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Era Attributes

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As the Economy and Wrestling Industry rise and fall, when a certain amount of time passes, Eras should also come and go. When a new Era kicks in, it'll start with a low Era Importance, then that number will rise, then fall, and then after that a new Era will be likely to begin. The timing can be pre-ordained by the Database but when the Database runs out of Eras it can be randomly generated as well. Era Importance would determine the intensity of the effects of the current Era's Attributes. Era Attributes would basically describe what the most common tastes are of the general public for wrestling at that time. For example, in the 90's hardcore matches could get a bonus but long technical matches could get a penalty, and in the current day, matches with high Aerial performances could get a boost but eye candy would get a penalty. The effects shouldn't be massive, but they should affect bigger promotions way more than smaller ones. If you're a small enough promotion they shouldn't impact you at all, as there's a niche for everything no matter what the public's tastes at large are, but as you grow in Size, catering to the demands of a broader audience will become more important.
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