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  • Birthday 10/29/1993

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  1. Good one for Julius Moor getting a title shot, but man did things escalate quickly after the match or what? A Steel Cage?! Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden have some awesome chemistry as enemies here. Can't wait to see where that leads. THE RING GENERALS WON A MATCH! They're on the rise baby! What's Jack Jackson's popularity at this point? That promo did really well. Thompson is really forcing his way into a prominent just based on his performances. I'd be interested to see how many of your top 10 matches was he involved in.
  2. I like the direction things are going. The Ring Generals are awesome. There's fresh blood in the tag division. The arrival of Ross Henry and American Gold will definitely help shake things up as well. Alicia Strong really has Belle Bryden on edge- JAIMIE QUINN IS BACK!!! Awww yeah!!! Jack Jackson is on his way! Man I love the direction where heading. Great match from Frehley and Law. Wait a minute. Bulldozer is keeping the mask? Trent and Raven are going to lose it! Frehley vs Cage? BOOK IT.
  3. Another awesome show, and it really feels like what USPW's product should be. Nicky Champion probably shouldn't have gone over Steve Frehley (Frehley was waaaaaaaaaaaay too hot. Is he still the most popular wrestler in the world or has Champion taken over?). But it's what needed to happen for USPW's family friendly program. Interested to see where Frehley goes from here. There's no way he'll take this one quietly. Joss Thompson will be an interesting challenge for Nicky Champion. He does have a pinfall victory over him - though it was in a 2 out of 3 falls match. He's also red hot. Man he put in some great performances on this show. He really has turned into a star here and is looking to make up for that past failed run as champion. Bulldozer finally gets unmasked huh? Shaffer and Raven are going to be LIVID going forward. Cage almost seemed to be just another man thrown into this rivalry by the end of it. Good to see him get out from under the National title. Alicia Strong gets a good win and can reset the women's division and make somebody famous. *Cough* Jaimie Quinn *Cough* Lots of room to build some new stars after a fantastic show.
  4. Ten Man Tag Team Elimination Match! Team Running Wolf vs. The Business Rich Money's group gets the win as the demand to get wins continues for the Business. USPW National Championship 3-Way Match American Patriot vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Roger Cage (C) This one's kind of out there, but perhaps Shaffer is the hero of this story? Lol, Shaffer unmasks Patriot AND wins the title here. No Disqualification Match Joss Thompson vs. Commissioner Justice Thompson STOMPS the commissioner here. USPW Tag Team Championship 4-Way Match The Ring Generals vs. Texas Express vs. Bad Intentions vs. Jett & Moor (C) I actually like these boring guys. Probably nowhere near Jett & Moor's level, but the overconfidence from the champs costs them in a decision that doesn't involve them. USPW #1 Contender Battle Royale Angry Gilmore, Anthony Trask, Casey Valentine, DC Rayne, Eddie Howard, Enygma, Fro Sure, Jim Force, Joss Thompson, Justin Sensitive, Kirk Jameson, Krusher Karloff, Rajah, Rich Money, Rick Law, Running Wolf, Sterling Whitlock, T-Rex, Tyson Baine and Zeus! Jameson earns the opportunity here. But what can he do with it? USPW Women's Championship Match Alicia Strong vs Joanne Rodriguez (C) Strong MUST go over. USPW Championship Match Nicky Champion vs. Steve Frehley (C) USPW's product basically DEMANDS Champion win here. The fans will go home happy, but this may be more than Champion can handle. Bonus Point: Thoughts on the diary so far? Jaimie Quinn. Alicia Strong. BOOK IT.
  5. Whoops. Never posted my thoughts on the latest show. Fantastic work once again. Really excited for Independence Day Slam. Figured Gilmore would win, but I'm quite surprised at Thompson's loss. Makes more sense I guess after having read Money's comments at the end. And he didn't go down clean, so I'm assuming Thompson gets the big win at Independence Day Slam. J-Ro and co. got the win as expected. I know Alicia is going to be livid about that one. Called it with Shaffer and Bulldozer...ahem. Masked Patriot. Lol Cage is going to have his work cut out at Independence Day Slam. Champion looked really good in the loss. Classic way to keep him hot for a rematch with Frehley. But can he beat THIS version of Frehley? In my current playthrough, merchandise and salary contracts are OUT of control. I recently resigned Sasha Banks on a contract at more than 500K...per month.
  6. "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask vs. "Angry" Gilmore Gilmore wins the most important match, but it's a tough one that moves him on the path to being angry. (Is he Happy Gilmore right now? Lol.) Joss Thompson vs. Commissioner Justice Thompson has to go over here. He's building towards something special and will get good heat taking out the commissioner. Six Man Tag Team Match Ricky Dale Johnson and the Texas Express vs. The Olympic Order RDJ comes out of in-ring retirement to help his boys get the rub. USPW Tag Team Championship Match The Cold Warriors vs Jett & Moor(C) Not entirely sure about this one, but Jett & Moor seem to be firmly in control of the division...with some help of course. Six Woman Tag Team Match The Triumvirate vs Team J-Ro J-Ro's makeshift squad wins the battle (with very coming against one of the Monsters), but J-Ro will eventually lose the war. USPW National Champion #1 Contender's Match American Patriot vs. Trent Shaffer I know non-finishes aren't the way for USPW, but this gives Cage the greatest possible challenge at Independence Day Slam. USPW Championship 3 Way Match Nicky Champion vs. Rich Money vs. Steve Frehley (C) Frehley dominates again, pinning Money to set up the biggest USPW main event in history at Independence Day Slam. Awesome diary thus far!
  7. RDJ for revenge baby! I agree man. Sometimes it's really tough getting the women all the time they need. I'm running a WWE that started in 2012 (I'm in the year 2017 now) and I'm right in the middle of the women's revolution. I run 3 brands each with a 2 hour A show. I try to get two women's matches in there every show, but it's often hard. Especially with giving them long angles as well. I love Quinn's character so I was wondering where she was. If JRo wasn't there, I think it would've been a natural match for Quinn and Strong at Independence Day Slam. I definitely see the Miz there too. You've done a great job fleshing out Cage's character. I know he's midcard right now, but I can't wait to see him rub elbows with the main eventers a bit more. I think you're doing a wonderful job of getting everybody on that roster involved. There's a wealth of possibilities for where this could go after Independence Day Slam.
  8. No problem commenting man. I love your shows, and always read them, no matter how long it takes me to get around to them Another awesome show. Did not expect that to happen in the opener! Brutal way for RDJ to go down too. Those desks in people's offices are well put together. Ouch! Money finally gets the upperhand on Frehley but there's going to be a price to pay for that. Hey, where is Jaime Quinn? Is she injured? I half-expected her to come back and join JRo against Alicia Strong and co. She's got a killer gimmick for the time period. Love what you're doing with Roger Cage. He's really developing a character that I don't think he really had when you first started this diary. He's really leaning into the movie star/director kind of role. I could see him turning heel in a way that he doesn't even know he's a heel. He's giving me a Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat kind of vibe.
  9. Enjoyed the latest show. Man Frehley is completely untamed at the moment. It'll be interesting to see how the fight goes between him, Champion, and Money at the PPV. Maybe Money has something up his sleeve. I actually was expecting Gilmore to be one of Champion's partners after McQueen's comment earlier. Also loved the cattiness between her and Belle.
  10. Another great show with some bangers near the end. As I've said before, I love where these stories are going. I didn't realize we were so close to the season finale. Would've gone with Nicky Champion to win fourway. Are Americana and Independence Day Slam meant to be so close together or am I looking at it wrong? Anyway, I'll post my thoughts on the big storylines below. Did not see Gilmore coming. Might've been kinda close with my vague prediction lol. Interested to see how you write him going forward. Most people take him in a sort of Stone Cold direction. Not necessarily with the booking, just the intense character work. We've gotta have that money Joanne Rodriguez vs Alicia Strong match on a big show. Should be an absolute banger. I wonder how Pariah will figure into this. This Enygma/Baine thing is getting really weird. It truly is an Enigma. It would be a real swerve if Enygma was in on it the whole time. Champion deserved to win. He is the man after all. Money did better than expected there. This certainly sets up some interesting stories for the next two big shows.
  11. Running Wolf, James Justice and Mystery Partner vs. The Force, Sterling Whitlock and Dusty Ducont Not sure who the partner could be. I imagine it's somebody from outside the company. Perhaps it's Jackson or one of those new lower level guys from the big league's time. USPW Tag Team Championship Match The Ring Generals vs. Jett & Moor (C) Wouldn't be surprised to see the Ring Generals win here but it would be solely for shock purposes. Jett & Moor continue the reign. USPW National Title Match Zeus vs. Roger Cage (C) Cage wins again. USPW Women's Championship Match Joanne Rodriguez vs Pariah (C) I think this is our title win on the show. Sets up a showdown with Alicia Strong although I would prefer Pariah to retain. Enygma vs Tyson Baine Baine battles for a while here before laying down for Enygma. This will truly break him. USPW #1 Contender's Match Rick Law vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Nicky Champion vs. Joss Thompson Dude's getting a push. Pins Law to go one on one with Frehley. USPW Championship Match Rich Money vs. Steve Frehley (C) A dominating win for Frehley here. Bonus Point: Love where we're going with this. So many storylines, and one of the best parts is that they are always intersecting.
  12. Glad to see this back. Finally got around to catching up over the past few days. A few things have stood out to me in the return. 1. Frehley's an absolute monster. Loved the ending of the PPV where he just goes absolutely crazy and destroys everyone. I was surprised to see there were no repercussions for that. Could've made for some interesting storytelling. 2. I. Am. Loving. Emily. McQueen. Her commentary is GOLDEN. 3. I'm very interested in the direction you're taking the Alicia Strong/JRo/Pariah angle. There's been some good characterization there. 4. It's pretty cool that you pulled out of the Spencer Spade sweepstakes. Did you start building plans for him or what? I hate when I snatch a guy up, but I don't really have anything solid for him to do. Did he return to SWF?
  13. Great episode of Raw. Man it feels like I'm really in the 90s reading this. "The Connecticut Blue Blood" Hearst-Helmsley Vs. The British Bulldog WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One Match: Jerry "The King" Lawler Vs. "The Blue Chipper" Rocky Maivia "The King Of Harts" Owen Hart Vs. "The Mighty" Yokozuna "The Deranged" Mankind Vs. "The Master And Ruler Of The World" Sycho Sid
  14. Justin Credible Vs. “Big Daddy Cool” ‘Diesel’ WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One Match: Faarooq Asad Vs. Henry O. Godwinn WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Round One Match: "The Last Outlaw" Jeff Jarrett Vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts WWF World Heavyweight Championship: "Wildman" Marc Mero Vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels (c) Bonus Question [+4]: who will Monsoon name as the interim WWF President? Ted Dibiase
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