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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand

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Great last show man! I've never been a fan of the King of the Mountain as a match but yours was well put together and very dramatic.



TNA Impact - Official Card


Non-title match

Devon vs. AJ Styles



Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco vs. Kurt Angle and James Storm



Bobby Roode vs. Sonjay Dutt



Non-title match

Bad Influence vs. Crimson and Gunner



Magnus vs. Homicide



Shark Boy vs. Chris Sabin


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Week 1, July, 2013

Live from The Junction in San Antonio, Texas

Attendance: 1.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz






The first July episode of Impact kicks off with the TNA X-Division Champion, Jeff Hardy, making his way down to the ring. Once in the ring, Jeff gets on the mic and asks Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan to join him in the ring because he's got some important business to discuss with them. After a few moments of waiting...






Eric Bischoff's music hits and the owner of TNA makes his way down to the ring alongside his friend, the legendary Hulk Hogan. With Bischoff and Hogan now in the ring, Jeff says that he knows AJ Styles won a World Title shot at One Night Only, and Jeff congratulates AJ on that. But Jeff says that AJ is going to have to wait a little while longer for his World Title match because Jeff is out here tonight to invoke "Option C" and trade his X-Division Championship in for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Destination X! Bischoff asks Jeff if he's sure because once it's done, it's done and he won't be able to change his mind. But just as Jeff is about to give his answer...(67)






The Aces & Eights music interrupts him as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, makes his way out from the back along with Brooke and D.O.C. Once in the ring, Bully says that he and Jeff go back a long way and while he's never liked Jeff, he has come to have some respect for him. Bully says that he's going to do something he wouldn't normally do, which is to offer Jeff a piece of advice; Bully then tells Jeff not to do this because it won't go well for him. Bully tells Jeff to keep the X-Division Championship because if he gives it up, he'll be giving it up for nothing but a beating at Destination X. Jeff says that he's been a risk taker all his life and he's not about to stop now, especially not just because Bully says so. Jeff confirms his decision, meaning that he'll vacate the X-Division Championship in exchange for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Destination X. Bully is clearly not happy about this and he tells Jeff that he's just made the biggest mistake of his life. Bully, D.O.C. and Brooke then leave the ring, and Jeff hands the X-Division Championship to Eric Bischoff, officially vacating the title and setting up a HUGE main event for Destination X! (64)






We cut to the backstage area where Bully Ray, Brooke and D.O.C. are walking when Bully is confronted by Mr. Anderson, who asks Bully where the hell his backup was at One Night Only? Anderson says that he's sick and tired of being left high and dry with nobody to watch is back. Bully shoots back that he's getting sick and tired of Anderson bitching, moaning and complaining and LOSING all the time. Bully tells Anderson to get his act together, otherwise they might have to take a hard look at his future in the Aces & Eights. Anderson is left fuming as we cut back to the ring. (63)






Time for some in-ring action as Chris Sabin faces Shark Boy in singles action. Sabin came close to winning the X-Division Championship at One Night Only where he put up one hell of a fight against Jeff Hardy, and it seems that Sabin is hell-bent on bouncing back with a win tonight on Impact as he dominates most of this one, taking the fight to Shark Boy, who does get a few hope spots in, but ultimately is soundly defeated by Sabin, who hits the Cradle Shock to pick up a convincing victory.



Chris Sabin defeated Shark Boy at 4:15 by pinfall with the Cradle Shock (51)






After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is trying to get an interview with Tara, who is clearly still frustrated after her loss at One Night Only. Tara begins tearing into Christy and insulting her, taking her frustrations out on Christy verbally. It looks like things might get physical as well...






But that is when Taryn Terrell steps in and tries to get Tara to calm down. Tara shoves Taryn out of the way and tells her to mind her own business. Tara then walks off and Taryn checks on Christy as we cut back to ringside. (35)






Magnus and Homicide square off next and both men give as good as they get in the early parts of this one, with neither man gaining much of an advantage for any real length of time. The match continues on like this for the most part, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that he feels like both men still have some untapped potential that we have yet to see from them. That may well be, but on this night it's Magnus who comes out on top, hitting the Tormentum and picking up the one, two, three in what was a solid, competitive matchup.



Magnus defeated Homicide at 8:25 by pinfall with the Tormentum (55)






After the match, we get a pre-taped video of Kevin Nash out scouting talent at a local wrestling event in San Antonio. As a match takes place in the background, Nash explains to the camera that he's looking for talent that he can see something of himself in, but also someone who can lift and carry the heavy burden of being managed by a legend in the business like Nash himself. Nash says that he casts a massive shadow, not just because he's a big guy but because he was--and still is--massively successful. Nash says a guy like him can't manage just anyone, so whoever he ends up picking is really going to have to impress him--otherwise, he might just have to step into the ring himself! (55)






The TNA Tag Team Champions, Bad Influence, are in action next as they take on Crimson and Gunner in non-title tag team action. Crimson and Gunner do not work well together as a team here, which makes an already tough match even tougher for them. Every time it looks like Crimson and Gunner might get the advantage, miscommunication costs them and Daniels and Kazarian are quick to exploit every misstep and every mistake. In the end, Daniels hits the BME and pins Gunner to pick up the victory for the Tag Team Champions.



Bad Influence defeated Gunner and Crimson at 6:21 by pinfall when Daniels pinned Gunner with the BME (47)






After the match, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where we see the TNA X-Division Championship title belt laid out on Bischoff's desk while Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are discussing what to do with the title now. Hogan says they need to make sure the new champion is someone who can live up to the example set by Jeff Hardy, so he suggests putting the title on the line at Destination X in an Ultimate X match. Bischoff likes the idea and Ultimate X is officially set for Destination X! (56)






We cut back to ringside where Gail Kim's music hits and the TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way down to the ring for a promo, accompanied by Lei D'Tapa. Once in the ring, Gail brags about retaining the Knockouts Championship at One Night Only, and she crowns herself the greatest women's wrestler in the world today.






Velvet Sky's music then interrupts the Champion and Velvet makes her way out onto the stage. Velvet wonders why, if Gail is so great, did she need the help of Lei D'Tapa to steal Velvet's title at Slammiversary and retain it at One Night Only? Gail scoffs at the notion that the Knockouts Championship is Velvet's title, saying that the Knockouts Title belongs one place and one place only; around Gail's waist. Velvet then says that Gail won't have the numbers advantage any longer...






And that's when "Hardcore Country" hits and Mickie James comes out from the back to join Velvet on the stage. Mickie says that Gail and Lei tried to take her out but they failed, and now there's going to be hell to pay! Mike Tenay says that it looks like the odds just evened out in the Knockouts Title picture! (44)






We cut to a pre-taped interview, that Mike Tenay informs us was recorded earlier today, where Jeremy Borash sits down to interview Diamond Dallas Page. JB asks Page what he will be looking for as he searches for a wrestler to manage, and Page says that he'd like to find someone a little bit like himself--an underdog, someone people don't quite think has what it takes to make it. Page says that his own career defied the odds, and he's looking for someone in a similar situation whose dreams he can help make come true. Page says that he knows better than anybody that hard work pays off, but he also knows the value of having someone to show you the ropes, just like he was lucky enough to have. Page ends the interview by saying that the person he chooses to manage will be someone with heart, courage and an unending desire to get better. (64)






As the DDP interview comes to an end, the big screen once again flickers to life to give us a shot of Matt Hardy and Abyss at some undisclosed location. Matt begins by congratulating Jeff on retaining the X-Division Championship at One Night Only, and he applauds Jeff for risking everything at Destination X. Matt says that Destination X will be a monumental event in Jeff's life and it will be the culmination of everything Matt has worked for since arriving in TNA. Matt's face then turns to melancholy as he says that it's regretful that what has to happen has to happen, but it's a big brother's job to look out for his little brother and that's exactly what Matt's going to do, regardless of the pain and torment that it causes him. In the end, Matt says, it will be worth it. (67)






Bobby Roode came up short at One Night Only in his quest to earn a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and, much like Chris Sabin earlier, Roode is looking to bounce back from a loss at One Night Only with a win here tonight on Impact. Roode tries to make quick work of Sonjay Dutt and hit the Pay Off early, but Sonjay fights out of it and begins taking the fight to Roode, much to Roode's frustration. Sonjay gets a near-fall with a surprise roll-up, but that is as close as Sonjay gets on this night as Roode takes control of the match, hits the Pay Off and covers Sonjay for the one, two, three. Roode picks up a bounce-back win while Sonjay Dutt's losing streak continues here on Impact.



Bobby Roode defeated Sonjay Dutt at 7:10 by pinfall with a Pay Off (58)






In the back, Samoa Joe is seen bursting into Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff and Hogan are still talking. Joe says that he played ball at One Night Only like they wanted, and now it's time for Bischoff to make good on his promise and give Joe a match against Jeff Jarrett. Bischoff tells Joe to calm down, and that he will book the match for Destination X. Joe says he wants Jarrett TONIGHT, but Bischoff tells Joe to be patient; he'll get him at the PPV. Joe doesn't seem content to wait, however, and he marches out of Bischoff's office as Bischoff and Hogan give each other a concerned look. (53)






We cut to another camera, which is following Sama Joe, as Joe makes his way through the backstage area, to the entrance area and down to the ring. Once in the ring, Joe gets on the mic and calls out Jeff Jarrett, saying that if Jarrett wants to run Joe out of TNA, he can come down to the ring and do it right now!






A few moments later, "My World" starts playing and Jarrett makes his way onto the stage--but no closer than that. Jarrett tells Joe that he does things on his time, not Joe's, and he'll time his strikes to make sure that he takes as much away from Joe as possible. Jarrett says that by coming down to the ring right now, the only thing he would accomplish is giving Joe what he wants and that's the last thing Jarrett wants to do. Jarrett says that Joe will get his when the time is right, but until then he'll just have to wait for the end to come. Jarrett then drops the mic and disappears into the back as Joe leaves the ring and charges back up the entrance ramp, chasing after Jarrett into the backstage area. (60)






The battle between TNA and the Aces & Eights continues next as Kurt Angle and James Storm take on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco. It's all Angle and Storm early on in this one and it looks like they might make short work of Garrett and Wes...






But D.O.C. and D'Lo Brown make their way down to ringside, distracting Angle and Storm and allowing Garrett and Wes a chance to recover and then attack their opponents from behind. They stay on the offensive and try their hardest to maintain the advantage, but Angle and Storm soon begin fighting back as Mike Tenay wonders why the referee isn't trying to restore order given that isn't supposed to be a tornado tag. With Garrett and Wes in trouble once again, D.O.C. and D'Lo enter the ring and attack Angle and Storm, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the disqualification.



Kurt Angle and James Storm defeated Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco at 5:59 by disqualification when D.O.C. and D'Lo Brown got involved (58)



The match is over but the four-on-two beatdown continues in the ring...






Sting's music suddenly hits and "The Icon" makes his way down to the ring with baseball bat in hand. Sting nails all four Aces & Eights members with his baseball bat, driving them from the ring and making the save for Angle and Storm. Sting then gets on the mic and says that if the Aces & Eights wants a fight, then let's fight! Sting issues a challenge; himself, Kurt Angle and James Storm against any three members of Aces & Eights at Destination X. "You want a fight?" Sting asks--"there's your fight!" (66)






We cut to the backstage area where Devon is seen making his final preparations before taking on AJ Styles in tonight's main event when Bully Ray and Brooke walk up to him. Bully tells Devon that he's counting on him tonight. He says that too many of their brothers have been letting him down lately, but he knows he can trust Devon to get the job done. Devon says that he'll take care of AJ Styles tonight, and then they'll take care of Jeff Hardy and anyone else who is stupid enough to get in their way. (66)






Mike Tenay wonders how AJ Styles feels about Jeff Hardy "cutting in line" for a World Title shot by cashing in on Option C, and Taz says that maybe AJ should forget about Bully and go after Jeff Hardy instead. The match starts off with Devon getting the advantage early on by sticking his thumb in AJ's eye. Devon is using every heel trick in the book to maintain his advantage while wearing AJ down, including hitting a low blow behind the referee's back. But keeping AJ down is easier said than done, and AJ eventually starts fighting back and turning the tables on Devon, even hitting a low blow of his own.






This brings Knux down to ringside, and eventually into the ring, but AJ is ready for him and fights him off before throwing him out of the ring. Devon takes advantage of the distraction by attacking AJ from behind, but AJ ducks a clothesline attempt a few moments later and hits the Pelé Kick. AJ then goes to apply the Calf Killer...






But Mr. Anderson makes his way down to ringside. Anderson gets up on the apron just as AJ is about to apply the move, but instead of helping Devon, Anderson flips the Television Champion off, jumps back down from the apron and walks off. AJ then locks in the Calf Killer and Devon has no choice but to tap out.



AJ Styles defeated Devon at 9:37 by submission with the Calf Killer (71)



The match is over and AJ Styles has his hand raised in victory in the ring. As this happens, Mike Tenay wonders if the end is near for the Aces & Eights, with Bully Ray having to face Jeff Hardy at Destination X, AJ Styles, who also has a World Title shot coming up, is looking better than ever and it looks like Mr. Anderson just turned his back on his so-called "brothers". Taz says he can't believe what Anderson just did, and with that, and another shot of AJ Styles in the ring, Impact comes to an end.


Final Show Rating: 67

TV Rating: 1.52 (1.140.097 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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TNA Impact - Official Card


Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy



Handicap match

Bad Influence vs. Samoa Joe



Sonjay Dutt vs. Christian York vs. Petey Williams vs. Kenny King



Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young



Taryn Terrell vs. Tara



Devon, D.O.C. and Knux vs. Shark Boy, Rockstar Spud and Crimson


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Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy



Handicap match

Bad Influence vs. Samoa Joe



Sonjay Dutt vs. Christian York vs. Petey Williams vs. Kenny King


Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young



Taryn Terrell vs. Tara



Devon, D.O.C. and Knux vs. Shark Boy, Rockstar Spud and Crimson


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TNA Impact - Official Card


Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy

Comment: It's a match that I don't think either of them can lose -- I'm going with Aces & Eights to attack both men, double DQ or no contest.


Handicap match

Bad Influence vs. Samoa Joe



Sonjay Dutt vs. Christian York vs. Petey Williams vs. Kenny King



Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young



Taryn Terrell vs. Tara



Devon, D.O.C. and Knux vs. Shark Boy, Rockstar Spud and Crimson


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So I made a tiny mistake when posting the card. The main event was supposed to be Jeff Hardy versus a member of the Aces & Eights, which would then be revealed to be Anderson, as seen on this show. It's nothing major but I always have a hard time deciding what to do when posting cards with matches that are set up during the show, such as the Samoa Joe handicap match as well. Anyways, hope you all enjoy the show :)




Week 2, July, 2013

Live from the Cowtown Coliseum in Forth Worth, Texas

Attendance: 1.608

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz






This week's edition of Impact opens up straight away with a confrontation backstage between Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson. Bully wants to know what the hell Anderson was thinking last week, turning his back on his Aces & Eights brother, Devon? Anderson says that he's sick and tired of doing everybody elses dirty work while he's always left on his own. Anderson says that Bully is treating him like he is his bitch, and Anderson then looks at Brooke before adding that that position seems to already be taken and he has no interest in it. Brooke is furious at this, and Bully tells Anderson to apologize to her, but he refuses. Bully says that if that's how it's going to be then Anderson will be the one to face Jeff Hardy in the main event tonight--and he'll face him without any backup. Anderson says that he'll fight Jeff Hardy tonight, but he's not doing it for Bully--he's doing it for himself. Bully warns Anderson that he's on thin ice, but Anderson doesn't seem to care as he walks off. The segment ends with Mike Tenay concluding that apparently it's going to be Jeff Hardy versus Mr. Anderson in tonight's main event! (66)






Our opening match of the night is a six man tag as Devon, D.O.C. and Knux of the Aces & Eights do battle against Shark Boy, Rockstar Spud and Crimson. The Aces & Eights dominate the vast majority of this one, and Mike Tenay spends most of the match talking about the challenge laid out by Sting last week on Impact for a six man tag team match pitting the Aces & Eights against Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm at Destination X. Taz says for Sting to be careful what he wishes for, because now he's gonna get it and he isn't going to like it. The match ends when D.O.C. hits a chokeslam on Spud and covers the Rockstar for the one, two, three.



D.O.C., Devon and Knux defeated Rockstar Spud, Shark Boy and Crimson at 5:10 by pinfall when D.O.C. pinned Spud following a chokeslam (35)






After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Taryn Terrell, and Christy starts off by thanking Taryn again for her help last week. Christy then asks Taryn about her match later tonight against Tara. Taryn says that after what Tara did last week, she had no choice but to request a match against her tonight. Taryn says that Tara was disrespectful to both of them last week and she says that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself--so that's exactly what she's doing tonight. Christy points out Tara's experience advantage, and Taryn admis that she is nowhere near as experienced as Tara, but she can't let that stand in the way of doing what she believes is right. Taryn says that she's taking the fight to Tara tonight to show everyone that you can stand up to bullies. (39)






Back at ringside, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe marches his way down to the ring with a determined expression on his face. Once in the ring, Joe gets on the mic and says that he is sick and tired of chasing after Jeff Jarrett, and as of right now, he's officially done with it. Joe says that Eric Bischoff wants him to wait until Destination X, but he wants to get his hands on Jarrett tonight!






"My World" then starts playing as Jeff Jarrett makes his way out onto the stage. Jarrett says that it's clear that Joe is looking for a fight tonight, so Jarrett will be more than happy to oblige. Joe says that Jarrett is damn right that he wants a fight RIGHT NOW--but Jarrett doesn't approach the ring himself. Instead it's the TNA Tag Team Champions, Bad Influence, who make their way to the ring as Jarrett tells Joe that his fight is a handicap match against the best tag team in the whole world! (63)






Daniels and Kazarian both attack Joe before the bell has a chance to sound, but Joe is able to use his size and strength advantage to fight back against the two on one situation--at least for a little while. The numbers game does eventually catch up to Joe, and Daniels and Kazarian work flawlessly together to show exactly why they are the TNA Tag Team Champions, keeping Joe on the mat where his size advantage is a moot point. Joe keeps trying to fight back, but every time he starts building momentum, he's blindsided by whoever is not currently the legal man and the advantage goes right back to Bad Influence again. The end of the match comes when Joe starts mounting another spirited comeback, this time successfully taking the fight to both Daniels and Kazarian. Things look good for Samoa Joe for a little while, but then...






"That damned coward"--as Mike Tenat puts it--Jeff Jarrett enters the ring and blasts Joe with his trademark guitar, leaving the referee with no choice but to disqualify the Tag Team Champions.



Samoa Joe defeated Bad Influence at 9:24 by disqualification when Jeff Jarrett got involved (57)



The Originals put the boots to Samoa Joe after the match and then, with Samoa Joe down and soundly beaten, Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic and brags about getting under Joe's skin and outsmarting him once again. Jarrett then tells the fans to take a long, hard look at Samoa Joe because his time in TNA is running out and Jarrett is going to put an end to Joe's entire career at Destination X! (54)






Christy Hemme is backstage with Mr. Anderson and she asks Anderson about his issues with Bully Ray lately. Anderson says that he doesn't want to talk about Bully because tonight is all about Anderson. Anderson says that when he beats Jeff Hardy tonight, he'll march straight into Eric Bischoff's office and demand to be added to the World Title match at Destination X--and then he'll go on to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and he'll be doing it all for himself, not for Bully and not for anyone else. As Anderson walks off, Mike Tenay wonders if this means Anderson is leaving the Aces & Eights, but Taz assures Teney that that isn't the case at all. (47)






Taryn Terrell gets her match against Tara next and Mike Tenay praises Taryn for standing up to a bully like Tara. Taz says that standing up to bullies is all well and good--until that bully kicks your ass. Taryn puts up a spirited fight here, but it's clear that she's at a disadvantage experience wise and Tara knows exactly how to make the most of that. Taryn does manage to score a near-fall with a surprise roll-up, but in the end it's the veteran, Tara, who picks up the win here, hitting a spinning sidewalk slam and then pinning Taryn while using the rope for leverage.



Tara defeated Taryn Terrell at 6:03 by pinfall by using the ropes for leverage (38)



As Tara makes her way back up the ramp, Mike Tenay says on commentary that Taryn put up one hell of a fight, and that it's a damned shame that Tara got away with cheating. Taz says that if you're not cheating, you're not trying, but Mike Tenay wonders if Tara cheated because she knows she can't defeat Taryn fairly?






We cut to the back where Jeff Hardy is seen getting ready for his match later tonight when AJ Styles walks up to him. After a brief staredown between the two men, AJ says that there's nothing he wants more than to beat Bully Ray and take the World Title away from him, but if Jeff wins the Title at Destination X...AJ will have no qualms about taking the Title away from him instead. Jeff says that he'd have no problem putting the title on the line against AJ and he says that they're on the same page when it comes to Bully. AJ says that he's not on the same page as anyone, and he doesn't trust Jeff any more than he trusts Bully or anyone else. AJ then walks off, Jeff returns to his preparations and we cut back to ringside. (75)






Velvet Sky and Mickie James make their way down to the ring for a promo. Velvet gets on the mic but before she can really say much of anything...






She and Mickie are interrupted by Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa, who make their way out onto the stage. Gail says that this alliance between Velvet and Mickie is cute, but does Velvet really think she can actually trust Mickie? Gail says that Mickie wants the Knockouts Championship for herself and it's only a matter of time before she turns on Velvet. Velvet replies that she does trust Mickie and that, if Velvet wins the Knockouts Championship at Destination X, she'd be more than happy to put the title on the line against Mickie next. Mickie gets on the mic next and says that all she cares about right now is making sure that Velvet gets a fair rematch like she deserves, she's not even thinking about herself right now. Gail says that she's not buying it one bit, and Velvet is a fool if she believes a word Mickie James says. Gail then drops her mic and returns to the back, but whatever the Champion was trying to accomplish here, it doesn't seem to have worked as Velvet and Mickie still appear to very much be on the same page. (47)






Eric Young and Chris Sabin face off next in singles action and Mike Tenay spends part of the match talking about the Ultimate X match that we know will take place at Destination X to crown a new X-Division Champion, and Tenay says that a win here for either man would probably go a long way toward earning a spot in that match. Both men put up a good fight here, but Chris Sabin has been on a roll lately and that roll continues tonight as he manages to put Eric Young away with a Cradle Shock in what was a well-contested matchup.



Chris Sabin defeated Eric Young at 7:47 by pinfall with a Cradle Shock (60)





The big screen flickers to life and once again we see Matt Hardy and Abyss at an undisclosed location. This week Matt is talking about how the world forces people to be a certain way, to put a smile on their face even when they are feeling like crap on the inside. Matt says the world doesn't want to hear about your problems, and he says that people only care about what you can do for them. Matt says that Jeff always had a good heart, but also a soft heart. He says that Jeff doesn't have the heart to do what must be done, so he must do it for him because that's what a big brother is supposed to do. Matt says that the Day of Action and the Day of Reckoning is nearing and when it arrives...everyone will realize just how truly unprepared they are for it. He then apologizes to Jeff again before the feed cuts out abruptly. (63)






Back at ringside, Sting's music hits and Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm make their way down to the ring while Mike Tenay reminds everyone of the challenge these three men issued to the Aces & Eights last week on Impact. Once in the ring, "The Icon" gets on the mic and speaks first and he says that the Aces & Eights have been dragging TNA down for too long, and it's time to put an end to them once and for all! James Storm says that they'll take care of business at Destination X and to everyone in the Aces & Eights..."sorry about your damn luck!". Kurt Angle speaks last and says that, like Sting just said, it's time to put an end to the Aces & Eights' reign of terror in TNA and as far as he's concerned there are no better men for the job than himself, Sting and James Storm! (75)






We cut to the backstage area where Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page are seen talking, with Page asking Nash how the search is going so far. Nash says he's having open tryouts next week and so far everything looks good. Nash says that that 10.000 dollars is as good as his. Page says that he's got his eyes on a few guys already as well, and he warns Nash not to count his chickens just yet. As the two men continue talking back and forth, we cut back to ringside. (59)






In another match that could potentially go a long way toward securing a spot in the Ultimate X match at Destination X, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Kenny King and Christian York face off in four way action. This is a fast-paced X-Division style matchup with all four men getting an opportunity to show what they can do. The match is heavy on high-flying and high spots and it's all out action from start to finish. In the end, it's Kenny King who picks up another big victory, hitting the Coronation on Christian York and pinning him for the one, two, three.



Kenny King defeated Christian York, Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt at 6:57 by pinfall when King pinned York with a Coronation (50)






It is almost main event time but first we head backstage where Bully Ray has the entire rest of the Aces & Eights gathered together, with the obvious exception being Mr. Anderson. Bully reminds them that no one is allowed to go down to the ring to help Anderson, and he says that if Anderson wants to run his big mouth, he'll have to suffer the consequences as well. Bully says that Anderson is putting himself ahead of the Brotherhood and that is why he has to learn his lesson tonight. Bully says that Anderson needs some tough love, and either he gets in line after this...or he'll get taken care of. (76)






We cut to elsewhere in the back where Jeff Hardy is seen making his way toward the entrance area when he is approached by none other than Hulk Hogan. Hogan tells Hardy to watch his back tonight, regardless of what Bully Ray says. He also wishes Hardy good luck at Destination X, saying that TNA needs someone to take the World Title away from Bully and the Aces & Eights, and Hogan believes Jeff is the guy to do it. The two men shake hands and as Jeff continues walking toward the entrance area, we cut back to ringside just in time for our main event of the evening. (66)






Anderson comes down to the ring looking extremely focused here as Mike Tenay notes that Anderson looks like a man who has something to prove. Taz says that Anderson will ultimately do what's right and the brotherhood of the Aces & Eights will be stronger than ever. After a back and forth opening to this one, the match spills to the outside where Anderson manages to take control of the match by whipping Hardy repeatedly into the guard rail. Anderson drives Hardy's head into the ring apron--twice for good measure--and then he sends Hardy back into the ring.






The camera then suddenly leaves the action for a moment to spot AJ Styles observing the match from the rafters. Back in the ring, Anderson remains in control of the match as he continues to wear Hardy down, but every time he goes for a cover, Hardy kicks out after two, refusing to stay down. Hardy fights back with a sitout jawbreaker, a mule kick and then he hits the Whisper in the Wind for a two count of his own. Hardy goes up to the top rope looking for a high-risk move of some kind, but he takes too long getting up there and Anderson climbs the turnbuckle to meet him. The two men exhange punches, but the end result is Anderson hitting a superplex from the top rope and now both men are down in the ring. Both men slowly get back to their feet and begin exchanging right hand punches in the middle of the ring. Anderson gets the upper hand and he hooks Hardy for the mic check, but Hardy fights out of it and surprises Anderson with a roll-up, but Anderson just barely manages to kick out in time. Hardy beats Anderson to his feet, which allows him to surprise Anderson with a kick as he turns around, and Hardy immediately follows it up with a Twist of Fate, a Swanton Bomb and it's one, two, three!



Jeff Hardy defeated Mr. Anderson at 14:59 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb (67)



And with that, and with no other Aces & Eights members in sight, Impact comes to an end with a shot of Jeff Hardy celebrating in the ring.


Final Show Rating: 69

TV Rating: 1.51 (1.133.579 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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TNA Impact - Official Card



Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles



Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown



Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young



Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley



Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins



ODB vs. Tara



The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez


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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles



Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown



Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young



Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley



Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins



ODB vs. Tara



The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez


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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles

Comment: I'm enjoying AJ Styles a lot in this. I'm a bit surprised you're having him interact with Bully Ray, but I don't think they should lose and I don't think they will.


Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown

Comment: Should be a good match! As much as I like D'Lo, he's not winning this one.


Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young

Comment: Team Canada explodes :p Roode is some way up the card compared to E-Y at this point so I see him coming out on top.


Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley

Comment: Hard to call since King and Sabin have been on a roll but both Dutt and Shelley could do with a victory... I'll roll with keeping the momentum going for the heels.


Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins

Comment: Oh The Blossom Twins, that's a remember when :)


ODB vs. Tara

Comment: Probably best to keep Tara strong.


The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez

Comment: This team is ahead of The BroMans at this point in time.

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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles


Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown


Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young


Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley


Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins


ODB vs. Tara


The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez

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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles



Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown



Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young



Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley



Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins



ODB vs. Tara



The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez

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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles

The well estblished team probably takes this adding to the fact that AJ isn't exactly a team player these days


Kurt Angle vs. D'Lo Brown

D'Lo Brown in 2013 probably isn't beating Kurt Angle


Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young

Team Canada bros. Roode is the clear star and Eric Young is a midcard guy at best so easy momentum for Roode


Kenny King and Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley

The heel X guys have been on a roll lately


Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa vs. The Blossom Twins

Ahhhhh The Blossom Twins good ol' British Bootcamp days


ODB vs. Tara


The BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez

The Bromans might win this clean because the tag division need more contenders

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Bully Ray and Devon vs. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles

Comment: Bully Ray & Devon have almost two decades of experience as a tag team, and you've given us reason to believe Hardy & Styles will not get along. Also, why don't you just call Bully Ray & Devon "Team 3D" when they're together? I know that's not their gimmick right now, but the fans will remember.



Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young

Comment: EY gets the upset victory by a roll-up. I know this is an unlikely result, but Roode isn't a part of anything important right now, and I'm sure a brief reprisal of this feud won't damage his stock as long as he doesn't do anything too silly. By the way, where has Austin Aries been? He should have made a pitch to Kevin Nash to resume their partnership by now.



The Bully Ray and Devon/Team 3D thing is really down to the point you made about it not being their gimmick at the moment, so I just decided to go with Bully Ray and Devon to keep it more in line with the Aces & Eights storyline, but I totally get where you're coming from.


As for Austin Aries, the explanation on him is that the locker room morale was a bit shaky when I started the game so I decided to give Aries a bit of a vacation to get him out of the locker room and give myself some time to get a handle on the situation. That's also the reason Brooke Hogan hasn't appeared, though I don't imagine people are really missing her much :D

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Week 3, July, 2013

Live from the Amarillo Civic Center in Amarillo, Texas

Attendance: 1.679

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz






This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with in-ring action as the BroMans take on Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez in tag team action. Mike Tenay notes that the BroMans have been on a roll lately on Xplosion and are looking to continue their winning ways tonight on Impact. Chavo and Hernandez are a step or two above the teams the BroMans have been defeating on Xplosion, however, and that quickly becomes apparent as Chavo and Hernandez clear the ring early on, sending Robbie and Jessie to the outside to regroup. They do just that, and the BroMans end up putting up a good fight here, but in the end they end up coming up short as Chavo picks up the win for his team, pinning Robbie E after hitting the Frog Splash.



Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez defeated The BroMans at 7:57 by pinfall when Chavo pinned Robbie with a Frog Splash (44)






After the match we cut to the backstage area where Bully Ray has gathered the Aces & Eights together, though Mr. Anderson is noticeably missing. Billy is telling the rest of the Aces & Eights that Anderson is on thin ice with the group after losing to Jeff Hardy last week, especially considering his recent behaviour. Bully makes it clear that he and Devon are sick and tired of doing all of the heavy lifting within the group, and it's time for everyone else to step up and pull their own weight--and if they don't there are going to be consequences from here on out. Bully says that the free ride is over now and any dead weight that they may be carrying around will be cut from now and left behind. (77)






Taryn Terrell accompanies ODB down to the ring for her match against Tara, which Tara doesn't seem to appreciate at all. Tara warns Taryn to stay out of her way or she'll be more than happy to beat her up again. ODB isn't above taking advantage of this distraction, however, and she nearly puts Tara away after an offensive flurry, but Tara is just barely able to kick out in time. Tara refocuses her attention on ODB and, after a back and forth match, she is able to put ODB away with the Widow's Peak for a big win here on Impact against a veteran of both the company and the Knockouts Division.



Tara defeated ODB at 6:23 by pinfall with a Widow's Peak (44)



As Tara leaves the ring, Taryn Terrell slides into the ring to check on ODB while Mike Tenay wonders if Taryn might be looking for a rematch against Tara, especially considering how their previous match ended?






After the match we cut from the ring to the parking lot area where Samoa Joe is seen pacing back and forth, evidently waiting for Jeff Jarrett to arrive, according to Mike Tenay. Tenay says that Samoa Joe looks like he means business tonight, and adds that he would not want to be in Jeff Jarrett's shoes when Jarrett arrives tonight and has to deal with an angry and fired-up Samoa Joe. (52)






X-Division tag team action is up next as Kenny King and Chris Sabin take on Sonjay Dutt and Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley immediately goes after Sabin in this one, renewing their rivalry, and taking taking an early offensive flurry from Shelley, Sabin makes the tag to Kenny King, clearly wanting no part of Alex Shelley tonight. Things settle down and we get a solid back and forth tag team match after that, with plenty of high-flying moves mixed in as well, while Tenay and Taz talk about the Ultimate X match that is taking place this Sunday at Destination X and how a win here could go a long way toward securing a spot in that match. The finish of the match comes when Alex Shelley lets his emotions get the better of him and he goes after Chris Sabin again, which allows Kenny King to take advantage, hit the Coronation on Shelley and cover him for the one, two, three.



Kenny King and Chris Sabin defeated Alex Shelley and Sonjay Dutt at 6:50 by pinfall when King pinned Shelley with the Coronation (55)






As Kenny King and Chris Sabin celebrate in the ring, we cut to the backstage area where Jeff Hardy is seen approaching AJ Styles. Jeff once again tries to make sure he and AJ are on the same page, at least for tonight, with Jeff pointing out that they have no reason not to get along because AJ will get a title shot no matter who wins at Destination X. AJ again says that he doesn't anyone, and that includes Jeff, but he does offer a bit of an olive branch by saying that as long as Jeff doesn't give him a reason to, he isn't going to turn on him. AJ tells Jeff to make sure he doesn't mess things up tonight because AJ doesn't want to be dependant on anybody but himself. As AJ walks off, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles will team up later tonight to take on Bully Ray and Devon in our Impact main event! (78)






The TNA Knockouts Champion is in action next as she teams with her enforcer, Lei D'Tapa, to take on the Blossom Twins in tag team action. This one is a complete and total squash match, with Gail and Lei dominating the inexperienced Blossom Twins from start to finish, and with Gail Kim hitting the Eat Defeat on Hannah as the exclamation point before making a cocky cover and picking up the one, two, three.



Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa defeated the Blossom Twins at 1:44 by pinfall when Gail pinned Hannah with the Eat Defeat (30)






After the match, Velvet Sky and Mickie James run down to the ring to chase Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa off before they can do more damage than they have already done. As Gail and Lei make their way back up the ramp, Velvet Sky stands in the ring and signals that the Knockouts Championship will soon be around her waist again, but Gail replies by shaking her head and telling Velvet to keep dreaming. Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that Gail Kim will defend the TNA Knockouts Championship against Velvet Sky this Sunday night at Destination X! (42)






It's time to hear from Matt Hardy again as he and Abyss pop up on the big screen in an undisclosed location. Matt keeps it relatively short this week, once again saying that the Day of Reckoning is upon us this Sunday and Matt also confirms that he and his "Monster" will both be present in the building for the Reckoning at Destination X. Matt says that he will be there, albeit it with a heavy heart, but he knows the Day of Reckoning is necessary to usher in the change that must come next. Matt looks directly into the camera and says that it all begins at Destination X. (66)






Following Matt Hardy's ominous words, we cut back to the parking lot where Samoa Joe is looking even more frustrated than he did earlier tonight as, apparently, Jeff Jarrett still hasn't shown up. Mike Tenay wonders whether Jarrett will even be here tonight at all, or if perhaps he is avoiding showing up at the building because he knows Samoa Joe is waiting for him? (51)






A couple of long-standing members of the TNA roster go at it next as Eric Young and Bobby Roode square off. Bobby Roode controls the early part of the match but his dominance soon leads to him becoming overconfident and taking too much time posing for the fans, which is all the opening Eric Young needs to fight his way back into the match. Young hits a superkick, a front missile dropkick and a DDT, but when he goes for a piledriver, Roode is able to reverse it with a back body drop. Roode then hits a big time spinebuster and quickly covers Young, putting his feet on the ropes for added leverage, to secure the pinfall victory.



Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young at 8:19 by pinfall with a spinebuster and then using the ropes for leverage during the pin (61)






The Aces & Eights music hits and Mr. Anderson makes his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay wonders what Anderson might have to say after everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks. Taz says that Anderson is probably out here to apologize to his brothers, but Tenay isn't so sure. Once in the ring, Anderson gets on the mic and says that Bully Ray thinks that he taught him a lesson last week by putting him against Jeff Hardy, but the truth is that these last several weeks have only opened Anderson's eyes. Anderson says that everything that has happened has made him realize that Bully Ray doesn't really care about the Aces & Eights--he only cares about himself and he is using the Aces & Eights to keep himself at the top of the company. Anderson says that he's done fighting for Bully Ray's success--and Anderson then takes off the Aces & Eights vest and he throws it on the ground before getting back on the mic and announcing that he's quitting the group! Mike Tenay excitedly wonders if this is the beginning of the end for the Aces & Eights, and Taz is nearly speechless, saying only that Anderson is going to regret this. (61)






The arena is still buzzing with the news that Mr. Anderson is leaving the Aces & Eights when the show continues with more in-ring action as another, and still current, member of Aces & Eights, D'Lo Brown, goes one on one with Kurt Angle. D'Lo is fired up and seems eager to prove a point after what just happened, but Angle expertly takes advantage of D'Lo's over-eagerness to gain the early advantage. Angle stays in control and wastes little time in doing so, but a low blow behind the referee's back allows D'Lo to finally get some offense in. D'Lo starts wearing Angle down, but Angle soon fights back and D'Lo is in serious trouble when Angle starts hitting his devastating german suplexes...






Probably sensing the same, D.O.C. and Knux run out from the back and hit the ring, attacking Angle in plain sight of the referee, who has no choice but to call for the disqualification.



Kurt Angle defeated D'Lo Brown at 8:17 by disqualification when D.O.C. and Knux got involved (69)






D'Lo Brown joins D.O.C. and Knux in a continued beatdown of Kurt Angle after the match, but they only get a few shots in before "The Icon" Sting and James Storm hit the ring to make the save. With the Aces & Eights members retreating back up the ramp, Mike Tenay reminds us that Angle, Sting and Storm will face three members of Aces & Eights in a six man tag team match this Sunday at Destination X! (53)






Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe makes his way down to the ring--looking pissed off as he apparently has gotten tired of waiting for Jeff Jarrett to show up. Joe grabs a mic and says that he's not leaving the ring until Jeff Jarrett comes out here and faces him like a man. Joe grabs a steel chair at ringside and takes a seat on it in the middle of the ring, waiting for Jarrett. After a few moments of waiting, some music starts playing but it's not Jeff Jarrett's--it's Hulk Hogan's!






Hogan slowly makes his way out from the back and down to the ring to a great ovation. Hogan tells Joe that he has just been told that Jeff Jarrett won't be here tonight, which neither Joe nor the fans are happy to hear. Hogan says that he understands how Joe feels right now, but he asks him to think about this because he's got a match against Jarrett this Sunday at Destination X that Jarrett will have to show up for. And Hogan says that Joe doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize that match. After a few intense moments Joe finally nods, but says that he's holding Hogan personally responsible--which means that if Jarrett doesn't show up at Destination X, Joe is going to come looking for Hogan instead! Joe drops the mic and leaves the ring, while Hogan looks a mixture of pissed off and frustrated. (65)






It's main event time and it's a big one this week as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, teams up with his long-time partner Devon to take on the team of "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy and "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles. There is a little bit of tension between Hardy and AJ as they decide who will start the match, which Bully and Devon take advantage of by attacking both men, throwing AJ out of the ring and then prompty isolating Hardy in their corner of the ring. Bully and Devon are a well-oiled machine here as their many years of teaming together benefits them greatly, but Jeff Hardy's never-say-die attitude benefits him greatly as well, and it allows him to fight his way back into the match. AJ gets the hot tag and he takes the fight to both Bully and Devon, but the numbers game eventually catches up to him and Bully and Devon take control again while the referee tries to get one of them out of the ring. Meanwhile, outside the ring, Jeff Hardy has recovered enough and is about to re-enter the fray, but Brooke comes up from behind and hits a low blow, taking Hardy out of the fight again. AJ is on his own in the ring and even though the referee has gotten Bully out of the ring, Bully and Devon just make frequent tags instead to keep up their double team attacks. Bully and Devon finally go for the 3D, but Hardy is back in the ring just in time to save AJ! Things break down completely and amidst the chaos we end up with Hardy and Devon alone in the ring while AJ and Bully are fighting on the outside, and Hardy is able to hit the Twist of Fate and cover Devon for the one, two, three and the huge win on Impact.



Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles defeated Bully Ray and Devon at 14:46 by pinfall when Hardy pinned Devon with a Twist of Fate (65)



And with that, the show comes to an end with a shot of each of the three men who are currently heavily involved in the World Title picture, first Jeff Hardy, then AJ Styles and finally the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, as Mike Tenay gets his final hype in for the World Heavyweight Championship title match between Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy, which will take place this Sunday night at Destination X!


Final Show Rating: 70

TV Rating: 1.61 (1.208.493 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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TNA Destination X 2013 - Official Card



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Jeff Hardy



Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm vs. D'Lo Brown, Knux and D.O.C



Ultimate X match for the TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky



Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Television Championship

Devon © vs. ???



Tara vs. Taryn Terrell


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comment: As good of a high flyer as Jeff is, Bully Ray's power will win the day here.


Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm vs. D'Lo Brown, Knux and D.O.C

Comment: Based on their experience and scientific skills (and Storm's brawling capability), gotta go with Team Sting.


Ultimate X match for the TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams

Comment: Sabin's the most technically sound of the bunch and he's had championship success before, so...


TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky

Comment: Gail's on a roll right now, so she retains.


Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comment: Unless Planet Jarrett or a guitar get involved, the Samoan Submission Machine takes this one.


TNA Television Championship

Devon © vs. ???

Comment: For the mystery opponent, I pick Abyss, but Devon will retain (possibly on a DQ).


Tara vs. Taryn Terrell

Comment: Tara's got the experience and the will.

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TNA Destination X 2013 - Official Card



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Jeff Hardy



Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm vs. D'Lo Brown, Knux and D.O.C



Ultimate X match for the TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky



Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Television Championship

Devon © vs. ???



Tara vs. Taryn Terrell


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Jeff Hardy


Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm vs. D'Lo Brown, Knux and D.O.C


Ultimate X match for the TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams


TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky


Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Television Championship

Devon © vs. ???



Tara vs. Taryn Terrell

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray © vs. Jeff Hardy


Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm vs. D'Lo Brown, Knux and D.O.C


Ultimate X match for the TNA X-Division Championship

Kenny King vs. Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Eric Young vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams


TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky


Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett


TNA Television Championship

Devon © vs. ???


Tara vs. Taryn Terrell

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Week 3, July, 2013

Live from Reynolds Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Attendance: 8.355 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz





Mike Tenay and Taz briefly welcome everyone to the show and then Hulk Hogan's music starts playing and Hogan makes his way out from the back and down to the ring to kick off Destination X. Hogan hypes up the crowd for a little bit, then goes on to say that tonight's show is going to be huge, brother. Hogan then announces that he's out here right now because he's got a nice surprised lined up for everyone. Hogan says that he's out here to announce the person who will challenge Devon for the Television Championship in a few short minutes. Hogan then asks everyone to welcome the latest TNA signing; none other than...






The debuting Shelton Benjamin! (73)



TNA Television Championship







Devon is not pleased about having to defend his title against Shelton Benjamin here at Destination X and he makes that point very clear to the referee. Shelton uses this opportunity to roll Devon up and we almost get a three count right then and there, but Devon does manage to kick out in time. Shelton lets Devon know that he was THIS close to losing the title, just like that, and this just seems to anger Devon even more. The two lock up and Devon takes control after driving his knee into Shelton's midsection and following it up with a neckbreaker. Devon hits some mounted punches on Shelton as Taz cheers on his fellow Aces & Eights member from the announce desk, and Devon then hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. Devon wants the referee to count faster, but he soon gets other things to worry about as Shelton rolls him up for another two count. Both men get to their feet and Devon walks right into an inside cradle for another two count, and when a clearly frustrated Devon gets back to his feet again, he walks right into a superkick from Benjamin. Benjamin hits a belly to belly suplex, a german suplex, and then he climbs to the top rope and connects with a diving clothesline.






With Devon clearly in trouble, Wes Brisco runs down to ringside to grab Shelton's attention, but he also gets the referee's attention as well, who warns Wes not to get involved. This distraction allows Devon to hit a low blow on Benjamin and roll him up with a schoolboy pin, but Benjamin manages to kick out before the three. While Devon argues with the referee, Wes grabs a steel chair at ringside and slides into the ring behind the referee's back. Wes lines up the chair shot, but Shelton ducks out of the way and Wes ends up slamming the chair into Devon's back by mistake! Benjamin hits a superkick on Brisco to send him out of the ring, and then he immediately follows it up by hitting the Paydirt on Devon and making the cover for the one, two, three!



Shelton Benjamin defeated Devon at 15:22 by pinfall with the Paydirt following botched interference from Wes Brisco. Benjamin wins the TNA Television Championship (55)



"What a way to kick off Destination X" Mike Tenay says excitedly on commentary while Taz is still trying to come to grips with what just happened. Tenay says that it's about time that the Aces & Eights's cheating ways came back to bite them in the you-know-what, while Taz says that this isn't going to stand, not by a long shot.






Taryn Terrell faces Tara next in a rematch from two weeks ago on Impact, where the veteran Tara stole a cheap win. As Taryn and Tara lock up in the ring, Mike Tenay says that you have to admire the courage and determination of Taryn Terrell, standing up to Tara the way she has done. Tara controls the early part of this one, putting Taryn down with a couple of big moves and then she slows the pace down, taking her time punishing the younger Taryn while verbally abusing her at the same time. It looks like Tara is in complete control, but a sudden burst of adreanaline allows Taryn to surprise the veteran by charging at her and hitting a spear! Taryn hits a snap suplex and then she climbs to the top rope and hits a big time diving crossbody, but it only gets her a two count. That's as close as Taryn gets on this night as Tara regains control and puts Taryn away with a Widow's Peak.



Tara defeated Taryn Terrell at 6:13 by pinfall with a Widow's Peak (41)



As Tara celebrates in the ring, Mike Tenay calls it a good effort on the part of Taryn Terrell, adding that it's no shame to lose to someone of Tara's talent and experience. It doesn't look like Tara is done, however, as, instead of leaving the ring, Tara turns her attention back to Taryn, who is still down on the mat. Tara pulls Taryn to her feet and sets up for another Widow's Peak, while Mike Tenay says that this is completely uncalled for!






Mickie James then suddenly hits the ring to chase Tara off. After checking on Taryn, Mickie gets on the mic and challenges Tara to a match next week on Impact! (41)






We cut to the backstage area where Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page are seen talking about their "friendly challenge", with Nash proudly announcing to Page that he's found his wrestler to manage. Nash says that this Kid is going all the way to the top. Page is impressed with Nash's quickness on this, but Nash says that as soon as he saw this Kid, he was sold. Page admits that it sounds like he's got his work cut out for him then, but he remains confident that he'll find the right guy before Hardcore Justice, which is when the match is set to take place. Nash says that he better, otherwise this will be the easiest money he's ever made. (61)






After weeks of chasing after him, Samoa Joe finally gets his chance to get his hands on Jeff Jarrett next as the two square off in singles action. Jarrett knows that Joe is out for blood tonight and he does everything he can to avoid him early on in this one, which only adds to Joe's frustration. Jarrett eventually uses this to his advantage to turn the tables on Joe by attacking him just as he slides into the ring in pursuit of Jarrett. Jarrett tries to keep Joe grounded but Joe still manages to get back to his feet and take the fight to Jarrett. Joe squashes Jarrett in the corner and continues to pummel him with strikes and kicks before hitting a samoan drop. Joe doesn't go for the cover, however, instead pulling Jarrett back to his feet and hitting an inverted atomic drop. Joe follows it up with a running single leg dropkick and then a running senton, but again he doesn't go for the cover. Joe hits an exploder suplex and Jarrett wisely rolls out of the ring to get some separation. Joe has no intention of letting Jarrett rest, however, and he follows him out of the ring. Jarrett retreats back up the entrance ramp and into the backstage area, with Joe in pursuit. A few moments later, Jarrett reappears and makes his way back down to the ring to beat the referee's count. Joe, however, doesn't reappear and ends up getting counted out.



Jeff Jarrett defeated Samoa Joe at 11:30 by count out (61)



As an exhausted Jarrett has his arm raised in victory in the ring, we finally get a camera feed from the backstage area where we see Samoa Joe brawling with...






Jeff Jarrett's fellow "Originals", Kazarian and Daniels, the TNA Tag Team Champions. As the three men continue fighting, Mike Tenay surmises that Jeff Jarrett and The Originals set Joe up and once again screwed him over. Taz says that maybe they did, but it's Joe's own fault for letting his emotions get the better of him during the match.



TNA Knockouts Championship







Lei D'Tapa's menacing presence at ringside is a constant source of distraction for Velvet Sky in this one as she constantly has to watch her back at all times, which is tough to do when you are also dealing with the formidable Knockouts Champion. Gail Kim controls the early parts of this one, dominating in the ring and then throwing Velvet out of the ring to allow Lei to do some more damage while Gail keeps the referee distracted. Despite the uphill battle, Velvet proves that she has the heart of a Champion as she continuously fights back, but every time she gains a little bit of momentum, a well-timed distracted from Lei D'Tapa allows Gail to regain control. In the end, Lei's presence at ringside also plays into the finish of the match as she cuts off a flurry of offense from Velvet by climbing onto the apron to grab her attention. Velvet takes her eyes off Gail for just a brief moment, but that moment is enough to allow Knockouts Champion to recover and catch Velvet by surprise when the Eat Defeat when she turns back around. Gail covers and retains the Knockouts Championship with more than a little help from her enforcer.



Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky at 9:53 by pinfall with an Eat Defeat following a distraction by Lei D'Tapa. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (50)



TNA X-Division Championship - Ultimate X Match







The match starts off with everyone throwing caution to the wind as bodies are flying everywhere at a frantic pace. After the initial craziness, the match slows down a little bit but we still get to see plenty of the high-flying, high-risk moves that helped make the X-Division what it is today. Alex Shelley spends of most of this match going after his former tag team partner and friend, Chris Sabin, as the hate between those two men is still very much alive. Petey Williams is the first one to come close to being able to grab the X-Division Championship and claim victory, but he is stopped by Kenny King, who in turn is stopped by Eric Young when King tries to go for the title himself. Sonjay Dutt has been on a bit of a losing streak since coming back from injury, but he's looking good tonight as he takes care of both Young and Sabin before falling victim to Petey Williams' devastating Canadian Destroyer. Petey Williams and Alex Shelley both go for the title, but both men end up crashing to the floor of the ring and now all six men are down as the match has taken its toll on everyone involved. Kenny King is the first man back to his feet and he looks to go for the X-Division Championship but he sees Eric Young getting back to his feet as well. King decides to deal with Young, hitting the Coronation to take EY out of the equation. King hits the Coronation on Alex Shelley as well, but then he turns around and walks right into a Cradle Shock from Chris Sabin! Sabin quickly surveys the area and, seeing everyone else down, Sabin climbs the turnbuckle, scales the wires and grabs the X-Division Championship title belt to become the NEW X-Division Champion.



Chris Sabin defeated Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Alex Shelley, Petey Williams and Eric Young at 12:47 by retrieving the X-Division Championship. Chris Sabin wins the TNA X-Division Championship (54)






Once the ring has cleared out after Chris Sabin's big win, "Evil Ways" starts playing as "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Once in the ring, "The Lone Wolf" gets on the mic and says that he was supposed to be the one challenging for the World Title tonight, but instead he has to sit in the back and watch Jeff Hardy challenging instead. AJ says that, in the end, it doesn't make a difference to him whether the Champion is Bully Ray or whether it's Jeff Hardy--he'll beat either guy and become the Champion at Hardcore Justice. AJ says that nothing and no one is going to keep him from the World Title, not Bully Ray and the Aces & Eights, not Jeff Hardy--not anybody! AJ then drops the mic and heads to the back as Mike Tenay says that he's known AJ Styles for a long time now and he has never seen him more determined than he is right now. Taz says that AJ can be as determined as he wants, it's not gonna change the fact that Bully Ray is gonna beat him, just like Bully's gonna beat Jeff Hardy tonight. (76)






Six man tag team action is up next as Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm take on D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Knux of the Aces & Eights. After an initial early flurry of offense from Sting, Angle and Storm, the Aces & Eights trio successfully manage to isolate James Storm from his partners, keeping Storm in their corner as they begin to wear him down, much to the delight of Taz who cheers them on from the commentary table. Storm takes a beating for several minutes, but a costly mistake by Knux, who takes too long before charging into the corner with a clothesline, allows Storm to duck out of the way and make the tag he desperately needs to Kurt Angle. Angle hits the ring and he is absolutely on fire, hitting german suplexes on all three Aces & Eights members before putting D'Lo Brown in the Ankle Lock, but a big boot from D.O.C. puts an end to that. The Aces & Eights try to do to Angle what they did to Storm, but Angle is on his game tonight and he fights his way out of the Aces & Eights corner. Knux tries to stop him with a big clothesline, but Angle ducks and hits the Angle Slam--and then Angle leaps toward his own corner and makes the hot tag to "The Icon" Sting!






Just as Sting enters the ring and begins to clean house, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff make their way down to ringside, but Sting takes them out as well with a slingshot crossbody. The match breaks down and everyone is fighting it out, but Sting ends up alone in the ring with D'Lo Brown. D'Lo gets put in the Scorpion Deathlock and, as so many before him, he has no choice but to tap out.



Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm defeated D'Lo Brown, D.O.C. and Knux at 11:48 by submission when Sting forced D'Lo Brown to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock (56)



The Aces & Eights try an ambush after the match, but Sting, Angle and Storm are able to fight them off and drive them out of the ring, forcing them to retreat back up the ramp as Mike Tenay declares this a great victory for TNA in their war against the Aces & Eights.



TNA World Heavyweight Championship







It is main event time as the leader of the Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy. Bully starts off by holding the Title belt high in the air, telling Hardy that the Title belongs to him and it always will, but Jeff simply responds by motioning for Bully to bring it on. The match gets under way and Jeff absolutely has Bully's number early on, one-upping him at every turn and forcing him out of the ring to seek comfort and/or advice from Brooke on several occasions. Bully and Brooke come up with a plan that works, however, as Brooke manages to distract Hardy long enough for Bully to get a cheap shot in to help him establish control of the match. Bully begins wearing Jeff down, hitting a hard-impact powerbomb, squashing Hardy in the corner with several hard clotheslines and then driving him to the mat with a high-angle belly to back suplex. With Brooke applauding him at ringside, Bully takes a moment to taunt the crowd before dropping a big elbow and making the cover, but the challenger kicks out after two. Bully pulls Hardy back to his feet, whips him into the corner and then he goes for the corner clothesline that worked so well for him previously, but this time Jeff is able to get a boot up. Bully staggers but he doesn't go down, so Jeff follows up with a Whisper in the Wind which gets Hardy a two count of his own.






As Hardy climbs the turnbuckle, Knux runs down to the ring and pushes Hardy off the top rope while Brooke has the referee distracted, and Hardy takes a nasty fall to the outside. Knux rolls Hardy back into the ring and Bully immediately goes for the cover, but somehow Hardy still manages to kick out. Clearly frustrated, Bully pulls Hardy to his feet while Knux grabs a steel chair. Brooke again distracts the referee and Bully irish whips Hardy toward Knux, but Hardy manages to reverse it and Knux doesn't react in time--he uses the steel chair on his own "brother". Knux is in complete shock and Hardy quickly takes advantage by taking Knux out with a slingshot crossbody. With the crowd fully behind him, Jeff re-enters the ring and hits the Twist of Fate on Bully Ray! Bully is down and Mike Tenay yells for Jeff to cover him, but Jeff decides that he wants to put an exclamation point on this by hitting the Swanton Bomb.






And that is when Matt Hardy, looking somewhat..different, and "The Monster" Abyss make their way out from the back. Matt instructs Abyss to remain on the stage while Matt himself approaches the ring just as Jeff is climbing the turnbuckle. Matt grabs the steel chair that Knux brought into play earlier and gets onto the apron. Matt makes eye contact with a confused looking Jeff...and then Matt nails his own brother with the steel chair, sending Jeff tumbling to the floor and forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.



Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray at 13:41 by disqualification when Matt Hardy got involved. Bully Ray retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (73)



Matt Hardy just cost his own brother his chance to become TNA World Heavyweight Champion and Mike Tenay is absolutely beside himself on commentary. And with that we get a shot of the referee handing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt to Bully Ray, who is still the Champion, and the show comes to an end with a shot of Matt Hardy staring at his down-and-out brother with what can only be described as a mad expression on his face.


Final Show Rating: 70

PPV Buyrate: 0.11 (57.702 buys)

The show increased popularity in 9 regions

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