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USPW: Hegemony

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Shakeup in USPW Developmental System



Despite just starting Stars and Stripes Wrestling four months ago, the powers than be in USPW are creating a second brand for developmental workers called USPW: Revolution




The plan as of now is for SSW to continue as normal, but with youngsters from 18-25 years of age, in the vein of RIPW. Once they've proven themselves in SSW they can expect to be promoted to the Revolution brand where they'll be showcased on an hour long, weekly TV show!


It's hoped that this new system will allow workers from developmental to more easily bridge the gap before making the jump to facing the biggest stars in the USPW. This exposure will allow the USPW audience at large to familiarize themselves with new talent, as not every USPW fan is also a fan of SSW.


In addition to this switch, Chris Caulfield the former CEO and head booker of SSW has been replaced by longtime friend Phil Vibert. Vibert will be booking this new SSW product and an influx of new young talent will be hitting the scene. Caulfield will remain as the head road agent and trainer.


Below is a list of each roster as it stands now:








As you can see, each brand will also operate as a training ground for referees and broadcasters.


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Great return show. Things are really heating up for the Business and Frehley. I wonder how much Champion will factor into this. Also, you can really see the hegemony taking form with the new development program. Actually, hegemony wouldn't be a bad name for a faction...


I've got plans in mind for Champion, he's the figurehead after all, but also, I think there's an issue in the canon of the game. Champion and Frehley can't really do "great business together" as the in game text explains... They each get a big penalty for lack of selling when you stick them in a match one on one. Even Hogan and Andre sold for each other lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all,


Wanted to give a quick update! I've been kind of lukewarm on this project lately, not because I'm no longer interested, but because I was worried my computer was going to die. I guess it was a defense mechanism.


In any case, I backed up my game with google drive and reset my laptop today and it looks like I was able to save my progress!


I don't know when I'll jump back into this, but I plan to do so. Thanks!

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This is the first time I've ever read one of your shows, and I really enjoyed it! You have earned a new follower on this thread.




Great return show. Glad to see this one is picking back up. Champion and Thompson really tore the house down in that main event.


Hell yeah, brother!

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all! 

It's been over a year since I last posted here, but I want to bring it back! 

This may be a bit awkward since the site changed since I left and some of the old formatting no longer works. I thought about starting a new one, but I like the storylines I have going and I have notes about what's happening up to the season finale at Independence Day Slam! So I'm going to try and pick it up again. I re-read some of my old shows and think I'm good to go!

The go home show for Freedom Fight will be posting soon and Freedom Fight is booked and ran but not written up! Lots of excitement on the way for USPW (the best company in the C-Verse by a mile! The way wrestling is supposed to be! Not every match is a spot fest! Guys slow down and sell! There are rest holds! High spots matter! No flippy s***! 😄)

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It seems like a funny thing to change the developmental system one month ago and then change it again so soon, but it's been a lot longer in real time! 

In the interest of creating a Hegemony, I've created a USPW Network, a internet based subscription service that features USPW child territories. 

Stars and Stripes Wresting is now USPW: Stars and Stripes Wrestling based in the South East
I've also changed the Revolution brand and turned it into a new child development territory called USPW: Revolution based in New England. These child territories will have a weekly TV show on the USPW subscription service and 4 quarterly PPV events. 

The goal is, eventually, to have child territories in every area of the US. We're moving east to west. Call it Project Manifest Destiny.

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Nicky Champion Shatters Record For Wrestling's Richest Contract


Nicky Champion

Just over two months ago, Steve Frehley signed a massive four year contract extension for a base salary of $3.9 million dollars per year and a practically unheard of 50% cut of merchandise sales. His colleague, Nicky Champion, a longtime staple of USPW programming had a wage matching clause in his contract that guaranteed him an identical annual salary. The two were the highest paid wrestlers in the world, making the same massive salary at the biggest wrestling promotion in the world. But now Champion is alone at the top of the mountain, making more money than any wrestler ever has.

Champion's deal was set to expire this month and USPW offered him a massive 5 year contract for $5,400,000 per year with the same hefty 50% cut of merch sales. He readily accepted.

Whereas Steve Frehley's pending contract expiration generated a bit of a bidding war in the wrestling world, USPW's massive offer to Champion was unable to be touched by any other promotion. Given the tremendous amount of revenue Champion generates for USPW it's hard to call it an overpay, however. Hawkeye averages over $4,000,000 in merch sales per month making him a veritable bargain at $5,400,000 per year. At a time when top professional athletes in other sports are making several times that, USPW sees Nicky Champion's new contract as not only a good bargain for them, but a massive weapon in creating and maintaining dominance in the worldwide wrestling market. 


Edited by DirigoJoe
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