Ragnarok)

Dread Army were the veterans here, both individually and as a team, whereas the Dawnguard quartet was composed of less experienced talent, still bouncing between BCG and SAISHO. The underdogs walked into the bout with something to prove and they had the fire to do it. Goto’s power was also a much needed component against the massive heavyweights of Dread Army, though Emoto, Mitsukuri and Kinoshita did bring a ton of strikes while also showing some great capacity to absorb damage. The big story however came in the finish, when the former sumo competitor hit Ragnarok with a Goto Slam for the pin. Dawnguard won the match while FEAR and The Horror ganged up to put the boots on the loser, effectively kicking Ragnarok out of the group and possibly the company, given the Icelander’s repeated inability to get over with the fans.


In a decent match, Naozane Goto, Suguru Emoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita defeated Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity and Ragnarok) in 9:47 when Naozane Goto pinned Ragnarok with a Goto Slam. [68]



Black Iron Corps vs Morimasa Kato & Shimpei Hirose

Kato and Hirose were the outsiders in this tournament so for the last night of the tour they teamed up against the tag team champions. Surprisingly enough, this random pairing proved to have great chemistry together and they gave Black Iron Corps a run for their money. Perhaps the champions were taking it easy since their belts weren’t on the line, but Kato and Hirose had a point to prove and perhaps a permanent spot on the BCG roster to claim if they managed to score the win here. This setup added unexpected drama and intensity to the bout, with Kato and Hirose pushing the champs to a figurative corner, which in turn brought out a sense of urgency in them and saw them push for the comeback. Once the Black Iron Lariat connected, the counting was only to seal the deal.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Black Iron Corps defeated Morimasa Kato and Shimpei Hirose in 12:08 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Morimasa Kato with a Black Iron Lariat. [69]





Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Texas Hangman) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura)

On a surface level, this looked like another throwaway undercard multi man match, but it was masterfully built on the rivalry between Findlay and Okamoto. Not only because it was Findlay that Okamoto beat to become champion, but also because with no Bruiser Brigade representatives in the Sole Survivor main event match, this was practically Findlay’s only chance to get a pin over Okamoto and earn himself a shot at the title before The Lion’s Roar. All three members of Bruiser Brigade made their intentions clear straight from the start of the match, isolating Okamoto on their corner and working over his back, the very same spot that Findlay had injured in the past to sideline Okamoto. No stranger to a role as a fighting underdog, Okamoto took a beating but escaped for the tag, allowing Yoshizawa and Miura to use their competence together to turn the tide. The champion couldn’t stay out forever though and even if he did, the gaijins weren’t above circling the ring and attacking him anyway, a tactic that again turned the tide in their favor until the former tag champs hit a double splash to the outside to take out everyone. This spot marked their comeback and by isolating the least experienced Taxas Hangman, Miura & Yoshizawa hit him with rapid fire alternating attacks until a Storm Rider laid him down for the count.


In a decent match, Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Texas Hangman) in 12:15 when Noritoshi Miura pinned Texas Hangman with a Storm Rider. [67]



Challengers Series title match


20th Champion Atto Savage vs Challenger Blast Ikoma

First singles match of the night and the change in gear was beyond obvious, the two competitors pulling out all the stops to deliver a bout that was one step above the undercard before. Ikoma opened up with a series of blistering strikes, which Savage absorbed before returning fire in equal measure. There wasn’t much technical skill on display here, just super stiff shots by two men who literally tried to bash each other’s skull and chest in. Ikoma seemed to have a fire lit under him as he sought to pull off back to back wins after knocking Savage out of the tournament to get in this match in the first place, while the champion fought for the equalizer and to retain the belt. Savage took a couple of great looking (given his size) suplexes from Ikoma but was able to block the Northern Lights Bomb on three separate occasions, the final one being when he burst out to lock in the Savage Claw and force Ikoma to submit.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Atto Savage defeated Blast Ikoma in 20:22 by submission with a Savage Claw. Atto Savage makes defence number two of the BCG Challengers Series. [74]



BCG National title match


2nd Champion Tanyu Toshusai vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku

Toshusai walked into this match with a damaged ego after Taku had managed to knock him out of the tournament, which was also the reason he was given a shot at the BCG National championship. Much like the previous contest, this was a down and dirty wrestling match but unlike it, there was a good dose of technical grappling involved between the strikes and bomb dropping. Of course, it took a while to get there since the match was off to a slow start, with both men sizing each other up and Toshusai taking every chance he had to slap his opponent, talk him down or otherwise insult him. Though proud, Taku did not get carried away by this, but instead responded with a smile, well aware that he’d gotten under the champion’s skin already. When the lockup finally happened, the chain wrestling on display was slick, Taku holding his own well enough to frustrate Toshusai, who got frustrated enough to back body drop his opponent to the outside in order to up the violence. The challenger’s head got smashed against the apron, the ring post and the barricade, Toshusai busting his opponent up in an unusual display of rage that is very unlike his regular smug demeanor. This had him carried away though and he charged right into a big boot, with Taku using the opening to hit a spinebuster on the floor and buy himself some time to recover. As the two men crawled back into the ring, the match escalated into hitting each other with big moves for near falls and it took a sequence of a powerbomb, a top rope splash and two consecutive Dangerous Brainbusters to finally put Taku away just a few minutes after the 45’ mark.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Tanyu Toshusai defeated Yoshinaka Taku in 47:17 by pinfall with a Dangerous Brainbuster. Tanyu Toshusai makes defence number three of the BCG National title. [77]



Sole Survivor match


Bunrakuken Torii vs Funakoshi vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs SUKI

The main event had that big fight feel, but it wasn’t all glamor. All four men bore the scars of the battles they had to go through to make it to this point, whether it was bruises or parts that had been taped up. This feeling was further pushed by the fact that neither competitor was off to a fast start, each one testing their opponents and trying to figure out how to conduct themselves in such a situation: who to focus on, who to avoid, how to score a pin or submission without others breaking it up. Even the usual “gang up on the big man” tactic wasn’t that obvious a choice, since Matsushita was the least experienced of the four. What ended up happening was long series of strikes and moves, each man landing a few before they were cut off by another. This intricate chaining together of spots started off slow and sluggish, then gradually and steadily escalated into longer combos, harder shots and flashier moves as the match progressed, making it look like some video where two different matches had been layered on top of each other. Simple but effective storytelling that wasn’t as easy as it may sound to pull off, on top of the match going on for almost an hour before the finishing sequence. Torii hit his Flying Forearm off the apron onto Funakoshi on the outside, then got knocked off by a charging Matsushita. SUKI saw his opening and threw a Mountain SUKI on the big man, immediately transitioning into the SUKI Special III for the tap.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, SUKI defeated Funakoshi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Bunrakuken Torii in 51:46 when SUKI submitted Rokuemon Matsushita with a SUKI Special III. SUKI wins the BCG Sole Survivor. [78]



Yoshifusa Maeda presented the Sole Survivor trophy to the winner as streamers and confetti rained down. SUKI got to deliver the go home speech and promised to deliver the goods again on the main event of The Lion’s Roar against Razan Okamoto for the BCG World title.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


SUKI: "Tonight I proved I can go the distance. Razan Okamoto, keep that title warm for me until The Lion's Roar."


Toshusai: "Tonight I taught that insect Taku a lesson in humility. He embarrassed me during the tournament, but now he'll think twice before doing it again."


Okamoto: "I took a beating for sure, Bruiser Brigade were out to get me tonight but I'm still standing. SUKI thinks he can do better, but how can he hope to keep me down?"


FEAR: "There is no room in Dread Army for weaklings!"</div>

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Arato and Katou join Okamoto-gun



It seems Gidayu Katou's run in the Sole Survivor tournament hasn't gone unnoticed, as Razan Okamoto himself invited him and regular teammate Akira Arato to officially join his group. Arato and Katou have much to gain from being associated with the BCG World champion and the veteran team of Yoshizawa and Miura, while Okamoto-gun seem to be filling a few gaps after the severe injury of Dynamite Narahashi and the relegation of Yoshisada Matsuzawa to SAISHO as a trainer of the next generation.


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Legacy Tour - Night 1 in Shizuoka Sports Hall, Chubu Region

Tue. W2 July 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Yutaka Ogata) in 11:35 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Yoshizawa Bomb. [54]

Perhaps Arato and Katou joining Okamoto-gun rekindled a fire under the others, or maybe having Ogata in this match made his team's loss predictable. Whatever the case, the opening match was a solid contest that had the fans going and SUKI looking disappointed with his teammates in the end.


2. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) defeated Dawnguard (Kyuichi Matsumoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita) in 16:09 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Stump Piledriver. [58]

Dawnguard's younger generation seem to be finding a permanent spot back on the main BCG roster after the Sole Survivor tournament, with Mitsukuri & Kinoshita here as well as Suguru Emoto later on competing for one of the Challengers Series Medallions. Seven Samurai walked away with the victory but their opponents put on a great performance and this may be the start of Dawnguard becoming a major player in the scene once again.


3. Dread Army (The Horror and Atto Savage) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Rokuemon Matsushita) in 15:49 when Abomination pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Chokeslam From Hell. [62]

The Horror have been booked to face Black Iron Corps for the BCG World Tag Team titles at the end of the tour, so this was the first of what will likely be many multi man matches between various configurations of their respective factions. Dread Army began strong with a win, building momentum as dangerous challengers.


4. Giant Brody defeated Suguru Emoto in 14:42 by pinfall with a Single Handed Choke Slam. Giant Brody wins the Medallion #1. [54]

Emoto brought the fight to the big man with no fear on display, but for all his warrior fire, Brody's size, strength and experience were too much for him to overcome. The race to determine the next challenger for Atto Savage's title has begun and Brody was the first man to punch a ticket.


5. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku in 17:36 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Z-Bomb. [73]

Destiny Bond against Dawnguard in the main event, with all four men bringing the violence. Yoshi Taku in particular was out to avenge his loss to Toshusai, but his eagerness proved to be his downfall and Makioka was able to lure him in for the finish, before taking him out with the Z-Bomb.


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Legacy Tour - Night 2 in Shimonoseki Hall, Chugoku Region

Fri. W2 July 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Texas Hangman) and Okamoto-gun (Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) in 9:54. [61]

Three way trios match to start off the show with Matsuzawa returning to action for Okamoto-gun. Some exciting, if mildly chaotic action to get things started and victory for the Pillars team, despite Furusawa and SUKI seeming to have some issues working together.


2. Dawnguard (Suguru Emoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Kadonomaro Kamisaka) in 12:23 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [53]

Big win for the Dawnguard trio of youngsters and one they celebrated wildly. Funakoshi and Ikoma thought they had this in the bag but their overconfidence backfired and Kamisaka proved to be the weakest link that cost them the bout.


3. Dread Army (The Horror and FEAR) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Isoruko Arakaki) in 11:56 when FEAR pinned Isoruko Arakaki with a Fear Drive. [60]

Arakaki appears to have joined Destiny Bond even if no big announcement has been made about it and he teamed up with the BCG World Tag Team champions here against the big man trio of Dread Army. His power was a much needed addition that kept things open from bell to bell, but it was inexperience that saw him make a rookie mistake and get hit with the Fear Drive for the pin.


4. Motoyuki Miyake defeated Nigel Svensson in 12:02 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. Motoyuki Miyake wins the Medallion #2. [56]

Svensson patiently and methodically worked the leg of his opponent in this match to take away his dreaded kicks, but Miyake withstood the onslaught and shifted his game into chops, forearms and elbows to stay in the fight, topping it off with a heroic Knock Out Kick almost on one leg to earn himself one of the Challengers Series Medallions.


5. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Zeshin Makioka and Rokuemon Matsushita) in 16:04 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [62]

Great night for Dawnguard, disappointing appearances for Destiny Bond, Torii giving his stable the win in the semi main event. Torii made it clear after the win that he will be gunning for Toshusai's BCG National championship by the end of the tour, something that had fans excited as an idea.


6. Razan Okamoto defeated Takayuki 2000 in 33:01 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. [65]

Former GCG and Burning Hammer star Takayuki 2000 made a surprise appearance in the main event to take on Razan Okamoto in a non title match. Despite his age, TK2000 can still put on a great bout and he gave Okamoto a run for his money before falling to the Brainbuster Suplex.


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Legacy Tour - Night 3 in Asahikawa, Hokkaido Region

Sun. W2 July 2021

192 Fans


1. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) in 11:55 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Knock Out Kick. [52]

The two trios met again and this time Seven Samurai made it 2-1 over Dawnguard. The Hokkaido fans liked what they saw and the event was off to a strong start after some twelve minutes of action.


2. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Texas Hangman) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) in 12:07 when Texas Hangman pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Choke Slam. [58]

Hangman made amends for his team losing the three way match the night prior and hit Kikuchi with a chokeslam for the win. Tensions between Furusawa and SUKI continue to rise and it showed here, as it cost them control of the match on more than one occasion.


3. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Zeshin Makioka and Isoruko Arakaki) in 12:30 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Isoruko Arakaki with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [59]

Another six man clash, another test for Arakaki on the Destiny Bond team. Matsumoto was able to knock him down with his finisher for the win and Dawnguard seem to be on a roll.


4. Akira Arato defeated Kadonomaro Kamisaka in 12:07 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb. Akira Arato wins the Medallion #3. [53]

Katou has been seen as the big signing for Okamoto-gun, but Arato proved here he can hold his own when he snatched the final Challengers Series Medallion against veteran Kadonomaro Kamisaka.


5. Dread Army (FEAR and The Horror) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Rokuemon Matsushita) in 15:43 when FEAR pinned Rokuemon Matsushita with a Fear Drive. [61]

Third loss in a row for the BCG World Tag Team champions and Matsushita, who have yet to win a match so far in the tour. FEAR led Abomination and Monstrosity to a dominant win that may be hinting at a title shot for The Horror.


6. Razan Okamoto defeated Ryoma Muruyama in 15:05 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. [54]

After Takayuki 2000, it was Muruyama's turn on this night to headline the show against the BCG World champion. Okamoto yet again prevailed and despite age holding him back, Muruyama put on a hard fight before taking the fall.


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Legacy Tour - Night 4 in Yokohama, Kanto Region

Wed. W3 July 2021

256 Fans


1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Texas Hangman and James Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Yutaka Ogata) in 9:32 when Giant Brody pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [56]


2. Dawnguard (Kyuichi Matsumoto, Naozane Goto and Mitsukuri & Kinoshita) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) in 10:14 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [51]


3. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Suguru Emoto) in 11:48 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Suguru Emoto with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [55]


4. FEAR defeated Akira Arato in 11:39 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. FEAR wins the Medallion #3. [64]

Arato had little time to savor his victory as he was given the unenviable task of defending his Challengers Series Medallion against FEAR. The leader of Dread Army was able to snatch the prize away in a good match that proved Arato can work well with much bigger opponents, a trait that should serve him well in Black Canvas.


5. Dread Army (The Horror and Atto Savage) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Zeshin Makioka) in 15:44 when Atto Savage submitted Zeshin Makioka with a Savage Claw. [72]

Makioka stepped in for Matsushita on this night, but the outcome was the same and he ended up tapping out to the Savage Claw. Dread Army seem to have found a new leash in life and it seems they may very well be reclaiming the BCG World Tag Team titles after all.


6. Razan Okamoto defeated Yasuhiko Taira in 15:16 by pinfall with a roll up. [59]

Okamoto's tour against established veteran outsiders continued, with him facing "The Bulldozer" Yasuhiko Taira. No stranger to fighting from underneath, everyone's favorite underdog once again proved he has the resilience to absorb tons of punishment and the heart to keep fighting, defeating Taira with a roll up that proved his ring smarts while also protecting the big man from taking a clean pin.


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Legacy Tour - Night 5 in Fukuoka Hall, Kyushu Region

Sat. W3 July 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Texas Hangman) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) and Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Yutaka Ogata) in 10:02; the order of elimination was Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Yutaka Ogata) first, and then Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura). [59]

Three way trios elimination match to open the show and a bad experience for Pillars of Puroresu, who were caught between the Furusawa-SUKI mounting tension and Ogata's inexperience. The big men of Bruiser Brigade were able to impose their will after the first elimination and ended up winning the match.


2. Motoyuki Miyake defeated Danjuro Kikuchi in 11:37 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. Motoyuki Miyake makes defence number one of the Medallion #2. [40]

Kikuchi mercilessly chased the leg and worked it over, both to eliminate Miyake's kicks and to soften it up for his own submission finisher, but the Seven Samurai representative proved his mettle and the warrior spirit Funakoshi saw in him when he recruited him, pushing through the pain and damage to retain his Medallion.


3. Dread Army (The Horror and Atto Savage) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Isoruko Arakaki) in 11:34 when Atto Savage submitted Isoruko Arakaki with a Savage Claw. [67]

Dread Army seem unstoppable by this point, having built up a good amount of momentum. Meanwhile, Arakaki still struggles to find his footing around his new allies.


4. Dawnguard (Kyuichi Matsumoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Sojuro Sen) in 9:46 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Sojuro Sen with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [50]

It may have taken a while for Dawnguard's younger members to rise up and make the group more than just Torii and Taku, but they are delivering the goods and they did so again here against the veteran quartet of Funakoshi and co. with Kinoshita hitting an impactful suplex on Sen for the win.


5. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kiyotaka) in 16:19 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Kiyotaka with a Z-Bomb. [60]

Kiyotaka's return to the main roster felt a little out of place and this took away some steam from the final match, which couldn't clear the bar of Dread Army vs Destiny Bond from earlier on. Still, Toshusai, Matsushita and Makioka scored the win and ended the night on a high note.


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Legacy Tour - Night 6 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Mon. W4 July 2021

212 Fans


1. Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman and James Diaz) in 9:45 when Danjuro Kikuchi submitted James Diaz with a Step Over Leg Bar. [57]

Sheer luck or Kikuchi taking initiative on his own, whatever it was it allowed him to tap out Diaz and get a victory for the Pillars team, which has been plagued by Furusawa and SUKI bickering throughout the tour.


2. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) in 12:14 when Blast Ikoma pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Northern Lights Bomb. [56]

Another solid performance by Dawnguard's blue chippers but it wasn't enough. Blast Ikoma sealed the deal and Seven Samurai ended the night on top.


3. Dread Army (The Horror and FEAR) defeated Destiny Bond (Black Iron Corps and Isoruko Arakaki) in 11:56 when FEAR pinned Isoruko Arakaki with a Fear Drive. [68]

Arakaki continues to take a beating as Destiny Bond's fall guy while he figures his way around the group. Another dominant victory for Dread Army, this time with its leader scoring the pin.


4. Giant Brody defeated Nigel Svensson in 9:52 by pinfall with a Single Handed Choke Slam. Giant Brody makes defence number one of the Medallion #1. [60]

Svensson's attempts to ground the big man and wear him down did not pay off. Brody retained his Medallion, proving he's able to work unfamiliar styles with success.


5. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) in 16:22 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [61]

Dawnguard may have lost one match but they made up for it here. Matsumoto was full of intensity and his fire really motivated his teammates, with Torii wrapping it all up when he pinned Makioka.


6. Razan Okamoto defeated Hachigoro Maeda in 35:44 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. [62]

Hachigoro Maeda (no relation to Yoshifusa Maeda) was the latest of unemployed major stars that fell to the BCG World champion this tour. Maeda gave Okamoto a solid match before going down and it seems Okamoto's push as the company's ace is not going to stop anytime soon.


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Legacy Tour - Night 7 in Sendai, Tohoku Region

Thu. W4 July 2021

197 Fans


1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Texas Hangman) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) and Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) in 9:38; the order of elimination was Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) first, and then Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi). [59]


2. Gidayu Katou defeated FEAR in 12:29 by pinfall with a quick cradle. Gidayu Katou wins the Medallion #3. [52]

Katou did the impossible and proved himself a worthy acquisition for his group when he managed to withstand FEAR's assault and roll him up for the three count. Katou earned himself the Challengers Series Medallion and left FEAR fuming in the ring afterwards.


3. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi and Rokuemon Matsushita) defeated Dread Army (Abomination, Monstrosity and Atto Savage) in 16:09 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Monstrosity with a Lariat Clothesline. [68]

Narahashi redeemed his team on the final night of the tour, finally scoring the win over the Dread Army trio. Having Matsushita instead of Arakaki certainly helped, as the big man aided his team towards achieving victory.


4. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Kyuichi Matsumoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) in 10:27 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Stump Piledriver. [51]


5. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka in 18:17 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Tanyu Toshusai with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [61]


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BCG Legacy 2021 Press Conference Highlights





~ Black Canvas Grappling started the Press Conference for what would eventually shape up to be a grandiose show card by revealing their new Six Man titles. Dawnguard's Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguro Emoto will be going to battle against Seven Samurai's Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake to determine the first three man tag champions of the promotion, the next step in the promotion's attempt to modernize its presentation.



~ FEAR then almost hijacked the stage, his fury at losing the Challengers Series Medallion still evident. The leader of Dread Army then introduced his own American championship title. Although not officially recognized by BCG, FEAR argued that foreign wrestlers are being discriminated against by not being eligible to compete for the National title, so he took action to right this injustice. before revealing that Bruiser Brigade's Texas Hangman would be his first opponent.





~ Atto Savage then presented the Challengers Series title, with Giant Brody, Gidayu Katou and Motoyuki Miyake joining in thanks to the Medallions in their possession. Miyake received several questions in regards to him wrestling two title matches on one night, but Katou also was grilled about his recent victory over FEAR.



~ Black Iron Corps will be putting the BCG World Tag Team titles on the line against The Horror, with questions raised in regards to their fighting fitness. The champions did not defend the belts at Sole Survivor and spent the entire Legacy tour besides the final night losing to various combinations of Dread Army, but Narahashi was quick to point out that each team's allies were a deciding factor that would not be present in this match. Kita added that the champions are confident in their ability and will be holding on to the gold for a very long time still.



~ Tensions between Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI have been steadily rising in light of the latter winning the Sole Survivor match last week. As the leader of their faction and a former BCG World champion (something he made sure to remind that SUKI hasn't been yet), Furusawa demanded respect and obedience, only for SUKI to retort by saying those are earned. It seems like sparks will fly when the two of them sort this out in the ring and regardless of who ends up with the right to face Okamoto for the big one in the final match of The Lion's Roar, the question is how deep the rift between the two Pillars will be after the dust settles.



~ Tanyu Toshusai's smug comments after his victory over Yoshinaka Taku at Sole Survivor did not sit well with the leader of Dawnguard, Bunrakuken Torii. The Machine Gun stepped up to demand he and Toshusai meet inside the ring, an idea BCG seemed to like as they booked them to headline Legacy in a match for the National title. Toshusai relished the opportunity to shut down Dawnguard once and for all when he embarrasses Torii, with the challenger simply stating he will do his talking in the ring.



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Sat. W4 July 2021

Kobe Football Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG National title match

2nd Champion Tanyu Toshusai vs Challenger Bunrakuken Torii


Roaring Lion Headline spot match

SUKI vs Mabuchi Furusawa


BCG World Tag Team match

16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers The Horror


Challengers Series title match

20th Champion Atto Savage vs Challenger Giant Brody/Gidayu Katou/Motoyuki Miyake


Challengers Series Medallions match

Giant Brody vs Gidayu Katou vs Motoyuki Miyake


BCG American title match

FEAR vs Texas Hangman


Special Six Man Tag match

Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Roku Sotomura) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Akira Arato)


Four Way Tag Team Elimination match

Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and James Diaz) vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs Destiny Bond (Rokuemon Matsushita & Zeshin Makioka) vs Last of the Golden Lions


BCG Six Man titles match

Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake)</div>

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Nice to see the American title make an appearance. I once set up a scenario where I realized I had so many Texas-originating wrestlers that I wound up setting up Texas Rules (Deathmatch and Tornado) for whenever they held single and tag titles


Not sure about the Six-Man titles. I feel like that's always hard to pull off.

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Nice to see the American title make an appearance. I once set up a scenario where I realized I had so many Texas-originating wrestlers that I wound up setting up Texas Rules (Deathmatch and Tornado) for whenever they held single and tag titles


Not sure about the Six-Man titles. I feel like that's always hard to pull off.

FEAR's reasoning is pretty much my own as well, it's a shame I've set up the National title the way I have and it ends up preventing any gaijin from competing for it. Might be called American, but that doesn't mean I'll stop guys like Svensson or Robinson from gunning for that one.


As for the six man titles, I see them more like NJPW's NEVER Six Man titles rather than, say, Lucha Underground's Trios titles: something to give to promising youngsters or to veterans who need to be kept busy, all within the framework of faction wars.


P.S. If anyone has a better image to suggest for the six man titles, please do :rolleyes:

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I've always been partial to this belt from Christian Shane.


Sat. W4 July 2021

Kobe Football Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG National title match

2nd Champion Tanyu Toshusai vs Challenger Bunrakuken Torii


Roaring Lion Headline spot match

SUKI vs Mabuchi Furusawa


BCG World Tag Team match

16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers The Horror


Challengers Series title match

20th Champion Atto Savage vs Challenger Giant Brody/Gidayu Katou/Motoyuki Miyake


Challengers Series Medallions match

Giant Brody vs Gidayu Katou vs Motoyuki Miyake


BCG American title match

FEAR vs Texas Hangman


Special Six Man Tag match

Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Roku Sotomura) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Akira Arato)


Four Way Tag Team Elimination match

Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and James Diaz) vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs Destiny Bond (Rokuemon Matsushita & Zeshin Makioka) vs Last of the Golden Lions


BCG Six Man titles match

Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake)

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FEAR's reasoning is pretty much my own as well, it's a shame I've set up the National title the way I have and it ends up preventing any gaijin from competing for it. Might be called American, but that doesn't mean I'll stop guys like Svensson or Robinson from gunning for that one.
I was gonna suggest you maybe use some of the White Canvas Grappling titles (I think there's an International one!) that you could use to better reflect it not being 'Black Canvas' approved.



I've always been partial to this belt from Christian Shane.


Small world! I was the one who requested it, based on a short-lived yet endlessly fascinating dynasty called Bushido Pro! The visuals and colors stuck with me and I suggested it to Christian who absolutely nailed the look! I've sometimes used it as a title for a Fighting TV Samurai equivalent called Shogun TV that launches its own televised promotion.

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Sat. W4 July 2021

Kobe Football Stadium, Kansai Region, Japan

Attendance: 30.000 (Super No Vacancy), Rating: 80, Views: 135.712 (0.18 on Shogun TV)



BCG Six Man titles match




Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake)

Legacy kicked off in typical fashion with a multi man tag match, but this time the newly introduced Six Man titles were on the line. The setup was interesting too, as each team essentially featured a veteran, an up-and-comer and a promising rookie, making them mirror images of each other. As deputies to Torii and Funakoshi respectively, Taku and Ikoma had a chance to shine here instead of playing second fiddle and gatekeeper to their faction's leader, while a lot of spotlight time was also given to Suguru Emoto, Kazu Yoshizawa's last ever signing who has been spending a lot of time with Pro Wrestling SAISHO honing his skills before returning to the main BCG roster. However, the finish involved neither of those men, as it came down to Kamisaka locking Matsumoto in a Triangle Choke, leading to Seven Samurai claiming the belts to become the first ever BCG Six Man champions.


In a decent match, Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) in 12:15 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka submitted Kyuichi Matsumoto with a Triangle Choke. Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake win the BCG Six Man titles. [59]


Four Way Tag Team Elimination match


Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay and James Diaz) vs Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs Destiny Bond (Rokuemon Matsushita & Zeshin Makioka) vs Last of the Golden Lions

What may have originally been just an excuse to give these eight men some time on the big event was turned into something a bit more exciting when they were all put in the same ring under elimination rules, instead of BCG breaking it down to two tag matches as is usually the case. The action was somewhat chaotic but things were more or less kept contained and it didn't degrade into an all out brawl, especially since Ryobe Uno got pinned just a few minutes into the match to eliminate his team and clear up some space. Youngsters Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita had several spots to shine as they brought their youthful energy to control the match while the rest paced themselves, which ended up backfiring when they made a rookie mistake and took a chokeslam/Z-Bomb combination for the pin. This brought the match down to the Bruiser Brigade and Destiny Bond teams, excitement rising as it was hinted that this may be the night that James Diaz gets the big win and is done with paying his dues as a young lion.


Instead, it was his cousin Logan who proved to be the difference maker, running down to the ring while referee Isao Takemura had been accidentally knocked out. Steel chair in hand, Logan joined in for a 3 on 2 beatdown under a chorus of boos, then left the ring just in time as the ref came to. Findlay levelled Makioka with a powerbomb and then the Atomic Spinebuster, scoring the pin for Bruiser Brigade.


In a decent match, Big Bruiser Findlay and James Diaz defeated Last of the Golden Lions, Mitsukuri & Kinoshita and Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka in 10:29; the order of elimination was Last of the Golden Lions first, then Mitsukuri & Kinoshita, and finally Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka. During the match we also had Logan Diaz run in and attack Matsushita. [58]





Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Roku Sotomura) vs Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Akira Arato)

Last of the undercard matches, this one was anything but a throwaway as it featured Funakoshi and the BCG World champion, Razan Okamoto. The two men led their teams through a well wrestled match that put a lot of emphasis on whether the ageing veterans of one team, Yokokawa and Sotomura especially, could push through as well as Arato proving himself to his new stablemates. Despite showing a lot of fire and intensity, Arato fell to a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin and Funakoshi's group scored their second win of the night already.


In a decent match, Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Roku Sotomura) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Akira Arato) in 12:25 when Funakoshi pinned Akira Arato with a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin. [66]



BCG American title match


FEAR vs Texas Hangman

The rogue American title wasn't given the presentation championship belts and matches usually get, but that didn't stop the two participants from laying it all out in the ring as the pummeled each other. An interesting change of pace, this match felt a lot more like a fistfight to be held in the American south instead of the classic puroresu contest. As the biggest man and only super heavyweight on the roster, FEAR made use of his size to impose his will on Hangman, who is no small man by the way, and sealed the deal with a Fear Drive to claim the title belt that he himself introduced.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, FEAR defeated Texas Hangman in 13:35 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. FEAR wins the BCG American title. [62]



Challengers Series Medallions match


Giant Brody vs Gidayu Katou vs Motoyuki Miyake

Brody had the size and experience advantage in this three way match, but his opponents had the energy, enthusiasm and numbers on their side so of course things began with them teaming up to take him down. The alliance ended when it was time to make a pin, but the theatrics were limited as both men understood the setup of the match and never truly believed their alliance born out of necessity would last. Katou and Miyake initiated a striking exchange that got the fans going, but it also provided Brody with an opportunity to regroup and deliver a dual chokeslam to both for a two count. Another big spot in the match involved Katou on his knees falling flat on his back to inadvertently dodge Miyake's Knockout Kick, as well as him returning the favor later when he hit Miyake with his signature lariat. Before he could make the cover however, Brody rushed in and chokeslammed him on top of Miyake, who he then covered to win the match.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Giant Brody defeated Motoyuki Miyake and Gidayu Katou in 11:33 when Giant Brody pinned Gidayu Katou with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [68]



Challengers Series title match


20th Champion Atto Savage vs Challenger Giant Brody

Savage wasted no time after the previous match ended and rushed down to the ring to press his advantage by smashing the title belt onto Brody's face. Japanese fans may not like the gaijin Brody, but they hate such despicable tactics even more and respect one's fighting spirit, so this situation of Brody having to fight from underneath and make a comeback ended up drawing the audience into cheering for him. It's not often you see a 6'9" 330lb man portraying the underdog but somehow it worked and Brody completed his little Cinderella fairytale by chokeslamming Savage to win the BCG Challengers Series title to a huge applause.


In a decent match, Giant Brody defeated Atto Savage in 14:07 by pinfall with a Single Handed Choke Slam. Giant Brody wins the BCG Challengers Series. [69]



BCG World Tag Team match


16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers The Horror

Former champions themselves and one of the most dangerous teams around, The Horror presented the biggest challenge to date for defending champions Kita and Narahashi. Black Iron Corps took a beating, but they persevered and returned the favor in what turned out to be a rather strong style match, despite featuring a pair of gaijins. Essentially, what the match came down to was teamwork, with Abomination and Monstrosity getting a tad overconfident in regards to their individual strength, while the champions utilized combination moves to eliminate each man's size and power advantage, building up to the Black Iron Lariat that got them the win and a successful defence.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Black Iron Corps defeated The Horror in 20:01 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Monstrosity with a Black Iron Lariat. Black Iron Corps make defence number two of the BCG World Tag Team titles. [78]



Roaring Lion Headline spot match


SUKI vs Mabuchi Furusawa

Mabuchi Furusawa apparently felt his spot questioned or even threatened after SUKI won Sole Survivor and although unlike his second in command he has held the World title (twice), he did so after winning the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix last year and not by headlining BCG's biggest show of the year, The Lion's Roar. This tension between the two men manifested in their statements during the Press Conference and throughout the tour, so things had come to a boil by the time they faced off in the ring. Well aware of the setup, the two competitors took their time to put together a climaxing performance that built on the drama and kept escalating to essentially deliver the best match of the night. From striking contests to mat grappling and even some of SUKI's flashier offence, the psychology and selling in this bout were off the charts with a good mix of action, technique, intensity and drama. Furusawa worked the arm to deprive his opponent of striking and grip power while setting up his submission finisher, while SUKI kept him on his feet switching between attempts to pull off a Mountain SUKI or the SUKI Special III. This unpredictability and offensive variety was what finally did the trick by the time the match was down to its final stretch with both men struggling to stay on their feet and hit that one last big move that would put their opponent away. SUKI got the best of Furusawa and the former two time champion submitted to a SUKI Special III, but even after the match, the question remains of what repercussions it will have for the Pillars of Puroresu.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, SUKI defeated Mabuchi Furusawa in 29:31 by submission with a SUKI Special III. [85]



BCG National title match


2nd Champion Tanyu Toshusai vs Challenger Bunrakuken Torii

Torii entered this match with a vengeance, looking to wipe the smile off the smug face of the champion and that alone had fans rooting for him. Of course, that was easier said than done since Toshusai is a phenomenal wrestler himself, even if in comparison somewhat more clean cut (some would even say "boring"). Torii's passion and intensity shone through from bell to bell as he fought on, hellbent to pummel his opponent, something that Toshusai exploited on more than one occasion to lure him into making mistakes and giving up control of the match when he crashed and burned. The match even spilled to the outside for a brief moment, with Torii hitting his signature Flying Forearm to the outside and Toshusai giving him the Dangerous Brainbuster onto the floor, but nothing came out of either spot as the pin had to be made inside the ring. The match pushed on through the half hour mark and ended in an eruption of collective joy when Torii connected with a Spinning Forearm Smash that sent Toshusai stumbling, then hit the move again to knock him down for the count.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Bunrakuken Torii defeated Tanyu Toshusai in 34:48 by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash. Bunrakuken Torii wins the BCG National title. [79]



Though he isn't regarded as one of BCG's best talkers, Torii still got on the mic after the match to thank the fans for their support and deliver the closing promo to send them home happy. Torii promised to put all of his fight into defending the title and establishing up to a level of respect similar to that of the World title itself.</div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Torii: "Toshusai gave me one hell of a fight but I was determined not to lose tonight, no matter what. Anyone willing to step up and challenge me for the National title better be prepared for what they'll have to go through."


SUKI: "I fought hard to earn my opportunity and I wasn't going to surrender it just like that. My time has come."


Furusawa: "Tonight, SUKI reaffirmed the respect I have for him. I may be the head of the group, but I'd never ask of him to just hand me the briefcase. This is wrestling and everything is won between the ropes. Tonight SUKI beat me fair and square, so I am confident that he will move on to bring the World title to the Pillars of Puroresu."


FEAR: "I don't care if officials recognize this title or not! As far as I'm concerned, I'm a goddamn champion!"</div>

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Rising Tour - Night 1 in Shizuoka Sports Hall, Chubu Region

Wed. W1 August 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) in 18:11 when Gidayu Katou pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Lariat. [70]

2. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) in 18:18 when Suguru Emoto pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [61]

3. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Logan Diaz in 15:04 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. Kyuichi Matsumoto wins the Medallion #1. [58]

4. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Nigel Svensson and Wes Stryker in 15:47 when Atto Savage submitted Wes Stryker with a Savage Claw. [61]

5. Big Bruiser Findlay and Giant Brody defeated SUKI and Mabuchi Furusawa in 21:28 when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Mabuchi Furusawa with an Atomic Spinebuster. [72]



Rising Tour - Night 2 in Shimonoseki Hall, Chugoku Region

Fri. W1 August 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Sojuro Sen) in 16:18 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Sojuro Sen with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [63]

2. Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity and Atto Savage) defeated Nigel Svensson, Big Boss Emperor, Ginji Kisaka and MUSCLE Serizawa in 15:50 when FEAR pinned Ginji Kisaka with a Fear Drive. [62]

3. Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Ryobe Uno in 16:03 by pinfall with an One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the Medallion #2. [53]

4. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita and Fujio Narahashi) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) in 17:44 when Tanyu Toshusai pinned Akira Arato with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [62]

5. Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Mabuchi Furusawa and Danjuro Kikuchi) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) in 19:38 when Danjuro Kikuchi submitted James Diaz with a Step Over Leg Bar. [67]



Rising Tour - Night 3 in Asahikawa, Hokkaido Region

Mon. W2 August 2021

186 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity and Atto Savage) defeated Nigel Svensson, Big Boss Emperor, Ginji Kisaka and Yunosuke Fujisaki in 11:41 when FEAR pinned Yunosuke Fujisaki with a Fear Drive. [60]

2. Zeshin Makioka defeated MUSCLE Serizawa in 15:34 by pinfall with a Z-Bomb. Zeshin Makioka wins the Medallion #3. [63]

3. Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Nobuharu Yokokawa) in 14:59 when Suguru Emoto pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [57]

4. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Okamoto-gun (Akira Arato, Gidayu Katou, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) in 17:25 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Akira Arato with a Lariat. [62]

5. Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ryobe Uno) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) in 14:59 when Ryobe Uno submitted James Diaz with a Scorpion Deathlock. [62]

6. Bunrakuken Torii and Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Funakoshi and Sojuro Sen in 18:11 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Sojuro Sen with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [62]



Rising Tour - Night 4 in Tokyo, Kanto Region

Wed. W2 August 2021

263 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Nigel Svensson, Big Boss Emperor, Ginji Kisaka and MUSCLE Serizawa in 15:18 when Atto Savage submitted MUSCLE Serizawa with a Savage Claw. [59]

2. Dawnguard (Yoshinaka Taku, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Roku Sotomura) in 15:03 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Roku Sotomura with a Full Nelson Bomb. [47]

3. Isoruko Arakaki defeated Kyuichi Matsumoto in 14:51 by pinfall with a Lariat. Isoruko Arakaki wins the Medallion #1. [53]

4. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) in 15:58 when Gidayu Katou pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Lariat. [69]

5. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody and Logan Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) in 14:56 when Logan Diaz pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [60]

6. Bunrakuken Torii and Kiyotaka defeated Funakoshi and Nobuharu Yokokawa in 15:32 when Kiyotaka submitted Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Kimura. [60]



Rising Tour - Night 5 in Fukuoka Hall, Kyushu Region

Sat. W2 August 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Nigel Svensson, MUSCLE Serizawa, Shuzo Utagawa and Wes Stryker defeated Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity and Atto Savage) in 15:18 when Nigel Svensson submitted Atto Savage with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. [59]

2. Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Suguru Emoto and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Sojuro Sen) in 15:24 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Sojuro Sen with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [54]

3. Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Texas Hangman in 14:59 by pinfall with an One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita makes defence number one of the Medallion #2. [55]

4. Bunrakuken Torii and Naozane Goto defeated Funakoshi and Roku Sotomura in 16:24 when Naozane Goto pinned Roku Sotomura with a Goto Slam. [53]

5. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi) in 15:05 when Logan Diaz pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [70]

6. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Zeshin Makioka and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) in 16:20 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Akira Arato with a Lariat. [65]



Rising Tour - Night 6 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Mon. W3 August 2021

231 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Nigel Svensson, MUSCLE Serizawa, Shuzo Utagawa and Wes Stryker in 16:28 when FEAR pinned Shuzo Utagawa with a Fear Drive. [64]

2. Zeshin Makioka defeated Ginji Kisaka in 14:34 by pinfall with a Z-Bomb. Zeshin Makioka makes defence number one of the Medallion #3. [57]

3. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ryobe Uno) in 17:55 when Logan Diaz pinned Ryobe Uno with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [62]

4. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) in 17:41 when Funakoshi pinned Ichiro Mitsukuri with a Butterfly Backbreaker. [62]

5. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Akira Arato, Gidayu Katou, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) in 18:30 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Noritoshi Miura with a Lariat Clothesline. [62]



Rising Tour - Night 7 in Sendai, Tohoku Region

Wed. W3 August 2021

216 Fans


1. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Nigel Svensson, Wes Stryker, MUSCLE Serizawa and Shuzo Utagawa in 18:23 when FEAR pinned Wes Stryker with a Fear Drive. [61]

2. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ryobe Uno) in 18:24 when Logan Diaz submitted Ryobe Uno with a Boston Crab. [59]

3. Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Sojuro Sen) defeated Dawnguard (Kyuichi Matsumoto, Suguru Emoto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita) in 19:38 when Blast Ikoma pinned Kyuichi Matsumoto with a Northern Lights Bomb. [53]

4. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Funakoshi and Ginji Kisaka in 17:50 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Ginji Kisaka with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [67]

5. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Azumamaro Kita and Fujio Narahashi) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) in 20:40 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Gidayu Katou with a Penalty Kick. [69]


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BCG Rising Lion 2021 Press Conference Highlights



~ Black Canvas Grappling kick off their annual three tour climax yet again and the company officials had a major announcement to go with this. Puroresu fans in Japan as well as around the world will now have easier access to BCG's content, as the company revealed that their broadcast deals with Shogun TV have expired, although Pro Wrestling SAISHO continues to be carried by the station. In this new era for Black Canvas Grappling, their big monthly shows will be shown on one of Japan's major Pay Per View stations, Emperor Choice, while tour highlights will be shown by J-Network East 3. Furthermore, the company has signed an agreement with OnDemand, bringing montages and recaps of tour highlights to BCG fans around the world.



~ Seven Samurai seem to yet again be on shaky ground in regards to their membership, as Funakoshi hand picked Ginji Kisaka to wrestle some of the tour's matches alongside him. The leader of the group is said to be rather impressed by the home-grown graduate of the Roaring Lion dojo, something that Roku Sotomura apparently disagrees with. A reliable and loyal, if unspectacular wrestler, 43 year old Sotomura has been spending more and more of his time punishing young lions in SAISHO so he is very familiar with Kinsaka but instead of taking his word for it or imposing his own will, Funakoshi requested that a match be made between Sotomura and Kinsaka, with the winner earning a spot in the group. Sotomura spoke about how this stipulation has urged him to put on the best performance he can in order to retain his spot, while Kinsaka simply stated he's honored to have been given the opportunity and he'll try to prove himself worthy of the potential Funakoshi has seen in him.



~ Logan Wolfsbane then had his first Press Conference as an official member of BCG, where he will be using the Diaz surname. Logan made sure to point out that he will not be relinquishing the PSW Championship as he has not signed an exclusive deal with Black Canvas, then went on to talk about the importance of the Diaz name in Japan and how happy he is to be working alongside his cousin, James. Logan will be making his Pay Per View debut for BCG at The Lion Rises alongside James and Texas Hangman, in a six man tag match against Mabuchi Furusawa and his two proteges, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata.





~ The Seven Samurai and Dawnguard rivalry over the Six Man titles will continue, as the winning trio of Ikoma, Kamisaka and Miyake are set to face Mitsukuri, Kinoshita and Emoto at The Lion Rises. Also involved in the first match as part of a losing effort for Dawnguard, Suguru Emoto said his side will be better prepared this time and walks into the match with the advantage of featuring an established tag team in his partners.




~ One thing is for sure after The Lion Rises, the Challengers Series title will be in the hands of Destiny Bond. Former champion Giant Brody tore his Rotator Cuff on Night 4 of the tour and had to vacate the title, as he is expected to be out of action for about a year. Isoruko Arakaki, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka ended the tour each with a Medallion in his possession, so the three men will be facing of in a triple threat match directly for the title itself, instead of the usual format of the winner moving on to face the reigning champion.



~ Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou answered press questions next in regards to them facing Black Iron Corps for the BCG World Tag Team titles. The two men pointed out their time together in SAISHO that saw them win the Destiny Tag Team titles, to prove they are no strangers to working alongside each other of winning championship gold. Kita and Narahashi questioned that however, when they mentioned the status of the BCG belts and the quality of the company's tag team division, saying that it won't be that easy to take the gold from them.



~ FEAR's rogue American championship continues to be a thing apparently and the man has chosen Nigel Svensson to be his challenger this time. Svensson smiled at journalists' questions about a European competing for such a belt, saying he'll take any opportunity to be on the show, have a great match and maybe win a title. Even if the title itself isn't officially recognized, he said, it's great performances that will keep it around and force BCG to accept it.



~ After successfully defeating Mabuchi Furusawa to defend the briefcase that contains his contract to headline The Lion's Roar, SUKI has been called to yet again put it on the line at The Lion Rises, this time against Big Bruiser Findlay. A former world champion himself and the man Okamoto beat to become champion in the first place, Findlay has all the drive to win this match and exact revenge but SUKI promised this will not be the case at the end of the night.



~ Speaking of former title holders getting a second chance, Funakoshi was the first to step up and challenge Bunrakuken Torii for the BCG National title. It seems Black Canvas are using this time period where the World title isn't defended until The Lion's Roar in order to establish the National title as a second major title and having matches like these certainly helps their case.



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Fri. W3 August 2021

Kobe Football Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG National title match

3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Funakoshi


Roaring Lion Headline spot match

SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay


BCG American title match

Champion FEAR vs Challenger Nigel Svensson


BCG World Tag Team match

16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers Arato & Katou


Challengers Series title match

Isoruko Arakaki vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs Zeshin Makioka


BCG Six Man titles match

1st Champions Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) vs Challengers Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto)


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) vs Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata)


Opening match

Loser is out of Seven Samurai

Ginji Kisaka vs Roku Sotomura</div>

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Fri. W3 August 2021

Kobe Football Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Historian's Predictions


BCG National title match

3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Funakoshi

~ I want Funakoshi to win this, you know how I feel about Funakoshi, but you just put the belt on Torii and I don't think you're going to switch the belt back to Funakoshi so quickly.


Roaring Lion Headline spot match

SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay

~You love SUKI, I know this. Everyone knows this. I love Big Bruiser Findlay, you know this. Everyone knows this. You get back at me by making Findlay lose to SUKI.


BCG American title match

Champion FEAR vs Challenger Nigel Svensson

Another case of the belt just being one, plus Nigel isn't American! And Nigel seems to be the perennial challenger who can give a guy a good match but doesn't actually win the singles title.


BCG World Tag Team match

16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers Arato & Katou

~ Just picking an upset here. I like Katou a lot (I also love BIC) and I'd love to see Katou get a big win.


Challengers Series title match

Isoruko Arakaki vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs Zeshin Makioka

~He came in looking like he was going to be getting a big push but hasn't seemed to get any big wins. This would be perfect for him.


BCG Six Man titles match

1st Champions Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) vs Challengers Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto)


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) vs Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata)


Opening match

Loser is out of Seven Samurai

Ginji Kisaka vs Roku Sotomura


~The Rock gets kicked out of Seven Samurai and then gets taken out beind the barn.</div>

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Fri. W3 August 2021

Kobe Football Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG National title match

3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Funakoshi


Roaring Lion Headline spot match

SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay


BCG American title match

Champion FEAR vs Challenger Nigel Svensson


BCG World Tag Team match

16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers Arato & Katou


Challengers Series title match

Isoruko Arakaki vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs Zeshin Makioka


BCG Six Man titles match

1st Champions Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) vs Challengers Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto)


Six Man Tag match

Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) vs Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata)


Opening match

Loser is out of Seven Samurai

Ginji Kisaka vs Roku Sotomura

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Fri. W3 August 2021

Kobe Football Stadium, Kansai Region, Japan

Attendance: 28.830, Rating: 81, Views: 295.769 (0.59 on Emperor Choice)



Ginji Kisaka vs Roku Sotomura

The opening contest saw Ginji Kisaka really bring the fight to the veteran as he tried to pummel his way into Seven Samurai membership. Well known, almost comically so, for his love of grinding submissions, Sotomura tried to stop his opponent’s momentum and give him a lesson in humility while absorbing a ton of offense like the battle-hardened veteran that he is. Given how simple but effective Kisaka’s style is, it all came down to sheer willpower and the drive to keep fighting. Fans got a good taste of the youngster’s fighting spirit and it all built up to him hitting Sotomura with a Butterfly Powerbomb, one of Funakoshi’s signature moves, for the finish. After the match, Sotomura was smitten but he had no choice but to acknowledge his loss and shake Kisaka’s hand before making his way backstage, likely on his final appearance for Black Canvas Grappling.


In a poor match, Ginji Kisaka defeated Roku Sotomura in 9:54 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [45]



Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) vs Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata)

Logan showed up last month and after confirming he was signed by BCG, made his big major show debut here alongside his cousin James and the Texas Hangman. Furusawa and his two disciples stood across them in the ring and did their best to give them a hard time, Ibata and Ogata showing a wider arsenal of moves than they would typically execute as young lions. Of course, it was Furusawa who had to do the heavy lifting for his team and for all his skill, there is just so much he could do against overwhelming odds. The Diaz cousins seemed unstoppable on this night and Logan put the icing on the cake by flattening Ibata with a Belly To Belly Suplex for the pin.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 16:22 when Logan Diaz pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [52]





BCG Six Man titles match


1st Champions Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) vs Challengers Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto)

First of the night’s title matches was up next as the newly crowned champions defended their belts against a different combination of Dawnguard troops than last time. Mitsukuri and Kinoshita utilized their experience as a tag team to eliminate the experience edge that Ikoma and Kamisaka had over them, leading to a surprisingly competitive match. Miyake and Emoto also got their opportunities to shine through their hard striking game and indomitable spirit, with pins and submissions getting frequently broken up by members of either team. This pushed the match well into the twenty minute mark before Ikoma finally managed to deliver the Northern Lights Bomb on Emoto and score the pin while his teammates prevented Mitsukuri and Kinoshita from breaking it up.


In a decent match, Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Suguru Emoto) in 20:23 when Blast Ikoma pinned Suguru Emoto with a Northern Lights Bomb. Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake make defence number one of the BCG Six Man title. [54]



Challengers Series title match


Isoruko Arakaki vs Rokuemon Matsushita vs Zeshin Makioka

The usual Medallions three way match had the title on the line this time, as former champion Giant Brody was forced to vacate due to injury. With all three competitors being members of Destiny Bond, the match began with a handshake but neither man took it easy, their competitive spirit getting the best of the three as the bout hit the next gear. Makioka smartly picked his spots throughout the match, letting his two much larger opponents duke it out before he’d opportunistically sweep in, while Arakaki looked like he belonged in this match despite his relative youth and inexperience. He almost had it won too after he took out Makioka with the spectacular Arakaki Spike, but Matsushita was there to prevent the three count and chokeslam Arakaki on top of the fallen Makioka, making the cover himself to once again claim the Challengers Series title.


In a decent match, Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Isoruko Arakaki and Zeshin Makioka in 18:28 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Isoruko Arakaki with an One-Handed Choke Slam. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the BCG Challengers Series. [64]



Matsushita had little time to celebrate as his music got cut off by another tune, one never before heard in Black Canvas…and Gargantuan himself walked out of the entranceway! Not many people in the world could make the new champion look small in comparison, but Gargantuan is one of them and he towered over him for a staredown as he indicated that he had his sights on the belt.



BCG World Tag Team match


16th Champions Black Iron Corps vs Challengers Arato & Katou

Newcomers to the main BCG roster after a long time together in SAISHO, Arato and Katou made enough of an impact to be recruited into Okamoto-gun before finding themselves in this spot. Across them, the dominant World Tag Team champions Kita and Narahashi, both well acquainted with their challengers since they all wrestled in SAISHO. A hard fought, competitive bout that was simple but well executed, even if it lacked a certain creative flair in favor of playing it safe. Fans loved the spot where Katou and Narahashi got to have a little battle of the lariats, but it was Narahashi and a Black Iron Lariat that took out Akira Arato in the end for the defending champions to successfully retain.


In a decent match, Black Iron Corps defeated Arato & Katou in 18:23 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Akira Arato with a Black Iron Lariat. Black Iron Corps make defence number three of the BCG World Tag Team titles. [69]



BCG American title match


FEAR vs Nigel Svensson

Although the American title is not officially recognized by Black Canvas, FEAR and Svensson did not treat this bout any less seriously than they would take any other championship bout. The big man used his speed and surprising agility for a man his size to keep up with the fast and fluid snake-like submission chain wrestling of Svensson, who kept switching between working the leg to ground his bigger opponent and working the arm to set up his own finisher. Fortunately for FEAR, no cracks showed in his armor and thus Svensson was never provided with a clear target to focus his attacks on, so the leader of Dread Army took the punishment and pushed through to hit the Fear Drive for the win.


In a decent match, FEAR defeated Nigel Svensson in 14:44 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. FEAR makes defence number one of the BCG American title. [67]




Roaring Lion contract briefcase match


SUKI vs Big Bruiser Findlay

As was mentioned in the press conference and reminded here by the broadcast trio, Findlay had a history against Okamoto, first injuring him and then losing the BCG World title when he made his comeback, so on top of physical power and wrestling skill, it also made sense for Findlay to perhaps win here and continue his story. This ambiguous setup made the bout feel like it could really go either way and the action played up this fact as SUKI showed unyielding spirit against the big man, who pushed him to his limits. Even as the match escalated and the two began dropping bombs on each other, SUKI miraculously kicked out of an Atomic Spinebuster, while Findlay powered out of a Mountain SUKI attempt and made it to the ropes to escape a SUKI Special III. It wasn’t the same story though when SUKI trapped him in the hold for a second time, dead center of the ring. Findlay had ran out of fuel and when he realized there was no way of escaping his predicament, he verbally submitted after a great bout.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, SUKI defeated Big Bruiser Findlay in 30:18 by submission with a SUKI Special III. SUKI retains the BCG Roaring Lion contract briefcase. [83]


After the match, SUKI was handed back his briefcase and Razan Okamoto walked down to the ring for a staredown, getting in his face and holding up the BCG World title in response.



BCG National title match


3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Funakoshi

Topping the previous match was no small feat, but if there’s two people who could be trusted to pull it off, it was Torii and Funakoshi. Two of BCG’s pillars since day one with the newly introduced but already highly prestigious National title on the line, this felt like a big deal and the two competitors took the time to pace themselves, letting fans take in the gravity of the situation and laying down the foundations for the psychology of what would be an epic clash. Not only was this a classic slow fuse contest, it was also clear to tell that the two wrestlers were calling it on the spot, as they perfectly adapted to the live audience feedback to keep what worked and skip anything that didn’t. As expected, there were a lot of strikes involved, but this wasn’t all strong style since the action would take breaks on the mat or suddenly escalate with a big slam out of nowhere. Slowly but surely as the two men beat each other, it came down to the finishers, with Torii missing his signature forearms and Funakoshi struggling to execute his complicated butterfly moves. In the end, the defending champion decided to stop trying the Flying Forearm and opted for a Spinning Forearm Smash instead. Funakoshi took it square in the jaw and was staggered, so it took a second one to lay him out and count the pin, with Torii retaining.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Bunrakuken Torii defeated Funakoshi in 34:30 by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash. Bunrakuken Torii makes defence number one of the BCG National title. [83]


As is customary, Torii got to close the show with a victory celebration and the “send fans home happy” promo.


Post show interviews and comments


Torii: "Me and Funakoshi have gone to war several times since the beginning of Black Canvas. Tonight I was the better man, but I always respect him for the fight he brings."


SUKI: "You'd have to kill me to stop me right now. I'm going to The Lion's Roar and I'm taking that World title from Razan Okamoto!"


Gargantuan: "I'm not here to play games or chase any stupid Medallions. I want Matsushita and I want that title!"


Kisaka: "I'm overjoyed with the outcome, Sotomura-san didn't make it easy for me but I prevailed and I proved that Funakoshi-sama was right to see something in me."

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Hunting Lion Tour - Night 1 in Kyoto, Kansai Region

Sat. W4 August 2021

1.595 Fans


1. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Original Sinner) in 15:36 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Original Sinner with an Arakaki Spike. [56]

2. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) in 20:07 when Atto Savage submitted Motoyuki Miyake with a Savage Claw. [69]

3. Gargantuan defeated Ryobe Uno in 14:45 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. Gargantuan wins the Medallion #1. [43]

4. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Texas Hangman in 17:59 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Texas Hangman with a Full Nelson Bomb. [71]

5. SUKI and Mabuchi Furusawa drew with Tanyu Toshusai and Rokuemon Matsushita in 30:00 when the time limit expired. [74]




Hunting Lion Tour - Night 2 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region

Tue. W1 August 2021

233 Fans


1. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi and Rokuemon Matsushita) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Maelstrom) in 15:43 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Maelstrom with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [62]

2. Nigel Svensson defeated Isoruko Arakaki in 15:01 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Nigel Svensson wins the Medallion #2. [52]

3. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) in 18:26 when FEAR pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Fear Drive. [67]

4. Bunrakuken Torii and Suguru Emoto defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Texas Hangman in 17:45 when Suguru Emoto pinned Texas Hangman with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [60]

5. Tanyu Toshusai and Zeshin Makioka defeated SUKI and Ryobe Uno in 19:12 when Zeshin Makioka pinned Ryobe Uno with a Z-Bomb. [68]




Hunting Lion Tour - Night 3 in Fukuoka Hall, Kyushu Region

Thu. W1 August 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)

1. Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 16:28 when Abomination pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Chokeslam From Hell. [64]

2. Ginji Kisaka defeated MUSCLE Serizawa in 14:39 by pinfall with a Butterfly Powerbomb. Ginji Kisaka wins the Medallion #3. [53]

3. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi and Rokuemon Matsushita) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Texas Hangman) in 17:47 when Azumamaro Kita pinned James Diaz with a Penalty Kick. [61]

4. Bunrakuken Torii and Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Thorsten Sigurdsson in 17:36 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Thorsten Sigurdsson with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [60]

5. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Zeshin Makioka and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ryobe Uno) in 17:41 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Ryobe Uno with an Arakaki Spike. [64]




Hunting Lion Tour - Night 4 in Shimonoseki Hall, Chugoku Region

Sun. W1 August 2021

300 Fans (Super No Vacancy)


1. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) defeated Texas Hangman, Bubba Joe and The Diaz Family in 15:41 when Zeshin Makioka pinned James Diaz with a Z-Bomb. [56]

2. Bunrakuken Torii and Kiyotaka defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Desperado Dave Barker in 16:28 when Kiyotaka submitted Desperado Dave Barker with a Kimura. [53]

3. Gargantuan defeated Shuzo Utagawa in 15:19 by pinfall with an Ultimate Backbreaker. Gargantuan makes defence number one of the Medallion #1. [53]

4. Tanyu Toshusai and Isoruko Arakaki defeated SUKI and Danjuro Kikuchi in 18:11 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with an Arakaki Spike. [63]

5. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou) defeated Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) in 19:39 when Gidayu Katou pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Lariat. [65]




Hunting Lion Tour - Night 5 in Hamamatsu City, Chubu Region

Wed. W2 August 2021

450 Fans


1. Destiny Bond (Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi and Zeshin Makioka) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Texas Hangman) in 18:27 when Zeshin Makioka pinned James Diaz with a Z-Bomb. [65]

2. Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 16:06 when Monstrosity pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Chokeslam From Hell. [63]

3. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Nigel Svensson in 15:26 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. Kyuichi Matsumoto wins the Medallion #2. [56]

4. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ryobe Uno) in 18:17 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Ryobe Uno with a Lariat. [64]

5. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Bubba Joe in 18:04 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Bubba Joe with a Full Nelson Bomb. [65]

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