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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand

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Week 3, May, 2013

Live from Soundstage 21 in Orlando, Florida

Attendance: 1.114

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz






In a change of pace from the past two weeks, this week's go-home edition of Impact kicks off with in-ring action as the X-Division Champion, Kenny King, takes on Shark Boy in non-title action. It's a fast-paced start to the show as the X-Division Champion is able to show off what he can do just mere days before his Title match against Jeff Hardy, and the match comes to an end when Kenny King hits the Coronation on Shark Boy to secure the victory.



Kenny King defeated Shark Boy at 5:24 by pinfall with the Coronation (50)






Christy Hemme enters the ring after the match to do an interview with Kenny King ahead of his X-Division Title match this Sunday at Sacrifice against Jeff Hardy. Christy says that it seems like Jeff Hardy has been one step ahead of Kenny so far, and she wonders if that has gotten to Kenny at all? Kenny says that Jeff isn't in his head and that he's the X-Division Champion for a reason. He says that he always delivers on the big stage and he'll deliver again Sunday night by beating Jeff Hardy. (40)






We cut to the back where a furious looking Samoa Joe makes his way through the backstage area while everyone gives him a wide berth. Mike Tenay notes that Joe is clearly in a bad mood here tonight following his loss to Kurt Angle last week on Impact. (51)






Back in the ring the Knockouts Champion, Velvet Sky, teams with Mickie James to take on Tara and Gail Kim. Tara and Gail gain the early advantage as they try to isolate Mickie James, but Mickie soon makes the tag to Velvet who takes the fight to Tara, only to have Gail Kim land a cheap shot to swing the advantage back in their favor. The match continues like this with Tara and Gail Kim bending the rules to regain the advantage whenever Velvet and Mike make a comeback, and eventually the match breaks completely down as all four competitors go at it. We end up with Velvet and Tara in the ring while Mickie and Gail fight outside the ring, and Tara is able to hit the Widow's Peak and pin Velvet Sky for the second week in a row.



Tara and Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky at Mickie James at 7:56 by pinfall when Tara pinned Velvet with a Widow's Peak (40)



As Tara and Gail Kim celebrate in the ring, Mike Tenay again stresses the importance of the fact that Tara has now pinned the Knockouts Champion two weeks in a row. The question is; will she make it three in a row at Sacrifice and become the new Knockouts Champion?






Bad Influence, Daniels and Kazarian, make their way down to the ring for a promo. Once in the ring, they proceed to mock and taunt the Tag Team Champions, bragging about their attack last week and boasting that they would have finished the job right then and there if it hadn't been for the Machine Guns.






The Champions have finally heard enough as Chavo and Hernandez emerge from the back and make their way down to the ring. Chavo calls Daniels and Kazarian a pair of jokers and he says that it is especially funny that they are out here making jokes like they're the best thing going, yet they are not even the Tag Team Champions. Daniels and Kazarian say they would be more than happy to change that at Sacrifice, but then...






The Motor City Machine Guns join make their way out from the back as well to join the other two teams in the ring. Shelley and Sabin say that they are back together and they want a shot at the Tag Team Titles just as much as Kazarian and Daniels do, and they feel that they are just as deserving. It's a stand-off in the ring until...






The owner of TNA, Eric Bischoff, emerges from the back as well to make the match official; Chavo and Hernandez will face Bad Influence and the Motor City Machine Guns this Sunday with the Tag Team Titles on the line! (43)






Samoa Joe is still backstage and he still looks pissed off, but that doesn't stop Jeff Jarrett from approaching him. Jarrett says that Joe has every right to be pissed off because he hasn't been treated the way he deserves for a long time in this company. Jarrett suggests that Joe should join the Originals because he'd fit right in and they'd make damn sure that Joe was given the respect he deserves. Joe stares at Jarrett and tells him that he'll do things his own way, by himself, like he always does. Joe says that he doesn't want anything to do with Jarrett or anything Jarrett has to offer. Jarrett doesn't look happy about this as he reluctantly leaves the room. (54)






Eric Young faces Christian York next and Young is being a bit of a goofball early on, but a kick to the face seems to awaken a more intense and serious side of Young, who leaves his antics behind and immediately takes the fight to York. York is able to fight back and make a match out of this, but in the end it's Eric Young who picks up the win as he puts York away with the Edge of Sanity.



Eric Young defeated Christian York at 7:16 by pinfall with an Edge of Sanity (42)






Christy Hemme is backstage with Jeff Hardy and, having heard from Kenny King earlier, she now asks Hardy about his thoughts on his upcoming X-Division Championship title match at Sacrifice. Hardy says that all he wants is to compete and he has nothing but respect for the X-Division and the X-Division Title. Christy asks if that respect extends to the X-Division Champion as well, and Hardy says that while Kenny King might not be his favorite person in the world, he deserves respect for holding the title and Jeff has been around long enough to know not to underestimate anyone--especially a champion. (51)






Bobby Roode is focused and on his game tonight, clearly determined to bounce back with a victory tonight after losing to AJ Styles two weeks ago on Impact. Gunner is no walkover, however, and he gives as good as he gets in the early parts of this one. As the match progresses, however, it becomes more and more clear that Roode is on another level compared to Gunner and he slowly starts taking control of the match and wearing Gunner down until he finally finishes him off with the Pay Off for the three count and the win.



Bobby Roode defeated Gunner at 8:44 by pinfall with the Pay Off (58)






Kurt Angle makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Angle says that he doesn't know what to make of AJ Styles, but he does know that he beat Samoa Joe last week and that means he is still in the Number One Contender tournament. Angle says that if AJ won't give him a straight up answer, maybe the solution is for the two of them to step into the ring and fight!






The music of the Aces & Eights then hits for the first time tonight as Mr. Anderson comes down to the ring while Taz proclaims that "here comes the eventual winner of the tournament". Anderson gets in Kurt's face and reminds him that he and AJ aren't the only two people left in the tournament, and that's something that Kurt should actually be really concerned about. As for AJ Styles, well...






And that's as far as Anderson gets before AJ Styles suddenly slides into the ring seemingly out of nowhere. Tension builds as the three men stare each other down until Anderson finally retreats from the ring. Kurt then gets in AJ's face and tries to get some answers from him, but AJ once again leaves Kurt hanging, much to Angle's frustration as he stares after AJ as he makes his way back up the entrance ramp. (69)






We cut to the back where the Aces & Eights, minus Anderson, are all gathered as Bully Ray is addressing all of them. Bully says that thanks to each and every one of them, and thanks to his leadership, they have become the most powerful group in wrestling history. Bully vows to his brothers that he will retain the World Title at Sacrifice...






And just as Anderson walks into the room as well, Bully says that he has no doubt Anderson will get the job done and make it through the number one contender tournament to further demonstrate their dominance. Bully says that as long as everyone pulls their own weight, nobody will be able to stop them. They all share a moment together as Taz regrets on commentary that he couldn't be there for that special moment with the rest of his brothers. (75)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender Tournament Match





It's time for the in-ring main event of the evening as Jeff Jarrett faces Magnus in the Number One Contender Tournament. As Jarrett and Magnus lock up in the ring, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that we still have the contract signing between Bully Ray and Sting coming up after this match. Jarrett is up to his usual tricks in this one, stalling for time to frustrate his opponent and then taking advantage with a cheap shot. Jarrett eventually begins focusing his attack on Magnus' leg, but Magnus puts a stop to that with a german suplex. Magnus starts getting fired up, hitting a series of european uppercuts and a power bomb for a near-fall. Jarrett fights back with a neckbreaker and then he tries to apply the figure four leglock, but Magnus is able to fight it off and keep it from getting locked in. The finish comes when Jarrett goes for the Stroke, Magnus tries to counter it into a move of his own, but then Jarrett catches Magnus by surprise with a roll-up, grabbing a handful of tights for good measure, and it's one, two, three!



Jeff Jarrett defeated Magnus at 11:45 by pinfall with a roll-up and a handful of tights. Jarrett advances in the Number One Contender Tournament (49)









Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Sting and Bully Ray are all in the ring for the World Championship contract signing, while the rest of the Aces & Eights are surrounding the ring on the outside. Bully tells Sting to think long and hard before signing that contract because he could lose so much more than just the match at Sacrifice. Bully tells Sting that this is a match he can't win and by signing the contract he's signing away the rest of his career. Sting tells Bully that he has been doing things that people told him he couldn't his entire career. People told him he couldn't beat Ric Flair way back when in WCW, but he did. They told him he couldn't beat Hulk Hogan at Starrcade 97, but he did. Even here in TNA he has been told that he's too this and too that, and just like always The Stinger intends to prove everyone wrong this Sunday at Sacrifice! Sting then signs the contract and Bully tells Sting that he just made the biggest mistake of his life. Bully signs the contract as well and then, surprisingly, he doesn't order the Aces & Eights to attack on Sting, saying instead that he wants Sting to be 100% when he beats him on Sunday because that way there won't be any excuses for him! The Aces & Eights leave the ring, and Impact comes to an end with a shot of Sting, Hogan and Bischoff standing in the ring as Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Sacrifice is this Sunday night only on pay per view! (71)


Final Show Rating: 63

TV Rating: 1.67 (1.258.478 viewers)

This show increased popularity

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Match

Magnus vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comment: I’m sorry I missed the last episode! This could go either way, but I personally feel that life is too short for another Jeff Jarrett main event run in wrestling. I’m not too excited for Magnus, though. I think he loses in the semis thanks to Jarrett’s Originals.


No worries man, just glad to have you along for the ride!


It's been a good strong build to Sacrifice, looking forward to it man!


Thanks man! :)

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TNA Sacrifice 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles or Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns



TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy



TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara



TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles or Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle


TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns


TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy


TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara


TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???

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TNA Sacrifice 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles or Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns



TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy



TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara



TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle


TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns



TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy


TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara


TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. Abyss

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle


TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns


TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy


TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara


TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???

Comment: A nice surprise win!

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting

Comment: There are legs in a Bully Ray title reign.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

Comment: Lone wolf sets up a showdown with Aces & Eights.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Comment: MCMG chasing Bad Influence is the way forward here I think.


TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comment: If I recall correctly, the X-Division needed rehabiliating at this point and Jeff seems like a good candidate to do that around.


TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara

Comment: Velvet Sky just... isn't very good.


TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???

Comment: I've already backed a couple of title changes, so let's keep this one on Devon for now.

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles or Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns



TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy



TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara



TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???


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TNA Sacrifice 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Sting



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Final

AJ Styles or Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett or Kurt Angle



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

AJ Styles vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle



TNA Tag Team Championships

Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez © vs. Bad Influence vs. Motor City Machine Guns



TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King © vs. Jeff Hardy



TNA Knockouts Championship

Velvet Sky © vs. Tara



TNA Television Title

Devon © vs. ???


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  • 2 weeks later...



Week 3, May, 2013

Live from Arnold Hall in Miami, Florida

Attendance: 7.460 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final





Mike Tenay kicks things off by welcoming everyone to TNA Sacrifice 2013 and then we immediately move on to our opening match of the night as AJ Styles faces Mr. Anderson with a spot in the Number One Contender Tournament Final on the line. Neither man wastes any time as they go straight after each other and after a heated exchange in the middle of the ring, Mr. Anderson rolls out of the ring to regroup.






Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco make their way down to the ring as Mike Tenay complains on commentary that it didn't take long for the Aces & Eights to resort to their usual tactics of strength in numbers, but Taz insists that Garrett and Wes are out there for emotional support only, which Mike doesn't buy for a second. Anderson issues instructions to Garrett and Wes and all three men get up on the apron on different sides of the ring, forcing AJ to have eyes in the back of his head, but the referee warns Anderson that he will disqualify him if any interference happens. AJ then surprises Anderson with a kick and then he hits a float-over suplex to not only bring Anderson back in the ring, but to cover him as well, but Anderson kicks out at two. A distraction from Wes Brisco allows Anderson to take control of the match and he tries to wear AJ down, but AJ fires back with a Pelé Kick! Worried that AJ might be closing in on putting Anderson away, Garrett Bischoff distracts the referee while Wes Brisco enters the ring and tries to attack AJ, but AJ moves out of the way and Brisco blasts Anderson instead! AJ then throws Brisco out of the ring and immediately applies the Calf Killer on Anderson, who has no choice but to tap out!



AJ Styles defeated Mr. Anderson at 10:29 by submission with the Calf Killer. AJ advances to the tournament final (72)



Taz is beside him on commentary as Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff just inadvertently cost Mr. Anderson the match, while AJ Styles is smart enough to not hang around and risk another attack by the Aces & Eights.



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament Semi-Final





Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle face off next in the other Semi-Final match, and Mike Tenay notes that the winner of this match will face AJ Styles later tonight in the tournament final. These two men have had several hard-fought battles against each other in the past, and Mike Tenay says that these two men know each other so well that the first mistake either man makes in this match might be the deciding factor. Kurt kicks things off with an offensive flurry and he tries to hit the Angle Slam early, but Jarrett is able to avoid disaster and hit a chop block from behind to gain control of the match. Jarrett spends the next several minutes focusing on Angle's leg, hitting a trio of knee breakers and applying a single leg Boston crab. Feeling that Angle is sufficiently worn down, Jarrett goes for the figure four leglock, but Angle is able to kick him off and send Jarrett face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Both men get back to their feet and Jarrett looks to score with a clothesline, but Angle ducks it and hits three german suplexes in a row, bridging on the third one for a near-fall but Jarrett is able to kick out. We then get a double down as both men nail each other with a clothesline, taking the referee out in the process as well.






Kazarian then runs down to the ring, carrying Jarrett's trademark guitar with him, and he slides the guitar into the ring. Jarrett picks up the guitar as Mike Tenay asks how many times we have seen this in the past? Angle gets to his feet and Jarrett swings, but Angle avoids the guitar shot and hits another german suplex that sends both Jarrett and the guitar flying. The referee recovers just in time to see Angle hit the Angle Slam and this one is all over! It's AJ Styles versus Kurt Angle later tonight in the tournament Final!



Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett at 11:53 by pinfall with the Angle Slam. Angle advances to the tournament final (57)



As Kurt Angle celebrates in the ring, we cut to Mike Tenay and Taz who hype up Angle vs. AJ for later tonight, with Mike Tenay saying that it will be the renewal of a classic rivalry here in TNA, while Taz says that whoever wins, whether it's Kurt or AJ, they'll suffer the same fate as Sting will later tonight when they face the World Champion; they will be soundly defeated. (57)



TNA X-Division Championship







The X-Division Championship is on the line next as Kenny King defends his Championship against "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy. Hardy has seemingly had King's number in recent weeks and that tendency continues early on in this one as Hardy simply outwrestles the X-Division Champion, countering anything King throws at him and sending his opponent to the mat. Hardy makes a mistake, however, when he misses a dive to the outside and King immediately pounces on this opportunity to take control of the match. King shows exactly why he is the X-Division Champion as he takes the fight to Hardy with a series of kicks, an enzuigiri and finally a spinebuster that scores the Champion a near-fall. Hardy fights his way back into the match, punctuating his flurry of offense with a Whisper in the Wind, but King kicks out after two. The two men eventually find themselves on the top rope where they are trading punches until Kenny King gets the upper hand. King then grabs Hardy and hits a HUGE superplex from the top rope, but Hardy's foot hit the referee on the way down and now all three men are down in the ring.






A Masked Man then suddenly makes his way down to the ring as both Tenay and Taz seem confused as to who this person might be. The Masked Man enters the ring and he seems to stare at both Champion and Challenger in turn before he pulls Kenny King to his feet and drives him back down to the mat with a vicious powerbomb. The Masked Man then leaves the ring just as Hardy begins to stir, and Hardy gets back to his feet, completely oblivious to what just happened. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and then the Swanton Bomb and we have a NEW X-Division Champion!



Jeff Hardy defeated Kenny King at 11:19 by pinfall with a Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combo following interference from a Masked Man. Jeff Hardy wins the TNA X-Division Championship (65)



After the match, Hardy is handed the X-Division Championship and he celebrates by climbing all four corners of the ring and posing for the cheering fans, but Mike Tenay wonders how Hardy will react when he finds out what happened here tonight--and who the heck was that Masked Man?!? (71)






The Aces & Eights' music hits and Devon makes his way down to the ring, accompanied by Knux and D'Lo, and Devon does not look like a happy man here tonight. Once in the ring, Devon grabs a mic and says that Eric Bischoff has "ordered" him to defend his title tonight. Devon says that Bischoff is making a big mistake if he thinks he can order the Aces & Eights to do anything--and then suddenly Devon is cut off as Magnus's music hits and Magnus makes his way out for the match. (67)



TNA Television Championship







The odds are stacked against Magnus in this one with both Knux and D'Lo at ringside, not to mention the challenge of Devon himself. That doesn't stop Magnus from taking the fight to Devon early on, however, and he even scores a near-fall with a roll-up. A well-timed distraction from Knux at ringside turns the match in Devon's favor, and both Knux and D'Lo get a few shots in on Magnus whenever possible while Devon keeps the referee busy. Magnus tries heroically to fight back, but the numbers game is too much for him to overcome and Devon eventually puts him away with the Saving Grace for a successful title defense.



Devon defeated Magnus at 8:22 by pinfall with a Saving Grace. Devon retains the TNA Television Title (46)



TNA Tag Team Championships








Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Daniels start things off as Mike Tenay explains that it's one fall to a finish; whichever team earns a pinfall or submission first will be the winners of the match. Chavo and Daniels put on a nice display of counters and neither man gets the upper hand until Kazarian nails Chavo from behind with a cheap shot. Bad Influence maintain control of the match for the next several minutes as they isolate Chavo both from Hernandez but also from the Motor City Machine Guns. Chavo eventually manages to fight back and he makes the hot tag to Hernandez, who starts cleaning house--but only for a little while before Alex Shelley slaps Hernandez on the back to tag himself in. Shelley scores a couple of near-falls on Kazarian, but this time it's Daniels who gets in a cheap shot to turn the match back in Bad Influence's favor. It is now Shelley's turn to take a beating over the next couple of minutes as Bad Influence again successfully isolate one of their opponents. Shelley refuses to give up, however, and he does eventually manage to fight back with a pair of super kicks before making a desperation tag--not to his own partner, who was too far away, but to Hernandez.


Hernandez makes full use of his size and strength as he begins tossing both Daniels and Kazarian around the ring, eventually going for a Border Toss on Daniels, but Daniels manages to escape and, in a bit of a panic, he tags Alex Shelley back in. Shelley is still feeling the effects of the beating he took earlier, and he quickly finds himself in trouble against Hernandez, who again utilizes his power and strength to dominate Shelley. Hernandez sets up for the Border Toss again but Daniels and Kazarian enter the ring and attack, Chavo does as well to come to his partner's aid and in the middle of all this chaos, Alex Shelley slowly crawls toward his team's corner where Chris Sabin, who hasn't even been in this match yet, is reaching toward Shelley, begging for the tag. Shelley manages to get near the corner but when he does...Sabin pulls his hand back, jumps down off the apron, turns around and walks back up the entrance ramp--leaving his tag team partner and friend high and dry!


Shelley can't believe his eyes as Sabin walks off, but he soon has other things to worry about as Hernandez, having disposed of Bad Influence for the time being, pulls Shelley to his feet and finally hits the Border Toss! Hernandez then tag in Chavo before vaulting himself over the top rope to hit a dive on both Daniels and Kazarian outside the ring, while Chavo climbs to the top rope, hits the Frog Splash on Alex Shelley and pins him for the one, two, three!



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez defeated Motor City Machine Guns and Bad Influence at 15:25 by pinfall when Chavo pinned Shelley with a Frog Splash. Chavo and Hernandez retain the TNA Tag Team Championships (50)



The match is over and the Tag Team Champions have retained their titles. As Chavo and Hernandez celebrate in the ring, Mike Tenay wonders on commentary what could possibly have motivated Chris Sabin to turn on his partner and friend, Alex Shelley, here tonight? Taz says he's got no idea and Tenay says that a lot of people are going to want answers from Sabin.






Hulk Hogan's music hits and the man himself makes his way out from the back to a great reaction from the fans. Mike Tenay says that Hogan wasn't scheduled to be here tonight and he wonders what Hogan might have to say, while Taz says that he couldn't care less what Hogan has to say. Once in the ring, Hogan begins to address the crowd but he literally only gets a few words out before...






The Aces & Eights music suddenly hits and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, makes his way out from the back flanked by D.O.C. Bully remains at the top of the entrance ramp as he tells Hogan to shut the hell up because nobody cares what he has to say anymore, which Taz more than approves of on commentary. Bully says that Hogan is old news and Hogan himself is the only one who doesn't realize that. Hogan fires back by telling Bully that he should be more concerned about facing Sting later tonight than with being out here right now. Bully says that Sting is old news too, just like Hogan, and he tells Hogan to pay close attention to the main event tonight because what happens to Sting tonight will happen to Hogan as well if he keeps putting himself in Bully's way! Bully then drops the mic and returns to the back while Hogan stares intently after him. Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Hogan has had just about enough of Bully Ray and the Aces & Eights, but Taz fires back saying that it's the other way around--the Aces & Eights have had just about enough of Hulk Hogan! (66)



TNA Knockouts Championship







The events of the past two weeks are evident in both women here as Tara, having pinned Velvet Sky twice in the last two weeks, looks extremely confident while Velvet looks a lot more hesitant. Tara overpowers Velvet early on and she immediately takes control of the match, hitting a snap suplex, a Spider's Web swining sidewalk slam and finally a standing moonsault, but Velvet kicks out after two. Tara is firmly in control of the match and she looks confident to the point of being cocky as he starts toying with Velvet, slapping her around as she taunts her. This seems to fire the Champion up as she fights back with some forearm shots and a northern light suplex for a two count. Velvet hits a reverse bulldog for another two count and suddenly the challenger seems to be on her heels. Velvet looks fired up but she walks right into a big kick to the face from Tara. Tara gets Velvet up for the Widow's Peak, but Velvet is able to counter it and catch Tara in a surprise roll-up instead for the one, two, three!



Velvet Sky defeated Tara at 8:20 by pinfall with a surprise roll-up. Velvet Sky retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (35)



Velvet quickly rolls out of the ring and celebrates with her Championship as she makes her way back up the entrance ramp, while Tara looks to be in utter disbelief in the ring at what just happened. Taz says that Velvet better watch her back because it doesn't look like Tara is done with her yet.






We cut to somewhere in the back where "The Icon" Sting is standing alone facing the camera. Sting says that tonight he's taking the fight to the Aces & Eights and he's planning on doing some serious damage to the group by taking the TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Bully Ray and reclaiming it for TNA. Sting says that he is coming prepared tonight and that he's more than ready for anything Aces & Eights throw at him. Sting says that he doesn't expect Aces & Eights to play by the rules because COWARDS never play by the rules! Sting says that no matter what he does, Bully Ray won't be able to surprise him tonight. So Bully better get ready because tonight...it's SHOWTIME! (64)



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender Tournament Final





As Angle and AJ lock up in the middle of the ring, Mike Tenay talks about the history between these two men, especially the more recent history with the new version of AJ Styles, who seems to be allied with no one but himself despite Angle's attempts to enlist AJ's help. This is a very back and forth match with neither man able to maintain the advantage for long. The match then takes a turn towards the even more physical as AJ whips Angle into the guard rail and then into the steel steps as Mike Tenay notes that AJ is taking things to another level. AJ gets Kurt back into the ring and hits a springboard elbow drop for a two count, and then he quickly tries to apply the Calf Killer, but Angle is able to reach the ropes before the move gets locked in. Angle fights back with a trio of german suplexes for a two count of his own, and then Angle tries to apply the Ankle Lock, but this time it's AJ who is able to make it to the ropes before the move is locked in.






Knux and D.O.C. of the Aces & Eights then make their way down to the ring and it doesn't take long for them to try and get involved in the match, but AJ and Angle team up momentarily to take out both men, much to Taz's frustration, who says that Angle and AJ should be fighting each other instead. With Knux and D.O.C. taken care of, Angle and AJ turn their attention back to each other as the match continues, though both men are looking a bit worse for wear at this point. Mike Tenay reminds everyone that both men have competed once tonight already, so it's no surprise if they are running on empty at this point in time. Angle and AJ start exchanging punches in the middle of the ring with neither man gaining the advantage until AJ suddenly hits a Pelé Kick out of nowhere! AJ covers but somehow Angle is able to kick out just before the three count. AJ hits a DDT on Angle and then he positions himself on the apron as Mike Tenay speculates that AJ is setting up for the Phenomenal Forearm. The referee gets distracted, however, as Knux and D.O.C. try to enter the ring again and while that is going on...






Mr. Anderson shows up and smashes a steel chair into the back of AJ Styles just as AJ was launching himself for the Phenomenal Forearm, sending AJ crashing over the top rope and collapsing onto the floor of the ring, seemingly unconscious. Anderson quickly hides and D.O.C. and Knux back off as well, and Kurt Angle is slowly getting back to his feet as the referee turns around again. Mike Tenay says that neither Angle nor the referee have a clue as to what just happened. Angle does look a bit confused as to what happened to AJ, but he still pulls him to his feet, hits the Angle Slam and makes the cover for the one, two, three! Kurt Angle is the new Number One Contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!



Kurt Angle defeated AJ Styles at 18:07 by pinfall with an Angle Slam following interference from Mr. Anderson and the Aces & Eights. (75)



As Angle gets his hand raised in victory he receives a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd, but the fact remainds that Kurt Angle will receive a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Slammaversary against the winner of our next match; the battle for the TNA World Heavyweight Champioship!



TNA World Heavyweight Championship







It's main event time and what a main event it is as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, puts his title on the line against "The Icon" Sting. Both men circle each other a bit before Bully tries to land a cheap shot, but Sting blocks it and unloads on Bully with a series of punches and kicks, driving Bully out of the ring as Taz on commentary tells Bully to just calm down and regroup. Sting isn't in the mood for waiting, however, and he follows Bully out of the ring and the two men begin fighting all around the ring, but Bully is able to halt Sting's momentum by slamming his head into the guard rail. Bully gets Sting back in the ring where he begins to wear "The Icon" down with some straight up, "in your face" power moves. Bully begins whipping Sting from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, following after on the fourth turnbuckle and squashing Sting with a corner clothesline. Sting is on wobbly legs and Bully follows up with a Bully Cutter! Bully celebrates as if the match is already over, and Taz joins in on commentary, but Sting pops right back up behind Bully, much to the crowd's delight. Bully eventually turns around and Sting unleashes another flurry of offense, eventually putting a pair of exclamation points on it in the form of two Stinger Splashes. Sting then grabs Bully and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop! The Champion is in trouble as Sting lets out a "WOOOO!" and the fans respond in kind, and then Sting grabs Bully's legs as Mike Tenay says that we're about to see the Scorpion Deathlock but then...






Brooke Tessmacher suddenly slides into the ring and she lays down on top of Bully Ray in an attempt to spare the reigning World Champion from any more harm. Sting seems a bit confused by this, but he's too much of a veteran to allow himself to be distracted by something like this. Sting simply lifts Brooke off Bully and sets her down in the corner, and then he turns his attention back to the World Champion, grabbing his legs as he sets up for the Deathlock again...but Brooke hits a low blow on Sting from behind! The referee doesn't want to disqualify Bully and rob Sting of his chance to win the title, but that might be a mistake as Bully gets back to his feet and looks to take advantage by hitting the Bully Bomb...but Sting reverses and hits another Scorpion Deathdrop!






More members of the Aces & Eights hit the ring and Sting is heroically trying to fight them all off by himself...






But help soon arrives in the form of Kurt Angle and James Storm, who helps Sting fight the Aces & Eights. Everything is chaos as security arrives to try and sort things out, but Sting and Bully Ray are fighting on the outside of the ring as well while the referee is making his count. Sting returns to the ring and Bully Ray is about to do the same, but then he seems to have a change of heart and instead of returning to the ring, Bully allows himself to get counted out, which the fans absolutely hate him for.



Sting defeated Bully Ray at 10:09 by countout when Bully Ray intentionally got himself counted out. Bully Ray retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (72)



As Bully Ray demands to have his title handed to him outside the ring, Sting stands in the ring in disbelief at the fact that the World Title just slipped through his hands--and especially the way in which it happened. Bully and Brooke return to the back as Mike Tenay ends the broadcast by stating that Bully Ray is nothing but a coward.



Final Show Rating: 70

PPV Buy Rate: 0.09 (48.419 buys)

The show increased popularity

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I had a thought after reading his turn - I do think Sabin would be a good fit for Aces & Eights. I'm not sure why, but he's a rock and roll kinda guy and I think it could work.


I was slightly surprised by Angle winning as I thought Bully vs. AJ was the more natural direction but I guess you could save that for Bound for Glory. The main event definitely had me leaning towards believing Sting was going to come out on top, good job on making me believe. :p

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I’m so happy you’ve finally uploaded the show! You did a very good job. Personally, I felt there was a bit too much interference in the matches, especially in the first part of the show. But you managed to turn it around with that awesome swerve later on, which I totally didn’t see coming and is more interesting than what I thought you were planning to do. I’m not a fan of the finish of the main event, but I suppose it at least makes sense given the storyline. Anyway, I’m excited to see more from you in the near future, and I can’t wait to see how Slammiversary pans out!



I didn't really think too much about the interference when I was booking the show, but when I was writing the show it definitely became apparent that it was a bit much for one show. There was a point to all of it of course, but I definitely agree with you that it was a bit too much. Almost Russo levels of interference :D


I had a thought after reading his turn - I do think Sabin would be a good fit for Aces & Eights. I'm not sure why, but he's a rock and roll kinda guy and I think it could work.


I was slightly surprised by Angle winning as I thought Bully vs. AJ was the more natural direction but I guess you could save that for Bound for Glory. The main event definitely had me leaning towards believing Sting was going to come out on top, good job on making me believe. :p



Thanks man! It was pretty much 50/50 whether it was going to be Angle or AJ winning but obviously I ended up going with Kurt. Bully vs. AJ is definitely a big money match as well though.



The prediction contest results will be posted soon and the prize will be sent out as well. And, of course, the card will Impact will be up soon as well.

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So I've been through the predictions and the results are as follows:


The winner of the first round of predictions in this diary is...Satyr24 with 19 hits


Second place goes to DHK1989 with 17 hits


And Mootinie takes third place with 15 hits.


I want to thank everyone who predicts and/or follows this diary. I'm honestly a little surprised at the amount of interest it has drawn so far and I'm absolutely thrilled with that. So thanks you everyone!


And congratulations to Satyr24, you will receive your prize shortly!

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Damn, Satyr24 is a prediction machine in all the TNA diaries. :cool: Nice work!


Bully Ray and Devon vs. Kurt Angle and James Storm

Comment: As James says, Devon is probably here to be pinned but this should be a damn fine main event.


TNA X-Division Championship

Jeff Hardy © vs. Kenny King

Comment: King would be best served if you moved him into the tag ranks or something now.


Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels

Comment: Difficult one to call but Daniels is probably too good to be losing here.


ODB vs. Gail Kim

Comment: Gail Kim is one of the most underrated wrestlers in the business, period. She was so good. I could see her winning here to line her up for a shot at Velvet Sky.


D.O.C. vs. Rockstar Spud

Comment: Spud... SQUASH!

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Damn, Satyr24 is a prediction machine in all the TNA diaries. :cool: Nice work!

And congratulations to Satyr24, you will receive your prize shortly!

Thank You, loving both your dairies :)


TNA Impact - Official Card


Bully Ray and Devon vs. Kurt Angle and James Storm



TNA X-Division Championship

Jeff Hardy © vs. Kenny King



Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniels



ODB vs. Gail Kim



D.O.C. vs. Rockstar Spud


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  • 2 weeks later...



Week 4, May, 2013

Live from Townsend Livestock Pavilion in DeLand, Florida

Attendance: 1.300 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz







This week's edition of TNA Impact opens up with the Aces & Eights already standing in the ring, and the President of Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, has a mic in his hand. Bully says that aside from himself, Devon and Brooke, everyone in the ring right now failed to do their jobs at Sacrifice. Bully says that he works too hard to make this group what it is to allow anyone to give less than 100%. He says that he will not tolerate failure and after what happened at Sacrifice, each and every single one of them will have to prove their worth to him, starting tonight. Mr. Anderson then grabs a mic of his own and steps up Bully. Anderson acknowledges that Devon retained the TV Title at Sacrifice, so he gets him. But how exactly did Bully succeed at Sacrifice? The only reason he still has the World Title is because he ran away from a fight and intentionally got himself counted out. "How exactly is that succeeding, Prez?!?" Anderson asks how that gives Bully the right to run everyone else down? The tension in the ring is obvious, but before anything can happen...(66)






Eric Bischoff's music suddenly hits and the owner of TNA makes his way out onto the stage. Bischoff says that as much as he hates interrupting the argument in the ring, he has an announcement to make that he is pretty sure Bully Ray will want to hear. Bischoff says that after what went down at Sacrifice, Bully Ray will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship next week on Impact...against "The Icon" Sting in a rematch from Sacrifice--and this time, if Bully gets himself counted out again, he WILL lose the title! The crowd loves this announcement, as does Mike Tenay on commentary, but Taz calls it a blatant abuse of power by Eric Bischoff. Bully Ray is also clearly unhappy in the ring--what a way to kick off Impact! (58)






Both men are accompanied to the ring by their tag team partners as Hernandez takes on Christopher Daniels in singles action. It is a back and forth match that sees quite a contrast in styles--the power game of Hernandez versus the technical skills and high-flying moves of Christopher Daniels. Kazarian is constantly trying to get involved at ringside, and Chavo does his best to keep Kazarian in check. Kazarian and Chavo eventually come to blows outside the ring just as Hernandez and Daniels take each other down with a double clothesline in the ring. Having had enough of the constant distractions at ringside, the referee leaves the ring to send Kazarian and Chavo to the back, but while he is busy with that...






The third member of The Originals, Jeff Jarrett, enters the ring through the crowd and blasts Hernandez with his trademark guitar. Jarrett makes sure to wake Daniels up before he leaves the ring again, and from here it's easy pickings for Daniels, who hits the BME and pins Hernandez for the one, two, three.



Christopher Daniels defeated Hernandez at 8:22 by pinfall with the BME following interference from Jeff Jarrett (51)






We cut to a sit-down interview with Chris Sabin and JB. JB wants to know what made Sabin turn on his long-time friend Alex Shelley at Sacrifice. Sabin says that Shelley was never his friend--Sabin thought he was, but he was wrong. Sabin says that Shelley left not only TNA, but he left Sabin high and dry as well. Sabin says that with Shelley gone, he was forced to find his own way in the company and that's exactly what he did. And then Shelley thinks he can just come back and the two of them will team up again like nothing happened? Be the Machine Guns again? Sabin says that the Motor City Machine Guns are dead and buried and right now he would rather spit in Alex Shelley's face than shake his hand. (36)






Back at ringside, Velvet Sky's music hits and the TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way down to the ring. Once in the ring, Velvet gets on the mic and she says excitedly that she is STILL the TNA Knockouts Champion. Velvet holds the title belt high in the air and Mike Tenay puts over the fact that Velvet managed to beat the odds at Sacrifice and find a way to defeat Tara--and speaking of Tara...






Her music suddenly hits and she makes her way down to the ring, looking none too pleased. Tara says that Velvet is a disgrace to the TNA Knockouts Championship, and she's a disgrace to all of women's wrestling! Tara says that she got to where she is in this business by working her ass off, while Velvet got where she is by shaking hers for the cameras! Tara says that Velvet got lucky at Sacrifice and Tara wants another shot at the Knockouts Championship! Velvet is about to respond, but before she can do so, Tara suddenly attacks and lays her out with the Widow's Peak! Tara then grabs the Knockouts Championship and holds it high in the air while standing above the downed Champion. (43)






We cut to the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett approaches Samoa Joe and once again Jarrett makes his case as to why Joe should join the Originals, with Jarrett pointing out that, as things are right now, Joe isn't even getting booked on pay per views such as Sacrifice. Jarrett says that Joe has tried to do things his own way, and where has that gotten him? Jarrett says that if Joe does things Jarrett's way instead, he'll have a much brighter future ahead of him. This time it seems as though Joe is seriously considering Jarrett's words, and Jarrett tells Joe to give it some thought and get back to him. Jarrett then walks off and Mike Tenay wonders if Joe is actually considering joining forces with Jeff Jarrett and the rest of The Originals? (54)






Knockouts action is up next as Gail Kim squares off against ODB. This is a back and forth match that sees Gail Kim take control early on, but ODB fights her way back into the ring using her superior size and strength to put Gail on the defensive. The finish to the match comes when ODB goes for a corner clothesline but Gail moves out of the way, leading to ODB crashing chest-first into the turnbuckle. Stunned, ODB turns around and walks right into the Eat Defeat from Gail Kim, who covers ODB and picks up the pinfall victory.



Gail Kim defeated ODB at 7:28 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat (47)




Having picked up the win here on Impact, Gail Kim gets on the mic after the match and says that if anyone deserves a shot at the TNA Knockouts Championship, it's her. She says that Tara already got her shot at Sacrifice and failed, so the way Gail sees it, she's next in line to get a shot. And unlike Tara...she as no intentions of failing when she gets her shot! (50)






We cut to the back where Christy Hemme is standing by with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, who is accompanied by Brooke. Christy asks Bully his thoughts on his match later tonight as well as Eric Bischoff's announcement earlier tonight. Bully says that he and Devon are going to take care of business tonight, but as for Bischoff's announcement...Bully says that the idiot fans have been calling him a coward and saying that he was afraid of facing Sting at Sacrifice, but Bully says that that's ridiculous. Bully says that he fears no man and that it's the other way around--other men fear him. Bully says that he'll teach Sting to fear him as well next week on Impact. Christy then brings up what happened earlier tonight in the ring with Mr. Anderson, and she asks Bully if there are signs of dissension in the ranks within Aces & Eights as it appeared that Anderson wasn't quite on the same page as Bully Ray? But Bully just tells Christy to stop asking stupid questions and then he and Brooke walk off as we cut back to the ring. (56)






D.O.C. of Aces & Eights is in action next as he takes on Rockstar Spud. Knux is at ringside as well, making an already tough match even tougher for Spud. That being said, Knux never actually gets involved in this one as D.O.C. starts the match off by hitting a running boot that near takes Spud's head off. From there it's all D.O.C. as he takes a little time to toy with poor Spud, which Taz finds hilarious on commentary, before finally putting him away with a Chokeslam for the dominant win.



D.O.C. defeated Rockstar Spud at 2:44 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (32)






"Similar Creatures" hits and "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy makes his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay notes that Jeff is the new X-Division Champion, having won the title at Sacrifice. Once in the ring, Jeff gets on the mic and says that after his match at Sacrifice, a friend of his told him to rewatch his match and when he did, it completely ruined the win for him. Jeff says that he doesn't want to win that way and the definitely doesn't want to win a Championship that way. Jeff says that he doesn't want or need anyone's help, and he regrets what happened at Sacrifice. Jeff says that the only thing he can do now is try to make things right, so he challenges Kenny King to a rematch with the X-Division Championship on the line right here, right now! (61)



TNA X-Division Championship








Mike Tenay says that the match at Sacrifice ended in controversial circumstances as a mysterious Masked Man got involved and helped Jeff Hardy win the match, without Jeff knowing about it. Mike and Taz speculate who the Masked Man could be, while Hardy and Kenny King have a fast-paced, back and forth match in the ring. Both men get plenty of opportunities to look good here, and Kenny King is able to hold his own against "The Charismatic Enigma" which, as Mike Tenay points out, is no easy feat. This good, competitive match comes to an end when Hardy catches King with the Twist of Fate, followed by the Swanton Bomb, and Hardy retains the X-Division Championship here on Impact.



Jeff Hardy defeated Kenny King at 11:51 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb. Hardy retains the TNA X-Division Championship (65)



As Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring after the match, Mike Tenay praises Hardy for doing the right thing by giving King a rematch here tonight.






But then the same Masked Man we saw at Sacrifice makes his way out from the back, applauding Hardy as he slowly approaches the ring. The Masked Man enters the ring and continues applauding Jeff, but Jeff clearly wants nothing to do with him. Jeff tells the Masked Man to remove the mask, but this leads to the Masked Man suddenly kicking Jeff in the stomach and hitting him with his own finishing move, the Twist of Fate! Mike Tenay calls it the ultimate disrespect for the Masked Man to take Hardy out with his own move, and Tenay and Taz again wonder who this Masked Man is and what exactly his interest in Jeff Hardy is? (59)






AJ Styles' new "Evil Ways" music suddenly starts playing and AJ makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Once in the ring, AJ gets on the mic and he acknowledges that he's been a man of few words lately but he's got a few to share tonight. AJ says that after everything he has been through, he now knows better than to trust anyone other than himself. He says that he was on a mission to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and take it away from the Aces & Eights, and he would have done so, had it not been for Mr. Anderson getting involved. AJ says that he beat Anderson fair and square and Anderson couldn't take it so he decided to cost him his match against Kurt Angle. AJ says that he doesn't think Kurt had anything to do with it, but that doesn't mean he trusts Kurt either. AJ is about to continue but his promo is cut short as...(77)






The Aces & Eights music hits and Anderson makes his way out from the back, looking rather pleased with himself. Once in the ring, Anderson sarcastically asks AJ how his back is, and then Anderson says that he did what he did at Sacrifice because if he couldn't win the tournament, there was no way in hell he'd let AJ win it. Anderson says that AJ has had plenty of opportunities to join the Aces & Eights but he turned them down, so he paid the price at Sacrifice. Anderson then mocks AJ and asks if he is going to cry about it some more, and this sets off AJ, who attacks, and a wild brawl ensues! After a few moments, the brawl ends with Anderson bailing out of the ring and retreating back up the ramp. Mike Tenay notes that things between AJ and Anderson seem to be far from over, and Taz adds that AJ is going to wish they were over by the time Anderson gets through with him. (70)






It's main event time as Bully Ray and Devon face off against Kurt Angle and James Storm. It is another back and forth match that eventually sees Bully Ray and Devon take control, and both Mike Tenay and Taz agree, for once, that Bully and Devon's tag team experience is a huge advantage for them here and even though James Storm is no stranger to tag team wrestling, he's not used to teaming with Kurt Angle. Bully and Devon successfully isolate Storm for several minutes, working him over and wearing him down while keeping Angle out of the match. Tenay notes that if Bully Ray manages to defeat Sting next week on Impact, he'll face Kurt Angle at Slammiversary. Taz says there's not "if's" about it--Bully will beat Sting next week. Storm finally manages to make the hot tag to Kurt Angle--but the referee didn't see the tag and he sends Angle back out of the ring, much to Angle's frustration, and Bully and Devon regain control of the match once again. That doesn't last for long, however, as Storm mounts another comeback and this time the referee sees the tag! Angle enters the ring and he is absolutely on fire as he takes the fight to both Bully and Devon, hitting both men with belly to belly suplexes, german suplexes--and then he hits an Angle Slam on Devon, but Bully Ray nails Angle from behind with a clubbing blow to halt his momentum. That doesn't slow Angle for long, however, and before he knows it, Bully Ray finds himself in the Ankle Lock!






Several more members of the Aces & Eights then run down to ringside and Angle releases the Ankle Lock to instead try to fight off the other members as they try to enter the ring. James Storm joins Angle and, despite the obvious interference, the referee chooses not to call for the DQ. This ends up coming back to bite Angle and Storm, as Bully Ray attacks Storm from behind and hits a Bully Bomb and the referee reluctantly counts the pinfall.



Bully Ray and Devon defeated Kurt Angle and James Storm at 14:38 by pinfall when Bully pinned Storm following interference by the Aces & Eights (63)



The match is over but the brawl continues in the ring and Angle and Storm are severely outnumbered--especially considering that Storm is still laid out in the ring following the Bully Bomb.






Sting's music then suddenly hits and "The Icon" hits the ring with baseball bat in hand, and Sting's arrival immediately scatters the Aces & Eights who all bail out of the ring. Sting points his bat squarely at Bully Ray and Impact comes to an end with Mike Tenay excitedly reminding everyone that Bully Ray and Sting will face off next week with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line! (69)



Final Show Rating: 68

TV Rating: 1.79(1.349.911 viewers)

The show increased popularity in 19 regions

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I apologize for the slow updates lately. I've been dealing with some pretty heavy personal stuff, but I just want everyone to know that this diary isn't going anywhere. And on that note, the card for Impact will be up shortly.




I enjoyed that. It feels authentic. I stopped watching TNA some time ago but that translates better than what they were putting on IRL. Good work!


Gonna say it, I think the masked man is Matt Hardy. I would love this to be a swerve where the masked man shows up and is taken out by Matt.


Will be tuning in.



Thanks! Glad to have you along for the ride! :)

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