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AEW Dynamite- September 8th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club



Mickie James vs Jade Cargill



Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page



Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes



Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???:





AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA



Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose



The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes


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AEW Dynamite- September 8th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club



Mickie James vs Jade Cargill



Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page

Comments: This was such a hard choice. OC is uber popular, but Ethan is so damn good as a heel and so friggin talented.


Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes



Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???:




AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA



Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose



The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes


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AEW Dynamite- September 8th, 2021


Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club


Mickie James vs Jade Cargill


Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page


Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes


Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???: The Lucha Bros



AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021


The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA


Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose


The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes

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Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club



Mickie James vs Jade Cargill

Comments: I think Cargill will find a way to win.


Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page



Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes



Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???: Lucha Bros





AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA



Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose



The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes


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AEW Dynamite- September 8th, 2021


Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club


Mickie James vs Jade Cargill


Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page


Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes


Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???: Silver & Reynolds


AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021


The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA


Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose


The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes

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Andrade El Idolo & Rush vs The Gunn Club

Comments: Austin and Colten have Tony Khan's nudes.


Mickie James vs Jade Cargill



Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page



Team Taz vs The Varsity Blondes



Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs ???

Who is ???: The Beaver Boys

Comments: It's time for Silver and Reynolds to take their rightful place in the spotlight.



The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA

Comments: I'd be happy if Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page never won a match to be honest.


Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose



The Elite vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes


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AEW Dynamite- September 8th, 2021:

Attendance: 5,300 at Fifth Third Arena (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone



It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for another episode of AEW Dynamite live on TNT! Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone quickly run down tonight's card before Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. The crowd sings his theme as Jericho, with his arm in a sling, wipes away a few tears. Jericho tells the crowd he loves them before going into what he wanted to say. Jericho says he's been doing a lot of thinking since Sunday night. Jericho says that his loss to MJF and his broken arm has opened something up to him. Jericho says that he thinks he needs to take some time off. A shocked gasp fills the Fifth Third Arena as Jericho continues his speech. He says that he's going to be taking the next few months off to refocus his career. Jericho says he'll be back for his Rock 'N' Wrestling Rager at Sea next month, but aside from that, he doesn't know the next time he'll be in AEW. Before Jericho finishes...



































Sammy Guevara makes his way down to the ring!


Guevara starts freaking out a bit, asking Jericho if he knows what he's doing. Jericho says he 100% knows and says that he did save one surprise for last. He's giving control of the Inner Circle over to Guevara while he's away! A big pop fills the arena as Sammy thanks Jericho and promises to keep the Inner Circle on top of AEW. Sammy and Jericho then hug it out and 'Judas' starts playing again as we go to commercials.






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Andrade El Idolo & Rush w/Chavo Guerrero vs Gunn Club w/Billy Gunn

Rush debuted at All Out as Andrade's partner in their match against Penta & Fenix, which they won. This match is nothing more than a squash match that Andrade & Rush completely dominate. The match eventually comes to an end after Rush hits Colten Gunn with his finisher, the Rush Driver (Double Underhook Piledriver) and Andrade hits Austin Gunn with El Idolo. They both simultaneously cover the Gunns and get the three in a dominant fashion.

WINNERS: Andrade El Idolo & Rush







After that match is over, we cut to MJF in the Pinnacle's locker room. MJF starts by bragging that he "killed" Chris Jericho's career. MJF says that he beat Jericho so hard at All Out that he forced him to hand over the Inner Circle to some dollar store Hardy brother named Sammy Guevara! MJF says Jericho is now yesterday's news and now he's focused on the future. MJF says he's already killed one hero and he loved doing it, so now he's going to kill more! MJF finishes by saying that the old guard of AEW is going down all at the hands of Maxwell Jacob Friedman!






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Mickie James vs Jade Cargill w/Mark Sterling

Mickie James made her AEW debut at All Out competing in the Casino Battle Royale. She didn't win, but she did eliminate Cargill, which led to this match. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind James. Cargill starts the match off by blasting James with a big boot. Cargill picks up James and hits her with a powerslam. Cargill attempts a military press slam, but James wiggles out of it and hits Cargill with a big dropkick. James throws Cargill into the corner and hits her with a flying forearm smash. James attempts a spin kick, but Cargill stops it and hits James with a chokeslam. Cargill throws James off the ropes and attempts a spinebuster, but James reverses it into a tornado DDT. The match comes to an end when Mickie goes to attempt the Mickie-DT (Jumping Implant DDT), but Cargill reverses it into a big overhead German suplex! Cargill then picks up Mickie and hits her with the Jaded! Cargill covers Mickie and gets the big win.

WINNER: Jade Cargill






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Orange Cassidy vs Ethan Page w/Scorpio Sky

Orange Cassidy has been gaining momentum on Dark: Elevation the past few weeks and a big win here could launch him into the top five in the rankings. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cassidy. Cassidy starts the match off by lackadaisically kicking at Page before putting his hands in his pockets, which leads to a huge pop from the crowd. Page goes to hit Cassidy with a lariat, but Cassidy ducks it, runs off the ropes, and hits Page with a flying shoulder tackle (all while keeping his hands in his pockets). Page rolls to the outside and Cassidy goes to attempt a suicide dive, but Scorpio trips him up! Page gets back in the ring and hits Cassidy with a fisherman's suplex. Page throws Cassidy off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. Page taunts Cassidy and slaps him in the face! Page attempts a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Cassidy reverses it into a hurricanrana. The match comes to an end when Cassidy goes to the corner and puts his sunglasses on! Scorpio goes to the apron, but Cassidy hits him with the Orange Punch (Superman Punch)! Page goes to hit Cassidy, but Cassidy dodges it and hits him with the Orange Punch! Cassidy covers Page and gets the three!

WINNER: Orange Cassidy







After a commercial break, we cut to Tony Schiavone in the ring. Schiavone says his guest tonight is none other than the man who lost the AEW World Championship at All Out, Kenny Omega! Omega makes his way down to the ring with Don Callis to a chorus of jeers from the Cincinnati crowd who all chant "LOSER" at him. Callis snaps at the crowd, saying Kenny Omega is not a loser, to which Tony points out that he did lose the AEW World Championship to Hangman Page at All Out. Kenny laughs, saying that that loss only proved one thing, that he's bigger than the AEW World Championship. Kenny says he doesn't need the AEW World Championship to be elite, because he's bigger than that, he's the world's elite! Kenny says he's gone all around the world, defeating the best every country has to offer. Omega says he's better than everybody in the locker room now, in the past, and definitely in the future. Before Kenny can continue...





















































Jon Moxley appears!


Moxley gets a big hometown pop from the Cincinnati crowd before getting in the ring and grabbing a microphone. Moxley says Kenny Omega is full of sh*t, which gets a huge pop from the crowd! Moxley says that Kenny has cheated and manipulated his way to getting all his belts and now he's going to pay the price. Hangman Page already took the AEW World Championship from him, so now Moxley says he's going to finish the job. Kenny laughs him off, saying he's beaten Moxley before and if he decides to mess with him, he'll beat him again. Omega finishes by reiterating that he is the world's elite and that Moxley is nothing more than the world's bottom feeder!






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Team Taz w/Taz & Hook vs Varsity Blondes w/Julia Hart

Ricky Starks picked up a big win at All Out, defeating Brian Cage. Now he & Powerhouse Hobbs look to get a win to maybe establish themselves in the tag division. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Varsity Blondes. Griff Garrison and Powerhouse Hobbs start the match off with Garrison unsuccessfully trying to take Hobbs off of his feet. Eventually Hobbs grabs Garrison and sends him flying across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Hobbs picks up Garrison and hits him with a running powerslam. Hobbs tags out to Starks, who hits Garrison with a running missile dropkick. Starks attempts a death valley driver, but Garrison reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker. The match comes to an end when Garrison tags out to Brian Pillman Jr., who hits Starks with a flying forearm smash. Pillman goes to the apron and attempts a move made famous by his dad, Air Pillman (Springboard Lariat), but Starks rolls out of the way and hits him with a running high knee. Starks picks up Pillman and attempts the Roshambo, but Pillman reverses it into a small package, which gets the three! The Varsity Blondes celebrate around the ringside area as Taz berates Hobbs and Starks, yelling at them that things need to change.

WINNERS: The Varsity Blondes






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Jungle Boy vs Karl Anderson w/Doc Gallows

Jungle Boy teamed up with Christian Cage & Luchasaurus to defeat the Hardy Family Office at All Out and now he's looking to defeat Karl Anderson to continue his hot streak. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy and Anderson start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Anderson hits Jungle Boy with a snap suplex. Anderson throws Jungle Boy off the ropes and hits him with a big spinebuster. Anderson goes for the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out at two. Anderson attempts the Gun Stun, but Jungle Boy reverses it into a back suplex. Jungle Boy throws Anderson into the corner and hits him with an enzuigiri. Jungle Boy goes to attempt a springboard dropkick, but Gallows trips him up! Anderson takes advantage of this by stomping the living hell out of Jungle Boy and hitting him with a sidewalk slam. The match comes to an end when Anderson goes to attempt the Gun Stun, but Jungle Boy dodges it and hits Anderson with a spinebuster! Jungle Boy then locks in the Snare Trap on Anderson and he has no choice but to tap out!

WINNER: Jungle Boy







After a quick commercial break, The Young Bucks make their way down to the ring. Matt Jackson says that they proved why they are the best tag team in the world today at All Out when they beat the geeks known as The Dark Order. Nick Jackson says that they did also promise something before All Out and they intend to keep that promise. Nick says that tonight they're issuing an open challenge to any tag team in the AEW locker room for a shot at their AEW World Tag Team Championships. Matt says that any team can accept it, but nobody is going to beat The Young Bucks! After a pregnant pause...














































































Proud-N-Powerful appear on the entrance ramp!


Looks like Ortiz & Santana have accepted the open challenge! Ortiz and Santana get in the ring, but the Bucks jump them before the bell can ring! They beat the living hell out of Ortiz and Santana before referee Rick Knox breaks things up. He asks PNP if they want to continue and they tell him to ring the damn bell!







AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

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The Young Bucks © vs Proud-N-Powerful

PNP were last seen on Rampage last month when they defeated FTR in a Chicago Street Fight, while The Young Bucks were last seen at All Out where they successfully defended their AEW World Tag Team Titles. This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Ortiz & Santana. Ortiz and Matt Jackson start the match off with Matt hitting a battered Ortiz with a barrage of stomps and kicks. Matt throws Ortiz off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. Matt struts before attempting to hit Ortiz with a superkick. Ortiz ducks it and takes Matt down with a dropkick. Ortiz throws Matt into the corner and chops him before hitting him with a big spinebuster. Ortiz attempts a military press slam, but Matt rakes Ortiz's eyes to get out of it. Matt tags out to Nick Jackson and they hit Ortiz with a double suplex. Nick goes to attempt a superkick, but Ortiz rolls out of the way and hits Nick with a monkey flip. Ortiz tags out to Santana, who blasts Nick with a lariat. Santana attempts a powerslam, but Nick reverses it into a tornado DDT. The match comes to an end when Nick tags out to Matt Jackson and they attempt a double superkick. Santana dodges it and Ortiz jumps off the top rope to hit both Young Bucks with a diving splash! Santana and Ortiz then hit Matt with the Street Sweeper! Santana covers Matt as Ortiz holds off Nick and gets the three! We have new AEW World Tag Team Champions and their name is Proud-N-Powerful!!!

WINNERS: Proud-N-Powerful







After a commercial break, we cut to Tony Schiavone in the ring, which is decorated for Hangman Page's AEW World Championship celebration. Speak of the devil, Hangman Page comes down to the ring (in his finest cowboy attire) with the AEW World Championship on his shoulder to a huge pop! Hangman says he's ready to celebrate finally reaching the top of the mountain with some good Cincinnati beer! The crowd pops as Hangman grabs a few bottles of beer. He cracks one open and even hands another to Tony, but before he can speak...


























































CM Punk appears on the ramp!


CM Punk sarcastically congratulates Hangman on winning the AEW World Championship before saying that it's too bad that his big win got overshadowed by the real main event of All Out, him kicking Darby Allin's ass all the way to the injured list! Punk gets in the ring and Hangman offers him a bottle of beer. Punk declines, before asking if this is what AEW has come to. Punk says AEW has really come to having a drunk cowboy as their main champion, to which Punk says that's pathetic! Punk says after All Out, only one man should be holding that AEW World Championship, him! Hangman interrupts and says that Punk's tooting his own horn too much. Hangman says Punk had one good match (that he almost lost by the way) and thinks he's God's gift to wrestling. Hangman tells Punk to get in the back of the line and work his way to the top, just like he did. Punk responds by saying that's not how this works. Punk says he's not just any other wrestler in AEW, he's THE wrestler in AEW. Punk says he's the man who is going to not just change AEW, but he's going to change the entire culture of pro wrestling. Punk then asks Hangman if he's a country music fan, because there's a Garth Brooks song that's about having some friends in low places. Suddenly, the lights go out and when they come back on...














































































































Cole and Murphy begin beating the living hell out of Hangman Page! Page tries fighting them off and even begins to succeed a bit, but that's halted by CM Punk, who smashes a beer bottle over Page's head!!! Punk picks up a bloodied Hangman and hits him with the Go To Sleep! Punk and Cole & Murphy fist bump before Punk poses over Hangman's lifeless corpse and Dynamite comes to a close.






TV RATING: 1,756,697 Viewers on TNT (UP 213,141 From Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions

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AEW Rampage- September 10th, 2021:

Attendance: 5,600 at Fifth Third Arena (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome to AEW Rampage live from the Fifth Third Arena in beautiful downtown Cincinnati, Ohio! Tony Schiavone and Mark Henry quickly run down the card tonight before heading straight into our first match of the night!


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The Men Of The Year vs Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA w/Orange Cassidy

Orange Cassidy beat Ethan Page on Dynamite, so now Page & Scorpio Sky are looking for revenge on Cassidy by going after his friends! This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Taylor & YUTA. Taylor and Scorpio start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Scorpio thumbs Taylor in the eye! Scorpio then hits Taylor with a big German suplex before hitting him with a knee drop. Scorpio goes to the top rope and hits Taylor with a diving elbow drop. Scorpio goes to attempt a powerslam, but Taylor wiggles out of it and hits Scorpio with a neckbreaker. Taylor throws Scorpio off the ropes and hits him with a flapjack. Taylor tags out to YUTA, who hits Scorpio with a top rope dropkick. YUTA goes to attempt a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Scorpio reverses it into a back suplex. The match comes to an end when Scorpio tags out to Ethan Page, who hits YUTA with a lariat. Page then picks up YUTA and hits him with the Ego's Edge! Scorpio holds Taylor back as Page gets the three.

WINNERS: The Men Of The Year







After the match is over, we cut to Team Taz's locker room. In there, Powerhouse Hobbs, Hook, and Ricky Starks are essentially being read the riot act by Taz. Taz chews them out for losing to The Varsity Blondes and asks if they even have any spark left in them. Taz says he knows just the thing to get them off their asses. He then pulls out his phone, calls someone, and says for them to come in. After a pregnant pause...
























































Taz unveils the newest member of Team Taz, Jermaine Reed!


Taz introduces Reed as the human version of Godzilla before saying that Reed will team up with Starks & Hobbs on Dynamite to get them back in gear! Reed finishes by saying that he's here to destroy!






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Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose w/Vickie Guerrero

These two women are looking for some momentum and to potentially break into the top five to potentially get a shot at the AEW Women's Championship. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Shida. Nyla starts the match off by taking Shida out with a big lariat. Nyla picks up Shida and hits her with a backbreaker. Nyla attempts a military press slam, but Shida reverses it into a hurricanrana. Shida throws Nyla into the corner and hits her with an enzuigiri. She then locks Nyla in a Boston Crab, but Nyla reaches the ropes. However, Shida refuses to break the hold until referee Aubrey Edwards forces her to break it. The match comes to an end when Shida hits Nyla with her finisher, the Katana! Shida covers Nyla and gets the three.

WINNER: Hikaru Shida







After that match is over, we cut to a dark room, where Darby Allin and Sting are located. Darby, with his upper torso taped up, says he's done a lot of dangerous stuff in life, but getting in the ring with CM Punk is probably up there. Darby calls Punk a piece of sh*t who's dirty tricks caused Darby's bicep to be torn clean off the bone. Darby says he's not usually one to take time off, but he's going to be gone for a while to recover. Darby finishes by saying that when he comes back, he's coming straight for CM Punk by any means necessary!






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The Elite w/Don Callis vs Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes w/Julia Hart

Kenny Omega cut a promo on Dynamite, calling himself the world's elite, but was interrupted by Jon Moxley, who essentially laughed in his face. This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Mox & The Varsity Blondes. Big hometown pops for Moxley and Brian Pillman Jr. to start things off, but Matt Jackson and Griff Garrison start things off with a collar and elbow tie-up. That's broken up when Matt hits Garrison with a forearm smash. Matt throws Garrison into the corner, tags out to Nick and they double team Garrison for a bit. Eventually Nick throws Garrison off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Garrison lands on his feet and hits Nick with a dropkick. Garrison tags out to Pillman Jr., who hits Nick with a flying shoulder tackle. Pillman picks up Nick, goes to the apron, and attempts a slingshot DDT, but Nick reverses it into a belly to belly suplex. Nick tags out to Kenny Omega, who hits Pillman with a running knee strike. Omega picks up Pillman and hits him with a spinning sitout powerbomb and goes for the cover, but Pillman kicks out at two. The match comes to an end when Kenny picks up Pillman and attempts the One-Winged Angel, but Pillman reverses it into a hurricanrana! Pillman tags out to Moxley, who makes a beeline towards Omega. Omega thinks quickly and goes over to his corner to tag out to Matt Jackson. Omega quickly flees the ring as Moxley grabs Matt, throws him over the top rope and into the ring, and then hits him with a spinebuster. Moxley then picks him up and hits him with the Paradigm Shift! Moxley covers Matt and gets the three!

WINNERS: Jon Moxley & The Varsity Blondes







After a quick commercial break, it's time for our final segment of the night! Flight of the Valkyries starts playing as Bryan Danielson appears on the ramp! Danielson gets a huge pop from the Cincinnati crowd and he's all smiles coming down to the ring. Danielson grabs a microphone and starts by saying it's good to be in All Elite Wrestling! Danielson says he's been wrestling for a long time, but there's something about AEW that's awakened something in him. Danielson says he's ready to fight the best and the brightest in All Elite Wrestling, from Hangman Page to Kenny Omega to maybe even CM Punk! Before Danielson can continue...




































Cody Rhodes's music hits!


Cody comes down to the ring with an obscene amount of pyro and a bevy of jeers from the crowd. Cody says it's funny Danielson is talking about who he wants to fight, because there's only one man who deserves to face him, Cody Rhodes! Cody says he's THE star in All Elite Wrestling, above anybody else. Cody says he's representing AEW on reality shows, media appearances, and commercials because he is THE biggest name in the company. Danielson interrupts, sarcastically asking if that's why he lost to Malakai Black at All Out. Cody snaps, saying that Danielson doesn't know the first thing about being a star. Cody says there's a name for people like Danielson, but some corporate stooge up north probably called him that a million times by now. Danielson calls Cody a sore loser who's just a bit jealous that he got upstaged. Danielson says he's willing to let bygones be bygones and settle this in the ring! Cody declines, saying he's too good to be in the ring with Danielson. Cody says that besides, even if he stepped in the ring with Danielson, he'd kick his ass so hard that Danielson's kid wouldn't want to ever be seen with him again! That sets Danielson off and the two begin a massive brawl! The two men beat the living hell out of each other all around the ringside area before security runs in to separate the two. Rampage goes off the air as both men try to get at each other.






TV RATING: 1,354,241 Viewers on TNT (UP 12,362 from Last Week)




AEW Dark- September 14th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Bear Country defeat two local workers after they hit one of the local workers with the Elevator Drop in 5:06. (20)

Shawn Spears defeats Fuego Del Sol after hitting him with the C4 in 5:14. (36)

Riho & Hikaru Shida reaffirm their friendship! (38)

A video plays recapping the shocking conclusion to Dynamite (79)

Dante Martin defeats Nick Comoroto after hitting him with the Double Jump Moonsault in 13:28. (48)

Sonny Kiss challenges Miro to a TNT Title match for Dynamite! (49)

Riho & Hikaru Shida defeat Serena Deeb & Kamille after Riho hits Kamille with the Diving Double Foot Stomp in 13:28. (54)




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AEW Dynamite- September 15th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sonny Kiss



Lucha Bros. vs Chaos Project



Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel



Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Leyla Hirsch vs Riho



Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson





AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson



The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt)



Andrade El Idolo vs PAC


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AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sonny Kiss

Comments: God's Favourite champion can't lose!... Yet


Lucha Bros. vs Chaos Project

Comments: I mean, RIGHT?


Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel

Comments: Tough choice there. Rebel seems here to take the pin, but Britt winning gives her a leg up with Kris and stops Thunder from also getting into contention too early


Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)

Comments: Picking with my heart here, but I might be wrong


Leyla Hirsch vs Riho



Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson

Comments: I think you go for real life and make it a time limit draw




AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson

Comments: Cody wins leading to a confrontation with Arn


The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt)

Comments: The Pinnacle needs upwards momentum


Andrade El Idolo vs PAC

Comments: Andrade already got his win with Rush

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AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sonny Kiss



Lucha Bros. vs Chaos Project



Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel



Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Leyla Hirsch vs Riho



Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson





AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson



The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt)



Andrade El Idolo vs PAC


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AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sonny Kiss



Lucha Bros. vs Chaos Project



Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel



Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Leyla Hirsch vs Riho



Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson

Comments: Tough to call, my instincts say "draw", but maybe a screwy win for Omega




AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson



The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt)



Andrade El Idolo vs PAC

Comments: Can't have all the heels win, lol

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AEW Dynamite- September 15th, 2021


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sonny Kiss


Lucha Bros. vs Chaos Project


Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel


Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)


Leyla Hirsch vs Riho


Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson



AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021


Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson


The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, & Marko Stunt)


Andrade El Idolo vs PAC

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AEW Dynamite- September 15th, 2021:

Attendance: 6,225 at Prudential Center (Newark, New Jersey)

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for another action-packed episode of AEW Dynamite live on TNT! Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone quickly run down tonight's card before we get right into tonight's action...



AEW TNT Championship Match:


Miro © vs Sonny Kiss

Sonny challenged Miro to a TNT title match on Dark last week and "The Redeemer" obliged his request. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Sonny. Miro starts the match off by blasting Sonny with a spin kick. Miro throws Sonny off the ropes and blasts him with a lariat. Miro throws Sonny across the ring with a biel throw before attempting a military press slam. Sonny wiggles out of it and knocks Miro out of the ring with a big dropkick. Sonny then runs off the ropes and hits Miro with a suicide dive! The match comes to an end when Sonny goes to the top rope and attempts the Split-Legged Moonsault, but Miro rolls out of the way and damn near kicks his head off with a jumping side kick. Miro then stomps Sonny's back and locks in the Game Over! Sonny eventually has no choice but to tap out.







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Lucha Bros. w/Alex Abrahantes vs Chaos Project

Penta & Fenix were last seen at All Out when they faced Andrade El Idolo & Rush in a losing effort. However, they will team up with PAC to face Andrade, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam for a chance at revenge! This match is nothing more than a squash match that Penta & Fenix completely dominate. The match comes to an end when they hit Serpentico with the Rey del Miedo and Penta covers him for the three.

WINNERS: Lucha Bros.







After that match is over, we cut to Christian Cage cutting a promo in the parking garage. Christian says he's happy to finally be done with Matt Hardy, but he doesn't know what he's going to do next. He says he has a lot of options, he could go after Miro and the TNT Championship or hell, he might even go after Hangman Page! Before Christian can continue...























































The Pinnacle jumps him!


FTR, Wardlow, and Shawn Spears begin beating the living hell out of Christian, with all four of them hitting Christian with a barrage of lead pipe shots. Eventually a masked man walks out from the shadows and hits Christian a sledgehammer. The man unmasks himself to reveal...
























































MJF grabs Christian's face and yells that he should have taken a note from his buddy Chris Jericho and retired already! MJF and the rest of The Pinnacle walk away as Christian writhes in pain and we go to commercials.







After a quick commercial break, we cut to Kenny Omega in The Elite's locker room. Kenny says that last week he set out to show that he's not the elite talent in AEW, he's the world's elite. Kenny says that some homeless looking dude named Jon Moxley may have tried to stop that, but tonight he's not here, so he has an offer. Kenny says he wants Bryan Danielson one on one tonight in the main event! Kenny says nothing will prove that he's the world's elite than when he slays the "American Dragon" in the middle of the ring tonight!






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Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Rebel

Statlander won the Casino Battle Royale at All Out to win a shot at Britt Baker's AEW Women's Championship, while Baker defeated Thunder Rosa at All Out to retain said championship. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Rosa & Statlander. Rosa and Baker start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Baker hits Rosa with a suplex. Baker throws Rosa into the corner and hits her with a knife edge chop. Baker attempts a spinebuster, but Rosa reverses it into a tornado DDT. Rosa hits Baker with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before tagging out to Statlander. Statlander blasts Baker with a lariat before attempting a powerslam. That fails though, as Baker rakes Statlander's eyes and wiggles out of it. The match comes to an end when Baker tags out to Rebel, who gets in the ring like a house on fire. She plays it up to the crowd until she's taken out by a high knee from Statlander. Statlander then hits Rebel with the Big Bang Theory and covers her for the three!

WINNERS: Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa







After that match is over, we cut to a video of a neighborhood in Queens, New York City. The video shows Proud-N-Powerful holding a block party to celebrate becoming the new AEW World Tag Team Champions! Ortiz and Santana mingle it up with their friends and family, drinking and eating BBQ before they are rudely interrupted by...































































The Young Bucks!


Matt and Nick Jackson pull up in their expensive convertible and sarcastically ask if they're spoiling anything. Matt says that Ortiz & Santana can party all they want because they talked to Tony Khan and they're getting a rematch for the tag titles next week on Rampage! Nick interjects and says that it's not going to be any normal match though, it's going to be a ladder match! Ortiz tells The Young Bucks to bring it on and Santana tells them that they've beaten them before, so next week is just going to be another ass kicking! Before The Bucks can respond, they hit Ortiz and Santana with a double superkick! Matt & Nick laugh and walk away as Ortiz and Santana scowl on the ground.






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Team Taz w/Taz & Hook vs The Dark Order

Taz introduced the newest member of Team Taz last week on Rampage, Jermaine Reed. Now Reed teams up with his Team Taz teammates to face The Dark Order. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. Reed and Colt Cabana start the match off with Reed hitting Cabana with a big lariat that damn near turns Colt inside out. Reed biel throws Colt across the ring before hitting him with a running splash. Reed picks up Colt and hits him with a military press slam before tagging out to fellow big man Powerhouse Hobbs. Hobbs throws Cabana off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Cabana lands on his feet and tags out to Stu Grayson, who hits Hobbs with a running knee lift. Stu picks up Hobbs and hits him with a sidewalk slam. Stu attempts a hurricanrana, but Hobbs hits him with a powerbomb. The match comes to an end when Hobbs tags out to Ricky Starks and Grayson tags out to Evil Uno. Starks attempts a lariat, but Uno ducks it, runs off the ropes, and hits Starks with a flying shoulder tackle. Uno attempts a running powerslam, but Starks wiggles out and shoves Uno headfirst into Stu Grayson on the apron! Uno apologizes to Stu, but is quickly met with a big punch from Starks. Starks then hits Uno with the Roshambo and covers him for the three.








After a quick commercial break, we cut to Tony Khan in the ring. Khan says he's honored to present a special award tonight to a very special individual. Khan hypes the man up, calling him one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time and a true American hero. Khan then introduces the man, none other than...

















































































Angle comes down to the ring to a huge pop from the Trenton crowd as they jokingly chant "YOU SUCK!" at him. Angle plays along before getting in the ring and shaking Khan's hand. Angle says it's an honor to receive this award and says he couldn't have done it without the fans, whether they booed or cheered him. Before he can continue...













































































CM Punk appears on the stage!


Punk loudly repeats the word no before saying that this whole segment is what's wrong with professional wrestling nowadays. Punk says that instead of being bold and originative, people are too busy focusing on the past. Punk calls Tony Khan a "fanboy" who never grew out of an age 10 mindset which is why he brings in people like Kurt Angle and Sting. Punk then turns his attention to Angle, calling him a guy who was a has-been ten years ago and is somehow worse than one now. Punk calls Angle a piece of trash who didn't have the balls to step in the ring with CM Punk. That sets off Angle, who charges at Punk. Angle's superior mat-wrestling abilities takes Punk down for a few seconds, but...

































































































Adam Cole and Matthew Murphy run in from the crowd for the save!


Cole and Murphy beat the living hell out of Angle with Cole hitting Angle with a superkick and Murphy hitting him with a high knee. Punk grabs Angle and sets him up for the Go To Sleep, but before he can...











































































Hangman Page runs down to the ring with a chair!


Page swings the chair violently, scaring off Punk, Cole, and Murphy. Page tends to Angle, but before he can do anything, Punk returns to the ring and kicks him below the belt! Page writhes in pain as Punk instructs Murphy and Cole to make Page watch what he's about to do. Punk then grabs Angle and hits him with the Go To Sleep! Punk gets in Hangman's face and tells him that he's just like Kurt Angle, trash compared to CM Punk! Punk slaps Page across the face and leaves the ring with Murphy and Cole as Page tends to Angle and we go to commercials.






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Leyla Hirsch vs Riho w/Hikaru Shida

Riho and Shida have developed a bit of a friendship over the past month or so, but there have been some signs of tension recently. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Riho. Riho and Hirsch start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Hirsch takes Riho down with a hip toss. Hirsch tries to lock in an armbar for a quick win, but Riho punches out of it and hits Hirsch with an enzuigiri. Riho then throws Hirsch into the corner and hits her with a running knee strike. Riho attempts a German suplex, but Hirsch reverses it into a hip toss. She then starts unloading a barrage of MMA punches onto Riho before hitting her with a belly to belly suplex. The match comes to an end when Hirsch tries to unhook the turnbuckle pad. Hikaru Shida notices this and tries to get referee Bryce Remsburg's attention. This backfires though, as Remsburg begins yelling at Shida to get off the apron. Riho tries to go after Hirsch, but Hirsch thumbs her in the eye behind Remsburg's back! Hirsch then locks in an armbar and Riho has no choice but to tap out.

WINNER: Leyla Hirsch







After that match is over, we cut to Cody Rhodes's locker room. The extravagant locker room is full of pictures of Cody celebrating victories and pinning other members of the AEW roster. Cody is seen texting somebody before...





































Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson barge in!


Johnson and Anderon say that Cody's really changed the past few weeks and not for the better. Johnson says that he misses the old Cody, the one that trained him and made him the man he is today. Cody snaps back at him, saying that he's always been the same guy, but now he just wants a little more appreciation for what he's done for not just AEW, but for the entire wrestling business. Brock interjects, saying that Cody's abandoned what he stood for, he's even stopped responding to Arn Anderson's messages! Cody says that he doesn't need that old relic any more, because he's his own person. Brock says that if Cody really wants to back that up in the ring, he'll face him and Lee Johnson on Rampage in a handicap match! Cody says he'd love that, a chance to show the world the only two mistakes of his entire career. Cody finishes by saying that after he's done with them, they'll both be like Arn Anderson, irrelevant.






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Kenny Omega w/Don Callis vs Bryan Danielson

Omega has been calling himself the "world's elite" recently and decided to challenge Danielson to try and prove it. This match is an amazing match and the crowd is solidly behind Danielson. Danielson and Omega start the match with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Danielson hits Omega with a dragon suplex. Danielson throws Omega into the corner and hits him with a running high knee before going to the second rope and hitting a diving pointed elbow drop. Danielson goes to stomp Kenny's right arm, but Omega rolls out of the way and hits Danielson with a spinning heel kick. Omega plays to the crowd for a bit before attempting the V-Trigger. Danielson rolls out of the way though and hits Omega with a flying knee strike! Danielson covers Omega, but Omega kicks out at two. Danielson tries locking in the LeBell Lock, but Omega rolls out of it and hits Danielson with the V-Trigger! Omega covers Danielson, but Danielson sticks his foot on the rope at 2.9! Both men lie motionless in the ring as the crowd roars in approval and Justin Roberts announces there's one minute left in this match before we have a time limit draw. This seemingly sparks a second wind in both men, with Omega attempting a second V-Trigger, but Danielson counters it with a flying knee strke! Danielson then locks Omega in the LeBell Lock! After almost half a minute of attempting to escape and with 10 seconds left before the time limit, Kenny taps! Danielson has beaten a former AEW World Champion in his AEW debut match! The Trenton crowd chants "THIS IS AWESOME!" as Danielson celebrates and Dynamite comes to a close.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson






TV RATING: 1,549,857 Viewers on TNT (DOWN 206,840 From Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions

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AEW Rampage- September 17th, 2021:

Attendance: 6,058 at Prudential Center (Newark, New Jersey)

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome everyone to another exciting episode of AEW Rampage! Tony Schiavone and Mark Henry quickly run down the card for tonight before we get right into our first bout...


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Cody Rhodes vs Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson w/Arn Anderson

Johnson and Anderson were two of Cody's proteges and were good friends with him until Cody turned his back on the AEW fans at All Out. Now they settle their differences in the ring. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Anderson and Johnson. Cody and Johnson start the match with Johnson extending a hand and being met with a slap from Cody! Cody then pounces on Johnson, hitting him with a Thesz press. Cody's barrage of punches is stopped when he's distracted by Arn Anderson yelling at him. He goes over to Arn and goes to slap him, but he's stopped by a German suplex from Johnson. Johnson tags out to Brock, who throws Cody off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. The match comes to an end when Brock attempts a spinebuster, but Cody reverses it into a Cross Rhodes! He then grabs Lee Johnson from the apron, slaps him across the face, and hits him with the Cross Rhodes! He then covers both men and gets the three.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes







After the match is over, Cody Rhodes grabs a microphone and says that's what happens when you disrespect the biggest star in professional wrestling! Cody says Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson learned the hard way, but Bryan Danielson can still back down, he just has to admit he doesn't hold a candle to Cody freakin' Rhodes! Before Cody can continue...
























































His brother, Dustin Rhodes, appears on the ramp with a microphone!


Dustin says he's been watching Cody over the past few weeks and says it's time for an attitude check. Dustin says he's never seen Cody like this before and that he needs some tough love. Dustin then challenges Cody to a Texas Death Match next Wednesday at Dynamite: Grand Slam! Cody accepts, saying he'll kick Dustin's ass like he kicked Lee's and Anderson's asses tonight and like he'll eventually kick Bryan Danielson's ass! The two brothers stare each other down as we go to commercials.







After a quick commercial break, we cut to Sammy Guevara in the Inner Circle's locker room. Guevara says it's been a good few weeks for the Inner Circle. First, Santana and Ortiz won the AEW World Tag Team Championship, Jake Hager got booked for another big-time Bellator fight, and tickets for Chris Jericho's Fozzy tour are selling like hotcakes. Guevara says he's feeling a little bit left out on the success, so he wants in. Guevara says he's challenging Miro for the AEW TNT Championship! Guevara finishes by saying that the Inner Circle will be covered in gold soon enough!






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The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs Jurassic Express

The Pinnacle attacked Christian Cage on Dynamite, so Jurassic Express (being Christian Cage's friends) demanded a match to avenge him. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jurassic Express. Jungle Boy and Wardlow start the match off with Wardlow easily overpowering the smaller Jungle Boy. Wardlow hits him with a powerslam before attempting a military press slam, but that's reversed into a hurricanrana by Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy then tags out to Luchasaurus and the two big men stare each other down. Eventually, the two start unloading on each other with a barrage of punches. Luchasaurus gets the upper hand and hits Wardlow with a big lariat that sends him crashing to the outside. Wardlow eventually gets back in the ring and tags out to Cash Wheeler, while Marko Stunt tags himself in. The match comes to an end when Stunt goes to the top rope and hits Wheeler with a diving splash. Stunt goes to the apron to attempt a diving apron splash, but Wheeler catches him and Dax Harwood gets in the ring to hit him with the Goodnight Express! Wheeler covers him and gets the three.

WINNERS: The Pinnacle







After that match is over, we cut to a pre-recorded video of Malakai Black. Black says he's glad to have shown Cody Rhodes the darkness that was inside of him all along, but now he's on to bigger things. Black says he's got his eyes set on something bigger than Cody Rhodes or his massive ego, he wants the AEW World Championship! Black says he will make Hangman Page fade to bla-


Black is cut off by the camera turning to static. When the static clears, an image appears on the screen...




















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Andrade El Idolo w/Chavo Guerrero vs PAC

These two were supposed to square off a few weeks ago, but PAC sprained his ankle so now we're having the match tonight to close Rampage! This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind PAC. Andrade starts the match off by hitting PAC with an enzuigiri, which sends PAC crashing into the corner. Andrade hits him with a running big boot before hitting him with a belly to belly suplex. Andrade throws PAC into another corner and attempts a knife edge chop, but PAC rolls out of the way, leading Andrade to chop the turnbuckle pad! PAC hits Andrade with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before going to the top rope and hitting him with a moonsault. Andrade rolls to the outside to discuss strategy with Chavo, but PAC runs off the ropes and hits both of them with a suicide dive! PAC throws Andrade into the ring post and hooks his arm across it. He then tries breaking Andrade's arm by hitting it with a big boot, but Andrade gets out at the last second and PAC ends up hitting the ring post with his previously sprained ankle! The match comes to an end when Andrade throws PAC into the ring and attempts El Idolo, but PAC reverses it into an exploder suplex. PAC shakes off his ankle, goes to the top rope, and hits Andrade with the Black Arrow! PAC then locks Andrade in the Rings of Saturn! Andrade eventually passes out from the pain, giving the win to PAC! PAC stands tall over Andrade and tells him that Death Triangle will reign supreme on Dynamite: Grand Slam as Rampage comes to a close.







TV RATING: 1,320,719 Viewers on TNT (DOWN 33,522 From Last Week)




AEW Dark- September 21st, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Matt Hardy defeats Fuego Del Sol after hitting him with the Twist of Fate in 4:33. (53)

Dante Martin defeats Aaron Solow after hitting him with El Dorado (Double Jump Moonsault) in 7:49. (48)

We get a promo from three new wrestlers, Scott Parker, Shane Matthews, & Daniel Garcia. Parker & Matthews introduce themselves as 2.0, while Garcia calls himself the red death. 2.0 claim Garcia as their "son." (36)

Leyla Hirsch defeats Santana Garrett by submission after locking her in an armbar in 9:58. (41)

A video plays recapping Sammy Guevara's challenge to Miro from Rampage. (55)

The Dark Order cut a promo saying they're ready to bounce back from their loss at All Out. (55)

The Hardy Family Office (The Blade & Private Party) defeat The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana) after Private Party hit Stu Grayson with the Gin & Juice in 10:46. After the match, 10 & Alan "5" Angels walk out on The Dark Order. (64)




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Prediction Contest:


This Show:

1) Original_Broski- 8 Pts.

2) DHK1989- 7 Pts.

3) BigJ- 6 Pts.

3) TheBigBad1013- 6 Pts.



1) Original_Broski- 14 Pts.

2) DHK1989- 13 Pts.

3) BigJ- 12 Pts.

4) TheBigBad1013- 6 Pts.

5) Jaysin- 5 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 5 Pts.


Thank you to everyone for your predictions/comments! Dynamite/Rampage cards will be up later tonight!

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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021

Prediction Key:


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero



Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander





AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021

Prediction Key:


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero



Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander




AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero



Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)


The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander





AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:

Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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