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Trevor Belmont

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About Trevor Belmont

  • Birthday 09/30/1981

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  1. Aww man, so sorry to hear. 90 something is a great run though, so be grateful you had her for that long at least. I got a little catching up to do here as well (and will this weekend), but really hope you keep this going man, it's brilliant!
  2. What great ideas for future clients, or perhaps a potential wild, dominant tag team! πŸ’€
  3. Saturday, January 1986 - Week Two [Bangor, Maine] Broadcast: ITV, Syndication, Syndication Canada Hosts: Vince McMahon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura Pre-Show: - WWF Women's Champion, The Fabulous Moolah def. Susan Starr in 6:30 by pinfall with a Backbreaker. The Fabulous Moolah makes defense number 3 of her WWF World Women's Title. (37) - Hillbilly Jim def. Bobby Colt in 3:02 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog. (28) Bobby Colt was really off his game. Hillbilly Jim seemed off his game. Televised Broadcast: - King Tonga def. Jose Luis Rivera in 3:05 by pinfall with a Savate Kick. Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan made his way out near ringside during this one, to which Jesse inferred he was out there observing King Tonga, referring to the big islander as an extremely dangerous man. Vince said maybe he had his eye on Mr. Rivera, to which 'The Body' answered: "C'mon McMahon! If that were the case, they'd call him 'The Idiot', not 'The Brain'!" (35) This match was a poor way to start the show and took away from the crowd's initial enthusiasm. This match cooled the crowd a little. Piper's Pit: with The Dream Team, who come out along with The Hart Foundation. They all seem to be on the same page, as they'll be joining forces tonight in Boston to take on The British Bulldogs and The Killer Bees. 'Luscious' Johnny Valiant and The Dream Team put over The Hart Foundation strong, telling President Tunney that this right here would be some real competition, unlike those filthy, muscle-head Bulldogs who ain't done squat to deserve anything! Just as Jimmy starts cutting a promo on the Bees -- out they come, along with The Bulldogs! The Dream Team and The Harts immediately back away as Piper and Orton get in-between, attempting to keep them all apart. Roddy shouts, asking who invited them, to which Davey Boy states that just last week, they took down former WWF Tag Team Champions, Sheik and Volkoff, so why don't 'Luscious' Johnny V ask himself this question: how long till his two California girly-men are also former WWF Tag Team Champs?! - And the eight-man brawl ensues! 'The Hot Rod' and 'The Ace' quickly duck and run for cover, as a myriad of WWF officials and security come swarming, in an attempt to break up this absolute utter mess! (60) Roddy Piper came out of this looking excellent. Jim Brunzell performed poorly in this segment. Jim Neidhart and Jimmy Hart have excellent chemistry together. - Tony Atlas def. Barry Horowitz in 2:24 by submission with a Bear Hug. (34) This match cooled the crowd a little. Hype Vid: The Great Muta is coming to the WWF. (4) Lord Alfred Hayes is backstage with Jim Powers and Paul Roma, who let us know they've been traveling together, they've been training together, and from now on, they'll be teaming together! Roma then says that The Young Stallions are gunnin' straight to the top! (46) - The Young Stallions def. Barry O and Rene Goulet in 5:15 when Paul Roma pinned Rene Goulet, following a Double Dropkick. (9) The crowd were turned off by having a match outside of the pre-show between workers they don't have any investment in. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The green-haired clown is back out in the audience, having a little fun with some kids. (32) - George Steele def. AJ Petruzzi in 4:17 by submission with a Flying Hammerlock. 'The Animal' brought his rubber Miss Elizabeth action figure down to ringside, and placed it in the same corner where he ended up chewing out the turnbuckle, before submitting his opponent. He then eerily began licking the doll, following his dominant victory. (22) AJ Petruzzi was really off his game. AJ Petruzzi and George Steele don't seem to click and it made for an awkward bout. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Event Center: Okerlund runs down the Boston Garden card, with a few pre-taped promos. We hear from some battle royal entrants, including Don Muraco, Lanny Poffo, Ricky Steamboat and Roddy Piper, who each stake their claim to victory, and their forthcoming World Title opportunity. Orndorff once again tells Orton that his ass is grass, and Tito Santana lets Randy Savage know that this title right here is going nowhere! (61) Lanny Poffo looked lost out there. Roddy Piper came out of this looking excellent. - Big John Studd def. Ted Arcidi in 8:43 by pinfall with a Heart Punch. During the match, we also had Bobby Heenan dstract Arcidi. (48) Big John Studd seemed off his game. Post-Match: Studd holds Arcidi's legs down, as Bundy comes in and delivers a Big Splash! (54) Recap: Ricky Steamboat defeats Tiger Chung Lee to advance in the Tv Title Tournament. (55) Recap: Bret Hart defeats Pedro Morales to advance in the Tv Title Tournament. (57) Andre The Giant cuts a pre-taped promo, stating he can't wait to get his hands *while holding up his monstrous hands in claw form* on Bundy in the cage! (72) Andre The Giant benefitted from being the flavour of the month. - King Kong Bundy def. SD Jones in 4:05 by pinfall with a Big Splash. (35) SD Jones and King Kong Bundy just don't click at all and it showed in their performances. Post-Match: The reign of terror continues with Bobby barking orders, as Studd holds Jones' legs down - and Bundy once again delivers a Big Splash! Ventura loves this newfound aggression from The Heenan Family, as McMahon refers to it as both unnecessary and despicable, before sending us off the air. (60) __________________________________________________ Overall Rating: 48. Notes: N/A. Final Thoughts: Typical B-show, with the added fact that The Young Stallions are here to light up the tag team division! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
  4. Prediction Standings: Mattywood: 18 Lord Byron: 16 Old School Fan: 16 Dawn: 14 jhd1: 7 Bigelow Cartwheel: 6
  5. Thanks for all those kind words. I'm trying to find a good mesh between staying true to the time, but also making things more edgy and fun (for both myself doing this and the reader), so hope I'm balancing that out ok so far. And let me clarify as far as Bret goes, without saying what my actual outlook is with him - there were loose plans to go with him and Steamboat in a singles match at WM2, to the point where they were even working the house show circuit together in prep for it. What could have been 😬. As far as I go however, I don't slam the door on anything when it comes to someone like him (the game can guide you at times), but do keep in mind that The Hart Foundation are indeed my favorite tag team of all-time! So there you have it lol.
  6. LIVE AT THE BOSTON GARDEN! Saturday, January 1986 - Week Two Prediction Key: WWF TV Title Tournament, Round One: Nikolai Volkoff Vs. "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino Eight-Man Tag Team War: The Hart Foundation and The Dream Team Vs. The Killer Bees and The British Bulldogs "Terrible" Terry Funk Vs. "JYD" The Junkyard Dog WWF TV Title Tournament, Round One: "Cowboy" Bob Orton Vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 15-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal - Winner To Receive A Future WWF World Title Shot: Participants: "The Rock" Don Muraco, George "The Animal" Steele, Hercules Hernandez, Hillbilly Jim, Jim Powers, King Tonga, a newcomer by the name of "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware, "Leaping" Lanny Poffo, Moondog Spot, Paul Roma, Pedro Morales, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Tiger Chung Lee, and "Mr. USA" Tony Atlas WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship: "Macho Man" Randy Savage Vs. Tito Santana (c) WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Big John Studd Vs. "The Incredible" Hulk Hogan (c) - Plus, Vince McMahon to present the Andre/Bundy steel cage match official contract signing for WrestleMania 2! - In addition, The Great Muta to make his very first live appearance for the World Wrestling Federation! - We'll also be hearing from a brand new tag team who's arriving on the scene - and much, much more! [ Bonus Question: Who will have the most eliminations in the battle royal? ________ ] +3pts [ Bonus Question: Who will be the battle royal runner up? ________ ] +3pts [ Bonus Question: Who's the debuting tag team? ________ ] +3pts __________________________________________________ - This should be a fun show. Good luck all!
  7. Monday, January 1986 - Week Two [Hartford, Connecticut] Broadcast: USA Network Hosts: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Pre-Show: - Al Perez def. Steve Lombardi in 7:17 by pinfall with a Helicopter Suplex. (23) - The British Bulldogs def. Moondog Spot and Hercules Hernandez in 10:02 when The Dynamite Kid pinned Moondog Spot, following a Diving Headbutt. After an argument in their corner, Heenan and Hernandez walked out on Spot, leaving him to go at it alone against both Bulldogs. Moondog Spot was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (59) Moondog Spot was really off his game. Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid got a tag team specialist bonus. Televised Broadcast: Studio: Monsoon and Heenan welcome us, and take us away to our opening contest. (50) - Ricky Steamboat def. Tiger Chung Lee in 5:41 by pinfall with a Flying Crossbody. (70) This match got the crowd hotter. Ricky Steamboat advances in the WWF Tv Title Tournament. Studio: Gorilla and Bobby talk the state of The Heenan Family, then kick it over to a pre-recorded interview they did with 'The Body'. (73) Ventura gets into it, as 'The Brain' says though he's already got the most dangerous trio walking god's green earth right here, he's still looking to "grow the family", and has his eye on a number people as we speak. Jesse goes on to Hercules, putting over his tremendous physical condition, before asking him about the Tv Title Tournament. Herc talks about his unblemished record, before emphasizing strongly that now is the time we start bringing gold to The Heenan Family, and everyone out there knows that it's only a matter of time 'til they're carrying ALL the gold! Speaking of gold, Ventura moves on to Studd, who's going one-on-one with that Jesse 'The Body' wannabe, Hulk Hogan this coming Saturday Night at the Boston Garden, with the Heavyweight Championship Of The World on the line! Big John states that his long-standing rivalry with The Hulkster comes to an abrupt end in Boston, and how that title's coming right here where it belongs -- and there ain't a damn thing any of those pansy little Hulksters can do about it! Finally, Bundy adds that if that big dumb French giant didn't learn his lesson after last Monday, then he guarantees the next time he crosses paths with him or Studd, they're gonna finish him once and for all! Heenan then closes out by claiming after this man right here, King Kong Bundy, is done with Andre, he's got a good mind to sick him right on YOU, Tito Santana - and your Intercontinental Title! (78) Hercules Hernandez underperformed. This angle got the crowd hotter. Studio: Monsoon and Heenan talk the coming future of The Heenan Family, then present us our next contest, featuring four superstars who are set to square off against each other in round one of the WWF Tv Title Tournament. (67) - Corporal Kirchner and Bruno Sammartino def. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff in 9:13 by disqualification, when Volkoff leveled Sammartino across the back with the Russian flag right in front of the referee. Following the match, Sheik and Volkoff took it to their opponents, choking them out with their respective home country flags. After a few moments, some WWF officials came storming down to break it up, but unfortunately, the damage had already been done. (64) 'Adorable' Adrian Adonis and his sidekick, Jimmy Hart, join our hosts in-studio via satellite. Gorilla asks him about the sudden change in appearance, to which Adrian says there's been no change whatsoever - this is who he's always been. Jimmy chimes in claiming most people out there have skeletons in their closet, but it takes a real man to open it up for the whole world to see, baby! 'The Brain' admits he'd be a fantastic addition to The Heenan Family, but if he can't be, there's no better sidekick in the entire WWF than 'The Mouth Of The South'! Hart thanks him, and Bobby asks what's next for the 'Adorable' one, to which Adonis vows he's got something up his sleeve, but the only thing about it he can reveal about it right now is that no man is safe, before blowing a kiss, and walking off camera with his manager. (65) - Roddy Piper, Bob Orton and Don Muraco def. Hillbilly Jim, Uncle Elmer and Paul Orndorff in 10:08 by submission when Piper put Uncle Elmer away with a Sleeper Hold. Prior to the match, Howard Finkel introduced 'Mr. Wonderful' as Cousin Luke's replacement, and he came out to a thunderous ovation! A pretty wild brawl here, which started off with Orndorff going right for Orton, as chaos ensued with the official never really gaining full control, losing it completely toward the end. When Piper put Elmer down with the Sleeper, McMahon shouted from the announcer's booth that he wasn't the legal man, as Jesse laughs obnoxiously at the lowlife rednecks getting outsmarted again! Uncle Elmer was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (75) Event Center: Okerlund runs down the massively stacked card for the Boston Garden this Saturday night, as we also hear a few pre-taped promos alongside. We hear from 'Cowboy' Bob Orton, who cuts a promo on 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff and their first round match, The Junkyard Dog cuts a promo on his opponent, 'Terrible' Terry Funk, Randy Savage states that his golden opportunity against Tito Santana came a bit quicker than expected, and the cream of the crop is headed straight to the top, while WWF Champion, 'The Incredible' Hulk Hogan claims that him and his little Hulksters have put that big, ugly, Frankenstein John Studd down before, and this coming Saturday in the Boston Garden, they're gonna do it again! "So Whatcha Gonna Do Big Ugly John Studd, When Me, My 24-Inch Pythons, and ALLLLL My Little Hulksters Run Wild On Yooouuu?!" (86) Hulk Hogan came out of this looking excellent. Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth have great chemistry. Hulk Hogan benefitted from being the flavour of the month. Studio: Gorilla and Bobby talk the Orton/Orndorff saga and the Boston Garden show. (71) - Bret Hart def. Pedro Morales in 8:59 by pinfall with a quick roll-up, while using the ropes for leverage. Both Monsoon and Sammartino are disgusted at the lengths Bret went to steal this one, with Monsoon calling it a miscarriage of justice, but regardless, the decision is final and 'The Hitman' moves on to the quarterfinals in semi-impressive fashion, where he'll be facing The Junkyard Dog! (75) Bret Hart advances in the WWF Tv Title Tournament. On SuperStars: "Mr. USA" Tony Atlas in action. (52) On SuperStars: Studd and Bundy each in singles action. (65) Studio: Monsoon and Heenan send it to President Tunney, who has a major announcement. (73) Jack appears at his desk and reminds us that on April the 7th, live and only on pay-per-view, from the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago, Illinois, the World Wrestling Federation will be presenting the biggest, most star-studded event in professional wrestling history: WrestleMania 2! And with that being said, he's here tonight to inform you all that the first match taking place on this historic night is official -- when King Kong Bundy goes one on one with none other than 'The Eighth Wonder Of The World' Andre The Giant! Furthermore, this contest will also be taking place inside of a 15 foot high steel cage! Tunney then thanks everyone, and tells them to enjoy tonight's main event. (72) Studio: Gorilla and Bobby talk Andre/Bundy and our main event. Monsoon hypes the monumental magnitude of these two colossal behemoths locking horns in the cage, citing that it's the irresistible force clashing with the immovable object! 'The Brain' seems thrilled, pointing out the fact that as his man, King Kong Bundy, stated earlier, he's gonna put the finishing touches on Andre for good! (68) The British Bulldogs and Captain Lou cut a pre-taped promo, firing back at The Dream Team, and in reference to the forthcoming eight-man tag, claiming that after Hulk and Tito are through with them tonight, The Bulldogs are looking forward to taking a BITE out of the World Tag Team Champs this Saturday in Boston! And if The Hart Foundation get in the way, the Killer Bees just may have a nice little sting for them! Albano has some choice words for 'Luscious' Johnny Valiant as well, threatening to bite him right in the neck, should he even think about getting involved - and the same goes for that no good little runt, Jimmy Hart! (61) Recap: Hayes catches up with an outraged Terry Funk, post-SNME. He shouts vigorously about how he he's your Uncrowned Champion Of The World! He calls this entire company bogus and says if President Tunney doesn't award him his rematch immediately, there will be HELL to pay! 'The Mouth Of The South' then adds his two cents, screaming about how The Junkyard Dog put his hands on a manager, and both he and Jack Tunney will be hearing from their lawyer! Terry then promises that not only is Hogan's day of reckoning on its way - but The Dog's is as well! (70) - WWF Intercontinental Champion, Tito Santana and WWF World Heavyweight Champion, Hulk Hogan def. WWF World Tag Team Champions, The Dream Team in a non-title match, in 11:39 when Hogan pinned Valentine following a Big Leg Drop. Hulk Hogan carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Brutus Beefcake was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (71) The Dream Team got a tag team specialist bonus. Post-Match: Funk comes out with the iron, stopping midway down the ramp and thinking better of walking into a 2-on-1 attack, yelling about how he's gonna brand The Hulkster during his pose-down with Santana - but The Bulldogs make their way out shortly thereafter, atop the entranceway, to neutralize him! We go off the air in a standstill, as Terry and the retreating Dream Team are caught in the middle of the aisleway. (70) __________________________________________________ Overall Rating: 76. Notes: This show lost us popularity in 11 regions. Final Thoughts: At least I didn't get the lame storylines message lol. A bit of a delay on this one due to life being a bit crazy and Metallica being in town for their two night, no repeat tour this weekend. Should be back on a more normal-ish schedule with posting here in the forthcoming week. Thanks for reading. 😁
  8. Update: I've decided to do away with the weekly WWF Spotlight news post, and do it once a month instead. (At least for now.) Also, been pretty busy between work and moving, but the PrimeTime results are coming soon if anyone would like to predict.
  9. All caught up on this. Really great so far, Matt! Ok, here goes: Main Event- Royal Rumble Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title: Big Boss Man, Davey Boy Smith, Col. Mustafa, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Sags, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Haku, Irwin R. Schyster, Hulk Hogan, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, The Undertaker, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, The Mountie, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich, Repo Man, Rick "The Model" Martel, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Skinner, The Berzerker, The Barbarian, Sgt. Slaughter, Sid Justice, Shawn Michaels, "El Matador" Tito Santana, Virgil & ??? β€” it’s hard to go against Ric at this point, being he’s fresh, the most talked about and getting the mega-push, but a major curveball with Sid winning here is just too good to pass up imo. WWF World Tag Team Titles: Legion Of Doom (Champions) vs. The Natural Disasters w/Jimmy Hart β€” LOD WWF Intercontinental Title: Bret "Hitman" Hart (Champion) vs. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase β€” DiBiase cons his way to victory, as The Hitman heads toward higher ground. The Beverly Bros. w/The Genius vs. The Bushwhackers β€” Beverlys. The Genius outsmarts all. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart & Koko B. Ware vs. The Orient Express w/Mr. Fuji β€” Anvil and Koko. Bonus Questions: 1. Who will be the mystery entrant? Scott Hall/Razor Ramon. 2. What number will the winner pick? 23. 3. Who will be the final four? Sid, Hulk, Flair, Jake. 4. Who will be the runner up? Hogan.
  10. Sunday, January 1986 - Week One [Miami, Florida] Broadcast: CTV, Syndication Hosts: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Pre-Show: - King Kong Bundy won a 15-Man Battle Royal in 14:05. The other members of the final four were Bruno Sammartino, Ricky Steamboat and The Junkyard Dog, with Sammartino being the final elimination. Hercules also had the most eliminations over the course of the match. (69) Big John Studd seemed off his game. Corporal Kirchner was really off his game. George Steele was really off his game. The Junkyard Dog was really off his game. Televised Broadcast: SNME Recap: Funk thinks he's got the title won, Savage challenges Tito. (70) SNME Recap: Orton and Orndorff brawl outside the arena, and get banned for the evening. (72) Orndorff pre-taped promo. Tells 'Cowboy' Bob his ass is grass! (70) - Paul Orndorff def. Chris Champion in 2:40 by pinfall with a Jumping Piledriver. (46) Paul Orndorff came out of the match looking good. Hype Vid: The Great Muta is coming to the WWF. (13) Steamboat cuts a pre-taped promo, stating that it's his destiny to become first ever WWF Tv Champion - and the journey begins tomorrow night on PrimeTime Wrestling against Tiger Chung Lee! (66) - Tiger Chung Lee def. Norman Smiley by pinfall in 2:03 with a Double Underhook Suplex. (19) The crowd were turned off by having a match outside of the pre-show between workers they don't have any investment in. This match brought the crowd's mood down. On PrimeTime: Tiger Vs 'The Dragon' in a first round match. (52) On PrimeTime: 'The Hitman' Vs Morales in a first round match. (46) Lord Alfred Hayes gets a pre-match word with Morales and Rivera, who seem pretty confident about their upcoming match with The Hart Foundation. Pedro claims as far as tomorrow night goes, though Bret's one tough customer, there ain't no way he's getting past the WWF's one and only triple crown champion! (43) - The Hart Foundation def. Pedro Morales and Jose Luis Rivera in 11:02 when Hart pinned Rivera, following the Hart Attack. Jose Luis Rivera was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (59) Jim Neidhart was really off his game. __________________________________________________ Overall Rating: 62. Notes: N/A. Final Thoughts: I'm mostly gonna use Challenge for people whom I feel need a television match at the end of the week, so every once and again, we may get a halfway decent main event πŸ˜†. Other than that, not much to really say about this show.
  11. I hear you man, that's exactly why I had Tunney open up with his state of the union address - to up the ante a bit and make it more fun both for me to do, and of course for whoever decides to read, so thank you for your kind words. I'm not too worried about losing popularity either, I've read on here plenty of times from others that it tends to happen upon starting a new game. Though truth be told: I prolly shoulda kept Moondog Spot off the show, and went with something else tournament related (also more PPV-game friendly), like Orton/Orndorff or Hart/Morales lol.
  12. Prediction Standings: Lord Byron: 16 Dawn: 14 Mattywood: 13 Old School Fan: 8 jhd1: 7 Bigelow Cartwheel: 6
  13. Monday, January 1986 - Week Two Prediction Key: WWF TV Title Tournament, Round One: Tiger Chung Lee Vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff Vs. Corporal Kirchner and "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Cowboy" Bob Orton and "The Rock" Don Muraco Vs. Hillbilly Jim, Uncle Elmer and ??? WWF TV Title Tournament, Round One: Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Pedro Morales Non-Title Clash Of Champions: The Dream Team Vs. Tito Santana and "The Incredible" Hulk Hogan [ Bonus Question: Who will be The Hillbillies partner (if anyone)? ________ ] +3pts - Plus, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura conducts an exclusive sit down interview with The entire Heenan family! - In addition, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund to run down the card for the big event coming to the Boston Garden this Saturday night! - We'll also be hearing from an irate Terry Funk, The British Bulldogs, 'Adorable' Adrian Adonis, and much, much more! __________________________________________________ - Wrestling Challenge results incoming, and a WWF Spotlight news week post on the way as well. Good luck, all!
  14. Saturday, January 1986 - Week One [Miami, Florida] Broadcast: NBC Hosts: Vince McMahon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura Pre-Show: - The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff def. Lanny Poffo and Ted Arcidi in 9:21 when Sheik made Arcidi submit with the Camel Clutch. Ted Arcidi was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (56) - Tony Atlas def. King Tonga in 10:17 by pinfall with a Military Press Powerslam. (60) Televised Broadcast: We open with Animotion's 'Obsession' intro, featuring the eight superstars who'll be competing on tonight's broadcast. (69) Vince and Jesse welcome us, and hype up this evening's card. McMahon adds a side-note that Cousin Luke was unfortunately injured earlier today on WWF SuperStars Of Wrestling, and won't be able to compete in the upcoming six-man tag on PrimeTime against Piper, Orton and Muraco. He adds that President Tunney has indeed given the green light for The Hillbillies to find themselves a new partner, otherwise they'll be going at it in a 3-on-2 Handicapped Match! Ventura states that Cousin Luke should man up! He thought these lowlife rednecks were supposed to be bar room tough guys, not a bunch of toothless, pig-farming sissies! Vince then sends us backstage to 'Your Lordship', who's standing by for a pre-match word with Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji, as we're all set to kickoff the World Television Title Tournament! (68) Hayes instantaneously asks them about their salt-to-eyes miscue on PrimeTime, resulting in Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat's countout victory, to which 'The Magnificent One' aggressively claims that 'The Dragon' sure does have his coming, before assuring us all that he and Mr. Fuji have not only patched things up, but have never been more on the same page! 'The Devious One' adds some ominous words, as Muraco vows to put Hillbilly Jim down, he also forewarns Steamboat; his best bet would be to just lay down in round one, like the coward he is -- cause the last he'd wanna do is see [flexes] "THIS" - in the finals! (69) Podium: Okerlund grabs a word with WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Tito Santana! Gene puts over the fact that he's been taking on all comers since winning that coveted championship, as Tito starts in, stating without all his fans around the world and their support, he never coulda... (68) Just then, out comes the one and only 'Macho Man' Randy Savage! He tells Okerlund to keep quiet, before proclaiming that 1986 is gonna be "The Year Of The Machooo Man, Yeah!" - then goes, on pointing his finger right at Santana's title, asking what better way to kick it off by adding that wonderful looking piece of tin to his repertoire?! Tito reminds him that he has a date with 'The Animal' tonight, to which Randy claims once he tames that filthy, disgusting animal, then what?! Then he wants a shot at your championship gold, oh yeah! Tito says if he wants it, he's got it! Anytime! Any place! (69) A green-haired clown seems to be having himself some fun with a few young kids in the audience. Vince chuckles, and reminds us that you never know what you're gonna see here in the World Wrestling Federation. Upon the camera zooming in a bit, this clown looks as if he's maniacally laughing, and appears to be playing small pranks on these children for his own entertainment. (34) Earlier Today: McMahon takes us to a piece of security footage, where 'Mr. Wonderful' pulls up to the arena in his rental car, gets out, and sees his first round opponent, 'Cowboy' Bob Orton also arriving. The two exchange a few words and insults momentarily, before an all out brawl breaks out! After a few seconds, we see security and police swarming, as we kick back to Vince informing us the two were eventually separated and banned from the building tonight. (67) Lord Alfred Hayes conducts a backstage interview with The Dream Team and Johnny V, who ask what on earth The British Bulldogs have done to deserve a shot at these belts, before threatening WWF President Jack Tunney to find them some real competition, or they're retiring to and island beach somewhere, as World Tag Team Champions and never coming back! (61) 'Mean' Gene is standing by for a pre-match word with George 'The Animal' Steele. The big man from Detroit is completely unresponsive at first, holding Miss Elizabeth's brand new LJN rubber action figure, shaking his head up and down whilst eerily petting it simultaneously. He howls her name four times, before heading off towards ringside. Okerlund looks a bit perturbed, wondering if 'The Animal' knows Randy's advised his lovely valet to stay at home this evening for her own safety, or if he even realizes he has a match with 'The Macho Man' to begin with. (63) Event Center: Monsoon goes over some current happenings, with a few pre-taped promos from various superstars: The Killer Bees answer The Hart Foundation, stating if they’ve got something to say, why don't they just come say it to their face? Hercules, Tony Atlas, The Iron Sheik and Corporal Kirchner all cut promos on the Tv Title Tournament and their respective opponents. And finally, Andre The Giant forewarns Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy that he's set out for revenge, and to squash them both like a bug! Gorilla lets us know that his colleague, Bobby 'The Weasel' Heenan has informed him that we will indeed be hearing from both of his clients, in response to Andre, this Monday night on WWF PrimeTime Wrestling, before bouncing it back over to McMahon and Ventura. (58) Brian Blair performed poorly in this segment. Jim Brunzell was very underwhelming. Andre The Giant came out of this looking excellent. Vince thanks him, before re-informing us of Tunney's state of the union address, where he spoke of the World Wrestling Federation sending their finest scouts across the globe to bring in some of the world's top talent, and presents us with a hype video: 'The Body' admits that though he doesn't know much about Japanese pro-wrestling, there is one thing that's been widespread across the entire industry for quite some time now: "This man, The Great Muta, is Japan's fastest rising star, and that spells trouble for anyone and everyone here in the WWF - including that big bald headed Jesse 'The Body' wannabe who walks around here carrying the World Wrestling Federation Championship Belt!" McMahon says while anything is possible here in the World Wrestling Federation, he's pretty sure The Great Muta, much like everyone else has to do, will have to go through a myriad of strong competition before receiving an opportunity such as that. (12) Funk/Hogan hype vid, focusing heavily on Terry branding Hulk with his iron this past December. (73) 'The Living Legend' Bruno Sammartino conducts a pre-match interview with The Hulkster in the aisle, cutting him off during his grand entrance, with Funk pacing around the ring. Hogan cuts a scathing promo, taunting his current-day arch nemesis, then brings out his good friend, The Junkyard Dog to watch his back tonight! (71) Post-Match: The Junkyard Dog changes course, hits the ring, going straight for the madman from Amarillo, hammering away, and eventually sending him flying over the top! Terry did happen to drop the title in the process, as The Dog reclaims it for The Hulkster. An ecstatic McMahon bickers back and forth with an infuriated Ventura, as the 'JYD' attends to his friend, while Jimmy backs his deranged client up the entranceway, who's yelling out all kinds of obscenities meshed in with the fact that that's his belt! 'Real American' cranks loud and proud, as Hogan's now on his feet favoring his head wound, but somehow musters the strength to start flexing for the crowd, alongside his one-night manager, whom of which also emerged victorious this evening, with Saturday Night's Main Event coming to a close! (85) Hulk Hogan came out of this looking excellent. __________________________________________________ Overall Rating: 72. Notes: This show lost us popularity in 11 regions. This show increased our popularity in 7 regions. The general feeling is that we don't have enough interesting storylines going on. Post-Show Speech: Pointed Savage out as a good example, told Funk he's awesome, and praised Hulk for a great performance. All three were pleased. Final Thoughts: Thought this was a good show overall. Was pretty happy with the last two matches in specific, and am most-certainly looking forward to incorporating The Great Muta into this dynasty. Every old-school game I start, I always check him and he's always loyal to NJPW, but in 1986 he's a young lion, having only came on the scene in October of '84. Got some others who'll be debuting in the coming weeks as well, just decided to reveal him first here to prove Tunney's point that the World Wrestling Federation will be bringing in some of the best young talent from around the world. (Keyword being world.) Hope you all (all 6,208,835 of you πŸ˜…) enjoyed my first PPV-esque show!
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