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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes


Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero


Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida


The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)


The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander



AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes


NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida


AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks

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Can't wait to see what you do with Grand Slam, I bet it'll be great!


AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021

Prediction Key:


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero



Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander





AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021

Prediction Key:


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero

Comments: Chavo eats the pin


Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander




AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti (C) vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021

Prediction Key:


Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero

Comments: Leading to Chavo being replaced by Dragon Lee or someone


Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander




AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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Texas Death Match:

Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes



Death Triangle vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero



Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida



The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs Team Taz (Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs)



The Men Of The Year vs Matt Sydal & Dante Martin



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Kris Statlander




Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes



NWA Women's Championship Match:

Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida



AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks


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AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam- September 22nd, 2021:

Attendance: 20,000 at Arthur Ashe Stadium- New York City, New York

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for another exciting episode of AEW Dynami-













The camera gets all shaky and fuzzy and cuts away to the parking garage, where an SUV is pulling up. The car stops and CM Punk, Adam Cole, and Matthew Murphy step out! CM Punk grabs the camera from the cameraman and says that he has a lot to get off of his chest right now. Punk says that he's been hearing a ton of questions about why he did what he did, why he brought in Adam Cole and Matthew Murphy, and what he wants. Well, it's simple, he wants to change AEW. Punk says that he's seen every company he's worked for destroy what he loved about professional wrestling and he's seeing signs of it in AEW. Punk says that's not going to be the case any longer, because he, Cole, and Murphy are going to tear down AEW and redefine it in Punk's image! Why? Because they are The Industry and pro wrestling will never be the same again!






Texas Death Match:

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Cody Rhodes vs Dustin Rhodes

After that interruption, it's time for our first contest of the evening, a battle between two brothers. Dustin challenged Cody to this Texas Death Match on Rampage, saying that he needed an attitude check. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Dustin. The rules of this match are simple: no holds are barred and the only way you win is by pinning your opponent and have him unable to beat a ten count. Dustin starts the match off by offering a handshake, but Cody flips him off! Dustin then blasts Cody with a lariat before hitting him with a spinebuster. Dustin rolls to the outside, reaches under the apron, and grabs a steel chair. Dustin tries getting back in the ring, but Cody hits him with a baseball slide, hitting him with the chair in the process. Cody throws Dustin into the ringpost before lifting up the pads around ringside. Cody attempts a suplex onto the exposed concrete, but Dustin reverses it into a back body drop onto it! Dustin throws Cody back in the ring and attempts a powerbomb, but Cody rakes Dustin's eyes. Cody then cracks Dustin over the head with the chair, busting him open! Dustin asks Cody to hit him again and Cody obliges, cracking him with another chair shot. Dustin then flips him off and Cody hits him with a third chair shot, which finally brings him down. The match comes to an end when Cody goes for a cover and looks like he has an easy three, but he intentionally breaks the count. He then throws Dustin out of the ring, brings him over to the exposed concrete, and hits him with the Cross Rhodes!!! Cody covers Dustin and gets the three and then easily gets the ensuing ten count.

WINNER: Cody Rhodes







After that match is over, we cut to Kris Statlander backstage. Statlander says she's excited tonight because she's cashing in her Casino Battle Royale opportunity for a shot at Britt Baker's AEW Women's Championship! Statlander says Baker's been parading around AEW acting like she's the be-all end-all for way too long and tonight, that comes to an end! Statlander finishes by saying that her victory tonight is going to be out of this world.







We then cut to a backstage area, where The Varsity Blondes are hanging out. Brian Pillman, Griff Garrison, and Julia Hart are talking about their plans for challenging whoever wins the Young Bucks/PNP ladder match on Rampage, but before they can talk any further...

















































The Industry arrive!


CM Punk kicks down the door and Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy begin kicking the hell out of Garrison & Pillman! Cole and Murphy throw them across tables and across the room as Julia Hart screams in terror. Punk eventually tells the two to stop and gets in The Varsity Blondes' faces. Punk chastises both of them, telling Garrison that nobody knows who he is and telling Pillman Jr. that his dad would be ashamed of him. Punk finishes his little sermon by looking into the camera and saying that The Varsity Blondes are a perfect example of what's wrong with AEW. Punk and the rest of The Industry walk out as Hart checks on both men and we go to commercials.






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Death Triangle w/Alex Abrahantes vs Andrade El Idolo, Rush, & Chavo Guerrero

These six have been feuding for a few months now, but most recently PAC regained some momentum for the Death Triangle by defeating Andrade on Rampage. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Death Triangle. PAC and Andrade start the match off with Andrade taunting PAC and PAC responding with an enzuigiri. PAC throws Andrade off the ropes and hits him with a hurricanrana. PAC goes to the top rope and attempts a moonsault, but Andrade gets his knees up at the last second. Andrade tags out to Rush, who hits PAC with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Rush attempts a spinning suplex, but PAC reverses it into a tornado DDT and tags out to Rey Fenix. Fenix hits Rush with a running dropkick before hitting him with a standing moonsault. Fenix attempts the Fenix Driver (Fireman's Carry into Reverse Piledriver), but Rush reverses it into a Canadian Destroyer! The match comes to an end when Fenix tags out to Penta El Zero M and Rush tags out to Chavo. Penta ducks a Chavo lariat and hits him with a big superkick! Penta then flashes the cero miedo hand signal and hits him with the Package Piledriver! Penta covers Chavo and gets the three!

WINNERS: Death Triangle






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Leyla Hirsch vs Hikaru Shida w/Riho

Hirsch was last seen on Dynamite last week when she defeated Riho thanks to Hikaru Shida accidentally distracting a referee, allowing Hirsch to thumb Riho's eye. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Shida. Shida and Hirsch start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Hirsh takes Shida down with a judo toss. Hirsch starts stomping on Shida's arm for a bit before attempting a German suplex. That fails though, as Shida reverses it into a back suplex of her own. Shida throws Hirsch off the ropes and hits her with a back body drop. Shida goes to the top rope and attempts a diving elbow drop, but Hirsch catches her and tries locking in a sleeper hold. Shida manages to reverse that though and hits Hirsch with a German suplex. The match comes to an end when Hirsch tries removing the turnbuckle pad. Riho notices this and gets on the apron to tell referee Bryce Remsburg that she's cheating. Remsburg instead chastises Riho for getting on the apron, which allows Hirsch to poke Shida in the eyes! Hirsch locks in the Armbar, but Shida has the wherewithal to reverse it into a small package, which gets the three!

WINNER: Hikaru Shida







After a quick commercial break, Tony Schiavone is standing in the ring. Schiavone hypes up the rest of the night before introducing his guests for the evening, Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston! Mox and Kingston enter through the crowd to the tune of X's "Wild Thing" and a big pop from the Queens crowd. The two grab microphones and Eddie Kingston says it's great to be back in New York City! Schiavone asks Moxley about his recent beef with Kenny Omega. Moxley says it's nothing personal, it's just kind of funny that Kenny calls himself the "World's Elite" when all of his accomplishments in AEW are because of his boys: Don Callis and The Elite. Moxley brings up their match at Revolution earlier this year as a prime example. Mox says that if The Good Brothers and Don Callis weren't there, he'd be AEW World Champion! Before Moxley can continue...











































Kenny Omega appears on the stage!


Kenny says that Moxley's acting like a sore loser right now. Kenny then imitates Moxley, fake crying about how he should be AEW World Champion right now. Kenny says that Moxley's not the champ for one simple reason, because he's not as good as Kenny freakin' Omega! Moxley fires back, saying if Kenny is so good and he's the "World's Elite," then why did he lose to Hangman Page at All Out? Moxley says better yet, why did he lose to Bryan Danielson last week on Dynamite? Kenny laughs that off, saying that he's the "World's Elite" because he always thinks one step ahead of the competition...





























































Right on cue, The Young Bucks hit Moxley & Kingston with a double superkick!


Matt & Nick Jackson begin beating the living hell out of Moxley and Kingston before Kenny gets down to the ring and joins in. Kenny instructs The Bucks to hold Moxley up and he hits him with the V-Trigger! Kenny and The Bucks pose over Kingston and Moxley as we go to commercials.






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The Dark Order vs Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs w/Taz

Jermaine Reed made his in-ring debut last week on Dynamite, teaming with Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks to defeat The Dark Order. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. Hobbs and Stu Grayson start the match off with Hobbs blasting Grayson with a lariat. Hobbs throws Grayson off the ropes and sends him flying across the ring with a back body drop. Hobbs picks up Grayson and attempts a running powerslam, but Grayson wiggles out of it and shoves Hobbs headfirst into the turnbuckle. Grayson takes down Hobbs with an enzuigiri before tagging out to Evil Uno. Uno hits Hobbs with a senton before attempting a sidewalk slam. This fails and Hobbs reverses it into a powerslam. The match comes to an end when Hobbs tags out to Jermaine Reed, who blasts Uno with a big knee drop. Reed attempts the Tsunami (Running Jumping Splash), but Uno rolls out of the way! Uno picks up Reed and attempts a German suplex, but Reed reverses it by sending Uno crashing into his corner, inadvertently taking out Stu Grayson! Uno begins apologizing, but not before he's hit by a big lariat from Reed. Reed then runs off the ropes and hits Uno with the Tsunami! Reed then covers Uno and gets the three.

WINNERS: Jermaine Reed & Powerhouse Hobbs







After that match is over, we cut to Paul Wight backstage. Wight begins hyping up Dark and Dark: Elevation this week, saying there were a ton of great matches, so give it a watch! Before Wight can continue, someone kicks down the door...





























































It's The Industry!


Adam Cole and Matthew Murphy begin beating the living hell out of Wight, with Punk screaming that Wight is a relic of a bygone era. Cole and Murphy eventually get the big man to his knees before Punk comes up to him, tells him that he doesn't belong in a professional wrestling company, and roundhouse kicks him. The Industry then leave as Paul Wight is left unconscious on the floor.






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The Men of the Year vs Dante Martin & Matt Sydal

The MOTY were last seen on Rampage a few weeks ago defeating Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA and a win here may catapult them into the top five in the tag team rankings. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Sydal & Martin. Scorpio Sky and Dante Martin start the match off with Martin extending a hand to Scorpio. Scorpio responds by hitting him with an enzuigiri. Scorpio throws Martin off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop before hitting him with a knee drop. Scorpio tags out to Ethan Page and the two begin double teaming Martin. Page hits Martin with a sidewalk slam before attempting a back suplex. However, that's reversed into a hurricanrana from Martin! Martin tags out to Sydal, who hits Page with a running dropkick. Sydal goes to the top rope and hits Page with a moonsault before hitting him with a running senton. The match comes to an end when Sydal goes to the top rope and attempts the Shooting Sydal Press, but Scorpio shakes the ropes and crotches Sydal! Page takes advantage of this and hits Sydal with the Ego's Edge and gets the three.

WINNERS: The Men Of The Year







After that match is over, we cut to Miro backstage. Miro says that he's heard that punk Sammy Guevara's challenge for the TNT Championship. Miro says he accepts Sammy's challenge! Miro says he usually wouldn't give some jabroni like Guevara a shot, but he wants to embarrass Sammy. Miro says Sammy's only gotten this far in AEW thanks to Chris Jericho and next week, he runs into the buzzsaw known as Miro! Miro finishes by saying that next week he will break Sammy Guevara's back!







AEW Women's Championship Match:

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Britt Baker © w/Rebel vs Kris Statlander

Kris Statlander won this opportunity at All Out when she won the Casino Battle Royale, defeating 20 other women in the process. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Statlander. Statlander and Baker start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Statlander hits Baker with a belly to belly suplex. Statlander throws Baker off the ropes and hits her with a back body drop before hitting her with a knee drop. Statlander attempts the Big Bang Theory, but Baker elbows Statlander in the head and hits her with a DDT. Baker throws Statlander into the corner and hits her with a knife edge chop. Baker goes to the second rope and attempts a diving pointed elbow drop, but Statlander rolls out of the way and hits Baker with a senton. Statlander tries attempting the Big Bang Theory again, but is tripped up by Rebel! Baker tries taking advantage of this by trying to lock in the Lockjaw, but Statlander reverses it into a back suplex, which inadvertently takes out referee Aubrey Edwards! The match comes to an end when Baker and Statlander are lying motionless on the mat. Before anything else can happen...





































































Jade Cargill makes her way down to the ring!


Cargill steps over the top rope, grabs Statlander, and hits her with the Jaded! Cargill puts Baker over Statlander and Aubrey Edwards eventually recovers to count the three! Baker clutches her title in the corner as Edwards checks on Statlander and Cargill stares down both women.

WINNER: Britt Baker







After that match is over, we cut to the parking garage, where The Industry are walking to their car. They get in the car and tell their driver to get them out of there, but he says he can't. Punk demands to know why, to which the driver tells him that there's someone standing in his way. Punk gets out of the car to check on who could be standing in their way, to which he sees...



































































































Hangman Page with a pipe!


Hangman Page rushes CM Punk and starts swinging wildly with the pipe, narrowly missing Punk! He starts smashing the car windows and tries grabbing Punk through a broken window, but the car speeds off just before he can reach him. Page yells that he's coming for Punk as Dynamite comes to a close.






TV RATING: 1,748,026 Viewers on TNT (UP 198,169 From Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions.

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AEW Rampage: Grand Slam- September 24th, 2021:

Attendance: 20,000 at Arthur Ashe Stadium- New York City, New York

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome everyone to another exciting episode of AEW Rampage! We're coming to you live from historic Arthur Ashe Stadium in the heart of New York City for night two of AEW Grand Slam! Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry run down the card for tonight before we get right into our first contest...


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Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy vs The Varsity Blondes w/Julia Hart

Cole & Murphy made their debuts on Dynamite a few weeks ago, aligning with CM Punk and forming The Industry. Since then, they've beaten up numerous AEW wrestlers, including their opponents tonight, The Varsity Blondes. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Varsity Blondes. Brian Pillman Jr. and Matthew Murphy start the match off with Pillman hitting Murphy with a flying forearm smash. Pillman throws Murphy into the corner and starts stomping the living hell out of him before referee Bryce Remsburg breaks things up. That allows Murphy to blast Pillman with a lariat before hitting him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Murphy goes to the top rope and hits Pillman with a diving elbow drop. Murphy attempts a spinning sitout powerbomb, but Pillman reverses it into a hurricanrana. The match comes to an end when Murphy tags out to Cole and Pillman tags out to Griff Garrison. Garrison ducks an attempted lariat from Cole and hits him with a dropkick. Garrison then goes to the top rope and attempts a diving splash, but Cole gets his knees up at the last second. Cole then hits Garrison with a straight jacket German suplex before going to the second rope and hitting Garrison with his finisher, the Panama Sunrise (Jumping Flip Piledriver). Cole covers Garrison and gets the three.

WINNERS: Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy







After that match is over, we cut to a pre-recorded video of Kenny Omega inside a first-class suite on a plane. Kenny says he's just getting back from Guadalajara, Mexico after another successful defense of the AAA Mega Championship and something's crossed his mind. He said it was so much fun watching The Young Bucks kick the crap out of Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley that he wants in on it. So, he's challenging Eddie Kingston to a match next week on Rampage! Omega finishes by saying that he'll show next week why he's the "World's Elite" and why Eddie Kingston is the world's dumpster fire.







NWA Women's Championship Match:

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Tay Conti © vs Hikaru Shida w/Riho

Shida earned this shot at Tay Conti by defeating Leyla Hirsch on Dynamite. This match is a good match and the crowd is split between these two great wrestlers. Conti and Shida start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Conti takes Shida down with a belly to belly suplex. Conti throws Shida into the corner and hits her with a high knee. Conti throws Shida off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Shida lands on her feet and hits Conti with an enzuigiri. Shida hits Conti with a back suplex before hitting her with a senton. Shida attempts the Katana, but Conti rolls out of the way and hits Shida with a jumping DDT! The match comes to an end when Conti tries hitting Shida with the DD-Tay, but Shida reverses it into a rollup! That only gets a two though and Shida tries hitting Conti with the Katana again. Conti dodges it and hits Shida with the DD-Tay! Conti covers Shida and gets the three!

WINNER: Tay Conti







After a commercial break, Malakai Black makes his entrance to deliver his "sermon." The arena is pitch black with the exception of a spotlight on Black in the ring. Black says he's been in AEW for barely two months and already he's done so much. Black says he's already converted AEW's biggest star in Cody Rhodes to the path of darkness and he has big plans for his next target. He says he may go after Hangman Page, he may go after Miro, hell he may go after Cody again just for fun. Before Black can continue, a second spotlight appears in the ring. The spotlights go dark and when they come back on...































































































Daniels gets a huge pop from the Queens crowd as he immediately goes after Black! Black eventually shoves him away and attempts the Ogentroost, but Daniels ducks it and hits Black with a lariat! Daniels picks up Black and attempts the Angels Wings, but Black wiggles out of it and rolls out of the ring. The two men stare each other down as we go to commercials.







AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match:

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Proud-N-Powerful © vs The Young Bucks

PNP won the AEW World Tag Team Championships from The Young Bucks on Dynamite a few weeks ago in an open challenge. The Young Bucks were a bit miffed at that and got a rematch, but this time it's a ladder match! This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Santana & Ortiz. The match starts with all four men rolling to the outside and grabbing ladders. Each man sets up a ladder inside the ring and all four men start climbing and trying to reach for the belts. After they all realize they can't get the belts, they all begin beating the living hell out of each other on top of the ladders! Eventually they all get down and begin beating each other up in the more traditional way. Matt and Nick try hitting Ortiz with a double superkick, but Santana grabs a ladder and hits both Bucks with it! Matt and Nick try recuperating on the outside, but Ortiz & Santana run off the ropes and hit both men with stereo suicide dives! Ortiz and Santana try climbing the ladders to grab the titles, but the Bucks get back in the ring and hit them with simultaneous low blows! Ortiz and Santana keel over in pain and the Bucks hit both of them with sitout powerbombs. The Bucks taunt both of them, telling Ortiz & Santana to suck it and doing a crotch chop before hitting them with stereo superkicks. The Bucks then go to the top rope and try to hit stereo moonsaults, but Ortiz and Santana roll out of the way at the last second. The match comes to an end when all four men try climbing the ladders, but they're all gassed. All four eventually get to the top and begin throwing punches at each other. Eventually Ortiz & Santana get the upper hand and throw Matt and Nick off the ladders!!! Ortiz and Santana unhook the title belts and get the win! Ortiz and Santana celebrate on top of the ladder as Rampage comes to a close.

WINNERS: Proud-N-Powerful






TV RATING: 1,350,599 Viewers on TNT (UP 29,880 From Last Week)





AEW Dark- September 28th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Jermaine Reed defeats Mike Sydal after hitting him with the Tsunami in 5:57. (59)

The Varsity Blondes defeat Pretty Picture after they hit Peter Avalon with the Varsity Experience in 8:02. (44)

Lance Archer issues another open challenge for the IWGP United States Championship for Dynamite! (62)

Tay Conti defeats The Bunny after hitting her with the DD-Tay in 12:50. (56)

The Dark Order agree to put their differences aside for Dynamite to honor Mr. Brodie Lee (58)

A video plays recapping the hellacious PNP/Young Bucks ladder match from Rampage (58)

Dante Martin defeats QT Marshall after hitting him with El Dorado in 12:31. (53)




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Prediction Contest:


This Show:

1) DHK1989- 9 Pts.

1) dukka- 9 Pts.

3) Jaysin- 8 Pts.

3) BigJ- 8 Pts.

5) Old School Fan- 6 Pts.

5) Original_Broski- 6 Pts.

7) TheBigBad1013- 5 Pts.



1) DHK1989- 22 Pts.

2) Original_Broski- 20 Pts.

2) BigJ- 20 Pts.

4) Jaysin- 13 Pts.

5) TheBigBad1013- 11 Pts.

6) dukka- 9 Pts.

7) Old School Fan- 6 Pts.

8) Mootinie- 5 Pts.


Thank you to everyone for your predictions/comments! Dynamite/Rampage cards will be coming up shortly!

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AEW Dynamite- September 29th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel



10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)



IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???:



Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara






AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021

Prediction Key:


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch



Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston


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AEW Dynamite- September 29th, 2021


Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel


10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)


IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???: Hiroshi Tanahashi


Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara



AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)


Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch


Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston

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Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel



10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)



IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???:



Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara






AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021

Prediction Key:


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch



Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston


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Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel



10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)



IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???:

Comments: ??? might be Jon Moxley, but we'll see...


Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara






AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021

Prediction Key:


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch



Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston


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AEW Dynamite- September 29th, 2021


Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel


10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)


IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???: Minoru Suzuki


Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara



AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)


Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch


Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston

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Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel



10 Man Tag Team Match:

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Colt Cabana, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy, Private Party, & Hybrid2)



IWGP United States Championship Match:

Lance Archer © vs ???

Who is ???: Tomohiro Ishii



Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Sammy Guevara






AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021

Prediction Key:


2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch



Kenny Omega vs Eddie Kingston


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AEW Dynamite- September 29th, 2021:

Attendance: 6,065 at Blue Cross Arena- Rochester, New York

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone



It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for another exciting edition of AEW Dynamite! Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone run down the card for tonight before they're interrupted by CM Punk's music. Punk and the rest of The Industry make their way down to the ring to a mix of cheers and jeers. Punk hears the cheers and says that he doesn't want the cheers of fake professional wrestling fans. Punk says that he, Murphy, & Cole had a pretty good night last week on Dynamite, except for one thing. That thing being that phony Hangman Page! Punk calls Hangman Page a disgrace to professional wrestling, saying he doesn't deserve to hold the AEW World Championship. Punk says one man and one man only deserves to hold that title, CM Punk! Before Punk can continue...


















































Hangman Page appears on the ramp!


Page, drink in one hand, microphone in the other, and the AEW World Championship around his waist, says that CM Punk is completely delusional. Page says Punk comes out here week after week complaining about how AEW isn't true professional wrestling. He says all Punk does is bitch and moan about old timers hogging the spotlight like Kurt Angle and Paul Wight, when it turns out, Punk's a perfect example of that! Page says if Punk cannot see the hypocrisy in leading a group with two young bright stars, he's out of his damn mind! Punk tells Page to shut his mouth, because Page wouldn't know what professional wrestling truly is if it slapped him in the mouth! Punk says Page is nothing more than some one-note entertainer who decided to put on a cowboy hat and pretend to be a pro wrestler. Page interjects, saying that if Punk really felt that way, he'd face him one on one tonight! The Rochester crowd pops for that, but Punk says he has other plans. Punk then proposes something else, Page vs Punk for the AEW World Championship at Full Gear! Page accepts the offer and closes this segment by saying that Punk will be exposed as the fraud he truly is at Full Gear.






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Christopher Daniels vs Local Talent

The "Fallen Angel" made his return on Rampage, interrupting a Malakai Black speech and nearly hitting him with the Angel's Wings. This match is nothing more than a squash match that Daniels completely dominates. Daniels eventually finishes off the local talent after hitting him with the Angel's Wings in just under five minutes.

WINNER: Christopher Daniels






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Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Britt Baker & Rebel

Shida unsuccessfully challenged for the NWA Women's Championship on Rampage, so now her & Riho are going to try their hand at getting at Britt Baker, who retained her AEW Women's Championship against Kris Statlander last week. This match is a good match and the crowd is soldily behind Riho & Shida. Riho and Rebel start the match off with Riho hitting Rebel with a tornado DDT. Riho throws Rebel off the ropes and hits her with a back body drop before hitting her with a senton. Riho goes to the top rope and attempts the Diving Double Foot Stomp, but Rebel rolls out of the way and tags out to Britt Baker. Baker blasts Riho with a running high knee before hitting her with a German suplex. The match comes to an end when Baker tries locking in the Lockjaw, but Riho slides out of it and hits Baker with a back suplex. Riho then tags out to Hikaru Shida, who hits Baker with a running knee drop. Shida goes to attempt the Katana, but before she can, Riho screams some advice to her. That distracts Shida long enough to be hit by a running neckbreaker from Baker! Baker then locks in the Lockjaw and Shida has no choice but to tap out.

WINNERS: Britt Baker & Rebel







After that match is over, we cut to The Dark Order backstage. The seven men are arguing amongst each other, with 10 and Alan "5" Angels saying that they should be in the match tonight instead of Reynolds & Silver. Silver responds by saying that 10 and Angels are just jealous of the sheer amount of beef that he & Reynolds have. The room soon descends into more yelling, but that is stopped by a returning face...











































Anna Jay!


Jay says that tonight is the night they should put away all their petty squabbling, because tonight they fight in memory of Mr. Brodie Lee. Anna says that The Dark Order are better united, so they should go out there and do what they do best, defeat some arrogant assholes! The Dark Order cheer in approval and they all head out for their match.






10 Man Tag Team Match:




The Dark Order w/10, Alan "5" Angels, Anna Jay, & -1 vs The Hardy Family Office

The Dark Order have been squabbling as of late, with miscommunication and general dysfunction being common. However, they put that aside tonight to honor Mr. Brodie Lee in his home town of Rochester. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. John Silver starts the match off with Matt Hardy and does a little bit of taunting before Hardy blasts him with a lariat. Hardy throws Silver into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Hardy tags out to Isiah Kassidy, who goes to the top rope and hits Silver with a missile dropkick. Kassidy goes to the apron and attempts a diving splash, but Silver rolls out of the way and tags out to Colt Cabana. Cabana goes for a Superman pin on Kassidy, but that's quickly broken up by the HFO. The rest of The Dark Order quickly get in the ring and we have a massive brawl on our hands. Eventually all 10 people in the match converge on the outside, except for Colt Cabana. Cabana instead runs off the ropes, leaps over the top rope, and hits everyone with a diving splash! The match comes to an end when Cabana tags out to Evil Uno and Kassidy tags out to Jack Evans. Uno dodges a running dropkick from Evans and hits him with a senton. He then signals to Stu Grayson and they hit the Fatality on Evans! Uno then tags back out to John Silver. Silver then signals to Reynolds and they hit Evans with the Double Flipping DDT! Silver covers Evans and gets the three! The Dark Order hit their pose in the ring as the crowd gives them a "THANK YOU BRODIE" chant and we go to commercials.

WINNERS: The Dark Order







After a quick commercial break, we cut to a pre-recorded video set in Cody Rhodes's exorbitant mansion. Cody, drinking out of a whiskey glass, talks about family as footage of him brutalizing Dustin Rhodes last week plays. Cody says that in order to get what you want, you have to make some sacrifices. Cody says that's what happened last week with Dustin Rhodes. Cody says it needed to be done for the greater good! Cody says that Dustin never should have gotten in his way and now he knows why. Cody then begins talking about Bryan Danielson, who he says should know a lot about family. Cody says that he wants Danielson in the ring next week on Dynamite! Cody then throws his glass down, shattering it, as he gets up from his chair and screams that Danielson is nothing more than a minor-leaguer compared to Cody freaking Rhodes! Cody finishes by saying that next week, he's going to teach Danielson a lesson he'll never forget!







After that video plays, Lance Archer makes his entrance for his IWGP United States Championship open challenge. Archer waits patiently in the ring for his challenger, none other than...




















































































Samuray del Sol!


Samuray makes his way down to the ring to a decent pop from the Rochester crowd as Excalibur hypes up his accomplishments. Excalibur says this man has put on instant classics everywhere he's gone, from AAA to Dragon Gate, he's done it all! Tony Schiavone is quick to point out the massive size difference, with Archer standing at least a foot taller than Samuray. The bell rings and we are underway!







IWGP United States Championship Match:

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Lance Archer © vs Samuray del Sol

This match is a good match and the crowd is split down the middle between these two men. Archer starts the match off by blasting Samuray with a big boot. Archer then throws Samuray off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Samuray reverses that into a hurricanrana. Samuray throws Archer into the corner and attempts a running high knee, but Archer catches him and slams him to the ground with a powerbomb. Archer goes for the cover, but Samuray kicks out at two and hits Archer with an enzuigiri. Samuray goes to the top rope and hits Archer with a moonsault. He goes back to the top rope and attempts another moonsault, but Archer catches him and hits Samuray with a running powerslam. Archer goes to attempt the Blackout, but Samuray reverses it into tornado DDT. The match comes to an end when Samuray goes to attempt his finisher, the Rising Sun (Standing Sitout Shiranui), but Archer reverses that and hits Samuray with the Blackout! Archer covers Samuray and gets the three!

WINNER: Lance Archer







After a quick commercial break, we cut to Tony Schiavone backstage with what appears to be a covered pedestal. Schiavone says he has some exciting news to share, the introduction of a new championship coming to All Elite Wrestling. Schiavone then unveils the new titles...











































Schiavone says these are the AEW Six Man Tag Team Championship belts! Schiavone says AEW has so many great trios that they deserve to have something to fight for. Schiavone announces that the tournament to crown the first AEW Six Man Tag Champs will start next week on Dynamite and will culminate at Full Gear next month. Schiavone finishes by wishing every team out there the best of luck!






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Christian Cage vs Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

MJF and the rest of The Pinnacle have been targeting Christian the last few weeks, so Christian is out to get revenge tonight against The Pinnacle's "chairman" Shawn Spears. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Christian Cage. Cage starts the match off by blasting Spears with a flying forearm smash. He unleashes a barrage of punches on a downed Spears before referee Rick Knox breaks things up. Cage goes for a military press slam, but Spears rakes Christian's eyes and hits him with a neckbreaker. Spears throws Cage into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Spears throws Cage off the ropes and attempts a Spear, but Cage catches him and hits him with a DDT. Cage goes to attempt the Killswitch, but Spears reverses it into a back suplex. Spears then begins taunting Christian and then slapping him across the face. Spears goes to attempt the C4, but Christian reverses it and sends Spears crashing to the outside! The match comes to an end when Spears grabs a chair on the outside and tries swinging it at Cage. Cage ducks it and hits Spears with a dropkick! Cage then hits Spears with the Killswitch! Before Cage can make the cover...
























































MJF comes sprinting down to the ring!


MJF grabs the chair that Spears brought in and begins wailing on Christian, causing the DQ! MJF beats the living hell out of Christian until officials are forced to run down to the ring to break things up. MJF stands tall over Christian as medics tend to a massive cut on Christian's head.

WINNER: Christian Cage (by DQ)







After that match is over, we cut to Jade Cargill backstage. Cargill says she's been getting a lot of questions on social media the past few days about why she attacked Kris Statlander. Is she with Britt Baker now? What does she have against Statlander? Cargill says the answer to those questions are very simple, she wants to be the best. Cargill says she wants, no, DESERVES to be the next AEW Women's Champion and she wasn't going to let an ET cosplayer take the honor from her. Cargill says that attack was also a message to Britt Baker, because she is coming for her title belt very soon. Cargill finishes by saying that she will be the greatest woman in All Elite Wrestling very very soon.







AEW TNT Championship Match:

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Miro © vs Sammy Guevara

Sammy challenged Miro to this TNT Championship match a few weeks ago on Rampage and Miro accepted, simple enough. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Guevara. Sammy starts the match off by attempting a flying forearm smash, but Miro catches him and hits him with a big body slam. Miro throws Guevara across the ring with a biel throw before hitting him with a running splash. Miro picks up Sammy and attempts a powerslam, but Sammy reverses it into a tornado DDT. Sammy throws Miro into the corner and hits him with a running high knee. Sammy then goes to the top rope and attempts a frog splash, but Miro rolls out of the way and hits Sammy with a running side kick. Miro throws Sammy off the ropes and blasts him with a lariat before hitting him with a running knee drop. Miro hits Sammy with a backbreaker before hitting him with a senton to the back. Miro then tries locking in the Game Over, but Sammy kicks him away and hits him with a running dropkick that sends Miro crashing into the corner. The match comes to an end when Sammy attempts a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Miro reverses it and sends Sammy flying across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Miro then stomps Sammy's back and tries locking in the Game Over, but Sammy reverses it, grabs Miro's tights, and rolls him up for the three!!! Sammy frantically grabs the TNT Championship and books it before Miro can catch him. Sammy celebrates in the crowd as Miro destroys the ringside area.

WINNER: Sammy Guevara







After that match is over, we cut to the parking garage, where Hangman Page is leaving the arena. Hangman gets to his car, but before he can leave...















































The Industry attack!


CM Punk sics Adam Cole & Matthew Murphy on Page, as they beat the living hell out of Hangman. Cole hits Page with a superkick before Murphy hits him with a running high knee that sends Page crashing over the hood of his car. Punk then gets in Page's face and tells him that he's just made the worst possible enemy. He then picks up Page and hits him with the Go To Sleep! Punk grabs Page's AEW World Championship and holds it high in the air as Dynamite comes to a close.






TV RATING: 1,729,467 Viewers on TNT (DOWN 18,559 From Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions.

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AEW Rampage- October 1st, 2021:

Attendance: 5,630 at Blue Cross Arena- Rochester, New York

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome everyone to another exciting episode of AEW Rampage! Tony Schiavone and Mark Henry quickly run down the card for tonight before we get straight into our first match...


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2.0 & Daniel Garcia vs The Dark Order

The Dark Order put aside their differences on Dynamite and successfully teamed up to defeat The Hardy Family Office, can they do the same tonight against the debuting 2.0 & Daniel Garcia? This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. Scott Parker and Colt Cabana start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Cabana hits Parker with a bionic elbow. Parker theatrically flails around the ring before Cabana hits him with a spinebuster. Cabana tags out to Stu Grayson, who hits Parker with a running knee drop. Grayson attempts a suplex, but Parker reverses it and hits Grayson with a suplex of his own. Parker then tags out to Shane Matthews, who taunts Grayson before hitting him with a powerslam. Matthews attempts a German suplex, but Grayson reverses it into a bulldog. Grayson goes to the top rope and attempts a frog splash, but Matthews dodges it and thumbs Grayson right in the eye! The match comes to an end when Matthews tags out to Daniel Garcia and Grayson tags out to Evil Uno. Garcia attempts a running dropkick, but Uno catches him and hits him with a powerbomb. Uno goes to attempt a chokebomb, but Garcia bites at Uno's hands to break it up. Garcia then rocks Uno with a big roundhouse kick! Garcia then locks Uno in his finisher, the Red Death (seated Scorpion Deathlock) and Uno has no choice but to tap out. As the rest of the Dark Order watch on stage, 10, Alan "5" Angels, & Alex Reynolds all walk out, leaving John Silver, Anna Jay, & -1 wondering what's next for The Dark Order.

WINNERS: 2.0 & Daniel Garcia







After that match is over, we cut to the backstage area, where Dasha Gonzalez is interviewing Proud-N-Powerful. She recaps the events of last week's Rampage, where PNP defeated The Young Bucks in a brutal ladder match to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship. She then asks Santana & Ortiz about what's next for them. Before they can say anything...





















































































The Men Of The Year run in and attack!


Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky begin beating the living hell out of Santana & Ortiz, throwing them into numerous different pieces of technical equipment. Page then grabs a microphone and says that he knows what's next for Santana & Ortiz, more ass-whoopings until they give him & Scorpio Sky a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championships! Page then throws the microphone at Santana & Ortiz and the two men walk away as we go to commercials.






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Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch

Statlander is looking to bounce back after a disappointing loss to Britt Baker last week on Dynamite and there's no better opportunity then by defeating Leyla Hirsch, who's been on a bit of a hot streak recently. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Statlander. Statlander and Hirsch start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Hirsch hits Statlander with a belly to belly suplex. Hirsch throws Statlander into the corner and hits her with a few gut punches before hitting her with a German suplex. Hirsch tries locking in an armbar, but Statlander punches out of it and hits Hirsch with a senton. Statlander throws Hirsch off the ropes and blasts her with a lariat. Statlander attempts the Big Bang Theory, but Hirsch reverses it into a back suplex. The match comes to an end when Hirsch locks Statlander in an armbar. However, Statlander gathers all her strength and manages to lift up Hirsch and slam her to the ground with a powerbomb! Statlander then hits Hirsch with the Big Bang Theory! Statlander covers Hirsch and gets the three!

WINNER: Kris Statlander







We then cut to a pre-recorded video. "Ruby Soho" by Rancid begins to play as a woman walks into a bar. The woman introduces herself as Ruby Soho. Soho says that in life, she was always looked down on for being different. Soho says people made fun of her because of her tattoos, her hair, and her piercings. Soho says she had to fight back, so she learned how to fight. Now she's taking her fighting skills to All Elite Wrestling! Soho says in two weeks, everyone will remember the name Ruby Soho.






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Kenny Omega w/Don Callis vs Eddie Kingston

Kenny Omega challenged Eddie Kingston to a match last week on Rampage after he & The Young Bucks beat the hell out of Kingston & Jon Moxley on Dynamite last week. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Kingston. Kingston doesn't even wait for the match to begin, as he jumps Omega as he makes his entrance! Kingston throws Omega around the ring before throwing him against the ring post and into the ring. Kingston immediately attempts the Uraken, but Omega ducks it and hits Kingston with a jumping high knee. Omega runs off the ropes and attempts the V-Trigger, but Kingston catches him and hits him with a spinebuster. Kingston runs off the ropes and hits a Senton before hitting Omega with a backbreaker. Kingston goes to attempt an atomic drop, but Omega backflips out of it and hits Kingston with an enzuigiri. Omega throws Kingston out of the ring and runs off the ropes to attempt a suicide dive. However, Kingston catches him and hits him with a big belly to belly suplex that sends him flying all the way to the entrance ramp! Kingston throws Omega into the steel steps before throwing him back into the ring. The match comes to an end when Kingston attempts the Uraken, but as he tries hitting it, Don Callis grabs his legs! Referee Aubrey Edwards notices this and ejects Callis from ringside! In the midst of all this chaos, Omega reaches into his tights and grabs a pair of brass knuckles. He then cracks Eddie Kingston in the head with them while Edwards is distracted with Callis! Omega then picks up Kingston and hits him with the One-Winged Angel! Omega covers Kingston and gets the three. Omega stands tall and poses over Kingston as Rampage comes to a close.

WINNER: Kenny Omega






TV RATING: 1,307,492 Viewers on TNT (DOWN 43,107 From Last Week)





AEW Dark- October 5th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Nyla Rose defeats a local talent after hitting her with the Beast Bomb in 6:26. (47)

Frankie Kazarian defeats a local talent after hitting him with the Flux Capacitor in 7:55. (44)

A video plays recapping Sammy Guevara's huge win over Miro on Dynamite. (57)

The Dark Order (10 & Alan "5" Angels) defeat The Hybrid2 by submission after 10 locks Angelico in the Full Nelson in 9:44. (52)

The Men Of The Year say they're proud of what they did to Proud-N-Powerful on Rampage! (52)

Jungle Boy hypes up his upcoming match against Joey Janela. (49)

Jungle Boy defeats Joey Janela by submission after locking him in the Snare Trap in 12:43. (63)




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Prediction Contest:


This Show:

1) Bigelow Cartwheel- 8 Pts.

2) Original_Broski- 7 Pts.

3) DHK1989- 6 Pts.

3) Old School Fan- 6 Pts.

5) TheBigBad1013- 5 Pts.



1) DHK1989- 28 Pts.

2) Original_Broski- 27 Pts.

3) BigJ- 20 Pts.

4) TheBigBad1013- 16 Pts.

5) Jaysin- 13 Pts.

6) Old School Fan- 12 Pts.

7) dukka- 9 Pts.

8) Bigelow Cartwheel- 8 Pts.

9) Mootinie- 5 Pts.


Thank you to everyone for your predictions/comments! Dynamite/Rampage cards will be up shortly!

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AEW Dynamite- October 6th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Bryan Danielson vs Samuray del Sol



AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs The Gunn Club



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Sammy Guevara © vs Powerhouse Hobbs



Number One Contender's Four Way Match:

Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose



AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Casino Ladder Match:

Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley vs PAC vs Andrade vs Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M






AEW Rampage- October 8th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs Jurassic Express



Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill



CM Punk vs Christian Cage


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AEW Dynamite- October 6th, 2021


Bryan Danielson vs Samuray del Sol


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs The Gunn Club


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Sammy Guevara © vs Powerhouse Hobbs


Number One Contender's Four Way Match:

Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)


Casino Ladder Match:

Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley vs PAC vs Andrade vs Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M



AEW Rampage- October 8th, 2021


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs Jurassic Express


Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill


CM Punk vs Christian Cage

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Bryan Danielson vs Samuray del Sol



AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs The Gunn Club



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Sammy Guevara © vs Powerhouse Hobbs



Number One Contender's Four Way Match:

Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose



AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)



Casino Ladder Match:

Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley vs PAC vs Andrade vs Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M






AEW Rampage- October 8th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs Jurassic Express



Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill



CM Punk vs Christian Cage


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Bryan Danielson vs Samuray del Sol

Comments: No Lucha Things here.


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs The Gunn Club

Comments: Nobody beats The Gunn Club.


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Sammy Guevara © vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Comments: First he took Sammy's phone, now he's finna take his title!


Number One Contender's Four Way Match:

Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose

Comments: You put her over Shida, so... makes sense for her to be next in line for Britt Baker.


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)

Comments: I just really like Stu Grayson.


Casino Ladder Match:

Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley vs PAC vs Andrade vs Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M

Comments: PAC is 2-1 against Hangman, the BASTARD has his number.





AEW Rampage- October 8th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs Jurassic Express



Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill



CM Punk vs Christian Cage


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AEW Dynamite- October 6th, 2021


Bryan Danielson vs Samuray del Sol


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Pinnacle (FTR & Wardlow) vs The Gunn Club


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Sammy Guevara © vs Powerhouse Hobbs


Number One Contender's Four Way Match:

Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch vs Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Colt Cabana)


Casino Ladder Match:

Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley vs PAC vs Andrade vs Orange Cassidy vs Penta El Zero M




AEW Rampage- October 8th, 2021


AEW World Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament Round of 16:

Team Taz (Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, & Jermaine Reed) vs Jurassic Express


Kris Statlander vs Jade Cargill


CM Punk vs Christian Cage

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, update time! Guess who has two thumbs and a broken hard drive containing this dynasty? This guy!


So yeah, this is probably dead. If y'all want, I can go over some things that I had in mind, but for now, this is over thanks to my hard drive sucking.


Once I get a new one up and running and reinstalling TEW and all that jazz, I'll be back to writing but with a new dynasty. I hope to start it before Christmas!

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