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WWF 1987: The Price of Hulkamania

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World Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Championship

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan © vs. Davey Boy Smith

After the brilliant swerve on Andre by the Brain, no way Mr. Wonderful loses to a tag team wrestler.


World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat © vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth

I know you said that Savage wasn’t ready to switch to babyface, but I think it’s too big to pass up. The seeds start to get planted for the slow turn


WorldWrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

The Hart Foundation © w/ Jimmy Hart vs. The Killer Bees

Not much of a Bee’s fan


Non-Title Matches:

The Magnificent Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji vs. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams

Now here is someone that I see as a future Hennan family member. The Doc needs a mouthpiece but he is one hell of a stud in this time period.


The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Slick vs. Sgt. Slaughter & "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan


Tom Zenk w/ Slick vs. Rick Martel

Every time I see Zenk I think of the match against Vader at the Clash where he is begging off in fear, but I guess he has to win somewhere to be credible in a feud as a heel. It won’t let me bold it for some reason but the pick is Zenk

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Superstars of Wrestling

Saturday Week 3 April 1987


Match 1: King Kong Bundy & Danny Spivey def. Hillbilly Jim & Outback Jack in 8:19 when Spivey pinned Jack with a Powerbomb.


Match 2: The Rougeau Brothers def. Al Perez & Bob Holly in 8:28 when Jacques pinned Holly with La Bombe de Rougeau.


Pre-Match Promo: Sgt. Slaughter and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan cut a promo on Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik saying that surprises don't bother them as you always must expect the unexpected from the enemy when you're at war.


Match 3: Sgt. Slaughter def. Al Snow in 6:53 when Snow submitted to Slaughter's Cobra Clutch.


Pre-Tape Promo: Davey Boy Smith cuts a pre-recorded interview hyping up his WWF World Heavyweight Title match against Paul Orndorff tonight on Saturday Night's Main Event. He says this is the biggest match of his career and he can not wait to take a bite out of Mr. Wonderful.


Match 4: The Magnificent Muraco def. Ron Simmons in 7:31 when Muraco pinned Simmons with a Tombstone Piledriver.


Match 5: Tito Santana def. Jimmy Jack Funk in 7:32 when Santana pinned Funk with the Flying Forearm.



Saturday Night's Main Event XI

Saturday Week 3 April 1987

Butte Civic Center


Intro video package: We see the intro to Saturday Night's Main Event featuring promos from "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Tom Zenk w/ Slick, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, & "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.


Match 1: For the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart def. The Killer Bees in 12:22 to retain the titles when Hart pinned Blair with the Hart Attack.


Match 2: Rick Martel def. Tom Zenk w/ Slick in 11:33 when Zenk got himself intentionally counted out of the ring.


Match 3: Sgt. Slaughter & "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Slick in 12:15 when Sheik and Volkoff got DQed when Nikita & Ivan Koloff make their WWF debuts and attack Duggan and Slaughter. There is a 4-on-2 beatdown that ends with both of them getting the flags of Iran and Russia draped over their prone bodies.


Match 4: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams def. The Magnificent Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji in 12:46 when Williams pinned Muraco with a Backdrop Driver.


Match 5: For the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Davey Boy Smith in 12:46 when Orndorff pinned Smith with the Piledriver.


Match 6: For the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat drew with Randy "Macho Man" Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth in 14:44 when both men could not answer the referee's 10 count.

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WWF Wrestling Challenge

Sunday Week 3 April 1987

Androscoggin Bank Coliseum


Match 1: The Young Stallions def. Chris Benoit & Dave Finlay in 8:27 when Roma pinned Benoit with a Superplex.


Pre-Match Promo: Adorably Exotic w/ Jimmy Hart cut a promo on Brutus Beefcake hyping up their feud.


Match 2: Adorably Exotic w/ Jimmy Hart def. Brad Rheingans & Omar Atlas in 7:27 when Street made Atlas pass out to the Exotic Clutch.


Pre-Match Promo: The Honky Tonk Man w/ "Colonel" Jimmy Hart cut a promo on Jake "The Snake" Roberts stating that Roberts got lucky last time, but next time will be a different tune.


Match 3: The Honky Tonk Man w/ "Colonel" Jimmy Hart def. Dean Malenko in 7:28 when Honky Tonk pinned Malenko with a Shake, Rattle, & Roll.


Match 4: "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware def. "Dangerous" Danny Davis w/ Jimmy Hart in 10:11 when Koko pinned Davis with a Ghost Buster.


Pre-Match Promo: The Junkyard Dog cuts a promo on "King" Harley Race hyping up their feud.


Match 5: The Junkyard Dog def. Brian Adams in 6:32 when JYD pinned Adams with a Thump.

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WWF Monday Night Raw

Monday Week 3 April 1987

The Mecca


Match 1: The British Bulldogs def. Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon in 12:03 when Dynamite Kid pinned Lafon with a Diving Headbutt.


Pre-Match Interview: Nikita & Ivan Koloff cut a promo on "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter stating that they are here in the WWF to rid the company of the American Patriots and prove that Mother Russia is superior to the USA.


Match 2: The Koloffs def. The Armstrongs in 7:27 when Nikita pinned Scott with a Russian Sickle.


Pre-Match Promo: We get a promo with James J. Dillon and his newest charge, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel. Landel says that he is the top wrestler in the world and that the real Nature Boy is going to the top in the WWF.


Match 3: "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel w/ James J. Dillon def. S.D. Jones in 7:06 when Landel made Jones submit to the Figure Four.


Match 4: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams def. "Outlaw" Ron Bass in 10:44 when Williams pinned Bass with an Oklahoma Stampede.


Pre-Match Promo: The Fabulous Freebirds cut a promo stating that they are the greatest trio of men in the pro wrestling.


Match 5: The Fabulous Freebirds def. Brad Armstrong, Corporal Kirchner, & The Crusher in 7:46 when Garvin pinned Crusher with a Brainbuster.


Pre-Match Promo: We get a promo from WWF Champion "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. They say that Orndorff is the best WWF Champion of all time and that he will take on all comers. Heenan says that in a few moments, Orndorff is going to send Chavo Guerrero back to Tijuana selling dry tamales from the back of a rusty pickup truck.


Match 6: WWF World Champion "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Chavo Guerrero in 9:38 when Orndorff pinned Guerrero with a Piledriver.


Match 7: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart def. Rick Martel in 12:51 when Valentine pinned Martel after a distraction from Tom Zenk.


Match 8: WWF Intercontinental Title Match Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat © def. Nikolai Volkoff w/ Slick in 11:56 when Steamboat pinned Volkoff with the Flying Crossbody.


Post Match: The Iron Sheik jumps Steamboat after the match and soon after, Volkoff joins in on the beat down. When things look grim for Steamboat, "Macho Man" Randy Savage comes out with a steel chair. Sheik and Volkoff think he's here to join in on the beat down of Steamboat, but then clocks Sheik and Volkoff with the chair and runs them off. Steamboat looks ready to fight, but Savage leaves the ring instead of fighting Steamboat. Raw ends with both men staring each other down from a distance.

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Superstars of Wrestling

Saturday Week 4 April 1987

Richmond Arena


Pre-Match Promo: "Ravishing" Rick Rude cuts a brief promo before his match telling all of the pot-bellied men in the crowd to keep the noise down while he takes his robe off a show the ladies what the Sexiest Man Alive looks like.


Match 1: "Ravishing" Rick Rude w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Brad Rheingans in 6:47 when Rude pinned Rheingans with the Rude Awakening.


Match 2: The Rougeau Brothers def. "Dangerous" Danny Davis w/ Jimmy Hart & Jimmy Jack Funk when Jacques pinned Funk in 7:29 with La Bombe De Rougeau.


Pre-Match Promo: James J. Dillon and The Brain Busters cut a promo hyping themselves up to be the most technically proficient tag team in the world.


Match 3: The Brain Busters w/ James J. Dillon def. "Leapin'" Lanny Poffo and S.D. Jones in 6:40 when Blanchard pinned Jones with a Slingshot Suplex.


Match 4: Tito Santana def. Art Barr in 7:20 when Santana pinned Barr with the Flying Forearm.


Pre-Match Promo: The Magnificent Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji cuts a promo on Pedro Morales stating that they've had history with each other and in a few moments, he's going to beat Morales again.


Match 5: The Magnificent Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji def. Pedro Morales in 8:49 when Muraco pinned Morales with a Tombstone Piledriver.



WWF Wrestling Challenge

Sunday Week 4 April 1987

Mohegan Sun Arena



Pre-Match Promo: "King" Harley Race and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan cut a promo hyping up Race saying that he is about to show everyone why he is the King of Wrestling.


Match 1: "King" Harley Race w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Barry O in 5:54 when Race pinned Barry O with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex.


Match 2: Doug Furnas & Phil Lafon def. Corporal Kirchner & Tom Magee in 6:53 when Furnas pinned Magee with a Powerslam.


Match 3: The Rougeau Brothers def. Brian Adams & Al Perez in 8:09 when Jacques pinned Adams with a La Bombe De Rougeau.


Pre-Match Promo: Sgt. Slaughter and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan cut a promo on the Koloffs saying that they were humiliated in front of their country when the Koloffs placed the Russian flag over their bodies. They end it by saying if it's war the Koloffs want, then it's war they will get.


Match 4: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. Al Snow in 6:50 when Duggan pinned Snow with the Three-Point Stance.


Pre-Tape Promo: We have a pre-taped promo with Tom Zenk and Slick. Zenk says that the only reason he walked out of his match with Rick Martel at Saturday Night's Main Event was to prevent Martel from suffering further embarrassment. Zenk says next time, he won't be as generous.


Match 5: Rick Martel def. Mick Foley in 7:57 when Foley submitted to Martel's Boston Crab.

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WWF Monday Night Raw

Monday Week 1 May 1987

Wells Fargo Arena


Match 1: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart def. Chavo Guerrero in 9:55 when Guerrero submitted to Valentine's Figure-Four Leglock.


Match 2: The Rougeau Brothers def. The Long Riders in 11:50 when Jacques pinned Bill Irwin with La Bombe de Rougeau.


Pre-Match Promo: James J. Dillon and "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel hype up Landel being the only Nature Boy and the heir to the great Buddy Rogers.


Match 3: "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel w/ James J. Dillon def. Corporal Kirchner in 10:17 when Landel made Kirchner submit to the Figure-Four Leglock.


Pre-Match Promo: Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Brutus Beefcake cut a promo on their upcoming match against The Honky Tonk Man and "Exotic" Adrian Street. Jake tells Honky Tonk Man that the DDT is always seconds away much like at Wrestlemania III. Brutus tells Adrian Street that while Adonis may be out for the time being, he will gladly take Street's golden locks like he did to Adonis.


Match 4: The Honky Tonk Man & "Exotic" Adrian Street w/ "Colonel" Jimmy Hart def. Jake "The Snake" Roberts & Brutus Beefcake in 12:35 when Honky pinned Roberts while holding onto the ropes.


The Brother Love Show


Brother Love: IIIIIIII LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE YYYYYYOOOOOUUUU! Brothers and Sisters, I was thumbing through the Book of Love and I came across a chapter about loyalty! And in the chapter on loyalty, it talked about staying true to who you are and not straying from the path you walk! You stay loyal to the path and the path will stay loyal to you! My guest this week has some questions that needs answered about his loyalties...Brother Macho Man Savage and Sister Lizabeth!"




Brother Love: Brother Macho, I couldn't help but notice last week on this very program that you stuck your nose in The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff's business when they were facing Ricky Steamboat. I thought you were there to help them against your enemy, but you cheapshotted them with a steel chair! What is going on in that head of yours, Brother Macho?!


Savage: Let me tell you something about loyalty, Brother Love. The Macho Man is loyal to NO ONE except the Macho Man! Uh huh! I always walk my own path and what side of the road I walk on is nobody's business except mine! YEAH!


Brother Love: But, Brother Macho, don't you think you owe Brother Sheik, Brother Nikolai, and Brother Slick an explanation?


Savage: I don't owe them NOTHIN! YEEEAAAHH!


*Slick makes his way to the stage*


Slick: WHHHHOOOAAA BRUTHA! I always held you to high esteem! Sheik and Comrade Volkoff also have thought very highly of you, so I ask, where is this hostility coming from and do we have a problem?


Savage: Noooooo Slick, we don't have a problem...YET. If everyone is so curious as to what makes the Macho Man tick, I'll tell ya. Wrestlemania III, Ricky Steamboat got LUCKY and pinned me in the middle of the ring. I have to live with the defeat everyday of my LIFE! The ONLY thing that can give me peace is if I BEAT Steamboat and take back the Intercontinental Championship! Uh huh! However, I don't want Steamboat to have ANY excuses when I beat him. NO. So, when I see Steamboat in a disadvantage, I came to his aid simply to keep him at his best when we step foot in the ring against each other again! Uh huh! So, if you, Volkoff, Sheik or ANYBODY have a problem with that then meet me head on like a MAN! DIG IT!


Slick: HEY NOW, BRUTHA! Take it easy, my man! We don't have a problem, but let this be a warning to you, Macho Man, don't get in my men's way again or there WILL be a problem.


Savage: IS THAT SO?! Well, Slllllick, tell your men to tread lightly around the Macho Man's affairs, because the last thing they want is problems with the Macho Man! OOOOHHHH YEEEEAAAAHHH!


Match 5: World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship - The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart def. The British Bulldogs in 13:58 when Bret pinned Dynamite Kid with his feet on the ropes to retain the titles.


Backstage Brawl: We cut to Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter brawling with the Koloffs.


Match 6: World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship - "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Billy Jack Haynes in 13:23 when Hercules hit Billy Jack with the chain while he had Orndorff in the Full Nelson, which allowed Orndorff to fall on top of Billy Jack to get the pin.


Post-Match Segment: After the match, Hercules and Orndorff double team Billy Jack until Tito Santana comes down for the save and nails Orndorff with the Flying Forearm.


Match 7: World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship - Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat def. The Iron Sheik w/ Slick in 10:41 when Steamboat pinned Sheik with a Flying Karate Chop to retain the title.


Post-Match: Like last week, Sheik and Volkoff do a post match double team on Steamboat, which brings out Macho Man again with a steel chair and runs off Sheik and Volkoff. Savage stays in the ring as Steamboat picks himself back up. They have a staredown, then Steamboat offers Savage a handshake, but Savage responds with a slap to the face, then exits the ring.

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Superstars of Wrestling

Saturday Week 1 May 1987

Prather Coliseum


Match 1: "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel w/ James J. Dillon def. Barry O in 5:46 when Landel submitted Barry O to the Figure Four Leglock.


Pre-Tape Promo: The Junkyard Dog cuts a promo on Buddy Landel saying that he hopes take a bite out of the supposed "Nature Boy".


Match 2: The Magnificent Muraco & Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. w/ Mr. Fuji def. Brad Rheingans & "Leapin'" Lanny Poffo in 7:02 when Muraco pinned Rheingans with the Tombstone Piledriver.


Pre-Tape Promo: Tito Santana cuts a promo on Paul Orndorff saying that he's held every title in the WWF except the World Title and he's challenging Orndorff for the title.


Match 3: The Islanders def. Chris Benoit & Al Snow in 6:48 when Haku pinned Snow with a Savate Kick.


Pre-Tape Promo: Billy Jack Haynes cuts a promo on Hercules saying that he cost him the WWF Title with that chain of his. He's challenging Hercules to a chain match where both men will be bonded by the chain and both men can use the chain as a weapon.


Match 4: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams def. Brian Adams in 7:06 when Williams pinned Adams with an Oklahoma Stampede.


Pre-Match Promo: Dino Bravo cuts a promo hyping himself up with his new manager Jimmy Hart.


Match 5: Dino Bravo w/ Jimmy Hart def. Chavo Guerrero in 9:52 when Bravo pinned Guerrero with the Side Suplex.



WWF Wrestling Challenge

Sunday Week 1 May 1987

Shrine Expo Center


Match 1: Koko B. Ware def. Steven Regal in 8:12 when Koko pinned Regal with a Ghost Buster.


Match 2: The Young Stallions def. Mick Foley and Jimmy Jack Funk in 8:21 when Roma pinned Funk with a Top Rope Splash.


Pre-Match Promo: "Ravishing" Rick Rude cuts a promo in the ring telling the men to keep the noise down while he takes his robe off to show the ladies the body of the Sexiest Man Alive.


Match 3: "Ravishing" Rick Rude w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Siva Afi in 6:41 when Rude pinned Afi with a Rude Awakening.


Pre-Match Promo: The Koloffs cut a promo on Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan saying that Russia is the superior country to the United States.


Match 4: The Koloffs def. S.D. Jones & The Crusher in 7:17 when Nikita pinned Crusher with a Russian Sickle.


Pre-Match Promo: "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel and James J. Dillon cut a promo on The Junkyard Dog stating that the Dog can't go toe-to-toe with someone the caliber of "The Nature Boy", but he accepts the challenge and will embarrass the Dog.


Match 5: The Junkyard Dog def. "Iron" Mike Sharpe in 7:48 when JYD pinned Sharpe with the Thump.

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WWF Monday Night Raw

Monday Week 2 May 1987

Hampton Coliseum


The Brother Love Show:


Monday Night Raw opens up with The Brother Love Show. Brother Love's guest this week is WWF Intercontinental Champion Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (or Brother Dragon as Brother Love calls him). Brother Love questions Steamboat about Macho Man's actions the last couple of weeks. Steamboat replies that he doesn't know why Savage has come to help him, but he appreciates the gesture.


Savage then comes out and tells Steamboat that he didn't do it for Steamboat, he did it for himself. He wants redemption for Wrestlemania III and the only way to get that redemption is by beating Steamboat and he doesn't want to beat a Ricky Steamboat that has been beaten half to death by other wrestlers.


Savage brings up his match later against Nikolai Volkoff and tells Steamboat to mind his own business and just rest up, because Savage is coming to take back what is his.


Match 1: The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart def. Brad & Steve Armstrong in 9:51 when Bret pinned Steve with a Hart Attack.


Match 2: King Kong Bundy def. Hillbilly Jim in 8:09 when Bundy pinned Jim with an Avalanche.


Pre-Match Promo: Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake hypes up his upcoming match with Dino Bravo. He claims Bravo was instrumental in causing the rift within The Dream Team.


Match 3: Dino Bravo def. Brutus Beefcake in 11:27 when Bravo pinned Beefcake with a Side Suplex after Adrian Street interfered.


Match 4: "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. "Jumpin'" Jim Brunzell in 11:30 when Orndorff pinned Brunzell with a Piledriver.


Pre-Match Promo: Slick along with Butch Reed and Tom Zenk cut a promo on their upcoming tag match against Koko B. Ware and Rick Martel. They claim that they get to take down two nuisances at the same time.


Match 5: "The Natural" Butch Reed & Tom Zenk w/ Slick def. "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware and Rick Martel in 11:46 when Zenk pinned Koko with a Flying Dropkick.


Pre-Match Promo: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Hercules cut a promo on Herc's upcoming match with Tito Santana. Heenan says it's amusing that a burrito slinger wants to be WWF Champion, but in order to be worthy of a title shot, he has to go through Hercules.


Match 6: Tito Santana def. Hercules w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in 12:02 when Santana pinned Hercules with a Flying Forearm.


Post-Match: After the match, Paul Orndorff comes in the ring and attacks Santana. It becomes a 2-on-1 beatdown until Billy Jack Haynes comes in with a chain and runs the Heenan Family off.


Match 7: "Macho Man" Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth def. Nikolai Volkoff w/ Slick in 12:03 when Savage pinned Volkoff with a Flying Elbow Drop.


Post-Match: The Iron Sheik comes in after the match and attacks Savage. This brings out Ricky Steamboat who run off the heels. Steamboat goes to help Savage up, only to be met with a shove. Savage then exits the ring in a huff.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Superstars of Wrestling

Saturday Week 2 May 1987

Four Seasons Arena


Match 1: Rick Martel def. Art Barr in 8:11 when Barr submitted to the Boston Crab.


Match 2: The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Slick & "Classy" Fred Blassie def. Omar Atlas & Barry O in 7:17 when Barry O submitted to Sheik's Camel Clutch.


Pre-Match Promo: WWF Champion "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan cut a promo on Tito Santana accepting his challenge and claim that Orndorff is going to send Tito back to his taco stand in Tijuana.


Match 3: "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Dean Malenko in 8:15 when Orndorff pinned Malenko with a Piledriver.


Pre-Match Promo: "The Natural" Butch Reed and Slick cut a promo on Koko B. Ware telling Koko that if Wrestlemania III wasn't enough, Reed will gladly pluck some more feathers.


Match 4: "The Natural" Butch Reed w/ Slick def. Corporal Kirchner in 9:38 when Reed pinned Kirchner with a Flying Shoulderblock.


Pre-Match Promo: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter cut a promo on The Wild Samoans saying that this will just be a test drill in their war against The Koloffs.


Match 5: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter def. The Wild Samoans w/ King Curtis in 7:35 when Duggan pinned Afa with a 3-Point Stance.



WWF Wrestling Challenge

Sunday Week 2 May 1987

Mercer University Center


Match 1: The British Bulldogs def. The Nasty Boys in 7:25 when Dynamite Kid pinned Sags with a Diving Headbutt.


Pre-Match Promo: Billy Jack Haynes cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming chain match with Hercules.


Match 2: Billy Jack Haynes def. "Dangerous" Danny Davis w/ Jimmy Hart in 6:34 when Davis submitted to Billy Jack's Full Nelson.


Match 3: "Exotic" Adrian Street w/ Jimmy Hart def. Brad Armstrong in 7:48 when Armstrong submitted to Street's Cobra Clutch.


Pre-Tape Promo: The Rougeau Brothers cut a promo on The Hart Foundation challenging them to a match for the tag team titles.


Match 4: The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart def. Tracy Smothers & Scott Armstrong in 8:24 when Neidhart pinned Armstrong with a Hart Attack.


Pre-Tape Promo: "Exotic" Adrian Street w/ Jimmy Hart cut a promo on Brutus Beefcake calling him an ugly toad and he will gladly and easily dispose of him when they meet in the ring.


Match 5: Brutus Beefcake def. Al Perez in 7:37 when Perez passed out to Beefcake's Sleeper Hold.

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